The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 20, 1884, Image 3

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C. .1. tl:trlmll, VentinC, nuc-i-CKsor
to Clutter & Marshall.
Tcclli extracted without pain,
Jiy taic l'.ltrouN O.vlile Cia.
U. tl7tir) , 21entlt.
.Vilvri.M;;it-ui4nnJrtairf tiad, thre ernf
1 ONI.Y K) l-l)AN-nn rr;t!;iie by A . N.
JA .-sa'.ilvan.
FOR hLE A one horse huguy and haruc4
itluio:t iifvv, euiiuirr of
1?)ll S Vt-dy retidencrt and four lots;
c mil It in barn and fruit. and In excel
lent condition ; ulsotwo Improved laruii . also
-l.ry liiirk bu-lnet-t limine 4H'i feet, oil Mulu
treel aud o titer d.'lrllo laud and lot.
1. it. WllK.l'.LEII.
JOU ;Al.K-Homes. lots and woi laud Dv
John Uous & Sou.
WOKSALK Several resiliences, cheap. Ia
r , nf Li. if. Wheeler & Co.
01t SALE Scratch Tablets in au sizes, at
i'OK SALK & lot In good location, rarucu
Ur at this olUce
COR SALE An order for a new American
ye in Machine, luquire at this oillc. .
X1USA.LK 1.00JcordoI wood, inquire 01
i? V. Wlao. tf
"'OU SALE 4 Id paoern for Bale at this oftlce
en. "
1:OR SALE Four lots together in gaod loca-
tlou in thl city. Inquire at thin ottlce tf
ROOM TO RENT. A furnished room for one
or two Kenr.lemeu. la good locutiou. lu
quire at thin office.
moKEST Two room, furnished or unfur
1. nlalied. In the Mac.Muruhy house. Inquire
on the premises.
FOR KENT or sale on long time, a house
and two lots with good improvements. Ap
ly to it. 11. Windham.
FOR RUN houxej of four rooms.
K-Mid water. good garden spot. $i per
mouth luSlialerviUe. W. it. Khafkk.
1-01l UESr Ihe nortU storeroom tu Nev-
llle's blnclc, and rooms up stairs. Good
location for restaurant or boarding house, rents
Cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. UU"
mo It EST A house. Inquire of Chaplain
1 Wright
LOST A Kiiiuht Templar charm in shape of a
laltese cr7,n. Finder wl I be suitably re
warded by leaving at thl - office l6tI
WAITED AC od sec ndcook at the l'eik-
ins House immediately. 75tl
WANrEO-rwo day boar-rs. Apply at
' Mr-. tiustafsonV. Jdstre two doors yaat
Hexton's SOdlw
i. or i
Me-t3 everv Tuesday evening a. the
Castle Hall." ia Rockwood Block. V
itin"- K.uiiilit.3 are invited to attend.
" H. m. lioxs, CJ. C.
V. 1 4. Dykes. K. of R. aul S.
Th Ar Solid Facta.
The lest blood j uri8eP aud eyetem
rpfulator ever piave i.m-
oAnffenuK humanity, truly 13 Electric
IJitters. Inactivity of the lavc-r, liil
ioitsoc!, .la-Ju.licc, ConstiputioD, Weak
Kidueys. or anv tliscase of the urinary
organs, or whoever requires an appe
tize , tonic or miM stiaiulant, will
v. nys Lind Electric Dittera the host and
oti'vceilain ure known. They act
furerly and quickly, every bo-tie guar
anteed to give entire satisfaction or
n oney refunded. Price only flfty cents
i bottle. For sale by J. M. Roberts.
Dec. 20 lyeCw
These are Solid Facts.
The best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of"8ufEcring humanity, truly is Electric
Dittera. Inactivity of the Liver, Dil
iousness. Jaundice. Constipation, A cak
Kidneva, or any disease of the urinary
Ortrans. or whoever requires an appetiz
ertonlc or mild stimulant, will always
rind Electric Bitters the best and only
cerUin cure known. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
eive entire satisfaction or money re
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. M. Roberts Jaiid&wly.
Feaee Posts.
5000 drv fence posts for sale, '.uquire
of W. S. Wis. I9tf-
For lame back. Side or
Sbiloh's Porous Plaster.
Chest use
Price 23
cent?, :
tion Cure is sold on a guarrntee.
It cures coas-imption.
von need for Coo sumption. Loss of ap
petite. Dizziness and all symptoms of
Uyspepsi '. Price 10 and 75 cents per
ROUPE Wlioopinsr Cough and
Bro-uchitw immediately reliyed by
Shi'..h'3 Cure. Sold by Smith & Black
BroS Dec.20eowd&wly
A Startling DUoovery.
Physicians are oftcen startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that
Dr King's New Discovry for Consump
tion and 411 Throat and Lung diseases
U daily curitiir patients, that they have
eiven uptodie, Is tartling them to
Vealize their sense of duty, and examine
into the merits of this wonderful dis
coverv : resulted in hundreds of our
best Physicians tisin it u their prac
tice Trial bottles free at J. M. lou
eris Dru Store. Regular 100.
A Startling ntscovery.
Thysicians are often fetartled by tc
markable discoveries. The fact that
Dr Kind's New Discovery for Con
sumption and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curing patients hat
thev have gien up to die, i startling
them to reallzo their sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of tins wonder
ful discovery ; resulting in hndref.8"'
our best Physicians using it in their
practice. Trial Bottle free at J.M.
Robert Drug Btore. Regular sue
The river is stationary today at foui
ben f'-f.t nbore low water.
Tii ere i very loud complaint against
J tlie Sunday b:iae ball game which i
UHually held on the Driving park.
Don't forget lo secure your 6eats for
Chas. A. Cardner in "Karl" next Wed
nes lay at tli opera house, scats are
selling tast.
The PJattsmouth Sportsmen's club
were to have a spirited tournament
this afternoon, but the IIehm.u fears
the r.iin will prevent.
The Young Men'fl Republican Clu
will be entertained Monday evening
next by nc dresses from Messrs. Strode
Uartiiin, Morrison arid Smitlt.
Cedar Creek, not to be lj( !iu;1 any of
j ht r n;i:diUr, promine to ct-lehrate
i the National I irthday in tlie usual
manner wirh all kinds of sport inter
pper3od with literal y and musical exer
cises. R. C. IJ.irrw, fcSate uvaoelist, will
till the puipit at ti c Christian church
next Sunday morning and evening. A
cordial invitation is extended to every
body to bo present.
Charley Rlack, II. Sage and Charley
Skinner, "three gallant tars" will
man the cannon on the Fourth. They
have already secured 5 kegs of powder
to be used on that occasion.
Another Blaine precinct heard from
with a slight variation. This time it is
still the Tidrd ward, and it is at the
house and home of J. E. Morrison. It
ia a lovtly girl baby, and its parents
are very happy. The Herald con
gratulates Mr J. and Mr. Morrison.'
The Herald learns that EI in wood
aud vicinity are going to have a rous
ing celebration on th 4'.L. The pro
gramme has not reached us, but we
know enough of the patriotism and
public spirit of the "boys" in that vi
cinity to know that they will be satis
fied with nothing less than a lofty,
wide-spread bird.
Frank Smith, from Chicago, was
arrested on charge of breaking iuto a
freight car last night and was exam
ined bclore Judge Russell was dis
charged this afternoon. It seemed
from the evidence, ho hnd only been
sleeping in the car and had taken noth
ing'. Three others who were with him
were also discharged.
There is au awful funny indictment
found by the grand jury of Douglas
county. The jury bring in a true bill
against an ex-councilman, aamed Mc
Guckin the count in this indictment
charging that McGukm received pay
for introducing a resolution into the
city council of Omaha, which favored
the fancy of that "burg." This indict
ment certainly presents a novel ques
tion, and the llEliALD believes, in law
tn absurd c!i:irge.
With the coming hot weather comes
the refreshing words (to the youug at
least) that Plattsmouth will celebrate.
A genuine, old fashioned Fourth of
July celebration will be held in Fitz
gerald's park, where it is intended to
make every one enjoy themselves by
the presence of good literary exercises,
consisting of orations by some of our
best citizens, music, gamc3 and danc
ing. The management of the celebration
is iu the handj of the following com
mittee with J A. Connor as chairman:
J. V Weckbach, P.McCallau, J. Grace
and M. McGulrc,
Mr. Charles A. Gardner, as "Karl,"
and an excellent company, held the
boards at the Academy of Music last
evening. Standing room was in de
mand, and the audience was oue of
those dignified crowds that show no
sign of appreciation until it is knocked
down with real merit. Mr. Gardner,
however, captured his audience in the
beg nning, and before the close of the
first act everjbody was enthusiastic.
Mr. Gardiner is a stong rival of Joe
Emmet. His dialect is good and his
songs are not only excellent in compo
sition but he rendsrs them in style.
Every character was well taken and the
performance throughout is a most
pleasing one. Mr. Gardner, come soon
agaid, and bring that same company
with you. Daily Beacon, Akron, (J.
Will be as Waterman Opera House,
June 25th.
Street Crossings vs Delivery Wagons.
The Sixth street bridge by Pattersons
livery stable, is almost passable once
more, trie approaches thereof being
nearly completed. Commissioner Pois
al and his force have done a good job
on this bridge, and the Herald now
rails on Mr. Poisl to drop a few wagon
loads of dirt around and about certain
crossings on Chicago and Washington
avenu 8, and also on Main street. It
will help out the farmers and livery
m n, and save many a delicate delivery
wagon with its tender packages of
costly groceries
Fix these jack knife crossings Mr.
Commissioner, or we will Ire a loaded
fee oreuin t?ce;or you.
Complete Lietof the Injured.
We give below a list of the injured
in the wreck of the Cannon ball train
near Hubbell, Tuesday night. No fur
ther news bcyoud what was given yes
terday. morning has been received. In
deed, there 13 little more to receive.
No further arrests haTe yet been
made, except the one mentioned in our
account yesterday morning. Several
suspected characters are being shad
owed, and it is believed lurther arrests
will he made soon.
W. H.McNnughton, express messen
ger, now at Red Cloud, badly injured;
contusion in the base of the brain; fa
tally injured.
Fiorilla Super, Jdiiuer, Kur;aup, lo'
at Wyniore, severe sprain atd contu
sions; may die.
W. II. Daily, Whitefleld, New Hamp
shire, lelt ear cut off; head much cut.
W. Jacobs, Virginia City, 111., knees
badly injured.
I. II. Lyman, conductor of the train,
Atchison, fvus., now at home, both legs
broken below the knees, and other se
vere bodily injuries.
Alexander Stuart, engineer of the
train, at Wyiuoie, left leg broken.
M. A. Wadleigh, Stevens Point, Wis.,
head, eyes and arms injured.
F. B. Ward, Connersville, Ind., back
injured; badly hurt. His wife the
E. L. Story, Chicago, conductor Pull
man car, hip thigh and back injured.
William C. Cook, aged eighty-nine,
Bloomiugton, 111., hurt in breast, head
and body ; in hospital t ud will die. J
Others injured not so severely are:
J. Davis, Pawnee City, Neb.; Thomas
Morris, Scandia, Kas.; Catherine, Jane
aud Mat hew Spears, Brazil, Ind ; Jas. !
O'Brien, Kansas City; II. Harris, St.
Joseph; O. S. Harris, Lincoln; G. E.
Brown, Boston, Mas3.; Louisa Pember-
tou, Hamilton, Ne'.; Lizzie Ilertley,
St. Louis, Mo.; Jan Foster, Chicago,
Illinois. State Journal.
The grand jury in the district couit
did not finish their business yesteidy,
but did more work. An indictment lor
bribery was returned against D. L. Mc-
Guckin, lute a member of the city coun
cil of Omaha, Third ward. It alleges
thHt on May 10, 1S3, McGuckin intro
dm td and supported in the city coun
cil a resolution which was pa?sed di
recting the marshal to remove all pros
titutes from a r-idius of two blocks
from the East school in the Third ward,
it being alleged that the proximity of
the houses of prostitution was injuri
ous and corrupting to the school chil
dren. On August 23th, being promised
$100 and a carpet worth $23, McGuckin
introduced and supported a resolution,
which was passed, rescinding the pre
vious resolution, also introduced aud
duppoited a resoiuiiou, which passed,
directiug the marshal to move all pros
titutes from the houses between Tenth
and Twelfth streets on the north side
of Douglass street. On August 29th,
McGuckin received in payment for pro
curing this legislation tne $100 in the
form of Bernstein's check and the $25
It was creditably reported yesterday
that the city council had sent a delega
tion to wait upon the mayoa and to no
tify him that they would giye him un
til S o'clock tonight to send in his res
ignation or else be removed by ordi
Mr. Abram Bernstein, who was in
dicted on Wednesday for renting r
house to prostitutes, told a Herald re
porter yesterelay that he did not want
to be singled out in this regard, and
that he had gone before the grand jury
with a list of twenty-live property
owners and agents who were renting to
the same cl.' ss of people. Mr. Bern
stein was i:uable to find a copy of this
list, but n !.icd over a number of our
wealthy citizens, who would be much
surprised to find themselves indicted.
Omaha Herald.
The Ashlknd Road.
The Hkhaxd, in conversation with a
imnilaiiiQn i fow rtiiva Hcm IftArna tllHt
the Ashland cut-off on the B. & M. is
certain to be built. The gentleman we
allude to is a personal friend of T. J
PotterV, and inferred from what Mr.
Potter said to him that the road would
be extended at once from the stock
yards at Omaha. The theory advanced
is that a couple of Iowa roads are look
ing with I--aging eyes on the Ashlaud
route for fu entrance Into the fertile
fields of N ibraska, and that the stock
yards linf, allien is only three miles
long, wos' ' of course not coyer the de
sired tcrri So as a matter of self
preservati Burlington will build
the above i-.-.utioce.d road. The only if
there wao : r that if lhe3e roads g6t some9
other out! . at an early day then the
Ashland en iff would beabaudoned, as
the necessU : for it would no longer
All the houses in Piammouth
will sell you Bremner's choice cracker
at reduced riee by the box or barr-11,
and don't y.u forget it. Get these acd
you get tUe beat. J
Miss Lilly Pollock, accompanied by
her cousin, .Mamie Lewi, are vis
iting in Omaha tody.
Mr. Isaac Nathan left this morning
for the Fairmont brunch store, which,
he says, is doing u fine bueiuc??.
W. II. Newell and Hilly Vivian are at
Cedar Creek today.
II. W. Suge ami Charley Skinner
made a flying trip to the metropolis
this morning.
R. W. Ilycrs returned this morning
from an extended tour through Indiana
and Illii.o!.
J. W. Johns . n is in Oui'iha today.
Chat h.-y Paruielf and Janus Dounel-
)y went to Oni'ilm U.i- w rai.:.
Professor Love, who h;i; Leen In the
city looking after tiis reid estate inter
ests, left for home this morning.
Clooded Stock-
A little over a year ago Samuel At
wood in company vvith C. II. Parmeie,
began to bundle a few Jersey cows in a
small way. They soon found the busi
ness profitable and went into it more
extensively so that today they have
about thirty head of Jerseys and nearly
the same number of Herefords in their
As an indication of what they have
been doing, upon inquiry of Mr. At
wood, he informs us that their sales up
to the present time amount to over
$0,000, and as they have only got fairly
started in the business, their splendid
success shows very conclusively that
the breeding of fine stock is a very prof
itable industry if it is properly man
aged. A Steam Ferry:
A Mr. Pease, ol Biair, is iu the riiy
today seeing the officials in regard to
putting in a ste im ferry at this point.
The necessary franchise no doubt will
be forthcoming when the much ceed'd
boat will he sent here for permanent
The ignorant man who is iu jail
here on the charge of attempting rape,
wrote the following note to jailor Hol
lo way which we print verbatim, 1 is
word method it seems would oven make
the phonitians blush with envy:
plis mr. hollewce sent me three sens
stems, en two 2 sens stems, en 2 news
papers strops, en 3 picssn peper, en 2
int'ellops, en ori piess Kleimicka shoe
tebekkf. end obieie
Johannes Spleituof.
You will find a fall stock of fire
works, firecrackers, torpedops, paper
cap pistols eic. at the P. O. n ".vs depot
at prices to suit the times. 15'2
Trythti IJ ina-i i plu chewing lo
bacco, it is by far the finest plug chew
ing made. Matt Schlegtd sells it. lit
When in Plauauioutu call at the P.
O. News depot f or your ice co:d sotfa
w ater, candies, and other go ;d3 that
you may need. I5t2
F, S. White,
The old stand by ice man, is now con
tracting for the Bummer season, and
will deliver you your ice promptly at
any time called for. Make your con
tracts for a summer supply. ' odtf
Plattsmouth will celebrate the 4th of
July at Fitzge aid's forty south of the
city, and Phil Young has a full supply
of fire works. 15t2.
Ayers sarsaparilla 'equires a smaller
dose, and is more effective, dose for dose,
than any other blood medieiue. dCtwlt
Parlor and bedroom sets in all styles
at lowest prices at Boeeck's. 59tf
L?irge stock of flag3, fireworks, bal
loon?, tire crackers, torpedoes, toy pis
tols etc., for the 4th at Young's. 15t2
Diamond Wall Finish, best and cheap
est, ready for use by adding hot water,
at Fisher's drug store. 49d&wtf
If your beard is not of a pleasing
6hade, remedy the defect by the use of
Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers.
Phil Young sells base balls, and bats
at cost to close out stock. 15t2
- The Ice Man.
Jos. Fairfield has established an' of
fice at Monarch billiard hall, where h.
will contract with consumers to eupph
ice for the season at the lowest term.
CORN COB pipes in every stvl
Sehlegel'a. I0tt
Orders for hand made brooms at
tended to promptly at the Wester!
broom factory. d2S-lmo
Refrigerators in all size? at Henry
Bceek'H. 59tf
Important to Travelers.
Special inducements are offered voi
by the Burlington route. It will pa.
you to read their advertisement to -
found plsewherpi in thin issu. 47tf
The best beef in tne city always cai
be found at Peterson Bros, market.
oJn:purcha9ing a refrigerator see Hen
ry BosJck's new stock and gt pi ices
before purcb&suuz. S9tf
Tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon, June
21st, the A. O. II. of Nebraska will
hold their state convention at Omaha
Tho A. O II. at the Btate convention
will be represented by six delegates
fioin Cass couuty.
Members of tho Ladies' Aid Society,
who wish to accept Mrs. Perry Walk
er's inviiatiou for Saturday afternoon,
and who are not provided with trans
portation, will please report at once to
Mrs. J. S. Duke, chairman of executive
Return Engagement
Plattsmouth1 s Favorite.
Wednesday, June 25th.
You Can't Afford to Miss It.
Of the Funniest German Dialect Comcdiau in
the World,
Who will appear in Lis crand characterizations
of aierin;i.i from Frankfort-oii-the-Main,
in his Comedy Drama of
Supported by
Our Unrivaled Orchestra aid Uniformed Mili
tary Brass Hand, together with
tST The Smallest Man lo the World.
Reserved Seats.
"5 Ue.tit
Seats oan be Secured at F. O. News Depot
if n fxivx
0 0
you mow
That water will not run up hill,
that a kiss is sweeter than it looks
and looks better after dark,
that good CILOTHING is the
best, and cheapest to buy, that
money can be saved, and a square
deal had at WcscotVs, the JBoss
Clothier, as he does not deal in the
inferior lines adapted to the fixed
purposes ot bankrupt and assig
nee sales.
We avoid all gag schemes, sell
to all alike and treat our custo
mers with the utmost fairness. A
complete stock of seasonable
clothing and furnishing goods on
hand, and we are prepared to con
vince nil in doubt, that our statements are correct, that our goocU are
ihe best, and that it ia to your interest to trade with "WESCOTT
Lute styles in Straw and Fur Hats, Novelties in Neckwear, full line of
Trunks, Valices, &c, &u Everybody welcome.
, Eockwood Block. IH boss CLOIfllEJi
Diarrhoea, Dy$cntry, and all Ilotucl
Corajilainti, (Juickly Cured
"Makhu'ii Tomo Astkinoknt I the
best medicine I ever saw lor curing
Bowel Complaints, I have used it, and
have seen it used in inuny cases, in al
of which it effects a speedy cure." S.J
Armstrong, Fort Scott Ks. MAitsn'f
Tomo Astringent cured my little
boy of Cholera Infantum, after several
other remedies failed. I gave one of
my neighbors some of it for their little
girl, who was suffering with the same
complaint, and it quickly cured her."
Jas. T. Ihirnes,;Kauas City, Mo.
Marsh,s Tonic Astringent is for
sale b Smith & Black Bros, druggist',
Plattsmouth. Price 60 .cents.
Chills and Fever.Dumh Ague.and all
Miasmatic diseases, are quickly cured
with the 50 cent Marsh Ague CURE.
For sale by Smith &Clack Bros.
Use Marsh's Cathartic Liver Pilu
for Billiou6ness aud Coustipation. For
sale by Smith & Black Bros. wJdfl
For Sale.
U. W. Wise wants to k-.1I I. in
homestead on north Sixth street. 4,verv
cheuo" for cash, if sold immnlmt-i v
Call at the office of W. S Wise. 2tf
Collection Notice.
Parties knowing themselves to be in
debted to J. (J. Chambers & Son are
hereby notified to call at the sheriff
office aud pay up at once and jave costs.
J. C. Likenbabv, Assignee.
d6t w2t
Nebraska mate (Iazetketi ivi.
Busikkss DIRECTORY to be Issued In
July, 1881, price $4.50. J. M. Wolfe,
pumisuer lzu a. i4ih St., Omaha, yatf
For sale Irish setter doir. well broke.
and good retriever. This is a young
dog and a very line animal.
H. Bachm.deu.
Two hundred and forty acres under
fence, with running water, and one
half mile from the cit'. Apply to
5ltf W. S. Wise.
A line stock of silver ware just re
ceived a L. C. Erven's. 83 tf
See the new suok of silverwvc at
L. V. Erven's hefor.j buying elsewhere.
83 tf
9 W - . m
Best assortment of silverware in
town to select presents from at I.. C.
Erven't. g3tf
Calluud .see Lh.
I wish to notify the public that I am
now open lor business, at Joe McVcy'a
old stand, where I have iu stock a full
line or Kentucky whiekieo, St. Louis
beer, wines and ciars Ac, as good an
the best. 57dtfJ II. M Boxs.
Choice, pure fresh mixed candy at
Jim A nulla for only 2o cents a pound.
; Taken up by the undersigned in
iuiLuiuouiu precinct on tne 2tn day of
May, 1884. One sorrel mare pony willi
star in forehead, supposed to be about
5 pears old. If not claimed and costs
paid a3 provided by law, tlie same will
be disposed of to satisfy coats.
'9tf Geo. ITohnn.
ClotLes, Ilair, Nail and Tooth Brush
es, Comb, &c, nice line, at Fieherp,
eat Main street, 49dtf
Money saved by buying hand made
brooms, a3k your dealer for them.