The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 01, 1884, Image 3

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Grand Fourth-of Juiy Poem.
Cook and Yeats, the barber inaten,
TIiq bent ) ou '11 flml li. seven state! ;
If any doubt, they'll Dnd It out
My calling in when they're about,
With good thainpoo and berxamot,
Thevll Mick you U without a doubt.
If your hlr l curly, they'll cut it trii!if .
Or Hh.ive yuur five ut any rate.
We'll warrant them to thave with ease,
And all their cutotn try to pleae.
Their tooU they keep in extra Mune
In order to, menu' face scraps.
The I.ailien too, I hey now Invlt,
Fr 'Ifcem, you know, they mu-.t not .slight ;
They'll cut your baiiKH Justin the style,
Now ileaxe call, aud ejve them a trial.
In the Court House ohop you'll always flud
The doors wide open, from seven till nine ;
And Sam and Hilly you'll Hud ll;'.-re. too.
Always ready to accommodate Lr.
YfaTs & Cook.
Clrru'jit in-. Library
lrax Hiors.
ut WitrriPk.
CJ. A. tlarNlisill, Ienilsl, nuc
ceNHir to duller fc 31nrhall.
Tee tli extracted w ithout paiu,
by ue of NItrou Oxide lilts.
A, Salisbury, Uentlst.
A Run On a Ocii? Store.
Never was such a rush made for
Druir Store as is now at Roberta Pliar
macy for a trial Dot tie of Dr King's
Nw Discovery for consumption,
Cousin anJ Colds. All persons affect
ed with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse
ness Severe Coughs, or any affection
ot the Throat and Lung-, can get a Tri
al Tlottle of this treat remedy free, by
cal.'in at above Drur Store, Ilejrular
size $1.00. Dec. 27 cf;ly
These are Solid Fuels.
The best blood purifier ami system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of suffering humanity, truly is Electric
titters. Inactivity of the Liver, bil
iousness. Jaundice. Constipation, Weak
Kidney9, or any disease of the urinary
organs, or whoever requires an appetiz
er, tonic or mild stimulant, will always
And Electric Bitters the best and only
certain cure known. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction or money re
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. M.Rolert9 Jand&wly.
soquickly cured by Shilohs Cough.
"We warrant it.
WILL YOU SUFFER, with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint? n Ion's Vitali
zer is g'jarautaed to cure vou.
ably by that terri le cough. Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for you.
CATAlUill CURED, health and
gw et breath secured bv Shiloh's Cat
arrh Kern-fly. Frice 50 cents Nasal
Injector free. For sale by Smith &
lilac Jtros. iFccioeowuivwiy
Well Rewarded.
A lilral reward will be paid to any
party who win produce a cae of JJvcr,
Kidne or Stoniacli complaint hat Ele -ctric
Hitters wiil not spcedly cure.
J3ring them along, it will cost you
nothing for the medicine if it fails to
cure, and you will be well rewarded
for your trouble besides. A'l blood
diseases, Biliousness Jaundice, Consti
pation, and general debility are vuickly
cured. S itisfactiou guaranteed or
money refunded. Frice oulv fifty cents
per bottle. For sale by J. M. Roberts.
Dec. 27 eGwly.
A Startling Discovery. I
Physicians arc often startled by re - 1
markahle discoveries. The fact that
Dr. Kio's New Discovery for Con
sumption and ail Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curiug patients that
thev have given up to die, is startling
them to realize theii sense of duty, and
examine iuto the merits of this wonder
ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of
our best Physicians using it in their
practice. Trial Dottles free at J. M.
Rolwrrs' Drug Store. Iiegulur size
I n II
To SMOKERS of Blackwell's
Genuine Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
This Special Deposit Is to irparantee the
payment of the 25 premiums fully described
In our former announcement.
The premiums will be paid, nomatter how
he ail the number of bags returned may be.
nmrtmm. If. C, May 10. 14.
Jtrmm. wtM SI! Which
Ogl of Bamk of ItrkamJ
"Vmwiam. If. C. May 10, 1SM.J
Xoat RsraiM wltbont picture of BCIXon tlM
oar otiMT MisoaBoeBMnta.
The Io Ma a.
J.m. airfield has eBttblisl ei aa of
dce4t Monarch billiard hall, where I e
will oatract with c-nuiner to supply
ice for the aeaaon at tie Ion est terms,
-CORN COD piw lo fcYtT 8'.Tla
n i j
A fine lot of lilaine and Loan haU
just received ot C. E. Weatcott's.
On Friday next our citizens may ex
p?ct, if the .lay is fair, one of tho
largest crowd.'
lli at over assembled in
druj b tore.
Wall Finish, at Fisher's
A $55 watch for $10, and
that in
weekly payments, of $1. places; a good
watch wi'hin the reach of tho poorest
working man.
I ryih"5 II i'i.t-1 1 pi ii chewing to
bacco, it is by far th Uncut plu chew
injj in;4Ie, Matt Schleel sells it. ltf
1 he brick work on the Waterman
block will he completed today; when
the inside work will be rapidly pushed
to completion.
Lvery d tly ail mi its beautilul hair,
and evry one may possess it, by useing
Ayer's Hair Viiror widO
Mr J . WetkbacU's new residence
is tH-min" completion and presents a
; fiu appearance from it3 handomo eb
J valid above the citv
nation! Demociatlo Convention
Delegates and others wishing to at
tend the al.'nve c.iu get ticket iron nil
Nebraska points at a half rate from
Juiy J'i to btn inclusive, gouu to re
turn until July 25th.
Omaha Driving Park Races-
Hound trip tickets will be sold from
all stations e tst of McCook at 1 fare
from th to lOih good till the 12th.
Charles Audeiv-ou, who was taken to
the asylum from this place last winter,
escaped and came home a few weeks
I ago. As he was becomins troublesome
the sheriff was authorized to take him
back to the asvlum, which he did thi3
Hurrah for Illume an-!
at Schlegels.
togan cigars
Editor Keithley, of the Weening
Water Republican has dried his tears
and taken a help mate. Miss Mamie
Vass of Plattsmouth, was tho charmer,
and the ceremony took place last week.
This will tend to heal the breach bo
I ween the rival town.?, though little
breeches inuy turn up as seasons roll
by. Omaha Bee.
Parlor and bedroom sets iu all styles
at lowest prices at JJteecks. iiDtf
Col. Peter E. Ruffner has temporarily
abandoned democratic free tia le for a
much more wholesome and sensible
trade, viz: He is furnishing his lull
quota oi urst class machinery to our
county farmers. Today he is receiving
a carload of No. 1 threshers, and at the
same time is very bu-y delivering and
betting up harvesters for a number of
his customers. Mr. Ruffner report3
the harvest already under full headway
in the county.
Fcuce Fusts.
5000 dry feuce posts for sale, Inquire
of w.s. wis. intr.
To the Public.
Tn our irreat sorrow we are not un
mindful of the tender kindne-s and
unspeakable sympathy of our good
neighbors and irienis wno nave ap
sis cd us every way during our aim st
unbearable bereavement aud we now
desire to especially thank all of these
kind fr'-ends for the consideration they
have shown us.
Louisa. Cooper,
IIfnry CoorER.
Ask for Ayer's S trsaparilla nnel do
not be pemiaded to lake any other.
For saie by all druggists. dGwl
A few of our local sportsmen went
out yesterday afternoon anil did some
tine bhooting. In the score for the
badge, Drummond, Smith and Jones
br ke he ten straight balls, ia shooting
off the tie, W. W. Drummond won the
b.idge. Tne finest shooting was done
in the cl ty pigeon and glass ball double
rise match, when J II. Fairfield made
Clean score breaking every ball and
pigeon. In the glass ball match,
Richey, Jones and Drummond made a
clean score, the tie being shot off in
favor of Drummond. Fairfield and
Smith were a tie for second money
which was shot off in favor of Fairfield.
CIotLes. Hair, Nail and Tooth Urush
e?, Combs, &c, nice line, at Fishers,
east Main street. 49itf
Champion S. Chase no longer contin
ues as the chief executive of Omaha, he
having, on yesterday, been deposed by
the honorable council of that city. The
following are the charges preferred and
sustaiued against him:
1st. Drunkenness, which has become
habitual by the constant aud excessive
! use of en org and epritous liquors and
I alcoholic drinks.
2J. Incoinj elency, to perform1 the
i duties of mayor, caused by drunken
ness, aud a derangement of the nerv
O 'S system,' which have affected his
brains and produced unsoundness of
33. Neglect of duty.
Republican's are especially invited
o meet t Schelegel's and try the
JUiue ud Jyogau cigur- -' OQCtl
Civil Service Reform and Spoils.
"Hello! Where arc yon going?" said
Civil Service the other morning a he
briskly stepped ou tho pay car at Lo
colocoville, with his swallow tail coat,
white necktie and palm leaf fan, and
deposited his fat IittU travelling bag,
with the usual cut arid dried resolu
lions, iu his scat.
"Wnere be I agoiu?" replied Spoils,
while his paste diamond glittered iu
the morning suubetius, and his "black
quart bottle" reposed silently but elo
quently In his alligator grip by his
side. "I am on my way o the national
democratic convcu ion, which convene1
in Chicago next week. Say, are you a
delegate too?"
N o, I a m u o V replied
Civil Service guardedly, whilst the
mod-st blood lunuiitc I to his manly
brow, "llo-w ev tr, I a am on
my way to attend that convention wiih
a view or lu Juciu-r that patriotic bucv
to declare in favor of civil service re
form, aud anJ nominate my favorite
'Tally one for you, old fellow," ad
miringly exc! timed Spoil, as he gra.-p.-d
tus new found brother by the bawd.
iheui'n our cards civil tier rice reform
Why, I a n instruct d io vote lor a plat
form with that civi! service reform
taffy on it, S.ty, old hoss who is your
c mdidatc, any way?"
My candidate, sir," stiffly replied
Civil Service, as each particular hair
on his independent hesd commenced
to raise right up on its o-vn individual
account as though it proposed to bolt
the glossy siik tile w Inch decorated it
so grfuteelly,"iny candidate, sir, is Mr.
Grover Cleveland, t-ir, the only pure
Mai', sir, in American politics, sir!"
Right ngiu, old hoss," roared Spoils,
canied away for tho niomeiiC by the
joy of meeting a companion engaged in
same undertaking, "right again,
that's our card my pardncr, we'd del
it from under the ta'j'e and catch
the independent dudes of the country,
and don't you forget it "
The last seen of Civil Service he was
frantically bolting from the pay car and
was lost amid a cloud of gravel and
dust, as the traiu whirled away at the
rate of forty miles per hour, while his
little traveling bag, with thecivilserv
ice reform resolutions was coyly sitting
side by side with the alligator gripand
the 'black quart bottle" all bound for
the great carav;marv at Chicago.
How They Were Caught-
Omaha w&s yesterday relieved of the
presence of a couple of her suspicion-
characters, who, from present appear
ances, wiil beheld lor some time by the
Sarpy county authorities.
On last Thursday night the depot at
Bellevue was burglarized. On the same
night Wrights general merchaud 8':
store was entered aud $125 worth of
goods, consisting of clothing, boots and
shoes, hats and caps, etc., were taken.
The burglars fi led their pockets with
filberts. After they bad walked quite
a distance Iro n the scene of their rob
bery, they sat down and ate part of
them, 'i hey kept on eating them after
th continu d teir journey, dropping
th shucks i long the- path. 13y this
means they weieable to be track6tl to
maha. where ih'.y wire found by a
constab e f.O:ii Sarpy county near
Loyd'a packing house. Wh n arrested
they were wearing a part of the tdo.t n
They were laken to Sarpy couuty
where a complaint for burglary wa
lil -d again-t thm in Justice Martin's
court. On xamifirttion they were heU
in ihe s un of $1,000 to appear at the
next term of the district court. Being
unable to give bail thty were remanded
to j ill.
Their names were Smith and II en
drickson and were in this city nearly
all last wit. ?r and spring. It is sat !
that they v.-.: re sent up once by Ja 'ge
Beueke for vagrancy. Ree.
Board of Trads,
The measure establishing a Soldier's,
home ia the West has passed both
houses of C uigreas ami will undoubted
ly become a law. Nebraska tinquts
ionablv stjnda the best show for thi
Soldier's Home, which will be a great
acquisition to the point fortunate
enough io secure its location.
Tu enaetment of the law creating
this Home, is due in a large measure to
the e-tenioos of Commander H. E. Pal
mer,' of tois state, wno is zealously
and with a good show of success, ad
vocating the selection ot Plattsmouth
as the pont where the Home should be
The Herald is informed that the
board of Trade meeting tonight will
consider the propriety of this city tak
ing active s'eps to present her claims
and advantages before the distinguished
commission who have the location of
this institution.
If Nebraska secures the Home, as
there is every reason to believe our
state will steure it. therjr.fcwr-fainly are
many sunig rean)n existing why this
ciy should see that her claims are iully
aud uUy preacujod.
Protrrammo for tho Fourth-
The order of the procession they
march to t'o Park, will be as follows:
Head i :olu ni. i on Main uu rest
on Sixth street.
1st. Ancient order f Hibernians.
2d. City council.
3d. Fire company with cupiue and
hose cart.
4th. Lcidcikranz society.
Mohetnittn Mutual Aid t.viety
(. A. R., with b md.
Ancient order United Work-
Wtirkiugmen's Reiievolcut
Blh. I. O. O. F.
lUlh. Oid settler's a-sociu ioii
11:1s. ling Mulilus.
lUtn. Carriages ' ve!iirl - -
Tin- aniixincvin nt of t!. ix i ei-es
frm tlu pialforiu iii l;i- ri -!.; by 1).
II. Wheeler.
Marshal, of the day J. W. Mar-hall,
li. V. "lyer.s. J. W. Johnson.
The lit irt,-y part of the programme
re-ails as follows:
1-t. Music.
J 1. Reading of Delarat'on of lude-pf-ninee
by Gen. R. R. Livingston.
Oration of the day Geo. S. Smith.
Music by the band.
Toasts and ri:;-j.oayc3 of 5 to 8
minuses each. i
The development of tho Intellect, the
Safe-guard of American Liberty A.
W. Crites.
American Institutions. May They be
Perpetual. J. E. Morrison.
Our Schools Hon. S M. Chapman.
The fl ig ot 1rin. A. N. Sullivan.
Government R- U. Windham.
'1 he Ancient Order of Hibernians;
Their Ohiccts aud Aims. .beoh A.
The Press F. II. Wilson.
The l'rers C. W Sherman
Call for I-tcpub! i-itn Judicial Conven
The republican dehors of the
Judicial District of Nebraska nre ro
quested to send lelegntes from the sev
eral counties to meet in convention at
Plattsmouth, Tuesday, August 19, 1883,
at 10 o'clock a. ni., for the purpose of
placing in nomination a candidate for
District Attorney, selecting a central
committee and such other business as
m-.y properly come before the conven
tion. The several counties are entitled
to representation as follows, leing based
upon the vote cast for J. M. Hiatt, re
gent of tho university, giving one dele
gate at la"ge, and one for every one
hundred and fifty vores and major
fraction thereof :
Cass county 13
Lancaster county 21
Otoe cuiin'y 11
Total 43
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention unless
held by persons residing in the couu
tier. from which the proxies are given.
PiatUmouth, Neb., July 1, lSSi.
.T. It STuoni?!- ( M;air!ian. !
St cret .ry.
Lat evening aoout 8 o locL many
of our citize is were8'rt.e 1 y a vivid
s ieet of I -glueing, j-c om auied by a
sharp lap of ib D 6", w ich on inet
igat on ih:s morning proves to have the res dence of J. W. Johnson,
iu the Second ward. The sobtle cur
rent struck a d demol shed the chim
ney, descending to the roof it -e med
to divide, 'oliowing .he tin valleys uu
til it got to the end of them, it went
down the side of the building, splinter
ing siding aud knocking he plaster
ing into the middle of the room. Oue
part of the current followed a uail out
into the spouting which it followed to
the ground, melting the tin ia r-everal
places. Although the room seemed
tilled with yile, sulphurous vapors and
hot air, do fire was to be found. Fbr
tu ttelv, the family were sitting on a
porch in the opposite part of the house
so no oii'.i was hurl.
Messrs. Geo. S. Smith and J. B Strode
will address the Young Mens IiepuMi
can club tonight on the political issues
of the day.
Two hundred and forty acres under
fence, with running water, and one
half mile from the city. Apply to
5itf W. S. Wise.
Train Time.
Under the change in time passenger
t rat us leave the depot here as follows:
No. 1 west, 8:15" a, m.
No3 west, 6 :50 p. m.
K. C. St. J. & C. li. north 3:15 a.
" " " " u 6:35 p.
C. B. & Q. , north, 7:45 a. in.
Omaha stub north 8:55 a. in.
. v : " 5:10 p. m.
Trains arrive as follows
No. 2 , Denver express 6:25 p. m,
No. 4, w 925 a.m.
K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9 :4-a. in. .
.. .. . . u 8:35 p.m.
C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5;J p.CEu
Additional locals ou third aud. fourth
Judicial Central Committee Mating.
The judicial committee of this dis
trict met at the office of D. II. Whe- ler
in this city this morning at 10 o'clock.
All the committeemen were present,
cither in perhou or by proxy.
The meeting was called to order l-v
I). II. Wheeler, chairman, and
On motion, thoso holding writ'eu
proxies, were entitled to vote and par-
j licipatc in the proceedings of the meet-
On motion. J. 11. Strode was elected
secretary of the committee.
It was decided to hold the Judicial
Convention on Tuesday, August 19lh,
tt 1) o'clock a. m. A vote ou place of
holdiiig tho convention being taken re
sulted as follows: Plattsmouth five
votes, Nebraska City two voles.
On motion, it was decided to base the
rej reseulatlou upon the vote caat for
J. M. lliatt, Regent of the University,
giving one delegate at large and ouu
for every huudn-d and fifty votes and
tli uirj r fraction thereof, which will j
tnt i ile Cass county to 13 votes, Lau
caster, to 21 votes, mi l Oton to 11 voted
Hon. L. W. Riniiigslcy, of Lincoln,
was in the- ity today, attending the
j 1'licial co-nmittee meeting, and after
visiting atouud the towu spei.o of the
wonderful growth of the town tlnce he
last .-"aw it, several years ago.
The finest enrraats wo ever saw were
Kome raised by Mr. A. G. Hatt. ot thii
city, They w re almost a3 large as cher
rics and of fine fltvor.
Johnson llros. received a lialf car
load of iewii.g machines this morning
Advenls.'!iiPi)ts uudr tM Uetl.
per line e.n.u insertiuu.
three rent-
ONKY TO LOAN-On re;d estate
by A. N.
f?01t sT.K A one lioroe buy a.
. 1 almost new. emiuirr of
and Iuhik'h
85U1. MKS. A. SCHl.KCKh.
I.Olt SALE My iind lots ;
uoil house, liarn and fruit, and in exeel-
leiil viiiiuuiuii ; .iisuiwu niiju ..veu lai ni. also
a-t.iry b.-iekbiirtiiiesliou-e4oxs'j feet. im Main
street, aud other dexirabie l.tiul and tuts.
1. Jl. N liKKt.t.i:
L7ilt SALE Houses, lots and v.ood land l.y i t1H Ptin; v,.,i i, ,,.', . ,?
V John lions 61 Sou. ! be received by me at my oihce, up to
UOK SALE Several residences, etieap. la- I M'J including the .Oth day of July lh8l.
r quire of i. II. Wheeler &. C. j Work to be let to the lowest bidder.
MOIt SALE Scratch Tablets iu all rizes. Kt t The estimate of the city En"ineer to-7h!-,i
1 1 , i gether with the plans and specifications
t "iaFi Tat this otlice" Jm
IfOll SALE An rder for a new American
rewiin Machine. Inquire at tlil.solllce.
WOli SALK -1,00) cords of wood,
i W. a. Wise.
Iii'julro of
JOKSALE Id papers for sale at this oflice
- at i) cents tr hundred or 6 ceuU per doz
en, tf
IO U SALE Four lots together in god loca
tion iu till city. Inquire at this ollice tf
IIOOMTO KENT. A furuishe.l room for one
oi t.vo jjeiitleiueu, lti good lucaliou
quire at tliis oflice.
tn i
HO REM T Two ro imn. furnl.-:h';d or
unfur- i
- iii-uieil. in the MacYIuroti v houce. Inuuire
on the premises.
FUR RrfVT or sale on lonjr t'me. A house
and two lots with good improvements. Ap
ly to ii, li. Windham.
POR KEN Good, new house.- of four rooms.
H"od water, trviod
K"td water, lmui! uarden si
spots, 5"! per
11. SuAreit.
month in Shaferville.
W. li
1,OR REM T l he north storeroom In Nev
ille's blck, aud S rooms up Btair.-. flood
locatioo for restaurant or boarding house, rents
cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. lSJtl
no KENT A house. Inquire of Chaplain
1- Writrht.
LOST A Knight Templar charm in shap of a
Maltese cros. Finder wi 1 be suiiablv re -
warded by leaving at thi otllce
y AATED A g od sec nd cook at the l'ei k-
ins House immediately 75U
AN" TED Two day boar rs.. Apply at
Mrs. tiu.stafsauV, 3d strc two doors past
xton's SJdlw
That water will not run up hill,
that a kiss is sweeter than it looks
and looks better after dark,
that good CILOTHINGJ is the
best, and cheapest to buy, that
money can be saved, and a square
deal had at Weseoti's, the Hoss
Clothier, as he does not deal in the
inferior lines adapted to the fixed
purposes ot bankrupt and assig
nee sales.
We avoid all gag schemes, sell
to all alike and treat our custo
mers with the utmost fairness. A
complete stock of seasonable
clothing and furnishing goods on
hand, and we are prepared to con-
vince. i all m doubt that oar statement are correct, that our (roods arP
the best, aad that it is to your . interest to trade with VVKSCOTT
Late .tyl ia SStniie and Fur Uato, .Novcltita iu .YocWear, full line of
Trunks, V ahces, &cn Everybody welcome.
''ave ; Life of So tnc One of
Your family
Mr if
During the hot months of sumnier,
every family houht be provided with
a sate and n liable remedy for bowel
Complaints. The txc lence of Maksh.h
Tonkj ANTiUN'dUNT Is unquestioned.
It it not gotten up simply to obtain
your money. It speedily enrea
Diarrheet, Dysentry, Cholera Iufantum,
Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint,
Chronic I)iarhra and Dysentery, and
all relaxed and dt raged eondfllon of
tho Stomach and Rowels. It is a
delightful reiuody for children, being
plcacant to tlT taste and sa'c in Us ac
tion. No family can afford to be with
out it.
Marsh's Tonic Astringent is for sale
by Smith fc Rlack Rioh , druggists,
PlUt.m otilb. Neb. Price 50 cents.
For RhetiiinisiMn, Nenralgla, Rruises,
i tc, use Maksu's Cki:am Liniment.
For sale by Smith & Illuck Rns.
Tiik Mahmh h Ami; Cukk only r,0
Cents -liquid or pills. Fur salo by
Smith & Elock Eros. wl 10
fit. of M
Meets every Tuesday cvi-ning at Hies
Castle Hall, in Rock wood Rlock. V
iting Knights are invited to attend.
II. M. Rons, C. C.
W. L. Dykks. K. of R. and S.
See the new stock of silverwaro ut
L. C. Eryen's before buying elsewhere.
For a handsome suit, cubHtautially
made, ii. the best of btyle, and from
any quality of goods you may etlect,
call on K. Drosider, Merchant Tailor,
n Sherwood Rlo k. Ridlm
Orders for hand made brooms at
tended to promptly at tho WoHtern
broom factory. d28 lino
Notice for Bids to Const met
In accoi dunce with instruction i if
the City Council, of tho city of PlaUs-
ti.-i . .1 . . . .
i m,lt" 1 hereby give notice that bids
j for the construction of nulde walk along
I'll! HUSt. Killfdf hit 19 nt IH.flr '
! Hre 011 ' ' tuJ whew
they mv
be examined
City Clerk.
lane 30, '84 -It.
All Cuul is Screened at the Yard.
I lbs
4 71
II 00
Whitebreakt lump
Canon City coal
Marshall coal
Anthiaeite (all Klzes)
Cumberland (Mnil hing coal).. .
Slaek coal, lgc per loo pounds
il 2 7ft;
II So 2 Oil
2 4S' 4 Ml
,3 28. 0 00
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Will be promptly
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