rlAfflSMOOTfl HERALD itfKIOIAIil'APKKOK Tllli CITY. CITY 1TEWS. Grand Fourth of Juiy Poom- i'ook and Yeats, the barber mate, Tim beat you'll find In seven tates : If any donbt, they'll find it out liy calling in when they're about. Willi good shampoo and bergamct. Tlie'll allele you up without a doubt. 1( your hair lxeurly. they'll cut It straiKlit. Or htiave your faee at any rate. We'll warrant them to vhave will) ease. And all their cutom try to please. Their tool they keep In extra nhape la order to, men' face scrape. The Ladle too. they now invite. For them, you know, tliev mut lut slight ; They'll cut your baii Just tu the style. uw pleae call, aiel Hive tbeut a trial. In the Court Hou"ehnp you'll always And The doors wide opeu, from sevea till ulue ; And Sain and Hilly youH find there, too. Always reay to accommodate U. Yeats ik Cook. Trln Time, Under the change In time passenger trains leav the depot hero as follows: No. 1 west, 8:15 a,' m. No, 3 west. 6:50 p. m. K. C. St. J. & C. It. uorth 5:1. a. in. .4 .. u m u .. m (j:o5 p ra C. B. & Q. , nortli, 7:15 a. in.; Omaha stub north 8:53 a. m." " 5:10 p. in. Trains arrive a follows No. 2 , Denver express G:25 p. m, No 4, " 9.25 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9:15 a. ta. . .. 33 p In C. B. & (I Omaha cast 5:30 p. m. A Itua On a Doug Store. Never was evurh a rush made for any Drug Store as i now at Roberta Phar niacy for a trial Bottle of Dr. King's Niw Discovery for consumption, Coughs aud Colds. All persons affect etl with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness, Severe Coughs, or any affection ot the Throat and Lungs, can get a Tri al tattle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Drug: Store. Regular size $1.00. Dec. 27 cGwly These are Solid Facts. The bea; blood purifler and system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz er, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire aatUf action or money re funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts Jand&wly. THAT HACKING COUG II can be so quickly cured by Shilohs Cough. W warrant it. WILL YOU SUFFER, wit). Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint K nloh's Vitali zeris guarautacd to cure ou. SLEEPLESS NIGHT, made miserably-by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured bv Shiloh's Cat arrh Kem-?dy. Price 50 cents Nasal Injector free. For sale by Smith & Black Bros. Dec.l3eowd&wly Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produces cae of Liver, Ki Jnev or Stomach complaint t hat Ele ctric Bitters will not speedly cure. Bring them along, it will cost you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for vour trooble besides. A'l blood diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti pation, and general debility are vuickly cured. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price onlv fifty cents per bottle. For sale by .1. M. Roberts. Dec. 27 e6wly. A Startling Discovery. Physicians aro of ten startled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Ir. Kins's New Discovery for Cou sumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patient that thev have given tip to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice- Trial Bottles free at J.M. R-!er:- Drug Store. Regular size ?l.t. IN CASH GIVEN -AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. This Special Deposit is to J?"' payment of the 25 premium fully described Ld oar former announcements. The premiums will be paid, no matter how small the number of bags returned may De. Jrkam, M. C Mm9 W. 1SB4. f Oft -f Bank f Nona twain wlttioot tfctiirs of BCTXco Oe q? VWt -wmanepW. The finest and surest fly-killer in the world at Warrick's. The. model laundry on lower Main ptrcet baa aireudv started out with a good patronage. Ik'The commissioners ore at work mak lug their ueiiii annual settlement with the county treasurer. Grazelle Stringer vs Frederick String er, is a divorce case that was filed yes terday in the district court by plaint ill's attorneys l Season fc Sullivan. The recently published ordinance will be found correct in yesterday's IIeualp, one sectlou in reference to the Collins judgment having been left out in lit? first publication. The contract for the new asylum fo the feeble minded, at Glen wood, is to be let today. Mr. C. F. Drihcoll, tin architect, having gone over there yes terday morning for that purpose. Johnson &, Co., of Council Bluff have opened out a lirst class laundry on lower Main street, where they are prepared to do all kinds ef tine work in that line. A trial of their work is requested. lOltf At the Louisville quarry this morn ing a rock fell several feet striking a Swede on the head, laying bare the skull for four inches, and producing a concussion of the brain that is thought may prove fatal. Mr. IIoewater seems to feel acj giieved that the fatted calf is not killed on the occasion of his latest return to the republican fold. Mr. Rosewater should be considerate. lie has played the prodigal son so often that the party is out of calves. State Journal Topics. We have receiver from Mr. (iuy A. Brown, Clerk Supreme Court, the July Docket of that August tribunal. . The docket is neatly prepared aud printed and bears upon its face a world of work for cur three supreme judges, which convinces the Herald that at least two more good lawyers should be added to the Nebraska Supreme Bench. Karl. The inimitable German comedian played here last night to one of the best houses of the season. Mr. Gardner is ev idently a great success in the role he has assumed. The audience last even ing appeared in the best of humor and showed their appreciation of the play by rounds of applause. Tho support however, gave evidence that they had been selected to bring out the star, rather than for real merit on their part. The orchestra, as well as the cornet band, was almost beyond criticism. Council Meeting. Concluded. Bills allowed : J. I. Unruh 55 55 00 Dr. Schildknecht, claim lor 400 75 iJiCOO allowed in full payment. Poll books 16 00 Docket police judge, 8 00 R. B. Windham, costs in Read vs Plattsmouth 20 00 Mrs. McLaughlin, for goods de stroyed... 01 00 J. S. Duke, goods furnished 17 20 J. V.-Weckbach, do 9 00 J.M.Roberts, do .... L0 85 A. L. Strang, for fire engine 183 80 P. McCanu, work on streets. ... 132 00 II. C. McMaken. work on ave nue to Oak Hill 37 50 R. B. Vindham, services Fitz gerald case 75 00 Finance committee granted further time on registration bills. W. Pottenger's bill for 823S referred to city attorney. The Hospital committee were order ed to take inventory of goods on hand. Clerk ordered to get cards printed with names of committees. Clerk ordered to draw warrants for salary of S councilmeu, mayor, clerks and judges of election. The following is a tfateraeut of the City Treasurer, showing balances in the different funds Monday, June 23d, 1884: Advertising fund S 10.00 Andrews judgment 21. S4 B & M R R bonJs 43 12 Babcock fund.. 45.47 Billings ave fund ." 136.00 Chicago ave fund 13.57 Cemetery fund 108.73 Dog fund 22.00 Fire department. 1CS.41 Fitzgeralds judgment 38 34 Ferry bond fund 1.50 General fund 3 . . 272 94 Grading bond fund 12.65 Highways 7.89 Hog fund 3.15 Improvement fund 19 ot Interest and indebtedness... Poll tax fund School fund,' Teacheis fund Tax 3ale and assignments. . . School bond indebtedness... Lpecial license tax 3.33 23 00 2254.33 5600.64 31 97 632 78 45.45 Firewerks, flags, 'firecrackers, torpe does, paper cabs, pistols, fcc, cheap at the P, O, news depot. oet? Keithloy-Vass The second county seat move l be ing made upon Plattsmouth bv our Weeping Water ir'nuds. today, and to our way of thinking, it i9 the cleverest and wisest plan yet devised by our ag ifresbivc neighbors, to get away with our baggage. So long as we main tamed the ascendancy in point of population we felt secure; but. when VVeepiug Water sets up a game to rob us of our population, and at the same time build up their own with that which they take from u, it Is time for prudent and wise people, in thi baili wick, to be alarmed. Thin time it ia not lawyers and le-;i documents, and the cumbrous machinery of courts which are employed, and invoked, but the gols themselves, who long hesitated when the Greeks and Tn j ins strug gled for ancient Hellas have been em ployed, and Mr. Keithley, the accom plished editor of the Wet-plug Water Republican, is .the prcsumptous indi vidual who dares invade pur thriving corporation. The IIekald, however, gracefully and generously acquiesces in the time honored doctrine th;it " to the victor belongs the spoils," and as brother Keithly has fairly wuii one of our fair daughters away from ua, we wish him God speed, (with bent-tit of' clergy), and a long and happy and prosperous career a3 a benedict. Tue nappy young lady is Miss Mary E. Vass, aud the ceremony was performed by Rev. J. T. Baird, of the Presbyterian church of this city, at the home of the bride, ana at the hour of 3 o'clock this r, M. The Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge of Nebraska f Ancient. Free and Accepted Masons were in session in Lincoln yesterday. Several high ollicials 01 other lodges were in attendaucc. The following is a list of the officers installed for the en enuiug year: Most Worshipful Grand Master, J. J. Wemple, of Hastings. Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, M, B Reese, of Wahoo. Right Worshipful Grand Senior War den, C. K. Coutunt, of Omaha. Right Worshippful Grand Junior Warden, M. ,T. Hull, of Edgar. Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer, C. Hsrtman, of Omaha. Right Worshipful Grand Secretary, W. IL Bowcn, of Omaha. 'Very Worshipful Grand Chaplaiu, II T. avis, of Lincolu. Worshipful Grand Orator, W. Leese, of Seward. Worshipful Grand Custodian, B. F. Rawalt, of Hastings. Tee corner stone of the capital will be laid July 15, at 4 o'clock, by Most Worshipful Grand Master J. J. Wemple assisted oy the grand officers and the grand lodge of Nebraska. Past Grand Master George W. Linin ger presented his credentials as repre sentative of the grand lodge of Eng land, aud was received with the hon ors. He addressed tho craft on the characteristics of the fraternity in England, especially its extensive char ities. At the evening cession the officers of the grand lodge were installed by Past Grand Master G. W. Lininger, assisted by Past Grand Master, Robert W. Fur nas, after which Grand Orator Brother Benj. S. baker, of Fail bury, delivered an address. As the editor of a sa-called Arthur republican paper was busily engaged, in a penitential mood, with a pai r of dull shears, clipping a stalwart Blaine editorial from the columns of the Omaha Republican, Injured Innocence stalked into bis sanctum, and sternly cried: "Hold, traitor! low down in your boots you were an Arthur man. You have presumptou.-dy dared to dif ler with Mr. Blaine's sacred calf, ami now retribution awaits you." 4,Who are you. oh wrathful spirit" exclaimed the quaking editor, as the cold perspiration trickled down his spinal cord, and made its appearance at those providential reats which daddy Time had so opportunely made in his 90 cent suit of drab overalls for ventir lative purposes. ' I am the rugged, stalwart rooster in charge of J,iai Blaine's Boom in th west, und I have called to serve divinit notice upon you, that you can no longer be permitted to d'ffer with our syndi cate, llark ye, perfidious traitor! from this time henceforth aud forever, you are ostrac i-'.-d from cultured, rtlined. stalwart society; in a word, the Ouiaht Republican has sawed you off of it list and n-. -y Jim Blaine's manager., have me- o your disinherited or gau" The di -'i.rar dropped upon th the floor - h a didl thud, in a swouud, and the pei. ;-iratljn was taken up ini the atmosphere to be gently bestoweo upon a huvgry corn crop, as the'-wiath ful phantom of Injured Innocence scraped the -ust and cobweb of tbt Arthur R": ublican sanctum off of the large em' ..i" its bell crowned Blain tile, and disappeared iu those politica--intsts tlo.f surround the turbid Missouri. Th Storm at O.mwhu and at Council Diurf-.. The -i'v wan Uc.iud yesterday to a miniature tornado. During the dinner hour the. clouds rilk-d i:p thick from the west and almont. w iihout warning the storm turned iUelf loose. Xie streeti were filled with cloud of dust. pieces of paper, small boK'9 and all kinds of refuse, with liber! sprinkling of hurrying humanity. It was Indeed a comical sight to tec ladirs wrestling, with their parasoU while thrt wind tosoj them hither aud thither. Their dress skirt made fine game f-r tii iiulla!ii:i wind and PUtd lik- a bullion the) hurried their weret along 11 an ex(.e-diiiir! y cwift p'ii--. To ;ld to the. dix.-oinJiime of many :' ibe lit-s, tJte I Hi etioon 'i ,v lug been sweltering hot, I'u-y In i .:ii-do W u Iressed in ouowy w hiteiirs. Neatly everybody who knows uny thing at all about human nature knowe that a lady never feels comfortable in a rain storm wlicn lie 19 robfHt in a white gown. A go d many Omah t ladies felt un comfortable today. The ladies were not the only ones who wn6 out of humor. It wa no funny tiling for a man. to breast the storm, armed with a bi umbrella which the wind blew around at will, while inside the stores, peeping through ihe windows, were crowd3 of human beings laughing at ihe unfortunate car rier of the meat-ley thing. While the rain was decidedly un pleasant to all who happened to be away from home, it was a good thing in many respects. It cooled the atmos pherc and it was possible in the after noon to draw along breath. It washed the dust and mud from the pavements, that wa? not bl-.wii away by the wind. The strong w'u.d did suiue ilimage about Ihe ii;y. A number of tiets i weiu blwn dowu as were also a nuru her of leucc-. The fence and the gate of the Tivoli beer gardens, were laid low. St. Philomena cathedral spire weaved from one side to the other, and for a time looked as if it was going to suc cumb to the elements and fall prostrate in the street, hut it stood the storm all right. The Missouri river felt the influence of the raiu and during the rain rose cousiderable. It was one of the hardest storms that has visited this section this season, and it is hoped that they will come in a little milder form. NOTES. There was a change of 25 degrees in one hour during the storm, the mercury dropping from 91 in the shade to G8. The storm at Oouucil Bin lis wa' more severe than It was at Oiuaha, the 1 wind blowing stronger than it did here.'! A large crowd had gathered at the cir cu3 grounds just previous to the storm j to attend the Barret circus. Quite a number of people had already entered. the tent, and when the wind came up j they began slowly eoing out. The cir-1 cus men finally proceeded to take down j the canvas, when the whole thing foil, j killing one man and seriously wound- ins several others. Our informant, an Omaha man, who returned home im- mediately after the accident, was un - 1 able to give further details, except that the greatest excitement prevailed among the crowd in the vicinity of the circus tent umana tiee. The Cherry Crop Within the last ten days over three thousand bushels of cherries have been shipped from this city, and the crop is. not one twelfth gathered aud remain on the trees. If the people are are able to gather one half the crop that will be more than we have estimated they w u': 1 gather. The crop this year, of . . course, is larger man ever ueiore known aud the people are unable to find places where to ship them. The price of cherries today, in baskets, was from $1.00 to $1.25 per bushel, with little cemaud and many caunot take time from other crops to gather them. It is estimated that at least one-half of tiie cherries will remain on the trees and be eaten by the birds. If there wu3 a canning factory at this point they could secure all the cherries they could possibly handle at very low figures. , Neb. City-News. ? The Fair. One of the most complete and cheap est place to buy everything in this city is at The Fair, opposite the court house on lower Main street. Messrs. Simpson i Kalieky ihe proprietors, have not only a well selected stuck of notions and .sundries but they sell cloe and wil jrive their patrons the best of attention t will pay you to see them. If you want a good, cold g!af8 of 4oda water aud cream. only 5c -go to he P. O. news depot. I00i2 See the 7.50 . Fair. Baby Buggies, at '1 ht Fresh new Lemon?, only 25c per dcz.;' u,- at The Fair. ji Ask 'for - AyerTsr arsaparilla and do not be persuaded to lake Any other. Far sale by all druggists. d6wj DR. POTTEn. THE CHOICE. ynion College' Pretldant to th S;cceior ol the laie BUhop Clurk on. At the meeting of the Prwtestaut KpiKropai council ocsterday afternoon, which had adjourned to 3 p. m., at. its 1 forenoon session, a ballot was taken J for a surccsnor to the late Bishop Clark- son. The vole stood twelve for Rev. D. Kliphalet Potter, president ol Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., and four fur Dr. J. B. Hodg;, rector ol St. Pauls church, Baltimore, M l. On the motion of Rev. John vVilliam, who voted for Dr. Hodges. Dr. Potter's election was made unanimous. Ofilsial uotice of his election va sent Dr. Potter last uitiht. Chocolate and cream aoda at the P. O. news depot. 100j2 Phil Young hs his oda water mau uftiettired at Omaha this hoason. lOOl'J IVS. White, The old aland by ice man, is now cou trading for the summer reason, and will deliver you your ice promptly a an' time called for. Make your con tracts for a summer Mipply. 5dtf Fresh Cotifeclioiieiios, che.ipcnt in town, at The Fair. Every ddy admires beautiful hair, and every one jnay possess it, by useiug Ayer's llalr Vigor wldO Fence Posts. 5000 dry feiue posts for s de, Inquire of W. S. Wise. ltf. Horse Shoe and Climax chewing to bacco, only OUc, at The Fair. mi AT FjL IFICUHE WISK, JTAIPJPAKJ1ESIB ILAirWEIHlErS, BAJLILDBSrS, IF1LAKS, &V.9 &D, &D., CHEAP and GOOD, AT WARRICK'S DRUG STORE. IFire JProof IPaint, H&arn IPuiiit, ILead, il Wall JPapcr5 c&c. The best sealing: Wax iiiaim f act 11 red toy um9 try It. YOU MOW That water will not run up hill, that a kiss is sweeter than it looks and looks better after dark, YOU OUGHT to KNOW that good CILOTHIjtfCr is the best, and cheapest to buy, tliat money can be saved, and a square deal had at Wescotts, the Boss Clothier, as he does not deal in the inferior lines adapted to the fixed purposes ot bankrupt and assig nee sales. We avoid all gag schemes, sell to all alike and treat our custo mers with the utmost fairness. A complete stock of seasonable clothing and furnishing goods on hand, and we are prepared to con vince all iu doubt that our statement are correct, that our goods aro the best, and that it is to your interest to trade with wksCOTT Late styles inStraw. and Fur Hat, .Novelties id Xeckwear, full lino ot Trunks, Valioes, etc., etc. Everybody welcome. RuokNvW Block THE JXSS OLOTHIEK. . READ THIS Miy Sitrt lit". Life of Sum Oh" ' Your J'uinihj It Djriu Hi-- h t month "i summer, every family houla be proviJed with aiite and Tillable remedy for bowel CotnplalnU. The c.xctlenceof Mahii,m Tonic Astkinuukt is uuqueatieucd. It is not gottc:i up simply to obtain your money. It speedily enres Diarrha-j, Dyscntry, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint. Chronic Diarho-a aud Dysentery, utid all relaxed and dcraged condition of the SComarU and' Bowels. It is a delightful lcmjdy for children, being pleasant to the taste und safe in its ac tion. No. family can afford to he w ith out it. Marsh's Tonic Astringent is for sale by Smith & Black Bros., druggist, Pllatriuioiith, Neb. Prieo 50 cent. For Rhc-umasism, Neuralgia, Bruises, etc, use Makshs Ckkam' Liniment. Tor sale by Smith & Black Bros. Tin: Marsh's Aue Cukk only 50 cents liquid or pills.. For sale by isuiith & Block Bros. wl.l NlbuasKa .tate Gazetef.ii "and IJUwinks DikkctoUY to be Issued in July, I8d4, price 34 50. J. M. Wolkk, ,ublisher 120 S. 14th St., Omaha. 'J Jtf For sale Irish setter dog, well broke, and good retriever. This is a young doir and a very fine animal, 86tf R. Baciiexdek. Beat assortment of silverware town to select presents from at L. Erven's. 83tf in C. m