uwJttvrA err, Ti r "ssti i s ituckleii'H Arnica alv. Ttto 15ebtS iiein the world frCuta, nruuea, Sores, Ulcer Suit itheuin, Fc rcr floren Tetter Chai ped li-nds Chilb lains Ollis and nil Skin Erupt 'on and posilivly euro Fins or no pv n'piired. It is vauaaiiteed to jjivo perfect Kitls f action, or mony returned, Price 25 tents per Imx. ForSale IJy .1. 1. Room's- N'.iv. lJ:J ly The Best Coueii lile&icinc Inihc World. SAMPLE FREE OP CHARGE. Call at Warrick's druj? ptore, and jret a s.impl'? bottl of Itrown's Expec torant free tf -Iwt. It run-H Cotrhs. Hoarseness. Whooping C-ougti and Con utnptioii in- it early sIurcs. It is cieiitili preparation, admirably aiai t I lor cure ot ad Throat Mid J-'Hi Diseases. It m pleasant to taKc entirely nannies. Ti 'It; it.c-? you nothing. II-jf.tl:.r iiz-loitl-. " en:. mix! 81.00. ..r . by W..J. W.iTiick. Jan. 'i luwly Free ! free! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOIS TILES. A eew remedy for liu 1 r- ic- i ljs ase lias been discovered by Dr. iJeiiir.a A single application will convince th most skeptical of ita iiiot wonderful Wealing powers. 15y culling on J Warrick Jr-lirRist, ynii can oUnin a t iinple box free of charge, which will atisfy von of iiscurntive qualities. Jau " vs.wlj Assorted tints of Diamond Wall Fin ish may be found at Fisher's d nur store, revolving sign. 4'J;i.vwtf Collection Notice. . All parti kuotvuiu ihemscUes to u indebted to me will please call and make full settlement at once, s tint hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash business. Please give this your imrne mediate attention. . doO wSw KoBT. Siiekivood. In the Future When you have a ciiiirh ai 1 want re lier. thiuk t Kemp's liiani for the Throat and Luus; a j; i. van teed reme dy for those diseases. Price ftOc: and i'l ; trial size fren. Respectfully, apr 3 4m W. .1 Wakumck. Twenty-five cents in ndvm.e will entitle you to use of the Plat .sruouth circulating library lor one mouth. 45J4W1U1 W. J. WaUKICK. Telegraphic DEMOCRACY. Either Free Trade or Pro tect loir.-. Tli i Oliio Idea Personified Convey tion Notes. Ohio--Decimated Democracy. .James HFiinc." The work entitled "Twenty Y-;rs of Congress" t be in o!-t siccincl and i:n . , Darti.il hi-tory of C" sre.sioi; il Lci-- i latioii evtant, will ! is tied fro:n tin- iU, an. w press in a tVvv dnji. In the i.ie?:nUiiM II. L. Lin. iln will call ou and ViV vour onitj. .Vl.it-wtf For a l-.andonie suit, sub.LutialIy ruad. "in th- best, of style, an i d;)U) auv qu;tiity of foods you nmv ict. call on K. Dresslei. Men;lnt Tailor, in Sherwood Block. i:M!m Dsamoad Wall Fiuish, at Fisher' drus store. 49-lxwif CITY HOTEL. This beautirnl thr-; story rrtelt structure, cv ower Maid street, ha Just been ftniMiftt autl tted up for the aeroiminxUtion of TRANSIENT CUSTOjf Ki:d. i:EGlTLAK liOAUDEKS.: E7ERY THINS NEW kU CLEAR Ar-J In couaectlon with tni U03C jjJLY lioas?. tf. FKED COdS. Fropr. P W. II. MAliiCK, CARRIAGE f ai tnmmm o mm SIGH & ORKAHEKTAL (pAlJSTTIJSra, Aii orders icti with me will rorvivn prem;t attention. COU. KIKTII AND VINE STI'.EXTS. V I A TTSM O U T 1 1. - XCUIIASKA. Or. Home's ElRctric Belt Will riire Nervo!!ne-S', Li'.mbajro. IViK'iima-li-in. rarKlytis. .urult;iH. SciaiKM. Kidney. rlineauit l.ivrr i:c':i.v, (iuat. amIiiim. Heart ni--aur, Iihi:i.i Constipation. Krysii-las. C;il;iir'. l'ile. V. ilej-sy. 1 niMleiii-y", Immlt Ane. Prnl;tsii!.l"teri.". i"c. Only si-;niii:lc Klet iri" Iteit in America tli -t se. iN the K ef irii-ity uit M iiu-i:iii t hnu'!i the l.ul v. hi'. -::u a ie. hilled iu an it -tai.t ly the patient. Sl,QHO Uoiihl .ot iluy It. Da. IIorxe I w;n anilcted with rheumJitisui m cured ty ui;in & t.elt. To any one afllicted with that rtiseane. 1 ueuM say." buy liornes Klectr!c licit. Anv f:ii-can .confer w.tli ine by willing r callin- at my -tre. 14i loni;lii- St.. 9nelia. Neb. WILLIAM IAoNS. Main Okkick 0;rti-.itc -i ofiic-. room 4 1'rner blin lj. Fvr a"e Jit C. F. C-Mxlman's Dray Store. Mi l'ur.i:im Mi i-ci Omaha. rder lille.i. '. ... i. - fJdxv.Jm M. O'CONNOR. At t?t ilu''i:-l'iwa aiii. "FSUii THE FEI.'KIXS tloFsfc. Krjp a complete ine of H IST Tjiquors, ClGARSrliOTTLED liKFIi, ALB AND PORTER, DRUG'S '"OJIAHA; SEEK C'oliiiitlius,, ()., June '2't. Tn't d tno criiti .- Stte i oiivt ntioii as called to ord'-r in the opera house tit 10:3)llii si. m.. with ineayre atti tulauce as eom l;tivd with any State cmventiou in many vers. ' E. B. FinleT was elected cliairuiin. He f poke at length of the importance of the campaign, predict ing the democrats would carry Ohio in October, and reviewed the history of the puny in this country. The plat form wi n adopted rt h.tl'tr iaintf the plat form of lt-SJ, and en.b .dies the views t-f the purty upon the taiiw" and wriol iu th following lauguaifi': RKVI 1E ONLY IiUT WOOL LIKEWISE. 'I he democracy ot Ohio favors a tar iff for revenue limited to the necesfiiies of the irorerament, onotnic.d.y d minisU i-.d, aud bo adjusted in its ap plication as to prevent uu ipial burdti'.- enc.'unig- productive industries at home, aud afford a jut compen.xalion to lal r, but uot to foster uor create inoiiopclies. The just demand of the wool growers ot Ohio ami the country for :m equitable adjustment of dtiths on wool (unjustly reduced by a repub lican congress) so that this industry nh-dl ! : it tl v and equally favored with tries ought to be complied e eudorse the action of the !diiio-ra c memucrs ot uiuo iu their e ioits to accomplish this result." WHI3KY AJAO. Tne platform also declares for the regulation of the liquor traflic by a properly graded' license system. VEXDLETON'S rtlETENSE. It declares lor civil service reform, and ueclarts that the republican party having violated every pledge given for this demand, a change of the execu tive" administration of the government, itself a reform, is tlrstof all uecefisary. A radical free trade amendment to the platform, offered by Russell, ot Cleveland, was voted down overwhelm ingly. claine's visit to lewiston. Lewioton, June 2o. James G. IJluiue arrived here this ''evening and received an ovation from the crowds assembled at the depot railway station He at oucc drove to the resideuceof Colonel Drew, whose- guest he is during his stay here. After tea a procfSfrion composed of locl military organizations aud a re ception committee, in carriages, went 'o the Drew mansion, where they te ceived Dlaine and escorted him to the hail, which was densely packed. When niuine stepped onto the platform he was greeted with tumultuous cheers. A. It. .Savage, on behalf the commit tee on arrangements, delivered an ad dress of welcome. Hlatne replied in a brief speech oi" thanks, and at the c !; elusion of hisremar-"- l---Ul an i o f . tn.I reception, at which niuiij lo.ik tpn u nity to take him b n-e h;im1. Tomor row 1)1. lino will at feo-J Ihe xi-trts-j f B Itew end 'ue. INDIANA I ii'i.u.rt ,lis, June I'ne iie,u.)- cratic iHie con ve'utiou was called to or der at 1 0::0 a. m. bv Joseph E. Mc-! DouaM. who was louol cheered. I-in-lel W. Voorhees was n.ade pcrmaucnt chairman. The platform endorsed McDonald for jiresidi-nr. KOK OOVtKXOIt " IsuaP. Gray, M. l. Maumm .ud Da vid T -pi were placed in nomination. O veruor Gr ly s u--ruinated on the first ballot. OTHER NOMINATIONS. Manson was nominated for lieuten ant governor, by acclamation; W. R. Meyer, for secretary of sta'e nnd John Cooper, for treasurer. THE PLATFoKM adopted condemns the corrupt and ex travagant expenditures which have been made at Washington, and declures that suc.li expenditures of public money may be removed from the tax payers, it demiicds that the federsl taxes be reduced to the lowest point consistent with cllicieLcy io pnblic service, and demands the reviBion and reform oftiie p eem unjust tariff. It faon a tariff which will relieve, as far a posaibl ', that. Ao y surplun of ftvcnua fhttll be faithfully applied to 'be aytnt of the public debt. It favors the enforcement of the national eiht hour hil'uf law, as also a reduction of the number of hours in a day's labor, upon hU puMic works, Btate and municipal It favors the establishment of bureaus of labor statistics, state and national. It favors as far as practical, the use of prison and reformatory labor so as not to compete with the labor of citizen on the outside. ' JILSsOl'KI. - bu'Lbuis, June The democratic convention elected John O'Uay, Mor rison Muniiord, iMvid U. Francis and Charles II. Manseer, as delegates at large. HO TARIFF NO TILUKN. Tne platlorm declaies tor a tjr;ti' Cur i ivi-nli: n:il V l-inliiti -n to Vi.tc n-i H unit and one to vote for 'lildeit were howled down. THE PLATFORM IN FULL. The following is the platform a re rep .itud by the coinmittie on nsolu lion: Tiie deineciacy of Missouri in con vention assembled at the city of St. Louis, rcHtHrm the time honored doc trines of the democratic party as enu merated in its scries of platforms aud affirmed and emphasized in positive terms in the plattoims adopted ., at ,Sr. Louis in convention iu 1876, and nt Cincinnati in 1&S0. That we especially declara in favor of u tariff for the pur lo?es of revenue, and that the taxing power of the government should be thus limited ; aud we arc opposed to all policies iutended or calculated to foster monopolies at the expense of the people. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. PROFeSStONAL CARDS. E- W- CO:K. M. D I'liVSlC'IAN AND tiCRC.EON, OFFICE At FisiiEK s Ditto .Sioki I'lattsniouth. Nebraska. .i:o. s. N.tiiTii, ATT 'UNEY AT LAW. V ni iruetlce in all Court or the Mtate. offlee in I- itrjjcrld Hlock I'LATTSMOl'TlI, JfEllH ASK A. ALLEN liKKSON. A. N. SL'LI.I VaN. UCF.MO.V & M LI.IVAX, ATTORNEYS' AT LAW. Will jjlve prompt Httetitloo ton'l bu'.lnfss intrusted to tbem. Ot Cce lo l ulou r.loek. Last side. I'LATTKMOUTH MBRIAK. FRANK H. WILSON, itaseineiit of Bunk of Cast County. COIINKK SIXTH AND MAIN MTHFKTS NOTARY PTTBLIO fartic uhir atteiillon aived to the preparation of paper fnrCaveatN, I'ateni and Ilfiitiutlun of i rade Marks and Libel. Wm, IIKI.LKM. Justice of I lie peace. Elm wood Collections m specialty and give pJOIll)t it i tenll.ei 1. O address Elui wood Neb. Xeb lU. a. ih A. CIS II I'll . DENTIST. Jffice over !intth. lila'k & Co's. Drui; Sior. First class dentistry at reasonable price. iMy M. O'DONOHOE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PU1H.IC. Fitzcerald's Block. PLATTSMOUTH f r NKBKABKA Agent for Steamship lines to and from Europe. dl2w5ily l.t. Vtr. II. Nl'lllL.IK.K:ilT. Pra ot icing PJi ysicia n . Office. Comer Main and 7th Street., It. Of J Meets every Tuesday evening at . thtfs Castle Hall, in Itocfcwood Block. V itiug Knights are invited to attend. II. M. Bonis, C t W. L. Dykks. K. of It. aud ti. Fhil Young has a few more ham mocks left to be sold chenp. Now is the time to buy. 10t2 Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf 1'LATT.S.MOl'XH, -FHSAK4. DR. J. S. STDRDEVANT, M. D. , PHYSICIAN AMiUKUEON. Attei. 'calls, day or ninlit. w29ti Eight Milk Okwvk. Nkb. SC. H. liIVLUhTO, 91. I'lIVBICIAN A SUItJKO. OFFI K HOURS, from 10 a. in., to 2 p. a. Exaiuiu.r.K Surgeon for U. S. Pension. PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON, Can be found by calling at bis office, corner 7th aud Main btreets. In J. II. Waterniau'o bouse. PUATTSMOUTB, KBKASKA. JAM. H. UATIIKWM ATTOBNKV AT LAW. Office over Baker a Atwood'e store, couth side o( Main between 5th and 6th streets. 21 tf A large stock of watches, chains and charms, just received at L. C. Erven's. &8Stf Boys if you want lire crackers go to the V O. news depot where you can buy them the cheapest in the city. t2 Keuieinber Phil Youug will meet all competition on 4th of .July goods, and dou't you forget it. 100:3 Seal & Chase's Pride, the best oc ci gar in town, at The Fair. Phil Youug sells base balls, aud bats at cost to close out stock. 15; 2 See our 15c box writing paper, worth 35c all over town, at The Fair. Estrav Notice- ' Taken up by the uudersigned in riattsmouth precinct on the :29th day of May, 183-1. One sorrel mare pony with star iu forehead, supposed to be about 5 pears old. If not claimed and costs paid as provided by law, the same will be disposed of to satisfy costs. 79tf Geo. Hornn. htkouk a clakk. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will piyclice In all the Courts in the State. DKrirt Attonu.1 and Xotaru Public. 1 7 .Y1I.i1j J. Wl! 12. COLZ,JCTIOJVJi oi. &'2C2AZ11. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In-aoraiN-eitiid Collection Agency. Office Union blocs, i'huisiaouth Nebraska. 22m3 1. II. WIIEHLEK A. CO. LAW OFFICE. Real Estate, Fire and Life In surance Agents, i'lattsuiouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -paynrs. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy and sell real estate, negotiate loans. &c. lij t JA3IKS K. JIUKRlKO.il, Notvy Public. ATTORNEYAT LAW. WlUurastlceinCas; and adjoining Counties ; gives special attention to collections and abstracts of title. Oihce in Sherwood Block, Plattsiuouth, Nebraska. I7yl FIREWORKS! Fourth of July! Cheapest in Town, at The Fair. Call and jee Us. I wish to notify the public that I am now open for business, at Joe McVey'a old stand, where I have ia stock a full line of Kentucky whi-kies, St. Louis beer, wines and ci?ars &c, as good as tne oest. jo.aiij 11. sl uons. The best beef in tne city always can be found at Peterson Bros, market. 233d tf KOltKKT U. WINUHA31, Notary Puhlip ATTOHNKY AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattsinouth. - Nebraska. M. A. HARTIGAN, a a w y E It. FirzoBKALD's Block; Plattsmolth Nk Prompt and careful attf-ntion to a Keneral Law Practice. K. DRESSLEK, Mercliant Tailor. PLATTSMOUTII. - - - NEB. j Dr. C. A. Marshall Successor to Clutter & Marshall.) S;e the new stock of silverware at j L. C. Er van's before buying elsewhere, j Pasture i Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, and one; Preservation ..f natural teet:i a f-pecialty. half luiln from the city. Apply to Teeth extracted rrithont pain bv me of r,ltf W. S, Wise, j Ln-ighinst Gwt. For Sale. U. W. Wise wants to sell his old homestead on north Sixth street, "very cheap" "for cash, if sold immediately. Call at the office ol W. S Wise. OStf COUGH oiri MiPMeURE aha U V o J.Btocky Opyoitt rXtui Utns - ? n-ATTatQTijt . ,th neccs?arjej of life ffom txatjon 6tf II Iff 1 III ABSOLUTELY CUBS 7i o o l- i r." ccx: t i a .;iniili-M Hr8tblp yrer. tpit l. tin laft. Hflii v :it oner anu is a positiv WINTER and BRONCHIAL CClr rf cured by tbU excellent remedy. JUrrctiont hi tta iampuaffrt anrnmpanp cicry bct lr. "TBLOOD IKJCURE ABSOLTTTELV CTTRE8 ALL DISEASES OF TIIE TlLOOn. STOMACH. Llrer, Bowels an-l Kidneys: fur nil diseases oriein atiDC in Impairment of the blood, at Antemia, Kh-k ilvadut-lie, KervousDCM, l'emal XV enkner-. Liter Complaint. Dyiper.ia, Jaundice, Pilloun- and Vinuey Distairt, tliis medicine ti absolutely ur. This medicine does n"t cootain unr mtnernl. i ab ulnfely vettetable, restore tlie birtod U a hi nlthy condition. re&ulatiDtr ihtim and auppiyine de ficiencies, and prevents tiisease. Dirtctiata in ten languagrt avcempa! ttry batiic. PAPtLLON MFC. CO., CHICAGO VOS Sltl ST ALL DHUGOISTS. TOR SALE Bf All work tvarranttd. Prices reasonable FTT7.nrnAi.rtPiM-K. - Pi.attsmouth.N KINKEAD BROS., PAINTERS At DECORATORS, K A LSO MINI NO . PAPKIi IIANOIN:, FINE GRAINING, Leave your order. with them fr First-Class Work. PLATTSAfOUTH, Xkiuiaska COTTAGE HOUSE. Cth St Xear Main. PLATTSMOUTFl, NEBUASlvA. Having taken charae of the Cor taok HorsE, I shall try to furnish all patrons with comforteble qurt-rs and keep the tables supplied with the b-st in the market. : Tranienf cu-tom and board by the day or week follcited. ED. FRAZJER ct-trr-03 O UK B ft CD cr e fi 4 S. ft fern SS0 i r'- tonal CUP e 9 ft" e 5 Hi e ft 5S tat o a P S9 ft ft e s ft ft ft 35 ft c ft ft ten p ft S5 V. No - 1 ft Mo 5) i