! to H-3ri'7.".iiH'iT ' PLUTTSMOOTH HERALD KKK.'IAL I'AI'Ktt OK TIIK CITY. oxo?ir ISTEWS. Clrra'atln,; Library t Wrrirk'i Uraj Ntor. JCOltl C. A. UarMliall, leutlt, nuc- exr (o Clutter & Alartiliall. Tcctl extracted without pain, uy ue ofXItrous Oxide Wan. 4. Salinburj. UetitUt. Sl'ECIAL NOTICES. AdvertlHcwnH under Ml tiaA. three cent T line r urn luserlion. O.VEY TO LOAN-On real eitate by A. N. - sal lllvau. UOK WE A one horse bugt;y ana harnes K'ttr ,,eW' ""M M& A. 8CIILEOKL. I MM S I.K-My resllenc smU four lot; tro.4 hoiln. barn and frwit, ami In exoel-l.-nt etunlitioii ; aNotwo Improved larin. also '-story briK bu-iies hoii-.e 4ux8'j leet.on Main stivl. " other tlveirablc land ami lots. 1 ' l. JI. VVUKKLKlt. bM u:V UK -Homes, lots and wood land by John Hons 6i Sou. UORHALG Several residence, cheap. In 1? quire ot U. II. Wheeler St Co. I JOB SALE Scratch Tablets lu all Mzes. at ' thisolUco. 9111 POK HALE a lot In good locatlou. l'artlcu f Jam at this odice ' PUB SALE An order lor a new American 1! fewluK Machine. Iuquiro at thWorttce. 1OKS.VLK 1.000 cords of wood. Inquire of ! W.rt. Wise. " IiOB SALE Id papers for sale at this ofUce at 40 cents er hundred or 5 cents per doz- VOIl SALE Four lots toeth In Kod loca X tlon In thi city. Inquire at this otneo tl UOOMTO KENT. A furnishe l room for one or two gentlemen. In Kud location. In quire at this ofnec. ,UI fltO KENT Two toms. furnished or unfur 1 nUued. In th MacMurphy houe, Inquire on the premises. niiiM!vvTiir.ili on lonz time. A house i" and two lots with good improvements. Ap- FOR KEN r Oood.new houses of four rooms. Bod water, good garden spot-. per ..,ii inHhaJerviiie. W. It. SHAFKK. IsoK KENT I he north storeroom in nev- lile's block, and H rooms up utalrs. Good location for restaurant or boarding house. rents cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. lOJtf mo KENT A house. Inquire of Chaplain 1 Wright. LOST A Knight Templar charm id shape of a Maltese cros. Finder wl 1 be suitably re warded by leaving at thU office. 16" W -TEI a giod scci ndcook at the Terk 1? i House Immediately. 70tl UrAN TEH Two day boar r.i. Apply Mm. 5ustafson'H. idstre twodoirs at nast sexton's 66dlw K. of JPm Meets every Tuesday evening at thea Castle Hall, in Rockwood Block. V itlng Knights are invited to attend. II. M. Boxs, C. C. W. L. Dykes. K. of R. and S. Thousand Say So. . Mi. T. W. Atkins Cirard, Kan., write" "I never hesitate to recom mendyour Electric Bitters to my cus tomers, they give perfect satisfaction and are rapid sellers." Kclectric Hit ters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Livr complaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Ii berts. Decl3 1yeCw These are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach ofsufferine humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz eAonic or mild stimulant, will always rind Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely nuicklv. every bottle guaranteed to - . i n.i;,rn(inn nr monev re-i funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M.Roberts Jand&wly. Fence Posts. 5000 dry fence posts for sale, inquire of W. S. Wise, I9tf. THAT HACKING COUUII can be soqu ckly cured by Shi I oh s Cough. We warrant it. WILL YOU SUFFER, with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? 'uloh'8 Yitali zer is guaranteed to care you. SLEEPLESS NIGHT, made "jer ably by that terrible cough. Shiloh s Cure i3 the remeuy ior j ou CATARRH CURED, health aud sweet breath secured by Shiloh s Cat arrh Kem-uly. Price 50 cenU iSasal Injector free. For sale by Smith St Black Bros. Dec.lSeowd&wly . Blessing to all Mankind. In these times when our Newspa pers are flooded with patent medicine advertisements, it la gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly car? you. If you are Bilious, blood out ot order, Liver Inactive, or gener ally debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a blessing to all mankind, and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle by J.M. Robert A Startling niscoTery. Physicians are often startled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and ail Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that thev have given up to die, them to reflize their sense of duty, and examine Into the merits of this wonder ful SEJveiy ; resulting ia hundred, of our best Physicians using it in their Sractice. Trial Bottles free at J.M. Robert' Drug Store. Regular size - Sl.oo. m - TrvtVBnai p'ug ciewing to bacco, it is by far the finest plug c iew. lDg,MattScWeiwUsU. Itf llenn'tober the Plunkttt Sifters to niiflil. New lipe ppa:le. at Beunctt & Lew is'. 3013 Mr. W. A. Keithlty of the Weeping Water Republican, is in the city to day. The Serious family tonight at the Opera Houpe, closing with a roaring farce. Fresh beanp, peas and cuciimbem, at Bennett & Lewis'. 90t3 The Phinkett Sifters tonight in a ".Serious Family" will bo a most ovctl leut entertainment. A pleasant and good Looking lady ca!ler brighlencd up the IIkkaLu samv turn by her presence for a few rnimit s this afternoon. Hamburg, Iowa, is being beset by thieves and burglars. I f Pl.tttsmeuth'a turn don't come soon, we will indeed hi' fortunate. The Young Mch'h i:eiublicuu Club will meet in the room under the First National Brink, on Monday evening, Juno 10. J. N. Glenn, 9012 Ch'n Executive Com. Lost A pass-check book contain I jg half fare permits over the B. & M. and Q. roads. The finder will greatly oblige by leaving the same at the Hen ALU office or at the residence of Key. Esterbrooke. Mrs. 1 McCallan is lyiug very low, the attending physician allows no one to etiter the room except the at tendant. This afternoon it was thought her condition had slightly im proved. A church social will be held at the residence of Elder Burlou this even ing; a cordial invitation is extended to everybody, regardless of creed, to be in attendance. A good time is assured. The Pluuket Sisters entertained a fair-sized audience at the Opera House last night in the melodrama of Aurorr. Floyd. With one or two exception the troop is a very good oue, and one that we think will pay you to hear tonight Some one who through mistake got a white satin fan at the Duke Levings wedding part', last night, in place ot a hand painted one, can make the ex change by calling at the Opera House clothing store. Wahoo was scourged by a fire last night, which resulted in the loss of property valued at $15,000; the prin cipal losers being F. C. Stewart, skating riuk; II. II. Lubker, hotel and salcon; Frank Dean, law office; and Baldwin & Ranee second hand store. A good rain is badly needed out through the country, the growth of the com biing already greatly retarded by the dry weather. Although a very heavy rain fell in this city last night we understand from farmers living in that viciuity, twelve miles southwest of here, scarcely rain enough fell to lay the dust. The executive committee of the Young Men's Republican Club met last night in Geo. Smith's office. A very earnest session was held, several mat ters of importance to the club receiv ing due attention. The notice for a club meeting may be found in another col umn. a happy event. Trio Duke-Levings Wedding. A gay party of relatives and friends were gathered at the home of Mrs. Levings in this city last eveuiug to witi-6:S the wedding ceremony which m.de Mr. Cliarles E. Duke and Miss Lena Levings man aud wife. The ceremony, a very impressive one, was performed by Rev. J. T. Baird, assisted by Chuplaia Wright. The decorations were both profuse and artistic, reflecting great credit upon the taste of Mrs. Wise who was tho designer of the decorating and the receiver of the guests of the evening. The bridal presents, both for num bers and expensive elegance have not been surpassed in this city for many a day. The groom needs scarcely a mention, hi genial presence having been recog nised here ever since his boyhood. The bride is a young lady of pre possessing appearance and engaging manners, and although she has become ih3 wife of a Duke she may not be considered a Duchess. The happy couple went to Omaha immediately after the ceremony, to visit among friends, and tomorrow evening they will return to their home in this city. The good will and best wishes of the Herald and a large circle of friends is heartily tendered the newly wedded pair as they 6tartout upon the journey of life. -rr ' Try Ayer's Catharic Pills ! They are mild and pleasant in action, but thor ough and searching In effect. wldC Concord Items. Emtok Herald: We were so frightened laft week we could not write for fear '-Mocking Bird" of the Louisville Observer, would have us arrested and sent to Lincoln for stealing her nom de plume. We will venture under another name this week. We were visited with quite a re freshing shower last Saturday and Sunday nights, winch wc did not get before we needed. In the last two weeks there has been fourteen cars of shelled corn loaded here, besides iix that are now being loaded. This docs not look much like everything was destroyed by the hail last season. Corn and srrain ol all kinds is look ing well. Strawberries are ripe. There are a great many wild ones this season. Come over and bring your cream, dish and spoon and we will go strawberry -ing. Mr9. Loekwood has been dangerous ly ill, but under the kind treatment of Dr. Millei,of Plattsmouth, she is slow ly recovering. Mrs. Luft has been quite poorly. Ed. and Henry Creamers were visit ing with Mr. Beavers Sunday evening. Why is it so many people keep their children from school on the slightest pretext? They are doiug them an in jury they can never repay. I hear some one say, oh, well, what is the difference, my children will never have to work for a living. Even if they do not, just look into the future .ten or fifven years, 6ec the men who arc choosing our president aud governor. They can scarcely read or write. What do they know of politics? Nothing 1 They can be bought to vote lor any one. The glass of whisky will do the work. These aro the men to be our future rulers. Our whole nation rises in rebellion against such work. Let us send our children to school. Edu cate them for the positions they are to fill. Send them forth in life with clear ideas of the duties of every citizen of the United States, both male and female. We meant James Allison instead of Jones in our la3t letter. Several people of this vicinity paid Plattsmouth a visit Decoration Day. All job: in saying that they had a good timr. We are afraid the editor will get tired of tryiug to decipher our chirog raphy, 60 we will close. IlAWTnOKNE. June 10th, 1884. Tabor College Commtncement, The days for the eighteenth annual commencement. Juno 8th to 11th, were as nearly perfect a3 June days (the brightest of the year) can be. Year by year the number of visitors increases, The large church was well filed at all the exercises from Sabbath morn ing to Weduesday evening. By count of the ushers 950 persons were present at the close of the graduating exer cises Weduesday evening. - The classes this year fully sustained the reputation of previous years. The graduating class numbered seven. There was on exhibition num erous pictures, paintings and drawings, the work of pupils in the Art Depart ment the past year. As usual the bouses in Tabor were freely opened for the reception of guests and during the intermission picnic parties from Glen wood, Malvern, Plum Hollow and the country could be Been in the groves upon the college campus. The past year has been one of real progress and encouragement. The number of students has been larger than before, 233 from nine states and forty-live places In Iowa. Ia all departments the results have baen very satisfactory. The receipts from tuitiou were $4, 000, from Interests and rents $3,700, from donations $8,074; tot id for the year, S15.7T4. The entire property of the college is now estimated at one hundred thousand dollars. The senior class for next year is the largest in the history of the college, numbering more than 20. The trustees voted to raise $25,000 for a new building and gave force to their vote by generous subscriptions. M. Tabor Iowa, June 12th, 1834. If you want to get you a broom that will give CsS best satisfaction for the same money ask your .dealer for Dor ack's brooms. d28-lmo Choice, pure fresh mixed candy at Jim Anti!."-! for only 2q cents a pound. 295tf. The bts Oignrs at Warrick's. d2t. Croquel; , Hammocks, &e.,at 88d2t. Warrick's. Accordt , Hanaonican3,&c.,cheap,at 88d2t. Warrick's. Parlor :.i.d bedroom sets in all styles at lowest ii::es at Bceeck's. 59tf Best C d 10 cent Cigars, at 9M3t. Warrick's. Arapahoe Letter. AuAi'Airoi:, Xeb. June 11, Dkak IIkuai.u: Thlnki g perhaps thero might be a tender spot in the memory of some of your readers, and that they might w ish to hear of the wandering of this wayward son, I take thi3 opportunity of penning a few lines. I boarded the westward bonnd rain at Plattsmouth at 8:15 a in., May 2'J, 1884,'and at L-uisvilla was met by A. L. Timblin, who proceeded with mo to the westward, arriving the same evening at Holdrege, in Phelps county, the pres ent terminus of the Ivnuw cut-ofTof the B. & M It. It. Here wv found a tl'riviug town of about 8j0 Hihahitauts and presenting a very promising prospect for the future, and in one of the iinest agricultural sections ot Nebraska. Tuis town was surveyed and laid out on the 2d of last October; it has now one hundred and twenty-five business houses aud all are well stocked und do iug well. While in Holdrege we stopped at the Holdrege House, which, although in a new town and a new house, is one of the finest equipped and boat managed houses west of Hastings. Parties go ing to Holdrege will do well to ttop at the Holdrege House. On Friday afternoon following, we took the stage for Oxford, 25 miles dis tant, the junction of the cut-oft' with the R. V. It. R. Oxford is also a new town and bus a fine prospect ; the people here antici pate the building of a railroad, rouud houses und other improvements. The next morning we proceeded to the county seat, Beaver City, which, al though an inland town, also shows many evidences of aselid and substan tial growth, and good business out look, having mauy well stocked stores, and an intelligent community of en terprising citizens. We returned to Oxford the s:ime evening and remained here uutil Sat urday, June 7th. when we again board ed the train ior Indianola, the county seat of Red Willow county, about 40 miles distant, a town of about 500 in habitants, returning the same evening to Arapahoe, one of the finest towns in the Republican valley. It is a town of about SOO inhabitants with a fine coun try surrounding it. The citizens are enterprising, intelligent, and withal a pleasant class of people. After viewing the several towns passed, we have concluded to locate here, at Arapahoe, and have com menced business. Among those met here are the firm of Childs & ('olvin, two former resi dents of riattsmouth, engaged in the real estate business, and their business is just immense. Charles Twiss is also ho re, having been here some time. Ami B. Todd and Jamo Burnett passed through here June 10th, on their way to McCook. Besides two newspapers, the Pioneer and Mirror, both good live papers, there are three or four church organi zations and two fine church buildings, tho Christian and the Baptist. The Methodist people are expecting to out up a church building this fall. -There is also a well conducted school here, n any fine residences are contem plated, and there are many very neat ones already. To those unaccustomed to sec such a rush, it would surprise them to see the number of land seekers and immi grants every day; and to those who are doubtfnl of the quality or strength of the soil, I can assure them that it is eo.ua! in quality to that of the eastern part of the State, and only re quires the patient and systematic tilling t cms-; it to bring lorth bountiful harvests. Your witness was much sur prised to see the quality of the soil and the promise of an abundant harvest the coming season. I would advise those deshiug to find good, cheap lands, to come this way, a they can find more good cheap land here thau perhaps anywhere else in the west. Arapahoe is well represented by all kinds of business, and among the rest lias two good grist mill9, a saw mill and a creamery. AH a!ong the lino of the road can be seen large quantities of wool, shewing that this is a fine country for sheep raising. Thinking psrhaps a further continu ance of this letter might tire the rend er?, I will proceed to close. More anon, II. L. E. Lincoln. Louisville has for some time been a bonanza for the genus tramp, and of late it has been well worked by that "energetic" class. Only a tew even ings ago 32 reported for supper in one gang. The town board however are buildiug a calaboose which will soon bo completed, when the genial tramp will have to roost in "other and more friendly fields. ClotLes, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush es, Comb., &c, nice line, at Fishers, eat Main street. 49dtf RPORThM ENS' MENT. TOUHNA- The Daly gun was cjuttstid for to day with Petty winoer, he breaking U bills out of a possible 15. The score was as follows: Petty 12; Ritchey 12; Pitch 11; Craig 11. The other coti testants did riot shoot out 6core. Tlic Plattsmouth Cup was contested frr by teams from Plattsmouth, Sew ard, Xemaha and Tckau ah aud was won ly the Nemaha Hub, they break ing :)S halls out of a possible 40. The Parker Gun wm 6hot for by 20 coatestauts, with a tie on 15 balls by Craig, W. It. Film ;ui I Montgomery. Tie shot off and Craig won tho gun, breakingu (straight balls. Two matches at doub'e hhts, one bill aud oue bird, weiu then thol. In the first match the first money was di vided, and Montgomery won second on tie shot. The second mutch m not finished when we left. A full score will be printed tomorrow. Mayor CIjusu of Ouialta, is making a raid on some of their gamblers up there, but the cruel newspapers of tnn metropolis still continue to abuse the old man, and claim that the raid is only on one or two parties and that it is for spite, because one of the fraternity gave tho mayor away to the grand jury. Train Tune, Under the change iu timt passenger trains leave th-j depot here a-i foiinv.s: Xo. 1 west, cs:i5 a4 m. No, :; west, 0:50 p. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5:15 a. in. tb ti ii AC "tt tl tl 00 J III C. B. & tj. , north, 7:15 a. in. Omaha stub north 8:55 a. in. " " 5:40 p.m. Trains arrive as follows No. 2 , Denver express G:25 p. n, Xo. 4, " " 'J.25 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. t M.-a 0:45 a. m. .4 .4 W .4 i 44 y.o- j, jj, C. B. & Q. Omaha e;ist 5:00 p. m. F. S. White, The old stand by ice man, is now roa tracting for the eu miner season, and will deliver you your ic; promptly a' any time calleJ for. Mak. your con tracts for a summer supply. 5dtf Refrigerators in all si.cn at Henry Bccck's. 5Dtf Tiie best beef in cne city always can be found at Peterson Bros, market. 233dtf A large stock of watches, chains and charms, just received at L. C. Erven's. S3tf In purchasing a refrigerator see. Hen ry Beoeck's new stock and get pi ices before purchasing. 5ftf NF. W POTATO I S. at 7!HT. Hen net t & Lewis' Pasture- Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, aud one half mile from tho c;t Apply t 3 Itf ' W. S. Wise. STPtAWBEIMJIKS EVERY HAY at 70tf. Bennett c Lewis'. CORN COB pipes i:i every stylo SchlpgeFs. iott STATE YOU That water will not run up hill, that a kiss is sweeter than it looks and looks better after dark, YOU OUGHT to KNOW that good CLOTHING is the best, and cheapest to buy,, that money can be saved, and a square deal had at fWescott's, the Uoss Clothier, as he does not deal in the inferior lines adapted to the fixed purposes ot bankrupt and assig nee sales. We avoid all gag schemes, sell to all alike and treat our custo mers with the utmost fairness. A complete stock of - seasonable clothing and furnishing goods on hand, and we are prepared to coja- vinecall in doubt, that our statements arc correct, that ""our "cods are the best, aud that it is to your interest to trade with WESCOTT Late styles in Straw aud Fur Hats, Xovclties in Neckwrar, full line of Trunks, Valices, &c., &c. Everybody welcome. Rockwood Block. CHOLERA IXfAXiTM IU 'l i h't ti, tyscn'ry, ami all lSnucl CoiiiHlaititt. Onickly C'mr, "Mapsu's Tonic Astkinqlnt J tho b- I iiM'dicnn lever Haw for curing UnvH Compl.ilnts, I have uaed it, and lave Neon it V.vpd in many case:, in all of which it effects a speedy cure." S.J. Armstrong, FortScott Kan. Mausii'h Tonic A.stki.volnt cured my little boy of Cholera Infantum, after several other remedies railed. 1 gave one of my neighbors some of it for their Htflo girl, who wai suffering with the Kirae complaint, and it quickly curod her." -.In. T B:iri.09.;ivansas City, Mo. M.4i:.sii,s Tunic Ast'iinoknt U for "ale bjSsnith Black Bros,' dru'jgit't, I'lultdiuu.uh. Price 50 cent. CliiiU an I Fc-vcr.Dumb Agucyind all Mlasaiatic diseases, are quickly cured with thft 50 cent Maksji Aoi'i: Crnn. Fr sale by Smith Ailllaek Bros. Mauth's Catiiautic Livi:i: Pi'I for IJ.IIiousnejnand Constipation. For sale by Smith Black Bro.-. wl.lr, For bah fnsh setter dog, well broke, and good retriever. This h a young dog ami a very line animal. SCtf m n. Baciiei.i.kk. Crazy .Quilts- 2,01)0 packages of eilk and ribb n scraps put tip in assorted 1- ts for 25c, 50c, 75 , and . 1.00 each, any ons of which will b mailed, postage paid, on receipt ot price. Address The J V Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph, Mo. A line stock of silver waro just re c :v.d a". L. c. Hrven'j?. Wlf Men tlu; new slok oL silverware at L. C. Erv.m's bofure buying elsewhere. sijtr liist assortment of silverware iu town to select presents from at L. C. Erven's. S.Jtf Call and .M'c Cis. I wish to notify the public that I am now open for business, at Joe McVey's old stand, where I have in stock a full Imp or Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis befi, wines and H(?ars fce., as good ns the best. 57dtfj II. M BON'3. Fresh Vegetables nud Fruits receiv ed every day, at 7'Jtf. Bennett & Lewi.. Estrav Notice- Taken up by the undersigned in I'b.lloinoulli precinct on the 29th day of May, 1831. One sorrel mare pony with stsir in forehead, supposed to be about 5 pears old. If not claimed and cost-t paid a3 provided by law, the same will be disposed of to satisfy cofrts. 79tf Geo. Horns'. ! At Charlie Warren's, the old reliable ; barber's shaving 10c. hair cut 25c, stiampoo 2-c. sea toam 10c. mustache black 2"c. Shop opposite opera house give him a call. dSlml ; fo to (. O. Herold's new store for ins in ready made clothing, hats, j cap", and gents furnishing goods. 15dlf t Money saved by buying hand made i brooms, ask your dealer for them. ' d28-lmo ' TIIE BOSS CLOTHIER. MOW 3: -. - -