4 PLVTTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 10, 188-1. NO. 67. VOL. 'J. rm - - H- - nip JOSEPH V. WECKBAGH. DEALBK Choice Family Groceries, AT THE "DAYLIGHT" STOEE, central main street, plattsmouth, neb, LUMBER EICHEY COB1TF.R OTP TEXS-X. jISTTD '. DEALERS IN ALL KIND Lumher.Sash.Doors SaOTRrest iEtates.'Tex'ms Gash Sill We are We liavp irot the large&t Choice Family :.. .-., wp will sell them in st. not " lmst. ,i Qizeej-Lswaie U not large, but the goods are First-class, and we will give you 3 l0w price. We pride ourselves on our Teas and SiDlces, "Which we take great pains in selecting and can guarantee to be of tlir vorv best duality. Ml vnn folks who have been going groceries, come and give us a chance to ive you figures. Wo Will Duplicate Omaha Prices. nnaiifr nf n-oods and on BENNETT NEW Furniture Stare -DEALKK IN FURiTITURE COFFINS and all kind of goods usually kept la FIB54 t CfcAMM i UKSlTlBK WTOIIE Also, a very complete tock ot Funeral Goods Hetallic&WooleiiCoSlns Caskets Rates EMBLEMS, 4c. Oar New and elegant hearse Is always la readiness. Bemember the . place, in UJJJO BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Wbtr we may be found night or day. J. I UN Rim 9 SU13 PLATTSMOUTH MIM-S XTSMOUTH NKB. UEISEL, - Proprietor TUmr. Cam UfA IN Carpets, Rugs, Etc BEOS, OP-" i ami Itfst seleetel stock f Groceries as che:ii as we rssillv ran and Our Stock of inds, on Dec CLTLtL G-ZCLSSJCUltliugMihough they were defeated, SOinC I away from home to buy your the same terms. Uome ami see & LEWIS flKNRY BCECK i DEALER IN FURNITURE SAF .6, CKAiRF aXC, ETC., KTC Of All Descriptioivi.l METALLIC BURIAL CASES I ,'-;. ray made and sold cheap lor cash. -. K HEARSE IS NOW BEAD SERVICE. With many than lor past paconage. nviie all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF Improved Lands for Sale noaer-s 12 mil?s from Lenora. Kansas 8659 16: is " Orleans. Net. 900 ' 14 Beaver City. Neb. r50 IU) . 8 " Login, KausaJ. 1.C0O Thfic lands are well Improved, and can be hmivht hv n.-ivinsr '4 ctsb.and balance on time. Tbey are cheap, the present owners having hmn'tit thpir at lorcea aie. can ana gee. 1 have some Cheyenne County Lands for al yet they are going last. For particulars call on W. WISE, T0lw3w I'nloe Hlock, PLATTSMOUTfl HERALD. FCBLI8UF.D DAILY AND WEEKLY -BY- The PlattMDUtti Herald PnWisliini Co. TERMS: DAILY, delivered by carrier to auy.part of tbe city Per Week S 15 Per Month ' 00 Per Year W WEEKLY, by mall. One copy six. month! 51 00 One copy tie year J 00 Kegisterea at me rose uaico, riauanioum, as secoiul class mailer. National Republican Ticket. FOli PRESIDENT, JAMES G. BLAINE, of Maine. POE VICE-PRESIDENT, JOHN A. LOGAN, of Illinois. Plattsmovtu has had two ratitica- tioa meetings over the nomination of the Chicago convention, and the Blaine and Logan ball is rolling onward. The California delegation, which in the words of its chairman, went to Chi- j cago to stay until Blaine was nomi nated, has gone east to visit Mr. Blaine at his home in Augusta, Maine. If any think James O. Blaine cannot carry New York they want to read telegrams of the hundreds of ratifica tion meetings all over that state in honor of the nomiuution of the man from Maine for president. The young men's republican ciub which is being organized in this city will be heard from in its own particu lar field of work during the coming campaign, and the boys wiil march on with Blaine and Logan to victory. Tjieue is one great thing in favor ol the republican presidential ticket, the standard bearers are the cnoice of the majority of the voters of the party. This thing of putliag in dark horses who are not the choice of any body, merely to keep a few noliticians from is not me proper tmng to ao. mis nas been done several times now and a de parture from it marks a reform in the party. Lincoln Capital. Hon M. A. Uartioan, w ho for the labt four years has heeu the most influ ential aud aggressive democratic work er in this county, made a powerful speech in the Biaiue and Logan ratifi cation meeting at the Upent house in which he placed himself squarely in the field as a supporter of the "plumed knight." Mr. Hartigaa baa simpl taken the step that thousands of think ing democrats will take during the com- idg campaign. The Loudon papers and the Brilish press don't like the tariff plank of the n pu lUa i platform. The great L n dou Times roars that the death-knell ot the republican party has been sounded No doubt the wish is father to the thought. The British press hates the republican party. Republican princi pies are impregnable wall of defense ag iust the rapacity of British monopolis So long as the reptiglican party is in power, and so long as the principle of protection is upheld, Brit ish monopolists will be baftled in their efforts to crush American industries an 1 feize the American market for ii eir own seiusn purposes, it is no wonder that withiu a few hours cf the adoption of a republican platform, de clarmg unequivocal hostility to the doctrine of British free trade, the cable should brin.sr the evidence of the Hn- appintmtat aud enmity of the Dews- paper represenutuies of British senti ment. This was, indeed, inevitable. "untisn interests" is only another name for British selfishness. There is not on tbe spacious surface of the globe one foot rf land that is secure from British ag ""siod, or one solitary inte rest nat t are from the snoilin"- hand of .' nation i? of power, sordid ini oh cupidity, unless toat erawed by the strong hand uniish iuterest3 are the estq or money getting. To the selfish r-ods of British monopoly in manufact.i and commerce, all the strength, Luiitary and naval, and all the diploi : .cy of the government are subordiu I. The military aud aval power c: is only u the British government I bv wr i ty which, in the means interest of British monopolists, weak nations are crushed and held in abject dependence in their masters. For no other purpose have Ireland and India been throttled in the relentless clutch of British military power than to enable the vampires ot trade fattt : on their life blood. Nor has that nation of grasping monopolists sei upuled, from the same sordid motive.-, .to crush under t he iron heel of armies such de fenceless lands as Egypt and the petty tribe of. Africa. But, true to its in stincts, the British government shrinks from .attempting military aggression upon focmen worthy of its eteel. It docs not try to force the people of the Uuittd ritaies by hostile armaments to become hew on of "cod and drawers of water for British monopolist, simp ly because it dares not. the time was. however, when the strnggliugcolonisis bitterly lelt the pressure of British in terests iu the pewal laws against Amc-ri- can manufactures and against Ameri can commerce. That day, however, was happily past when, at the close ot the heroic struggle of the revolution. Grent Britain was forced to acknowl edge them "free and independent fctaU'3." But precisely the same thing, which is done by force ol arms for British interests'' against defenseless nation, is atteu pted to be done in the United States by the insidious and in direct, but not the less dangerous, doc trine, ot free trade, sometimes called "tariff for revenue only," sometimes "revenue reform," but the same British wcap ns under whatever name it is concealed. It is thp wealth of British mon 'polLts hat furnishes the means for the dissemination f this false doc trine. Sioux City Journal. ELMWOOD CORRESPONDENCE. Editou IIeuaLd: Shake! Hip, hip hurrah! Elm wood is on her ear, and everv one is happy, snd no one cares lor expenses, because wo are all for Blaine and wtre before he was nomi nated. Conversions .ore fashionable, now, however, but we don't think quite in order, n this occasion. Tho west end of ;ss county wiil ever c-A gratfful to the IIon.E B. Iiee.l. !': ;ho manly, s r.iightfor urd manner, in whidi bo and ihe Hon. Church ilowe misrepresent d the old cour.:y of Cass and he glorious Fir?t. Congressional U s rict oi Nebraska. We think now it willbe perfectly in order for Mr. Howe to eo 2s ew Mexico and art his cattle rauche, as we can n r, attms si oi uic gauic, b-u uij V.6. xMa sbalships or Congress loam up iu t e back grouud for him; and it might be wdl for Mr. Reed to stand in with him. They perhaps can have bet ter success in cattle than they did in making president. The crops here are all that could be wished; corn is up and looking tine; mall grain simply immense. Elmwood is preparing to celebrate. and they all say it is going to be the bigne.-t thing on ice Chicago conveu tion not excepted. Come up, aud we vtll make it plraant. C. D. Clapp bnd 2. R. Ilobb , arc home I- om Omnha wi ere itn-.y nave been visiting. We are not through retifyi'ig and J llitying ourseii ovor xiaiue a uuuiiua- tiou. Words fail to express our feel ings. Elmwood will give the "Flumed Knight from Maine one hundred and fifty votes in November. Youru in the faith. J. M. F. S. White, The old stand by ice man, is now con tracting for the summer season, anJ will deliver you 3-our ice promptly at any time called for. Make your con tracts for a summer supply. louu ClotLcs. Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush- n 1 T 1 es, tjorauj, ixc, into 01 t iiicu, east Main street, 49dtf If you want to get you a Droom that will eive the best satifactiin for the 8am e money ask your dealer for Dor- ack's brooms. uss-imo h if leva vsr cent discount on all cus torn made work hereafter, at .siitr- wood's for CAsn. To establish my business in every department on a strictly cash basis this inducement is made in all custom made work. Under the reduction a hcc that costs S9-00 now, costs $7.65 for cash. A boot that co3ta $3.00 now costs 6.- 80 cash. A boot that costs 33.50 now costs S5.C0 cash at Sherwood's. 59dw8tf Refrigerators in all sizes at Ilenry Boeck'B. 59tf Tbe Ice Men. Jos. Fairfield ha established an of- Ace a Monarch billiard hall, where he ice for the season at the lowwt terms, 1 FOI'NI. An agate watch charm and two door keys. Call at this oflico. prove prop erty, pay for this uotice articles. and get the M O Conno keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anher.aer Burch St Louis Bot tled Beer and always ready to pay pac ticular attention to his customers. 15&tf Spearhead tobacco is all the go ucw. All chewers seem to be anxious to get hat farm, which will be given away m June next. Call at Matt SclwegePs lor a circular. ltf All the best houses in Plattsmouth will sell you Bremner's choice crackers at reduced price by tho box or bam 11, aud don't you forget it. Get these and you get the best. tf Music- On receipt of fl.oO in currency or stamps we will mail free Fifty pieces assorted Vccal and Instrumental Stand ard Music from all the most poxmlar composers and authors. The J. W. Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph, Mo. Crown Mills Flonr, W. V. Allen, the (rd Cass county miller, who i-t now running the Crown Mills at Ashland, has his Hur on sale iu the Plattsmouth market, Uovey & Sou keeping it always in stock A tiialofthe Crown Mill brands will prove to any that it is superior to any flour in the market. S00d&w4Slf. BANKS. 2 THE CITIZENS rr.ATTSMotrrn. NhUKASKA. C.3PJ.T.Ij, - $75,000. OFFICF.H.1 JOHN BLACK. .'KAMC C'AKRUTil. 1'resident. Vice- FresVdent. V. II. CUSHINO. Ca-:!iier. .llKKCTOnS John Black, V.'. It. Cashing Frank Can uth, T. A. Connor, Fred Herrmann, J. V. Joh& ion, IMt. Guthinann, Feter Mumro, Win. Wetercamp, Henry Boek. l'ransacts. a Geiit-ral Bankini? Business. All Wiio nave any H.uikint; busluuss to trati.-art are invited to call. No matter limv h:re or Pinail tbe transaction, it wJl receive our careful attentiop, and we promise alway f ur leou.- treat men i. ues Cerlificate.t of De. sits J!.irjas ;ut';r--:.' Biivs.-md sellf Foreign Kxcliane, County nad Citv secumie. JOHS FlTZGKRAI.M. Fiesidenr. t'w?hior. NATIONAL FIRST Or FLAT rSMOUTH. NLBKA8KA, Oltrs tile very best facilities for tlie promp transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold. Government and Loca Hecurities Bought and Sola, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed 011 time Ceriii'i eaten. Drafts drawn, available in an part of the United Htatex and the principal towns of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted Highest rfcet prices paid for County War State aid County Bonds. DIRECTORS 2 John Fitzgerald A. K. Touzaliu John It. ClarK. D.Hawksworth A. W Mcl-auuhlln. F. K. White. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. "WILKINSON. Cashier A General Basii&E Business Transscied. WKPOS1TH Keceivec, and Interest allowed on Time Ce.'ti neat e s. DBAFTH . Druwn available in any part of the Cnlie" Starts and all the principal citie -t Knrope. A -T H. .',1 .... .. I Haute Line of Steamers. Bank Cass County Cotner Main and Sixth Streets. JEH, ATTSMOUTH .V. H. PAKMELE. Frs!deu:, ( 1 .1 M. PATTEKSON. Ca-hier. Transacts a General Easing Bnsiness HIGHEST CASH. PRICE Paid or County and City War. -ants. COLLECTIONS MADE, and promptly remitted for. DIKECCTOKS : R II Wiu Jhim, J. M. Patterson, C. H. Pariue.'e F. K. Guthmann. V J. Agne.v, A. F-. 3 r.'t'.i. Freit Oorder. Louisville Bank. LiOulSvlIle IVobrattka A general Banking business trans acted. Money Jo Loan, Int, allowed ou time deposits. Collections made tn l promptly remitted. J. J, Mankeii. H. E. MaNKEb. j Pres. Cash. C. A, Majeb. Atfft Ctfsh. CALL AT TIIK Old Reliable LUMBERYARD H. A. IMTERUJN k Wholesale and lictall Dealor In PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, 1)00113, BLINDS, AC. Fourth Mreet. in rear of Opera House. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA THFHfiHJ SKIN CURE. CATARRH CURE, COUGH CURE. BLOOD CURE. Kurt k.vm: iiy WILL J. WARRICK. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER. nOKSK SHOEING & WAGON BEPAIJMX Ail linSs of Fot imnlemts Msaiei wi:i NeatiiH1! and Dispatch. Horse, Mule & OxShoeing n short, well shoe anything that ha four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. iTEW SHOP !! k hut ween Main and Vine 8ret Jmt across .e corner from the Mtw HF.KAl.D OFFirie. ROBEftT DONNELLV W-A.O-OISI AND ULAtJKSMlTIl SHOP, Wagon, Buggy t Machine and Plow 1 pairing, and gereral jobbing l ah now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other machinery, as tnere la a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAO EN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker baa taken charge ol the wagon snop He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN, ffew Wacoas and Hassle Bt4e t Order SATISFACTION OH RANT 4ft HUD 1 to I The Boss Clothier .f Lincoln, hat opnned out a clothing btore in this city where he would be pleased to have his old customers call in, on lower Main strwt, one door east of court Jjonst. I52iwtf j i 4! ! 1 ji It r 1