The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 25, 1884, Image 3

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Grand Fourth of Juiy Poem
rook and Veals, the barbr mate.
Tim best you'll find In seven stales ;
1 f aoy doubt, tliey 11 find It out
By calling in when they're about,
Willi K'l'xl wliainjxio and bergamot.
They'll nllck you up without a doubt.
. If your hair In curly, they'll cut It straight.
r shave your fce at any rate.
fWe'll warrant them to fliave with ease.
And all their cuxtom try to pleaxe.
Their tool they keep In extra ehm
In order to, men faces scrap".
The Ladles too. they now invite.
For them, you know, they must not slight ;
They'll cut your baii Justin the style.
Now pleaxe rail, and give them a trial.
In the Court Honrerhop you'll always And
The door wide open, from seven tiU nine ;
And Sam and Hilly you'll find there, too.
Always rettdy to accommodate U.
Ykats & COOK.
A new laundrymmi has arrived in
town and opened out on lower Main
sion, witf
The rcore at the t hooting gailcry this
sfteruoon places Jerry Ilarlinau ahead
with 108.
(Jood rain throughout Cass county,
and the thermometer way up among
the nineties, arc giving the corn a boom
which exceeds other booms now on
the ways.
Just fifty years ago the democrats
Polked into the White House; can't we
('o(a)x our way in now. Lincoln Dem
The country has no use for the dem
ocratic party either w;th or without
Cox, liro. Viftiuaiu.
Return Engagement
Plattsmouth s Favorite
Wednesday, June 25th.
You Can't Afford to Miss It.
Of the Funniest German Dialect Comedian in
the World,
Who will appear iti his prand characterizations
.of a lierma.i from Frankfort-ou-the-Maiu,
In his Comedy Drama of
David Miller discovered the other
day that he was with no effort on his
part the possessor of a nice swarm of
bees. The industrious little it-Hows
took up their abode iu the nd of his
house behind the weatherboarding and
appear to be doing well.
I'. P. Gass and Herman Schmidt re
turned Monday evening from their
western tour. They explored Boone,
Nance, Greeley, and the southern part
of Wheeler county. They report hav
ing seen some very fine land, especially
in the Cedar Creek valley, in Boone and
Nance counties. The boys are enthu
6iastic over the outlook for the future
of northern Nebraska, and are proud
of their investments made some time
ago iu that part of the country.
The Chamber of Commerce of
the city of Denver have appointed a
committee of sevon, and will under
their direction invest 140.000 in an
Exposition this year. Hon. W. A. II
Loyeland will officiate as president, A.
E. Pierce, Treasurer, and Irwin Mahon,
who was president of the Conimis
sioners' Association last year, Secreta
ry. The date of opening has been an
nounced for Saturday, September 1st,
continuing five weeks.
Supported by
Our Unrivaled Orchestra a-"t Uniformed Mili
tary Hraa Band, together with
'?-The Smallest A", .in in the World. $1
Keserved Seats.
Seats ran be Secured at
75 Cent
P. O. News Depot
See t.ur 15c box writing paper, worth
:;.c hI! over town, at The Fair.
Those Are Solid Facts.
The best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of suffering humanity, truly is Electric
Bitters, luactivity of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice, Constipation, Weak
Kidneys, or anv disease of the urinary
orirans, or whoever requires an appe
tize , tonic or mild stimulant, will al
ways find Electric Bitters the best and
onlv certain cure known. They act
surerly aniquickly, every bottle guar
anteed to give entire satisfaction or
monev refunded. Price only fifty cents
bottle. For sale by J. M. Roberta.
Dec. 20 lyeGw
e. a. r.
McCouihie Post No. 45 met last eve
ning in pursuance of the cs.ll of the
Post Commander, Thos. Wiles, to con
cider the invitations received by the
Post to turn out in a body for the pur
poss of celebrating the 4th of July at
Plattsmouth and Glen wood.
The post having received invitations
from the Catholic society of Platts
mouth to turn out as a post upon the
occasion of their celebration, and also
from tha G. A. R. of Glenwood, to cel
ebrate in our neighboring city and at
tend a reunion and camp-tire to be held
under the auspices of the Grand Army
boys of Mills county on the 4th. The
Post unanimously accepted the invifi
tiou of the Catholic society ot this city,
and ordered further correspondence
with the post of Glenwood, with a
view of attending the exercises in that
city should the camp fire be held in the
evening of the Fourth. TheG. A. R.
of Plattsmouth, do not intend to neglect
the "lotion Fourth.
These are Solid Facts.
The best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of'suffering humanity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak
Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary
or"-ans, or whoever requires an appetiz
eAontc or mild stimulant, will always
find Electric Bitters the best and only
certain cure known. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction or money re
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. M. Roberts Jand&wly.
Fence Posts.
5000 drv fence posts for sale, inquire
of W. S. Wise. I9tf.
For lani back. Side or Chest
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price
tion Cure is sold by in on a guarrntee.
It cures consumption.
vou need for Consumption, Loss of ap
petite. Dizziness and all svmptom3 of
Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per
CROUPE Wnoopinj? Cough and
Bronchitis immediately relived by
Shiloh' Cure. Sold by Smith & Black
Cro3 Dec.20eowd.twly
A Startling; DUoorery.
Phynicians are of teen startled by re
markaMe discoveries. The fact that
Dr Kinsi's New DUcovry for Consump
tion and nil Throat and Lung diseases
is daily curing patients that they have
given u ? to die. Is tartling them to
rea iz tu. ir wne of duty, and examine
into the merits of thi. wonderful dis
coverv; refulted in hundreds of our
best Physicians usimjit u their prac
tice. Trial bottle free J- M. Rb
erls Drug Store. J J.
Dec. 20 ljeoff .
The Storm.
At half pa-t twelve o'clock today the
citizens of Plattsmouth were throughly
alarmed. The gathering storm in the
north and west after the intense heat
of the forenoon was anxiously ob
served by almost everyone, and we cer-
f tamly had good cause for grave appre
hensions. The black, tossing, boiling
clouds were driving along, apparently
dividing north of the city, one half
sweeping directly southward over Cass
county, and the other half south east.
Wheu the storm struck the city there
was a momentary gust of wind which
sent the timid to the cellars aud made
the stoutest hold their breath for a mo
ment. Happily this was all, for a
heavy, steady wind blew for an hour
from the north, accompanied by a very
heavy rainfall; no damage was done;
the ground was thoroughly soaked
with water, the thrift' truck patch
was laid over with its toes to the north,
tha famished cisterns, if any there
were, were replenished and everybody
i left to conjecture how this formida
ble looking storm served our neighbors
on all sides.
Since writing the foregoiag a nracr
is flying about the city that Line la,
(Nebraska,) was struck with a toinad
about eleven o'clock, and the city bacly
Latek. Upon inquiry by the Her
ald reporter, at the B. & M. telegraph
head quarters, the Herald learned
iroui headquarters at Lincoln that the
wind storm did no damage at that
point, and that there was very little
rain in that locality, although the wires
were down for a brief period they were
iu good working order shortly, undno
especial damage has been reported ai
any point. The Herald is pleased to
be able to assut e our patrons that all
reports of damage to our capital city
ate uagrounded.
If you want any 4th of July goods go
t the P.O. news depot, Phil wil
meet all competition on all 4th of July
Council Meeting.
Council met in regular eeP9ion
Mayor Smith in the ohair.
The roll call indicated a full Boar
present, after which mi hour was oecu
pied by the clerk in reading the min
utes of former meeting, which, after a
few corrections were adopted.
A petition Hgued by Messrs. Hall,
Herold, Ilyers and others, asking for a
feidewalk on Sixth and Pearl street
was referred to the committee- on
streets, alleys nnd bridges.
Petition of Mike Caroll in regard to
Rock (street, referred to City Clerk.
No action was taken on the proposi
sition of J. L. Webster to take depc-id-i
tion of Kounlz liro.-., New York CityJ
in the bond ease, he having offered to
lo it for$2.i and pay his own ex pen
es. It wa understood Mayor Smith
would do the work for nothing, if the
city would pay hii expenses. No dis
position, however, was manifested by
the council in favor of having It doncJ
at all.
Petition of Mrs. Finney, of Billings!
avenue: asking lor f.ju uainages, ami
that a better water way be put in neai
her house was referred to the commit
tee on streets, alleys and bridges.
Letters were read from water works
and electric light companies, and par
ties were designated to correspond with
The following claims were then al
lowed :
George Poisall, 6treet work, $18 75;
Chas. Bell, burying dead animals, $4,50;
II. Sage, night police. May and June,
$30. Fire company, $290.35.
The committee on S. A. B., were or
dered to fix crossings ou Sixth street,
and to notify all parties interested t
fix side walk on east side of Sixth st
from Maine to Dey street.
The following claims were duly al
lowed : .
M. Swobada, $17.35, Neb. Telephone
Co. line to pe6t house, $29.00
Somebody discovered that during all
these years ot democratic rule, no one
had paid any poll tax, the clerk was J
therefore ordered to bring the neces
sary facts before the county commis
sioners and have the matter placed on
the tax list.
Bills allowed :
Rent for the use of the old council
chamber 4 months, $45.
J. R. Cox for hose and couplings
30:i; Geo Prouger $175; J Sage part of
month as chief of police $26 CO; Mr.
Hudson, work on street $7; W F Mor
rison $25; Richcy Rros. $100 95; R B
Windham salary C mouths, $125; W II
Cushing salary 0 months $100; J. (.
Richey $19.50; II A Waterman & fcon,
$137.79; Frank Ridgely S1.50; P Mc
Canu, 828 20; C E Wescott S59.45; for
goods furnished parties at the hospital,
R Clarke 68; F Herrmann $3.50; II Mc"
Macken wagon cover and boxes used
in taking parties to hospital; A Patter
son $10; Mr. Lamson $13.80; P Knapp
and M rs. Knapp S95 ; W B C & M Co.,
S2.S5; W A Keramel $1 ; F E White $5;
J llatt &Co ?3 10; tivntner sz.vo;
Johnson Bros. $13.50; P Rauen S2; II
Breck $6.25; E H Lamson $2.35; J W
Shannon, bill lor $25 70 cut down to
$15.70; Alex Fry $6; II Iteck S3.50; R,
B Windham expenses to New York,
Concluded tomorrow.
Western Nebraska Letter., Webster County, Neb.
June 22, 1884.
Ed. Herald: Thinking perhaps you
might like a few items from this part
of the state, I will endeavor to furnish
Cowles is a thriving village on the B.
& M. 180 miles wrilt of Plattsmouth,
and contains about 500 inhabitants, two
large stores, one hotel, two blacksmith
shops, severaljcarpenters, a fine school
house and a thriving Sunday school and
The peopi here are wonderfully tern
perate, sea- ely ever even using tea or Mr
There are t great many strangers in
town looking for land of which we
have a surplus as fine as any in the
world, for sale cheap.
Mr. J. T. Ward is the local land
agent here.
I understand the large elevator which
is owned by the A. B. Fox estate, is
about to change hands, the purchaser
is J. J. Brown, of Omaha, he intends
sending a man here in the tall to ship
Mrs. A. B. Fox, of Louisville, Neb.
the administratrix of the Fox estate la
here settling up her business, fcbe ex
presses great surprise at the growth of
our live to-.v: in the last two or three
Young m .r. you should come west
to this rich beautiful land if you
want a ltorr.? ir yourself and your fam
ily. Crops of .11 k'ndi are looking splen
did and f 'nr there i plenty of raia.
We had a rain today.
The farmers on all sides can be heard
conratul ti'mg one another on their
As ever yourd truly,
Department of Nebraska, Headquar-
ters McConihie Pos', No. 4. G. A. R.
PlatUmouth. Neb , Ju ie 2;. 188 1.
Comrades: In pursuance of a reso
lution of our Post, and for the purpese
of CL-lebraliog the 108th anniversary ot
our national icdependenca in a fit and
appropriate manner, each member ot
the McCouihie Post is requested to be
present at the Post headquarters on the
morning of the Fourth at the hour of 9
o'clock a. m. to participate in tho pa
rade to thegrouuds selected by the
Catholic society of Plattsmouth where
the celcbiation e exreise will be held
All honorably discharged soldiers and
saiiors, of whatever branch of the mili
tary service, are cordially requested to
join our post up n this occasiou.
By order of
Tn s. Wiles,
B. Kikkead, PostC'cnrr.'
The Fremont Herald has improved
in dress noticeably, and is one of th
Bteadiest oirjg, most sensible democratic-newspapers
in the state. Fro
mont is a very fortunate city with such
newspapers as the Herald aad the Tri-bu-
e. This is not taffy and the met-
Clendalo ltem -
June 24, 1894.
Ei. Hkkald: Parts of thl mond
'vineyard Irave been visited by omo llti
bhowers. The rain goe in strcuks.
For instance, around tho stone quarry
aud cast, some of the com wa wai-ln d
out, and at Cedar Creek only a few
drops of raiu fell. No rain as yet
south of Walradt's, two miles from
The people of Cedar Creek are going
to have a grand celebration the Fourth.
Every ono i invited to attend, and
have agood time. Everything to make
the people enjoy themselves will be
doiie; plenty of fhade, swing, bowery
dance, refreshment stand, where ice
cream, pop, lemonade, candiis and
cakes will be served bv Mr. Jatnes
There wat a gohton wedding at Old
Mr. Meisinger's. Mr. and Mis. Mei
blnger celebrated their fiftieth anni
versary. The old folks got quite a nuuv
ber of line presents, and every one hu
a good time. There wai one hundred
and seventy five invited gues s.
The sportsmen at this place have or
ganized a shooting club, aud consider
able interest is taken in it.
Sol Dewey has bteu down telling Ce
dar Crcekers what he did when he was
a soldier.
Dr. Duff went to Louisville today.
Hope lie won't get saustruck; the sun
shines so watm and no wind blows.
that men have been obliged to lav off,
and they can afford to, as c rops never
locked better :;t this place.
There haVrf bteu two sand cranes
here lately, several cars loaded. Items
are scarce as liens teeth. Will try and
do better next time.
Hurrah for the 4th!
Murrli'.nt. Dytcntry, and all Brunei
Coinjitaiiit. fjitickti L'n td
It you want to smoke a fine 5c cigar
go the P. O. news depot, and smoke the
"Xemo" Lawrence Barrett, Fresh Cara
mels, Palace, and other line brand.
Ice cold Soda water in all flavors.
drawn from Phil Young's soda fount
ain at only 5c a glass, including pure
cream. Phil has his soda water manu
factured at Omaha this season, aud can
give you a good, pure glass of ph1s.
F, S. White,
The old stand by ice man, is now con
trading for the summer season, and
will deliver vou vour iee nromntlr at
iny'time called for. Make your con
tracts for a summer supply. 5dtf
Important to Travelers.
Special inducements are offered vou
by the Burlington route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf
best medicine I ever saw for curing
Bowel Complaint-, I have used it, and
have seen it UHcd In many caaca, in al
of w hich it effects a speedy cure.? S.J
Armstrong, Fort Scott Kas. Makhii'h
Toxic Astkinoknt cured my little
boy of Cholera Infantum, after several
other remedies failed. I gave one of
my neighbors some of it for their litllv
girl, who w;ih suffering with the aaiue
complaint, aud it quickly cured her." -Jas.
T. BuniesKansas City, Mo.
M AK3ii,s Tonic Astringent is for
sale bySinilh a Black Bros, druggist',
Platlamouih. Price o0 cent.
Chiih and Fcvcr.Dumo Aguc.and all
Miasmatic diseases, are quickly cured
with tho 50 cent Marsh Aoue Cimie.
For sale by Smith iVUlack Bros.
Use Marsh' Cathartic Liver Pill
for Billiousnessand Constipation. For
sale by Smith & Black Broi. wM6
Nebraska . tate Gazetekr and
Business Dirkotohy to be insued iu
July. 1K84, price St 50. J. M. N olfe,
publisher 120 S. 14 tn t.,umana.
For sale Irish setter dog, well broke,
and good retriever. This is a young
dog and a very fine animal.
80tf Jt. it ACII ELDER.
Best assortment of silverware
town to select presents from at L.
Erven's. 83tf
Estrav Notice
Taken up by the undersigned in
lattsmouth precinct ou the 29th day of
May, 1881. One sorrel mare pony with
star in forehead, supposed to be about
5 pears old. If not claimed and costs
paid an provided by law, the same will
be disposed of to satisfy costs.
79tf Geo. Hon?.
I'l ui: WO It KM
Fourth of July! Cheapen!
u Town, at The Fair.
t'alland ee L'x.
I wish to notify the public that I am
now open for business, at Joe McVey's
old stand, where I have in stock a full
ine of Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis
eer, wines anil ciara etc., as goou as
he host. 57dtf II. M Rons.
Fresh Confectioneries, cheapest in
tow n, at The i air.
Fireworks, flags, firecrackers, torpe
does, paper caos, pistol, &C, cheap at
the P. O. news depot. 08t3
In purchasing a ref rigentor see Htn-
ry Boeeck's new stock aud get pcice
efore purchasing. 59tf j
A large stock of watches, chairs and !
charm?, jut received at I.. (',. Erven's. ;
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled bv re -
inarkabie discovering. The fact that, i
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con i
sumption and ail Throat and Limr
diseases is daily curing Patients that!
thev have given up to die. is startlinsr I
them to realize their eense of duty, and j
examine into the merits of this wonder- :.
tul discovery ; resulting in hundreds of '
our best Physicians using it in their
practice. Trial Bottles free at J. M. I
Robert.-;' Drug Store. Regular size 1
roil sale ev
ropolit n press of the stale will
understand that we m:an it.
you mow
That water will not run up hill.
that a kiss is sweeter than it looks
and looks better after dark,
.that good CILOTHING is the
best, and cheapest to buy, that
money can be saved, and a square
deal had at WescotVs, the Jttoss
Clothier, as he does not deal in the
inferior lines adapted to the fixed
purposes ot bankrupt and assig
nee sales.
We avoid all gag. schemes, sell
to all alike and treat our custo
mers with the utmost fairness. A
complete stock of seasonable
clothing and furnishing goods on
hand, and we are prepared to con
vince ; all in doubt that our statements are correct, that our eooda are
the Lest, and that it is to your interest to trade with WSCOTT
Late styles in Straw and reflate, pveltfoa tfecljwear, full line of
Trunks, Valicw, &c., &c Everybody weirne.
KwtorewlBJfx. TUB BOSS KWCIUE8-'