The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 18, 1884, Image 3

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ttemvixu I'Ai'KKOf thk city
Circatla. Library t Warrick. '
lraaf tr. rtoitl
CJ. ,1. tlarnliall, Dent Int, siic
censor to Clutter & Marshall.
Teeth extracted without pain,
hy uwe ol'NitrouM Oxide fu.
1. .Hiillxbiiryt Uentlnt.
Ail veriWemtMil under ttit? head, three cent
:-r hut, i.tek, i:iS4Ttl'Hi.
ONIiV TO LOAN On real estate toy
A. N.
FOlt aLli A one liorne bugy and harness
almuat new, enquire of
FOR S VLB My residence and four lots;
irood hue, barn and fruit, and In excel
lent eoiiJUioa : also two improved farms, also
-i-ii.ry bilck bunines Uoi 4H't feet. on Main
tflreei. and Ollif r deeiranla land and lots.
, 1). il. WUEKLKK.
FOlt AI.E Housea, lots and wood land by
John lions & Sou.
1?OK SALE Several residences, cheap. Iu
quire o U. II. Wbeeler & Co.
L'OK SALE Scratch Tablets In all sizes, at
U this office. 1
SALE a lot In good location. Fartlcu
lars at tbls office
IOR SALE An order for a new American
tewini; Machine. Inquire at tbU office.
iOltSALE 1.000 cords of wood. Inquire ol
! W.S. Wise.
L'OK SALE Id papers for sale at this office
JC at 40 cents er hundred or 5 cents per doz
en. "
1 JOES ALE Four lots toxether in good loca
- tiou in tbi city. Inquire at thin office tl
OOM TO RENT. A furnished room for one
..rt.vo uentletnru. in good location. In
quire at this offlce. 4111
rno KEN r Two rooms, furnished or nnfur
1. nutied. in the AlacAIarphy house. Inquire
on the promises.
FOR REVT or sale on Ion time. A house
aud two lots with good-tinproveinents. Ap
ly to U. 11. Windham.
FOR KENT houses of four rooms,
irnl water, good garden apot, 5 per
month In Shalervflle. W. II. Shafeu.
IOR KEN rlhe north storeroom in Nev-
iile's block, and 8 rooms up stairs. Oood
location for restaurant or boarding house, rents
cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. iat
fno KENT A house. Inquire of Chaplain
I- Wright.
LOST A Knteht Templar charm in shape of a
.Maltese cross, t inder witl be suitably re
warded by leaving at thl- office. 16tt
T 4.VTEI a g od sec- nd cook at the Teik-
ins House immeaiaieiy. 1011
r AN TED Two d3y boarr8. Apply at
Mrs. u usialsou's, ia sire-' iwo uun v
oextou s
It. Of I.
Meets every Tuesday evening at thes
Castlfl Hall, ia Rocfcwood Block. V
itiu" Kuights are invited to attend.
II. M. Boxs, C. C.
W. L. DYmXS. K. of R. and 6.
Thousands Say So.
Mr. T. V. AUins Cirard, Kan.,
writes; ! never hesitate to recom
mend your Electi ic Bitters to my cus
tomer0, thev give jwrfect satisfaction
and are rap'id sellers." Eelectric Bit
teri are the pvrest and best medicine
known and will positively cure Kidney
and Liver complaints. Purify the
blood and regulate the bowels. No
family can afford to be without thern.
They will save hundreds of dollars in
doctor's bills every year. Sld at fifty
cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts.
These are Solid Facts.
The best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
nfsaflVrinz humanity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak
Kidnevs, or any disease of the urinary
or'aus. or whoever requires an appctiz
ertonic or mild stimulant, will always
il-id Electric Bitters the best and only
certain cure known. They act surely
bottle p-uarantced to
give entire saiisiactiou "'"j
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. M. Roberts Jand&wly.
Fence Tosts.
5000 dry fence posts for sale, inquire
of W. S. Wise. I9tf-
so quickly cured by Shiloli 8 Cough.
Ve warrant il.
WILL VOU SUFFER, with Dyspepsia
nnd Liver Complaint? i m Ion's itali-
zer is guarautaeu to cure yu
ablvbvthat terrible cough bhilohs
-Qure 3 the remedy for yon.
CVTVKBH CUBED, health aud
swet breath secured by Shiloh's Cat
arrh KeailY. Price 50 cento Nasal
Injector free. For sale by Smith &
Black Bros. TDcc.l3eowd&wly
A. mending Kf aH Ianlilnd.
Io these times when our Newspa
pers 'are Hooded with patent medicine
advertiement3. it is gratifying to know
what to procure" that will certainly
Sir! yon. If yon are Bilious, blood
out of order. Liver inactive, or gener
ally debilitated, there is nothing in the
world that will cure you so quickly as
Electric Bitter. They are a blessing
to all mankind, and cau be had for only
fifty cents a bottle by J. M. lberto.
Dec. JSeOwly
A Startling Ihscovery.
Physicians arc often fetartled by re
markable discoveries. Tho fact that
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
aumution and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily caring patients that
th-v have given up to die, is startling
them to realize theii sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery ; resulting m hundreds of
our best Physicians usin it in their
practice. Trial Bottle free at J. M.
Rolrt Drug Store. Regular size
Tcftln Btnai pla? ciewinar to
bacci. It is by far the finest plug chew
ingnwde. Matt 6cUieel felto U-,
The river standi 13 feet 8 inches and
ia utill rising.
July 1'Vurth- Iiuy Hags anil fire-
woika at Warriek's. 91lxw3
No. 1, was au hour late this inoruing
the Omaha backed (Imwii and transfer
red baggage here.
Warrick's, the cheapest drug f-tore
in the county. 9ldjtw2
The ''happy family" supposed to re
side in the northern part of tho city,
are said to have had a very loud racket
a fev evenings ugo.
Fire proof paint for sale only at
Warrick's. 8iUw2
The grading 0j ti,e 11CW . & ue
1V..UI Omaha to the new Union fctock
yards', a dibtanee of about three rui le,
has been awarded to Dick Cushing.
Warrick has the agency for Cass Co.
for the bett lire proof paint. Jldjtw2
You can't afford to iui3 it I mean
tiie theatre next Wednesday, June 23,
at the Waterman opera house, by the
gjjpat German comedian, Chas. Gardner
in ''Karl" and his fine company.
Call at Warrick's drug store and test
the best fire proof paint made for
barns and dwellings. 91htw2
Johnnie McC'ourt found a pocket
book last evening contains $3, but soon
found the owner, Mrs. Webber to whom
he made due re-stituiion. Johnny is an
honest little fellow andi3 getting quite
a reputation for finding articles and re
turning them to their rightful owners.
If you want to be well entertained,
don't fail to hear Chas A.-c-Garducr in
"Karl" the German Peddler at the
Waterman opera house nest Wednes
day night, June 2oth. Mr. Gardner is
supported by a very One dramatic and
comedy company. Pric-i of admission
75,50 and 3 cents.
The efforts ou the part of the clerks
of the cit3r to have the stores close at 8
o'clock, have not been fraught with
success. One of the strongest firms in
the citv having opposed the movement,
it w ill probably cot be consummated
t present. But we understand the
boys have not in the least given up the
id a and will continue in their efforts
until they succeed.
The Fourth.
That Plammouih is to have the
grandest Fourth of July celebration
ever held in this city, is an assured fact.
No time or money is being spared by
the competent gentlemen in charge to
make it a perfect success in every par
ticular. Ot the general arrangements,
we shall have inoru to say tit an
other time. Tne following is the out
line of the programme as far as it is
made out. The order of the procession
as they march to the park will be as
Head of column on Main and rest ou
Sixth street.
1st. Ancient order of Hibernians.
2d. City council.
3d. Fire company with engine nnd
hose cart.
1th. Lciderkranz society.
5th. Bohemian Mutual Aid society.
6th. G. A. It. with martial band.
7th. Ancient order of United Work
men. .
Sih. Workiogracns' Benevo!eiir as
sociation. 9th. I. O. O. F.
10th. Old Settler's association.
11th. Rag Muflins.
11th. Carriages and vehicles.
The announcement of the exercises
from the platform will be made by D.
II. Wheeler.
Marshals of the day J. W.Marshall,
R. ti. llyers, J. W. Johnson.
The literary part of the programme
reads as follows:
1st. Music.
2i. Reading of Declaration of Inde -pendence
by Gn. R. R. Livingston.
Oration f the day Geo. S. Smith.
Music by the band.
Toasts and responses of 3 tJ 8 ur.n
ute3 each.
Independence d;y J. B. Strode.
The Ladies S. P. Vanatta.
The development of the Intellect, the
Safeground of American Liberty. A.
W. Crites,
American Institutions, May 1 eylie
Ferpetual. J E. Morrison.
Our Schools Hon. S. M. Cnapman.
The FJag of Erin. A. N. Sullivan.'-
Government R. B. "Windham,
The Ancient Order of Hibernians;
Their objects and aims. J. A. Connor.
Ti.e Press F. II. "Wilson.
The Press C, W. Sherman.
Brother Draper, the father of the
Ruffuer boom, and a most devoted wor
sbipp;r of the Sage of cipher alley wan
in town yesterday. Bro. I. allows no
one, not even Dr. Miller, to outdo him
in expressions of deepest love for the
ancient statesman, to that the report ol
bis having wept aloud on rai a; the
Til ten declination letter is received
with credence
A larg'A stock t watches, chains and
cbaxms, just received at L. C. ErveVu! ,
... - ' - S3t
Eight Mile Grovo Items-
Ed. Kimball sports a fine new top
Mr. S. MtCoukey lufet a Very valuable
cow one day last week.
Mrs. Dan. Satchel is very sick, we iue
sorry to state, but hope for her ppeedy
Dick Rhodeu, of Jacloryville, was
visiting among his brothers on Sunday.
Mr. und Mrs. J. F. Mosley, have i;one
to Miuona county, to visit relatives and
f i lends.
Miss May Keunedy, after ppenuing
nearly a year at home, has gone to
dwell at Kansas City Missouri.
We nad'a heavy rain Monday morn
ing, whirh was badly needed, and it is
wonderful to see how it helped out
vegetation oT all kind.
Prof. Ci. W. Mutz lost h'M beat horse
not long since, and Hon. D S. Drapei
has had the misfortune to lose two ot
Robert Propst, a former citizen of
this county, aud family, are visiting his
sisttr, Mrs. J. II. Kiser, aud other rela
tives and friend.s near here.
Miss Bertha E. Leesou, an accom
plished teacher of Louisville, has en
gaged a class of ten scholars in iostru
mental music here, with the prospect.
of adding several more to her class.
Mrs. N, A. Leist.of Milwaukte, Wis.,
who has come to spend a month here
with her sister, Mrs. R. Troop, was
visitiug a part of last week at the home
of her si3ter, Mrs. C. Bradshaw, at Ce
dar Creek.
W. Jenkins' store building is
almost enclosed. O. W. Mutz is put
ting on quite a stylish front, and when
completed premises to bo a4 fine and
commodious building, one that will
add a large improvement to Mr. J.'i
Oscar McCalahan, a promising
young man, lormeriy irom Virginia
and Miss Elsie Crbtrec, daughter of
one of our earliest settlers, and one of
our best girls, were married i few days
ago at Louisville, Rev. Hallam officiat
ing. They have a host of friend9heie
who wish them a long and prosperous
Cultivating corn is the order of the
day with the farmers in this vicinity.
A larg number are cultivating over
their tields the second time. After a
great deal of re planting the majority
huvcag o l stand, and since the late
rai: s it is growing very fast. Small
en:iu aud tame grass are growing
splendidly, and give flattering prospers
for a bouniiful harvest, if nothing hap
pens to prevent it
June 17, 1884. V
Frank E. White was a Louisville
passenger this morning.
"W. II. Newell went to Omaha thi3
R. D. Gallagher is selling his patent
broom iu Lincoln tod ty.
Billy Neville started for Washiugton,
Kansas, this morning. He says hi
work on that branch of the B. & M.
will be completed sometime next week.
Mrs. Oi. F. Butts went down to Ne
braska City this morning for a lew
days' visit.
Sam Ilinkle goes to Burliugton to
night to attend the wedding of his
cousin, Mr. E. C. II inkle, editor of the
Winfield, Iowa Beacon
Mrs. W. S. Stretch and Mr3. F. La
tham are in Omaha today.
Geo. Weidman went to Omaha th'i3
morning to see after the man Cunning
ham, of this city, who had his skull
fractured up there a few days ago.
M. J. Kennard, one ot Omaha's best
young business men was in the city a j
short time thi3 morning.
Mrs. J. P. Taylor and Miss Minor
are in Om.iV, today.
A. D Li..ooln, after spending a few
davs at home left for the wept tui
D. M. Jones, one of Piattsmouth's best
artisans, is consiructiug a ?iu,uuo
brick Bauk building at Weeping Water,
and a few days aao he and bis partner,
a Mr. Petty, closed the contract for the
building of a $G,000 water tower at
U leu wood. The tower is to be ot
brick and stone, and Wid be 96 feet
high. It is beirre put up by the State
for the convenience &fl&pfp tec tiou
from fire, of theTnWtuTor tte,feebie
minded k-r-.led in that city. It is veiy
gratifylu; and speaks volume for
Plaltsmou.a. when our neighbors come j
herefcr rt iiauies to put up their best
I. R. ! i iiold, who entertained
several o .r per pie during tlie winter
with bis .--m Pictuns, will be here
gain Thuv-iay evening, of this week.
Ills enter: '.-.nieut consisting of illus-
trationsof ; -mts ot interest in a tour
through t.ii '.alter, Suez Eptiesus
S uyrua, AiiieDS, "Venice Rome, and
Paris, wi! be a rare treat for yen
body. The exhibition will be held in
tbtil.F, cburcl).
ThreaGrovet Letter.
Er. IIehai.d: It has been so long
nincc I have gathered any items lor
your paj ei; that we are out of pruc
lice, however l.wlll try and wad ou a
few notes once more if you ui'l be a
little patient until I get j'-Ut a h'edle
in practice.
There h;u brin quite a number f
newsy items gone uupub.Uhed of lute,
that would be interesting, but lime and
space will not admit ot it now, and I
hardly know where to begin, or which
to take first.
One very important one at least,
ciiies to my mind just now. concerning
your paper mlco our postollico bus been
disconti.iued it has been coming very
irregular. It seems to be weekly, semi
monthly, monthly and sometimes noi
at all, if v! should ju le from thu vay
it arrh e.8 here.
Ti.e postofiice here beinji discontin
ued, has thrown a gteat amount of mail
matter ofi the track, Eomo of it g'dug
on to Unio!, aud some stopping at
Rock Bluffs. It is supponcd this is
one reason ot the 1Ikui.u not
retching its readers at this p1kc? as
regular as it should.
Crops a3 a general thing look well iu
this locality. The spring being back
war', has made com very late, owing
to so much cloudy e ithcr and bad
seed coin, farmers had to plant a sec
ojd lime. Fanners will, without a
doubt, havo a good varieiy of seed corn
this 'all as can be fouud in any state.
T tie seed that was planted iu this part
of Cass county w ts obtained from all
parts of the romp iss. and from differ
ent states. As a general tiling a good i
stand ot corn cud be seen throughout
every portion of the neighborhood, the
second planting will be late, very little
having been planted in June, in fact we
do not know of one pitco being planted
this month A very large acreage has
been planted.
Small grain is looking exceedingly
wol; ; not so much sown as usual. The
fa iing off of tho acreage of small grain
has greatly iacreased the acreage of
co n.
Q larteily meeting was htll u.t the
br ok s ;l'Ool house on last Saturday
and Sunday, a very lare number b ; g
i attendance, crowding the t-cnool
ho s to it utmost capacity. Very
abi serm-ins were preacl ed ou Satur
day afternoon and Sunday by the El
der. It- v. from Liucol.i.
Rock lilufis is making preparations
for a grand celebration to be nld there
on the 4th of July, one or. two meetings
have been held in order to make ar
rangement?. We presume they will
have som good band music iven by
iheRi-ck Bluffs brass band, a they are
makinir some preparation for it. The
bud boys can make some g;; A music
and everybody will hear god mti-uc if
they spend the 4th there.
Mr. S. M. Ivirkpatrick and wifefrr.m
Nehawka, made Three Groves a vi-ii
on day last week.
Mi-s Eva McBrooni, formerly of
Denver Colorado, now of Glenwoori, Li
cam ; on last Saturday, a week ugo, rd
is -topi ing a few days in this vuinity.
She will probably return to Gienwo.od
th oonvng week.
Lafayette Young, from Omaha, nep-i-ew
of F. M. and L. II. Young ha been
around saying how do you do to his
friends the last few days.
Yours truly, Retoktek.
Return Engagement
Piattsmouth's Favorite.
Wednesday, June 25th.
Yon Can't Afford to Miss It.
Oi tlie Funniest German Dialeot Comedian iu
the World,
Who will appear i i his grand characterizations
ol a lieiina.i from t'ra.iktort-ou-tiie-Main,
iu his Comedy Drama of '
Supported by
Our Unrivaled Orchestra aid ttniformed Mili
tary liniss Band, togetaer with
5- The Smallest Man ia the World.
Reserved Seats." ..- ... - 7 Cant
AilfnUelon, - - - -, so "
Gallery, - - 33 "
Seals can tie Seciued at f, 0. Ncwa iepot.
'the pliy of-Kirl," byChtrle.iA
Gitdiicr, and company, at the On nl
Op ra IIoumi was gn-eic I by a good
house. The' piece itbvl.C fil" Ta iog
no clainu to iniricany of plot or bill
liaticy of dialotl'-, i-s a Aluiplc, pretty,
Hi tie alt, charmingly aud Interestingly
told. Gardner is an excellent Dutch
couiinedUii, not over d ing I.I ituiia
lions, or pieaundog npou the iiWelli
geucc of the audience to understand
provincialism Hi style I largely the
ia iio as Joe Emmetl'd whiio it i in no
sense an imitation. Gardner's 8p i ia! -ties
added materially to tho t lft i t of
what was pronounced by common con
sent an excep ionall v xce'Ijnt i ntor
tairmenr. Spi i'ij?tield (O.) (tiobn.
Hateim in Opera House, June 2oth.
it you whiu to get you a broom that
will give the lU atirt'a Lion fi r the
,t;iie money itk your dealer fo Dor
ack'a brooms. dUS-lmo
The best beef in ine eity always can
be found at Peterson Brorf. market.
233d tf . :
In purcha-ing a n-t rigjr.itor -ee Hen
ry lu- ek'xJ new stock and p.'t piiees
before purchasing. 09tf
CORN COB pipes in every stl
Schlegel's. . - lot t
Orders for hand" made bronnis at
tended to piomptly at tho VVi-s-ern
broom factory. d2S-lmo
Refrigerators in all sizes at Henry
Bteck's. ' C9tf
Chf. ire, puns fresh m xed candy at
Jim Autill's for oulv 2 i r.'-n'H a p'lund.
9tf. lien ett & Low is'
(liiporiaiil to I ravtlerx.
Special inducements are offered you
by the Buriington route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewheni in thU issuo. (Ttf
Tile ice Mail.
Jfa. airfield !i-is est-ib'ished n of
fice at Mi march billiard ludi, where lie
will con fact with consune'rs to supply
ice for the season at the lowest terms.
For -?ale at a Bargain.
A house anil Tt acres of rro-iud ad -join'njf
tlie corporation near ti.e B. &
M. br'dgn. The bet location for. a
small fruit tsrra in the c unity; a
young orchp.rd, good water, and e isy of
access from the city. F'-r pariii ulars
inquire of J. V Thomas.
yii:j Pb'Mnioodi. N -b.'
1.2 rA2.:KLZ-i i.3 '
W II O O 3-x OOf
It is a tmrinli-vi ves-t -iMf ?vnjp, voi y '
tiie last. KelKvi-s ut once anJ i- .i '. .
WINTER ana BRCNCt'lAL r.-:.
are cured by this exccilm if mi-.'y.
Strtcticns in ten lavyvegta azjjvip'rrj tury I,
atx tsieask' '''' tiie i'.ir"-r, r'-v.'.cir.
i.iver. Ilowfl iii 1 K i'lu'.- f-.r U di :' - :
ntina 1st itniMii: Kirnt 'f 'ie 1 1..1 :i"5-A k
M-;i1 irli. Ntv .usiii-ss Koiii;tl V ;'!) " I
roiiii.laiiit. l)vj;i pi:i. Jaumiic", l'. li-" ' m-1
KHiwr Dis-ust-, Oils n-ii:-ine Is nV !; ;v "s'-''.
Tills niediclu il'WS u ; c i:i:tin l ie' ii .ik . ..
s. l'it-ly vej."-tnM' , i-i'..rii ! 'I t-i ' ' .'
cxiidition, rfffuhi'ii: ixtt. s c;i-l s-i; ; !.
tieiencies, ami i r?v i.t i.-:e:;
JJircctiuM in Ir. 'Di-j.'iijis okm-r- ' '
PAPii-t.o wfo. co., c:.::
ron sale kv
That water will not run up-hill,
that a kiss is sweeter than it looks
and looks better after dark,
that good CLOTMSN is the
best, and cheapest to buy, that
money can be saved, and a square
deal had at Weseotfs, the iSoss
Clothier., as he does not deal in the
inferior lines adapted to the fixed
purposes ol bankrupt and; assig
nee sales. , : ;
We avoid al! gag schemes, sell
to all alike and treat our custo
mers with tlie utmost fairness. A
complete stock of j seasonable
clothing and furnishing gojuls on
handnd we are prenar.edtp.con-
vinceau. mruouui, tua; our statement's are correct, tnat .our gootte are
the best, and that it is to your interest VS trade with WESCOTT.
Late styles ia Straw and Fur Liats, Xov-wiiie.iu Xcc!; 2.-ir, fall line ot
Trunks, Valice, &c Ex,rylwd2vi-'(jicojue. y '
Uockwood BlockV
"Makhu'h Toxic AsTKTirrTfjrr U the
be?t imdiciuo I ever saw lor 'curing
Bowel Complaint, I IiavG rn-ed it, and
have seen it u-ed ia tu.iltfy caiii'3, in al
of which itelfi-ctMa Bjeedy cure." .S.J
Armstrong, Fort Scull Km. Maksm's
Tomc Ahtuinoknt cured my little
by of Cholera Inii.iii um, after several
other runedies failed. 1 gave one of
my in i.hbora houim of It for their litilo
oiil, wlio was auff rii g lith thenarno
compl.iitit, aud itquitkly cared her."
(Jas. T Uarnes'lvuiiNiM v;itv. Mo.
Mausii.s Tunic Astiifmjicnt i.i for
k:i!o buS.iiiih i. Jilark BroV, druggiofn,
Piattsiiio-nli. I'rice ftO cents.
Chills an 1 F vur,l)jni; Aue.und all
Mid.s'jlalic dis'-'asps, nr ijuickly cured
vviih the oo cent Mausii AoiTJi CuitK.
F--r s:i!e by .Smith itllfick Ihos.
U-i Mai: n's CATHAUTir;. Livici: Pi'ls
for iMltiMMiOu and t'on itipatiou. I'or
eulti by Smith & Black Bros. 'wUIli
l or ivile."
U. W. Wise wauls to fell Ida old
hoiiieste i I on nortli Sixi bystreet, "very
cheap" for eali, if sold immediately.
Call at the office ol W. S Wise. 92tf
Collection NUc.
j Partus knowing ihetimelves to be in
debted loJ. (J. CioiuibirH & Son are
heicby notified to cull at the fcherilfs
ofiice and pay up at .on cm and iivecohts.
1. C. Eiki:njiauy, AhHignee.
dOt w2t
III 'Mm-ms Dirt'-CToKV to he iftoied in
J.ily, lsl, piic; eioo. J. M. Woli i:,
pu!li.-her 130 S. I4..h St., Omaha. !;:tf
For rih; Iro-h teilrftio, well broke,
ai.d good retriever. This is i young
do' and a very line animal.
y tf " ll. BaciielIM;.
Two hundred and tyfty acres under
fence, nith running water, and curt
iiaif ind-i from the c.ty. Apply to
riltf W. S. WlSK.
A line stock of sii v or ware just re
ceived a Ij. C. Erven's.' fe:jtf
Sin tji.-j nnv s.o,-k ol" silvervvtrts at
fj. C. ICiHMu's bef'.T'; b'jyiu elsewhere.
Best s-orliiieni of silverware in
town to select presents from at L. ('.
E.vcnV. (S3 if
(all ;ani ee L'.
I vi-!i to notify th public that I am
now o; en lor b'iiiie-,-. at Joi; McVey's
old stiipd. when liave in stock a full
line oi Keituckv wlii-kies. St. JiOiiis
i i "r. wiu-i' - anil cigars &., s good as
i the Ust. f.jTih! H. M Box 3.
! Fr-sh Vi geiai-'ii s iiVu Fruits n.eelv-
! .1 1 4
I CU eye y lliiy, iil,
.;BtTinelt Si Lewis.
Estrav Notico
Takon tin by the undersigned in
j. I'h.ti siooiMli precinet on the "Jllfh day of
May, IS St. One sorrel mar pony with in forehead, supported to be about
5 pe-trs ol I. . If not claimed and costs
paid h:j provided by law. tl isame will
be di. posed of to satisfy c'rts.
TDif (i to. Ilor.xx.
CIo("..f-s 1 1 stir, Nail aii I looth Brush
es, Comb 4, iJc'?., nice liue, at Pis-hers,
e:t-t ii tin street. 40 I tf
Money saved iy. bnvini? h md made
oom.s, ask'your dealer for l hem.
Ik- w