MTSMOUTH HERALD OVK1CIAL I A PKK OK TIIK CITY. CITY IsTBWS. Clreaiatlag lrux tr. Library t 1VrrcU'a 9COUI C.A. tlamhall, Dentist, suc cessor to Clutter & Marshall. Teetli extracted wltliout paiu, by use of Nitrous Oxide Cia. Salisbury. Dentist. Sl'KClAL NOTICES. Advertisement under tnia bead, three cent per lias ecii Insertion. ONEY TO LOAN On real estate by A N. Sullivan. t-miU S VLK My residence and four lots ; F eLd housi. bam aud fruU. and lu excel-i-. .gndltlou also two improved larin. also l!"wry brick bu.lues l.ou-ex80 feet on Main atr&nd other de-U.We tltK. 'T7OR-ALE-Hou-es. lots and wood land by P Itiin ji Sun. tr c..ri residences, cheap. In- D 11 litre of . - I) llflmnnl I To the good people oz iiwuiuu... City and Cass County: The committee upon general arrange ments for the appropriate observance of Memorial Day, is compered to appeal -:, on.l n'fttriotism, as to your g.-m;i voiij " i the soldier of the Grand Army did when they looked uacK to iue loyal people at home, during the dark est hours of the country's peril, for en- counts? ra.'u 1 and aiu in Dgi.uB ... battles. We do net ask of you treasure, we sipiply appeal to you to give us your presence, and aid and assist our Poet in observing this Memorial Day, now made a National Holiday by the American CoDgres?. We solicit from every one a floral of fering upon Friday next. We ask of you to save your flowers for our dead, and your own, who silently rest iu Oak Hill Cemetery. A few flowers from each citizen will evidence your love and veneration for the dead soldiers of the Republic, aud will bring to you the respect aud esteem oi nis buiv..5 comrade. Send iu your donations of flowers to Post head-quarters early Friday fore noon, May 30th. By order of Committee on General Aarragements. 4vfr:il residences. o. II. wueeier et - v . w a dtKh Tablets in all sizes, at tU IS. n -A i . i- olff 1 thuoulce. "IOlt SALE a tot In good location, rarHcu ! lw at this office " ,xT, B.ioinorder for a new American FnlfMhfure Inquire at this onlce. VOK3A.LK-t.000 cords of wood. Inquire of J V S Wis llooMTOKBSJf VTjlJSarlK The wratier now is Just wh.ttbe lX&S'SSSr , farmer, desire, and ali crops arom2 f.inialioil nr 111. I Hi" I TnUl,ed7lher MalrMurphy hou-e, Inquire ificcnt in promises Korlal. on Ion time, a house F and two lorts8wnhgood Improvements. Ap- lv toll. B. Windhauj. nn RKS houses of four rooms. Fg.wateV.oV,d garde" W' month InShafervfile. W. H. Sua fkk. Itnu npr-ihe north storeroom m fuif blick "da rooms up stair. Good . .Vil PiirSnt or boarding house.rents Mrs. John II. Young left this morn ing for the Republican Valley, where she will stay a n:onth with the boys there and help them keep house on the ranche. location ior resi"-" -- . " Tiitf -h- aodIv to Win. Neville. mOKENT-A bouse. Inquire of Chaplain 1 Wright. . warded by leaving at thl office. 1C w 4.vTEI a c od secc nd cook at the Feik H insllouse Immediately. 7ott .invrpn-rwo day boaraert. Apply ai Wrs.Eo?uson-.a.y3astre two Uoorapast sexton's , . .-. The City Council has ordered some much needed work done in the line of bii'tges and crossings, and the move will be appreciated by citizens who i : ...i.o riipsn improvements are live in ij. w needed. K of P Meets every Tuesday evening at thes Castle Hall, in Rockwood Block. V itiuo- Knights are invited to attend. ,UU" n. M. BOX3, C. C. ' W. ti. Dykes, K. of K. and S. Kever lve Up. If you are suffering with low and depressed sprits, hss of appetite, gen ernl debility, disordered blood, weak -cou9titution.head..Ce,or any desease cu9r,:;;.,a r,Qt,,r,.. bv all meus pro cure a botlie ofDlectric Bitters.. You will be surprised to see the rapid im Movement that will follow; you will Kspired with new life; strength and 2t SSi will return; pain anp misery will cease, ahd henceforth you will re foteeta the praise of Electric BiUers 3Sold at fifty cent a botrle bv J. M. Rob erts. These are Solid Facts. Bitters. Jnact vit, of tie -,IM s Jaundice, uiusuf01""' : inu an ess. ir;rinvs. or any disease of the urinary letiz- ways SSSVrtS requiresj an .ppetij - . ,;i.t aimnlani. win t"" ,ij cenain cur. known. They M t relj and ouickly, every uomcu" - apaquitMj, j money re- give entire J. M.Roberts funded. Sold at nrty c . - - Fence rusts. . 6000 dry feuce posts for sale, inquire of W. S. Wis. 19 tf. A Great Dlsuoyery. That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by ihPir dear ones from an early grave. ant? cure. Guaraute- S TKotfki fee at J. M.Roberts. eu. i" Aft Drug Otore. Jan 3 e6wly For lame back. Side or Shiloh's Porous Plaster, cents, ' Chest Price use 25 SdTnSCOUGH and n.nmp- 6 tion Cure is sold by us on a It cures cons'impu"" c,.nnifi VITALIZER is what riuiw"" H Tg3 of ap- Price 10 and 75 cents per I J. LdJ H O . - . n..nnnntinn. LOSS you neea -or -r r - of petite. liio" . r Dyspepsia, bottle. Personal Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Perry, fnr sometime residents of our city, passed through from the cast this morning to Aurora, Neb, where Mr. r .mi,ta in business. The best wishes of friends and acquaintances follow them. Personal Miss Elsie Campbell leaves on this evening's train for her home in Queen City, Mo., where she passes vac ttion days. Miss Campbell, j i.-- roar,d rpaidence in Platts- UUllUg J - mouth, has made many menus, wuo will unite in wishing her a pleasant journey and visit at home. Personal Miss Alice Wilson, of the city schools, started this morning for California, where she goes to make a summer's visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tutt. Miss Wilson returns in the tall to accept her position in the city schools the coming year. The Herald publishes in another place today the organization, or rather, the history of tho organization of the Grand Army cf the Republic. In these days of Memorial and Decoration this account will be ot more than pas sing interest aud instruction. Mr. Dailv. of Iowa, representing the trpat Iron Mountain Company, of Du- rango, Mexico, is in the city, talking up the prospects and promises of his company with our capitalists. Mr. Daily has mucn or. interest m j ihe far famed Iron mountain, and the wealth it promises to its owners, and furnishes facts and figures for his state ments. . The following are among the arri vals at tho Perkins : Geo A Meyer Chicago; A M Jacubi Omaha; E A Jones Philadelphia; J E Porter Ottawa, 111; A C Rogers Glen wood; S B Eastman Boston; A J Riley W W RUey B & M R R ; R J 'J oho son Omaha; Wm Ilouse Omaha; Miss S M Ilallem. Concord; Anton Upring St. Louis; J C Cornwall, F C Fenderson C & N W RR; W Spruce Des Moines; N L Francis Burlington; W A Dag gett Lincoln ; J II Philips . Decatur , L P Pruyn Omaha; W G Fay Omaha. Council Proceedings. Council met iu regular session all members present. Minutes read and approved. The accounts against the city, clerk's report and treasurer' report were re ferred to the committee on finance. The following accounts were then al lowed on the different funds: W.F.Morrison, $3.00; A. McFair field. $.25; W. J. White, $275; J. Gor rcll, $11.25; P. McCaun, 114.00. Mr. Fairfield moved the bill of MrB. McLaughlin be referred to committee on claims to report at next meeting. Carried. Other bills in dispute were refered back to the necessary parties for cor rection. Mr. Morrison moved that the com mittee on fire aud water make estimate of the cost of three cisterns, and re port at next meeting. Mr. Fairfield, from committee on streets, alleys and bridges, reported new work and repairs necessary in dif ferent parts of the city, and the work was ordered done. Mr. Greusel moved that the amount reported on bill of II. A. Waterman & Son, in dispute, be paid. Mr. Roberts moved to amend, that the hill in full be paid, which amendment carried. Mr Roberts moved that crossing on VSnft and Sixth be repaired. Carried. The claim of Thos. Mitchell for dam- ages against the city was called up, aud after numerous motions a vote was reached aftd tho claim was rejected Petition of John Bons regarding cer tain taxes was referred to committee on claims. In the matter of supplies for police judge, the clerk was ordered to secure them. ' Bids for city pri ntiug as filed with .tori- iprn nnpnwl and lead and re ferred to a committee of three to ascer tain which is the lowest bid aud report. Committe appointed Fairfield, Bons and Morrison. After which council adjourned. J. D. Simpson, City Clerk. Fire. Shortly after ten o'clock last night, the cry of fire was raised on Main street and it was at once discovered to be iu the bam of Maj. Wheeler in the rear of his property on Main streeet. The fire bell clanged out the alarm, one of the church bells also rang out the warning, anrl nnn nn immense concourse - of people were ou thj ground in tho im mediate vicinity, watchiug the lire. which had complete control and soon reduced the building to ashes. There wbs not a breath of wind, and none of the adjoining property was subjected to danger. Parties who arrived early on the ground rescued the cow from the building, and carried carefully to a safe place three stoves that were 6tored in the barn, so theie wa3 no loss except the buildiDg and some grain in the crib adjoining. The work is without doubt that of an incendiary, with no idea as to the motive in the case. We learn that there was some insurance on the burned building, so the loss to Major Wheeler will not be a total one. The fire, as a whole, was certainly a fortu nate on, located as it was in the centre of the city. - MEMORIAL DAY. Programme of Exercises for McCou- Ihie Post G. A. Ft. Head-quartern McCouihie Post, No. 45, G. A. R., Department of Nebraska. I. The member of the Post will meet at their hall at 1 'clock p. in. and move out from their quarters at 2 o'clock, staudard time. The Adjutant will arrange the Post in one division in charge of the Post Commander. II. .The colors will be carried at the hevl of the column with a color guard of four comrades without arms, with the martial btind iu front. The com mand, when so formed, upon Main street, in front of their qunr'ers, will be presented to Ihe Comr.ian kr by the Adjutant, who will take charge of the Post,, aud who will give the word of command . to move forward to the cemetery by the way of Washington avenue. .. . III..,. The carriages contuiniug the floral, offerings and. tne committee of ychng ladies in charge' of the Same. will head the column, "accompanied by, eight mounted guards wearing - fcide arms.. IVi All member of visiting Posts and all .soldiers who do not belong to the Post, are invited to fall in wit'h the column aud accompany the Post fo the cemetery; V.; Comrade Jogeph W. Johuson, Marshal of the Day, will take charge of the citizens' procession and form the game immediately in the rear of the column, aud will- be in charge of the line of march. VI. Comrades Poisall aud McMakiu will have charge of the preparation of a platform upon the grounds donated to the Po3t, aud will-perform such other duties as may I e necessary lb carrv forward the exercises at the cemetery. ' VII.- The committee ha ing general charge of the Memorial services, will ascertain and report the number of graves to be decorated, and will place suitable flaes, with names, at the head of each grave. v The following nroaranimc will be observed at the cemetery ; 1st. Music by the choir. 2d. Prayer by the Cbaplain, from tho ritual. 3d. . ddr s by the Commander. 4th. Music by the choir. Oration. Music by the choir. -Benediction by Chaplain Al pha Wright. 8th. Decoration of graves according to ritual. VIII. All ciizens of riuitsmouth and Cass county are requested to-unite with the Post in a proper observance of Memorial Day. IX. In c.aBe tie weather is unsuit able the exercises will be held in Rock- wood Hall. By order of the committee in charge of the general arrangements. Concord Item En. Heiiald: Jo'uaa Allison" wu agreeably surprised by a visit last week from Mr. Templeton, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Miss Carrie Furlong, of Rock Blutl, was visiting witn l. zi. oimpson, Saturday and Sunday. Several young people from tho Mc- Nurlin district attended church here ast Sunday afternoon. Mr. Goldsbytful wife, of Eight Mile Grove, spent Sunday with James Allison. Andy Sybert has lately purchased an ... i organ. Iftere ougni to De inoru jimcuh thinking of the welfare of our young people. How. cau we expect them to grow up home loving men and women unless there is aome attraction there r What can be more attractive and in structive than good music? Mrs. Creamer is not able to be out. Are we not goiug to have Sunday School, this summer? Yours in hnstc, Mocking Bihd. May 22, 1884. A Fellow Feeling Makes us won. droua Kind. Joe Connor, of Plattsmoutb, was fi nally beaten at the county convention for delegate to the National Conven tion, by Ed Kuffner. Joe is the most active man, yet he'knows how it goes now to be left by what he calls unfair means. The nominations in the dem ocratic party are getting of importance enough to mke it worth while to strive for them, and the same result often happens, viz: The best man gets lelt. Joe ha3 helped many a good republi can to. a back aeat, and now he ought to take his own medicine without grum bling. Schuyler Sun. Train Time. Uuder the change in time passenger traius leave (he depoc'nere follows: No. 1 west, 8:15 aj m. No, 3 west, 0 :50 p. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5:15 a. . , . ,t 6:33 p. C. B. & Q. , north, 7:45 a. in. Omaha stub north 8:55 a. in. ; " 5:40 p. in. Trains arrive as follows No. 2 , Denver express 0:25 p. m. in. m. No. 4, 9.25 a. m. See Warrick's. stock of wall paper and borders just received. loiz . The best corner for business in Platts moutb, that is off Main street, for sale; mnsiatincr of two factional lots, which as a good business location are prefer able to those on lower iwm utrecv War naviculars inquire of J. C. New berry. 72l6 for A good two horse farm wogon sate. Enquire at Bennett & Lewis d48tf K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9:45 a. m. u 8:35 p m C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5 :30 p. m. 'RIGHT ALONG." " t Hie Great Lung Medicine, Jfarth't Golden Balsam, is Worthy of Praiie. "Your Golden Balsa it is giving good satisfaction. We are selling it right along." F. C. Corbett, druggist, Marshficld. Mo "My mother, now over 50 years old suffered 20 years with an irritating Cough and Bronchial affection. Last winter, she used a few bottlea of Marsh's Golden Balsam and waa en tirely cured." (L. M. Smith, Topeka, Kans. Marsh's Goldcu Balsam is the befct cough medicine I have ever sold' flus. A. LeDeis, druggists, Cedar City, Mo. " " I took a severe Cold and Cough and for months was threatened with Con sumption. Marsh's Golden Balsam saved me." J. S. Stewart, Omaha, Neb. Marsh's Golden Balsam, and Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Tonic, are for sale by Smith & Black BrosMdruggistr, Plattsmoutb. Large bottles 60 cents aud $1. Trial size 10 cts. dCtwl, 5 th 6th. 7th. Assorted tints of Diamond Wall Fin ish may be found at Fisher's drug store, revolving sign. 49diwtf TniBniv.flri npnts in advance will entitle you to use of the Plattsmoutb circulating library f or one month. 45d&wlm W. J. Wabrick. iifleeii per cent discount on all cus . m. . .A kl torn made work nereaiter, ai our- wood's FOR cash. "To establish rny business in every department on a strictly cash basis this inducement is tnade in all custom made work. TTnL,. thA rpfluction a shoe that costs 89 00 nowcosts $7.65 for cash. A boot that costs $8.00 now costs $ 0.- 80 cash. A boot that costs $6.50 now costs 85.60 cash at Sherwood's. 58dw8tf Fisher's Cough and relived Dy CKOUPE Whooping Uroncnuis "u ' . e. Black Shiloh'a Care. So.d by Sm'tn i Black- Bros. Dec.20eowdwly A startling liseTery. PhysicianVare often fctartled by ro mfrkabie discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kings New Discovery for Con and an xuiu. ' , i,rinr natieniB mai sumutiou diseases is thev have given up to me, i rrni i,Q v v - V a.An)pr ourbe..rKJ.cU! to tbr ESS S55 ft.oo. nnen Aaaln. trKr wishes to announce that the Elkhorn aaloon i. again opea M heretofore-, the repair. ,Vir in the room now being Decorfction Day. Headquarters MeConihie Post, No. 45. G. A. R. " Comi a les and fellow citizens, Friday the 30th. is decoration day. Let- each one of us feel and realize that it is a duty we owe our deceased heroes to decorate their graves. So let U3 all turn out with all the flowers we cau and try and acquit ourselves worthy of the oc casion. It is earacstly urged that ev ery old uniou soldier whether a mem ber of the G. A. R. or not, meet with the poit on that occ islon at 12:30 at G. A. R. hall. Thos. Wiles, Post Commander. Bnggs Boston Operatic Minstrels ' A very large audience of Dallas peo ple were agreeably disappointed in Briggs' Boston Operatic Minstrels last niht. We have had several snide mm strel troupes this season, and somehow the people had got it ia their heads that Briggs' was of a piece with the rest But when the curtain - rolled up, aud the show turned loose, it waa plain that the conclusion had been too" hastily formed. Tne music was the best that Dallas has ever heard from a -burnt cork Show, the clog dancing "was su- perb. Evs n the jokes aud dialogues by Lick, in "fixtures," is a whole show in and of himself. The" '-Electric Quar tette" makes no inconsiderable part of the show. Their vocal efforts evidently struck a chord in the audience, judg ing from the hearty applause and nu merous encores. Carl Lick, contor tionist and acrobat, delighted the au dience with his wonderful performance on a pyramid of bottles. Shimer, the one-armed man is rich in 6ong and pun and kept the audience laugh iDg. The nhnw is pood worth seeing. A mati nee this afternoon aud a performance tonight. Pallas, (Texas), Daily Times Feb. 20. At the opsra house, Thursday, May 23th. - Collection Notice. All parties knowing themsehes to be indebted to m will please call and make tull settlement at once, so that here if i er we can c induct a strictly cash business. Pleaso give this your imme- mediate attention. d59 w3 .v Robt. Sherwood. What the State Auditor Saya. After a thorough examination of the condition of the Nebrasisa and lowa Insurance Company, of Omaha, the Hon". Jamas Wallichs, Auditor of State, pays this company the following well merited compliment, which should sat isfy the most incredulous as to the en tire solvency and reliability of the com pany, as well as to effectually silence the slanderous tongues of the compa ny's enemies., Lincoln, May 16, 1884. J. T. Hart, Esq , . Mauager Neb. and Ia Ins. Co., ' ' . Omaha, Neb. Dear Sie:' Herewith! take pleasure to send you a copy of the re'port of the inyestiga- tion of ' tits'-TSffairs and books of your company, as returned to me by W. F. Lewis and A. T. Greutter, appointed examiners for that purpose. I sm . . i- . : t ..,i.k a pleaseuia SClL-out uuiunuy m sum a healthy and solvent condition, and that your books are .kept with much care. Respectfully yours, . Joun Wallichs, .. -.Auditor Public Accounts. A O. H. The members of the A. O. H. are called to meet at their hall tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 8 oclock to ar tange to take part inhj puWic services of decoration day. M, O'Cchwos, C. D. In the Future When you have a cough aud want-relief, think ot Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Liungs; a guaranteed reme- dv for those diseases. Price 50c and $1 ; trial size free. Respectfully, apr3 4m , W. J. Warrick. New patterns of wall paper and bor der' received today at Warrick' 73t9 Diamond Wal Finish, at rug store. 49d&wtf Sweet Potato Plants- orders for your sweet potato plants at our hot beds in town at the Blue House in Billings' addition or at Phna. RobineV Orders lett at tne lat ter olace will be' filled the foUowing morning. uogebs vuaui.' i- . A Young Passenger. Probably the younsest passenger who ever started upon a long journey alone, left this city last Saturday evening, ner -parents had recently 'moved to Ogalalla, this state, a distance of about 175 miles. r-They left their little daugh ter here expecting to jiave her follow with a neighbor -who was to follow. For some reason the neighbor changed her mind and the little four-year-old girl was consigned to the teuder mer cies of the conductor. That she will arrive at. her destination -we have no doubt. We regret we could not learn her name.- Hastings (Neb.) Journal. Falling out of the hair may be pre vented, brashy hair made soft, and the growth of hair renewed, by the use of j Ayer'a Hai r Vgor w l d o t Tf you want to eet you a broom that a. in friw t.ti hst satisfaction for tne name money ask your dealer for Dor ack's brooms uzo-iiuu Pasture Two hundred and forty acres under fonrP with running water, ana one! half mile from the city. Apply to 51tf W. o. WISE. In purchasing a refrigerator see Ilen- ry jkeeck's new stock and get prices before purchasing. - , 59 tf i t ' - All the best houses in Plattsmoutb will sell vou Bremner's choice cracker at reduced price by the box or bam 11, and don't vou forzet it. Get these and you get th"e best. tf Sportsmen, Attention! Agents of the B. & M. R. R.will sell tickets at one and one-fourth fare to attend the touanament t Plattsmouth, June 10, 1884. For transportation over Union Pacific, parties wishing trans- narration will write the undersigned for same, jrivinsr number of persons who wish to attend. J. W. Jexnixos, Sec. Stale Sportsmen Ass'n. State papers pleas copy. 69Jlw . The Ice Man. : Jos. Fairfield has established an of fice at Monarch billiard hall, where be will contract with c nmmers to supply ice for the season at the lowest terms. Sm2 Diamond Wall Finish; best and cheap est, ready for use by adding hot water, at Fisher's drug store. 49dxwtf AMUSEMENTS. WATERMAN OPERA HOUSE FOR ON NIGHT ONLY. Thursday, May 29th. The Fan Makergs of a X at ion : The Choica of a Lauguter Loviu; f uulic. WILBERS Brifitf Boston Operatic Minstrels and Classic Orchestra! The Genlua of Artistic Mlns relsy baa risen and proclaim suecesa to rcQoed unalloyed luiriu, aa pure aa me timer oi a oiauoua. IM at These -Well Known Artists. J.'W. HARRINGTON! Premier Mimic and Dialect Comedian, late of uie i;nusa ninstieu. JOHN MACK! America 'a Favorite Comedian, and Banjo Ling THE CUA.MPION OF THE WORLD. maj. J HEATH & LATTO J see. Representative Exponents of Military Tactic. uirect uoin r ranee. SWEENY & YORKEY! The'Emperor of refined Comedy, introducing oj"Si waucoi aim lauKnauie tiui'lf.ijue Glove Fight. TOM SWEENY! 'Boston's" Champion Club Swinger, $1.000 -cnallauge to any Clnh Sw.oger lu America. PROF. A. E. STEVENS' 1 10,000.00 Acting Dogs. Surpassing anv doa actors on earin. lilies briug the chiluren to see thi beautiful picture of dog life, showing the master of Canine Creation THE DILLONS, America' F.eflaed Song and Dance Artistf t meir atyie ia an tueir own. NEWLON'S Harmonic Quartette. Tba - -UH Sweetest sluuam in A mri& For a handsome suit, substantially made, in the best of style, and from auy quality of goods you may select, call on K. Dressier, Merchant. Tailor, in Sherwood Block. 18dlm - W. J. War 'ck received soma very elegant ceiling decorations this morn !n? Wta THE II OEYS Pedestal CloggUU. SPARKS. CASADA. THE MUSICAL": WATLKS. WEST". Don't Fait to eee tne Finest Foiiiilest Show on Earth, NEW WOVELTIE. STAETLIJiQ FEATURES. COSTLY WARDROBES, SUPERB STAGE SETTING. tttURAND TABLttACS " That will as.onlaU the Grand Repp blip. Door open at 7, Ar&uaients at 8 o'clock. , NO ADVANCE IN TRICKS. Reserved Seats. - - -, -6 ciata ' Admibeloa. -- . . to M Gallery. - - - 3S :- Beats can be Secured at P. O. Newa Deot. - If your Mood is vitiated cleanse it with out delay by use of Ayer'a Sarsapa- rilla. Safe and effective. wld6t Ac Charlie .Warren's, the old reliable barbers shaving 10c.. hair out 26c. shampoo 25c- sea foam lOc. mustache black 25e.- Shop opposite ocera house gire him a call. do I ml Parlor and bedroom sets in all styles ftt loireet prices' st pcpeci's. C7vt Notice to Contractors ? - . NoUce is hereby given, that sealed proposals will be received at the offlce of the City Clerk of the city of Platts n outh, until 7 o'clock p. m.t on Mon day. J une 9th, 1884, for building -wing walls and grading two approaches to bridges on Sixth and Pearl streets. The City Council reserve the rieht to reject any and all bids for said work. -; Specifications for said work can be seen at the office of the City Clerk. Bids must be made separate for grad ing, and for wing walla. - 69tl2 Joskfh H. FAlBriELD, ,L;n-o EZMSZf, Alley- cs4 fjvi. . igu uc ., Wl!7 complete'-