ctiATTcnfd3l8 0 ullb- Uios Corns and all Skin Eruptions and nattivlv core Pile or no pay required. ItU auaant-ed to give perfect satis fttctkm, or money refunded. Price 25 ents per box. For Sale 15y J. M, Rob ert!. Nov. 27 1833 ly The Best Coucfc Medicine In the World. SAMPLE FREE OF CHARGE. Call at Warrick's drug Btore, and ret a sample bottle of Brown's Expec torant free of charge. It cures Coughs, Hoarseness. Whooping Cougn and Con sumption in its early stages. It is a scientific preparation, admirably ada t d for the euro ot all Throat and Lung Diseases. Ii is pleasant to take and entirely harmless. Try it; it costs you nothing, lleg Jlar sire bottle, 50t ents. and 51.00. tr le by W.J. Warrick. Jan. ttu&wl --rTl n rrm n k i i c i cm i ap ii i Free ! Free! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOR PILES. A new remedy lor this dreaded dis ease has been discovered by Dr. Deninp A single application will convince the moat skeptical of its niost wonderful healing powers. Ity calling on W.J Warrick druggist, you can obtain a sample box free of charge, which will eatiify you of its curative qualities. Jan.3DAwly Assorted tints of Diamond Wall Fin ish may be found at Fisher's drug store, revolving sign. 49d&wtf Collection Notice. All parties knowing . themselves to he indebted to me will please call and make full settlement at, once, so that hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash business. Please give ihls your imme mediate attention. d59 w3w Robt. Shervtooij. In the Fntnre When you have a cough and want re lief, think ot Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs; a guaranteed reme dy for tbosa diseases. Price 50c and $1 ; trial size free. Respectfully, apr 3 4m W. J. Warrick. Twenty-Qve cents in advance will entitle you to m-e of the Plattsmoutu circulating library for one month. 43d4Wlra W. J. Warkick. Jaine f J. Blaine." The work entitled riwenty Years of Congress," the most succinct and im partial history of Congressional Login ltMnn ATtJtnt. will hfi is. Ued from thl mess in a few days. In the meantime j H. L. E. Lincoln will call upon you and take your orders. 0d6twtf WM. 11. ENGLISH. Hancock's Partner Charg ed Willi Bribery. Railway Matters and Busi ness Trouble. THE ENGLISH CASK. W BBhington, June 17. The spi-cu committee appointed to investigate the charges against Win. A KnglUh of lob hying in the houe in t!ie interest of his son in the contested election cm of English vs. Teele, began the exami nation of witnesses today. lU-preseut ativc Weller (la.) was examined: "After you had voted to lay the mo tion of reconsideration on the table, on the day that English was seated, did Representative Pusey, of Iowa, request you to go to the democratic side of the house?" asked Representative Millard Welier 6aid Pusey came to him and inquired about his health, and he told him he wis first-rate, and was eoingto i he depot to meet his -.life tmddaugh ter. Pusey asked him to stay and rote on the English-Peele case. Question You cvaue the question Did Pu3ey ask you to go to the other side of the house. Answer I don't re member. , Q Did 5 oa follow Pusey in a vry few mi.utes? A I cau't tell you that. Q While he was sitting by you was there any discussion regarding the election caee? A I don't remeaiber. Q When you went to the other side of the house (democratic) did you see English, the father? A I thiufc not. Q. Did you see the son? A I did Q. Did you converse with him ? A. I did. I saw him on my way as I was passing out of the hall. O. I'ow soon was this after Pusey :--.. torn to vour seat? A. I don't For a handsome suit, substantially made, in tho best of. style, and from any quality of goods you may stlect, call on K. Dressier, Merchant Tailor. In Sherwood Block. 1 3d 1 m Diamond Wall Finish, at Fisher's drug store. 49d&wtf 16 CITY HOTEL. ThU beautiful three story brick structure, o wer Maid street. has Just been tnlshed am tted np for tbe accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS.; E7ERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A QoodBar lactoluSe:iththe tf. FRED GOOS. Prow P W. H. MALICK, CARRIAGE G ainlii and trimmin SIGN & ORNAMENTAL All orders left with me will r i cive prompt attention. COU. FIETH AND VINE STREETS, PLATTSMOUTn. - NEBRASKA. I know. O Can you tell what t!;r.e y;;i ceived the telegram from your wife? A I cannot. "When I got hornn I found I had made a mistake ot about one hour in the time of the arrival of the train. Q. LTad you seen English, the fath er, previous to the balloting? A. I was introduced to him on the floor of the ho'ise by some one. I aek if he was related to the democratic candi date for the vice presidency of four years ago, and he said he was the iden tical man. English never made an ef fort or any suggestion that I fihculd receive money The next day after the vote was taken, when I had made a per sonal explanation on the floor of the house. Wilson, of Iowa, said he wa3 sorry I hid made the explanation. II- said that liayue, when he referred on the day before in bis speech to some one having left the hall, did not mean me. W. II, English wi!l b examined to morrow. MEXICO. "Washington, Jne 17. lu the report accompanying the bill to carry into ef fect the Mexican treaty prepared bv A S. Hewitt and reported fiom the ways & means committee today, the committee says Mexico is the gate through which this country will find its connection with Central and South America. The RAILWAY MATTERS. Chicago, June 1 7. It U a-st-rted that the Giaud Trunk bus practically decid ed to becom:: a m-mler of the east bound pHssener pool nu;l u.i a pre liminary step today advanced its round trip rate between Chicago and I ort lond. Me., from $30 to 38, the price charged by the trunk lice. The refu sal of the Ciand Trunk to become a member of the pool has been th chief trouble in its maintenance. BUSINESS TROUBLES. Milwaukee. Jure 17. Geo. 1. San born, receiver of the Manufacturers' btnk, finds the liabilities about fclOO, 000 and the assets nominally $5 0,000, but cannot reuluc: on them. Outsiders say they will scarcely pay GO cents on the dollar unless President Conrj holds to his promiw "to ma all debts paid. Ho other batiks are afiVeted auJ no business houwes arc troubled. The only heavy depositors were fortunate in having drawn out their funds, rumois having been rife for some time thai the baiik was shaky. The Lake :Shor and Wabash railroad conipauy had ju t withdrawn 700.000 in securities. PHUFaSSIO.AL cards. E- W. CO IK. M. r PlIVSICIAN ANl !?lK.LON, OFFICE At Fisiieu's Ditto Stohi-:. Piattsaiouth Nebraska. c;i:o. s. smith, ATT UNEY AT LAW. ill ir:urliro in all Courts of Hie State. ((Dice iu KlUueild lilock. PUTTS rtOUTII, Ii FltKASRA. AI.LF.N BKRSON. A. N. Sl I.I.IV.iK. in; i. no & m w. . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. VI!1 fi!ve prompt attention i a'l buxliif .s.s Intrusted to thciu. Of fice iu Union Block, Has I side l'LATTSMOUTIl - .V KBJl A8K A. FRANK H. WILSON, Kasnment of Bank ot Cass County. Coi:m:i: Sixth ani JHaix htkkkti). 1TOTART PTTBLIO Particular attention y.vei to the preparation of iiaix-i- liiri'itvfals, l'aicnlf and Bristratum el iiml' Marks and Labels. Neb M O' Connor iieeps on hand the cel ebrated Anhet jjer liurch St Louis Bot tled Beer and always ready to pay pac ticular attention to his customers. 155tf Spearhead tobacco is al'. the go new. All chewera seem to be anxious to get that farm, which will be given away In Juno next. Call at Matt Schiegel's for a circular. lit' F.S. White, The old stand by ico man, is now con tracting lor the bummer eeasn, and will deliver you your ice promptly at an-time called for. ilakj yourccn tracts for a summer suppty. 5dtf Ayers sarsaparilla -rquires a smaller dose, and is more effective, dose for dose, than any other blood medicine. dCtwlt Tarlor and bedroom sets in all styles at lowest prices at Bcejck's. 50tf m STIlAWBISItltlKS EVKRY DAY at 7l)tf. lieunelt & Lewis'. Diamond Wall Finish, best and cheap est, ready for use by adding hot water, at Fisher'? drug smre. 49d.twtf If your beard is not of a pleasiug shade, remedy the defect by the use of Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers d.Ct w.lt JtiNtire of tlm peace. Elm wood Collections a specialty and gives prompt . attculioH. P. O address Llm wood Neb. DEJSTTIST. Jlllce over Smith, Black & Co'k. Drug Store, first class deulistry at reasonable prices, illy M. O'DONOHOK ATTOKEY AT LAW & NOTAllY TUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block, PLATTHMOUTH, - NEBKASKA Agent tor Steamship lines to and from Europe. Ul2w52ly lt. V. II. CIlIl.Ii4.KCHT, Pi a dicing Physician Ofiice, Corner Main and 7th Streets., PluATT.MOUTII, ------ KF.BICAKUA. DR. J. S. STURDEVANT, M. D. , fUYSlCIAN A1 SUBGKON. Attet. icalls, dy or nigut. viWVt F.ir.iiT Milk Gravs. Kkb. U. It. L1V1.1STU., 21. i PHYSICIAN & BUKUKON. OFl' I E HOURS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. a. Exainnnr.u Surjieou for U. S. l'ensiou. 1K. H. MlL.3.2:itk PHYSICIAN AND SCBGKON, Can be found by calling at his ofllce, corner 7th and Main Streets, iu J. Ii. Waterman's house. PLATTSMWUTn. NEBKASKA. JAM. M. 31AXIIIuVM ATTOKUEV AT LAW. OfHc over Baker a Atwood's store, south side of Main between 5th and 6th street. 21tf Will eors NervonneM. Lumbaeo. Icheuma tUro. Paralysis. Neuralgia. Sciatic. Kidney. Spine and Urer diseases. (Jout, Asthma Heart nt-teaae, iMnpepvia Constipation. ErWn Catarrh, ItleH, Etilpny. 1 m potency, Lumb Ur. rlOrnS S tlSCtriC DGltladopta toutmental policy, laying its foundations broad and deep in the mu tual interests of intimate commercial and political sympathies. T ie Monroe doctrine must be averted an J en.'oiced It is essential for our saiety as well as our prosperity that we thall exercise a controlling iafluenco in the affairs ot tbe weatcrn world. It may not be desira oie that we should extend the limits of our Hovereignty beyond - oar own bord ers, but every measure which tends to establish closer relations with our neighbors, to create mutual interests, to develop common hopes and sympathies and to tie us more cioiy together in the support of the pi incipient of free government and urocrress of human .!?r:o?ma' Drusstore- liberty .hould be encouraged. It is for Uruers Illle. i:.U.U. . Ud&wlm thin rpnn thnt thi. tri.(r iih M-ticn - - vw-v J a- w . v V MnTHMMnTJ I iu iue progress oi rue At tnaaown-town saloon. , Urate peace and good will with our PPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, J "eighbors and accept every opportuni ty for free intereouae and free ex change iu order to complete the de monstration and that the blessings which have crown e4 the unrestricted coiiiiuerctalIntercourse of the States of our union with each other may be extended and enjoed by all the peo ple of tbe western hemisphere, not only in peace and security, but with out peril to their political existence as r? IN CASH GIVER) AWAY ATTENTION, SMOKERS ! All contestants for the 25 premiums aggregat ing above amount, offered by Black weir's ttur ham Tobacco Co., must observe the following conditions on which the premiums are to be awarded: All bags must bear our originsl Bull Durham label. U. 8. Revenue Stamp, and Caution Notice. The bags must be done up securely in a package with name and address fif sender, and numoerof bags contained plain y marked on tbe outside. Charges must be prepaid. Contest clones November SOilu All pack ages should be forwerded December 1st, and must reach us at Durham noi laUr than pecem ber 15th. No matter xvhere yon reside, send your package, advise us by mall that you have done so, and state the number of bngs sent. Names of successful contestants, with number of bogs returned, will be published, Pec. 22, in Boston. Herald: New York, Herald; Philadel phia, Time: Durham, N. C, Tobnreo Hani; Kew Orleans, TimeThr.twcrai ; Cincinnati, En quirer; Chicago. Daily Hews; fcan Francis, Chronicle. Address, Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C. Every genuine package has picture of Bull. 49 See our next announcement's HTHUUb A :L.Ai(l4. ATTOUNEYS AT LAW. Will practice ) all the Courts iu the State. DUtrict Atttr;it!J and JVotaru Public. -.VlljL. 9. VYIMK. COLLECTIONS H ,S7iCIii.L3 2. ATTOKXKY AT LAW. ICeal Estate. Fire lu eut'alirr and Collection Agency. JP5-o l.'nJijTi block, t'lal tsmouth ebr:u-Ka. li. il. UDi JiKlt A CO. LAW OFFICE. Ueal ltate. Fire and Ll li. surar.ee Agents, riattsinonth, Nebraska, t'o! lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy and sell real estitte, negriate loans. &c. ir. i JAJIKS K. .UvXtltlNOX, Notary Public. ATTCItNEYAT LAW. W :1 ura.-tice m i'.-isn and adjoining Counties ; gives f pecia. attentiou to collections and abstracts of title. Olliee iu Sherwod Block, Plattumouth, Nebraska. ROBIiHT li. IVlVEMiAII. Notary Public ATTOKSKY AT LAW. Office ov?r Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattstnoutli. - Nebraska. Ague. ProIapsus.Uteri.etc. Oulvsclentinc Klec trie Belt in America that sends the Electricity ud Magnetism through tbe body, and can be ((charged in an Instant by the patient. S1,000 Would Xot Buy It. Ds. Horn e I was afriicted with rhenmatl-. arid cured by using a belt. To any one afflicted with that disease. 1 would say. buy Home's Electric Belt. Any one can confer with rae by writing or calling at iny More, 1420 Douglas St.. mh.Keb. WILLIAM LY-JNS, Mai on-ice Opposite fost office, room 4 rviit-r u.vck. Keeps a complete lae ot Liquors, KD CIGARS, BOTTLED BEEK, ALE AND PORTER, DRUG'S OUAHA BEEE matt tka bMt traua of KsmtneltT J. PARLEMAN, Will BUY ana oilL-.Li all kinds of FURNITURE METALS- IROU RAGS AND FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street, One door west of Beck's Furniture sore Plattamouth. Feb. 1st. 1S83 46tf. r1. A. HARTiCA, 1j A W Y IE 15 . riTJac ald's Block. Platismouth Neb atrntion to a gearal Prompt ::cii cafrfu) Law Practice. K. BRESSLElt, Hercliant Tailor. Pl.ATTfsMOUTII. - - - ,EB. Dr.C. A. Marshall Successor to Clutter & Marshall.) Preservation of natural teet'i a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing Gas. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLA CKSM1 Til HOUSE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIRIM All Kinds of Fari iiDlsaents Mendel will . Neatness and Dispatch. AU work warranttd. FJT7.MKK AT.T Trices reasonable. - Tr-ATTf.tr'tTTH.N Horse, Mule A. ux Shoeing n short, well shoe anything that har tour zeet. irom a zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see as. JSTTW SHOP Flttb Hf. tvAtWAAn Ufa In antfl Tln a Qrts " u t as i u il cr I 3 at acrosfl ie comer ttota toe Mw HEiJALD KINKEAD BROS., PAINTERS & DECORATORS, KALSOMIXI N'ti. PAPtEi jilANGING, AND .... FINE GRAINING, Leave your orders with them for First-Class Work. PLATTSAfOUTir. NEBRASKA COTTAGE HOUSE. PLATTSMOUTU. - XEHRASKA. TTtvinor taken el'are of thft Cot tage House. I p1i11 try to furnish all pHtr ns with romfortr.bl' 'jurtera ard kfrep the ta les supplied with tiie best in tr.e market. Transient enstoni anJ board by tbe day or week solicited. 2 10 m mi e 5 (aid a O 0 CD a4 o taaf a Uksf -w mat IB ft ft est fce IS3S HO N 4 ft 9 ' 0 ft" 9 133 1 fi'i A! ft tag G5 ft tut pw4 N ft ft fc 3 oa 9 m. ft 9 fe3 ft 11 o r f (L J) (c ) EL ST C5 C- iJ inayl7dtf. t