1 4 'A 1 t ri itticklrn'N Arnica Salve. The Iet Salve In the world for Cuts, Hruaen, Sore-, Ulcer, Suit itheuni, Fe r ,.re3T.citer Chapped Hands Chilb lain Corn and nil Skiu Eruptions and poxilivly euro Pile or ri' pay required. It Is giianti-od to give terfcrt i-atis-laction, or money refunded. Price 1U cent per box. 1'or Sal IJy J. M. Ilol rfM. N'.2i ij:-iy His Best Couli Medicine "lnllie World. b.VMPLK KHKK OI' CHARGE. Call at Warrick's drug store, and get a sample bottlu of JJrown's Expec torant (rot of charge. - It cures Cough, Ilu'irseiica", Whooping Cugn and Con hiiiaii'n in its early fita;j. It a iitientil'x'. preparation, admirably :vn t d lor the euro ot all Throat nl L'g Diseases. 1 1 is pi ant to taKe ami fiitirt-ly imrmli r-. Tiy it; it rts you nothing. I'eg.d r -1-.0 bottle-, '') ent.-. n i l Sl.Oti For sili- m W..I. Warrick. Jan. -i !A:Wly Vivi) ! hrii! Freo ! new imscoykky l'oiirn.ix A lie n-mcdy tor I his dmuli.l di--ase ha3 bet-n diM-.oven d by lr. Dening A Kindle ap-.oicaliou will convince t he most sceptical of its most wonderful healing jwjwi'P. liy f illing on W. .1. Warrick druggist, you can obtain a ampb; box free of charge, which will alislY vm of i t h rurutivo jualiti-.-. dan da wly Assorted tiut "f Diamond Wall Fin ish may be fouud at Fisher's drug store, revolving sign. I'.iAx v.'tf Collection Notice. All parties knowing, theum. Ive s Jo : indebted to me will please tall aril make full settlement at once, so that Hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash business. Please give this your ircine mediate attention. dV.t wSw UolJT. SlIERWCOn. In 1!;e I'uturo When you h ive a cough and want re lief, think ot Kemp's P.ibmm for the Throat and Latins a irtaiMnteed reme dy br those disfasei. Pi ice 50c and $i ; trial size free. liesiicetf ully, ajir :i 4iu V. .1. IVakiik k. Twenty-five cititd in tt'lVi.i.ce will entitle you to use of the Plattsmouth circuUiing library lor one mouth. 4.v:iut'u W. .1. W.wu;kk. Jiime-i Hhiinc." The work entitled "T-.veity Yens of Congress" the nio-t uceinel nu I im partial history of C"igre-o-ional I.egU lati..n fMii!it,v.i!! b- is ued fr.m tin press in fw day-. In the in.intinie II. L. L. J.ineuln wiit call upon you and tak-" voer nr.lrrs. .rni;r.wtt For a handsome suit, Mib-lantially made, i. the best of 5tyle, and boiu huv quality of goods you n-y t-tlect, cafl uu K. Dresslei, 3!erohMtit Taih r, In Sherwootl Ulock. i:'.dlm Iiauioud Wa!! Finish, at Fisher's drug More. l!.!.vwf CITY HOTEL. This beautiful tl.n-K f :rv tn-ick ftrui-tur.on ower Maid street. lia uist l.eeu Isnishi-i ai:d iteit up for the ao'-oinnH.UutioD "f TRA NSIENT C US TO ;; iC am KEGUU 11 liOA BUKKS.: B7ERY THING BES AND CLEAK A Good Bar Ztt. FRED GOOS. Propr. W. II. 3IAL0K, n CARRIAGE n i aintins: anfl trimmin SIGH & OEFAHEHTAL An ' rtlers i. tr with m will receive proinpi attention. COlI. FIFTH AND VINK STKKF.TS. PI.ATTSMOUTH. - XEBUASKA Or. Home's Eisctric Belt Will ciiifi XtTVoiisnes, I.um'oaiio. l;liciini;i tiia. l'ar;il ysis. eurali:i. Sciaiiea. Kidney, .Spine ami l.iver Jise;i-e.. ilout. Astliuui. iioari di-ie:n-, litep"ii Constipation. KrysSpi-l:is. Catarrli. !' ili'f.vy. lnioteury. Dti:iir Akuc, I'rnhipMK.l'teri.i'tc. Only scientilic Klt-c-tri lelt iu AnitTicn th it sei.dn the Kiectrn-irN uil Magnetism tliu.u.h the liody. and c;m l i et:hars"d in an instant by tlie patient. i,oo oil 111 Xot it u j it. Utt. IIoi: e I aHiieted vit! rlienmat Un and curvd by ui.i;c a l-lt. To any tie siftliet-ii willi tliat oise;ie. 1 'u:q say. ouy norm-s tlectlie IVII. Anv tn- r.ui coaler witli ine by writing I'F falling at my lore. 14.M D. i.his St.. Onxlia. Xeb. W 1 l.l.I A.M I.VOXS. Mai ifyru-z- pio.-:tP 'ot uft.eo, room I Krenf-r Mock. Is7 t"r f a f at C. K. im dinan Dn i; Store, jo M?eet (taiaaa. Ordfrs lilievl. C. O. I. CJJiwla. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon. ' PPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE Keer a complete ine ot WIN Liquors, ,nd cigars, 1j0ttled beer alp: and porter, DRUG'S OMAHA BEER and tie beat brands ot Kentucky oi whiskies, Oppgilt Perkins Hon - -C Tl ATTTJfOrco Telegraphic CIPHER ALLEY Aain Comes to the Front as :i Possible Candi date. Congress Will Soon Adjourn. Railway Notes of General Interest. Miscellaneous Matters TIIK hl-Y MUK. New Yi'ik, .lime "27. A ?toiy is cropi:n $ nut hcie and there in political circles, and finding mote or less belief, that Saniucl Tildtn, LOtwitlstundiiii; his letter of withdrawal, inteada to make a play for the nomination for the lirst pi. n-e. A perusal of lm letter of disclinatiitn will slmw ti.at ihcSage of (Jrauu-rev bus not d', iu so many words, thi-t In- 'iL not accept it uomiuatcd The tory goes that IJan ilaniiiiig, chairman ot ihe county dc iiiocraey, was afraid th;it Kiower. wi'h the a. J of Tainmai:y, mi;ht get con trol of ihe ftaratoj eonveiiti.in, and set abo.it to prevent ir, that he p:acti- callv .' ed that letter tiout Tibieu by telling him that Flown- ,nt niled to itt eontiol ot the State convention and se em e tbo p.issjge of a resolution declar ing Tildcn'd nomination out -f the rptpstinn, owing t.i his physical weak ue-', i i.it is C'levtljud l;ad been able to secure control of the S"ate co iven tion, TildfU would have remained off the track, but that, seeing Cleveland wading in deep water, until the danger r . ..' Jie state to the republican?, o-ny . n now decided to work for iic tJr.s: jdace. It is not believed thtit . i -an iet it now unless with Hen diicks as yb-e, and it is not believed TibJen will consent to that. I'ASA AS A DARK II0B?E. Siu Francisco, June 27. General Climb1, delegate at large to the dem ratio national couventiou at Ohieugo, says that now Tilden Jtits declined the uontir.aliou, Daua, of the Sun was his first choice for the presidency. The Call tod;sy states that a number of other California delegates will support Dana should be l e placed in nomination. WASHINGTON NOTF.S. Washington, June, 91. Every day's devi lopment strengthens the belief that congress will adjoura before the meet ing of the democratic convention, not thai it has accomplished so much that it is ready to adjourn; in fact -the lmoiintot work actually performed is very small. The increase in the size of the Loue occasioned by the result f the bist census ceeuis to have de-crea-v--d the ability for work; and it is ,io:ab( that no session of this length ias ever seen Ics: actual result. NOMINATIONS. tlillu rt A. Pierce, ot Illinois, jjovei i:i.r nt J ) t kota. John V. Kinney, of Xebraska, agent of Jl.e Iii lisius of th.- YaDkton i!ge:;cy. postm:..-teis George B. lills, Asto tia li:..; Jacob Ibcord, Iowa City, la.; Charles II. Perkins, Onawa. In.: Win Held I'.S ott, Mapletun, la.; ililton J. II ill. F. igar, Ntb.; ; buries C. Wilson, S e bii.-, N' b. TIIK NOKTII WEOTKKN IV. 1 CIIAtE New York, Jin. e 7 'I he i ffic al an lKiiim ui-nt was no do in the &K?k ex change today that ti e Chicago 6: "orth wetciii purt-h;d t! Jii;iir system of roi'i--. 1 t.e cM!pai , it Mated, will ;ssue 14.737,000 ol iin conio.ou stock .it any lime afier 30 das I'roin date. Tiiis sto k will f drliveied as requirtd. in ji-iyu cut of the above railroad and rent. d, and tharires now paid these lines will cea e to le ;, eh-uge agnirst the com pa iv. THE MISSOCUI PACIFiC. St. Louis, June 27. The announce- i ment made that on July 1st. all heads I of dep :tti.euts il ! Ms-bouri P. cific aibt-.'iv v. lose j .ii iit'dci i"n hu been tX ended over the W ..! I. will n-lire :'irn that road, ami tin-liio s comprised in the Wabiit-h Mstem be operated in teieudenily of the LU uld sjstem proper ml under a new set of oillcers. This vas di?t: listed in New Y'eik latt week y Messrs. Gould, liayis, IJoxio und Humphries and the above fiction Is lecided upon. The road will be ope- r tc I t;y a much sioaller force than ow. 'J !;e officers will probably be r-neral s gent, general manager, super- iit'ieit of transpottation, gcceral f tight cget.t, and general passenger "4:uc. 'J be position of general sgent i9 already occupied by Jus. F. Howe. Tt.e other officers have not yet lieen de termlned udod. The gcacxulcxanager- sbip has been offered to Ar A.Talmage but declined. Itiiinor places Tl own McKlssock and .Mr. ChtsppeJ, of the Chicago & Alton with it, but nothing definite is know. TbeofiWis of the Wabash are entirely benarated from thoso of the Missouri Pacific here and elsewhere. All agents of the former will be instructed to compete with the latter, the same as any other road. ItOOMINO CLEVELAND. Chicago, June 27. The following dispatch wa sent tonight. Theigna natures are those of the democratic judges of the courts of this county and lending democratic hu-jnes-i im u. Chicago, June 7. To Daniel Man ning, chairman democratic state com mittee of New York, Albany. X. Y.: The undersigned, deiuo; rats of Chica go, wish to -xpi ess to von and others of the same pany iu New York, their sincere convictions that the interests of the country and the success of the na tional democracy require the nomina na ion of Governor Ctcvelai.d for prt11 ident by tho couvenli u to assemble here on the sth prox . and this they be lieve to be the opinion of a large inn. jority of the democrats of Illino'F. Fresli Coniectiouerie; town, at The Fair. cheapest in The largest stock fireworks in the city at the P. O. news depot, and don't you forget it. 93t2 We have bougiit out a lot of bank rapt Tin anil Glassware which we arc nearly giving away at The Fair. A line stock of silver ware just re ceived a b. C. Hr yen's. bf Parlor and bedroom sets iu all styles at lowest prices at liceeck's. ;V.if Hetnember hard coal is always cheap er during June and July. Get your winter supply at the Whiti breast vards in this citv. lO.'dtf Cali for Ubiine and Logan cigar wherever you deal, as they are the best nickle cigar in the market. If your dealear does not keep them induce him to get some. ysdtf Money saved by buying hand made bloom?, ask your dealer for them. d'28-lino Spearhead tobacco is all the go pcw. All chewers seem to be anxious to get that farm, which will be given away in June next. Call at Malt Schlegel's for a circular. ltf All the best houses in Plattsmouth will sell you Eremuei's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or barrll, and don't you forget it. Get these and you get the best. tf Trytha 13 iia-ia plu chewing to bacco, it is by far the finest plug chew ing made, Matt Schlegel sells ic. ltf Oiders for hand made brooms at tended to promptly at the Western broom factory. d28-lmo M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anhenser lSurch St Louis Mot tled Beer and always ready to pay par ticular attention to his customers. 155t f Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered yon by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf A large stock of watches, chains and charms, just received at L. C. Erven's. 8"tf Kcmember Phil Young will meet a:l I competition on 4th of July g.iods, and don't you forget it. I00t:3 Seal & Chase's Pride, the best ic ci gar in town, at The Fair. See our 15; tiox writing paper, o: th :i5c all over town, at The Fair. FIREWORKS! Foil it li oi' July! CIieaiieKt In 1 own, at Tlie Fair. Call and ee L's. I wish to notify the public thai I am now open for business, at Joe MeWy's old stand, where I have m stock a lull line of Kentucky whiskies, St. Lxiis beer, wines and ciears fcc, as gemi as thebeSr- 57dtf II. M BON See the new slock ot silverwaie at 83tr Pasture Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, and one half mile from the citv. Applv t 51 tf W. S. Wisb. SIllIIiMHOlIGH tl a 1 " ASi-OLtrTEtY CUBES ;r no - i - a o i a i-ir:i!-"i weft il 1 .-i:i. VP v .!. ra-l . I:c!:. vrs at nuco liiia ii, WIMT-R ar-J BRONCHIAL CO. ttiv i-nieU b..' Ihis cxcr.'lciil rcir.Hly. Xi'fVr tttn tn tru tanQ-jug'n aixtmp-wj tr'ry . mm lit AESOLUTHLV C uP.2.1 All. l-HK Vfis Of IHE PI "-. "TOMACit. J iVPI-, II.., !- 1 K !! i f'H I-II X .ll liTI!. at'.nj in imi.ii'.i ir.rra :f iiip I-IihhI il ..-, s-.cw Hmlrrlii-, Nrv- ihin fr,tn Sf W ' e.iV w-M . I iir (vmiploint. rysp-p.!n. Jr.u:iti;i , f M"1-111- ' KMney l!wc-s, this inviiicmt? i- c:-iii;tt -iy M;rv. Tiii m.-rllcitio 1op n I vnntnin iy ii i-.t-i-l I -tMliit-ly vi-j-Walfir, rMon- t!u I !r.nl ! ''-v t'niidilii:i, reralmiii . ami !! -"" 1 ftciencUH, nni pix-vrnts i.i'wisc iirttii(mi it tt-n lnn:in,i.e ff.f-ww'N 7 : ..."'r PAPlLLOa MFC. cc, t !;.". c? n SVI. BY DRUC018TS. FOR SALE BY WILL J. WAKRICK. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CWC09K.H.D - Physician am Si koeo.n, OPFI';E--At Fisii kh's Dura SnutK. Phtltsaaouth, Nebraska. c;i:o. s. hMiTii, ATT. iIINKY AT LAW. Wilt practice In all Conrti ot the State. Ollleu In KitK-i M block. I-LVTTSMOUTH, - KKI-.HASKA. AI.I.EN HK.KSOX. A. N. 8i.I.I.IV aN. IICESOJV & M l. 1.1 VAX, ATTOltNEYS AT LAW. Will Kive pronn.t attentiou to all business Intrusted to tl.em. Ol tiee iu I'nioa lilock. Last side. rUATTSMOUTH NKI'.KIIRA. FRANK H. WILSON, i llasement of liank of Cass County. j coKNKit Sixth am Main Htmkkts. NOTARY PT7BLIO I'artiuiilar attention idveJ in the preparation of p;iirrs lor ( 'aveats, I'.iH iiIh imi Krrlslrat loll ; of irade Marks and l. iliels. i Vm. IIKLLIM. .IiiMtlce of the Peace. Elm wood Neb Collections a specialty and t:ives prompt at ten I inn P. () address ICItn WQOd N:l. mc. a.malisiii'ki. DENTIST. Jffice over Smith. Iilack & Go's. Orun Stoic. First class deutisurv at reasonable priuea. 23ly M. O'DONOHOE ATTORNEY AT LAW & NOTAKY PUI1LIC. Fitzgerald's Block. PLATTSMOUTII. - KEltltASKA Agent for Steamship lines to and from Europe. dl'2w52ly lt. W. II. 'Hll.lliNK'IIT. Pra cl icing Physician . Office. Corner Main and 7th Streets., Pl.ATTSMOtTII, - ----- VKBRASKI. It. 1C LIV1SUHTU.V. yi. J PHYSICIAN & BUHOKON. OFKI E HOUKS, from 10 a. in., to 2 p. u. Kxainin.i t! Surjieon for U. S. I'eusion. OK. M. 3I1L.L.KU, PHYSICIAN AND SL'KGHOX, Can be found by calling at his ofiice, corner 7th and Main Streets, in J. 11. Waterman 'n house. PI.ATTSMOUTH, NEBKAHKA. JAM. t. 11ATHKWN ATTOKJfKV AT LAW. Office over Baker Atwood'8 store, south side of Main between 6lh and titli street. 21 tf MTltMIIK A. Cl,.ltli. ATTOHNKYS AT LAW. Will practice Id all the Courts in the State. DLtriet Mtorrjtu ad Xotaru Public. VVilI. H. WIMH. COLl-jeCTIOJVS si .S'i:CIrtZ2 1 . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ileal Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. Office Union block i'lattsaioulli Nebraska. 22ui3 l. Ii. IVHKKLiKK & CO. LAW OFFICE, lteal ltate. Fire and Lift- li. surance Agents. I'laltsuiouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a ccntniere abstract of titles. Uuy 'and sell real eetaie, negotiate loans. &c. 15 1 JA3IKS 11. JIUUKIKOX. Notary Public. ATTOltNEYAT LAW. Will practice in Cass and adjoining Counties ; gives f pecia: attention to collections and abstracts of title. Office Sherwood Block, J'latt.f mouth, Nebraska. 17V1 ROIIKR.T li. WIXIMIA3I. Notary Tubllc ATTORNEV AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattsmouth. - Nebraska. M. A. H ARTICAN, j Ij A W Y 13 It . ! Fitzo erauj's Block. Platismouth Nek j Prompt and careful attention to a Keneral J Law Practice. , K. DRESSLEI?, ! Herchant Tailor. I PLATTSMOUTII. NEB. ! f1 fl A TT tamA mt'l .Successor to Clutter &- .Marshall,) HTIST ! Preservation of natural teet'i a specialty. j Tettn exertional nntnota pain by use or j '7"fy'?7 has. j AM work -ra-, mini. insi reasonable j K NKH A J HK S 1 mm mm m mkm mm a w w iv j RAIXTEKS it DECOR ATOIiS, KAL-SOMININ'O. PAPKU HANGINO, AND .... FINE GRAINING, teave your order with them fr ; First-Class Work. ' Plattsmouth. Xf.rkask a COTTAGE JIUL'SE. i (itlt St ,car 3Iuin, ! PLATTSMOUTII, - NEBRASKA. j Having taken cl;arge of the Cot tage House, I hU try to furnish all patrons with comfortable (juirtera and keep the tables supplied with the best in tr.e market. Transient custom and board by the day or week solicited. rr.a17dtf. Ef. PT.AZIER lr you want to get you a broom that will give the best satisfaction for the came money ask your dealer for Dor ck'abroomq d28.1rr;o v. 2 in B o Pi CD w o 7& 2 9J ft I ft s ft 5T Q 6) 9 VB0 ft e e rsari tSmf fast l s ft e "3 H 0 9 9 3 ft 4 9 9 zz3 23 14 C3 : (s (C j) (c ) (Zml9 i mi wmmi mnv I BOi I E2y tJo "33 '1- ' Il H s I T 4 f i