The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 19, 1884, Image 3

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    i'LfiWOMil: flERALU
lra; tiru.
Library at
1. tl:trhalt, Denflfct, muc
i o(r lu Clutter & Marshall.
!.( fi extracted without pain,
bj ue ol'.ltrou Oxide iiitn.
1. M.ill.Hburj", OenllNt.
AlvriMi:tnt! unlT tni" had, tbri' rent
?wr 1I- teli tiiltTtl'in.
ONE V 'IO LOAN On real estate by
Foil LE A one hore buy and haruess
almoit newr, ei.quir- of .......
Kdil. ilU A. UCIILE.iEL.
KV11 S ILK-My T(sSdenrrt and four low;
i u .d h-u?. ham ami fruit, and In excH
I....I .r.m.lUtmi : Jh.) two ImproVfd farmx. also
:: lory Ori-Tk lu:ms- hou-e 4oxj let-t.ou Mam
street, anu oiurr utsnraoiu i-uiu mm ium.
LXI1C ;ALE-Houses. lot aud wood land by
i John Hons & Son. Several residences. cbean. In-
r quire of D. II. Wheeler & Co.
1 ion M.K Scratch Tablet 1" all sizes, at
fOKHALKalot in good location
larn at this office
lOi: SALE An order for
a new American
A ewiux .Machine.
Inquire at thlsoftlce.
VOltS VLK l.Otrj cords 01 wooa.. imjuire 01
t V..-. Wise. tf
a ' m
PORSALK Id paper for sale at this office
A at 40 c;uts ler nunurru or o ceuw jer u-.-en.
IiOK SALE Four lots together in sod loca
- Hon in thl city. Inquire at this oihee tf
UOO.UTO RENT. A furuishe.l room for one
.ir to Kentlenten, in tfood location. 1 11
luire at this ollice. ,ltl
fHO KENT Two rorm, furnished or unnir
JL niniied. in the MacMuruhy houe. Inquire
on the premises.
FORKiiNTorsale 0:1 lone time. A house
and two lots with good improvements. Ap
ly to .4. B. Windham.
FOR KEN. houses of Tour rooms.
lfod water, good tjaideu si)ot, SI per
month inSUafervflle. W. II. biiAFEit.
IOK RES r1 he north store room in Nev
' ide's blclt, aud 8 rooms up stairs, tiood
location for restaurant or boarding house, rents
cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. ia.Ui
tr0 ICENT A house. Inquire of Chaplain
1 Wright.
LOST A Knight Temphir charm in shape of a
Maltese cnm. Finder wi 1 be suitably re
warded by leaving at thl - ofllco. letf
r TEI) A g od sec- nd cook at the Peik-
ins House immediately. 75tf
WANTED Two day boarjr8. Apply at
Mr. i ustafson V, 3d stre two dois past
1 w
It. Of 1
Meets every Tuesday evc-ning at thes
Castle Hall, in Hock wood Block. V
itin" Kuiyhts are invited to attend.
" II. M. lioxs, C. C
W. Dvkks, K. of Vt. and 6.
Xem Ar- Solid ota.
The het biwovl purifier aud 6ystenj
regulator evrr placed within the reach
oAuSeniis humanity, truly is Electric
Bitter3. Inactivity ot'the Eiver, Bil-ioiisue.-s,.Ia.iudice,
Constipation, Weak
Kidneys, or anv disease of t! e urinary
organs, r whoever rpquires an appe
tize , tonic or mild stimulant, will al
ways Dud Electric Bitters the beet and
on yccitain cure known. They act
t-urerly and quickly, every bottle guar
pnteed to give entire satisfaction or
u.oney refundel. Price only fifty cents
a botll. For sale bv J. M. Roberts.
Dec. 20 lyeCw
These are Solid Facts.
The best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed vithin the reach
of'suffering humanity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, U eak
Kidnevs, or any disease of the urinary
oro-ans. or whoever requires an appetiz
errtooic or mild stimulant, will alwa
find Electric Bitters the best and only
rvrtAin cure known. They act surely
nnd ouickly, every bottle guaranteed to
: . nntiro RAtlafaction or money re
funded- Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. M. Roberts Jand&wly.
Fence Posts.
5000 drv fence posts for sale,
of W. S. Wise. 19 tf-
Vnr lame back. Side or Chest use
Plaster. Price 25
tion Cure is sold by us on a guarmtee.
It cures consumption. .
eiirmits VITALIZER is what
vou need for Consumption, Loss of ap-
E elite, imziness uu u o.i"
lyspensU. Price 10 and 75
ptoms o
cents per
bttle. - ; -
' CROUPE Whoping Cough and
Bronchitis immediately relived by
Shiloh'a Cure. Sold by Smitn A Black
Bro3 Dec.20eowdiwly
A Startline DUoovery.
Phycians are ofteen startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that
Dr Kind's New Discovry for Cousump
tion and" all Throat and Lung disease
into the merits 01 tnis wouuenui "'
coverv; resulted in hundreds of our
best Physicians using it u their prac
tice. Trial bottles free at J. M. R-b--erls
Drug Store. Regular Sue $1 00.
e 6 Dec. 20 lye6w.
A Startlinsr Piseovery.
Physicians are often startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that
Ur King's New Discovery for Con
gumption and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curing patients that
thev have given up to die. is startling
them to realize their sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of this wouder-
ful discovery ;re8uino ..7;
oarlwstPhysicUn,D8inff it in their
practice. Trial Bottles free at J.M.' Dru Store. Regular size
is daily curing patients mat tuey u c
given up to die, Is tartling them to
th.-ir sense ol auiv. anu fAiuiac
AruoM at the M. E Church this evon-
j. TLh Missouri riv -r.ia still ibing, loth
j jJf.r,.
W'e are sorry to learn that Mrs. J
j Jennings is very ill today
air this afternoon was made
more pleasant bv a refreshing ihower.
Tho details of l ho Eudicott wreck
in iy he foui.d on the telegraph page 10
Inch; William Wheeler is iu the city
today vi-Iting his son D. If. and other
Everybody should attend the Arnold
Sun picture cnteifainiuenf at, the M. E.
j i-hiircli tonight.
All who have seen ilr. Arnold's :
pictures s;eak in the high .st terms
the exhibition.
Tho n;xt troupi at the Opera House
will bo the great "Ivarl" ia his funny-
isnts, that everybody enjoys.
Col. Iteiiben Daily, tho invincible
Iron Mountain man, went to Council
BlutTi this nioruing.
Biily "Webber starts for Valentine Jc-
niicl't to leok after some land in the
wheat fields of Nebraska.
Schnellbackcr and hia painter, ila
lick, uro fitting up some of the finest
buggies and delivery wagons ever seen
in this city.
Jirircy Donnelly, who lias had such
a evrre siege of sicknes, will leavo for j
next week.
Sol Dewey, and II. Inheldcr, of Cedar
Creek, have joined the l'hittsmouth
baud of Kiobraia land Lunters, they
having .Tarted for that point this morn-
Iteserve your seats for ''Karl" the
Du ch Peddler, at the Opera House next
ednesday night. They have a fine
brass band and orchestra, Don't fail to
see the parade.
A little fracas occurred ou Main
street today of a very unpleasant na
ture. However, as the Herald would
rtther quiet than engender strife we
will at the present not go into details.
Remember that the Chas. A. Gard
ner Karl company next Wednesday
make a street parade with their fine
band. They also have a first-class or
chestra. Don't forget the date, June
We understand that Dr. Levi Gold-
ng will soon open out a large stock of
notions in his commodious buildinjr,
on Main street, and that he will also
carry the e'edic epcciGc remedies and
some other standard drug.
Messrs. Hatt & Company have pur
chased the lot next to Henry Water
nianu's, and a-e already at work pre
paring to erect a substantial building.
They will put up a number one brick.
full width, and CO feet long.
Members of the Ladies Aid Society,
who wish to accept Mrs. Perry Walk
er's in vital iou for Saturday afternoon.
and who are not provided with trans
portation, will pleape report at once to
Mrs. J. S. Duke, chairman of executive
The Herald learns with regret of
the very serious illness of M. B. Cutler,
Esq., of Greenwood. A reporter of
the Herald met Mr. Marquette and a
Lincoln phvsician on the train Tuepday
going to Bee Mr. Cutler. Mr. Marquette
expressed himself as having but faint
hopes of his recovery
We learn from reliable authority that
on Tuesday, A. E. Wells, treasurer ot
the Nebraska Central railroad company
received a draft on a London, England
bank for 1.000,000 10 per cent, of the
entire capital, which will go to the con
struction of that road, which begins im
mediately. On Tuesday the directors ot
that read held a meeting in the parlors
of Reuard & Wells' bank. Asa result
of these proceedings the surveying will
begin and we expect to see dirt living
in about sixty days. This is reliable
and there is no humbug about it, a-
several h ive informed us they saty the
draft. Everybody is enthusiastic and
have just reason for being so. Teka-
mah papers please copy." Oakland In
Fourth at Rock Bluffs.
Mr. J. G. Chandler, oue of Rock
Bluffs leiding citizens, favored the
Herald with a pleasant call this fore
noon and left a good order for ''post
ers" for the Rock Bluffs celebration
which our people will notice promiset-
t be oue of the largest nnd best ar-
1 auged celebrations held iu Cass Co.
fur years. The IIekald hopes oui
Rock Bluffs neighbors w ill have gooo
weather for their celebration, as we
guarantee them the cowd and the
goodjtime and all else.
A good two horse far 111 wagon for
sale. Enquire at Bennett & Lewi.
Glendale Items-
We have been having very dry we.i'h
tr, it having rained all around us until
uow it i giving us a tine ralu; but we
fear it ia a most too late for barley, as
it has beaded out ami is ho short it will
be hard to pave.
Kim I Polk ud wife have gone to
Raymond on a visit.
O. B Polk has returned from -tho
Univeislty at Lincoln.
Oliver Ward received a message
staling that their daughter, Mrs Sayles
of Greenwood, ic very Pick.
East Satuid.iy hiht some ot the
young people had an ice cream supper
at Mr. Buiuetts. David Ward regret
very much that he did not accompai y
a certain girl home that evening.
Several of ihy pt-opic around here
attended church at Fuirview lust .Sun
day, at 3 o'clock. We understand
there will be 01 car lung every two
weeks. Jiiirct tt bad u ruaro cut very
badly ou a barbed wiie fence.
Corn looks- us well as could be ex
pected considrriug the dry weather,
Trampj are getting very nu
merous. East Sunday oue stopped at
Mr. Burueti'a and ased for something
lo eat, which was granted, after which
he took a pair of new shoes belonging
to a hired hand, which were setting on
a shelf out in the yard. He took his
old boots off and threw them iu the
brush close by and put the shoes ou.
It was quite lucky for Will Thomas
iast Monday morning, that the old gen
tleman had a coat to loan him, as it was
raining. We always knew grandfather
Con; was a very generous man. j
From all appearances O B. Polk and
Henderson Ward are going into the
tine hog business, at least Mr. WaJrani
is minus a hog trough.
Dick Tapper says he is going "to
learn bis pony better than to Kick liini
oil" when he ij about to sell or trade
him. Uno.
Dellevue College".
On Monday evening au adjourned
meeting of the trustees of Believe col
lege was held. It was decided to bund
a dormitory to ba called the "George
L Little Memorial Hall," prov'd d the
sufficient funds can be raised by bub-
The board of aid for colleges of. the
Prebbyterian chureh will be asked for
$2,r'J0 the coming year.
The commitle on ladds and lots were
instructed to plat the 206 acres of land
deeded by Mr. T. H. Clarke, into lots
if rive acret or ru re, with authority to
the 6a me for a period uf not less sixteen
teen ver3.
Following are the filcera elected for
h- eiif-uin" vear.
President- II T. Clarke.
Fst Vice President Reu. J. T
Second Vice President Rev. George
T. Crissmau.
Secretary T. A. Creigh.
Treasurer L. B. Williams.
Executive committee Rev. W. J.
Ilar.-ha, of Om dia; Jhn II Clarke, of
Lincoln; Mauley Rugers. of Fremont.
Tho Union Pacific people having
sold all their laud in X;braska, it
deems, have started a boom tarther
west, us is evinced by the following
from the Bee:
The business men of Laramie city
and the stock men of Albany county,
Wyoming, have organized a company
for the purpose ot securing control, by
purchase from the U. P. railroad, most
ot, if not all the laud owned by the com
pany in the county. Tis is a movement
of vital importance to the people
named. Heretofore the railroad land
has been the common grazing ground
of ali, but now that it is in the market
and huge parcels of it already sold, the
cattle men as wvll as the business in
terests of J. ramie realize the necessity
of securing control or be driven from
thecouulr ; The company organized
ha3 a capitul stock of $1,000,000, so that
owners ot large aud small ianges can
subscribe and secure pro rata a shar
in the purchased land. The best of thi.-
land is along the Laramie river, and i.
regarded as very fertile. The railroad
had offers from ouj,side parties for it
entire possessions on tu plains, but be
ing desirous that bouafide pettier?
should have the first right to purchase.
'he residents were so notified. A com
mittee of prominent citizens were ap
pointed to visit land commissionet
Burnham and the result has been satis
factory to 'oth parties.
List of Letters.
List of 1: tiers remaining unclaimed
in the i'. ' 1. at i'iattsmoutn, Cass Co
Neb., Jul- lc84:
AlbertsoL ;-. ;da Pejry Edward
hell Emn .1
Pai tin Mitchel
Uampbeil W S
Cut h r S C
Riggs Laura
Stockwell J B
S'eteck John
Snodgrass B P
Tayh.r Win A
Vray John
Wmer Henry
Warner Geo
Williams Miss Let'i
Edmunds Tirs M
Grow Stephen
Lafery A
Lade Gusi.
le ers A
Mever Zdv. ird
Orr Alexander
Person caUlDg for the above will
please ssy ''advert 'sed.''
College Hill Items.
En. Herald: c,;i.Ke Hill mill ix
iia and so do ', Hliht'Ugh you have
not iieara in-in u.s very recen'iy. ear
ly all of our lamx ri i.uve had to re-,
plant their corn ; tome, more uufortu
nate than others, two ir.d ilncc times,
but we still have h.pes for .1 good crop,
unless another hail Morn should vKit
Moan gram look fin.'J. .Straw berrii"5
are vey plentiful, and there U a good
prospect forph nty of fruit.
Ahogetlur College Hdl is a lovely
place, and t be gard'-n spot, of Cass Co..
so thinks Carey Manker and Charlie
McPherson. judging fiom iho frequent
visits they ia tke to ihrt Hill.
Mrs. Joseph Tighe, ot Bra-huu, 5a
visiting with her j iaents Mr and Mrs.
C .clda'er ;md nuiiierou.s .t';s r Irienda
Tlmd Adani': aid Frank Lonsdale
relurueu l'rom their cattle ranchu neai
Cummiflsville, Wheeler Co , a few day
Miss Clara and Will Cl-'ghorn made
the Hill t visit Tuesday evening, the
guests of Miss Flora D ivis.
College Hill has many generous hearts
and charitable peisous here, and tlie
were visited Tuesday by a poor, blim!
crank, who hails from Missouri and
claims to have been robbed there ot
of over a thousand dollars, also tn
Shukcsp are invented electricity, and
laid lvo cables across the Atlantic
ocean, the last eeu ot lam he was go
iug Sout h.
Mrs. and Mis3 Anuie Schlater and
Miss Flora Davis were at the count
seat last Wednesday.
Our school 13 prospering fiac-ly under
the management of Midi L. E. Wafer-
man this summer.
Frank Sianoer, our tliicient road
supervisor, is improving the riada ou".
in thia vicinity, and surely they need it
'lhtd. Adnma is shipping hogs from
Mauley, (the future county seat) thi
week ; be is a thorough business man
and keeps things rushiDg,
Vegetation was gieatly refreshed on
Monday by a heavy rain.
Hoping for more news, and interest
ing items in the near future,
We remain, yours truly,
Claude Mklxotte.
We acknow ledge the receipt of the
B. & O. Red boolc lor the democratic
national convention, and a capital com
pendiuoi ot political information it is
About even thing one can seek for in
becoming thoroughly posted as regards
the presidential past, U eiubmced with
in the sixty odd pages', while in point
of typography tin little book is a gem
of clean, clear-cut wo:k. 'i be- Red
Books have become indispensable in
campaign?, aod in their d.ilVrent lorm
and editions are the most popular po
litical text books of the day. No charge
is made for them by the B. & t) , and
the only rtquisite is tl-e enclosing of
two-cent stamp to C. K". Lord, Balti
more, with the apj lication for a copy.
Crown Mills Flonr.
W. F. Allen, the old Cass county
miller, who is now running the Crown
Mills at Ashland, has his rbuir on sab
iu ib Plaitsmouth marker, Dovey &
Son keeping it always in stock A
1 1 ial ot'the Crown Mill brand3 wid
prove to anv that it is superior to an
flour in the market. 3H0dw48t f.
Return Engagement
Piatt sm out hs Fwnrite.
Wednesday, June 25th.
Yozi Can't Afford to ji'iss It
Of the Funniest German Dialect Comedian iii
the World,
Who will appear i i his grand characterization
or atienna.i iron t ra.iKiort-on-Tne-Maiu,
in his Comedy Drama of
Supported by
Our Unrivaled Ofhstraa -l Uuiformed Mill
tar Brass Band, lOoetaer with
ty The S.ualleat Man In the World, J
Be served seats. - ' - 75 Cent
Admfseioa, -' - . 30
Gallery, - . - 35".
8aaunte8e3unMiftt f. O. News Depot
The Herald is for Blaine, it busi
ness manager wax notoi iouwly lor
Biaine, even unto the radical confines of
rndicalUm.' When that manager left un
for a short respite in the ntale of cold
water and radicalism which lies nuiiie
tli itely eat of us, ho chose wisely in
sileeiing the prvseut Blaluo manager
of the Herald, who not satisded with
the political staff of the manager' de
partuient, has added a Iresh tccruit In
the fchapo of a ulue pound BliJne
boomer. Miltou bj s the young repub
lican is doii.g well, and can hout
B l-a-i-nu! I'.-lal-tit ! until tbepatri
otlsni of the house, of Pol it Is fully sa
tiated. The H kald is glad to an
uounce that both Mr. and Mrs. Polk
are doing well.
A Close Call.
.r. j. u. cuupsoii 6 loiks came near
having a serious lire yesterday that
uuught but prompt action on the pari
Mr S. prevented. It seems the coal oil
stove became too hot or something of
that kind and caught Ore, it was dis
covered, however, aud carried outdoors
before hiifflcieut heat was generated to
c-iuse an explosion, when Mr. Simpson
put it out wild wet acks.
All the best houses in Plattsmouth
will sell you Brt-m tier's choice crackers
at reduced price by the box or barn II,
au" don e you lorget it. Get these and
you got the best. tf
it you want tu get you a drooni that
will give the bos 1 satinfactiou for tin
anu; money ask your dealer for Dor
ack's brooms. u23-lmo
The lee Man.
t Jos. n'airfield has established an of
fice at Monarch billiard hall, where I e
.win co-itract with consumers to supply
ice tor me season lowest terms.
In purchasing a reirigriator see H n-
ry lice -ck s new stock and gft pikes
before purchasing. GOti
CORN COB pipes in every style
Schlegei's. - Iftt
Urders for hand made brooms at
tended to promptly at the Ws ern
hrooni factory. d2S I11.0
Refrigerators in all -iz. s
at Henry
Boeck's. 59tf
Ch ice, pure fresh mixed eendv at
Jim Atitili'tj for onlv 2j cents a pound.
POTATO lis. at
Rennet- & Tewis'
you mow
That water will not run up hill,
that a kiss is sweeter than it looks
and looks better after dark,
that good CLOTHING is . the
best, and cheapest to buy, tliat
money can be saved, and a square
ileal had at EWcscott's, the ItBoss
Clothier, as he does not deal in the
inferior lines adapted to the fixed
purposes ol bankrupt and assig
nee sales.
We avoid all gag schemes, sell
to all alike and treat our custo
mers with the utmost fairness. A
complete stock of seasonable
clothing and furnishing goods on
hand, and we are prepared to'coa-
vincenll in doubt, that our statements are correct, that our goods are
the best, and that it is to your interest to trade with VVJiSCOTT
Late styles i.i Straw and Fur Liats, Novelties in Neckwear, fall lino 0j
rrunks, Volices, &c., &c Everybody, welcome. 0-
cs. s. tnrssoEv
KockwoodBloet: " TUB BOSS CL0IHIEE.
Diarrhea, Itincittry, and all JJotvcl
Loinj. In ints, Card
"Marsh's Tonic -Astiiinolxt is thA,
bet medicine I ever saw lor curing
Bowel Complaints, I have uuud it, and
nave steu it used in many case,
of which It effects ,1 speedy cure." S.J
Armstrong, Fort Scott Kas. Ma lean's Astrinoent -cured my little
boy ot Cholera IniaiuuaJ, after several
other remedies failed. I gave one of
my neighbors some of It for their litilo
girl, who was suffering with the same '
complaint, and it utitekl v rnr,wi I..-m
Jas. T Barne.;iCana8 Citv, Mo.
sale bSuiilh Black Bro, druggist's '
Piattmo:h. Puce 60 cent.
Chill and F ver.Dumb Ague.and all '
Miasmatic diseases, are quickly cured
with the So cent Marsu'Aguk Curk
For sate by Smith &BUck Bros.
Use March's Catiiaktio Livkk Pi'la
for B Hi outness and Constipation. For '
sale by Smith Black Bros. wjdfj
For Sule. '
U. W. Wise wauls to m!1 ht m
homestead on north Sixth street.
ie.p' for Mbit, if Bold immn,liull..
Call at theolllee o W. 6 Wise. tiltt
Collection Notice.
Parties knowing tbemuna tn La l.
debiedtoJ. (i. Chambers & Son aro
heieby uoiified to call at the eheriira
llico and pay upat once and iave cobts.
J. C. J-.1KKXJ1AUV, AssigDOC.
. dCt w2t
NEBUAPKA TATK I'.AJIfT!! !, . .... AflU
Ld'lMiS DlIiCT..ItV fiti.. ...
Ju y. i&j)4, puce 3150. J. M. Wolfe.
publisher 120S. 14 h sf.t o.naha. 'J.Jtf
i'or sale lrin
lid iod ntrievwr. ThU iu u J
- 10 Jvuil4
ovr and a very fine animal.
O'-di It. a rTiirr tii.-t
- - V44UMk4l
Two hundred and ioi tv acres under
ence, with ruuuimr water, and nn
ialf unl from the city. Apnlv t
0111 W.S.WISE.
A fino stock of silver war iust r..
ceived a'. L. C. Erven's. 3tf
See the new aUtck of si I wvr jrarn t
L. C Ervan's before buying cl'" ere.
Best aasortmeul of silverware
Wn to semnfc nrpaanla fr,n, ... T
X - .l. .vru, " JJ.
(alljiind .see L's.
I wis' to notify the nublic that I am
now open for business, at Joe MeVev'a
old btaud, whero I have ia stock a full
uue or lier tucky whi-kieg, St. louis
ber, wines and cigars &c. an t-ond a
the best. f57ltfl II. M Bova.
Fresh Vegetables and Fiuita receiv
ed t-very day, at
Bennett & Lewis.
Estrav Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned in
Plattsmouth precinct on the 29th day of
May, 1884. One sorrel mare pony with
star in forehead, supposed to be about
5 pears oi l. If not claimed and costs
paid aa provided by law, tho same will
be disposed of to satisfy costs.
79tf Geo. Boxsx.
Corses. Hair, Nul and Tooth Brush
es, Combs, &c, niea line, at Fishers.
ea-t Main street.
Money saved by buying h ind .made
brooms, ask jour dcaier for them.
J. W. JjABflgAI.T., p. U-