r $ - lucUlrn'a Am leu Salve. The Bett Salve lu the world for Cuts, Bruses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ilheuui. Fe ver sores Teller Chapped Hands Chilb lains Corns and all Skin Eruptions and poaitivly cure Tiles or no pay required. It is gauaantecd to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale Hy J. M. Uob rfs. Nv. 27 ias:$ ly The Best Couch Medicine In Ike World. SAMPLE FREE OF CHARGE. Call at Warrick's drug store, and get a sample bottle of lirowu's Expec torant iree 01 cnargc. n tuitu vuut;."- Hoarsenc-SH. Whooping Cougti and Cou sumption in its early stages. It is a cieulin. preparation, admirably alai t ed for the cure ol all Throat and Lung Diseases. It is pleasant to take and utirelvhnrmloBH. Try it; it costs you nothing. Ki-g.ilar izo bot tie, 5)eiits .n.t fil iK). For sale bv W..I. Warrick Jan. y djfcwly Free ! Free! Freo ! N'KW DISCOVERY FOR PILES A new remedy for tins dreatkl dis ease has been discoven-d by Dr. Deuing A 6ingle application will convince tin most skeptical of its most wouderfu liHlinf iiowors. Rv calling on W. J Warrick dru7rist. you cau obtain mi.li !ifv fr of charge, which vyill utiafv vouof its curative qualities. Jan 3 Dxwly Music- On receipt of $1.50 in currency or stamps we will mail free Fifty pieces assorted Vocal and Instrumental umu ard Music from all the most popular composers and authors. The J. W. Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph. M' Crazv Ouilts. 2 000 naekacrea of silk and ribbon scraua out ud in assorted lota for 25c 50r 75c. and tl.OO each, any one of which will be mailed, postage paid, on receipt of price. Address The J W Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph, Mo. Refrigerators in all sizes at Henry Back's. 59tf " Whst causes the great rush at Will J. Warrick's Drug Store." The free distribution of sample bottles of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and LuugSjrup, the most popular remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumptions and Bronchitis now on the market. Regular size 50 cents and (1.00. Sept.28e6wlyw. Orders for hand made brooms at tended to promptly at the Western broom factory. d23 Imo Go to C- G. Herold's new store for bargains in readv made clothing, hats. cans, and cents furnishing goods. 15dtf Chtice. Dure fresh mixed candy at Jim Autill's for only 2q cents a pound. 2&5tf. M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anhenser Utirch St Louis Bot tied Beer and always ready to pay pac- ticular attention to his customers. 155tf Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington route. It will pay vou to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf A new line of bulk perfumery, of the beet quality, at Fisher's. Call and see it 7H3 Spearhead tobacco is all the go rcw. All chewers seem to be anxious to get that farm, which will b given away in June next. Call at Matt Schlegel's' for a circular. ltf CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on ower Maid street, has just been finished and tted up fur the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS.: inii FHINPi NEW AND CLEAN . .J ",, in connection with the UuJu Lll House. tf FliEI) COOS. Propr. Dr. Home's Electric Belt Will cure Nervousne?.. Lumbago. Rheuma tism. Paralysis. NeurulKia. Sciatica. Kidney, Hpine and Liver disease. Uout, Asthma. Heart disease, Dispepsta- Constipation. Erysipelas, Catarrh, Piles. Ei tlepy. I m potency, J)unib Ague, Prolapsus. L'teri. etc. Only scientific Klec trfc Belt in America that sends the Electricity and Magnetism through the body, and can be recharged in an instant by the patient. $1,000 Would Xot Buy It. s Dr. Horxk I was aillic-ted with rheumatism and cured by using a belt. To any one afflicted with that disease, I would say. buy Home's Electric Belt. Any one can confer with me by writing or calling at my More, 1420 Douglas St., Omha. Neb. WILLIAM LYONS. Main Office Opposite Post office, room 4 Frener block. For sale at C. F. Goodman's Drugstore, 1109 Farnam Street. Omaha. Orders filled. C. O. D. C4di lm M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon. OPPOSITE TOE PERKINS LIOUSE, Keeps a complete Ine of W I INT 3E3 S Liquors, AND C1GABS, BOTTLED BEER, ATVR AND PORTER, DRUG'S OMAHA BEER aa4 tae best brands of Kentucky OpposlulFsrUsi Bouo -x-4 Flathmotuh Telegraphic. XLVIU CONGRESS. The House. To the Associated Press. Washington, May 24. Mr. (Mo ) presented the conference Hatch, report on the bill to establish a bureau of ani mal Industry. The house conference committee recommend concurrence in all the senate amendments. The sum of the appropriation is $160,000 and the jurisdiction of the commissioner of agriculture is limited to such invest! gat ion and such disinfection and quar autiue measures as may be necessary to pit-vent the spread of contagious and iu factious diseases from one state or territory into another, and is prohibit ed from applying any money toward pajing for animals found necessary to be slaughtered iu order to prevent the spread ot the diseas-. The report was agreed to. Under sptcUJ order of the bouse thi day was assigned to measures called up by the committee on naval affairs The first bill called up was a senate bill granting permission to L. K. Rey nolds, of the United Hates navy, lo ac- cedt the decoration o! the royal and imperial order of Frances Joseph from the government of Austria for gallant ry iu savins; the lives of 11 Austrian sailors. Mr. Robinson (N V) opp sed the bill, He said the '"dudes" of the navy were continually asking permission to accept decorhtious. Mr. Kox (N. Y.) said Mr. Reynolds saved lives at the imminent peril of his own, and for it had been insulted by Robinson. Mr. Ivssson said the gentleman from New York (Robinson) was persistent in dishonoring his own countrymen by denying them the praise accorded to them. .Mr. Robinson (excitedly) "I waut : L.-.-se words taken down that I am a j dishonorable man who violates the con 8titution and dishonors himself. I stand by the constitution. Let him withdraw his words." Mr. Kasson "I withdraw nothing. I say the man who stigmatized with the word 'dude' a gallant naval officer does dishonor to the navy and its officers Applause. . - The Dill was then passed, Mr. Robin son being unable to muster a sufficient following to call for the yeas and nays, The bill restoring-Alfred Hopkins to the rank of caplain in the navy, gave rise to a loag debate. - Mr. Hopkins left Pensacola without leave when the yellcw fever prevailed there and was dismissed from service Mr. Lyman moved to strike out the enacting clause. The last bill was laid aside for favorable consideration and when the committee rose it was passed. DEMOCRATS WHO WANT- SOME PUINCI PLE. Washington, May 25 .The Post will print interviews with eighty-two dem ocratic members of the house of repre cental ives in support of the demand that a clear and explicit statement of principles absolutely committing the democratic party to the issue of reve nue reform in the presidential canvass snail be inaae oy tne Uuicago conven tion of July. Among those interviewed ari Carlisle, Morrison, Hewitt, Rosen cran.a, Hurd. Slocuca. Cox (N. Y.), Hoi mm, Buckucr and Llackburn. The lattcj says they look to the convention for a vindication of the con i est made at this cession fur tariff reforms. Washington, May i'-l. Th senate committee on public .ar.ds today decid ed to report the bills orfriting the laud gr; nts oj posite the uncompleted por tions of the Northern Pacific main and brant h liucs and the Atlantic & Pacific railroads. Vj - Senator Plumb, chairman of the 90m' mi t tee, says it is impossible to calculate the number of acres involved, as in both Annna enmn 1J . . , ' - I wuaco duui huh n ao lucu up uciuro I the charters were granted; and in the case of lie Atlantic & Pacific the road was not constructed. in the direct route contemplated. ' Nominally, the senator thinks the forfeiture of the Northern Pacific will amount to 13,000,000 acres. Senator SI a tor, who is the author of I the bill providing for the forfeiture of the land grant to the Northern Pacific railroad, says the . r ctual number of I acres forfeited along that line will be about 7,000,000, whish is 30,000,000 acres less than proposed by the house com mittee on public lands. Slator's bill further provides that the lien lands hereafter selected, if accepted by bona. fide settlers, shall be told for $1 Jt5 per acre for 160 acres. OEKEftAL NOTES. The committee on n ava and mum today conUnued ton.ieraUon of that portion of Hewiltt tariff bill relate to the administration of the present law and while no vote was taken on the questiou of considering that part of the bill proposing a reduction of the tariff, the members of the committee say positively it cannot be discussed in committee. Dubnque, Iowa, May 24. A terrible explosion occurred here at 4:15 this af ternoon. Two of the three boilers in the sash and door factory of Carr, Ri der & Wheeler exploded with terrible force. The boiler house was complete ly destroyed, and the boilers thrown sideways in as many different direc tions. The one that did not burst was thrown it. tact a distauce of thirty feet agaiust the mill. A solid division wall separated the boiler house from the mill, tlse the destruction and loss of life would have been tenible. The mill employs 200 men. The coruei of a dwelling near the boiler house wa torn completely out, and 'several women in jured. The engineer and two firemen were in the boiler house at the time aud were buried beneath the debris. Two childien playing next to it were aid" Luiied. The following are the killed : Milo M. Mellen, engineer, jged SO. He leaves a wife.. Fritz Villiuger, fire man, single, aud the two children oi Charles May, aged G and 3. - Michael McLaughlin, second fireman, was hor ribly burned and mangled. He cannot live but a few hours. Mrs. Margaret Walter was struck by flying bricks and badly cut. Her daughh r-ir.-law, Mrs. Albert Walter, and her tnree children were also injured. Mrs. Lear and Mrs. Vogler, in the same dwelling, were also hurt. It is not thought that any other bodies were buried under the debris than those of the engineer and firemai (who were recovered), as no men are reported missing. The search will be continued today. The loss on the building is estimated by Mr. Rider to be about $3,000; fullj insured. There was $2,000 on the boil ers in the Hartford Boiler Insurance company. Two of the boilers were new and the third old. The former were the ones that escaped. All were in good condition and were inspected only three weeks ago by the insurance inspector. The engineer was a careful aud competent man, fully trusted by the firm. He had been with them two years. The proprietors are at a loss to know the reason of the explosion. Some 6ay it was low water in the boil ers, which were carrying a full head of steam. The mill would have been shut down at 5 o'clock p. m., and immediate ly after, the boiler emptied, preparato ry to their weekly cleaning and over hauling. CALL AT THE Old Reliable. LUMBER YA E. A. WHEM4N & Wholesale and Retail Dealer in PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, BLTNDS, &C. Fourth Street, iu rear of Opera House. .-LATTSaIOUTIL NEBRASKA MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, , BLJl CKSM1 TH HORSE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIRINC All mis of Farm iiDlemests Handel wit Neatness and Dispatch. Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing n short, well shoe anything that har four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe Filth St. hlwMn Ma.fn and Vinn KrMt4 JUI" HCfUSS I CUrUdf IfUIP Witt 1 K W OUilAljt; 4... . a L TWV. . r OFFfflE. W. H. MALICK, P CARRIAGE G ainthi and trimin SIGN & ORNAMENTAL sT . -, . . . , . Li- A 7 lrrT1 -X -c-xt- -Jy vrj All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. . COR. FIFTH AND VINE STREETS, FLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA " Jam est U. Blalno." The work entitled "Twenty Years of CoDgress." tho most succinct and im- partial history of Congressional Leeis- !S5?, 2" HAS-SS.?! &. L. E. Lincolnwill call noon von and take your orders. 5d6twtf RD son PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E- W. COOK. M. D. PUVSICIAX AND SlRQEON, OFFICE At Fisher's Diiuq Stohe. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. GKO. s. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in all Court ol the State. Ofllce lu Fitzgerld Block. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBBASKA. ALLK-V BKESON. A. N. SULLIVAN. DEESO & SILLH AV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give prompt attention to all buMness Intrusted to them. Of fice in Union Block, East side. PLATTSMOUTH NKBR48KA. FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. Cor.vkb Sixth and Main Utuekts. UOTAmr PTTBLIO Particular attention gived to the preparation of papers for Caveats, Pim-iita and Registration 01 xraue Aiarns auu Labels. Wm, IKI.LKN. JuMtlCe of the peace. Elrnwood Neb Collections a specialty and gives prompt attention. P. O address Elm wood Neb. DB. A.MAUSBUBY, DBUTIST. Jfflce over Smith. Black & Co's. Drue Store first class dentistry at reasonable prices. 231 y M. O'DONOHOE ATTORNEY AT LAW & NOTARY PUBLIC Fitzgerald's Block, PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA Agent for Steamship lines to and from Europe, dl2w521y .1K. W. H. NCHIIiUUECUT, Practicing Physician Office, Corner Main and 7th Streets., PLATTSMOUTH, - ------ XEBBASKA DR. J. S. STDRDEVANT, M. D. , PUYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Attends calls, dy or night. w2tf Eight Milk Gkv2, Nkb. U. 11. LI VIX USTUX, 91. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. ora Jfc. hours, from 10 a. m.. to 2 p. m. Examinee r Surgeon for U. S. Pension. DIE. . SULLKlit PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Can be found by calling at his office, corner 7th ana Main streets, in J. 11. waterman's nouse PLATTSMOUTH. N EBRASKA. JAM. . UATUEWM ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Baker & At wood's store, south side ot Main between 6th and Cth streets. 21 tf MTKOOH a clakk. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the Courts iu the State. DLttrlct Attorney ami Notary Public. WIL.L1 m. wis:. coiz.jCTJOJrs h szjrc&&z.x 1. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. Ofllce Union Dlock. Plattsmouth Nebraska. 22m3 I. II. WIIEKLEH A CO. surance Aeents. Plattsmouth.' Nebraska. Col T t W ni?l?TPlf T).nl 1T.tta TT1A T t r . t lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy and sell real estate, negotiate IS. .HOJUKISOX, Notarr Public. ATTORNEYAT LAW. Will Drastice in Cass And adloilitnff Cmintton irivpft9npmii Attpntinn tu cuuevuuiis auu austracis oi line, umce in Sherwood Block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. liyi ROBRBT B. M'lXOIIAM, Notary Publio ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Storo. Plattsmouth. .... Nebraska. M. A. HARTICAN, Li- WTEB. Fitzgerald's Block. Plattsmouth Neb Prom nt and careful attention to a. Law Practice. K. DRESSLER, Merchant Tailor. PLiATTSMOUTn. - - - NEB. Dr. C. A. Marshall Successor to Clutter & Marshall,) Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing bias. All work warrant td. Fttzo'krald Block. - J : T Priees reasonable. - Plattsmouth JI Wm E. Whittemore, M. D., horace- patbic physician and surgeon. Office in Fit zsrerald block. Residence south west corner Pearl and 10th streets. Of fice hours 10 to 1-2 a. m., 2 to 5 and ?t" 8 p. m. w8tf COTTAGE HOUSE. 6H1 St. Sear Alain, PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. Having taken clarge of the Cot taoe house, 1 snaii cry to turnisn ail patrons with com fortcble quarters and keep the tables supplied with the beat tage House, I shall try to furnish all keep the tables supplied with the bes in the market. Transient custom and board by the day or week solicited. mayl7dtf. ED. FRAZIEIT. J he nicest line of-tcilct toap and perfumery in town, just receivel at Fisher's. 713t Money saved by buying hand made brooms, ask your dealer for them. d28-lmo CORN COB DiDes in everv rIIa afc s S ( ' 45 E KID CD) O Tffl cp v - m mi ' 5 qo V y m 5 9 ft Y 00 8a & -S I HZ & ' 1 s ss 5 tsti rt rr 1- B & l?s?S 9 . H 1 : r- m win i S5 KLI1 2 55 jjjl Q tdc i 1 5- ! . r 1 m s AC ) ' 5 f-r ijrs w fc3 kia, r"1 "1 hri "rL M.- . , i 1 - jl- ir