if! tetii0tiil VOL. 2. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, AVEDNJSDAT EVENING, JULY D, 18&1. NO. 110. lp ; JOSEPH V. WECKBAGH. DKALEll IN Choice Family Groceries, AT THE"DAYLIGHT" STORE, CENTRAL MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTII, NEB, HICHEY COBWEB OF I'EA.BXj -3STX5 SEVE1TTF DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF- - Lumber,Sash,Doors, Blinds, Stl are i ii i nil We have got the largest and best selected stock of Choice Family Groceries in town, and we will sell them just as cheap as we possibly can and ' not " bust. Our Stock of QizeensTvare cured, GrLcLSSwerre, is not lar"e, but the goods are First-class, and we will give you some low prices. We pride ourselves on our Teas axici Sioices, Which we take great pains in selecting and can guarantee to be ot the very best quality. All you folks who have been going away liom homo to buy your groceries, come and give us a chance to give you figures. We Will Duplicate Omaha Prices. For same quality of goods and on the same terms. Come and see us. BENNETT HENRY BGEOK DEALER. IN FURNITURE JSAK .6, CHAiRF, ETC., ETC., KTCP Of All Descriptions. lTALLICBURIALCASES v OTDSIST COFFIlsTS , .s.rjaay madeand soUl cheap lor cast. .V? HSARSS IS NOW BKAO - SERVICE. 'With unay thanKs for past patronage, l DTite all to call anu examine my UABGE STOCK OF KINKEAD BROS., PAINTERS & DECORATORS, KALSOiUXIXG. PAPER JUAKGI'G, .... AKD .... FINE GRAINING, Leave your order with them tor First-Class Work. PiATTSiiouTH, Nebraska Carpets, Rngs, Etc- BUOS, & LEWIS NEW DEALER LN FURNITURE i C0FFI1TS and all kind ot eoods usually kept In a FlltST CLASS i'lXUilTUKlb hTOHK Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Goods MetalMWcoflenCofflss Casiets Holies EMBLEMS. &c. Our New and elegant hearse Is always In readiness. Ilernember the place, in UNION on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonlh of Cass Coun ty Bank. Wnear we raav be found night or day. J. I. UNRUH, PIATTSMOUTH MIU-S ZT8MOGTH NKB IIEISEL., - Proprietor flour, Corn MmUjAjrtd leci on PLATMOUTfl HERALD. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY -BV- The PlattsmoutL Heral3 mim Co. TBBMS: DAILY, delivered by carrier to auy part of the cJty Per Week $ 15 Per Month J0 Per Year -. 00 WEEKLY, by mall, " " " One conv six months $1 00 One copy one year 2 00 Registered at the font unce, riaitanioum, as second claus matter. National Republican Ticket. FOI4 P .RESIDENT, JAMES G. BLAINE, of Maine. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. JOHN A. LOGAN, of Illinois. Republican Central Commute (Meeting. The Republican Central Committee is hereby culled to meet at Weeping Water, Saturday, July 12th, at 1 o'clock p. m. All members of said committee are especially requested to be present. M. M. Butler, Ch'n. Cull Tor Republican Judicial Cornea tion. The republican electors of the second Judic ial District of .Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several eouuites to u.eet in convention at Flatisuioulli. Tuesday. August 18, 184. at '0 o'clock a. in,, for the purpose of placing in nomiuatiou a candidate.for District Attorney, selecting a central committee and such other business as may properly come be fore the convention. Lie several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for J. M. Hiatt, re gent, of the university, giving oue delegate at large, and one for evrv one hundred and fifty votes and major traction thereof : Cass county 13 Lancaster couuty ii Otoe county 11 Total 45 It is recommended that no proxies be ad mitted iO the convention unless held by Cper sous residing in the counties from which the proxies are given. Platisiiiouth, JSeb., July 1.1881. D. II. Wheeler, J. C, Strode, Chairman, Secretary. Republican District Convention. The Republican Electors of the First Con gressional District of Nebraska are invited to send delegates frum the several counties there in, to meet in convention at Beatrice on ved nesday, August 20, at 2 o'clock p. m for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate For Congress, and for the transaction of such other business as may coine before the conven tion. The several counties are entitled to repre sentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for J. M. lliatt. Regent of the University, giving one delegate at large, and oue for every one hundred and lifty votes and the major frac tion t hereon : Counties Del, iDnunties Del. Douglas iy Pawnee 8 Richardson 13 Sarnv 5 ;age .11 Johnson W Lancaster Nemaha ..2i;Sauuders 12 . ..11 Otoe 11 Total 139 Cass 13 1 It is recommended that no proxies he admit ted to the convention, except such as are held by persons residing in the counties from which proxies are given. C. A. Holmes, Chairman. John Stkek, Secretary. Lincoln, June 2U. issi. AT RANDOM. Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream! If you eat, say two cucumbers, Things will be just what they seem. A French philosopher says a woman may love or hate, but she can never be indifferent. Guess he has never seen the look that comes over a woman's face when her husband ask9 if there is such a thing a9 a shirt button in the house. Ii has been discovered that Cleve land while Sheriff of a western New York county, acted as hansman in two cases. This probably began Ids reform career, but as the public is generally prejudiced against executioners, it may injure hiui with sensitive people II he is nominated these early reform epi sodes will give the cartoonists a grand chance. A couple of Vassarjgirla were found by a professor fencing w ith broomsticks in a gymnasium. Jle reminded the youcg girls that such an accomilisb ment would not aid them in securing husbauds. "It will help us in keeping tLem in," repl'td one of the girls. "Where would we be without wo man?" t-Mia a writer. We would beall right; but the little pug dog where would u b- ? There are many who despise half the world; but if there be any who despise the whole of it it ia because the other half despise them. Who is wise? He that learns from every -one. - Who 'is powerful? He that governs his passions. "Who Is 'rich? Ho that is content. Fit. John Porter will have to start up his printing oftice ng;iin. The cri eis beeni to demand a fresh supply of sympathy circulars. A am all loy recently testified in Justice's court " that the all ray took place on a Sunday. How did you know it w as on Sunday Uooause that day Thud to go the side door of the sa loon to jet beer for dinner. "May I trouble you to tell mo what time it is? ' said a trim old lady at the hotrl table not long ago to her vis-a vis." "Certainty," said the gentleman addressed, taking out his watch; it is jut 7 o'clock." "Thank you," she said. "that'a my pill time," and the took one then and there. The Democrats claim that they will be able to herd the Irish vote as usual, this year. Our impression is that they will discover themselves in error. The Irish vote has met and unanimously decided to do exactly as it pleases. "If I get two more men the bolt will number seven. This is not a bolt but a revolution." George William Curtis. General Slocuin is the strongest man the Democrats could nominate. Thur man cornea next. Cleveland is last. The Administration canaot be utterly opposed to the ticket. Secretury Fol der has ordered the issue of 31,500,000, in oue aad two dollar bills. There are a great many reasons why the Irish like Blaine. They like his brilliancy and dash. They like his thorough Americanism. They admire his ability. The Irish vote will uot tow the Democratic hulk around in the rain this time. More heavy poker-playing in late years lies gone on in Chamberlain's old club house than in any other build ing in Washington. Fortunes were made and iost there. The place is now owned by the Young .Men's Christian Association, boon after the change was made a well kuown sporting man dropped in one evening, a trifle mel lowed by some brandy a friend had given him to sample. The new occu -pant9 were holding a praise meeting, and a dozen of them were singiug the old refrain, "There is always room for more, Come in, come in." lie thought he appreciated the situa tion, and blandly replied: "No, gentle men, play out your game. I'll come in on the next hand." Need it be said he was from Virginia. Women deceived by men want to marry them; it is a kind of revenge as good as any other. There is room enough in human life to crowd almost every art and science in it. If we pass "no day without a line' visit no place without the com pany of a book, we may with ease fill libraries, or empty them of their con tents. The more we do, the more we can do; the more busy we are, the more leisure we have. An old street car driver in the West Division Chicago, had been listening to two men who had been ridiculing Lo gan's lack of scholarship until he boiled over somethin like this: Prolly John Logan can't talk in er gram marly manner. Prob'ly he can't; but let me tell yer of one time he did talk and it sounded good to every one that heerd him whether grammarly or not I dunno. We'd Leeu pelting the robs afore Atlauta, and they'd pelted us, until I guess we both got tired I know we hr.d. My hat had been shot o3", aad I bo'rrowed another from a friend of mine who dropped by my side Pretty soon they got some guns around on the left and began whip sawing us. I seen some of our men flying ten feet in the air, and there w.snt nothing bat rebs anywhere. I looked back for a minute to see if there was a way out, when who'd I see but John Logan, followed by about ten thousand blue coats. He didn't have any hat on, and he was about fifty yards ahead of the boys, and savs he to us when he come up. "Fall back there boys ! Don't fire no more! Close up and fall back and give us a chance. We're a coming for 'em our souls!" Now I suppose that wasn't grammarly, bat an angel right from heaven couldn't have sang no sweeter words to me just then. -- - Mr. George William Curtis - should bir hirslf out aa a kalsidcscopc The question ''Will the coming man be happier?" is asked, and an ignorant exchange says that it depends upon how he treats his mother-in-law. This is foolish. It will depend on how Lis mother-in-law treats him. said an ugly country school teacher to a pert young miss who had "sassed" him. "Oh, you needn't worry," tsho retorted "I wouldn't kiss you even if the freckles on your face were cold dollars. The democratic papers say that the party can lose Indiana. Of course it can. It never failed to lose it yet. If precedent is worth anything the state ment can be accepted. General Logan knows enough ubout grammar to put the democratic party in the past tense. A babe to sell, who'll buy, who'll buy? I heard a heathen father cry ; A girl to sell, tOte's young and small. She'll scarcely cost you aught at all. A girl to sell, w ho'll buy, who'll buy? A heard a Christian father cigh ; Both si leu the earth the same things done. For the highest bidder got each one. Old Goodman went to sonic English opera when be was in Chicago, of the Alice Oates variety. He came home a very wrathful man "Don't talk to me any more about giving woman the ballot," he roared. "It ever I catch my wife or daughterplancing iu a necklace and a pair of slippers, somebody'! have to read the riot act before the ballot is half over, I don't care who tries to stop me." And the Goodman girls havn't dared to say "woman suffrage" or wear bangs from that day to thi. The other morning a woman applied at the Troy, N. Y, surrogate's office for letters of administration on her husband's estate, the estate being a claim of a few hundred dollars against the city. "Did your husband leave any personal property?" asked the sur rogate lord. "Indeed he did" replied the widow, "three boys and two girls.'' Forgiveness is the most necessary and proper work of every man; for, though, when I do a just thing, or a charitable or wise act, another man may do it for me, yet no man can for give my enemy but myself. She is tne mo3C virtuous woman whom nature has made the most vo luptuous and reason the coldest. Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered vou by the liurlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47ti Try the B inana plug chewing to bacco, it is by far the linest plug chew ing made, Matt Schlegel sells ic. ltt Spearhead tobacco is all the go new. All chewers seem to be anxious to get that farm, which will be given away in June next. Call at Matt Schiegel's for a circular. ltf All the best houses in Plattsmouth will sell you Bremner's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or barrell, and don't yon forget it. Get these and you get the best. tf CORN COB pipes in every style Schiegel's. iOtf Notice for Bids to Construct Sidewalk. In accordance with instruction! of the City Council, of the city of Platts mouth, I hereby give notice that bids for the construction of a sidewalk along fie east sideof lot l2,or Block 223, will be received by me at my office, up to and including the oth day or July la4 Work to be let to the lowest bidder The estimate of the citv Engineer to gether with the plans and specifications are on file in ray office where they may be examined J. D. SIMPSON. June 30, '84 4t. City Clerk. homo iTTlTOT SKIN CURE. . CATARRH CURE, COUGH'CURE. BLOOD CURE. . FOB SALE BY HLTf m F.G.Fricke&Co., Hl'CCESSOIt TO J. M. ROBERTS, Will keep constantly on hand a full and complete stock of pure DKUGS ANJ MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WALL-PAPER and a full line of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS For Me llcan Purposes. Speeial attention given to Compounding Pre scription, dioaif. BANKS. THE CITIZENS PLATTSMOUTII. - NKMU.SK A. - $75,000. orricKitM JOHN IiLACK, .'JCANK CAltltUTH. President. Vice-President. W. H. CUSI11NQ. Canhier. cDIKKCTOKS Johnlilack, W. II. Cushiug, Frank Carruth, J. a. conuor. Fred Herrmann, J. W. John Bon, F. H. Guthinaun, Peter Mumm, Wm. Wetencauip, Henry Uouck. . Transacts a Ocimral Uankliif HiiMnnM. All ii.,Yc uy hiumii unquiet to transact are invited to call. No matter how lart;e or Htitall the trannaction. It will receive our careful attention, aud we promise always cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates of lenoslts hearing lnterent uuyHano. sens horHRii hxehaiige. County and Citv ecuritle. JOHN FlTZOKKALO, A. W. MCLAUOHLI.- President. Cannier. .FIRST NATIONAL OF PLATT3MOUTH. NEBRASKA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Cold. Government and Loca Qotuiiiien oui;ni ana oiu, ur posits receiv ed and interest allowed on time Certili cate.H, Drafts drawn, available in any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Europe. Collections made d: promptly remitted Highest rket prices paid for County War- btate aLd County Ilonds. DIRECTORS, John Fitzgerald John It. Clark. D.IUwkxwnrth A. W McLaughlin. F. U. White. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, - NEB. E. L,. HEED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Banting Bnsmess Transacted. UKPOHITH Receive, aud Interest allowed o TLne Certi ficates. OBAITB Drawn available in any part ot the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. o AgenU for the celebrated Wmi Line of Steamers. Bank Cass County Cotner Mala and Sixth Streets. PLATTSMOUTH . O. H. PARMELE. President. I 1 J M. PATTKIiSON. Cashier! f Transacts a General. Banlim; Business. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid tor County and City Warrants. COLLECTION HAUK and promptly remitted for. DIRECCTOBS : B B Windham, J. M. Patterson, C. H. Parn.ele F. R. Guthraann. W J. Agnew, A. B. SiDita. Fied G order. Louisville Bank LouiSvllle Nebraska A general Banking business trans acted. Money, to Loan, lot, allowed or time deposits. Collections made ana promptly remitted. J . J. Masker, u. e. Makkzb, Pres. Cash C. A. Maxkkr. Ass't Cash. A well known preacher makes a re -comendation of Ayers Pills a matter of religious daty. When people are bill ions and dyspeptic, what they need is th Gospel of ' Health; To each cssss the best creed to - swxllow ccrrlats of the thirty ic-r cited la a rUl tax. v -