The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 23, 1884, Image 3

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CranJ Fourtn of July Poem.
Cook anl veaU, tbe barber mates,
Tim bvHl you'll find In seven "tates ;
If any dunbt, they'll find It out
Ity calllnuiu when they're about.
With koo1 fcliainpoo and bergamot.
They'll flick you up without a doubt.
If your hair la curly, they'll cut It straight.
Or Mhave your face ut any rate.
We'll warrant them to ahave with ea.te.
And all their cuatnm try to please.
Their tooU they keep In extra xhaue
la order to, menx' facta scrape.
Tbe ladle too. they now invite.
For I hem, you know, they must not slight ;
They'll cut your lan; Jut in the style.
Now pleae call, and give them a trial.
In the Court House you'll always find
The doors wide open, from seven till nine ;
And Sam and Hilly youll And there, too.
Always ready to aee imin odate U.
Ykats . Cook.
Return Engagement
Plattsmouth1 s Favorite
Wednesday, June 25th.
Ycki Can't Afford to Miss It.
Of the Funniest German Dialect Comedian in
the AVorld,
Who will appear In bia crand characterizations
of a ierma.i from Vrankfort-on-the-Maiu,
in his Comedy Drama of
Supported by
Our I'urlvaled Orchestra and 1'uiformed Mili
tary Bras Hand, together with
IW The Smallest M;u In the World, J
Keaerved Seats. - - 75 Cents
Adnii-oloii. - - " 50 "
Gallery. 35
Sea's eau be Secured at P. O. Depot
S.; cur 15c box writioff paper, worth
35c all over town, at The Fair.
Thete Are Solid Tacts.
The best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
oAufTermg humanity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivity ot the Liver, Bil
iousDCW. Jaundice, Constipation, Weak
Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary
organs, or whoever requires an appe
Sze , tonic or mild stimulant will al
ways find Electric Bitters the best and
anlv certain cure known. They act
surerfy and quickly, cTcry bottle guar
anteed to give entire satisfaction or
"one? refunded. Trice only fifty cents
a bott'c For sale by J. M. Roberts,
a uoii.c. x Dec. 20 lyeGw
These are Solid Facts.
Th.. best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of suffering humanity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver ; Bil
iousness Jaundice. Constipation, Weak
Kidneys or any disease of the urinary
Jr ini u whoever requires an appetiz
erolc or mild stimulant, will always
nnd Electric Bitters the best and only
certai cure knowu. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
rive entire Wisfaction or money re
funded Sold at fifty centsabotUe by
J. M. Roberts Jand&wiy.
Fence Fosla.
5000 dry fence posts for sale, inquire
of W. S. Wis. l9tf-
Far :a:;w !.. or f1 "
,iloV Porous Plaster. Pnce
"sTlILOU'S COUCH and Consump
tion i Cure U sold by us on a guarrntee.
It cures consumption.
vou need tor Coosamptioo, Loss of ap-
He Dizziness and alt symptoms of
Pyl ALu. Price 10 and 75 cents per
"CROUI'E Whooping Cougu anu
Bronchitis immediately re ived b
Sbiloh'a Cure. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros. Dec.20eowd&wly
- . I
A Startiine DUoovery.
Physicians are oftcen startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that
Dr Kio-'s New Discovry for Consump-
on and" all Throat and Lung diseases
is d lily curing patients that they have
give" up to die, is tartling them to
felfiz their sense of duty, and examine
So the merits ot this wonderf ul die -coverv;
resulted in hundreds of our
Elf Physicians using it i n their prac
tice. Trial bottles free at J. M. Rob
erts Drug Store. lrS2izel800.
The Young Men' Republican club
will be addressed touight by Messrs
Hartigun, Vanatta ami .Sullivan. Ev
erybody is invited.
Hurrah for Blaine and iogao cigarf
at Schlegels. 98dtf
Elder R. C. Harrows, btalo cvango
list, who preached a very able -sermon
at tbe chuich last evening will
occupy the same pulpit tonight.
Republicans are especially invited
to meet at Schcle;rd8 and . try the
Blui ne nnd Logan cigar. OSdtf
The lartt play of the season Charles
A. Gardner ia "Karl," at the Opera
House, next. Wednesday night. Don't
fail to hear him.
We have bought out :i lot of bank
rapt Tin unci dataware whicli we are
nearly giving away at The Fair.
Pi-r.-om not having seen "Karl"
should not fail to g and hear him next
Wo Inesday night. Wo can commend
him to the l'lattsmouth people, as
know whereof we speak.
If you want to smoke a fine 5c cigar
go the I. O.newa depot, and smoke the
"Xemo" Lawrence Barrett, Fresh Cara
mels, Palace, and other fine brands .
Fresh Confectioneries, cheapest in
town; at The Fair.
We suggest that our Plattsmouth
brethern send a reporter to the Home
of the Friendless at Lincoln, to make
inquiries concerning a certain illegiti
mate child there which is laid at the
door of a certain Sunday school super
intendent of that highly moral city.
Wc are inclined to think that.a reporter
could get a sensational item by so do
ing. Syracuse Journal.
Who is it?
Seal & Chase's Pride, the best oc ci
gar in town, at The Fair.
Over seventy live seatsjhave already
been reserved for "Karl," at the Opera
House, Wednesduy night. This is early
for so large a sale, but wheu we con
sider the character of the troupe it is
not all surprising.
See the $7.50 Baby Buggies, at The
And now comes Mr. John B. Finch
of Ohio fame, and opens the temper
ance campaign iu Nebraska, by making
a warfare on the Slocumb law. It is a
dead letter, says Mr. Finch. It Mr.
Finch uhould ever bo lucky enough to
get his foot inside of the New Jerusa
lem, Saint Peter will find him criticiz
ing the quality of the pavement upon
the golden street. The temperance
people of Nebraska will yet rind Mr.
Finch is simply au agitator for revenue
Horse Shoe and Climax chewing to
bacco, only 50c, at The Fair.
Two years ago James Snell, of Cass
county lost a pocket book containing
fifteen dollars, and note3 amounting to
over seyenty-five dollars, also a few
postage stimps and several postal
cards. After hunting high and low,
and going all over his farm where a pos
sibility of the lost treasure might be
found, he gave up the search and
charged it to profit and loss. A few
days ago while going through his mead
ow, the lost article met his gaze lying
r -
tjust where it dropped two years be
fore. Upon opening, it was found to
be in a badly demoralized condition
the paste used in the manufacture of
the wallet had stuck tbe bills together
so tightly that Mr. Snell forwarded
them to Washington intact, and will let
the authorities perform the difficult
task. The signatures on the notes were
almost obliterated, the postal card3
frayed out at the edges, the postage
stamps in good order and the book a
total wreck. Ashland Gazette.
Wiggins Again
Letter by Prof. Wiggins: I have
now to announce that I have discov
ered the periodic time of the great
Saxeby gale of October 7, 1869-the
storm which almost annihilated the
forests f New England and the mara
time provinces, ruining their timber in
terests. This period I find to be 5.101 days, so
that it will be here on September 19th,
1887, and will be the greateac storm
that will take place before the year
1900. Its createst force will be u the
afternoon of September 20th, when the
forests on the eastern coast will go down
before it.
It will be accompanied by earth
quakes, and these will occur with vio
lence in the middle of October, in Cal
ifornia and western Europe. Let no
frail fisherman's bark theD cast its
shadow into the looking glass (of what
Horace calls him) the powerful gol of
the sea.
Between that period and tbe present,
the heaviest storms which will occur
are as follows:
September 20 23, 1831; October 20
22, 1885; March 10 20, 18S5; Sep
tember 29 30, 1886, very heaviest, and
March 26 29, 1887.
Johnson Bros, have fitted themselves
out in fine style for the sewing machine
trade, of which they already appear to
have their share.
They have purchased a new cushion
spring-wagon, a new team and harness,
and with a good salesman to take the
road, will be able to furnish our people
with the Household, which is reported
to be cne ol the beflt machines manufactured.
A good story is told on an Omaha
stock yards man in regard to the Irish
vote, which is worth repeating.
It seems the Omaha gentleman who
is a 'blarstcd Britisher," and a republi
can too, was having a chat with a
friend of his from l'la'.tMiiouth, when
the conversation turned onto the prcsi
dency. The Omaha gentleman said.
well, I cannot tupporl Blaine, though I
have always been a republican; I can
not stand his luieigu policy; the baild
nig up of the Irish at the expense of
the English don't auit me, and I for
one will not suppoit him, for there is
no question about hTTToreign policy
The juke becomes apparent when it
is known that the Plattsmouth gentle
men was not an Englishman, as his
friend supposed, but an Irish Demo
"Karl" at Foster's, a Large and De
lighted Audence,
The reappearance in this city of Mr.
Charles A. Gardner, as "Karl," was the
occasion gf a large and delighted audi
ence, at Foster's Opera House last even
ing. Mr. Gardner established himself
as a favorite in Des Moines some time
ago, and nothing but delightful memo
ries arehfddof his charming entertain
ment last fall; when he appeared with
so much success in the play, "Karl the
Peddler." Ho is a very interesting
commedian of the Gerniaa-American
sort, he presents a good play, and he
has associated with himself an excel
lent company. Under such circum
stances only a first-class entertainment
could have been expected last evening,
and in this respect the audienc was not
disappointed. The play of "Karl" has
been remodeled considerable since it
was last presented here and all the
changes are for the better. There are
some new people with the company,
particularly Miss Topsy Venn, as Mary
Atwood, the domestic, and Geo. R.
Caine as the lawyer and thay bring ad
ditional strength to the company. Mr.
Gardner sings as sweetly as ever, and
besides his old favorites, such as the
Lulla-by" and the "Chamoi3 Hunter,"
with its Tyrolcse warble, he has a new
song which takes very well. It is "Jack
in the Box," and there is a nice little
surprise connected with it in the third
act. Mi33 Veren delighted the audi
ence with her songs and dances, and
proved herself a charming little actress.
The music was one of tbe finest fea
tures of the entertainment. The com
pany have their own orchestra, and they
gave a regular programme of delightful
music, including cornet and zylophone
solos. The same play will be repeated
tonight, and it deserves the generous
patrense which it is Bure to receive.
Des Moines Register, June 12.
At Waterman Opera House, June 25.
Avoid the rush and reserve your seats
at the P. O. news depot ; only 75cts.
Twenty-flvo Thousand
Today J. Fred Johnson, through his
attorneys. Covell & Ransom, hied the
necessary papers in the district court
for the commencement of a suit for
$25,000 damages against the K. C. St.
Joe & C. B. R. R. Co., for damages sus
tained in an accident on that road in
It will be remembered by the readers
of the News that Mr. Johnson was
thrown from the mail car on the K. C.
road on the 17th of September, 1883, by
the train colliding with a freight train
that stood on the side track. The ac
cident was caused by a misplacod
switch, and Fred foil on a pile of iron
and broke leg just at the ankle joint.
ne was confined to his room for many
months, and is now only able to be
around with the acsistance of a cane.
His leg will never be stout again, and it
pained him so that he had te resign his
position as mail agent and retire to pri
vate life. Iu hi9 petition Johnson al
leges that he is a cripple for life, and
asks for $25,000 damages therefor.
The case will come up for hearing at
the next term of the district court.
Neb. City News.
The largest stock fireworks in the
city at the P. O. news depot, and don t
you forget it.
Call for Blaine aud Logau cigars
wherever you deal, as they are the best
nickle ciar iu the market. If your
dealear d -;- - n ?t keep them induce him
to get sol. OSdtf
Fire w-:s. , flags firecrackers, torpe
does, paper caps, pistols, fcc, cheap at
the P. O. i.t-.v8 depot. U8t2
cull'Tand sec Us.
T wich t.t v..-'.fir thft nnhlin t.lirit T am
now ocen for business, at Joe McVev's
old stand, where I have in stock a full
line of Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis
beer, wines and cigars &c, as good as
tne test. loiauj n. i. .duns.
The Cily Vlltrl iy llim tiufUiiy
Our people, who have rested lor some
time without bin mlftted by tho
visits of genuine burglars and house
breakers, were sr mew hat startled to
learn on Sunday morning that th
night previous had beta the ncenc v
three burglaries in our peaceful city.
Mr. F. McCourl, the grocer who i
sides on Ilih School hill, retired eaily
.Saturday evening and left lus bedroom
window up about six inches. On
awnkftiintr t It Is morning he found
the window up us far as it could be
raided nnd his punialoons appeared to
li.'iM- t!:eii a walk, :is they could not
be fi::i ! i i I Ik- m omi. They were af
f c r 'A v 1 1 1 - toiiii.t j:i Mil Lrnr:ii minus
ten or t ! oolhir mi I :t revolver
His stoic key, ho'.v- vcr, w ::. ry Kindly
Itll in his pocket. Ao iu was Itlt as
to Ihe perpetrators ( ta theft.
Mr. John IJ:un r, who resides en Vine
dtreet near Sixth, was also visited in
the same maimer, the paities getting
into the houre through a bed roomwm-
dow ; a pocket book and a few ceuts iu
change were all the losses sustained
Two doors east of Mr. Bauer resides
Ed Stamm, the cigar manufacturer,
here the thieves were bothered with a
large, heavy screen, over the window,
which was put on with screws; they
carefully took them out, lifted the
screen, and gained access to the room
where Mr. Stamm was 6leeping, they
indented nothing except about $10 in
change which he had in his pocket.
Xo indication was left here as to
whom the parties were.
About 3 o'clock this morning, Mr.
Keller, the painter, was awakened by
parties trying to enter his house, he got
up in time to thwart their aims and to
get a slight view of them as they hur
riedly made their exit for safer parts.
Mr.K. awakened his neighbor, Dr..
Clutter, aud the two attempted to fol
low the parties, but it-i led owing to the
darkness to catch on.
Courtli of July! ClicapcNt
iu Town, at The Fair.
A. O H Convention-
The Ancient Order of Hibernians of
the state of Nebraska, held their state
convention at Omaha on last Saturday,
June 2Ut.
Over one hundred members were
present from all parts of the st.-ite nnd
WiiS an enthusiastic and intelligent
body of men. Mr. O'Ketfe, of Omaha,
who id the national. delegate, presided,
and was unanimously re-elected for
two years.
Plattsmouth sent six tlth gates M.
O'Connor, J. A. Connor, M. McGuire,
Pete McCan and others who raprerented
Cass county.
The election of general officers was
an exciting and hotly contested affair.
There were candidates from Omaha,
O'Xeill City, Lincoln, Columbus and
Plattsmouth for the office of state sec
retary, but as usual, the wire puliiug
and fine work of the O'Connor crowd
carried the day in the election, M. Mc
Guire, of Plattsmouth City being elect
Mr. John Rush, the treasurer, of
Douglas county, who is away up in the
order, made thenddress of the day, and
for line gems of thought and logic, was
one of the best ever delivered in Oma
Fresh new Lemons, enly 25c per doz
en, at The Fair.
The lightning rod swindler is again
in the land. Like the swindlers who
follow with the circus, they will always
fiud some one whom they can gull. The
last victim we have heard of is a hotel
keeper at Wymore. He made a square
bargain with the agent to have his
house rodded at a certain price. After
the work was done, the lightning rod
man charged more than four times the
amount agreed upon, and demanded
and received a note for the full amount
claimed. Now the hotel man comes
out in a card, denouncing the lightning
rod man as a swindler. There is no
doubt that Ihere are men in the light
ning rod business who are skinning the
public in a brazeu shameful manner.
There is no safety in allowing these
men to climb your hause with a piece
of rod m hi3 hand. If yo do you will
either be compelled to pay four times
the actual price of the rod3 orj pay an
attorney to defend you in . a law suit.
The only safe way is to haye .no truck
with these traveling sharks and pat
ronize home dealers. na3tings Gazette
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that
Or. Kinnr'a New Discovery for Con
Hiimntion and all Throat and Luns
dupiipais di!v curin? oaticnts that
thov h-ir-p o-ivpn nn to die. is startlinir
them to realize their sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery : resulting in hundreds ot
our beat Phvsician3 nsinff it in' their
practice. Trial Bottles free at J.M
Roberts' Drusr Store. Regular size
InsurancoThat Insures-
From the actions of individuals or
corporations, we are enabled to judge
best of their real merits. The follow
ing certificate ot satisfaction, from a
ciiizeu of Jefferson county, is but
onw of the many evidences of prompt
ness, and fair dealing which has placed
the Nebraska fc Iowa Insurance Com
pany, in the estimation of the people,
far ahead of its Eastern competitors.
Ki:stekson, Jefferson Co., Neb.
June 17, 1884.
This is iu acknowledgment of the
prompt, liberal and honorable manner
in which I have been dealt with by the
Nebraska and Iowa Insurance compa
ny. I suH'aiucd a terious loss by fire on
the 12th day of June, consuming my
dwelling house and contents. On the
lCLh day of June I was called upon by
. J. Alexander, who adjusted and pnid
the loss in lull.
I publish this for the reason thut I
was visited the day before my house
burned, by an agent of a foreign com
pany, who told me that my policy win
not worth 'he paper it was written on,
that the company was a "snide"' etc.
etc., and that I had better insure with
Wai.tkk Moouk.
CifWe warn the public to beware
of a blackmailing sheet, claiming to be
an insurance journal, published in Chi
cago and paid by Eastern insurance
companies to slander the Nebraska and
Iowa Insurance Company, of Omaha.
Hill Norris telis a good story ou
Chandler, the voluminous sheriff of
Hamburg, Iowa. Wheu Chandler und
Sheriff Farrel were bringing Norria
and Poke Wells down from Wisconsin,
Poke was placed on an improvised cot
being badly wounded. Chandler had
just telegraphed to the station ahead
for the people to come and "see two
bloodthirsty desperadoes I have cap
tured." (Captured after they were
handcuffed and shackled.) Farrel had
become sick of this business, and ex
tracting the shells from a navy handed
it to Poke. Wells af once took the euo
and slipped the revolver under his
blanket. As the train approached the
next station Chandler stepped off and
proceeded to gather up a crowd, aud
heading the procession, marcbod into
the car where he was exhibiting his
menagerie. With a quick motion,
Poke snatched up his revolver, aud
snapped it at the crowd. Chandler fell
over backward and the mob rushed
frantically over him, scratching, fight
ing and kicking to see who would get
out first. It reminded oue of a herd of
Texas cattle stampeding. Chandler
sneaked in at the other end of the cur,
after the excitement had subsided, and
said: "ifoung man, don't do that again
I came very near shooting you. Atch
ison Patriot., Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush
es, Combs, &c, nice line, at Fishers,
east Main street. 49dtf
Chuce, pure fresh mixed candy at
Jim Autill's for only 2o cents a pound.
Money saved by buying hand made
brooms, ask your dealer for them.
A lino stock of silver ware - just re
ceived at L. C. Erven's. 83tf
you mow
That water will not run up hill,
that a kiss is sweeter than it looks
and looks hetter after dark,
that ood C1LOTMINGJ is tho.
best, and cheapest to buy. that
JL W '
money can be saved, and a square
aeal naa at ' escoit s, tne Jisoss
Clothier, as he does not deal in the
inferior lines adapted to the fixed
purposes ol bankrupt and assig
nee sales.
We avoid all gag schemes, sell
to all alike and treat our custo
mers with the utmost fairness. A
complete stock of seasonable
clothing and furnishing goods on
hand, and we are prepared to con-
vince all in doubt that our statements are correct, that our goods are
the best, and that it is to your interest to trade -with WESCOTT.
Late styles in Straw and Fur Ilats, Novelties in Neckwear, full line ot
Trunks, Valices, &c, &c. Everybody welcome.
Diarrti'ja, Iyscntry, ttud nil Ituwel
Complaint, (Juickly Cured
"MAiihii'it Tonic Ajituinolnt I the
best medicine I ever saw lor curing
Bowel Complaints, I have ued it, aud
have eeu it uned iu many case, In al
of which itelfectHa speedy euro." H.J
Armstrong, Fort Scott Kas. MaksiTh
Tonic Astkincif.nt cured my little
boy of Cholera Infantum, after several
other remedies failed. I gave one of
my neighbors some of it for their littlu
girl, who was suffering with tho name
complaint, and it quickly cured her.''
Jag. T. lJarnesf;iCansa3 City, Mo.
Mausit.s Toxic Astuinoent is for
sale hySmith & Ulack Bros, druggist's,
Plutt.smouih. Price 60 cents.
Chills i.nd Fcver.Duml Ague.und all
Miasmatic diseases, are quickly cuied
with the 50 cent MAKSrt Aui CuitE.
For sale by Smith Alllack Uros.
Use Maksii's Catiiaktic Livek Pi!1h
for Billiousness and Constipation. For
sale by Smith & Black Bros. wMO
For Sale.
U. W. Wise wants to hell his old
homestead on north Sixth street, "very
cheap" for cash, if sold immediately.
Call at the office ot W. S. Wise. Dtf
Collection Notice.
Parties knowing themselves to be in
debted to J. (1. Chambers & Sou are
hereby notified to call at the sheriff
otlico and pay upatouce.and save costs.
J. C. Eikenuakv, ABsignoe.
d6t w2t
Nkbuaska M-ath Oazetkeh f ani
Business Dikkctouy to be issued in
July. Is8-1, price S4.50. J. M. Wolfe,
publisher 10 S. Hth St., Omaha. 'J.'Uf
For sale Irish setter dog, well broke,
and good retriever. This is a young
do ; and a very line animal.
Wit R. Baciikmjeu.
Two hundred and forty acres under
fence, with running water, and one
half milo from the city. Apply to
51tf W. S. WWK.
Best assortment of silverware in
town to select presents from at L. C.
Erven's. S3tf
it. or r
Meets every Tuesday evening at thes
Castle Hall, in liockwood Block. V
itii-g Knights are invited to attend.
II. M. Bons, C. C.
W. L. Dykes, K. of R. aud S.