PLYMOUTH HERALD OFr lCIAI. PAPKROK TIIK CITY. CITY IsTBWS. Clrca?tlax Library t WrricU lrijUr. GltI C A. tliirnliall, U eutldt, auc cemor to Clutter & Marliall. Tee tl extracted without pain, by line olMtrouM Oxide c;an. i.. Salisbury, Eeiitlt. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under tuia lie A, three cente ct line e.c!i Insertion. ONKY TO lXAN-Ou real estate by A. N. buillvaa. IIOR HALE My realdeiicn aud four lots; good house, barn aud. fruit, aud In excel lent couditiou : also two Improved lariua. also 3-story brick. buluw house oxH'j feet, ou Maiu street, a ad other dcirable laud and lot. ' IK II. WlIKKLEK. 14X. -ALK -Homes, lots aud wood land by John Hons U Sou. IiOKSALE Several residences, cheap. In quire of O. II. Wheeler St Co. tV)U SALE Scratch Tablets la all alzes. at this office. . Hf lOKHALE lot In good, location. Fartlcu C tara at this ufflco OTU FOK SALE An order for a new American shewing Machiue. Inquire at this ofllce. . iOU SALE 1.003 cords of wood. Inquire of W.S. Wise. tf rOU SALE Id paper for sale at this ofllce - at 9 cents er hundred or i cents per uoz n. " IOK SALE Four lots together in geod loca Hon in thl city. Inquire at this ofllce tf UOO.U TO ttENT. A furnished room for one or two gentlemen, iu good location. In quire at this ofllce. mo KENT Two room", furnished or unfur A nisned. In the MacMurphy house. Inquire un the premises. FOK KENT or sale on long time. A house aud two lots with good improvements. Ap ly to It. 1). Windham. FOR KEN T Good, new homes of fourroems. icmmI water, good garden spotn, $4 per month in Bhafenrflle. W. II. Shafkk. IJOR KENT The north more room In ' ille's black, and 8 rooms up ataire. Good location for restaurant or boarding house, rents cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. I83tf rpOKENT A bouse. Inquire of Chaplain A Wright. LOST A Knight Templar charm in shape of a Maltese croas. Kinder will be suitably re warded by leaving at thU ofllce. lCtf mr ANTED A giod second cook at the I'erk " ins House immediately. 7MI r ANTED Two day boaiders. Apply at " Mrs. tiustalson'a, 3d slreM twodoorspast liivlnu'l w. K. of Jl Meets every Tuesday evening at the Castle Hall, in Kockwood Block. V ithi2 Kuights are invited to attend. II. M. Bons, C. C. W. L. Dykes. K. of It. and S. A life Bavins Fresent. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved hi3 life by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discovery, for Con sumption, which mused him to procure a large bottle, tl.;tt completely cured him, when Doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. Asth ma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Luug dis -eases, it is guaranteed to cure, Trial Bottles free at J. M. Robert's Drug Store. Large size $1.00. Not. 20. 1833. wlye6w. These are Solid Facts. the best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak Kidnevs, or any disease of the urinary oro-ans. or whoever requires an appetiz errtonie or mild stimulant, will always Had Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money re funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M.Roberts Jand&wly. Fence Foals. 5000 drv fence posts for sale, inquire of W. S. Wise. , ltf. An AntwerWantcd. Can any one bring us a case of Kid ney Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedly cure! We say they can thousands of cases already per manently cured and who are daily recommending Electric Bitters, will prove. Brighfa Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate tho bowels, and abt directly onthe diseased parte. Every bottle FoVsaTe'at 50c. a bottle by J. M. Roberts. Nov. 2Q.-l.ve6w THAT HACKING COUJ II can be so quickly cured by Shi I oh s Cough. We warrant it. WILL YOU SUFFER, with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? i ulohs Yitali- zer i guarautaeu to cure DTfpor PWWIP.HT. made miser- ablv by that terrible cough. Shiloh s Cure is tne remeuy m . ..m-p TTTTtr liaalfh mill sweet breath secured by Shiloh a Cat arrh Kemedy. Trice 50 centa i Nasal Injector free. For sale by Smith & Buck Bros. Dec.l3eowd&wly A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often btartled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that thev have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at J. M. Robert Drug Store. Regular size Trvthj Bina'ia plu? chewing to bacco, it is by far the finest plug chew ing made. Matt Schlegel sella it. ltf A good two horse farm wagon for ale. Enquire at Bennett & Lewis . d49tl Renumber the lecture at the M. E. church tonight, and be in attendance. The sui ject under discussios is one of interest to all. A line stock of (diver ware junt re ceived a. L. C. Erven's. 831 f Charles Bailey, sou-in law of II- H. Pettit, went to Nebraska City this fore noon by team to identify Petti t'a body, found there, and to return to this city. Best assortment of silverware in town to select preseuts from at L. C. Erven.. 83tf Maj. I'earman U in the city with a fine collection of evergreens, which he has at the express office. The G. A. It. have purchased sonic of the best ones for their part of Oak Hill Cenie- i - tcrv. Old man Newton, one of the oldest engineers on the B. &. M. railroad, Btf-ppcd from the foot-hoard of his en gine yesterday for the last time. He has fold his place on Tenth street and will remove to Kenesuw and engage in the lumber business. State Journal. The Childreu.s Missonary Society will meet Saturday afternoon at 3 o' clock at Mr. Pollock's. Every member will please be present. Subject, Africa. S2tl The following arc the arrivals at the Perkins: J W Pearman Neb City; C S Hadley Chicago; C E Eaton Kansas City, FS Gregory Grand Island; T W Mapps, Grand Island ; E B Price Des Moines ; W H Brevoort Chicago; A A Howlett New York; It J Sunning Omaha; II Walper Dubuque. Things are in good shape for having one of the largest Fourth of July cele brations ever known in Cass county. It is for the benefit of a Sisters' school in this place. Mr. John Fitzgerald ha3 kindly donated the'useof his forty acre lot to hold the picnic and celebration in. Most all the leading citizens have J kindly consented to take part. A gen eral invitation is extended to all so cieties to participate. Large delega tions from Omaha, Council Bluffs and Lincoln have signified thair intention to be present. A meeting of the sportsmen's club wa3 held at Geo. S. Smith's office last night, and reports were had from the different committees in charge of the Tournament, all whom reported their wor finished, or well under way. The reports are coming thick and fast from parties and sportsmen all over the State who will be in attendance, and it is safe to say that the attendance will be the largest ever assembled at a State Tournament. Next week will be a great week in this city, and the Ueh ald expects to record the liveliest Tournament in years. Frank Sherwin, fireman on an A. & N. passenger engine, met with a painful hurt down at Saltillo on Tuesday even ing. He was doing something about the engine and had his right arm in be tween the spokes of a wheel, when the machine was started forward through mistake and the arm wrenched and crushed in a seiious manner before his position was discovered by the engin eer. He was brought to this city where he will rest for a month or so, or until the business of repairing the wounded limb has been gone through with in na ture's work-shop. State Journal. The assessment returns are all in, and the Fourth ward work done by Martin McGuire, takes the cake. Iu all his figures aud summing up, Martin did not make a single error. This is the first time that an assessors book has been returned from any of the city wards in years, wherein it was not nec essary to change a figure, and the as sessor of the 4th ward has shown that he is a competent man for the place. The only other precinct in the county sending in returns without clerical er rors, is Liberty ; Geo. N. LaRue, the assessor there, not having an error in his work. The county commissioners are now sitting as a board of equaliza tion at the clerk's office, to whom any should appeal who feel aggrieved over their assessment. The following tells how to make a cheap hammock : Take a piece of Ma nilla matting two or three yards longi and a yaid aud a half wide, bind or hem the ends firmly, then fasten each end to a piece of timber. These pieces should be five feet long, two inches thick, and should have holes bored in it about three inches apart the whole length. The matting is fastened by passing heayy twine from matting to hole, back and forth, sewing the mat ting to the wood. For each end of the pieces of wood, larger holes are bored through, which pass ropes to hang the hammock between two trees. This makes a cheap, comfortable hammock. Being hung from four corners there is no danger of rolling out, and a half dozen children can Bwing in it at pleas ure. . To-Days Bulletins: Chicaga, June 5, 9 a. m. The Times Eays belief is stronger than ever that neither Blaine nor Arthur can be nomi nated. It says Blaine men offered Lo gan vice-President to combino forces. The offer was refused. It further says Arthur is practically out of the rice unless the failure of the independ ent movement brings Edmunds' and Ilawley's vote to him. Logan men claim Arthur's Southern vole after first ballot, while Edmunds men expect his vote in full. If tronsfened, Sherman men also claim strong help from the Arthur forces. Chicago 9 a. m. Six vot s to 81 were cast in favor of Regular Virginia delegates. Its claim in delay iu pro ccedinga is unfavorable to both Blaine and Arthur. It is thought that the ballot will not be reached till tomor row. Chicago, 11 a. m. Convention has just met,m today's session. All com mittees ready to report; Chicago,.! 1:10 a. m. Report of the committee adopted unanimously. Chicago, 11 :15 a. m. Report of the committee on credentials is 'n accord ance with the predictions on first bal lot. Chicago, 11:30 Decided that after the report of the committee on resolu tions had been read, that the roll of states would bo called for representa tives of .candidates, after which the ballot will be taken. Convention Hall, 12 :30 p. ni. The report of the committee on order of business adopted after a long discus sion. 12:30 p. in. The report of the committee on order of business adopted after a long dis cussion. Chicago, 12:45 p. m. Tne minority report which changes the order of rep resentation in the national conyeutidn, and which gives a greater representa tion to republican states, is excitihg warm discussion. 12:45 p. ni r . The minority repert changing the order of representation in the National Convention, giving greater representa tion to republican states is inciting a warm discussion. .1:30 p. m. The Platform denounces the importa tion of Foreign labor, either from Chi na or Asia. 1:30 p. m. Platform recommends 6uch revision of tariff as will protect American interests and American la bor. 1 :34 p. m. The committee on reso lutions presented their report. 1 :22 p. m. Reference to Arthur in the report of the platform was received with cheers. 1:40 p. m. The platform was unan imously adopted. 1 :55 p, m. Convention adjourned at 1:55 p. m. until 7 this evening. Special to the Flattsmouth Daily Herald . Chicago, June 5. 5 p. m. Balloting begins this evening. Chances in favor of Blaine. Arthur practically out of of the race. A Complete ' Wreck. "Is Mr. Tilden in?" asked the inter viewer. Hardly had be got the words out of his mouth before Mr, Tilden in a full suit of chain armor, leaped from the second door with the remark .la a voice like thunder: "Here I am, young man. What is wanted V The reporter managed to murmur something about "candidacy" and 'conventi 'n;'' but bsfore he had time to proceed further, the sage had turned a double back-somersault and informed the interviewer that he was out of pol itics. "May I inquire who is your first choice ?" asked the interviewer, timid ly. "My first choice!" shouted Mr. Tilden in his excitement wrenching three or four uprights from thj stair rail ing; "I have no first choice. The country, however, wants a strong man," and he struck the avy, oaken front door a tremend tr. i,w, knocking it com pletely o.'i .It- hinges. "However," he added, wiiii a roguish wink, "you un derstand The rep'-rter understood, and he re turned to the office and informed the world thrc-'ih the columns of his news paper. that Mr. Tilden was a '-complete wreck." Boston Transcript. NEW POTATOES, at 79 tf. Bennett & Lewis' " CODE-HOWE. A Quiet Weddlns In this City. At 4 p. in., yesterday alternoor, at the residence of II. II. Ifollister, in this city, Mr. II. A. Code was united in marriage to Miss Carrie Howe, by the Rev. F. M. Estabrook, a small circle of friends of the contracting parties being present and witnessing the crrunony. Mr. Code has made Pluttsmouth his home for the last three years, being en gaged on the main line B. & M. as bag gageman, 31 r. Code's people living at Crete, and where he has a large number of old friendn and acquaiutatic-s who will be ready aud anxious to extend congratulations. Miss Howe, the bride, the 'laughter of Mrs. IIoliirttiT, is well and favorably known in th: city, an. I iu t ie a mont handsome bihie. During the mar riage ceremony the bridal couple were attended by Mr. Win. Gallup and Miss Emma Maun. Rev. Esta brook, iu a short and impressive cere mony pronounced Mr. Code and Miss Howe man and wife, after which they received the heartiest of congratula tions from those present. Shortly af ter the ceremony the wedding feast was pread and all were seated to a sup per both bountiful aud elaborate, and the occasion closed the pleasant after tcrnoon, the guests soon after taking their departure, Mr. and Mrs. Code went at once to their new home in the city, which was furnished ready for occupancy, fol lowed by the best wishes of all their friends. The folio wlug piesenls were received by Mr. and Mrs. Code: Twenty-Uve yards carpet from Mr. II. X. Code. Crete. One set China, Mrs. H. N. Code, Crete. One Silver Castor and six salt dishes, Mrs. II. N. Code, Crete. Table cloth, Miss Gertie Codp, Crete. One set Teaspoons, Miss Gertie Code, Crete. Set Silver knives aud Forks, Mr. aud Mrs. C. M. Burkett, Crete. Toilet Bottles, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Burkett, Crete. Dozen Napkins, Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Wells, Crete. . Toilet set, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Ham son Platts outh. Two Bouquet holdere, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Harrison, Plattsmouth. - Toilet set, Miss M. M. Gibson, Platts mouth. Clock, Mr. W. Gallup, riatfsmouth. Gold Breast Pin, Groom. Dinner set, from out west, co came. Glas3 Fruit dish, Nellie Sampson, city. - Water set, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Iler ron, city. Work Basket, Solomon & Nathan. Set glass ware, hanging lamp, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Ilollister. Silver sugar spoon and butler knife, Miss Emma Mann. Napkin ring, Mrs. J. A. Norris, Crete. Silver and gold salt box, II. M. Bush nell. Water set -glass A Roger, city. Basket artificial bouquet, Miss Lina Grassman. Glass bouquet holder, C. Grassman. Pin cushion and darnet apron, Mrs. Palmer and English. Badge Shoot- A number of the members of the club went out to the Fair grounds and contested for the badge last evening, the following score being made: Richey, 10100 11111 11111 1011015 Jone?, 11101 11011 11111 1111118 Smith, 11111 11111 11111 1111120 Webber, 11011 lllll 11101 0010115 The contest being for 20 single balls, and Smith making a straight score won the badge. Several other matches were shot afterward in which fine scores were made. - See the new stock of silverware at L. C. Ervan's before buying elsewhere. 83tf UNIVERSITY OK NEBRASKA. Commencement, 1884. Saturday, June 7, 8:30 p. m. ..Exhibition of tho Palladian society. Sunday, June 8, 8:30 p. m. (Cuifersity Chapel) : Baccalaureate address. Monday, June 9, 8:30 p. in.: Exhibition of the Union Society. Tuesday, June 10, 3 p. m.: Inauguration of the Chancellor. Tuesday, June 10, 8:30 p. m.: University address by Professor E. B Andrews, of B. A. Wednesday, June 11, 8 to 11 p. m. (Sen ate chamber) Chancellor's reception. Proposals for Bids. The committee on Booths will re ceive bids for the right to establish re freshment stands at the Driving Park during the session of the coming tour nament. All bids addressed to S. M. Chapman, chairman of the committee will receive due attention. Slt3 G5 cts. will buy Newport Ties. 75 cts. " Leather Side Laces 1C0 cts. " " " Front Laces, at Merges. w6tf PETTIT'S BODY FOUND. A Dlvpntch From Nebraska City. Agent Latham received a dispatch today from Nebraska City stating that the body of a man was found float inp in the river there this morning. The telegram says the man was about 5C years old, full beard, with some gra) htreaked in it, the man being dressed in a checked shirt and heavy panic aud without coat or vest. There is no doubt but what it is the body of Pettit, and Mr. Latham telegraphed back to the city to hold the body until parties could go down and identity it. Mr. Pettil's folks have been notified of the finding of tho body, and this afternoon a team will go the city with parties to identify and bring home the remains. A large stock of watches, chains and charms, just received at L. C. Erveu'd. 83tf SUMMER COMPLAINTS. N Family Can Afford to be Without a Safe and Reliable Remedy. Tho surpassing excellence of Marsh's Tonio AaTitixoENT.'for Bowel Complaints, is acknowledged by all who have tried it. It is a safe, rapid and effectual cure for Diarihu'a, Dysen try. Cholera Morbus. Cholera Infantum, and all relaxed andjderanged condition of the Stomach aud Bowel. It is a delightful remedy for children of all ages, as well as adults, and can be ad ministered to the most delicate person with perfect safety and confidence. Marsh's Tonic Astringent is for side by Smith & Black Bros, druggist, Plattsmouth, Price 5n cents Fifty cents will buy the Maksji Ague Cure liquid or pill. For sale by Smith & Black Bros. For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bruises, Swellings, Sprains, Sores, Burns, Piles, etc., use. Marsh's Cream Liniment. For sale by Smith & Black Bro9. wldfl Money saved by buying hand made brooms, ask your dealer for them. d28-lmo CORN COB pipes in every style . . Scblegel's. Iott Win E. Whittemore, M. D., hoinoe paihic physician and surgeon. Office in. Fitzgerald block. Residence south west corner Pearl and 10th streets. Of fice hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 and 7to 8 p. m. w8tf Crown Mills Flonr. W. F. Allen, the old Cass county miller, who is now running the Crown Mills at Ashland, has his flour on sale iu the Plattsmouth market, Dovey & Son keeping it always in stock. A trial of the Crown Mill brands will prove to any that it is superior to any flour in the market. 300dw48tf. C. . HKROLI), The Boss Clothier of Lincoln, has opened out a clothing store in this city where he would be pleased to have his old customers call in, on lower Main street, one door east of court house. 15dwtf Call and wee Us. I wish to notify the public that I am now open for business, at Joe McVey's old stand, where I have iu stock a full line of Kentucky whiekies, St. Louis beer, wines and cicrars &c, as good as the best. f57dtf II. M. Bo.V3. Ton now That water will not run up hill, that a kiss is sweeter than it looks and looks better after dark, YOU OUGHT to KNOW that good CJLOTHIJtfG is the best, and cheapest to buy, that money can be saved, and a square ucui iiuu hi it ir vscuh s9 ine Jtsoss Clothier, as he does not deal in the inferior lines adapted to the fixed purposes ot bankrupt and assig nee sales. We avoid all gag schemes, sell to all alike and treat our custo mers with the utmost fairness. A complete stock of seasonable clothing and furnishing goods on hand, and we are prepared to con vince all in doubt, that our statements are correct, that our goods are the bestand that it is to your interest to trade with WESCOTT Late styles in Straw and Fur Hats, Novelties in Neckwear, full line of Trunks, Valices, &c, &c. Everybody welcome. C. 33. UITHtSCOTT Rockwood Block THE BOSS CLOTHIER. TrJn-Xm. Under the change in time paengcr trains leave the depot hero as follows: No. 1 west, 8:15 aj m. " No, 3 west, C :50 p. m. J K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5:15a. iu. .. . . fi:3- D m C. H. & Q. , north, 7:15 a. in. Omaha stub north 8:55 a. in. 4! " " 5:40 p. m. Trains arrive as follows No. '2 , Denver express 0:25 p. in. No. 4, ' 9.25 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9:45 a. m. . .4 4. .4 .4 8;33 p w C. H. X, Q. Omaha east 5:30 p. m. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits receiv ed every day, at 79tf. Ileunett & Lewi. l'al-for and l.droorn sets in all fctyle at lowest prices at lJeeck'n. .VJif Orange?, Lemons, Banana?, and (: coanuts, at 7Ut3 Bennett & Lewis'. Falling out of the hair may bo pre vented, brashy hair made soft, and the growth of hair renewed, by the use of Ayer's Hair V'gor wldtU Diamond Wall Finish, best and cheap est, ready for use by adding hot water, at Fisher's drug store. 49d&wtf Aycr's Pills are pleasant, safe an. I sure, and excel all other Pills in heal ing and curative qualities They aro the best of all purgatives for family use. wltdt The best beef In toe city always can be found at Peterson Bros, market. 233dtf 3 i CD CT- h h 0 SI CD CD W i i CD j 2 O 2 a CD 5" H (!) CO c t O O Improved Lands for Sale .eoacres 12 miles from I.enora. Kansas $cso IG'J 15 Orleans. Neb. .m ! ' 18 " Beaver City. Neb. Mo 8 " Logan, Kausaa. 1,000 These lands ar well Improved, and can be bought by paying t cash, and balance on time. Th.y are cheap, the present owners having bought their at forced ale. Call and aee. I have some Cheyenne County J.ands for pale yet they are going fast. For particulars call on W. H. WISE, 79d&w2w t'niou lilock. i pet S.. P gel Soft rn r A EBBS -ri 2