Opera House Billiard Hall FRANK H. WILSON, Fir, Tornado and Cyclone Iiisnranco, PLATTS MOUTH, : NEBRASKA QUKII Jllt-UlHIltt: C lilj.illlj, of LiMM'xl. AVurihington Yirv nud Marhm liiMirstm-t! Co., of Iloi-ton. r 1 9 ft B pa) e &1 63 2 8 3 i3 Jl1 M 61 Ml e e Q 5 era Ed 7 St: Is (tT9 Pi ffl tea s 3 Ei S3 5?; a fee pi 55 r2 fc- V5 ft 3 Si! 1 CZ3 1 P V5 CP CooJ (o) J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. lEveryEflSsagg Mew. I?!aE Mew Tafele. AI.su a coni)lcto line of ihe best qnnlity of CKiAKS, and TO H ACCO, iioxt io-ir t P. O. Opcru IIoiiKe Week. m, .-; X -1 - -- U1.! --!, .U 1 'EASTWARD. Dully Express Trains for Omclia. Chlcivfio, Kansas City, t. Louis, anrt all polntH Kat. ThrouKh Care via l'eorla t InllHnaiKli. I'.le jrant Pullman Palace Cars and cly coaclien on all thiouKb trains, and Dining c-arsout of lis souil river 3L cm VJi E& ilie place, wfiaea sit sM tisne yon st2i fiifitl Mutton stiaca l?ireso f isli. Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT. EVERYTHING IS FIIIST-CLASS THE BEST TEAMS IN THE CITY SINGIJi AND DOUBLE CARRIAGES. Travelers will Cud complete outfit3 by calling at the Corner Vine and Fourth Streets, Jonathan Hatt SOWtBSor" - HilUVJDQ.TJVl'X'JES FOE CHOICE Su-ir-Curcd Hams, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid tor Hides? Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. Fresh Lake Trout andWhite Fish Every Thursday Morning . WESTWARD Dally Exprees trains for Denver connoettnfi in union ueponor an points in uiurauu, owu, OKllfornla and the entire Went. The advent ol tlil.s line gives ttie traveler a Now Koute to Hie WcHt, wltll soenery r.ra aavauiaes unequuieu eisewnere. traij Di ft feetSeef 9 Sosrk 1'LATTSiIOUTU. NEB. J. W. Maeths. 4 WATT O'MeiFs Mutton al CoimnorciHl Union Appunuice (..iiii:uiy, of l.oiiiloii. W'cetern Aibiiruncc Coiiijuiij , of Toronto, Out. Capital, - 4erl00 0()0 Total Assets, iid. 100 !(() Total loeet'B ai(J biiice orHiiization, - - f2.0J7 O'Jd 1'eliublc IneuruiKc Careful Undci writing nnd prompt attention guaranteed. Western Assaraace Co., ov r j A. M. Smith, J. j. Kknjv, a. W. ioii. President. MuuKing Dir. bupt. AkphcIcs. PKITKII HTATKh TltrKTKEK. Wm. II. (Julon, of Wlllliiiu- & (iuioii, (;ulon vv. .. i-iii",) Nnv ork. Win. A. JJooth, i'ri-NlUnt Tliinl ;itl.nal ..... ., I'.iink. Mhvv Vork. AilUur i,. Ciiuvis. I'rfbi.l.-iit St. Mi t.ol;i8 liuiik. rw i nrk. eo.W. lluyef. General Afent, Milwaukc,W I UNITED STATES DItANCII. Uuked fitatOH 4i4 Iercent reiit'ter- ed IiondH United States 4 per cent refin'tored Itonds New York Central & Ilud-oii Klver" liallroad Bonis OeorKia Htate Honda Canh deposited In State of MlW- sipiil Cash lu iiaiik Premiums In couino of collection.'.' 3P,fX)0.oo 218.240.00 'J7.uOO.00 IS.OOO.W) lHO.H70.8C 1(2,20G.7U LIABILITIES. ? KW.M7.62 Ite-Iijurance reserve.. ..ft-ir.WM.si unpaid Iokhoh wt i-k; 3 Other liabilities '.Ulji5 9 CC5.453.8a Surplus In United StatCB T77T 9 ;9.0C3.73 rremliun Itecejpts In United Slates, 1H74 to lb.l, Inclusive 8S.305.2C2.39 Tot:,lIIr? lstfe,H. Paid in United States.1874 to 18HJ. in-luelve 3.303.535.09 Tixsvurcmcc Co OP IilVERPOOI. Semi-acnual statement of the United States branch on the 31t day of December. lSwf JOSEPH M.KOOEB8. Manager Western De partment, Chicago, 111. Assets in the United States. Cash Items lteai Estate, Unincumbered! United States Bonds Other Securities Other Items .'. 1WS.983 B8 ana.siio 18 l,fll,853 II 169.130 39 24,641 C5 1.752.207 80 Liabilities in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and All nnM?HfP'?"iS0 ;133.934 20 All other Claims against the Company 4,070 75 ld.Toin fi Amount necessary to re- .. il 0 ali outstanding Net surplus l'u''"Utited' ' OBlt W3.124 P2 S 1. 702.207 PO NCtirplUS ,U Uu,ted Htatos Dec. 31 Losses"paid Fin'ork'anlzatiou.'.'.'.'.'.'.S; 00 E HF LKH01 HEAD QUARTER Sft FOR ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS, Old Kentiinkv Wini;;AU IMPORTED WINES, MUMM'S EXTKA .rugs Omaha Ber Always on ALWAYS IN Fitzgerald Block Commission HEJDC2,TJ"R EESIESILD9 AND Miglaest Cash price paid for An nnexcellod line of FLOUR always in etock, coiner 6th an Main Streets, opposite First National Bank. I5AACSWEE1SEK. A . W. DAMo.V. 1'renldellt. hei jt l;.l. KKANK K. HWKKTSKII, k -J rlMd. i.t. Washington , Fire anil Marine Insnrancs Cfiupan BOSTON. STATEMENT. JAN. J, !;-.. ASSETTX.Z lli'Lk. ,H,,':rkH-V 4'd.c!i.K7 it 7. 'j','" J:i::.m(i,ihi United Stiiti m .. Uu Hhi U) Kail road Stocks i find Bond... 4loW0 Boston OM-lJBi.t ro.Htock, fl mk. u l.onsri MoriKaj,'!- K4.mi) M ,.(','ll!ltJ.-- I0Z.W0 Prt in i ..... . in 0Ui .M- f ( :n woiii Cash on Land m Wi orl Otlier.tssclH(accrucdliit.Ar) ;7n',;n OUOHH A8HKTH . ."Tl.CM.M0.34 Lhl III LI TIES. losses reporied-ni,,,)S.,j s,,;, 4., (K) Allother Liahilitlc . i'r,7i.2 (Wto.-H Liaiiilitikm, exccptCapluu (Mr, nH2 fill NltK,,r'',,:'t .7 WESTKItN DEPAKTMENT. 174 La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO lr"ED. 8. JAMES. fZeneral K-nf. COMMERCIAL UNION CO. or- LONDON. UNITED STATUS BRANCH: 37 and 39 Wall St net, - NEWYokktA C HAS. Sk wall. AhFMant MariaKer. W ESTEUN DKI'AIiT.ME.NT- lSIund I aSalleSt.. . . CHICAGO. ILL. C. . Mulunh, li.-Kld nt Secretary. UNITED STATES iJHAKCH liTATKME.VT JAA. Jlit, 1K11. Reserve for total HabillMes. li.Hud- lrig re-innuranee in United stales SI "a fu oa Net surplus January 1st. lxi... .. . vmm 80 Asnet, held In the United Slates... iJi Income, mas : 01 r ,r r. " Expenditure;. jsKi:;;::; Surplim Income in it h iaZt ...... LaSa'feStrcidllaKo.0 "" Olhce. iM A iS " ""'n, DKY CHAMPAGNE NATIVE WINES, ' diraiisrlaiL STOCK, AT JBiJbJliOB3M PLATTSMOUTH, NEli. Merchanfc, - a?E!I2,S FOB NEBRASKA PLATTSMOUTH,