The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 23, 1884, Image 3

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Ctrrtiimtla Library
ttrax tr.
V. A. flurltall, Ienflt, auc
tensor to Clutter & Murihall.
Tee tli extracted without pain,
Uy use oTMtrouH Oxlile Cia.
1. S-klU'bury. Uentlat.
Adverltwiueuts under tni- head, three cent
p-r line caeli Insertion.
ONEY TO LOAN On real estate by
A. N.
FOK HALE My residence aud four lots ;
good lioint. baru aud fruit, and in excel
lent condition ; also two Improved farm, also
2-story brick buoinen house 40x80 feet, on Main
street, and other desirable laud and lots.
1,H)lt -AI.E -HoUHes, lotsand wood land by
Jtuu Uous Si don.
FOU SALE Several renldonces. cheap. In
qulre of it. 11. Wheeler Si C.
LM)K SALE Scratch Tablets in all les. at
T thisolttce. Mtf
lOU SALE a lot In good location. I'articu
r lars at this olBce 7il
(.Mill SALE An order for a new American
1? tewlui; Machine. Iuqulre at tuisofllce.
FOR SALE 1,000 cords of wood. Inquire of
W.S. Wise. tf
IOUSALE t Id papers for sale at this office
A at 40 cents er hundred or 5 cents per doz
en. tl
FOR SALE Kour lots toother In eod loca
tion in thi city. Inquire at this onlce tf
UOOM TO KENT. A furnished room for one
or two gentlemen, lu good location. In
quire at this otnee. " ttf
fliO KENT Two rooms, furnished or unfur-
nisbed. In the MacMurphy hoiixe. Inquire
on the premises.
FOR KENT or sale on long time. A house
and two lots with good improvements. Ap
ly tut(. B. Windham.
FOR REN r Good, new houses of four rooms.
Khm1 water, good garden soots, t per
month In Bhaferville. W. II. Shafkk.
IJOK RENT 1 he north storeroom in Nev-
iile's block, and 8 rooms up stairs. Good
location for restaurant or boarding house, rents
cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. laatf
fPO RENT A bouse. Inquire of Chaplain
A Wright.
LOST A Knight Templar charm in shape of a
Maltese cro-ts. Kinder wi.l be suitably re
warded by leaving at thl office. I6tf
WANTED Two day boaiders. Apply at
Mrs. Gustafson's, 3d street, two doors past
nexton's 56dlw
K. of X
Meets every Tuesday evening at thea
Castle UaU. ia Rockwood Block. V
itiuff Kuights arc invited to attend.
II. M. Bons, C. C.
W. 1Y Dykes, K. of 11. and S.
Sever Give Up.
If you are suffering with low and
depressed sprits, loss of appetite, gen
eral debility, disordered blood, weak
constitution, headache, or any desease
of a bilious natu-e, by all means pro-,
cure a bottle of D ot-trie Bitters. You
will be surprised to sf-e the rapid im
provemeDt that will follow; you will
be inspired with new life; strength aud
activity will return; paiu anp misery
will cease, abd henceforth you will re
joice in the praise of Electric Biiters.
SoHnt fifty cents abotrle bv .I.M.Rob
ert?. Jan. 3 e8wly
These are Solid Facts.
The best blood purifler and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of "suffering humanity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak
Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary
organs, or whoever requires an appetiz
er, tonic or mild stimulant, will always
flad Electric Bitters the best and only
certain cure known. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction or money re
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J.M.Roberts Jand&wly
Fence Posts.
5000 dry feuce posts for sale, Inquire
of W. S. Wise. I9tf.
A Great IMsooTerj.
That is daily bringing joy to the
homes of thousands by saving many of
their dear ones from an early grave.
Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Broncbhitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice,
Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side
and Chest, or any disease of the Throat
and Lungs, a positive cure. Guarante
ed. Trial Bottles f'ee at J. M.Roberts.
Dru" Store. Large size $1.00.
Jan. S eCwly
For lame back, Side or
Shiloh'a Porous Piaster,
Chest use
811 ILOil'S COUGH and Consump
tion Cure is sold by us on a guarrntee.
It cures coas'imption.
SllILOU'S VITALIZE!: is what
you need for Consumption, Loss of ap
petite. Dizziness and all symptoms of
Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per
CROUPE Whooping Cough and
Bronchitis immediately relived by
Shiloh'a Care.
Sod by Smith & Black
A Startling lliscovery.
Physicians are often startled by re
inarkable discoveries. The fact that
Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Cou
sumption and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curing patients that
they have given up to die, is startling
them to realize their sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of
our best Physicians using it in their
Eractice. Trial Bottles free at J.M.
;oberts' Drug Store. Regular size
Colleotlon Notice
All parties knowing themselves lo
be indebted to me will please call and
make full settlement at once, so that
hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash
busiuess. Please give this your lmme
mediate attention. .
dS9 w8w Rot. Sherwood.
Ball tonight at (lie
Harry Race, of Weeping Water, is
looking over the city to day.
The full proceedings of the Demo
cratic Slate Convention may be found
upon our telegraphic page.
Juge Pottenger ban lccn appointed
by the Commissioner as a Justice of
the Peace in and for the First ward of
the city, in which ward he will soon
open an office.
Since the Missouri Pacific has put on
the extra passenger train each way on
that road, parlies from Plattamouth can
visi Weeping Water ami get back the
same week.
One of the quickest jobs of work
ever performed was done by amateurs
the other evening; a house back in the
First ward was painted all over red in
one night.
The IIekald would like a program
of the exercises on Decoration day, the
30th. If the (J. A. It. have arranged
their program we shall be glad to pub
lish it.
The police have an eye on tramps.
Policemau Harve Sage, the other
morning, followed a begging one into a
house taking him down town and firing
him from the corporation.
The June rise in the Missouri will
be along shortly, but reports thus far
from the up river country in the moun
tains do not indicate a very high stage
of water as probable this summer.
The Ball tonight will be in every re
spect the most elaborate and expensive
one ever held in the city. The pro
gram's arc especially elegant, and the
floor managers' badges in satin and gold
were made to order for the occasion.
County Superintendent Alton is al
ready making extensive arrangements
for the Teachers' Institute to be held
in this city during August, and he will
attempt to have an even more success
ful session thau a year ago.
Mrs. Dr. Foster was called suddenly
to Wiuterset, Iowa, -yesterdaj, by the
sickness of her little boy, who was
visiting his grandparents there, and
who was taken bo violently ill that his
mother was telegraphed for. During
Mrs. Foster's absence her office will be
necessarily closed, and an announce
ment will be made upon her return.
The late democratic dow-wow did
itself proud by selecting our bluff, hon
est old friend, Beach Ilintcau, as chair
man. Hon. Beach I I'm man is'a democrat
cause he believes it was foreordained
from all time that he was to be a hick
ory democrat, and he doesn't believe it
is possible for one of the elect to back
slide; hence Mr. Hinman is, has been,
and always will be, a democrat.
Mr. ltuffuer made a very determined
light for democratic distinction, and
Dr. Miller and the Omaha Herald said
some very 6weet and flattering things
ia his behalf; yet the fine Italian hand
of the Omaha boss was perceptibly
and conspicuously absent just when
Peter needed a few votes. Votes, Doc
tor, not taffy, is what our Cass county
democracy wanted. You haye evident
ly mistaken the symptoms of our Cass
county .democracy's ailment in your
South Bend is represented in busi
ness by the following gentlemen: E.
E. Day. dry goods and groceries; n.
Streight, dry goods and groceries;
Sawyer & Sou, clothing and fancy
goods; O. Jacobs, confectionery and
stationery; Fred. Ilolka, confectionery
and fancy groceries; Geo. Hay & Co.",
hardware and agricultural instruments;
Dr. Kirk, drugs, paints and oils; Re
vis, billiard hall; John Schlater, har
ness shop; J. Munford, barber and
shoe shop; G. McCain, hotel; Geo. B.
Hendricks, hotel and livery; F. Mc
Cain, livery: Folsoni, South Platte
Lumber Co.; Fred, the butcher; Mc
Far land, postmaster; Coon & Morris,
blacksmiths; Geo. McCortuick, black
smith; Sam Long, stock dealer.
Louisville Observer.
The stale republican central coi.imit
tee met yeserday evening at the Mil
lard hotel in Omaha, for the purpose of
selecting the time and place for hold
ing the state convention for the uomi
nation of state officers and presidential
electors. The committee was well at
tended and general good feeling pre
vailed. The convention was called for
August 27tn, at 10 o'clock a. m. The
prevailing opinion being that the dele
gates could reach that city by morning
trains from different points in the
state and have ample opportunity to
transact the business of the convention
in time to depart for their homes upon
the following morniug. The basis of
representation remaius the same as
that fixed for the late convention,
which named the national delegates to
Chicago. Early nominations with an
aggressive, campaign was determined
upon. - -
Tlic T. A. M.
Opera House.
Self Defense the Plea
The town of Glenwood, Iowa, was
thrown into great excitement yesterday
by a fatal shooting. The victim was
John Clingersmith, who was shot and
killed by W. C. Wallace. The rela
tionship between the two men has been
anything but friendly for the past year.
Wallace, who is u man of 35 years of
age, a year ago married Mrs. Nichols,
mother-in-law of Clingersmith. The
latter was very angry about the mar
riage, and since then has several times
abused and assaulted Wallace, who is a
man weighing only 130 pounds, and
has the reputation of being rather peaca
ble, while Clingersmith was almost a
giant in build, a splendid specimen of
physical manhood, six feet tall and
weighing 225 pouuds.
Yesterday forcrnoon Clingersmith
was at the court house, and Sheriff
Dau Farrell, in a joking way, showed
him a bogus pedigree of a stallion
which Clingersmith' owned. It is not
now known who prepared this pedigree,
which was a very obscene and vulgar
document, not ouly making fun of the
horse, but casting reflections ' upon
Clingersmith. It was intended, doubt
less, as a mere practical joke, and some
bystander intimated to Clingersmith
that it looked as if it was in the band
writing of Wallace. Clingersmith,
who had been drinking, became very,
angry, and started at once for Wallace's
Wallace is a painter, and Mrs. Wal
lace is running a photograph gallery.
The residence rooms are in the tear of
the gallery. Clingersmith ent. '.id at
aside door, and from that room was
about to enter the kitchen, when he
met Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, who were
both armed with revolvers. Wallace
shot twice, the first ball striking Cling-,
ersmith oii the right of the nose, and
the second hitting Mm just below the
left eyebrow, penetrating the brain
Clingersmith fell to the floor, while
Wallace rushed out for a docctor. He
was very much excited,- aud merely
told the doctor to coma over and see Ins
wire, who was badly frightened about
a shooting . affray at his house. The
doctor, with other citizens, went to the
house, . and found Clingersmith lying
on the floor in an insensible and dying
condition. He died at 3 o'clock.
Wallace was placed under arrest and
an inquest was begun. It was not con
cluded last evening. A representative
of the Bee had an interview with Wal
lace, in which the latter said he did not
care to talk very much about the case.
He was sorry he shot Clingersmith, but
claimed it was done in self defense.
He has secured Hon. John Y. Stone as
his attorney, and a number of his
frieuds have expressed a willingness to
furnish such financial aid as he may
need, he having little, or no property of
his own.
The feeling in the town seems to be
rather favorable to Wallace, on account
of Clingersmith's previous abuse and
quarrels. There is a strong feeling
against the person who prepared the
pedigree of the stallion, not only on
account of its obscenity, but also on
account f the fatal effect to which it
has led. Omaha Bee.
Job was not a vindictive man. Ever
in his hour of suffering, misjudged by
his friends, suffering without appareut
cause, tormented and. distracted, the
worst wish he uttered against his worst
enemy was that he would write a book.
When we reflect that it was just as
easy for him to wish and -he would
have been perfectly justified in it, too
that his enemy would start a daily pa
per to fill a long felt want, wc wonder
at his forbearance and admire his dis
play of the brightest of the Christian
virtues, Job was ou the right track
for vengeance, thoigh, when he tried
to wish his enemy into the printing
business at all. Perhaps he knew that
by slow and painful degrees the dread
fascination of the daily paper would
come upon him at last, and, breathing
upon him with the constricting folds of
its basilisk eyes, would, with the Par
thian stroke of its seorpiou tail, sink
its relentless fangs deep into his bud
ding hopes and blight them, with the
chilling frosts of their syren song.
What, ho! without there! Two more;
on ice. Burliugton Hawkeye.
Fast Freight.
As announced in the Herald two
days ago, the first fast freight from Chi
cago to Deuver, con sisting of twent v
th ree cars of freight and three coaches
bearing officials, passed throvgh this
city last night, the train arriving at
the depot here shortly before 11:80.
After a delay of some twenty ruiuu'ts
at the Junction, the train made only a
short stop here, striking for the west
at a thirty miles an hour, rate, which
will bring it into Den vet tonight. 1
After Five Yoa rs
Wed ues day evening there was a most
pleasant gathciing in this' city at tlie
house of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Thorn-.
a$on, on Main street, the occasion be
ing the fifth anniversiry of their wedded
life. A large number of neighbors
and friends of the family were present,
who assisted in making the evening and
the anniversary a most enjoyable one
to all. A bountiful supper was spread
for the .guests, "'.among the et ceteras
beiug strawbcrriefi.icc cream, lemonade,
fruits and confectionery. And right
here tlie Hekali acknowledges Una
receipt of a magnificent cake that es
caped and found. its way to this den of
huKgry priutcrs. Mr. Herman llerold
furnished music for tlie party mid those
who wished en j jying dauchig -until' 12'
o'clock dispersed the meny yathering.
Mr. aud Mrs. Tlioiriaboji .vcrc (he re
cipients of ihe following remembrances'
from friends present.
Bride cake, Mr. an I Mrs. J. Marshall:-
' '-'
Mirror shelf, Mr. and Mrs J. W.
C'oolege. ; : .
Music 1 nick, Mr. and Mrs. IL P.
Coolege. ; ."
' Whatnot, Mr. and Mis. R. Ballance:
Horseshbe hat rack, Miss Kate Sta
dlemaon. Crystal cake basket, Mr. and Mrs. H,
Hcrold. , . ' . ;.
Butter dish, Miss Clara llerold;
Hat rack, Otto Herojd;
Handsome towel rack, Mr, and Mrs.
Wm." llerold.. . . , . ,
. Watch case, Dora llerold.
Wool phair. tidy, James Herold
Music1 stand, Miss Maggie O'Rqurk.
Clock bracket, Mi3 Anna Keller. ,
Bamboo cocking chair, from Mr. and
Mrs. Whi.-Turner, parents of the bride,
and Dr. and Mrs.MarshalL
Table Linen f-r Grandma F.Qrgrave,.
Mrs.Wightman and Miss Abbie Wight
mari.V. : " ...
Memorial Services.
Memorial services preceding Decora
tion Day, will be held Sunday after
noon, at Rockwood Hal, iiuder the'
auspices Tof the G. A. R. Elder Bur
ton will preach, and a very 'interesting
and instructive time may be anticipated
to which ;the public are cordialjy in
vited. :
The ladies of the M. 12. church "made
it very pleasant' for their friends w'ho
attended their social at Rockwood Hall,
last evening, and a very enjoyable time
was had by all who participated in the
festivities! " ' " '
Notieefoir 'Bide. "------'-
Notice is hereby given'that bids will
be received .by the City" Clerk up to
Monday,'May 26th," 1884, for doing die
city advertising and printing 'for the
fiscal year commencing June 1st, 1884,
to June 1st 1885.
By order of the City Council.
J. D, Simpson,
r City Clerk.
Oranges, lemons, cocoauuts and ban
anas, at Bennett & Lewis'. T2t2
-Try the-. Banana.' plug chewing to
bacco, it is by far the finest plug chew
ing, made, Matt Schlegel sells ii. Ill
"' Go to Bennett & Lewis for vegetc
bles and fruits. ; 72t2 -
. ' :
If yoti; want any hammocks, go to
the P. O.'Xews Depot aud cave money.
" Fresh Vegetables and fruits received
daily at Bennett Lewis'. . 72T2 ';
Phil Young has just received some
fine oranges and fresh lemons, bananas
and cocoanuts. '72t2
If you want anything in the Francy
Grocery line, go" to Bennett & Lewis.
.- - - 12X2
Phil Young has just received a new
5c. ciffar. "Fresh Caramels "the boss 5c.
A cigar in the market. -' Go and " try
them. : 5 - - r - 72 2t
Stxawberrie.3, green, peas, wax beans,
and new cab'bage, at Bennett & Lewis',
-irr r.3 ;..- .; i '-"72t2:
it you' 'you wah a'gdod "smoke" go to
the P.O. News depot; where you "can
find the best 5c and 10c cigars, and
don't you forget it. . 72t2
The best corner for business in Platts
mouth. that is off Main street, for said;
consisting of two factional lote'w'hlch
as a good business location are p refer
able to those, on -lower Main street.
For particulars inquire of J. C. New
berry. r " . .VSStG"'
A good two horse farm- wagon--for
sale. Enquire at Bennett & Lewis. '
... d48tf
.Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets be
yond the reach of medicie. They
often say. Oh, it will wear away, but in
most cases it wears them away. Could
they be induced to try the successful
medicine called Kemp's Balsam, (hat
I sell ou a positive guarantee to cure,
they would immediately see the excel
lent effect after, taking the first dose.
Price 50c and $1; trial size free;- ' .
Kesp'jf f apr3 4m W. J. Warrick.
The Ice Man.
Jos. Fairfield has established an of
fice at Monarch billiard hall, where he,
will contract with consumers to supply
ice for tlie season -at the' lowest terms.'
. ' 3m2
r - .
Temperance Work.
Rev. Geo. Scott, of Sutton, F. J. Sib
ley, of Lincoln, and F. G. Bacon, of
Tocumseh, passed through the city this
morning, en route sor Washington, D.
C , to atteud tho Right Worthy Grand
Loige ot Good Templars.
Col. Woodford, so well and favora
bly known as a temperahce lecturer
in this city, is now in Atchison, Kan
sas, and he will shortly pay Piatt
mouth a visit. Efforts. are being made
to retain him here for a course bf lee
turcs for one weei, of which further
notice will be made in the future.
The executive committee of the
Grand Lodge of Good Templars met
in this city the 17th, tranjacting neces
sary business. At their, session they
elected T.JJ. Wilson, of Beatrice,, sec
retary, in place of M.- Weaver ling, who
had resigned.
. IL,F.. Wilson, 'of thU;city, who" has
been traveling over the state in the in
terests of the Grand Temple of Honor,
is home again. Beside making official
visits, Mr. jiVilson has " organized new
Temples atWeeping !Water,. Wahoo,
Seward and 'Aurora'.- i- w-- ' T
3 1
S3, OOO Damages.
Papers have been filed in t.hc distrjet
court.agaiast C. L. Bates & Co., .drpg'
gists at 'Weeping Water,, for. selling
whisky. The. papers were filed by
.Mrs Anna M.- Shannon, wife of J. O.
Shannon, who is well known in this
city, J. E. Morrison being the attorney
for Mrs. Shannon. The claim is for
the breaking up ol. the family, f ie
claim being that during last "summer
and fall CL. Bates & Co. ' Then do-'
ing business at South Bend, sold re
peatedly intoxicating liquor to' the
said J. O. Shannon, totally unfitting
him for business and alienating him
from home and those, dependent upon
him for support. The case will be up
for trial at the next term of court,
and will no doubt be fraught with much
interest. . r
The Herald understands that the
whereabouts of "MrShannon are now
-Train - Time. ...
Under the change in time -passenger
traius'leave thetlepot here a follows:
No. 1 we6t, 8:15 aj m.
No, 3 west, 6:50 p. m.
K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5 :15 a. m.
' ' M " M 6:35" p. m.
C. B. & Q. , north, 7:45 a. m.
Omaha stub north 8:55 am.' ' "
' .'" -' " " 5:40 p. m" "
Trains arrive as follows" '
No." Denver express 0 :25 p.. m,
2X6:4, "'9.25a:m.-
K. C. St- J. & C. B. east 9t45 a. ui.v
m .i u i.H . ..." 8:35 p. m. -
C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5:30 p. m. .
Diamond .Wll Finish, best.and .cheap
est, ready for use by adding hot water,
at Fisher's driig store "49dwtf
C- HEBOLU, ...
The Boss . Clothier of " Lincoln, has
opened out a clothing store' in this city
where he would be pleased to have his
old customers' call - in, on lower Main
street, one. door east of court house.
. 15diwtf
Assorted tints of Diamond Wall Fin
ish may be fount! at Fisher's drug store,
revolving sign. . . : - . . 49djtwtf.
Twenty-five cents" in advance will
entitle you -to- use- of -ihe Plattsmooth
. if 1 1 1
circulating liurary ior pne inooin. ,
jdjtw'lo W..J. Wakbick.
1 if teen per cent discount on all cus
torn made - work hereafter, at Sher
wood's "for cash. To establish my
business- in every department- on' a
Btrictly cash basis this inducement is
made in all custom -made work;
Under 'the reduction a shoe that
costs $9.00 now, costs $7.65 for cash.
A boot that costs $8.00- now costs "6.
80 cash. " '
A. .boot that costs' $6.50 now costs
$5.60 cash at Sherwood's. 58Jw8tf
- Diamond Wall Finish, at Fisher's
rug store. . . . 49d&wtf
' Sweet Potato Plants. ...
w f 1 . 1 .
ft" ueave oraecs ioryour sweet potato
plants at our hot beds in town at the
Blue-House in Billings' addition or at
Chas. Robine;' Order3 left at the lat
ter place will be filled the following
morning. . ROGEK3 & CuAxpLER.
:' - , 69t6
: I Falling' ou of the hair may be pre
vented, brash'y hair made soft, and - the
growth of liair5 renewed, by the use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor - wld6t
If you -want to get you a broom 'that
will give the best satisfaction for the
same money ask your dealer for Dor
ack's brooms - . - d28-lmo
" . Pasture- .
Two hundred and.'forty'acres under
fence, with running water, and one
half mile froralhe city. Apply to
51tf - W.S. Wise.
. In purchasing a refrigerator see Hen
ry Boeeck's new- stock and gat , prices,
before purchasing. . 59tf '
'-Sweet potato plants, and tomato and
cabbage plants, always on .band, at
Bennett & Lewis'. "' 6512
- All the best houses in Plaftsmooth
will SPll vnil TtrprrvnAr'a rhiuavaKHlrin
.at reduced. price by th box b- Juurell,
ana aon c you xorgec it. uet tnene and
youet the beat. tf
The (ireat Lung Medicine, Hank'!
Golden Hal mm, it Worthy ofPraU'c,
Your Goi.dkn Balsam Is giving
good satisfaction. Wc are selling it ,
right along." I F. C. Corbett,drugUtt
Marsh field, Mo
"My mother, now oer 50 years ohJ.
suffered 20 years with, an Irritating
Cough aud Bronchial affection. Last ,
winter, she ueed a feW bottles of
Marsh's Golden Balsam aud was en
tirely cured." L. M. Smith,-.Toprk'a',
"MarahV Golden Balsam is the bet
cough medicine I' have ever sold."--Gus.
A. LeDeis, druggist. Cedar City;
O. . .
" I took a severe Cold'and Cough andy
for months was threatened with Con
sumption. . Marsh's Golden Balsam
saved me." J. S. Stewart, Omaha,
Neb. ,
Marsh's Golden Btlam, and Marsh's;
Golden Blood and Liver Tonic, are for .
sale by Smith & Black Bros.,druggiEt,
Plattsmouth. Large bottles 60 cents
aud ill. Trial Size 10 cts. d'itwl,
Sportsmen, Attention!
Agents of tho B. & If. R. R. will sell
tickets at one and one-fourth faro to,
attend the touanament it Plattsmouth,
June 10, 1884. For transportation over
Union Pacific, parties wishing trans
portation will write the undersigned for,
same, giving number of persons who
wish to attend. ' -
J. W. Jknninos,
Sec. State Sportsmen Ass'n.
State papers picas copy. 69dlw
If your blood is vitiated cleanse it
with out delay by use of Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. Safe and effective. wldGt
At Charlie Warren's, the old reliable
barber's, shaving 10c, hair cut 25c,
shampoo 25c, sea foam 10c. mustache
black 25c.- Shop opposite opera house
give him a call. d31ml'
Parlor and bedroom sets ia all styles
at low'cst prices at Boeeck's. 59tf
ClotLes, Hair, Nail aud Tooth Brush
es, Comb3, &c, nice line, at Fit-hers,
east Main street, 49dlf
An'agate watch charm and twoj loo
keys. Call at this office, prove prop
erty, pay for this notice and get the
F. S. White,
The old stand by ice man, is now con
tracting for the summer 6eason, and
will deliver you your ice promptly at
any time, called for. Make your con
tracts for a summer supply. ' 15dtf
The Emperor Xouls Ifepoleon rooked
only tbe fliietit cig-ra tho world could pro
duce. - Prof. Horsford Mrs the Emperor a
cteara were m Je speciaJlr for lum in Ha
Tn from leaf tobacco grown in Ue Golden
Belt of North Carolina, thli bein? the finest
leaf Brown. - BlackwelTa Bull Durham
Hmoklnir Tobacco ia made from the same
leaf used in the Emperor'a dgara, ! abao
lately pure and ia unquestionably the beat
tobacoo ever offered. , 1
Thackeray 'a (rifted daughter, Anne. In
her alt etch of Alfred Tenny aon. in Harptr't
Monthly, telle of her Tiait to the treat poet.
She found him smoking Blackwell'a Bull
Durham Tobacco, aeht him by Hon. James
RusseU Lowell, myfT Minister to the
Court of 8t James.
In thee days of adulteration, it is com
fort to smokers to knot that the Bull' Dur
ham brand is absolutely pure, and made
from the best tobacco the world produces.
Blackwell'a Bull Durham Smoking To
bacco ia the htwt and purest made. Ail
dealers hare it. None o&u e without
the trade-mark of the Bull.
l t
s r
f W!
It Is a nannies Tptable syrup, very dl! i
me uuhc. itiieve ui once ana is a poeuire : . .
t are cured by this excellent remedyV . '
ZHrtctioiu in ten language accompany entry bottle.
Lirer, Bowel and KMxteyt- tor nil diw-rnm oriirtn- "
atinv in Impairroentor the blnod. iu AnM-mla, Sick .
Headache, Nerrousiiras, Kemale V enknewe. Liver .'-
Complaint. DyapeMla. Jaurwlice, Kilioti'iKva ami
Kidney DiMaute. this medicine is alxmlutWy sure. "
This medicine does not contain any mineral, b- .
olately vejrrtable, rvnorm the bhxnl U lienllliv f
conditio, reifulutmjr tnmr, and mifiilvinji de-
liulenciea, and prevents disease. " . '.
ZHreetum la ten language aenM'pxny mry buttle. a
:r Notice to Contractors. t ' f
DrODOSabl will ru r.( I ... ... a
of the City Clerk of the city of Platta
n outh, until 7 o'clock n m
day. June 9th. 1884, for building win '
walla and jrrarti nor turn arn ...i .
bridtrea on fiivth rA rf--. : w
Tbe City Council reserve the riht to
rpiprf: nw anA oil k:. t ... .
seen at the office of the City Clerk
incr, and for wing wall?. 69tl2
o os tar a u. i'Aia field, -Ch'o
Streets; Alleys and JSHdge:
v 1 1 I f