The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 10, 1884, Image 3

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    i'uTiSaOiJTIi flERALD
Olr'i'a.l Vti fAI'KU OK Til K CITY
Clrca'atln Library at Warrick.'
!raxMtor. UOnt
V. A. tl.triliall, Drntlst, huc
cemr to Clutter fc Mnmhall.
Tee tli extracted without palu,
br uxe or.MltrouM Oxide Can.
1. Salisbury, Deutlrtt.
A1vi,f;.i"e,ii".ts uitJ;r tin lieJ, Ihre ciit
lcr lin n.v.n in-. riii)ii.
On real estate by A.N.
I?Olt 9 LE A one hore huggy auu harness
' almost uew. enquire of .,..
FOlt HVI.E-M relleiife and four lots;
cuoil Ihkm. barn and fruit, and In excel
leut condition : alto two improved lamia, also
i-niory lrb-k buli.e house 4uxfW feet, on Malu
Mtreet. and other desirable laud and lots.
1. Jl. Wrkrlrr.
nHjiHALE Houses. Ion and wood land by
L John Bons & Son.
1SOB SALE Several residences, cheap. In
quire of 0. U. Wheeler & Co.
1HB SALE Scratch Tablets lu all nlzes. at
ttai. ofrlce. S
IIOKHALK alot In good location. ParUcu
lar at this oftlce
I 4iOli SALE An order for a new American
bewinif Machine. Inquire at thlsofnce. .
1?OH SALE 1.000 cords of wood. Inquire of
! W. 8. WUe. 11
I JOB SALE id papers for sale at this office
at 40 cents tcr hundred or 6 cents per doz
en. "
VOK SALE Four lots tORettierln geod loca
i1 Hon in thl city. Inquire at this office tf
ROOM TO KEN T.-A furnished room for one
or two gentlemen, in good location, in
quire at this orllce.
f HO KENT Two rooms, furnished or unfur
1 nished. In the MacMurphy hou-e, luquire
on the premises.
TH) 11 HE NT or sale on lonjr time. A house
and two lots with good improvements. Ap
ty to K. 11. Windham.
FOR HEN C houses of four rooms,
iiood water, eood garden spot. 84 per
mouth loShalerville. W. II. Shafeu.
IJOR RENT The north storeroom in Nev
J ille'a blck, and 8 rooms up stairs. Good
location forxestaurant or boarding house, rents
cheap. Apply to Wm. Neville. ltutl
rpOKENT A house. Inquire of Chaplain
1 Wright.
LOST A Knight Templar charm in shape of a
Maltese cross. Finder will be suitably re
warded by leaving at this office. nI
iir A.NTED a b od second cook at the Terk-
Ins House immediately. 7M1
IV ANTED two day boarders. Apply at
I Mrs. liuatafson'n, 3d atrc two doors past
sextons wdlw
K. or s.
Meets every Tuesday evening at thea
t'astle il til. iu Rocfcwood Block. V
itii' Knights are invited to attend.
II. M. Rons, C. C.
L Ivk:-s. K. of 11. and S.
a:xcltcU Tiiousands.
All over the lar. I ire going into ecs
tasy over Dr. Ki.. New Discovery
for"(.V.n:iun.iUii;n. Tiieir unlooked for
recoverv by the timely use of this great
life Saving remedy, causes them to go
nearly wild iu its praise. It is guar
anteed t positively urc Sevire Coughs
Colds, Atima- Hay Fever, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness, Loss of voice, or any aflec
tions of the Throat aud Lungs.
Trial Bottles free at J. M. Roberta
Drugstore. Large size $1.00
Dec. 6 lyeSw.
These are Solid Facts.
The bust blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of"9ufftring humanity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil
io'i.suess. Jaundice. Constipation, cafe
Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary
organs', or whoever requires an appctiz
or. tonic or mild stimulant, will always
And Electric Bitters the best and only
cert iin cure known. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
rive entire satisfaction or money re
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. M. Roberts Jand&wly.
Fence Posts.
5000 dry fence posts for sale, inquire
of W. S. Wise. I9tf-
A Wide Awake Druggist.
Mr J. M. Roberts is always wide
awake in his business, and spares no
pains to secure the beat of every article
in his line. He has secured the agency
for the celebrated Dr. King s New Dis
covery for Consumption. The only
certain cuac known for Consumption,
Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness. Asthma,
HavFever Bronchitis, or any affection
- . v. n. on.l T.nncTO SolDOn POS-
itivc guarantee. Will give you a Trial
Bottle free. Regular size S1.00.
Dec. 6. lyeCw
For lame back. Side or
Shiloh's I'orous Plaster.
Chest use
Trice 25
"SH I LUU'S COUGH and Consump
tion Cure is sold by us on a guarrntee
It cures cons'inipn""
..... ,ro irfr T 17V.ll U what
rSllllAiio v
vou need for Coasumption, Loss ot ap
petite Dizziness and all symptoms of
'Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per
CROUPE Whooping. Cough and
Bronchi" mrjaeuii.;j S.. L .
Shiloh' Cure. Sold by Smitu A Black
gr09 Dec.20eowiUwly
A Startllnff IMscovery.
Phyiiciana arc often btartled by ro
mark able discoveries. The fact that
Dr. Kin!? New Discovery for Con
sumntion and all Throat d ng
diseases is daily curing patients that
thev have given up to die, is startling
them to realize theii sense of duty, and
ermine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery ; resulting in hundred-of
our best Physicians using it in their
nracii'-e. Trial Bottles free at J.M.
llXrt,' Drug Store. Regutar ze
SI. no. : .
bacc5, it is by far th, AM :fl2 C W-
riiiiik:ifu at the Optra hou Thurr
I day and Friday venins.
llurnh fr the a threat
time iiiity 'C expected the next three
I Don't forget the Presbyterian weight
ami measure sociable, tomorrow tven-
Miss Fraukio Jewell, a former n-ei-deut
of I'lattsmouth, is in the city vis
iting at Henry Boeck's.
Visiting Sportsmen especially invited
to the Presbyterian weight and meas
ure sociable tomorrow evening,
dpt. Phelps I'ayne, Mrs. I'ayue and
Mrs. Darrah of Lincoln, arc in the city
today Btoppiug at Major Smiths.
The strawberry market is lively junt
about now in this city, Bennett & Lew
is alone selling ten cases per day.
Work on the new brick yard in the
weptern part of the city is looming up
and it makes u good improvement.
A musical programme will be one of
the attractions at the weight and
measure sociable tomorrow evening.
The boys are arrangftg for a ball
Friday evening to close up the session
of the State Sportsmen's afsociation in
proper shapp.
W. B. White aud M. R. Hopewell, of
Burt couuty, and two well known Ne
braekans, are with the Tekamah club as
spectators daring the tournament
For sale Irish setter dog, well broke,
and good retriever. This is n young
dog and a very fine animal.
9Ctf R. Bach elder.
D. D. Wead, of Franklin county
Vermont, is iu tjie city for a week's
visit to his son, C. SI. Wead, of the
tore deputineot. Mr. Wead senior
was au attendant at the Chicago con
vention as an Edmunds man, but is
we'.l satisG.'d with Blaine.
In publishing the list of presents and
mmes of donors in our account of
Capt. and Mrs. L. D. Bennett's silver
wedding wc omitted to mention, I.
Julian, silver cake basket; I.Solomon,
set silver spoons; S, P. Vanatta, silver
berry spoon.
One cent for every 10 pounds of hu
manity, at the weight and measure so
ciable tomorrow evening.
Go to the. Presbyterian weight and
measure sociable tomorrow evening,
aud find out your true value. One
cent for every ten pounds. The fat
men's association especially invited.
Ratification Meeting at Louisville
Saturday evening the Republicans
of Louisville held a ratification meet
ing over the nominations of Blame and
Logan, at which time an enthusiastic
meeting was held. Speeches were
maie by II. D. Root, ot Lincoln, Alex.
Nclntos'i of Louisville and J. B.
Strode, of this city. The republicans
of Louisville seem to be wide awake
and ready lor the campaign.
Young Men's Republican Club-
The young men in the city are ac
tively at work securing names for or
ganizing a Young Men's Republican
Club. Fifty names were taken last
night, and tomorrow night when the
boys meet to organize the number will
reach nearly or quite one hundred.
Mr. II. N. Dovey, Fred. Furniss and
Mr Jackson, are a committee who are
taking names, and those who wish to
join should hand their names to any
on? of them.
The City Council met last night in
regular session, but there was no busi
ness of any importance transacted ex
cept making a levy for the ensuing
year, which is as follows:
General fund u
Improvement 2
Fire 1
B & M R R 4
Fitzgerald B'd 4
Chicago Ave 3
Collins judgment 2
School 8
Dovey judgment .-lM
Sabbath School Picnic-
The Presbyterian Sabbath school will
take au excursion to Bellevue tomor
row, (Wednesday) morning, returning
on the eveniug train. The fare for the
round trip 40 cents for persons over
twelve years of age and 20 cents for
persons under twelve. All persons de
siring to go with the school whether
members or not are cordially invited.
All children accompanying the excur
sion must be under the care and super
vision of their parents or the officers
and teachers of the school. AH per
sons intending to go o requested to
meet at the Presbyterian church on to
morrow morning at 7 o'clock, sharp,
bringing their refreshments and fare
with them.
Try Ayer's Catharic Pills! They are
mild and (.leasant in action, but thor
ough and searching tn effect. wldG
NEW POrToE. a:
I 79 tf. - mne:i & I ewla'
At tha Opora Hauls-
Artbe'Watermau Opera 'House, last
evening, a formal ratilication meeting
of the nomination of Blaine and Logan
was held, which was well attended by
the citizens, many ladies being present
in the audience.
The B. & M. band, in full dress unl
form, played popular and national airs
before the opera house and In the opera
houss took their position on the stage.
where through the evening they
played a number of their finest selec
At 8:30 the meeting was called to
order by II. M. Bushnell, and on mo
tion of J. E. Morrison Hon. R. B.
Windham wm elected chainnaa. Mr
Windham, on assuming the chair spoke
at some length upon the work of the
campaign, the history of the part', the
public life aud services of the Btaudard
bearer, and made uninteresting and
able speech, followiugvhich Mi. T. B.
Clark was elected secretary of the
meeting. Remarks' were made by sev
eral, aud amid much applause M. A.
llartigan,, whose affiliations the last
four years has been with the democracy,
took the stage and delivered a power
ful speech in advocacy of the man
from Maine and the principles upon
which he stood. Chairman Windham
introduced Mr. llartigan as a new con
vert, and Mr. llartigan responded by
producing the first platform ever
adopted by the democratic or any
other party, the platform adopted in
May, 1832, at Washington, upon which
the speaker said he now stood. The
platform is as follows:
1st. liesolced, That an adequate
protection to American industry is in
dispensable to the prosperity ot the
country, and that an abandonment of
the policy at this period would be at
tended with consequences ruinous to
the best intests of the nation.
2d. That a uniform system of inter
nal improvements sustained and sup
ported by the general government is J
calculated to secure in the highest de
gree the harmony, the strength and
permanency of the Republic.
3d. That the indiscriminate removal
of public officers for uie difference of
political opinion is a gross abuse of
power, aud that the doctrine lately
preached iu the United Slates, that to
the victors belong the spoils ol the
vai.quishcd, is detrimental to the interest-5,
corrupting to the moials and
dangerous to the liberties of this
Mr. llartigan followed the reading of
the platform in a strict exact arraing
ment of the democratic party on all
public questions, and cited facts of his
tory through different years and ad
ministrations to prove his position. Mr.
Hartigan's position was impregnable,
and thinking democrats in the audience
recognized the truth of his statements
and the honor that he gave to the party
of progress. Mr. llartigan closed with
a bright eulogy of Blaine and Logan
and the audience applauded to the
echo. Following Mr. Hartigan's
ppeech measures for organizing cam
paign club3 were inaugurates, the
voung republicans announcing the pre
paratory steps taken for a young men's
republican club. Capt. Palmer called
for the organization of a Blaine and
Logan club which was started by the
secretary taking numerous names
which will be continued in future.
Sound Sense.
It always affords us much pleasure to
record the progression cf our state in
stitutions, upon which the future pros
perity and welfare of Nebraska materi
ally depend. The marked benefits to
be derived from the e nterpnse of our
citizens in this direction, is fully ex
emplified in the organization of the
Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Com
pany, of Omaha, a corporation that,
during its first fiscal year, received in
premiums ver $180,000; or $13,000
more thau was ever received by any in
surance t inpany doing business in
Nebraska in the same period of time.
It has virtually retained in the state
for reinvestment and reimbursment of
those of its patrons who may beun
fortunate in having their property de
stroyed, this handsome sum which,
would otherwise have been contributed
to the coffjrs of eastern monopolists.
In Richardson county alone, this
company has already paid several
losses, its lat being a claim of J. W.
Oillivrae, under a policy of $500. in
the recent fiio at Humboldt, its adjust
er being the first on the ground. Many
of our citizens are familiar with the
liberal and honorable manner in which
this company paid Dennis Sullivan, uf
Rulo, the loss of his barn, house and
contents, when the Phceuix of Brook
lyn, repu,! I his just claim under
their poli , -aich should be a lesson
to our c; ; as patronize a reliable,
home co .;:iny, that deals promptly,
honorabh .ud Iiberaliy wit'i its pat
rons. Whsi I : m ihe great ru-h t Will
J. Wank:, j Drug S'ore."' Tin fiee
distnlnti :i f sample hotths of I)r
BosankoV nigh an. I Luu-.' Syrup, the
most pnp.,;.ir reixif'dy for Cough. Colds,
fonouinpliofis Rnd Bronchitis m.w on
r - i . , . - . . i a"-- ana !
SepUStfwlyw. i
Mi-NT. "
Til Opening Day-A Good Attaud-
' ""irtjCrfTcT?-lH-Frr-?f-D?ry. - --
1 ho hrs-t day ol the tournament
opens out with the promise ot a large
attendance and much sport. Out at the
grounds everything is in good shape
anil in readiness and the matches were
called aud tho fir6t ahot off this fore
noon. Tents for shade dot the ground.
Booth arc put up by several and the
ladies have possession of the Floral
hall of the fair lu which they serve
royal meals to the hungry at any time.
About thirty sportsmen from different
parts of the state arrived lact evening
and this morning aud tonight a large
number will bo in on th i rains from
the west and . noilh. The followiug
delegations are already in the fitld:
C E Burele, Will Fitch, Frank Beard,
A T White, M Warrick, T Warrick,
Messrs W B White and M li Hopewell
accompanying tho delegation to cheer
for them. j
J A Mc, W S Craig. j
Jiul;e J R hurnes.
T M (ireen.
W II S Hughes J W Petty, E.i Leed-
er, Wm Craig, W Robinson, Dr Strass-
bcrger, B E B Kennedy, Wm Krug.
O Teffr, A R Smith, D Lou pp.
J II Erfor 1, -1 T Hill.
E F Johnson, Wm Hultzheiser.
W Y Browning, W T Den. F.d Sny
der, C W Summers.
AV R Denham. -
Wm Naglt, C Ilinkley, C L Green.
There are six or eight other shoot-
iits present, aniODg which Columbus is
represented, whose names we failed to
Purse, $250 -Open to residents of
the state, ten clay pigeons, 18 yards
rise, was shot for by the following and
with the followiug score:
G S Smith, 6; V T Deu, G; V W
Browning, C; II II Livingston, 8; F
Beard, 0: Wanick. 8: 'I Warrick, 4;
McLaughli.1, 5; C Hinkl.:. 7; V T j
Craig, 8; T Coverdale, 5; C L Green, i
7; v D Joues, 0; J laclcy, A. J.
White, 0; Will Fitch, 7; flultz ieiser, 7;
Hill, 7; Douhmi, 10; Bardwcll, S; J
B Barnes, 8; Ed Lceder, 8; C L Green,
9; J W Petty, 10; W Robinson, 9;
Strassburger 9.
In shooting off ties t!.e following
waa the result:
First money, tie between Petty, of
Omaha,?and Denham, of Lincoln, di
Second money won by Beard, of Te
kamah. Third money won by Bardwcll.
Fourth money won by Green, of
Ashland ,
Green, lu shooting off the tie for 4th
with Fitch, of Tekamah, made the best
record in the contest, breaking 15
straight. The second match on the
list Is In prop ) at this writing.
..-l3 EVEN INC
in Rockwood Hall, the State's Sports-!
men Asociationwill convene at which
time the regular business of thrir ac- j
nual session will be taken up. i
Tomorrow other contests will be the j
order at the tournament ground?, as per
programme published eiaewhere, and it
will be aoticed that the contests are all
interesting ones. The State associa
tion has certainly opened out under
very favorable auspice?, and a great
time the next three days will be had,
To Family Can Afford to he Without
a Safe and Reliable Remedy.
The surpassing excellence of
Marsh's Tonic Astringent," for Bowel
Complaints, is acknowledged by all
who have tried it. It is a safe, rapid
and effectual cure for Diarrhera, Dy sen
try, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum,
and all relaxed and'deranged conditions
of the Stomach and Bowels. It ia a
delightful remedy for children of all
age3, a well a3 adults, and can be ad
ministered to the most delicate person
with perfect safety and confidence.
Marsh's Toxic Astringent is for
sale by Smith & Black Bros, druggist,
Plattsmouth, Pr-ce 5q cents
Fifty cents will buy the Marsh
Aotjk Ccre liquid or pills. For sale
by Smith & Dl-tck Bros.
For Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Bruise?,
Swellings Sprains, Sores, Burns, Pile .
etc., use. M.VESll'S CliEAil LlMMEN.
For sale by Smith & Black Bros, wl.i'j
A lirg.- 6toc!c watches, chains and ,
cha: m-. just received at L. C. Erven's.
' S3tf I
In p re ia-iiig a reir:grr.4i r es lit n- '
ry Bceock'a now stock aud
p,rcnasiQg. .
pi ices
Tle State's Sportsmen,
WJnday, Juno II, O A. M.
coNTEST-jiirviv. m
Champion Team, Gold Medal of the
Nebraska State Sportsmen's Associa
tion, presented by Pforzheiraer, Keller
& Co., 18 Johu street, N. Y., through
E. llallett, Liucoln, Nebraska. Open
only to members of the State Associa
tion. Teams of two. 10 single birds to each
man, 11 yards rise; ties, 3 birds to each
Entiauce, 10 per team, birds in
cluded. The Badge to remain the properly of
the Nebraska State Sportsmen's Asso
ciation, but the team winning it may
retain it by giviugbatisfactory guaranty
that it will be forthcoming at the next
tournament to be shot for as herein
provided, the team so holding it to be
entitled to the entrance fees next year.
Any club may designate as many
teams as they desire for this contest.
If this medal is not on the grounds
another match will be substituted.
Purse $150 Class Shooting Free to
Fifteen clay pigeous, is ynrdit rise;
ties on 5.
Entrance, !js3, expenses included.
First prize, i75; second prize 50;
third prize, $2".
Prize Silver Cup, presented iu .May,
1877, by th Plattsmouth Sportsmen's
Club, ior club teams four members of
a club to compose a team. Ten .single
birds. 21 yards rise.
Entrance, cost of bird..
May 1877, won by the Lincoln team
at Plattsmouth, score, 34.
May, 1878, won by the Fremont team
at Fremont, score 3G.
May, 1879, won by the Fremont teum
at Omaha, score 36.
May, 1880, won by the Lincoln tram
at Nt braska City, score, 37.
May, 1881, won by the Omaha team
at Lincoln, score, 37.
May, 1882, won by the Nemaha tf am
at Omaha, score, S5.
June 13, 1883, won by the Neinaha
team at Lincoln, score, 33.
Train Time,
Under the change iu time passenger
trains leave the depot here a3 follows:
No. 1 w'r, S:15 a. in.
No. 3 west, C :50 p. m.
K. U. St. J. & C. B. north 5:15 a. m
" " " " 11 C:35 p. m.
C. U. tfc Q. , north, 7:45 a. in.
Omaha stub north 8:55 a. m.
4 " " 5:40 p.m.
Trains arrive as follows
No. 2 , Denver express C:25 p. m,
No. 4, " " 9.25 a. m.
K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9:45 a. m. !
.4 M u 8.35 p In
C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5 :30 p. m. '
79tf. Bennett Sc Lewis'.
CORN COB pipes in every stvle .
Schlegel's. lott
The best beef in laa city always can ;
be found at Peterson Bros, market.
That water will not run up hill,
that a kiss is sweeter than it looks
and looks hetter after dark,
that good CLOTHING the
best, and cheapest to buy, that
money can be saved, and a square
deal had at JWescotVs, the Boss
Clothier, as he does riot deal in the
inferior lines adapted to the fixed
purposes ol bankrupt and assig
nee sales.
We avoid all gag schemes, sell
to all alike and treat our custo
mers with the utmost fairness. A
complete stock of seasonable
clothing and furnishing goods on
hand, and we are prepared to con-
vince all in doubt, that our btateinents are correct, that our goods arc
the best, and that it is to your interest to trade with WESCOTT.
Late styles i 1 Straw and Fur Hats, Novelties in Neckwear, full line ot
Trunk?, Valicets, 5cc., &c. Everybody welcome.
flockwrod Block. THE BOSS CLOTHIER.
Crazy Quilts.
2,000 packages of nilk and ribbon
scraps put up in assorted hi for 25e,
50c, 75i-, and $1.00 t acli. any ono of
which wijiJUa uiiiiknt,iV!O0u
recHptol price. Address
The .1 W Bailey Mercantile Co.
St. Joseph, Jin.
A lino stock of silver ware jut re
ceived a. L. C. Erven'u. 83tf
See the new stock of silverware at
L. C Er van's before buying elsewhere.
Best assort ment of silverware iu
town to select presents from at 1 C.
Erven'. 83if
Call and See Fs.
I wish to notify the public that 1 am
now opMi for business, at Joe McVey's
old stand, where I have in stock a full
line of Kentucky whiskicp, St. Louia
buer, wines and cigars &c, as good a
the best. (57dtf H. M RONS.
Fresh Vegetables nnd Fruits receiv
ed every dav, at
T9tf. Bennett & L'w'n.
Estrav Notice
Taken up by the undersigned in
Plattsmouth precinct on the 29th day'of
May, 1831. One sorrel mare pony with
tar in forehead, supposed to be about
5 pears old. If not claimed and costs
paid as provided by law, the Hume will
be disposed of to satisfy costs.
79tf Geo. IIoknn.
At Charlie Warren'n, the old reliable
barber's, shaving 10c, hair cut 25c,
shampoo 25c, sea foam 10c. mustache
black 25c. Shop opposite opera house
give him a call. d31ml
Ho to C. (1. Herold's new store for
bargains in ready made clothing, hats,
cup?, and gents furnishing goods. 15dtt
Money saved by buying hand made
brooms, ask your dealer for them.
That taint ol scroiula iu your blood
can be wholly eradicated by Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. wld5
Diamond Wall Finish, best and cheap
est, ready for use by adding hot water,
at Fishers drug store. 49djtwtf
Analj-Bls by Dr. A. Vorlcker. F. R. 8., Con
tmlUnfr Chemist Itoyal Agricultural Society,
England, shows only a trace of nitrates in
Blackwell'B null Durham Tobacco. Tho noil
of the Golden lielt of North Carolina, In which
this tobacco Is grown, don't Buntily nitrates to
the leaf. That Is the secret of lta delicious
mildness. Nothing bo pure and luxurious for
Bmoklnsf. Pomiortfet the brand. Noriegen
ulne without the traUe-iuark of tho iiulL AU
dealers, have it.
When feline concerts
bent nolaca is found in
Jilarktctll't Bull J'ur.
Uixn Smoking Tubarco.
I. 1 Jk