The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 28, 1884, Image 3

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Grand Fourtlr of Juiy Poem
rook and Yeats, the barber matee... 1
The best youH Sod In seven tates; ,
If any doubt, they'll find It out 1 .
I5y calliu in when they're about,
With k'hm! fcliamnoo and beramo."'-'
Thei'll Mick you up without a doubt.
If your hair U curly, they'll cut It straight.
r shave your face at any rate.
We'll warrant them to share with rap.
And all ttit lr ciiHtom try to please.
Their tool they keep In extra Hhatx:
In order to, men' facts crape. .....
The lidiri too, tby now invite,
Kor f hem, you kiMw, they mnst nor sltjtfif ;
They'll cut your ban Just In the style.
Now leae call,ud ulve them a trial.
In the Court IIouHeiiliop youll always find
The door wide open, from seven .1111 aloe i
And Sam and Hilly you'll find there, too,--'--Always
ready to accommodate U. ?
- YltATffOOK.
C A. n arulaall, - lietiif i7-uc-censor
la Clutter & Alamhall.
Tee tli extracted without pain,
by use of A'ltrouM Oxide Gum.
A, Salisbury, DentlMt,
A II ii u On a Doug Store.
.Never was such a rush made lor any
Drug Store as is now at Huberts Phar
macy for a trial l!ot tie of Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption,
Coughs and Colds. All persons affect
ed with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse
ness, fifevereCoughs, or any affection
of the Throat and Lung?, can get a Tri
al rottle of this (Treat remedy free, by
calling at above Drug Store. Regular
size $1.00. Dec. 27 ely
These are Solid facts.
The best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of suffering humanity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak
Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary
organs, ocwhoeyer requires an appetiz
er, tonic or milil stimulant, will always
And Electric Bitters the beat and only
certain cure known. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction or money re
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. M.Roberts JanJ&wly.
so quickly cured by Shi I oh s Cough.
We warrant it.
WILL YOU SUFFER, with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint? 'n Job's Vitali
zer is puarauted to cure you.
' SLEEPLESS NIGHT, made miser
ably by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for yon.
CATARRH CURED, health and
sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Cat
arrh Kern-id y. Price 50 ccuLj Nasal
Injector free. For sale by fcnuth s
Black Bros. Dcc.lSeowd&wly
Well Rewarded.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
party who will produce a cae of Liver,
Kidnev or Stomach complaint that Ele
ctric Bitters will not - speedly cure.
Bring them along, it will cost you
nothing for the medicine if it fails to
cure, and you will be well rewarded
for your trouble besides.' A'l blood
diseases, Biliousue, Jaundice, Consti
pation, and general debility are vuickly
cured. Satisf action guaranteed or
money refunded. Trice only fifty cents
per bottle. For sale by J. M. Roberts.
Dec. 27 eSwly.
A Startling Discovery.
Phvsicians are often startled bv re-i
maelrxhlp ii iacovpries. The fact that )
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption and ail Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curing patients that
thev have given up to die, is startling
them to realize their sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery : resulting in hundreds of
our best Physicians using it in their
practice. Trial Bottles free at J.M,
Roberts' Drug Store. Regular size
To SMOKERS of Blackwell's
Genuine Bull Durham
This Special Deposit to to piartntec the
payment of t i 25 premium fully described
la our former announcement.
The prem
mail the nu
mm win be Mid. no matter how
number of bags returned may be.
Dca BnH-We roSnM ycm SU.9fO.ou. which
Utu. lours truly. - J8. CAEB. rwtwtni
OJU-t 9f Ikm Bof DmrhmmJ
TYwim Kim- I hT to Ckoovle) iwupc OI
"rV'ulY. Q-hier.
aofmrnvSawftiuntrtemct BriXootb
grrSat vox otlwr b&ouDceuiesta.
The Ice Man.
ios. rVitfteld has established an of
fice at Mouarch billiard hall, where he
will co itract with c niumers to supply
ice for the reason at the low est terms.
CORN COB pipus la every style
ScblffslV. ICtt
The Journal says Col. Vanatta Is a
candidate for Attorney General.
xFresh new Lemon, only 2'tc p-r do.
enat The Fair.
The will run an an addition
41 local eolumn-on the fourth page af
ter, '.oday.
Best assortment of silverware iu
town to select presents from at L. C,
Erven V s;$tf
roue root and salt, poulticed una
bound on the wound, will cure rattle
snake bite every ime, says the l'lysea
-Everyday admires beautiful hair,
and every one may po-sess it, by useing
Ayer's Hair Viiror wld't
-.Rev. l'r"f v- J- 'llm.ui, f
BMlevue College, will preach in tho
j-l'rcBbylcriau church tomorrow.
"'Seethe S7.50 Baby Buggies, at The
. The trains west carry au empty Pall
until with them, to use in bringing in
ihe democratic hosts from the Pacific
-vHorse Shoe and Climax chewing to
baccp, only 00c, at Tho Fair.
Forepaugh's advertising car passed
through ihis morning, scattering ad
yertisements of his coming into Ne
hraska next mouth.
Hurrah for Blaine and iogan cigars
at Schh gels. 9Sdtf
Major McCourt has a lot of very fine
cherries which he says Joe Ford sent
to him down from the timber claims
on the Calamoosa.
Fence Posts.
5000 dry fence posts for sale,
of V. S. Wise. lfltf.
The Uubbell orEudif-ott wreck came
in this forenoon loaded on fifteen flat
cars, and looked as though it had en
countered a score or two of cvclones.
Johnson & Co., of Council Bluffs
have opened out a first class laundry
on lower Maiu street, where they are
prepared to do all kinds ef fine work
in that line. A trial of their work is
requested. 101 tf
Father Madden went to Greenwood
this morning where he will hold serv
ices tomorrow. The Catholic church
hero will be occupied by-Father Stultz.
Nebraska tate GaZeteer xd
I.rsiNKSs Directory to be issued in
July. lx4, price S4 50. J. M. Wolke,
publisher 120 S. 14ih St., Omaha. 9:;tf
Marshall WHes received by express
from the west, this morning, four very
lively youug prairie clogs, that attracted
considerable attention, as they .rustled
around in their wire cage.
One hundred aud fifty tons of the
best hard coal ever brought to this city,
is now in stock at the Whitebreast
yards. C. D. Cummin's,
I02dtf Manager.
T'ne Denver sleeper on No. 1 and 2 is
what is called a buffet car,, being fitted
out with eatables for the entire trip
which are neatly furnished to their
patrons with little or no inconvenience,
the tables being temporary, arc fitted
up between the seats during meal time.
Ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla and do
not be persuaded to take any other.
For sale by all druggists. dOwl
Tho projeoied liue of the much
talked of Nebraska Central" will pass
through or near a 5,':00 acre tract of
land belonging to our fellow-townsman,
Joseph A. Connor. Mr. Connor is very
fortunate in the location of his lands.
Messrs, Connor, Black, Vallery, Ruff
ner, Oldham and several other stalwart
democrats will attend the Chicago con
vention. We haveu't hea-d from Bro.
Draper, but have no doubt of his being
able to put in appearance with a shout
for Tilden at the opportune time.
Rev. Geo. Mitchell will occupy the
pnlpit in the M. E. Church, tomorrow
evening. The morniug service will be
conducted by the pastor, F. M. Ester
brook. The iron columns for the Waterman
building are being put in place today.
They were cast by Waymau, and are a
very creditable piece ot work.
The toy pistol that has been getting
iu its work very effectually in neigh
boriug cities is teiug used altogether
too freely here. Mr. Johnathan Uatt
came very near getting the contents ot
them ytfterdayThe toy pistol with cart-
i ridgf and buckshot is far more danger
! ous thau the ordinary carrying of a re
J volver, and it certainly seems our of
' ficials ought to take prompt action in
the abatement of such a nuisance.
R. G. Jenkinson raised a flag at his
house Saturday evening, first Blaine
and Loan fla iu Omaha. The reason
that time was chose? was because it
was the 39th anniversary of bis land
ing iu the United State. T .era wis
a large crowd present, and a great deal
ol enthusiasm was manifested. A num
ber o: democrats also participated and
assisted apon the occasion. Omaha
The Iryel Cofobri. tioti in the tote,
Plattsmouth on this next 4th of July
will have one of the iargebt celebrations
over known in this county. Every
person will turn out. The Commo.i
Council, headed by our illustrious
Mayor. Hon. Geo. Smith. Patrick Ea
gan, the ex-treasuer of the National
Irish. Land League, will be present
and responud to a toa.-t.
A largo delegation from Lincoln,
Greenwood, and Ashland, have made
nrrangements to b present.
Mayor, Smith aud our elllcient Sher
iff have made nrrangements with the
Chairman of the General Committee,
Mr. Joseph A. Connor, for ample polica
protection, md deputy herills on the
Carlic and Eloquence-
The manner in which the Nebraska
Eagle inquires alter the mild mannered
silvered haired, old gentleman, who
presides over the Argus, at Dakota
City, is both unique and classical.
rather .Martins paper, it appears,
insinuates that Judge Barnes was com
pelled to pay the Eagle fifty dollais for
its support, upoo w hich the Eagle ex
"Come out with the facts, you old
stink of the onion patch, or you will
prove yourself a damnable liar,
sneaking wretch and an unprincipled
This is mingling garlic and eloquence
with a vengeance.
Omaha I Coming.
Omaha is going to give Plattsmouth
a rous-ing beueht on the 4th or July
We have it positive from the General
Committee, and other persons connect
ed with the 4th ot Julv celebration.
hat as Omaha this year will not cele
brate, there will be over seven hundred
of her most reputable citizens present,
and amongst them will be Hon. John
tush, the Treasurer of Douglas county,
who has the reputation of being one of
the most logical and finest silver
tongued orators of this present day.
Good. News for Republicans.
The Washington Pobt shows that
'rofessor Perry, of Williams collage,
las written to a prominent democrat
at the national capital that he has di
rcct assurances from Governor Cleve
land that he stands fairly abreast of
Speaker C-rlMf! and Chairman Morri
son in his demand that revenue reform
be made the controling democratic is
sue in the campaign.
The 4th Coimu it tee Meeting.
All committees and citizens who are
interested in the 4th of July celebra
tiou.are requested to meet at the Catho
lic church, Sunday evening next, at 8
o'clock, sharp, to make reports. This
is the last meeting of the committee,
and all are expected to be present.
Bv Order Ch'u Gen. Committee.
Railroad Rates
Round trip tickets for persons desir
ing to attend Fourth of July celebra
tions will be sold on the B. & M. on
July 31 and 4th, good to return until
the 5th, between all stations not more
thau 200 miles apart, atone fare the
round trip. Children between 5 and 12
years half that rate.
Truthful and Expressive.
We arc credibly informed that "Eu
gene Lawrence"' the lying blackguard
of Harper's Pic'orial Polecat aud Geo
Wm. Curtis fire oue and thu same per
son. Omaha Watchman.
Owing to so many reports about
mad dogs,' wc clip, for the benefit of
our readers, the following:
A few days ago a child in the west
ern part of Iowa, was badly bitten by a
mad dog and the parents were anxious
to find the whereabouts of a mad stone.
Telegram were tent all over the .state
making inquiries f-r the same. One
was found ; t Lincoln, 111., and we be
lieve another in Linn county, Iowa.
But now comes one Ilinsel wood, a na
tive of Glasgow, Scotland, Jwho is now
some 70 years old, and says that fifty
years ago i.e was bit:en by a mad dog
and was cured by using a tea prepared
as folloft-: One pound elecampane,
grated ami oividaJ into three equal
parts and each part put into a pine ot
milk aud boiled down one half. Drink
one of these doses and fast about ten
hour3, theu eat lightly and repeat the
dose uutil the three doses have been
taken. Mr. II. ays he has known cases
to he cured after ihey were attacked by
spasms, and relates many cases that
were cure I of rabid dog bites.
J. .W. Outright, the "local" of the
Journal, P'tves tonight for a visit to
Monmouru ud Peoria. He will also
be on hand at me democratic wake io
Chicago on tue 8ib. Mr. Outright ha9
beea a y'y faithful and important
factor in t lie mako up of the Journal,
hi effort alone keeping the institution
afloat, and the paper before the people,
by his and skill as a news
gatherer. Mr. Frank Wheeler will col
lect the u s dming Mr. C.'s absence.
Phil Young hae his soda water man
ufactured at Omaha this reason. lOOtS
- E lfht M i I n CmuASnnflitAa
Thee was inginar at Joe Hall's last
w - i -.. .
Mrs. R. .1. Miiit ii.l, we are sorry
learn, is jnte sick, l.nt ii.qe ..r
speedy recovery.
Miss Florence' Ellis, of Plattsmouth.
was visiting at this
ot Mrs. J. T. Lloyd
pl'ice as the guet
The farmers here arc repairing their
harvester?, making ready toUgin har-
Lvesting next week.
A majority of the people here, as yet,
are uncertain as lo where they will
celebrate the -4 tli. but a great many will
remain at home.
lion. James Hall gae a , ry weh-tt
lawn party i-.t his usidtnco I.' Mon
day evening those in attendance report
a good titn-.
Mr-. N. A. Leixt .;n I Jut li; t ! dauh-
ter Lulu hav- 'if, to lv i fawi this
state to visit her mother, .Mrs. N.Moore
cnl sifter Mrs. Yoodry.
Will Kiber ts the happiest man in
this vicinity. A pretty Utile daughter
has taken up her abode at his home, all
arc do!n well.
Our martial band has the lienor of
an invitution to assist iu music at the
celebrution at Cedar Creek on the 4th,
but as yel have not concluded to ac
cent of their kindm .
We hud a hardy rain accompanied
with a heavy wind Wednesday after
noon, it blew the crops down very
badly, but the most of it will straighten
up Hgaln. No further damage was
Jim. J. R. Cathey returned from her
parental home at G'datia. Saline county
11., a few days ago, accompanied by
her sister, MUs Lucy Cameron, who
will spend the summer here.
Mr. John Mutz, an old time ritien
of thi p'ace, now of Auburn, iu com j
pau with hi brother und his wile and I
two duughteis, of Indian:!, was visiting
his children and old friends here this !
Quite a niunlxr ci Humps are pits-
sing through here ocggmg, or late;
some o f them are very impudent and
saucy. e think a good dose or raw
hide whip or a few months of hard la
bor would ba good for them.
We are informed that our black
smith, seriously contemplates going to
the state of m:itrim ony now soon. " If
ery late houts every Sunday evening,
and two and three times through the
week, is any sign, he w ill surely get
W. L.'Blauchard. sou of the worthy
postmaster at Center V alley came
down Saturday evening to practice with
our martial nana and they rendered
some good music in Mr. Jenkins new
Iall, which penetrated a long distance
through the air, filling all with pleasure
within its reach.. I
The corn is growing very fast the !
last few days, but up to this time it has j
made very slow progress especially the j
listed corn, of which every one who
listed is complaining aDd arc very
badly discouraged, as the prospects are
so very unfavorable, small grain is do
ing well, and the rye will be ripe ;
enough to harvest soon.
Mr. Caline Eletcher, one of cur es- i
timable young men, and Miss flattie j
Ruby, daughter of E. R. Ruby, who
are well and favorably known here,
went to Plattsmouth last Thursday,
accompanied by Mr. T. E. Fulton, and
Miss Anna Allen, where they were
launched in the matrimonial sea of
to sail through life together, we hope
they will safely anchor on the other
bright shore after passing through a
long an 1 profitable life here.
There is a big improvement in the
Hekald iu the past two weeks they
get out to our uostollice Thursday eve
ning instead of Saturday or Monda
evenings as of late, the patrons were
much surprised and it stopped their
s'ruww-linir. i
Tl Man Hove tin; Life ofSomt One o f
You' fa iuil if
D iring the hot month of summer,
every family should be provided with
a sate and reliable remedy for bowel
Complaints. The e.vcelence of Marshes
Toxic Astringent is unquestioned.
It is not gottea up simply to obtain
your money. It speedily enres
Diarrho;i, Dysentry, Cholera Infantum,
Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint,
Cirouic Diarhu?! and Dysentery, and
all relaxed and deraged condition of
the Stomach and. Bowels. It is a
delightful rein.dy for children, beiug
pleasant to the taste and safe in its ac
tion. No familv can afford to be with
out it.
Marsh's Touic Astringent is for sale
by Smith fc Black Bros, uruggists,
PItatdmouth, Neb. Price 50 cents.
For Rheumasism, Nearaigia, Bruises,
etc, use Marsh's Cueam Lisimext
For sale by Smith & Black Bros.
The Marsh's Ague Cure only .0
cents liquid or pills. For sale by
Smith & Block Bros. wl 1G
Republicans are especially invited!
'o meet at SchelegeYs aud try the
Blaine and Logan cigar. fiSdtf
Mr. McGow an visits th" little
Cowans at Itarada uvcr Hundry. "
! Mrs Cooper. Mis Annie Livingston,
and Mis Htttie Fulmcr are in Ouinha
; S. M. Wead and wife went to Omaha
this morning
Deputy Sheriff Yeoraans and
came in from Weeping Water
R: W. Hyers went lo Syracuse
morning to ee Mr. Ren. Howell,
is reported as being seriouly ill.
Mr. Frank Swindell, of Louisville,
was in the c ity this morning taking a
rt from pedagogiau" labor.
Dr. Livingston and Herman Schmidt
were pasngers for Omaha this morn
A Herald reporter met Major Hast
ings on the train this morning on hie
way to Connecticut, where he will so
journ for two mouths iu the interest
of Blaine aud Logan. Tho Herald
wishes the Major success in tjie fullest
sense of the term.
Lafe Gilmore the coitnty sui veyor of
Dundy county, came in this moiuing
from the prairies looking as brown as a
Frank Broft no came iu last evening
from Toledo, iowa. where he has been 1
attending school. He will be the guest I
of his brother Will until after Ihe 4th.
ifiuhe tcnacnixiEii&s,
&C., &D., &D.,
IFire IProof IPaint, JSarn IPaint,
ILead, Oil9 WalB IPaper, &c.
Tlie best sealing: Wax manu
factured toy us5 try it.
t .
That water will not run up hill,
that a kiss is sweeter than it looks
and looks better after dark,
that good CILOTHINGJ . is- the
n.Ft?K,9 uuu s.cAtj."5i- ti uuy? mat
money can be saved, and a square
deal had at Wcscotfs, the JBSoss
Clothier, as he does not deal in the
inferior lines adapted to the fixed
purposes ol bankrupt and assig
nee sales. "
We avoid all gag schemes, sell
to all alike and treat our custo
mers with the utmost fairness. A
complete stock of seasonable
clothing and furnishing goods on
hand, and we are prepared to con
vineall in bab! that our'statemeats are correct, that nnr 'AaWI
I t ha Ka rtnl l-4 4. . . . a. a . i
jw,y uidi u is iu tyuur nucrest io traae wita WJlSCOTT
Late stj-les i;i Straw and Fur Hat?,' Novelties in Keck-vear, full" line-ot
Trunks, aliees, ifcc, i:c. Everybody welcome.
O. 32S. W23SCT
Tli llt lnf r lni Im-u t-rutititit
plcud under obligation to Senator C.
If. Van Wyck.for vrtluablo ttttdiuier.
isUng imblio dx-iiiiiciit, the latest of
which 14 th consular report on the
commerce, manufacturers etc., of the
ciiuUr dMrict. It h full of meat
and ligures as a biennial lile&mge.
Omaha's cliizeiiV, when ihey join
hands with us on the Fourth, will have
a military company iu their procesniou,
betddca two of the finest cornet bands
in the Stale. Turn out, Cuss county,
and let us have one of the largest cele
brations ever known in southeastern
Diamond Wall Finish, best and cheap
est, ready for me by adding hot water,
at Fisher's drug! fore. 49djtwlf
It should be borne in mind that our
owu beloved University only a short
time ago conferred the title of L. L. I).
on the late Mayor Chase, of Omaha,
which ho now no signally diHgraces.
If the University 1h going to peddle
titles they ought to show a little com
mon sense iu their bentowul of them. Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush
es, tornlM, iVc , nice line, at Fishers.
east Main street.
The sere at tho shooting gallery
places Joe Fairfield ahead, with 1 10..
The $.' prij will be awarded this
JC. of L
Meets every Tuesday evening at thes
Castle Hall, in Rockwood Block. V
iting Kuights are invited to attend.
H. M. RON'S, C. C.
W. L. Dvkkh, iv. of R. and 8.
' w c vuuj ill tr