7T 'HI TO 3' - i. V VOL. 2. PLVTTSMOUTIL NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, 1881. NO. !M). JOSEPH V.WECKBAGH DEALER IN Choice -Family--Groceries, Carpets, Hags, Etc- AT THE "DAYLIGHT" STORE, PUTToHOUTR HERALD- 1-CHUSHEU DAILY ANT WKKKLT -by me Plaltsmoutb Heralg nWMu Co. DAILY, delivered hy carrier to any.part of the Clljr .t l" Per Week t'er Mouth lK) Per Year WEEKLY, by mall. PLATTSMOUTII. NEH. !. conV six. mon1h3 Iteglsltsreu ni - w second class matter. National Republican Ticket. I rnp nTfVSITiKXT. TjT3 MB"BR JAMES G. BLAINE, of jJtune. HICHEY BEOS, COBWEB OF 3?:ELftJRI. A2STX SEVENTf DEALERS IN AWiKlMto uf- n hnrlN ilJlHJ oi U I La. vil iMvri j wwi -j ? FOR VICE-rUKSIDKXT, JOHN A. LOGAN, of Illinois. P inrlo IIUO) GOLDEN OPINIONS. cordially ratifies Lis nr.mii a ion for president, and that f Geo. John A. Logan for vice-president. Addresses in support of the resolutions were made by Herman Cantor, ('apt. ltcich ard, WiU'am Gel. maun, and others, who nil ruainuiimdthat the i"pubiieau party has ytt ti mist-Ion to iultill, and that the tune has not come jet when it should rtlinquUh its power uud sub ject the nation to rule and destructive tendencies of the democratic p irty. KM 1 1, Ii LOCH'S OPINION. The disaffection anmus the Germans over Blaine's nomination is not gener al, and there are many enthu-ia-tie supporters of the IMumed Knight" among that nationality in Milwaukee. Ju a conversation with a Wiseonnin re porter Today, Emil Bloch, a prominent Jriiquor dealer and a leaUitig memoer u: the Freie Cicmeicdeand Turner organi zations, speaking of the nomination, said: 'Mv oi mien is that Riainc wiii make onoot the be.-t pres.deuts the Unit d states has ever had. I think he will he' elected without the shadow of a doubt, noma'ttr what candidate the lenu- CALL AT -THE Old Reliable ON H. A. WATERMAN & S Wholesale anil Ketall Dealer in. PINE LUMBER SIIIXGLES, L.VTII, sash, noons, BLINDS. ScC. Ko.i. tU Mrect. in rtar oi opera limit. 1 iATT.SMOTTT 1 1. N E 13 1 1 A S K A MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, n r.fi r KSM! Til -rlANKK. 1 HOUSE SHOEING Jk WACOS -( hepaiium of Firm ismleip.cnts MsuM will NeaT iicf-fl and Dlspat'-h. inn Cement, Plaster, t!TTTT,1DX1TC3- IP-ii-IE, lowest States. Terns Cash mi We have got the largest nn.l Lest selected stock of ' Choice Family Groceries Oneeiumrare and Glassware, ' t lame Imt the goods arc Kirst-class, and wc will give you some ,s not large, prMo onr5(llves on our Teas and r-h:ioe:s, Which we take great pain, in selecting and can gnaran.ee to be of die rery bt .quality. rom ,,ome t0 lmy vonr grScome and to give We Will Duplicate Omaha Prices. For same quality of goods and on the same terms. Come and see BENNETT & LEWIS HKNRY BCEC3L ATTTW I DEALER IN Famiture Store pyRfjjTURE np-Al.Kft IN FUR1TITUIIE S COFFINS nd all kind oi eooas nsuauT SAF .df CHAiRF ETC., ETC., ETC. 0 All DesoriptioV).- METALLIC BURIAL C ASEk , y-TDn COFFINS , , u, .rHay made aadsotd cneapiorcash WVS HZ ARSE Alw. a tery complete .toe of Funeral Goodi. tietalUcWooleiCoflns CasMs Raises CMBLLMa, o. aur New and elegant beana U always Ifl "Sh f Cass Com,- vrhear we may be foond niKht or day 13 NOW EKAi SERVICE. , thoniro mr oast uationattc 1 l ILU UtAUl v ... avit o all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 3Ht. I'VRXTt'HR ASH Ol-Kirjl) l.nnroved Lands for Sale J I UWnUn OilSia. s ,.kfr;t"(. sf piATTSMOUTH MIU-S xraMocrra nkb. .,acr s 12 mile. Iron Lenora. Kansas 8 6 ft t .,.n.tir 'oh Mil Those laaas are v-ku . - bought bypavirc M c tn. and balance on time. Thev arVcUeapt prent owners hvlog "nht the..- Htxorcod -ale- allanrt sec. -ale yet tby are jfoiug last. Fur particulars " . W. wis-. To be chosen leader in such a field of leaders, and under such circumstance, iduced beyond peradventure the f:.ct that James G. lilaine i ovtrwhciining ly the first man in the thought and choice of the party, it means much. It means that the party ahull be led by ;i leader who stands, by univeisal con ra;;m. the embodiment, not only oi much of its history, but also of its nrPRMit vteor HDd rromise. It means that the campaign i3 to be one, no?, ol defense, mt of passive resistance to attack, but one in which the wai will be carried into the enemy's country. Ii means that the democratic party is no to be permitted to tneak into powei under false pretends, but that th mask will be torn from its face and an ag-iesidve assault made all along the nn.l that the congest must be de ci ted by the naked mcriis of the par ries. It means an enthusiasm which will sweep every republican into the ranks for fight, and for fiht through the war. A ll this, and more, is mean :.y the leaier.-hip of James G. Illume. S oux Ciiy (tow) journal. Tne few dissonant voices neara in the great swel.ing tone of rejoicing throughout the country are not uuex ,,ected. A man who has lived the ag gressive, positive life Mr. Btaine has must needs have made some as posi live enemies as be has won devoted iri-ndi. The dissent is from those wh have occasion to dislike Mr. Blaine manner of hitting from the shoulder The expressions are those of the fi.st thought hasty, ili-considered, passion ate. When Ihe issues between the two .,.rtira re ioined there will come to these men the considerate, the calm, the careful judgment, and then thtj will not be found aiding the democratir party, with its present purpose and - ir.t. to cxotuie entire control of the Nitional Government. Indianapolis Tt.rl 1 .lonrnal. In the National Legislature Blaine was ever for the Union, for the public credit, for the rights of man, for sound reconstruction, and for those bioad ami ail-embracing policies which do honoi to the Nation and to our manhood. II i ttronr. RirErressive, persistent, intrc-p- id in what he believes to be the right. In private life he 13 genial, lovable, hospitable, honorable and popular. The pcopl ore for Blaine, and they will Tote c verwrielmingly to elect the tioVpt. Dr.rinc the quarter of a cenrury of his active public life Mr. Blame mus have madtj a few mistakes and some ene ,r,;Q- hut he is the most popular man in his party, and the Nation holds him close to its heart :is a scholar, a gentle man, and a patriot. The Biaine ana Logan ticket will be elected, and the count y will grow and prosper un.-er an enlightened and vigorous adminis tration Philadelphia (Pa) Itim. OLIiMANS FOR BLAINE. KcwYnik. June 10. The German ftentral committee held a special rc ting last night at its nesa- quarters, No. 3S5 Bowery, to talie ac tion in re ard to the nominations oi the Chicago convention. A full attend ance of del srat'9 was prtsent. In the absence LVesident Ditteuhoeler, FiedericV U.rn'iard, ihe lirt vice prefiden; occupied the chair. The meeting v. r,s iirat addressed by I Jr. Loui Nev. man, who presented a serie of rehoIu'J.rvjs declarinz that tbo Gtr- mau Ruu' ras Central committee of New yr5.. .wcogiiizing the abiluj and ,; II uhlicaiiim ot J nines G. BUinc, r. '. the fact thai he was the uu iestraiue.1 choice of the nihj -nty or deie? o te C44coa covwuxiou. f-r-.ifi n.nv s:lct. Many of the (Jer- mansopposa Iilaino because tliey have an idea that he is uafiieudly to them as nalinnalilV abUlt ot Kuoft-iNOiniJ- Thia they u ill regret i.fter he takes the Presidential cliair and they discover tli'ir mistake. " The' best services and character of Blaiaa are euUicicut guarantees Uvt he will nrotect and guard the fights of all naiioU-dlties and religious creida unit- i.,(T fill in one common broth rhoott 8o mru as the sun rises ev;-iy day, just w . i .nr. ;.. iw lioncst r surf am A a teucvci and straightforward character a man who would sacrifice his life lor the wei tare of Ins country. He wiil prUi ct oil iI.p business interests of the coun try, and will never allow prejudice to ;n,.nnr nia action iu deulmg wtih atl t.rcat uueatious of the day especially tpm.;erauce uue-tion. He is too grand a man to be the tOi of any par- tv I sueak or jjiaine u j.i mo-rJiny Walii er prior to hiselfce ; n d t vt'i v i h tiiiT i ar has proved th correcin, of my ..p-niuns and no man can change them. It 1 bd to ngnt rnvt all mv wn coantrymen 1 would not swerve from my allegiance to James G. Blaine. He is the best man iu the Republican party to mawe ..wl reformation in the civil st-rvice ... i fr th. welfare ol the woiko'Cinn ,f t country." -Mi wauk.-e Evening Wiconiu. head e.vi our, The Omaha Repunlica.i is uery busy just now reading ihe Lincoln Journal out o the party. When it ge.s through with that j b we sitprse it will turn it attention to' disciplining all ii dividual republicans who uo noi happen, or luve not happen, d. to wor hi Fr d-y s" picture on tiie wall. This is one w y to elect Mr. Blaine, and the Repnb lean seem to have elected to so elert he man from Maine. 3Lulc& Ux Alio: ing n short, we'll shoe anything thaUiaf four feet, troci a eoui. u Come aim fee us. TSTEW SHOP F ull Peiween mum ; , Ju-t across corner fron. tli kw HI'.UaLI OKI -'ie f. P-3 CD 1 fl CD DO CD H ' I H - (!) s I IT l t223 fcl "i tea I 2 S TO . 2 E ft ! l 5 i i i q r -s r 1 R 1 Z i 1 M THE CITIZENS . 33 Z PI.ATTSMOt'T!!.' - Ni:P.KASlw.V. C-IPJ-TTXi, - $75,000. oi TieKicst JOHN UI.ACK, : ItANK CAKUL'TII. 1'rt ltlcnt. " Vh-e-J'rthlili-nf . W. II. CU.SII1NO. Ca-hicr. i 1)1 ItKCTOIlH Jolia niack, W. II. CuMihiff, Frank Carrnlli, J. A. C'OMiitir, Ficil llt'i'iiitann, J. W. Jolin fiui, F. K. (iuiliiii inii, l'eifr Mtinici, Win. Vetui'c.iiii. He.iry lUrcli. Traiisarti" a flrii- r.tl Innkint.' Uu Iiicmh. All u !! li,tvo any Hanking IjiiMlncm lo lraus;icl an' I u v i I to cull. , No injitli r how laluK or Hinall tlx? 1 iatiactun, it will n-Celvt our careful alti'iitloii, , and w protiiiae always four -tc us trcatnif at. Ieiif tVriiftcatfs of le osiu besrin lnti rjt Huv and Kfl FureiKii Kxcliant County aii'l City .iff urirle. .ItJII.S I 1 r.ICU.M.l, A. W. MCL.ACOIII.IN rrcsidont. Cachler. Finsr rjATioNAL OI' I'LATTS.MOUTII. NL'IJJtASK A, 0:iiU 4t;i.? very best lacililies for tlio prompt trau"'iclluii of Ii'KltimatB BANKING BUSINESS.' Si i '..s, JioiuN, n fit .1 . ;vornTin::t ami l.o-i . .nil ii trn iu;i y . I ij uu miiu, l 'I'liuii, irrriy - -U anil inUTfst ;t!liet on timo Cei tili -rut"-. Uralf il lawn, avallulile In any pari ol tin I'uiti'il htatfH anil a'l III. I'li.d i'iil l'ir vi I jiiujii'. flslicst iKet prices paiJ for County War- 1 .... .11 it . . t .. ROBaTDONNLLV'S DinECTORS : loli:i rit.-Ti'fiant A. K. TouzaHn. inhii K Cian:. 1. llav.kswoi tli V. W Mi'l Miiirniln. I. I'., will If. WEEPUNG WATiiR WEE PI Sit WAT !i Ii. tfKJi. E. L. REED, rresident. B. A. G1HSON, Vlce-Presidt iit. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A ficStWl Mmi Busiaess Transacted. '. Uerpiverf. aui! Intert-Ht allowed oa Time Certi ficates. 'n.wn avat'ahlo ii. any part ot the Ufitt-1 aica ami ail Tne principal citir-s oi r.urjw. A gents for the vcluLrated Mm Line of Sles. m 4X1 fi f Corner Mala and Sixth Streets. liATTSMIOTJTH: XTIKTIfi , ;. ii rAji'iiin jicsiunu, I "I.I M. 'AT'l "il'.siON. Cashier. nnl 'DonVinnr Drtcinooc llUiiifiijia d UuLtitti uauniu, uuiiiuuu... HIGHEST CASH PRICE ,v; r.r Omi.vi.iti rind Citv rV ar.'tmz-i. C0Ll.lu:r0.i MA MB.- . istd promptly remitted for. niuHfirrnftS! Ii S Wiiuitiarn. -1. M. t';ut ron. C. II. I'ara t-ie V. il. GuTbniann. V Agucw, a. r.. Smith. Frel J order. DON'T ALL BID AT ONCE. Uncle Sammy Tilden's managers have made a t n strike on the pour old democratic party. Alter "playing n fine" and havii R all the states instruct torn ov.r the goods to the hem of Cipher Alb y. Tie poor old mans ihimble ligyrs tan now deiiv.r the national de.nccrati ; par y to wi o ...... ,,ut uu th.' m.t or the eoods. "You pay jour m ney and you tak s yo ir ciice. RFPCBMCAita sh u.d rc-m-mbcr that this is o-bem American campaign as i. :t. : . .. t futvi rit i n" derail a- th D i IV wiiieu - logaincont ol of h s government iu i.torrst of Euclish commerce. r,i . r,l A rr ci w i h b t -at Hit motto implies, as against the Demo cratic Pany wi:b t -e British free trade Plic)- nBI The National suu, ay scnooi uou vention is in Se i u at Louisville, Ky The statUticai secretary reports I03,ol0 Sunday Schools in the United States, v.ithS.00G,7)9 pui's. Francis MCBphy. the Christian temperance wi.rlier, is engtigea in tne good work iu Chicago, ana ii. id meeting with great aucees. AND BLACKSMITH Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Piou, r tid aeneral Jobbing la, now prepared to do all kinds of rPahinK . . ,v,o mufiui.rrv. as tuere is a goon iamc iu mj PJZTKR RAD EN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge or tne won sncp lie Is well kuo wu as ; v -. WOT'.HMAN". rt.i.r-"ivfc i Louisville Bank. Lot S"vi lie Xebrasltfi A .runrul Iluikinc biitini'sg trans ncteuC Money to Loan, Int. allowed on im deposits, uo.lections iuaue am ;roinH; reiiiuieo. J. J. MANiCKit. II. E. Masker. I're8. asa. C. i. Makkkk. Ass't Cash. FOL'M). An aate watch ch irm and two door ii it- t ma n nr.i'. iii iivk iji i rtv, pay for this notice and get th3 articles. it r, r.mr i-norij rn iiAiii the Ccl l, rated Anhenaer liufch St Louis Bot- led Bi er and always reaay to pay au ricular attention to bin customers. t ifl lO'iii TI O O I" i COt'(: li.e last.-. r. llcvi s yt o:ice ana lb a I . WiKTE!? end BROKCMIAL CC'J. arc i.u j . , . Zbt-liOM in tas. :w0 ae',.. pil rry Mt... 1 MfliilllMSystii t-B Music On receipt of ft 50 in curreucy or 8t ampwl will mail tree Fifty piece tffaSLic TCi the mo,t popular j compoeers anu auiuora. The J. W. Bailey Mercantiia Co. St. Jsepb. M . i Tmr.TTTF.LY CXTD.T.S M.r. nsEF,s or the V-m..;. ';l-i. aU ; rvvt-ati . isa.. , " .'. :i U: 'r-f'T uer,K-r'- '' ' " " 3 j i .ii by it, rvr.ui--FOF. SALE BY WILL J. WARRICK. . t urj' rru wisrn fori , " t? ,sar.TlHnlifi!t. &LSVlS- Thaf taint nt fCMtula in our blood 1 i. in rrillfAKil bv Aver'g j ii - " ' ..-.. - - i ..1 r... 1 i,.liMfiA U h! tkfi TO new. opcaiuu1' . v w .... , - ----- A.H chewers f-ei-m to be anxious to get f.at larra, wmcn.wiu o; " " " ' .irJiinc n. Call at Matt Schlegel's tor a circular- Hf r..K iiat-!ii mm!ii lironma at- Vi urio vii .i.-i... -...' tended to promptly at the Western broom factory. d38-lmo Crown Mills Flonr. r i." a iit.it the old Cass county in Her, who h now runnitig the Crown Mills at Ashland, bus bis flour on sale in h- IMattmouth market, Dovey & . .. 1 ..... tn clnlr A OOIl Ke piuil It m n ai n iu oiv- tiialot'the Crown Mill brands will tnove to any ti.at it is superior to any tbur in tlie mark-t. Ahl&w48v. Xnnttt Foolish Feonlo Allow a cough tc. run uutil it t,et8 be yond the reach of in-dici"e. They often say. Oh, it will wear away, uut in m o ta it u-fHrii them aWlY. Could Ul WCV.. ' -. thy bf induced to try the 8UtC6Sful v. A...ii.a ill.il rrrri ' Halt-am. 'hat I IU - U W " ' ' . , - - " A- - v I I se I n a punitive tru iratitee to rnre, t . . . i " . . . . I . . m... l. a . ril tllC ' Wi'MKl ITDIUHl liii ri J mo ' - Inn effect after taking the Drat, dose. . "; and SI; trial size fn-e. . 14v'jr 4rt-uj W. J. Warrick. 1. i 4 If 5! ! f 111 ; i 1 1 : ii 1 1 7 .1 Vior. Oorr ifoal 1 .1