I w-.. , , ..."""" '' ' ''-'"" '- f ''' "Ll ' " I I i i IMffj I ( VOL. 2. V I - fLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, MOXDAY EVENING, JULY 7, 188-1. NO. 108. 1 I-' I I' . i It ; r i ll . ? 4. J:. '.J I. c 5 -S 'i It JOSEPH V. Choice" Family - Groceries, Carpets, Rugs, Etc- THE "DAYLIGHT" STOEE, CENtAt'AIAIN STREET, I'LATTSMOUTK.-'NEB, LTTIMIIBIEIR,. HICHEY OF PEABL DEALERS IN COETTEB Lumber,Sash,Doors, Blinds MIED 2 AX2TTS, XsXMLE, Cement. Plaster. 25 Lowest SLatss. are AJSTI lEXMHCTT TT STAY. We have got the largest and best selected stock of Choice Family Groceries in town, and we will sell them just as cheap as we possihly can and not k' bust. Our Stock of QueeJiswcLJe aitcL G-lctsswcure, is not large, hut the goods are First-class, and we will give you some low prices. "We pride ourselves on our Teas axicl SiDioes, "Vhich we take great pains in selecting and can guarantee to he ot the very best quality. All you folks who have been going away from home to buy your groceries, come and irive us a chance to give you figures. We Will Duplicate Omaha Prices. For same quality of goods and on the same terms. Come and see us. BENNETT HENRY BCECK DEALER IN PURPETURE SASc5, CHAiRF, ETC.. KTC, KTC Of All Description METALLIC BURIAL CASES 4 ..-ii.ieaoy made and sold cheap for casb. Ft IS NOW iUtAD SEKVICE. With maay thanSs for past patronage, nvite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF jut. :.itvri"tK A!SI OPHCSS Improved Lands for Sale CHEA waer-s 12 miles froai Lenora. Kansas S-V) 160 ' IS " Orlean. Neb. 900 160 IS Beaver City. Neb. -6oo loo t' 8 " Log tn, Kansas - 1.C00 These lands ar well improved, and can be bouut by paving H csh. and balance on time. They are cheap, tne present owners having h.Uk.'nt men? ai xorccu io. vn jc- I have some Cheyenne County Lands.ltor ale yet they are going iosi. Vor particulars call ou W. WISE, Colon Block. WECKBAGH. 9 AT BROS, ..lETD SEVElsTTF ALL KINDS OF- Terms & LEWIS NEW DEALEK BIN FURlTITURfi S COFFINS and all kind ot goods usually kept in a MUST CLAM ri'KAlTl'RE NTOKE Also, a very complete etock of Fuueral Goods Hetallic&WoodenComiis Casiets Holies EMBLEMS. &e. Our New and elegant hearse is always in readiness. Remember the place, in UNION JBLOCIC, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Vfhear we may be found night or day. J. I UNRUH, . i.vrM.rvTr.1. nei PLATTS3S0UTH MIMS TT3MOCTH NKB. UEISEL, - Proprietor : Wlo'ur. Corn Meal A feed lee!', on PLATTSMODTH HERALD. t'OBLISUEl) DAILY AS1 WEEKLY HT The Flattsmontlt Herald PBWisliint Co. TERMS: DAILY, deflvured by carrier to any part of the city Per "Week $ 15 I'er Monlti S0 Per Year (M) WEEKLY, by mail. One copy six mouths $1 "0 One copy uut) year 2 oo KeK'Hfrred at ttie Post Office, Plattimouth, as second cla.su matter. National Republican Ticket. HMi PllKSIIil.N T, JAMES (J. 1JLAINE, ot Maine. fo it vici;-ri:i;sii)i;NT. JOHN A. LOCiAX, of Illinois. Republican Central Commute Meeting. 'llu Uepublican Central Committee is be reby called to meet, at Weeping Water, Saturday, July 12th, atl o'clock p. ui. All members of said committee. are especially requested to bo preseut. M. M. IJutleu, Ch'n. Call for Kcpublieuii Judicial Con veil tion. The republicuu eloi'lord of the. second Judic ial District of isi'tir.iskii are reiueKieil to mi-ikI delegates from the several counties to eet in convention at I'latlsmouth. Tuesday. August 13, 1MK4. at '0 o'clock a. in., for the iniriiose of placing in nomination a caii(iilate;for District Attorney, selecting a central committee anil such other biisinrsw as may properly come be fore the convention. Tne ceverai counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for .1. M. Iliatt, re gent of the uuiversity, giving one delegate at large, and one for evvrv one huatlred and fifty votes and major : ruction thereof : Cass county 13 Lancaster county 1 Otoe county 11 Total 45 It is recommended that no proxies be ad mitted io the convention unless held by Jper soux residing in the counties from which the proxies are given, riattsinouih. Neb., July 1, lasi. 1). 11. WilEELKK. J. 15. Stbodk, Chairman, Seeretaiy. Itepublican District Convention. The Kepublican Electors of the First Con gressional District of Nebraska are invited to senu delegates fruin tile several emuities there in, to meet, in convention at Beutiice on Aei nesday, August l'O. at '2 o'clock p. m for the purpose of -placing in nomination a eui.-diJute tor Congress, and V r the transaction of such other business as may come before the tonven- lion. l'he several counties are entitled to repre sentation follows, being based upon the vote east for J. M. Iliatt, Kegeut ot the University, giving one delegate at iarge. unit one for every one hundred and fifty votes and the major frac tion thereon : Counties Douglas lane Johnson Lancaster Nemaha Otoe Del. Dountics Del. ly 1'awnee 8 . . .li tticharuson 13 . .. ii Sarpy 5 . ..21 Saunders tii ...11 ...11 Total 139 Cas c It i reooinmended that no nroxieBhe admit ted to the convention, except itch as are neld oy persons resiaing in the counties from which proxies are given. C. A. Holmes, Chairman. .Tons Stekx, Secretary. Lincoln, June 2t5. Ib84. The man who draws the crowd, at tracts the attention, disturbs the bour bon pulse, and paralyzes the bourbon uervc, is old lien Iiutler, of Massachu setts. Ben has moved upon Chicago. and the democratic ringmasters with bated breath and pale faces whisper to one another "what does this mean?' Bon is there and tl.at fact "will not down." The cl;i:i8 as they gather at Chica go seem to grow wild, and one tiling, unless a change should come suddenly, seems to bo certain, and thas is, Mr. Cleveland has such opposition he can not be nominated. Thos. F. Bayard, if one can judge by the Chicago press and the sentiment expressed by delegate and lobby, holds his own, and apparently gains strength at the expense of Cleveland and other candidates. Mr. Carl Schurz and the Independent claquers seem to drift to Mr. Bayard, as their second choic Suffice it to say the republicans of the country would be immensely pleased to make the fight lor Blaine against either Crover Clevelaud or Ths. Fran cis Bayar 1. Mk. Anti monopoly Morton ap pears and bobs sertnely up in the Palmer 1 ne lobby for "revenue re form." iIerald has been fearful our an :i-monopoly champion would become lost anr.u the brass-buttoned nabobs ot" the east and forget his plat form and party at borne and so it seems he has. Doctoi MT.er and Mr. Poppleton should hte kept the reformer from Otoe county, at home and within the proteclii'if" influence of the Nebraska platfoim, had they expected the Ne braska delegation to act wisely and consistently at Chicago. As it is. we fear tliejresult will be a di ision unions the delegation with possibly ullilica tionouthe pirt of our delfntes. It' the bourl'o!n of Nebntska islitobe anythiu"; tbey mast b.; conhi.;'.',t. i m; (Vmiii il Uiiill's Noi)ureil lias been tliriin u; tlie S.iliiit-ia" Home buiiicbs lor a wn'ck past in a lively manner. Council liluils, Atlantic, JHs loines ami liui Iididii, Iudianola and other inintd are all cbuuorinir for this Soldieis' Hume an 1 h ive already moved upon tlie coniniiKsidn named iu .lie act, which has just passed Cou;rob8 It ajipears that eaed ou of the compet ing points in Iowa have a champion of this Soldiers' Home, who claims all the honor of onijhiattiig- ihe scheme, jiut ting it tluo.in. ete. Mr. .John Lindt, of (Vinr-i! lIulf.i. appears to b the claimant ir th wesiem slope, who brourlit ubout tlii.s whole matter; one (Jen. Uiiswohl of, or about, Atlantic, Iowa, is aucuher claimant. ITiiflucstionably Xelraka holds the central position in the district named in which this Jlomu is to be loctted, and tn intelligent dfort should be made by our Stale for one j oint o..y. The division iu Iowa only iusuies her losing this Home. Why cannot Ne braska's principal citie.4 hold a caucus and agree upon concert of action in this very important matter. BAYARD Tiie Hon. Ii. li. Ca!io.:i, of .St. Louis, a former resident of Dele ware, in an iuterview published In the :St. Louis Morning Call sharply criticises the con- I duct of Seuator llayard during the war. Mr. Cahoon accuses Mr. li ijard of f?yi palhy with the Kebel leaders, and says that he and all his associates and spec ial friends practically boycotted ih e who sutMn:ed the Union cause. He had no word of cheer for those citizens of Dele ware who took up arms iii de fense of the nation; ho had not a word of sympathy with those who had beeu wounded in battle and who were sent t the hospital at Wilmington, where b.3 resided. Chicago Tribune. Mcdonald Ex-Go v. Hendricks lcff Indianapolis ye teruay ior LUtcago in a special car attached to the train which S.ears the Alabama deiegrdiw. Some of hi warm pouuca.1 mends accompany the distinguished lloosier. Th tact that Mr. Hendricks left ahead of tlie main body of the McDonald party i.s suopos ed to mean that he has special personal interests to further here. II. . is not without ambition, and hopes that the Democratic gathering here will con aider him the most available man for President. Some of his organs through out Indiana came out yesterday in favor of his nomination. Tha McDon ald men are said to be suspicious of Mr. Hendricks. Correspondence. College Hill, July C, 1884. Ed. Herald : Everything unusually quiet at the Hill, but there is always a ealm before a storm so we are anxious ly awaiting the storm, or something lively to transpire and cheer us up, Tha most of the College Hill folks cele brated the Fourth at Louisville, though some went to Greenwood and report a most delightful time up there, and one of the prettiest and busiest towns iu Cass county. Nearly all our young people attended the dance in Ossankops hall at Louis ville, the night of the Fourth, and as usual had a grand time. School closed Thursday for a five weeks vacation, Lester, Stander and nenry Le-hnhoff winning the prizes for lessons well learned. Miss Ella Bles sington returned from Piattsmouth, where she has been at work in the Per kins house, to visit her parents for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jack inau of Louisville, were at the Hill Sunday. Harvest is near at hand ; al ready farmers are beginning to cut some of the fuest grain the county affords; f xoti don't believe it, come out this wav and see for yourself. We would like to ask the editor if he ver knew what convenient things railroad tricycles are, wnen you want t visit your best gir1. For informa tion inquire of Messrs. Carey Marcker and Charlie McPherson. Claude Melxotte. A well known preacher makes a re comeudation of Ayera Pil's a matter of religious duty. When people are bill ious and dyspeptic, what they need is the Gospel of Health. In such cases the best creed to swallow consiuta of the thirty sujear coated in a pill box. wide Vtl ueNllutiN ! !! ! Ask the iH'j-st eminent physicun Ol any school, what is the best tiling iu the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves, and curing all froins of nerves, complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep alwaj n And they will tell you unhesitatingly 'Some form of Hops ! I" CHAl'TElt I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicans: "What is the lst and only remedy that cau be relied ou to euro all diseas of the kidneys ami urinary organs; such as Briyht'a disease, diabetes, retention, or inability to retain urine, and the diseases and aliments peculiar to Women" ''And they will tell you explictly and emphatically " Jiur.hu ! ! ! " Ask the saun: pliyicinn "What is the most reliable and surest cure tor liver diseased or dyspepsia; cous'ipation, liiigestiou, billiousness, malaria fever, azue. &c.."and tliev will tell you : Jl and rake I or Dandelion! ! ! Hence When these remedies are mm. binded with others equally valuable. ina compounded into Ho6 Bittees. such a woi.derlul and mysterious curative power is de veloped, which is o varied iu its operations that no disease or ill health cau possibly exist or resist its power aud yet it is hnrm less for thb most frail woman, weakest uvaiid or smallest child to use. SHATTER IT. "Patients "Almost dead or nearly dyio" For years, and trave ui mv tilv.;. cians. oi Bncrht's and other k illllMV - r- - a j idseasr-s liver comtdaiut?. severe rour..c called coiistimtpion, have been cured. IV omen yont nearly i:razj ! ' From Bjrcnv of neuralchi. nervmi. Kiiess. wakefulness, and various digaeses peculiar to woman. People draw out of shape from excruciating pangs of rheumatism, inflammatory and chronic or sulleiing from scrofula. " 1'rysipclas! "Saltrheum, blood poisuing, dyspepsU indige-sting' and, in fact, almost all diseases frail" Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which, cau be found in every neighborhood in the knowu world. Z$f None geuine without a bunch of green Hop3 on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop "or '"Hops" in their name. June "23 l.sbl dwlm Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered vou by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf Spearhead tobacco is all the go new. A-lf chewers seem to be anxious to get that farm, which will be given away in June nxt. Call at Matt Schickel's for a circular. ltf Money saved by buying hand made brooms, ask your dealer for them. d28-lmo M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anhenser linrch St Louis Bot tled Beer and always ready to pay pac ticular attention to his customers. 155tf Diamond Wall Finish, best and cheap est, ready for use by adding hot water, at Fisher's drut? tore. 49d&wtf All the bust houses in Piattsmouth will sell you Bremner's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or barrell, and d n't you forget it. Get these aud ycu get the best. Jtf CORN COB pipes in every style SchlegelV. Iut Notice for Bids to Construct Sidewalk. In accordance with instruction! of the City Council, of the city of Piatts mouth, I hereby give notice that bids for the construction of a sidewalk along the eist tide of lot l2,of Block 223, will be received by me at my office, up to and includingr'the Sth day of July 1884. Work to be let to the lowest bidder. The estimate of the city Engineer to gether with the plans and specifications are on file in myoffiee where they may be examined J. D. SIMPSON. Jane 30, '84 4t. City Clerk. mmw ffiHli WES SKIN CURE. CATARRH CURE, COUGH CURE. BLOOD CURE. FOR - SALE BY (WILL J. WARRICK. F.G.Fricke&Co., srccKssoit TO J. M. ROBERTS, Will keep coiiotantly on baud a full and complete stock of pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WALL-PAPER and a full line of DKUGG1STS SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS Tor Medican Purposes. Special attention given to Compounding Pre scription . UlU.flf. BANKS. THE CITIZENS l'LATTHMOUTII. - NEIiKA.SKA. GA-PI-TJLTj, - $75,000. OKHCKICS JOHN JJLACK. .'HANK CAUKUTI1. I'l-esldent. Vice-President. W. II. CUSiUNU. CaMliicr. i KIKKl lOHH Jolm IJlack. W. ll.CiislHiiK. Frank Citrrutli, J. A. Connor, Fred Herrmann, J. W. Jolin ron, F. K. (iiitliiiiann, 1'eter Milium, Win. Wcteiic;nuj, Henry itieck. TransaetH a iJeiieral Itaiikinur BuiinesH. All Wlio have any Hanking busmcfts to Iraiisael are invited lo call. Mi. mailer lm laro or Hinall tli tiaiivacliou, it will reeeive our careful atlenliou, and we promise always cour teous treatment. Ihkucs Certificates of Heposits bearing Interest ISuyiiaud .selln Foreign Hxclianje, County and Cllv ecunticB. JOHX FlTZOEKALII, I'ledtdeiit. I. W. MCl.A UOII 1.1 N Cashier. NATIONAL iFIRST OF I'LATtSMOUTH. NEBIU.3KA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompt tranvactlon of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds. old. Government and Imc ecurttiei lloiii'lit and Sold, Jcposits receiv ed and interest allowed ou time Certifl catec, li aitx drawn, avallaMe in any part of the United Slat ex and all the principal towns ol Kuro pe. Collection made & promptly remitted Igbest rket prices paid for County War btate aid County Bonds. DIRECTORS i John Fitzgerald ohir KwC7arKV.. J- "awksworth A. W McLauiihlln. y, k. White WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. "WILKINSON. Caahier. A General Banting Bnsmess Transacted. UKtPOMlTH Eeceiyed, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. UKAFTH Drawn available in any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. Agents for the celebrated Wmi Line of steamers. Bank Cass County Corner Main and Sixth Streets.. , , PTjATTSMOTTTH , C. H. 1'AKMKI.E. I'resident. i 1 J M. fATTEItSU-N. Ca-ihier! ( Transacts a General Banking Easiness. HIGHEST CASH PRICE, Paid tor County and City Warrant. eOLLKCTIU.t4 HADE and promptly remitted for. liKK'xnon : E B Windham, J. M. Patterson, C. U. Farir.ele F. K. Guthmann. W J. Agnew.A. B. brnith. Fred Oorder. Louisville Bank. JLoulsville .ebratska A general Banking buiinesa trans acted Money to Loan, Int, allowed op time deposits. Collections made ana promptly remitted. J. J. M ANKER, H. E. ifAXKEB. Pres. Caeh C. A. Masker. Asf't Cash. PAI.XTEKS & DECORATORS, KALSOMIXIXG. PAFEB HAXGIJG, xyit .... FINE GRAINING, ware your orders with them tr First-Class Work. JPLATTSarOTJTH, KebEASA v - .... 3P X-"TC'l!lw'fW.iji' '' U6'' jj0. --'l '' ' g ' J l .