itwtsiff VOL. 2. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATUUDAY EVENING, JULY 12, 1884. NO. 113. IlMfe JOSEPH V. DEALEit IN Cliulco Family Groceries, AT- THE "DAYLIGHT" STORE, CENT :AL MAIN STREET. TLATTSMOUTir, NEB, RICHEY COMTEB OF PT5ABL 1ST ID SBVENTF DEALERS IN ALL KIND3 OF- - Lumber,Sash,Doors, Blinds;, Plaster, S3! air. We are sill on Seek We have cot the largest and best selected stock of Choice Family Groceries in town, and we will eell them just as cheap as we possibly can and not " bust. Our Stock of Qizeeixswcure and Gla.sswctTe, is not large, but the goods are First-class, and we will give you gome low prices. We pride ourselves on our Tea s and Soices, Which we take great pains in selecting and can guarantee to be ot the very best quality. All you folks who have been going away from home to buy your groceries, come and give us a chance to give you figures. We Will Duplicate Omaha Prices. For game quality of goods and on the same terms. Come and see us. B EN N ETT HKNRY BCFOK .DEA.LEK IN FURNiTURE SAH' .6 UtfAiRF, iTC. nc, rrc Of All Description!). METALLIC BJRIALCASE? via. u0&W maJ and sold cheaP tor cash' lit MOW KKAu bKRVICK. Wltb .nany thanKi fur past patrons' nvlte all to call ua examine ray LARGE STOCK OK KINKEAD BROS., PAIXTEKS & DECORATORS, XAL30MIMVG. PAPEB IHA.XGING, .... AKD FINE GRAINING, Le-ive your order with tbm fr First-Class Work. WECKBACH. Carpets, Rags, Etc TjT3 H:b:E3:R BROS, & LEWIS NEW Furniture Store J". I. TJJSTETJSI. .IN FUE2TITURE f COFFINS and aU kind ot goods usually kept in a 'l (in I Closet ttit.Mltlu.MUKK Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Good Mallic&WooienMns Caskets Relies EMBLEMS. Ac. Our New and elegant hearse Is alwaya In readiness. . Remember the place, in UNIOX .BLOCK, on Sixth Street. TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Wttear we mar be found night or day. J. I. UNRUH. PLATTSMOUTH MIKLS TTBMOrjTH KBB.: IIEI8EL, - froprletcr PLATTSMOUTII HERALD. rCBLISUEO DAILY AND WEEKLY BY rbe PlatlsMili Herald PalilisliM Co. lAILY, delivered by carrier to any part of the city Per Week 9 15 Per Mouth 'hi Per Year ot WEEKLY, by mall. Jne copy tlx months $1 00 I ropy ue year 2 00 Kt'imit-reJ at t .e 1'ost Oficr, Plattsmoutu, as secuua olasn matter. National ReDablican Ticket. FOlt PRESIDENT, - JAMES G. BLAINE, of Maine. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. JOHN A. LOG AX, of Illinois. Call for Republican Judicial Con Ten lion. The republican electors of tlx second Judic ial Itislr cl ul -lr.tka are rt-qu 8-etl to send uric)-;? Iroiu the several eoiiuoes to i in coiiveniiou at lau-tmouili. luesd.ty August IS. 1884. at o o'clock u. in.. f r tne iiurpone of p itciiiK in iioiui iiitiou a can ti-tate fur Ul tiici Alioiuey, sHeet inn a t-eiitrl co.iuuittee aud stun .tn-r Lu iuebs as m ty properly ouie be fore tne convention. l..e eeVi-r.i count e are -nulled to i epi as follows, ueiut, ba-ed up ullie v ;teeiv for.l. M l. re Ken of l ie university, g.vluj one (1clen-te at l.ti te, and ou f r ev -r . oie uu-idred and fifty vote aud major ruction tnereof : t'uss coiittty... ... 13 Lancaster county '1 Otoe county 11 Toal 45 It is reco uint-nded that no proxies he ad mitted .o the convention unless held by per moii rexidinj; 'u the coui.u. s from winch the prox es are given. Piatuiiiuutn, eb., July 1.18&1. 1). 11. W HEELER. J. 13. STRfiDR, thai, man, secretary. Republican District Convention. The llepublican Electors of the F-rt Con ureKsioual oistnci oi eiraska are invited to send del- g .t-s lrui Hit several e-u .ti- the.e in. to nit-el tu coiiT.uilion nt Ui-aliice on Aed uen iay, August ii, at 2 o'clock p. in., tor the purpose of placing in nouii atiou a Cai-di late for Countess, and f r tlie irans .ctton of .such other u-'shiexo as may come before llio conven tion. 1 lie fevr tl counties are entitled to repre sentation a follows, beii.g based upon .he vote east for.l. AI. liiatt. Kesjeut of Hie Univrsi-y. Hi v in -i me delei; ire a, l.iri?e. ami oue foreveiy one iiu Hired aud fifty votes aud tlie.nj.ji lrac tii n t Hereon : C'.'Ullties Douglas Gige JollUSOll Ui caster.... .Nemaha toe Cass , Del. DmtnMes Del. lit I'awnee 8 ... .1. .iichardson 13 .. .. Si Sarpy 5 . Situuders 12 it li Total 139 It is recommended thtt no proxies e admit ted to tlie coiiveniiou, excei-t ucu as are in Id by persons residinti in the counties from wkicu proxies are tjivu. '. A. Hoi.mks, Chairman. John Stkf.x. Secretaiy. Liucolu June 26. 1884. f-AKTKR IIahkiso.v roiues out of the Chicx";! conveutiou like a disiuaa led viul mill. He litis blown, but not txxmieil to any rent ixtent, and Ids eafle has proved .only an interesting "hout owl. There are about 500 puli ical dud" in tlio republican ranks in Npw York happy in Cleveland e nomit aiion; but there 40.000 democratic votes that Mr. Cleveland will never get. It is a big iirice for dud. When tleiin.crHcy nom nated Cleve land on a no record platform, they un doubtedly pleased the culture and phi losophy of 13-stou, but they adminis tered a pill to the Irish-Americana aud workingmen of this land that they will never swallow. Tue Cobien club will be for Cleve 1 n'!, mil every republican paj-er in t-iii country that is owned by liritish c p'tnl will be turned tlio same way. B t the people are for James G. Blaine and he w'll be elected by the people w th the largest njV-rity given auy Cindida e in twenty years. The n ! inauou of Cleveland lor presi i nt ny the Jemocralic p.irty fell like a dish rar upon the party here aud di-mocibo Wiilkel around the streets like a pall bearer at a funerxl. There was absolutely no emhUMatm and not a mark of approval in this entire dem ocratic itv, save a flag 'hat wan stretched k cross the street on lower Mam, wbkb in an hour afterward, ihe elements nroae and smoto to the earth, where the r -in atd mud had full play npr n it. Tlier was not a pign of approval when ths rcwi t ame of the nomination and there liaa no? been since. A sum -ber of republicans around the opera house last evening, who felt hilarious over the ru iiruatii.n. attempted to help democracy out by getting np a a ratifi cation meeting themselves, bat not a democrat would aasist or assent to anything of the kind, so It was all love labor 1 isi. wtfa v: Hm greet few York niotiopolist governor, the man with uo record aide from flieriff of a county in Xcw Yoik, and a recoid an governor for vetoing every n lief bill parsed to 'ieip Ihe laboring men, iu fa vor of m;n"lies, will have a direct iiiflueu'- upou tlie democrats here, and theie are uuuibetd of that prftty who are too honest with theinnelvea tostval low n man u ho has made no record at al! fxoept against the people. i Tills office is iu receipt of a compli mentary ticket to the coming State Fair eur iih uy me secretary. mis 11 evi deil ly oueof the thousands of deadhead ticki-U that are nnnuHlly furnished by this very cli-ee corporHtiou to bait th newspapers, ndidify iMi.itical friend ships and perpetuate tlie wheel within the wheel l:i power by the blaudih tiieuis of fn, tickets, and the blind lliat even nuch little tliinys ate in the eyes of many to ihe vices of a ting that hs no higher incentive thaa helt-jre- aervation. 1 his paper has tl.ree sug gesiious rt gliding- the tree puss busi ness it suggest to the state board: 1. Pay newspapers cash if you want advertising, ami let them pay cash iu return. a. Dtschaige the armv of fourth- rate poiiticiaus and hanger -on who a nuailv attuud state tail a and are ad mitted on couip!im ntary tnk-ts. They may be a neci'isity to the org iairiiu of the utate board but they ouyht to be tired. 3. Distribute the courtesies of the board that must be distributed, to de serving people iu the state, whose la bor, woik aud interests may be en hanced by their attendance. TheSf simple rults would givx; a much moie eutistactory distribution of the luieniiics ot the 'vlose col ooration' hat the present method that always ihh, and always will be an item ot censure. TllK nomination of Grover Cleve- iid; f Xtw Toik, lor l'resideut, aud Tbi'S. A HeLdiicks, of Indiana, for Vice President, completed the labors of he National Democratic Convention in Chicago jetleiday evening. Unques tionably the head of this ticket is in the rear of the procession. The indi vidual occupying the Gist place is a mail w ithout national reputation or experi ence. There is scarcely a Gouernor, to day, of auy state in the Ainericau Union who had not seen more public service, and who has not had more cx iu national affairs than the youthiul candidate of the democratic party. lie U, par excellence, the fruit of the democratic machiue of the great state ot New York, a creature ofcir cumstauceH that the machine found available two yars ag-, when the re puhlicau party of the upire slate was in fragments from dissections aud lo cal qjariels. This uiau receiving the oeiiioeratic uounuatiou was elected bv Hpparently a large nuj nty over one i f the first citizens of that state and oue of the ablest jurists of the country. Tne nmjori y that Grover Cleveland received, however, was not a in tjority of the voting population of New York, but simply the vote ot tiie democratic party, practically, without opOHition from republicans, who stayed at home to punish the.r party. This faet whs made very plaiu oue j ear ago w heu tin apparently great iu.j nty ot Governor (Jlevelaud was ovetthri wn, ai;d a ma j'rity of some 18.00J registered lor the republican ticket. This fact becomes still more appar eut wheu the Vote received by Grover Cleveland is compared with that cast for Ciener.tlllhncock four year3 ago. It is foaud to be some 20,000 less than thar cant for Mr. Ilauc wa de feated by General Garfield in New York by an overwhelming maj.-rity. The open criticism nia;ie up.u Atr. Cleveland in the convention v?uicti his just adj urued, by leading meu Irom id. own state, h-w very plainly that his nomination is not a stroi g one, an 1 that owing to his course as governor of New Yoik he has lost the confidence and support of the laboring masses aud organizations of that state. His oue act, vetoing the t ill to regu late the fares ot the New Yoik Ele vated railiouds, showed him to i-a an uuflt and uuwiae ruler Whu the veto comes to be understood by the mae of voters of the country, as it is by those of New York, Grover Cleveland's nn fltnes to represent the people of thU country, will l sufficiently plain. In order to serv Messrs. Field and com pany, who own thestocks of these eie vated railways, biardemorratic caudi ! date took the ground that a . corpora tion, endowd with a franchise from I tlnct novereignty equal iu power with the state, holding the state powerless to regulate, alter, or cujtall its powers. This has been one of the great ques tlons of our day. and has been decided by the Supreme Court of the United States directly in opposition to the views of this man the democratic party would elevate to the presidency, and who. for the sake of assisting the Ele vated railways in New York in fleec ing the citizens of that commonwealth by exacting from them exorbitant fans, was willing to exercise the veto power In favor of such corporations, and agaiut the citizen. For thes, and other reason, when November rolls around "the machine" will tind there Is a vast, difference be tween leading (lie horse to water and making him drink. Train Time. Under the change in time passenger trains leave the depot here as follows No. l west, 8:15 a, m. No, 3 west, 6:50 p. m. n. u. St. j. it C. li. north 5:15 a. m. .. .. u .. u .i . 6..d- ra C. U. & Q. , north, 7:45 a. in. Omaha stub north S:")5 i m. 5:40 p m. Trains arrive as follows No. 2 , Denver ex pies C:-2. p. in, No 4, 9.5 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C B. e;vl U:4" a. in. M " " ' -b:35 p. in. C. B. & Q. Omaha eaat p. m. Vifnl Questions III! Ask t ie most eminent physiuun Oi auy scnooi, wnai i tne best thim; in ine world tor qua-iing and allawoi' all irritation t iiu nerves, anil cuiiuu all froms of uerves, complaiuts, giving uaiural, childlike relteshiug bleep ai way o t And they will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form ot Uopzl ciiArTtit i. Ask any or ail of tue most eminent phsicans: -What is the best aud onlv remedv that can be relied on to cure all diseas t the Kidneys and urinary organs; such as Urirfht'a disease, diabetes. retention, or inability to retain urine. aud the diseases and aliments peculiar to Women" 'And they will te'I you explictly and emphatically Buchu 111" Ask the same pi,icians " What is the most reliable and surest cure for liver disi aes or dvsueosia: cous'ipatioc, niigesiion, billiousneas. malaria lever, ague, &c.,"and they will tell von : Mamwake ! or Dandelion I It lleuee Wlieu tnece remetli-a are coin. binded with others equally valuable.) ua compounded into Hop lilt tees. such a wonderful and mvsterious ! curative power is de veloped, "which is o varied in its operations that no disea-e or ill health can po.-sibiy exist or resist us power aua yet it is hnrm- !! tor tiio m ist, frail woman, weakest invalid or sm.diest child to use. CHAPTER II. "Patients "Almost dead or nearlv dvincr" For years, and gave up my physi cians, ot Br lulit's and other kidii ids'ases liver com plaiutc, severe coughs, Call -d con-umtlioii have heeu cured. Wome go ie iitarlv crazu ! ! t Fioui giuv of neuralgia, nervou-.-tie-s. waket'iillnss, and various di aeses peculiar to woman. People draw out of shape from -xcMiciatini pantrs o' rheumatism. ihflammatory and chronic or suffering 1IOMI SCTOIIIIH. ErysipelaI dtrheum. hl-tod poisnin, dvepcpf i indiKe-tintr and, in fac?, almost all dJteaes fraip Xaiure is heir to Have ben eutefl by Hop Bitters, pr wr or wrncn can he round in evry neiL'horoood In tne known world. fcgr one jjeuiriH Willi. nt a bunch ot urcfeu Hops on the white lal-l. .shun Mil the vil, iom stuff with 'Hop rr Hops'' ii, their name, June 23 l&Sl dwlm CALL AT THE Old Reliable LUMBERYARD 0. A. MERMAN 4 SOS vt holes aie and He tall Dealer ta PINE LUMBER SHIXGLES, LATH. aisH, rocms, - BLINDS, 4C. U rn MMOia Mar tt Open Boom. F.G. Flicked Co,, BLccnasoR to J. M. ROBERTS, Win keep constantly on hand a full aud complete stuck of pure DKUOS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WALL-PAPER and a full Hoe of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS For Me lean Purposes. Special itteut'oii Klvea to Coiuuouudlnir rr. sciipnuu. Ui03f. BANKS. THE CITIZENS fLAf raMOUril. - KCHUASKA. ii75.000. OKHCEICS JOHN HLACK, ItANIC CARKUTH. l're-tldeut. vj-fresident. W. II. UUSHINd. Ca tiitr. niKKCTons John Black. W. ii. Cusliiiiir, Frank Carruth. J. A. Co.iiior, Kred llernuanu, J. W. Jchn- sou, F. tt. Uutli.nauu, I't-ter 61 Umax, Wia. Weteucanp. Hmiry Ma;ck. Transacts a U'jii-rai ii:i.ikinir ah who uve any Unalim bu-tiucss t trannact are mvlieu to cll. i uiiitter Uow larrfe or mail tne traimaciion, it wnl receive our vartiful attention, and we iJiooitse always cour to u treatmcuU Ietues Certlflcat ja of us oalts boarlna: interest nuynaoa oei: Foreign Excuaiijje, County and Citv necuntieii. Joa rimeiAu, A. W. MCLAUOIILIN Resident. Cashier. NATIONAL FIRST OF lLAirSMOUTH. NKBIU.SXA, Offers tb very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, ilouus. tiold, GoverniDMot and Loe ujv.uii-.ic. nuuriiiiiuiu oiu, ueuoslts recel- eu wiu inierrsi aiiowea on time Certlfl eaten, Urattc drawn, available in auy part of tlie L imed Stata aud all tlie principal towns of Europe. Collection made & promptly remitted Highest rlcet prices paid for County War- Utate ai.d County Bonds. DIRECTORS i John Fitzgerald John li. Clara. j. uawKsworta F. K. wnlte. w McLAuablln WEEPING WATER IHL3"IES.! WEEPING WATER, - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vlce-rresident. R. S. WlLKlNfeOX. Cashier. A General . Banmg Bnsinsss Transacted. JKPOMIT I Receive, and Interest allowed on Thne Certl- flcats. DKAtTH Drawn available In any part of the United States aud all tbe principal cities of Europe, o Agent for Vis celebrated More; Line of Steamers. Sank Cass County Corner Mahi and Sixth 8treet. .C. H. PAKMFLE. Prwildent, I 1 J M. PATXKK80N. Cashier! f Trdnsacts a General Banking Business. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid for County and City Warrant. ( MADE and promptly remitted for. nTRFCtTOE! : B B Win 'him. J. M. P.trrson, C. H. Parmel F. R. Untbrnann. w- J. Agaew, A. B. 8 nlth. Kred Oe.-d'sr. mm HUSHB csuw cunc. catarrh cure, - cough curc. -olooocvrc; - rOB- MJOM MX- - - -- ri I : h,