PLfflSMOOTH HERALD OVmuiifArKKOK TIIK city. Clrea'atla;; Library at Warrick' I rag Ktor. JtOllI C.A. Handrail, l)eiiiit, nuc Cfnsor to Clutter & Alamliall. Teetti extracted without paiu, bjr use of AltrouH Oxide iiun. 1. Sullnbury, Uentlitt. 4 SPECIAL NOTICES. AdvertHemiils under tin bead, three cent per line eacu lusurtioii. ONEY TO L)AN-Ou real estate by A. K. Uoillv&n. uood house, barn and fruit, and In excel . - i : . : . 1 . . . . . Iittn.rituufl f nil ulun 2-Htory brick lutities boue ox80 feet, on Mala treet. ami other aerble laud and lots. D. 11. V IOil -ALE-IIouse. lots and wood land by Joliu ISO n s & 6on. FOR SAl.K Several residences, cbeap. In quire ol i. 11. WUeeler & Co. IiOll SALE Scratch Tablets In all sizes, at tins oiUce. Ultl 1 .''OK SALE a lot la good location. Tarticu 1 l .r. itlhKllllIm bill FOB SALE An order for a new American tfewtuK Macliiue. Inquire at tblsodlce. TJ'OK SALE 1.000 cords ol wood. Inquire ol POR SALE t Id paper for sale at thU office at 40 cents kt hundred or 5 ceui per doz- 1? tion In thl city. Inquire at tUU office tl 1JOOMTO RENT. A furnished room for one a ortwo gentlemen, iu goou tocauou. ouire at this office. 71" r.r-h il"vtt rum mimfl furnished or unfur A nUlied. In the MacMAirphy house, Iniuire on tbe premises. TpOit KENT or sale on lon time, a house A and two lots WHU goou improvements. My- ly to K. U. Windham. -m,tn t0I P Rnml now hniiqf nf f OUT TOOTl) S. 4 - - r eHd water, good garden snots. $1 per month in Shaferville. W. II. Sbafkk. 1?OU REST the north store room In Nev- i !,... ml Ck miim tin utairs. Ciood location for restaurant or boarding house, rents cheap. Appiy vo in. i.cie. " mo KENT A house. Inquire of Chaplain - wngnt. T OST A Knight Templar charm in shape of a JJ Maltese cros. r inuer win iw suhauij o warded by leaving at thU office. ictf nr ANTED a g. od sect nd cook at the Iei k lns Mouse immediately. 75tl imrAVTEn Two dav boarcri. Apply at Mrs. tiustalson'8, Sdstrte two doors past sexton's K of X Meets every Tuesday evening at thes Castle Hall, in kockwoou uiock. v itiug Knights are invited to attend. II. M. Bons, C. C. V W. H Dykes. K. of It. and S. Sever Give Up. If you are suffering with lov and snrit-4. lass of aDDCtite. Ceil sr.! riaHilitv. riisnr Jercd blood, weak constitution, headache, or any desease v;Hmia Tintii-f. hv all means pro cure a bottle of Dlectric Bitters. You will be surprised to sre tbe rapid im provement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength and ontivitv will rptiimr Daiu anD misery will cease, ahd henceforth you will re joice in the praise ot Electric .outers. SoM at htty cents a uotrie uv o. oj.. awu- erts. jau. oeowiy These ara Solid Facts. loah hTfo:l nurifler and system r.nlntnr vir nl.1T.ed within the TCaCll of suffering humanity, -truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Ldver, Bil iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak Tv"Wlnov. or anv disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz er tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the ueat ana oniy certain cure known. They act surely ami nil ir?kU- everv bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money re- fuuded. Sold at fifty cents a oou te u J. M. Roberts janaawiy. Fpuco Posts. 5000 dry fence posts for sale, Inquire of W. S. Wise. 2 A Great Disoovery. Tliif ia l:li Iv hrins?ine iov to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchhitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, T'irtlr linrr ill tiift Throat. Pain iu Side o.i f7iit. or anv disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positive cure. Guarante ed Trial Bottles tree ai J. w.uoucua. TW.i.r Sirnr lATCte Size S1.00. JaD.3e6wly For back. Side or Chest use Plaster. Price 25 Oil""" - cents, iti.i nAiTniI ii 1 Pnncnmn. tion Cure is sold by u on a guarrntee. It cures coas-.rapiiu. ciinntrc VIT A T.TZEIt is what riAjv". - - - , you need for Coosamption, Loss ol ap ixstite. Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, rnce iu auu to ww bottle. : CROUPE Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relived by Shiluh'a Cure. . Sod by Smitu A Black Bros Dec.20eowdAwly A Startling IHscovery. Physicians are often startled by re inarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr Kind's New Discovery for Con sumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder. ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at J.M. Robert' Drug Store. Regular size 81.00. Open Again. Wm. Webber wishes to announce that the Elkhorn saloon is ag4" Peu tobiuincssas heretofore, the repairs and new work in the room now being nearly completed To the good people of Plattsmouth City and Cass County: The committee upon general arrange ments for the appropriate observance of Memorial Day, is compelled to appeal to your generosity aud patriotism, as the soldiers of the Grand Army did when they looked back to the good. loyal people at home, during the dark est hours of the country' peril, for en couragement and aid in fightiog her battles. We do net ask of you treasure. we simply appeal to you to give us your presence, and aid and assist our Post in observing this Memorial Day, now made a National Holiday by the American Congres?. We solicit from every nc a floral of fering upou Friday next. We ask of you to save your flowers for our dead, aud your own, who silently rest iu Oak Hill Cemetery. A few Cowers from each citizvii will evidence your love and veneration for tbe dead soldiers of the Republic, and will bring to you the respect aud esteem of his surviving comrade. Send in your donations of flowers to Post head-quarters early Friday fore noon, May 30th. By order of Committee on General Aarrogements. New patterns of wall paper and bor der s received today at Warrick's 7512 Boston Operatic minstrels at the opera house Thursday evening and a bis time. Congreisman Laird scuds us the re port, of the committee on military af fairs regarding a new Soldier's Home. A wrecked engine Irom out in the R, V. Division of the B. & M. was brought to the shops in this city for repairs yes terday. mm - - See Warrick's stock of wall paper and borders just received. 7oi2 The city council meet tonigVit in the council chamber in regular session and the usuai routine of business will be transacted. Important meeting of the T. A. M. club at Stadelmann's parlors this even ins at which all members are urged to be present. Tvaiiace fetevenson, beauty uiera. 01 Ora county, was in the city over last ..... a -.1 t c night, the guest of his old friend, Dis trict Clerk Showalter. W.J. Warrick: received some very- elegant ceiling decorations this morn lnjr. 75t2 . . A special corps of B. & M. surveyors arc in the city laying out some new improvements and new work at the company's grounas here. There are four weddings to come off in this city early in June and still we hear the occasional whisper that times are dull in Plattemouth. Judge Pottenger,the newly appointed Justice of the peace in the First ward. is seeking for a suitable room for an office in the confines of the ward Prof, and Mrs. Drummond leave to night for Chicago and Evanston where they will visit relatives aud friends. and whero Prof. D. will witness the na tional convention. The county commissioners are in the city today in an adjourned session of the board. The assessors returns come in next week when they will sit as board of equalization. Judge Newberry, we understand, is about to open justice's office in the Union block, w uefe ho cau be better prepared to give attention to business entrusted to his care, A citizen : who ought to kuow re marked to the Herald that inside of sixty days the B. & M. would have a wagon transfer between this city and Pacific Junction, operated on the same plau as the transfer at Omaha. Tuesday evening the ladies of the- Presbyterian church will entertain their friends at a sociable to be held at Chaplain Wright's in the second ward All who attend may feel assured that the evening will be a very pleasant one. Mayor Smith returned this morning from Chicago and Cincinnati where he has been on a hurried business trip, Our Mayor, however, found time to make am official visit with Carter liar nson. who entertained him with Presi dential prospects of all parties. Omaha is a daisy town. Yesterday they had their regular Sunday shooting scrape, aud tbe mob rame near having a lynching matinee over it. Beside the shooting scrape a man was acci dentally killed by the cars; a drunken man came near killing himself by fal ling in a cellar, and one or two fighting 6erapes wound up the Sunday record in that city. MEMORIAL DAY. Programme of Exercl for McCon- ihio Pott G. A. R. lead-quarters McC'onihie Post, No. 45, G. A. R., Department of Nebraska. I. The members of the Tost will meet at their hall at 1 'clock p. m. and move out from their quarters at 2 o'clock, standard time. The Adjutant will arrange the Post in one division in charge of the Post Commander. II. The colors will be carried at the head of the column with a color guard of four comrades without arms, with the martial band in froat. The com mand, when bo formed, upon Main street, in front of their quarters, will be presented to the Commander by the Adjutant, who will take - charge of the Post, and who will give the word of command to movo forward to the cemetery by the way of Washington avenue. III. The carriages containing the floral offerings and the committee of ycung ladies in charge of the same. will head the column, accompanied by eight mounted guards wearing side arms. IV. All members of visiting Posts and all soldiers who do not belong to the Post, are invited to fall in with the column and accompany the Post to the cemetery. V. Comrade Joseph W. Johnson, Maishal of the Day, will take charge of the citizens' procession and form the same immediately in the rear of the column,, and will be in charge of the line of march. VI. Comrades Poisall and McMakiu will have charge of the preparation of a platform upon the grounds donated to the Post, and will perform such other duties, as may te necessary to carry forward the exercises at the cemetery. VII. The committee having general charge of the Memorial services, will ascertain and report the number of grayes to be decorated, and will place suitable flags, with names, at the head of each grave. The following programme will bo observed at tbe cemetery ; - 1st. Music by the choir. 2d. Prayer by the Chaplain, from the ritual. 3J. Address-by the Commander. 4th. Music by the choir. 5 th. Oration. 6th. Masic by-the'ehoir. 7th. Benediction by Chaplain Al pha Wright. 8th. Decoration of graves according to ritual. VIII. All ciizens of Plattsmoulh and Cass county are requested to unite with the Po3t in a proper observance of Memorial Day. IX. In case tbe weather is unsuit able the exercises will be held in Rock- wood Hal!. By order of th'e committee in charge of the general arrangements. Killed by a. Rattlesnake, The most painful article we haye been forced to chronicle for some time, happened at the house of Mr. W. N Webb, who lives about four miles northwest of Elliot, several evenings since, Mr. Wabb's child, a bright lit tle girl, while playing in the yard was heard to scream, and its mother run ning out got there in time to sea a large rattlesnake glide off. Mr. Webb was in the field a long distance off and it took the frightened mother some time to summons him, so that before the child could be brought -to town, something iike an hour and half had elapsed. By that tiMe the poison had spead all .over the little one and she died the next morning. Avoca Herald The co:naiittee appointed by the Fair and Driving association, to viait the grounds, locate the different build ings and draft plans for the work neces sary ip ho doue to put the grounds in shape tor fair purpose?, completed their work this week and in a short time their plans will be in the bauds of those se cured to put them into effect. Jt is claimed by those competent to judge that the race course and the grounds generally will be second to none in the state, when completed. This should encourage our people to enter into, the matter with spirit and make the open ing fair one that will be favorably com menved upon by the entire state. W. W. Republlcau. Judge Vanatta has moved h:s office into the Sherwood block, corner of Main and och street, where he has fit ted up a li'ce office with his sleeping rooms attached so that he will always be ready to attend all piofossional calls The judge has only been in Piatts- mouth about a year and a half, yet he has built up as good a practice in that time as any attorney in the county and has fully demonstrated his abilify in his profession as among the best; he has had years of practice and always attends promptly to all business he un dertakes, and we bespeak for him brilliant future in Cass eounty. ( An Attempted Rape. Yesterday morning, the foul crime of an attempt at rape was perpetrated n this city a crime too abhorrent to be mentioned without every good citi zen feeling sliauia that such beastly acts come to paES in our city ; and this is the second crime of that nature the public ha3 been given here during the last few months. John Spiitthoff.'the man who made tho attempt, is a for eigner, coming to this country from Holland, about a year ago, and being employed in the boiler department of the B. & M. shops here as a helper. The child upon whom he attempted to" perpetrate he crime, is the six year old daughter of George Grebe, a German, and a machinist in the shops. Splitthoff has been occupying a room in the same htU4; with Mr. Grebe's laruily, boardiug himself in his room. Yesterday murning Splitthoff enticed the little child into his room locking the door and then attempting the act which doo not nesd or will riot be par ticularized:'1 Shortly afterward, the father learning ot tin: affair, brought the child down town to Dr. Schild- knecht's office, where the Dr. examined her and found that' she happily had escaped any serious injury. Chief of Police Sage was at once dis patched to arrest Splitthoff, whom he found on Main street, and at' once lodged him in jal. -This mornilig he was brought before Police Judge Wiu tersteen, when an interpreter was pro cured and the warrant read to hi in, to which he plead guilty, and the present necessity of taking evidence was thus obviated, Judge Wintersteeu binding him over to the comiug term of court in the :sum or two inousanu dollars, and having no chauce of bail, he was lauded in the jail. Splithoff is a man twenty-five years of age, and does not look to be the dirty scamp that he is. He has em ployed no counsel as vet, and is either ignorant of the enormity of his crime or else is very indiffer-nt as to results. The temper of this r . .munity is not smoothed in the learon7 such dastardly crimes as this, and the mutterings are man', while expressions that hanging is too good for such fellows, are fre quent. ' The little girl. Agnes Grebe, is a bright child, only six years of age, and it i3 littte wonder when such crimes as this come to light, that this, or any community become exasperated, and demand with one voice, punishment for the offender to the full extent of the law. A little six-year old child in the hand3 of such a man, pppeals stronger than words to the right of any "com niunity onexorable justice and the fall andrcomplete extent of the law in puuishmg the brute. ' . fX' Broken Bone. MathewFeather, a young man in the employ in the employ of Dan. D. Johnson, met with a serious misfortune on Thursday last. While holding S R. Lamont, his employer's trotter, by the lariat, the animal became playful and in his gambols kicked Mr. Feather, breaking the thigh bone of the right leg ia a -shocking manner, the frac-- tured " bones' penetrating the flesh and producing " a . yeny aggravating woun4 Drs. Thomas & Hall were summoned and set the broken member, and at the present writing the patient is doing as well as could be expected. Weeping Water Republican. ." The regular meeting of the Board of Trade oughfc to occur next week, the first week in June. Would it not be a commendable plan for the President to set tbe machinery at' work and grind out a session? Mra-Langtrv. .An interesting event will be the ap pearance of Mrs. Landry at. Boyd's next Satui day evening. Mrs. Langtry is drawing crowded houses with 'land ing room at ft'piemium, all over , the Country, aniiherv engagement here promises to b highly gratifying, both to star and management. Mrs. Lang try's charming acting is -universally admired. Omaha. Republican. Collection Notice. All parties knowing themselves to bo indebted to me will pleass call and make full settlement at ontfe, so that hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash business. Please give this your imme mediate attention. d59w3w - Robt. Sherwood. Iu the Future When you have a cough aud want re lief, think ot Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs; a guaranteed reme dy for those diseases. Price 50c and $1 ; trial size free Respectfully, . apr 3 4m W. J. Warrick. The best beef in tae city always can be found at Peterson Bros, market. 233dtf ' Call and see Us. I wish to notify the public that I am nowxpen for business, at Joe McVey's old stand, where I have ia stock a full line of Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis beer, wines and ciears &c, as good as the best. 57dtf IT. M Boxs. The Memorial services held in Rock wood Hall yesterday afternoon were largely attended, although it is a la mentable fact that the larger part of the audience arrived at the Hall alter the services were more than half con cluded. Elder Burton, of the Christian church, preached a strong and abl sermon which was listened to with tho closest attention, despite the interrup tions made by late comers. The Elder closed his discourse by reading an ap propriate poem, and all who attended the services felt that it was good to be present, and that the occasion and the service was a mo9t appropriate one. - The following are among the arri vals at the Perkins: F II Hall Lincoln; C S Hart Lincoln C S Hungeford Chicago; O M Rurhana Staplehurst, Neb.; C F Price New York; W C Orthey Chicago; C F Whitney, city ; John Clements Elm wood; II J Stave Chicago; Wra Stokes, Daniel Briggs Peoria; August Meyer Omaha; .u-B&um St. Joe; S E Barackman agent Boston Minstrels; F L Miller Burling ton. . . . Se thc'particulars regarding Decora tion Dav, and let us all do our part of the ffw - 'a this National holiday. Splithoff, the rapist, now in jail told a reporter this morning that whisky was the trouble with him. He said he bought a pint Saturday night and was drinking it buuday morning. How ever, Policeman Sage says ho was sober when he arrested him. and it was likely a dodge under which Splithoff tried to shield himself. Crown Mills Flonr. W. F. Allen, the old Cass county miller, who is now running the Crown Mills at Ashland, has his flour on sale iu the Plattsmouth market, Dovey & Son keeping it always in stock. A trial of the Crown Mill brands will prove to any that it is superior to any flour in the market. 300dw48tf. For a handsome suit, substantially made, in the best of style, and from any quality of goods you may select, Call on K. Dressier, Merchant Tailor, In Sherwood Block. 13dlm .... Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby' given that bids will be received by . the City Clerk up to Monday, May 2Gth, 1884, for doing the city advertising and printing for the fiscal year commencing June 1st, 1884, to June 1st 1885. By order of the City Council. - J. D. Simpson, .. . . "City Clerk. Trytha Banana plug che wing to bacco, it is by far the finest plug chew ing made, Matt Schlcgel sells it. ltf - The best corner for business in Platts mouth, that is off Main street, for sale; consisting of two factional lots, which as a good business 'location are prefer able to those on lower Main street. For particulars . inquire of J. C. New berry. 72tG A good two horse farm wagon for sale. - Enquire at Bennett & Lewis. d48tf C- IIEROIiU, The Boss Clothier of Lincoln, has opened out a clothing store in this city where he would be pleased to have his old customers call in, on lower Maiu street, one door east of court house. 15d&wtf Assorted tiuts of Diamond Wall Fin ish may be found at Fisher's drug store, revolving sign. 49dtwtf Twenty-five cents in advance will entitle you to use of the Plattsmouth circulating library for one month. 45diwlin W. J. Warrick. 2 if teen per cent discount on all cus torn made work hereafter, at Sher wood's for cash. To establish my business in every department on. a strictly cash basis this inducement is made in all custom made work. . Under tbe reduction a shoe that costs $9.00 now, costs $7.65 for cash. A boot that costs $3 00 now co3ts $6.- ; A boot thatcpsts $6.50 now costs $5.60 cash at Sherwood's. 58dw8tf' Diamond Wall Finish at Fisher's rug store.- 49Jwt'f Sweet Potato Plants Leave orders for your sweet potato plants at our hot beds in town at - the Blue House in Billings' addition or at Chas. Robine't. Orders left at trie lat ter place will .be filled the following morning. . Rogers a Chandler. G9t6 Falling out of the hair may be pre vented, brashy hair made sofr, and the growth of hair renewed, by the use of Ayer's Hair V'gdr wldCt If you want to get you a broom that will give the best satisfaction for the same money ask your dealer for Dor ack's brooms d2S-lmo Pasture. " Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, and one half mile from the city. Apply to 5ltf W. S. Wise. In purchasing a refrigerator see Hen ry Boceck's new stock and . get pi ices before purchasing. 59tf All the best houses in Plattsmouth will sell you Bremner's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or barn-11, and don't you forget it. Get these ana you get th'e best, tf Train Time, Under the change in time passenger. trains leave the depot here as follows: No. 1 west, 8:15 aj ru.. No, 3 west, 0 :50 p. m. ' ' K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5:15 a. m. .i i u u t m u p m C. B. & Q. , north, 7:45 a. m. Omaha stub north 8:55 a. m. , " " " 5:40 p.m. 1 Trains arrive aa follows No. 2., Denver express 0:25 p. m, No. 4, " 9.25 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9 :45 a. in. M t u g :35 p nu C. B. k Q. Omaha cast 5:30 p. m. "RIGHT ALONG." The (Jreat Lung Medicine, IfartWt Golden liulsam, is Worthy of Praite. "Your Golden Balsam is giving good satisfaction. We are selling it right along." F. C. Corbctt, druggist, Marshfleld, Mo . "My mother, now over 50 years old, suffered' 20 years with an irritating Cough and Bronchial affection. Last winter, she used a few bottles of Marsh's Golden Balsam and was en tirely cured." (L. M.Smith, Topeka, Kan 8. " Marsh's Golden Balsam is the best cough medicine I have ever sold." Gus. A. LeDcis, druggists. Cedar City, Mo. " I took a severe Cold and Cough and for months was threatened with Con sumption. Marsh's Golden Balsam saved me." J. 8. Stewart, Omaha, Neb. Marsh's Golden Balsam, and Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Tonic, are for sale by Smith & Black Bros.,druggisti, Plattsmouth. Large bottles 60 cents aud $1. Trial size 10 cts. dCtwl, Sportsmen, Attention! Agents of the B. & M. R. R. will sell tickets at one and one-fourth fare to attend the touanament it Plattsmouth, June 10, 1884. For transportation over Union Pacific, parties wishing trans portation will write the undersigned for same, giving number of persons who wi6h to attend. J. W. Jknnjnos, Sec. State Sportsmen Ass'n. State papers pleas copy. 69dlw Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets be yond tbe reach of medicine. They often say, Oh, it will wear away, but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, that I sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1; trial size free. Resp'y, fapr3 4m W. J. Warrick. The Ice Man. Jos. Fairfield has established an of fice at Monarch billiard hall, where he will contract with consumers to supply ice for the season at the lowest terms. 3m2 If your Mood is vitiated cleanse it with out delay by use of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. Safe and effective. wldOt Ar, Charlie Warren's, the old reliable barber's, shaving 10c, hair cut 23c, shampoo 25c, sea foam 10c, mustache black 2."c, Shop opposite opera house give him a call. d31ml Parlor and bedroom sets in all styles at lowest prices at Boeeck's. 69tf ClotLes, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush es, Comba, &c., nice line, at Fishers, east Main street, 49dtf FOUND. An agate watch charm and two'doo keys. Call at this office, prove prop erty, pay for this notice and get the articles. Diamond Wall Finish, best and cheap est, ready for use by adding hot water, at Fisher's drug store. 49d&wtf THO SKIN CURE, CATARRH CURE, . COUGH7CURE. BLOOD CURE. for sale Br . . WILL J. WARRICK. Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given, that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the city of PUtts rxouth, until 7 o'clock p. m., on Mon day June 9th, 1884, for building win? walls and grading two approaches to bridges on Sixth and Pearl streets The City Council resorve-the rhzht to reject any aud all bids for said work; Specifications for said work can be seen at the office of the City Clerk. - Bids must lie made separate for grad ing, and for. wing walls. 69tl2 Joseph H. Fairfield, Ch'n Streets, Alleys and Bridges. mm mm