s r l 1 ft H - i' -I FRANK H. WILSON, Fire, Tornado suid Cyclone Insurance, OihYe, li.tenicnt of K.ink of i'n- County, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, Telegraphic FITZ JOHN POUTER. Qui'CM Insurance (J!ii):mv, of LiVij., . Washington Kire anl .Marine 1 iiiir:iii-t; Co., of J'otoii. Commercial Union Assurance Company, of Lomlon. Western Af.-u ranee Company, of Toronto, Out. Capital, - - Total Assets, 'IV ... 1 1 1 . loiai lonses paiu .-nice ormii.ruioii. Jieliahle Insiii-anee - Careful I riiclei writing and prompt attention guaranteed. $ 4..r(M) 000 2U00 (M)( :'oi7 oi; Western Assurance Go, OK rS ... 4 A.M.SMIllf. J..I.KKSXV, A. V. J.h.i, I'o-si jcnt. Managing li". Sit it . A .'in-if. l'.MTi:i HTATKS TKI'NTKIIN. jWlll. 11. Cllioll, of Willium" & Cllioll, llljou Slf:iii!.inii Line.) New i K. Win. A. J loot Ii. lV."iieiil I iiin! National Bank. New ink. Arthur IS. Oravcs, President .st. Nh-nolas Bank, New Voik, ;eo.W. ILiye. General Agent, Milwaukee, Win UNITED STATES BRANCH. AS- KT failed State" 4'i percent register- ed Bond S:5j.",(KK..OO I T lilted State I percent registered Bonds L'IK.'lO.CO New York Central & Hudvui River Railroad Bouls -J;.2no.OO lleorgia State Bond U7,u00.0o Cohu deposited instate of MUfi- Slppt 15."O0.00 Cash iu Hank lo.K7o.w; rreiiiiuins iu course t collection.. lo-'.i;oo.ti LIABILITIES. 034,517.62 Re-Insurance reserve 'ja,mc,M on paid lo-se kk.i t;.'j: Other liabilities lh,J4I.3. S 5r..VJ.xu Surplus in United States. Premium Receipts in Cnitcd States, 1S74 to 1SW. inclusive $o,:;(r.'jij2.3a Total Fire los-p, paid in United State. 1ST! to ISS3, inclusive 3.:JiJ,5a5.tit is. sv. j i:i.-i:ir, a. v. damkx. President. Secretary. 1-i: MC-i:. sWEElER. Vice-Pri-Ident. WashingtoNI Firo'niiii iucriuc Insurance Company OK BOSTON. STATEMENT, JAN. J, 18S4. t ASSETTS.i Bank Stork- $4ul,CI:7 Ciiy of Boston Ponds lt.uo,iu L ulted Stale" " 170.Hs7.jin s.'ailroad stocks and Bond. 41i),;;(,(0 Boston Oas-Light Co.Stock, tj.jVtO.IMI Loans on Mortgage K.ttno.cm Collateral H)J.-l(H).iioj Marine I'rciiiiuiii Notes .'',.".k!,7U Premiums in course of Col"t"n Cash on liaml 1 l.t,-l:,o.r5j Other Assets', accruedl nt.&c.) t,7II,no (;i:i,ss Assktm l .55,rjO.M LIABILITIES. Losses rr-ported. uiposeil?113,ll2.no ' Ke.-t-neil loi-lCi-iiisiir.incc, 2-,-y.:ti) All otiici Liabilities 21.571.3 Cito.ss Liabilities, except Capital $3Sr,:.S2 C2 Surplii-i aj regards l'ulicy-liolderx. S1.20.207.72 I'aid-ii;- . . pital l.cou.ooo.oo Net SurplitH, .. $200.2i7,72 WESTEUN DEl'AKTM ENT. 174 La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO EKKIX S. JAMES, General Agent. COMMERCIAL UNION Iixszurctrice Co or livei:iooi,. Scnii-aiiiiu il statement of t lie United Stiites ltraucti on the Jl-t tt::v of lieceinber. 1:-.-:;. JOSEPH M. ROUEUS, Manager WeMeru Ue i cPariitienl, Chicago, JU. Assets in the UniUd Stales. CaHh Items S 1s.is.-.o; Iteal Estate, Uliilieiimbered 3."-2,:.!- 1 United states !!u:idi i.oio.K-ijii Other S cur.ties K vjh&j Other Itenii 24,041 55 CO. LONDON. 1.752.207 M UNITED STATES BRANCH: .!7 and Wall Street, - NEW YOKE. CITY Ai.kkko Pkix. Resident Manager. Ciias. skwali., A(iit;.llt Manager. YYE.STEKX DEPARTMENT: 157 and ir,i) LaSulle St.. - - CHICAGO. ILL. C. F. Mullixs. Resident Secretary. Liabilities in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and in SutfiiM; sls.Uoi lf All other Claims a.iinst the Company 4,070 75 143.010 !r. Amount neeoary to re " insure all outstanding risks 770,072 12 Net surplus in United . sates SJ3.121 .2 UNITED STATES BRANCH STATEMENT JAN". ISt, 1SIM. Ret-erve for total liabilities, includ- iiiLr re-m-uranee in United States $1,337,134 24 Net. Surplus Jar nary 1st, lsfc4 IWO.SOI 80 l,7".2.2i)7f Net Surplus in United States I)ec. 31 18jJ ss ::i.ut ".2 JOSses paid cinc Oraui.alion .:i.i.:Ki oo Asnets lieM in the United States... ?2,327,C30 01 Income. M $l.i"..934 55 Expenditiiles, 1S.S3 101,12 t Suridus Income iu U. S., 183 1&4.S14 47 Total loses paid by thin Company ainee organization 37.715,024 00 All losses In the Western De;:irtment paid promptly lliroiiiih the Rraiich Otlice, 157 !i. 1S9 J.asalie t.. i.mcnK". HE 1 HEAD QDARTEHS5.TOB ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS,- 01(1 Kentucky nliislties, IMPORTED WINES, lUMM'S EX.TIiA DllV CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUIS BEER Strug's Omaha Beer Always osa atsang;Iit A PI1E ScirlS sp ALWAYS IN STOCK, AT THE BLSHORN Fitzgerald Block PLATTSHOUTII, NEB. Commission Merchant, - A N D Miglaest CsbIi plee paid for ' An uncxcellod lino otFLOUK always in stock, corner Cth an IMain Streets,' opposite First National Bank. (Juicily Consigned to His Just Deserts By Arthur's Veto. Some Financial Facts. Miscellaneous Notes. THE FINANCES. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. New York, July 2. The stock mar- kt-t l.aa leen lefcs active toilay, but Mroii",, ulthough tluro id :i lessrneil IVflin of the ronlidi'tice Hint had lfen ft-It for a few days previously. The fact, ia, that the bulls arc resortin; to the rumor committee, which nort of tactics usually precedes a break. Trad ing is purely profession, and the out- i-ide public has not yet come ia. VANDEKBiLT is out with another of his newspaper bull interviews, and devoted himself mainly to Lake Shore and partly to North w stern. Then it is mnounced tl at he has taken up and paid for over fifteen thousand shares of Lake Shore within a week. The stock went up 4 per cent., but dropped back 2 per ceut. when Vanderbilt brokers and the weak shorts stopped buyin";. Northwestern common sold up over C per eent. and lost only fractionally. Later iu the day preferred stock jumped up 4$ per ctnt., and lell off ouly j per cent. TIIK HCI.GE ii attributed to the buying for the pool which has been formed it is sai1, to take a big block of stock, and bought over twenty five shares to day. The preferred was especially strong, be cause there was so little floating stock in the market, it being held so largely for investment. New Yoik Centralis l4 better than yesterday. The erang ers are all sfron?, Illinois Central sell ing 2j better, and Burlington & Quin- cy lli. The Gould stocks have been more quiet, with smaller changes. Un ion Pacific was bulled up two points by the cohering of shorts, and lo&t one half the gain in a very brief time in the afternoon. It is said that the new pool in Lackawana negotiated large loans again today which indicates a further attack upon that stock, but it has sold up 1J per cent, today. The story that ill health has decided s. n. II. CLARK to resign the general management of the Union Pacific was received today, and supplemented by the story that the place had been tendered "Tom" Potter There i?, as usual, no foundation for these rumors. A RAILROAD PRESIDENT KILLED. Cincinnati. July 2. This afternoon as a train on the Cincinnati & Eastern road was crossing a trestle over a ra vine east of "Winchester, W. R. MoGill, president of the road, fell from the door of the bggae ear to the ground, a distance of 50 leet, and was instantly killed. BREWSTER'S nriNION. Attorney General Brewster submit ted to the President today, in compli ance with the latter's request, a long and carefully prepared opinion upon the bill for the restoration of Fitz John Porter to the army, in which he expres- es the opinion that the bill is clearly unconstitutional. lie says that in part the bill is impos s upt nt e P.esident a duty to appoint the person designated therein without any support in the con stitution. It is an assumption of im plied power which is not based upon any express power, and clearly involves the cou.-titutional rights of the Presi dent. Congress ha3 not the right to enact as law that which will be inef fectual. It cannot enact, advise or counsel; it must make laws that are rules of action, not expressions of will, that may or may not be followed. If this bill be ac injunction, commanding the President to appoint, it is an usurp ation; and if it be only counsel it is without the essential element of law, and congress can enact nothing hut that wh eh is to have vigor and effect of law But again the bill is subject to objection upon the ground that con ;resi thereby in effect, creates an ofijeer only up:n condition that it is to be asked by the particular individual namet'. If th:s i.r.nciple w -re aiopted geuera'ly in the creation of offices it would obviously resu t in coustrniuing the appointing powr r to accept the c nditU'ii imposed and fill ofiuces with individuals designated by congress, th' s frustrating the design of the con stit ition. which is iha' an officer must be atone selected according to the judg ment and will of theperson and LoJy in w orn the t owers oi nomination, ad ice and cogent and appointment are vested. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E W- COOK. M. D Physician ani .SmoicoN, OFFICE At Fisher's lusm Stohi. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. ;i:o. s. sMiTia, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Will practice in all Court ul the State. Olllce in l-ltnerM Block. i'LATTSMOl'TII, - NKItH ASK A. Ai.i.kn Bkk.hon. A. N. Si 1-I.iv.hN. Ili:i0. & Sl'LMVA.X, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give prompt attention tit all huiiie.ss intrusted to them. Of- lice iu lniou lilock, Kast Mile. I'UATTSMOUTH KKBUAHKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. Coknek Sixth and Main Kthkkts. istot ahy public I'artieular attention civet! to the preparation of papers for( avt-ats, Paienln antl Kej;isli'atioii of 1 little .Marks and Labels. wm, iu:i,lkn. JuHtire of the peace. El in woo. I Neb Collections n specialty and cives prompt attc-xili.ju. P. O address Elm wood Ntl. 1U. y.. NAMSIil'Ut. DEISTTIST. Jlllce over isiui'li. Black . Ct's. Drnj? Stor. first clas dentist rv at reasonalile prices, a.ly M. O'DONOHOK ATTORNEY AT LAW & NOTARY l'CBLIC. Fitztjerald's Block. riATT.SMOUTJI. - NKKKASKA Agent tor Steamship lines to and from Europe. dl2wWly Ijt. W. II. lt'ItlIilU.ECItT, Practicing Physician. Office, Corner Main and 7th Streets., PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NKItUASKA. K. K. LIYI.UNTO.V. 31. 1 PHYSICIAN & 8UKOKON. OFFI E HOCKS, from 10 a. ni., to 2 p. m. Examina:i! Surseon for U. S. Fension. OK. H. JI1L.1K11, FIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Can be found by calling at Ins olllce, corner 7tU and Alain btreetu, in J. 11. Walermau'B house. PUATTSMWUTII, NEKKASKA. J AH. N. JIATIIKWH ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Office over Baker & Atwood'e store, south side of Main between 5th and tilh streelt). 21tf NTltOUH A. CXAltK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts in the State. District Attorney and Kutaru Public. WILL . W1K. COIL.CTIOJ"S si 81C1IL2 I. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency, office Union block Plallsinoiith Nebraska. 'SlniA l. II. VIIKI3L.KK St CO. LAW OFFICE, Real ltate. Fire and Life In surance Agents, l'lattsnioulh, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a cciupiete abftriicl of titles. Buy and sell real estate, uegatiate loans, &;. 15) 1 K. JIOItlilHOX. Notary Public. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will prasticeiu Cass and adjoining Counties ; gives tpecia: attention io collections and abstracts of title. Otlice iu bhervvootl Block. Flattsinouth, Nebraska. 17V1 ItOI!i:UT II. V1MIIA.1I, Notary Public ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattsmouth. - Nebraska. rv". A. HARTICAN, Xj A W Y E It . Fitz(krald's Block, Plattsmouth Nkb Prompt and careful attention to a general Law Practice. K. DltESSLEU, Merchant Tailor. plattsmouth. neb. Dr. C. A. Marshall vSuccessor to Clutter & Marshall.) Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laugtung Gas. All work wanranttd. Prices reasonable Fitzokkald Block. - Plattsmocth.N MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HORSE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIRIM MI Kinds of Firm uaslemeiits Menjled will Neatness and Dispatch. Horse, Mule & Ox Shoeing n short, well shoe anything that har four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. isrsw sho n? Filth Sr. between Main and Vine Sreets Just across le corner from the Nw HERALD Orrjcw. mi 2 CO ft o 2 V a pom ft CD o St ft ft fjuZJB V 4 7 ft ft 9 N 4 ft )B3Sf (SO. ft ft3 pat 08 pa! tat ft 1 m o i ft ft ESI 5 H It) i 1 ft 'l : 2 im ft fx o bam ft Bra ft a J3J 5 1 i ft bo KS0 ft Mi ftZ0 CD (4 Hm U-1 K3 . : V 'S;-Vv-iJr wm frrf iirrr.r'hr' J Km I rm m P r ft TV