The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 09, 1884, Image 3

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' Circa'ntloj Library at Wrr-W.'w
lritSHtra. Xftlil
V. A. tlamlmll, Ientil, niic
cef4r to Clutter & Maritliall.
'I'ectli etractel without pain,
uxe ol'.Mtrou Oxide us.
4. S:tll!mr. Ueiitltt.
Ail tIi-wihiiH umlvr tills lif.t.1. tliree cent
r line e.ol iu-rt uu.
ONKY TO UN-On real estate by
A. N.
FOU LIC A one lioise biiiy unl liuiues
almil new, eii'inlrt of
I' .OliHM.K My rellein!- :mtl four lots;
Kml -. I:irn ami fruit. bihI hi excel
lent condition ; uNwtwu iiurveil liirni". also
2-lry brirK bunnies hoii-.e 4'tf) feet.ou Mam
street, and oilier d-tirble land aul lots.
1. II. W iikki.kic.
iOU"ALK Houses, tots and wood land by
1 John 1JOUS& Sou.
VLB Several residences, cheap. In
' iuro ot l. II. Wlieeler Si C.
fOll SAI.K Scratch Tablets la all izes. at
1? ttiisolUcc. 1
iOKSALKalot In Kd location, rartlcu
' lar at this oOlce VM
iOlt .SALE An order for a new American
- fewiuK Machine. Inquire at this ofllce. ,
OOKSVLR-1.000 cords of wood. Inquire of
X w.rt. Wise.
iOK SALE Id papers for Hale at thie oflice
! at 4 J cents er hundred or 6 cent per 1z
eu. , , 11
VOll SALE Four lots together In pod loea
tiou In tht city. Inquire at thia olUce tf
UOO.MTO KENT. A furnished room for one
or two uentlemen. In Kd location. 1 11
"t this onice. UI
ruil 'V NT Two rooms, furnished or unftir
1 nV vl. In the Mac.Murphy house. Inquire
on the premises.
FOKKENTor sale on long time, a house
and two lots with good Improvements. Au
ly to K. U. Windham.
FOR KEN (Jood, new houses of four rooms.
K-hmI water. Rood garden spots. $1 pe
m,.n7h in Khaferville. W. II. hHAKKK.
Iolt KEN T The north storeroom In Nev-
tile's blmik, and ti rooms ur etairn. t.ood
location lor resiauraui ui iuuuiS "vuvL'J.f
cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. ISJU
rr o KENT A house. Inquire of Chaplain
1 Wright.
LOST A Knight Templar charm In shape of a
Maltese cross. Kinder will be suitably re
' warded by lenvlng at thl oflice. ictf
m VTED A K.od-sect lid cook at theTeik
H ins llou-sc immediately. 75tf
UrAN rEl Two day boarder. Apply at
Mrs. GuMafsoa', 3d stro- two doors past
nexton's Stkllw
iv or x
Meets every Tuesday evening at then
t'awtle HsiH. in llockwood Block. V
itii Knights aro invited to attend.
II. M. lioxs, C. C
V. l!- Uykks. K. of 11. and S.
Hxcltcd Thousands.
All over the lnid are ying into ecs
tasy over Dr. Ki:; New Discovery
for lmsumption Their unlooked for
recovery bv the titn -ly use of this great
life Saving remedy, causes them to go
nearly wild in its praise. It is guar
anteed to positively cure Sevsre Coughs
Cold. Asthma. Hay Fever, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness, Loss of voice, or any aflec
tions of the Throat and Luns.
Trial Bottle3 fre: at J. M. Roberts
Drnff Store. Large size 1. 00
Dec. 6 lyeGw.
These are Solid Facts.
The best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
ofsufferin2 buruauity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, eak
Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary
oro-aus. or whoever requires an appctiz
ertonic or mild stimulant, will always
And Electric Bitters the best and only
certain cure known. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction or money re.
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. U. Roberts .land&wly.
Fence Posts.
S000 drv fence posts for sale, .uquire
ofW.S. Wise. l9tf-
A lVIde Awake Druggist.
Mr J 31. lloberts is always wide
awake in his business, and spares 110
pains to secure the best of every article
in his line. He has secured the agency
for the celebrated Dr. Kings New Dis
covery for Consumption. The only
certain cue known for Consumption,
Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma,
Hay'Fever Bronchitis, or any affection
" the throat and Lungs, bolpon pos
Cuarautee. Will give you a Trial
Boffi- - " vze. S.toP;
For lame back. Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Piaster. Price 25
1 1. mis rOL'GII and Consunip-
tion Cure is sold by us on a guarrntec.
It cures cousnmptton.
..mi aiiu -riT A T.T7.F.I1 ia what
Olll ii. o , .
you need for Coosumption, Loss ot ap
petite, Dizziness and all symptoms of
Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per
CROUPE Whooping Cough and
Bron. hitis immediately rellIe, b
Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros. Dec.20eowdjtwly
A Startling Discovery.
. ire oiten startled by re
markablc discoveries. The fact that
Dr. King's New Discovery for Cou
sumption and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curing patients that
thev have given up to die, is startling
them to realize their sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of
our best Physicians using it in their
practice. Trial Bottles free at J.M.
Ilobert.' Drug Store. Regular size
TrvtuB'nan plus? chewing fe
b .cci it fir the finest plug cjdf.
log ya3, Msrtt Scfclefel ! ut
Ilurra'i for BLAINE and LOGAN !T5
Tonight is the ngnbir meeting night
iif tl:c coiiiicil !' cily goxtrniiK-iit.
l li(i Coucty Commissioners fet ill nre
((iiulizing uiuqual nsf-essiiieutfl.
Ladies turn out to the Blaine and
.oan rally and ratification meeting
It. O'Neill passed Sunday in this city
oi his first love and Lis hoiw lor many
Sportsmen are alive to the grand
tournament winch opens tomorrow in
this ci:y.
Capt. i'aiiuer is hon.e from the Chi
cago coiivenlloa. and rpoiis a most
vittlainiutic time.
II. M. lious h:u put two new billiard
tables iu Ids place of business, ur.l has
them iu place ready for ue.
Ttmori-iw is the opening day of tlio
State's Sport.s:neia Tournament, and
niiiii) s.i aiders will be with us.
Spirituclleii-ls'caatnjfairy moulds'
will be in demaud tor the weight and
measure sociable Wednesday evening.
Wiley Black has been busy today
taking iu porkers for the Chicago mar
kets and paying out the gold for them.
Wr. Wcckbach's new residence is
being pushed rapidly forward, and it
will be a handsome home in every par
ticular when completed.
The Plunkett Sisters Dramatic com
pany will entertain the Plattsmouth
people at the Opera House Thursday
and Friday night June 12th and 13th.
J. P. Young will have a stand on the
Fair Grounds during the Tournament
and furnish Soda Water drawn from a
fountain, lemonade, fruits, caodie?, ci
gars &c.
3Ir. I). A. Campbell, the Heuald's
Blaine representative in the Chicago
convention, and a most enthusiastic
believer in the Plumed Knight" is
home again to Plattsmouth.
Win. Nagle's crack Piepcr gun, ac
companied by Mr. Xagle, and a full
supply of shell arrived in tliis cily from
Ashland yesterday to participate in the
A same &f base ball wa3 played at
the fair grounds yesterday between
the club that came down from Omaha
and the Plattsmouth club. Sunday
ought not to be a base ball day.
Ladies come out to the Opera house
tonight, The Chicago convention had
a large attendance of enthusiastic
Blaine ladies, and why not Platts
mouth. The ladies of the Presbyterian church
will give a weight and measure sociable
at Kockwood Hall Wednesday evening,
June 11. Each person will be charged
admission according to weight; one
cent fur every ten pounds.
At the weight and measure sociable
Wednesday evening, lemonade will Le
sold by the dra(ch)m. Ice cream by
the pint, ouart or gallon Music will
be furnished by the choir, and reading
by the line.
Wm. II. Baker who recently dis
posed of his store and stock of goods in
Ashland, takes !the road for a new
wholesale dry goods house ia Lincoln.
31 r. Baker will make his work for the
house every way successful.
The new bar in Webber's saloon is
said by all to be the handsomest piece
of work of its kind to be found in this
ar any other place. The top of it is
of solid Spanish Cedar, highly polished
and the entire workmanship is of the
finest order. Chri?. Kteuke is the
that he is a number one workman.
An Attempted Burglary.
Mr. Keller, who lives on Granite St.,
was awakened by his wife Saturda
night who had discovered a burglar in
the house. Keller grabbed his revolver
and shot fct the retreating form of the
night marauder, shooting a lamp that
was on the stand, and he thinks hitting
the man, for he can find no trace of the
ball from the revolver in the walls.
Mrs Keller discovered the thief just as
he was reaching through the door for
some clothing in their sleeping room,
uud it is hoped Keller's aim was good,
and that a sore burglar is lying around
CORN COB pipes in every style. :
Schlegel's. iOtt
A large 6tock of watches, chains and
charms, just received at L. C. Erven's.
The best beef in tne city always can
be found at Peterson Bros, market.
233d tf
Tlie State'a Sportsmen.
Ti Tournament Tuesday, Wtdnet- j
day, Thursday nd Frkloy. f
Will be held on the grounds of the
Plattsmouth Exposition Association.
Admittance free to ail members of the
State Sportsmen's Association, who
can obtain pusses by calling at the store
of P. S. White, on the comer of Main
and Sixth ttreets.
Refreshments und ummuniti'ju fur
nished on the ground.
Prizes puid to the winners immedi
ately after the termination of each
Parties desiring to participate iu
matches, will in all cases bo required
to pay entrance fees before being al
lowed to shoot.
Tie birds and balls extra in all match
es, and to bo paid for by the party
fehjoting them as soon as the match is
Shooting will commence promptly :it
0 o'clock a. in. each day.
All pluses to fill or pro-raie bjth
All matches to be governed by rules
of the State Sportsmen's Association,
except where otherwise ordered.
All sweepstake matches will be ar
ranged on the ground under the rules
und regulations which have governed
that clasB of matches at previous State
Tournaments in Nebraska.
Private prizes will be shot for on the
ground under the direction of the
Alauager of the Tournament.
F. E. White, Minager.
Tuesday, June 10th, 9 o'clock a.m.
Contest No. 1, purse, 200, class shoot
ing. Open only to residents of the state.
Ten clay pigeons, IS yards rise; ties 5
clay pigeons, 21 yards rise. Entrance,
$3, pigeons included. First prize, $80;
second, $00; third, 40; fourth, $20.
Contest No. 2, purse $250, free for
all. Ten glass balls aud 10 clay pigeons.
18 yards rise; entrance $3, balls and
pigeons included ; ties, 5 clay pigeons.
First prize, S100; second, 75 ; third,
$50; foufth, $25.
Contest No. 3, purse $250, class shoot
ing; open only to members of the asso
ciation. Teams of two, 10 single birds to
each man, 21 vards rise, ties, 3 birds to
each man. Entrance, 810 per team,
birds included. First prize, $100, acil
the Ilallet Silver Cup, value $58; second,
$75. third, $50; fourth, $25. The Ilal
let Silver Cup presented to the associa
tion by lion. E. Ilallet, of the Lincoln
Sportsmen's Club, is to be shot for
annually and is to be held, in trust by
the club whose team wins it, and mu3t
be shot lor at 10 single birds, 21 yards
May, 1881, won by Ed. Leeder and
Wm. Brace-, of the Omaha Working
men's club at Omaha. May, 1882, tie
between EJ. Leeder and Frank Parmele
of Omaha Workingmen's club, and
Browning and Eberley of Nemaha
cmb, each club to hold the crp for Bis
Opera House
GranQ RatificatM letii.
of the nomination of
Blaine & Logan!
By different Speakers.
MUSIC T.Y THE 13. & 31. Band.
Come one and come all, to the
Opera llouse, to-night.
Try Ayer's Catharic Pills ! They are
mild and peasant in action, but thor
ough and 11 rl-ing in effect. wldO
-TOLS. at
Bennett & Lewis'
44 What
J. Warric
most pope
the mark.
c iuscs the great rush at AVill
k's Drug Store." The free
of sample bottles of Dr.
ugh and Luug Syrup, the
:i- remedy for Cough, Colds,
o;i3 and Bronchitis now on
w. Regular size 50 cents and
Totf. Bennett & Lewis'.
A remarkihle Visitor in We -tern Ne- j
brji!.U. 1
Klcclal to the State Journal.
Beukleman, June 7. A inot remark
able phenomenon occurred about 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon at a point
thirty-five miles northwest of this
place. Johu W. Eili3, a well known
ranchman, was going out to his herd in
company with ihree of his herders and
several other cowboys engaged in the
annual roundup. While riding along
a draw they heard a tenific rushiug,
roaring noisa overhead, and looking up,
saw what appeared a blazing meteor of
immense j-iza falling at an angle to the
earth. A moment later it struck the
jioun.l out ui' ii'ir. dver ,: bank.
Set milling up tin: stcp hiii iliey saw
the object buuii'iing idu'jg half a mile
away and disappear in another draw.
Galloping toward it with all their
fpeed, they were astounded to see sev
eral fragments of cogwheels and other
pieces of machinery lying on the ground
scattered in the path made by ihe surial
visitor, glo .viug with heat so intenstTas
to scorch the graS3 for a long distance
around each fragment and making it
impossible for one fo approach it.
Coming t the edge of the deep ravine
into which the strange object had fallen,
they undertook to see what it was.
But the heat wao so great that ihe air
about was fairly ablaze and it emitted a
light 60 dazzling that the eye could not
rest upon it more than a moment. An
idea of the heat may be gained from
the fact that one of the party, a cow
boy named Alf Williamson, stood with
his head incautiously exposed over the
bank, and iu less than half a minute
he fell senseless. His face was desper
ately blii tared aud his hair singed to a
crisp. His condition is said to be dan
gerous. The distaace from the ocro-lite,
or whatever it is, was nearly 200 feet.
The burned man was taken to Mr. El
lis' house, cared for as well as circum
stances would allow and a doctor sent
for. His brothes, who lives in Denver,
has just been telegraphed for.
Finding it impossible to approach the
mysterious visitor, the party turned
back on its trail. Where it first touched
the earth the ground was sandy aud
bare of grass. The sand was fused to
an unknown depth over a space about
twenty feei wide by eighty feet loug,
and the melted strut!" was still bubbling
and hissing. Between this and the final
resting place there were several other
like soots where it hai come in coutact
with the ground, hut none so well
Finding it impossible to do any in
vestigating, Mr. Ellis returned t his
house and sent out messengers to the
neighboring ru"',""03. When night
came the light uom the woudeiful ob
ject beamed almost like the sun,
and the visitors who went ont to see it
were entirely powerless to bear the
This morning another visit was made
to the spot. In the party was E. W.
Rawlins, brand inspecter for this dis
trict, who came into Benkleman to
night, and from whom a full verifica
tion of particulars is obtained.
The smaller portions of the scattered
machinery had cooled so thai they
could be approached, but not handled,
One piece that looked much like the
blade of a propeller screw, of a metal
in appearance like bras?, about sixteen
inches wide, three inches thick and
three and a half feet long, was picked
ud on a spade. It would ;ot weign
more than five pound3, but appeared as
strong and compact as any known metal.
A fragment of a wheel with a milled
rim, apparently having had a diameter
of seven or eight feet, was als; picked
up. It seemed to be of the same mate
rial and had the same remarkable light
ness. The aerolite, or whatever it 13, seems
to be about fifty or sixty feet long, cyl
indrical, aud about ten or twelve feet
in diameter. Great excitement exists
in the vicinity, and the round-up is
suspended whiie the cowboys wait for
the wondeiful find to cool off so they
can examine it.
Mr. Ellis is here and will take the
first train to the laud office with the in
tention of securing the land on which
the strange thing lies, so that his claim
to it cannot be disputed.
A party left here for the scene an
hour ago, and will travel all night. The
country in the vicinity is rather wild
and rough, and the roads are hardly
more than trails. Will telegraph all
particulars as fast as obtained.
- Two hundred and forty acres under
fence, with running water, and one
half mile from the cit. Applv to
51tf W. S. Wise.
In purchasing a refrigerator see Hen
ry Bocsck'a new stock and get prices
before purchasing. 59tf
Orders for hand made brooms at
tended to promptly at the "Western
broom factory. d28-lmo
Che ice. pure fresh mixed candy at
Jim Autill's for onlv 2o cents a pound.
295 tf.
Siturday afternoon, Juno 7ih, at the
pIcHsant home of Mr. aud Mrs. Water
man, Jliss Ida C. Waterman was united
iu the marriage rite to Mr. Ernest
Wagner, of Lincoln, by Rev. J. T.
Baird ot the First Presbyterian church
of this city.
The wedding was a very quiet homo
oue, only the immediate relatives of the
contracting parties being present, the
happy couple taking the 0:20 train for
their home in Lincoln, where all their
friends and acquaintances send after
them the very best wishes for their
Miss Ida Waterman, the bride, is one
of Plattsmouth's most pleasant and ac
complished young ladies, whose home
siuce childhood has been in this city
with the exception of the year she was
away at school, she being a graduate of
the Jacksonville, 111., female seminary.
Miss Ida, or now, Mrs. Wagner has al
ways possessed the friendship and
esteem of a large circle of Inends
which she has gained through her al
ways plefifaut, social and friendly ways.
Mr. Wagner, the groom, is well aud
favorably known both in this city and
Lincoln. Mr. and Mis. "Wagner arc at
home to their friends at their residcuce
l.,07 II street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
No Family Can Afford to be Without
a Safe and Reliable Remedy.
The surpassing excellence of
Marsu's Tonic AsTUixoENT.'for Bowel
Complaints, is acknowledged by all
who have tried it. It is a safe, rapid
and effectual cure for Diarrhoea, Dysen
try. Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum,
and all relaxed -and deranged conditions
of the Stomach and Bowels. It i9 a
delightful remedy for children of all
ages, as well as adults, and can be ad
ministered to the most delicate person
with perfect safety and confidence.
Marsh's Toxic Astringent is for
sale by Smith & Black Bros, druggist,
Plattsmouth, Price 5o cents
Fifty cents will buy the Marsh
Act uk Cure liquid or pill. For sale ,
by Smith & Black Bros.
For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bruises,
Swellings, Sprains, Sores, Bums, Pile?,
etc., use. Marsh's Cream Liniment.
For sale by Smith & Black Bros. wld(
Train Time.
Under the change in time passenger
trains leave the depot here as follows:
No. 1 west, 8:15 aj m.
No, 0 west, 0:50 p. m.
K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5:15
bi ti u t( u u u pk .0-
C. B. & Q. , north, 7:15 a. m.
Omaha stub north 8:55 a. m.
' " 5:40 p. in.
Trains arrive as follows
No. 2 , Denver express 0:25 p. in,
No. 4, " 9.25 a. m.
K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9:45 a. m.
.i .i u s :35 p m
C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5:30 p.m.
Wm E. Whittemore, M. D., homoe- j
pathic physician and surgeon. Oflice j
in Fitzgerald block. Residence south :
west corner Pearl and 10th streets. Of- !
Gee hours 10 to H a. m., 2 to 5 and 7to 1
8 p. m. w8tf
you mow
That water will not run up hill,
that a kiss is sweeter than it looks
and looks better after dark,
that good CLOTHING is the
best, and cheapest to buy, that
money can be saved, and a square
deal had at WescotVs, the JBoss
Clothier, as he does not deal in the
inferior lines adapted to the fixed
purposes ot bankrupt and assig
nee sales.
We avoid all gag schemes, sell
to all alike and treat our custo
mers with the utmost fairness. A
complete stock
clothing and furnishing goods on
hand, and we are prepared to con
vince all in tloulit, that our statements are correct, that our pthvi
lug uvsi, anvi mat it is iu jour interest 10 traae with YVJiSCOTT
Late styles in Straw and Fur Hats, Novelties in Xeckwoar, full line of
Trunk. Valioee, fcc., ike. Everybody welcome.
Crazy Qullta
'J.UUU packages o silk and libbon
scraps put up in assorted lots for 25c,
50c, 75c, and 1.00 each, any ono of
which will be mailed, postage paid, on
receipt of price. Address
The J W Bailey Mercantile Co.
St. Joseph, Mo.
A lino stock of silver ware just
ceived a'. L. C. Erven's. B-'Jtf
Sce the new btock of silverware at
L. C.'s before buying elsewhere.
Best assortment of silver
town to select presents from
Erven V I?
Call and :sce L's.
I wish to notify the public that I am
now open for business, at Joe McVey's
old stand, where I have iu stock a full
line of Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis
beer, wines and cicrars &c, as good as
the best. 57dtf II. M 1SOX3.
Fresh Vegetubles and Fruits receiv
ed every day, at
7tf. Beuuelt & Lowis.
Estrav Notice
Taken up by the undersigned in
Plattsmouth precinct on the 29th day of
May, 1831. One sorrel mare pony with
star in forehead, supposed to bo about
5 pears old. If not claimed and costs
paid as provided by law, the sarno will
be disposed of to satisfy costs.
79tf Geo. IIounn.
At Charlie Warren's, the old reliable
barber's shaving 10c, hair cut 25c,
shampoo 25c, sea foam 10c, mustache
black 25c, Shop opposite opera house
give him a call. d.'llml
Go to C. G. Herold's new store for
bargains in ready made clothing, hafs,
caps, and gents furnishing goods. 15dtt
Money saved by buying hand made
brooms, ask your dealer for them.
That taint ot t-crolula in your blood
can be wholly eradicated by Ayer's
Sarsnparilla. wld5
Diamond Wall Finish, best and cheap
est, ready for use by adding hot water,
at Fisher's drug store. 49d.twtf
Analysis toy Dr. A. Voelcker, F. R. 8., Con
sulting' Cliemlst Royal Agricultural Society,
England, allows only a trace of ultrau-s In
lslackwtll's RuU Durham Tobacco. The soil
of the Golden licit of North Carolina, In which
t his tobacco Is grown, don't Bupply nltrau-Hto
the leaf. That is the secret of Its delicious
mildness. Nothing bo pure and luxurious for
riiioUu. Don't forget the brand. None gen
uine without the trade-mark ot the Hull. A 11
dealers have IU
When feline concert
drive sway Hlcep.y our
iiet solwe Is found in
Jilacktrtll't Hull fur
ham Snokij Tubacro.
of seasonable
5 - r