- J 2 All l?4 B 61 S era a 3o a lt 3 D Cl a cL g3 3 15a Opera House Billiard Ha FRANK H. WILSON, Fire Tornado mid Oycloiio Insurant, OJU-o, liaspjiitiit i.f Hank , rotiufy, PLATTSMOUTH, J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. Everything low. (IDysterg c& ILimcli in connection Also a complete line of the best quality of CIGARS, and TOBACCO, next door to P. O. Opera llouo Block. Queen Insurance Company, of l.i virjH1 . Washington Tire and .Marine Jiihurnnce Co., of PoMon. Commercial Union Aumnce Company, ,f London Western Assurance Company, of Toronto, Out. Capital, . . Total Assets, . Total losses paid since organization, ReliaMe Insurance-Careful Underwriting and prompt nftrM.on guaranteed. ' ' L'O.lOfl 0(10 52.047 Mm Assume Co., OK Toronto, Out. A. M. Smith, j. j. Kesnv, A. w. Ioid. President. Managing Dir. Suj.t. Akpih-Ipa f EASTWARD. Dailv Exorees Trains for Omnha. Chicago, KaiuM CUtv. St. lAui3. ami fM points k:ist. Through Cara via Peoria to Indianapolis. Ke catit Pullman Palace Cars and dy coebe on all through trains. anl Dining ciM.-i.-:t f.f ila- souri river. WESTWARD laily Exprecs trains for Denver connective l T .. I I I . . . . - 1 n:n : . ' , .1 .... -J IT...I, California and the entire West. The advent of this line gives the traveler a New Ko;ite to the IV phi., with sconerv anil n.I vantai'ps imruinlfl 1 tJ'OTT T- III 'Weil's nr? OTfD CENTRAL EAT MARKS you can find tlae focstlESccf 5 IPork r n TTTi , instil. All Kinds of game m season. I'XITKI HTATKM VKI KTUKK. "Win. H. (iuion, of WilllHiii & Union. fGuloii Win. A. Booth, President Third National Ar.K..- i. .. Hank, New Yorh. Arthur P.. Graves, President. St. Nicholas JJank. New York, CJeo.W. Hayes. Central Agent, Mllwaukee.Wln UNITED STATES DKANCH ASSKTS. United States KVi percent register- ed I'.ond United States 4 percent reKiVtered HoikIs New York Central & Hudson iVivVr l.'ailroad Honds Oeorqfci .State 15ond " Cali deposited iu State of Miiels- wppi Cash iu liimk .... Preiiuuius in course of co'll.' riion.'.' C43,C0O.OO 218,210.00 4fi.er io.oo 27,(.(XJ.00 ifi.ooo.no ISO.70.80 10U,20;.7 LIABILITIES. jJP34.M7.62 lie- Insurance reserve .... SV&ju&.Zl Lnpaid lo- ses sc. He. 23 Other Uahilities ......... ao.w.ta CJ5.453.89 Surplus in United States ? :69,0C3.73 ri'eV!(L'l,n?fie,r,ts ia LrDite(1 S,'. 174 to 188.1, inclusive s.MB.aa.M 'fl'fn.'S!?."' paidln Uniled State-,1874 to " UHA'WlSI ISAAC HWLICJSEif, A . W. J.A.(,X. Prenidcut. S.i,iar. KKANK K. MUKK1SEK. Vire-1 rfM. Washington Fire and Marine hmm Cunaiiy OK BOSTON. STATEMENT. JAN. 1, IK Itauk Hli-kn . .. . . . ctiyofituMon lo'.mis!:':::;.-; r;, Ifailroadstoj-ks,,,,,! , J(, ,. ' Loans on Mr,Kt;(. Mail.. 11( in, ,,,,,. ;v, hi a.-f.i ClIHll i mi . I ' ' '-'J Othei AsseMaVn u,',! i.t'.o ,7; 0 ASSKTS ".. 7. j. j , LIABILITIES. All other LlalMiUi.: . ' 't CltOSSLlAMMTIK.S, f'XI-l 'aj;l. pia'paaK .". ,:,.?:.,i.,:,.dr.r::. ; !;i NetSurpltiH y.:.n WESTEKN IKI'AITMET. 174 La SALLE STR EET, CHICAGO FKEI. S. JAM I S. Ci ,,,-,:.! yMU . TrtszLrcuxce Co OF LIVERPOOL. . ' United States M ...v-.it uaj n ue'-enioer, 1."?,'. OSEPHM. ROOEKS, Manager Wehterii Ie paitment, Cl.icajso, 111. Assets in the United k tales. Cash Items Keal ENtat. ITniiieuiiibred.- I'llltPll SI1.I1 9 P., , . ' .".I.'.... .... ... Other Sccmiiif Othei Ittms 18.3 66 l,l'lli.KM1l ley &!i 21,04165 1,752,207 C'J Liabilities in the United Mates. Losses Unadjusted and in Su-.pei.se $138,034 20 AH other Claims against the Company 4i07 75 143.010 05 Amount necessary to re insure all outstanding risks 776 070 40 Net surplus in United hatfcs f33,124 52 Si, 752,207 89 "etSuj plus in United States Dec. 31 LossesTai'd" since brwiniiaUonV.V".:! 00 1 coriiviERCML mm Of- LONDON. UNITED STATK.S IJIJ A N"i :( 1 37 and .ifl Wall si,,.ff N E w Vo!,;( in v iWKHI" Vyi1" "'"''nr V; ,,,.., , 107 and im Wan,. st.. - . , , . . , , C P. Mfl.fi.NH, I'UU-ut htrn-iaiy.' UNITED STAT1S BPAKCII STATHIKM .lV 1 t Reserve for total IfahiJir inl ' NetSui-iduiJaiuaij 1st. 1-4 , Assets held iu the VuM-a s-,.... - V.. r Income us-. .' ...'I" Expenditure?,'i'8Ki;;;;.: Surplus Income in ir. s ictv 0 " j.r,vi to ah losses in the VWm ,r, !),.,.,,, , , , . , O COMPLETE . Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT EVEUYTIUNG IS FIRST-CLASS THE BEST TEAMS IN THE CITY- Travelers will find complete outfits by calling at the JH5a23L3LTL3r Corner Vine ami Fourth Street, PL ATTSil OUTII, NEB. Jonathan IIatt J. W. Makths. Beef- Pork-Mutton and Vea JJ8EJJ.1NHL&lI$ MOT & C0).. HieccHon to A. . IIATT. HEADOiTJAETEES FOE CHOICE Sugar-Cured Ilatns, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna and all other articles kept in a iirst-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid tor Hides Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. . Fresh . Lake . Trout and White Fish Every Thursday llorniugj H ELKHORN TTT" A TrT7 A UTrnp -r,. ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS IMPORTED SKf e,ltUCk' W,iski MUMM'S EXTUA DP.Y CHAMPAGNE -NATIVE WIJCEf-', ' rugs Omaha Beer ' Always 011 draaiglsf. -a 3FSDIIE ILjIDTES of CIEIS ALWAYS IX STOCK, AT NEBRAiiKA, Fitzgerald Block ELKEOBN PLA1TSMOUTII, XEB. Commission Mercliant. ipiesies: A X D Miglaesl; Cagfe pric jsaSd fara An nnexcellod line of FLOITR nliPno '!. Main Streets, opposite First National Bank. ' m a" PIATTSMOUTH; - NEBRASKA.