4 S? H a-. P 0 SO A 52! 3 (ED (ED I E3 5) 5) D) (3d r I D fci i at e s f3M "2 E Co) S22 G Si - ft. B Si. cs I Sir i r! 55 de a D o 8 f; ,-J SO 33 3D 3 3 1 ... o Opera tejbt Ha I cl. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. lEvery tiling Mew. JFour Mew rJrales. By stcrs sSs ELuiicli in connection Also a complete line ot the best quality ot UlUAltO, ana TOBACCO, next door to P. O. Opera House Block. 'EASTWARD. ' Dally Express Trains for Omeba. Chicago, Kanniia City, St. Louis, and all points Eaat. Throuith Cars yia Peoria to Indianapolis. Ele gant Pullman Palace Cars and dy coaches on all thiotih trains, and Pining car east ox Ails souri rlrer WESTWARD Daiiy Express trains for Denver connectlns in Union Depot for all points In Colorado, Utah. rniifnrnia. and thA entire West. The advent o) this line gives the traveler a New Koute to thr West, with scenery and advantages unequaleo eisewnere. ILaffe ETeiL Tr? rnriTti'TO A t . uTm VilllAT MARKE Lis tflie place5 wS&et9c at ail times you can find tue ne&cuseei, iroric mLuttoii ana ir itcssd ir isn. jClII Itliids of game in season. COMPLETE Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY IdESCBIPTION DfiY OR NIGHT. EVERYTHING IS FIRST-CLASS THE BEST TEAMS IN THE CITY SINGLE AND DOUBLE CARRIAGES. Travelers will find complete outfits by civlling at the ; .... j , . . ' '.' - : Corner Viue and Fourth Streets, fLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Jonathan Hatt J . "W. Marths. Beef Port Mutton and Vea tieiitn f A. U. HATT. HBAXXaTTABTEBS FOB CHOICE Sugar-Cured Hams, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AM? RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid lor HidesJ ; Wool, Pelts, ; .. Grease, Etc. Fresh Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday Horning. FRANK H. WILSON,. Fire, Tornado and Cyclone Insurance, Ollioe, Haseinent of Rank of Cars Couuiy, PLATTSMOUTH, : NEBRASKA. Queen Insurance Company,- of Liverpool. "Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of Boston. Commercial Union Assurance Company, of London. . "Western Assurance Com pany, of Toronto, On t. Capital, - .- - - . $ 4.r,00 000 Total Assets, t. 20.100 000 - Total losses paid since organization, - - 52.047 0&C ilteliahle Insurance Careful Underwriting and prompt attention guaranteed. Western Assnrance Co., OF Toronto, Out. A. M. Smith. J. j. Kemmv, a. W. Loid. ' President. Managing Vlr, Supt. Agencies. UNITED STATES TltUHTEKM. Wm. II. Guiou, of WllllanjH & Guion. (Gulon , . . Kteanishij. Lint ,) New ik. Win. A. Booth, Resident Third yaiinal ' Hank, fCew York. Arthur Ji. Graves, President St. M--h las Dank. New oik. Geo,V. Hayes. General Agcut, Milwaukee.Wls UNITED 8TATES BRANCH. ASSETS. United States iyt percent reglster- TTnf!d?0.,,d!,: $345,000.00 United States 4 per cent registered xt Sonds 218.240.00 Railroad Bon is Georgia State Bond Cash deposited in State ot Miin- Klplli. Cash la Bank Premiums iu course of collection".. 4Q.2O0.0O 27,uO0.O0 15,000.00 If 0.870.80 102,206.76 LIABILITIES. 8 834,517.62 Re-Insurance reserve.. ..$456,806.31 npald lo"ses hh 46 23 Other liabilities 20.441.35 $505,453.89 Surplus In United States $ 6S,0C3.73 Premium RocHpts ia United States. 1874 to 1883, inclusive $5,305,202.39 Tot?!,r? '"we. Paid in United Stte.l874 to ; 18 3 i"lusive 39335.09 ISAAC 8WEETSER. A. W. DAMON, 1'renident. Secrelary. FRANK I. SWEETS Kit, Vke-l'rlrlilrM. . Washington Fire and Marine Insorance CtiLpaty OK BOSTON. STATEMENT, JAN. J, IS. '. JSSJSTTS. Babk fK--k".-v.... 401 .049 H7 V t" Ponds l:J3.Mt - ti lted .States 17otx-i7.o J.al r i Slocks and I'.oimIh, 41ii.'oj!(o Bot ''!H-LiglitCo,.Slock, 5.5jo.im Koiu... dorlgiige 84.imm).oo Marine Premium ,ten .8i,a.7 I reiniunm In course of ColVn l'H.712.13 CashonDand U3 4vo vS OtherAssets(accruedInt.A.c) r)744',oo Gjioss Assets 7. 77l.0.-..r,50.4 LIABILITIES. Is.sesreportedXrsupposedSil3 4-iq 00 Keerve(f for Reinsurance, iOo.Wj.'so All other Liabilities . 21 .671 .32 Ckoss Liabiijties, exocpt Capital $395,282 C2 Payd-Zaca"nfrd rnoldcn, ei.2C0.27.:3 taiu up capital 1.C00.W o.o NetSurpIuH '...."iaM.TM WESTERN DEPARTMENT, 174 La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO FRED. S. JAM IS. General Agent. TrtSLvrcLrtaa Co OF MVERPOOIi. Semi-annual statemrnt of the United States branch on the 31t day of December. 1883. JOSEPH M. ROGERS, Manager Western De partment, Chicago, 111. Assets in the United States. Cash Items.... Real Estate, Unincumbered. United States Bonds Other Securities Other Items . 188.983 cc 352,590 18 . 1,016.85311 169 139 39 24,641 55 1,752,207 89 Liabilities in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and ni'liSu'I),?"?e $138.934 20 All other Claims against the Company 4,076 75 14X010 95 Amount necessary to re insure all outstanding risks 77j 072 42 Net surplus In United fcates J33.124 52 $1,752.207 89 Net Surplus in United States Dec. 31 1 882. .... ... . . ,,..... . 8T"J 12-1 52 Losses paid since Organization ..'.".' .".".'8.9J6!998 eo .COMMERCIAL 'UNION CO.. OF LONDON. UNITED STATES BRANCH: 37 and 39 Wall Street, - NEW YOKK. CITY. Alfred Pell. Resident Manager. Chas. Kewali., AHt;.ut Manager. WESTEBN DEPAUTMENT: 157andl59LaSalleSt.. - - CHICAGO. ILL C. F. MuLLixa, Resident Secretary. UNITED STATES BRANCH STATEMENT JAN. 1st, 18Sl. Reserve for total liabilities, Includ- log re-lnsurauce in Lulled Mates 1 v.- i Net Surplus Jaruary 1st. lfcM. J . wo'ioi It, Asset held In the rnitecl States... f 242730 01 Income. 1883 $l.G2.i.f.)4 5s Expenditures. 1883 L'.OI.la is Surplus Income in U. S., l'a m.ali 47 Total losses paid by this Company since organization $7,716,624 to All losses in the Western Detriment nald rae,StietobC Bnu,c1' HE ELKHORN AM HEAD QUARTER Si FOR ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS, Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINES, MUMM'S EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE NATIVE WINES, ' , ST- LOUJS BEEl rug- s wmaaa Always on draught. ALWAYS IN STOCK, AT THE ELKHORlXr , Fitzgerald Block - - . PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Commission Merchant, IFIESIESIIDo IP'ILacOTarro AND mrisBaesit (Daslt price paid for An nnexcellod line of FLO (JR always in stock, corner 6th an Main Streets, opposite First National Banlc. ..c i. J 1 i n ' 7 P 1 1 . 1 X r PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA.