w i ;iwajiiiii.-i r,.-K. rvrr 1 - JARD8. ' jK. IX. D- A!tD SlTWEON, ff) . ta. '4 ft at. On receip. stamps we wlu assorted Vocal au aril Music from a. . composers and aothot. The J. W. Bailey Mer. " St. Jo. Crazy .Quilts. 2,000 packages of silk and . craps put up in assorted lota for SOc, 75c, and f 1.00 each, any one ot which will be mailed, postage paid, on receipt ot price.. Address The J W Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph, Mb. Refrigerators In all sizes at Henry Back's. 59tf "What causes the great rush at Will J. Warrick's Drug Store." The free distribution of sample bottles of Dr Bosanko'a Cough and Luug Syrup, tbr most popular remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumptions and Bronchitis bow od the market. Regular size 50 cents and 1)1.00. SeptJ28e6wlyw. Orders for hand made brooms a' tended to promptly at the Westeri. broom factory, d28 1mo Go to C. Q. Ilerold's new store for bargains in ready made clothing, hats caps, and gents furnishing goods. 15dtt Choice, pure fresh mixed candy at Jim Antilles for only 2o cents a pound. 295tf. M.O Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anheuser Uurch St Louis Bot tled Beer and always ready to pay, par ticular attention to his customer. I35tf . Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered yon by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to. be found elsewhere in this issue. 47 tf ' A new line of bulk perfumery, of tbf best quality, at Fisher's. Call and 86 It ; 71t3 , Spearhead tobacco is all. the go p cw. All chewen seem to be anxious - to get that-farm, which will be given away in June next. Call at Matt Schlegel's for a circular.' r '-- " ltf CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, oi war Maid street, baa just been finished am tted up for the accommodation o TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. AST BEQTJULR BOARDERS. ; EfERY TMa HEW AUD CLEAK A Good Bar, la ""SgX" 016 . tt. FRED GOOS. Fropr, Dr. Home's Electric Belt Will core Nervousness, Lumbago. Rheuma tism. Paralysis. Neuralgia. Sciatica. Kidney Bpine and" Lifer disease. Gout. Asthma. Heari dUeaae, Dispepeia Constipation. Krysipvlas Catarrh, tiles, Ki ilepsy. Impotency, Dttmt Ague, Frolap3us.Ute1i.etc. Only scientific Klec trw Belt la America that sends the Electricity od Magnetism through the body, and can br recharged in an Instant by the patient. $1,000 TTould Rot Bui' It. " Da, Hobsk I was afflicted with rbeumatUn and cured by using a belt. To any one afiiicted with that disease. I would say. buy Horne'f Klectrlc Belt, Any one can confer with me by writing or calling at my store. 1420 Douglas St., Omaha. Neb. -. WILLIAM LYONS. Maiv OrFicB Opposite Pest Office, room 4 Frener block. W For tale at C. P. Goodman's Drue Store, 1109 rarnam street. umana. Orders Oiled. C. O. D. Md&wlm ... M. O'CONNOR. . At .toe down-town saloon. . . OPPOSITE" THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete Iae of ruorsr ; 4HD CiGABS, BOTTLED BEER, ALB AND POBTER, SRUG'S 07 T AHA BEER aad Ue bra.m of Xeataety aKiyirlaS. . . - - OUU99 wss- J-aW f 1 Fisher's Drco Store, ath, ' ' Nebraska. GEO. S. SMITH, &XEY AT LAW.- - WU1 practice in all ! Office In Fitzgerld Block. rts of the State. . PLATTS MOUTH, XKBRA8KA. ... .tv : ' - .t of ites and - vnrable c .a of iactioi.8 . , strength. veek will witness jbably two hundred ' ae number of outsiders, 4.h influence, who will as that time will far exceed juries. Although the leading .are said to bate about all their ms engaged, . btiil the great crowd .an be boused withoutuiuch difficulty. By judicious crowding, rendered nec essary by the situation, the capacity of the city will not fall fai short of IS. 000 people, aad outside accoinmoda lions can readlty be had fur several times that number at board lag houses, etc. ' - ' Quarters have been secured at the Sherman house for the delegations from Alabama. Arkansas, lows, South Caro lina and Teonesse; at the Palmer house lor the delegations from Florida, Cah ornia, Georgia, Kansas Maryland, Ken tucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Rhode It-land, Texas, Vermont, Virgin ia aud Wyoming; at the Pacific for the 4;-'egatca from Colorado, Connecticut, .inos, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Yrk, Oiiio, Oregon, Pennsylvania Wis consin and the District of Columbia; the delegates from .Delaware, Massa chusetts, and portions ot Maine and New York will be quartered at the Leland ; the Tremont will care for the delegates from Michigan, and the West Virginia delegates will goto the Craw ford house. There are several other good hotels quite near to the conven tion hall which will hare accommoda tions lor two hundred or more guest each, and strangers visiting Chicago -li ring convention wetk ted have so fear of suffering inconvenience on ac: count of the crowd. . The convention chamber is about ready for occupancy and .is .not only more complete in all its sp: ointments but is decidedly more attractive and cheery in every way than the chambers of four years ago. The delegates will he pleased with . it as tbe members of he ..national committee already are. The tickets of admission, numbering ,151 are being neatly engraved on steel by the Western Bank Note and Engraving company -aud will he ready for distribution on the day before tin convention meets.- Each delegate will have six tickets for distribution, while 68o will go to the treas and the bal auce to the'alternates, members of tbe committees, invited guests, subscribers to the fund, aad others. The tickets for the press, which includes Only the daily papers, aud the pre8 associatious, will be given out by Mr. New himself, while tbe other tickets wilt be appor tioned to the chairmeu of the various committees. The requisite amount of oioney for the entire ex penjts of the convention has been raised by subscrip- t on, .and " everything is In a forwaid state bt completeness. The headquar ters of the natioial republic an com mittee will be located at 127 Dearborn street until a day or two before the con vention. Toe members of the various local committees confer there daily, and t e room is ccnudered the general rep -bl'uan h :adquarn rs for the time being. , It is HOW geueru.Iy considered by thosa who are ou the inside that. Seoa- .ter l gan has abamk ui d all hope of a presidential nomination, and Is arrang ing his pi ads' to direct "bis strength where It ill do the u.ost good. Not only hi, but all other candidates, are S ro' gly opposed .to any c mbination with Arthur. This may not be tbe per sonal feeJinz of the leaders, but it u decidedly the expression of the follow ers and w rk ng politicl .ns. A large major iy of the most lull en'ial aJh r cats of thi anti-Arthur candidates look ufonatbaage ia the administration as thi trat ct aal deration. This, of tOurs is tt a spirit of flislpyaltr. bet in the way. e (Crieay rivaly vrlhfx tLe irvol the psjt7 Taere tjfes of .ates, . v r .eled by .dent vote .aber not less 'o be swayed by j moment, aay 21. -The State J commenced its annual- .o-day. About 200 are in The forenoon was spent .aebu-iaess. Tu the afternoon dent Robinson presented his an . al address, and the suggestions uffeied therein were referred to a com mittee ot three. Letters of legni were reud from absent officers: aud uieuibers. The society then entered upon the i eguUr prograinme;' ' Tlie Session will coatinue uutll Frida. eve ning. ' ' ' 'f Wasjixkoton, Pa., May 21.-rR.: l. Scandrett. who Is a personal friend of Don Caiuerou, 1 and presided lit the mock republican con v:n lion held by the students of "Washington and Jeffer son College last Friday, received a let-" Ur from Senator Edmunds,- tbo quasi nominee tor president, saying: 'i sin cerely thauk the young gentlenen for the compliment. -1 much prefer it to the actual office, the embarras&ments and burdens "of 'wh'ch I d liot j desire to assume." '' ' f Vttoo, Neb, May 21. Tte em- paneling of a jury in the TIanley case was abandoned this ' afternoon on the arrival of Col. Smythe with Judge Ilallenbach. of Fremont. The former then made a motion to quash tbe in dictment, on the ground that it did not show that the offense alleged had been committed with felonious intent. Tbe court overruled the motion, and set 7:30 p. m. for the hearing of a motion for a chansre of venue.' At that hour Col. Smythe appeared with Mr. Hallen bach, who has been taken in the case and asked the indulgence of the court as he bad net really had time tq pre pare for the case, to allow him to move for a continuance. In the morning he claimAh would show ample grounds for the granting of the same. The court granted the request. At the latter hour the motion for a change" ot venue will also be argufed. Failing in gaining a continuance or obtaining change of venue, tbe'ease will go im mediately to trial. 7 , AtXEK BKX30X.. A. N. SOLLIVN. DEESOK & SULLIVAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will el ve prompt attention to all buelnena Intrusted to them. Of- nce in Union BiocK, Kast side. - KATTSUOCTH - NEBRASKA. ' ' CALL AT THE Old Reliable LDERYARD EL 1. w a wn & Wholesale and Be tall Dealer ta PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, "'LATH," ' SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &c. Fourth Street, ia rear of Opera House. ' -LATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA H. SPIES, Manofacturer and dealer In . Pine Cigars. NONH BUT THE BEST TOBACCO Patronize home trade and gett Fine Goods. XSemeniber tbe ItMnce . .; .. .-i ..... . Oa Lower Mala Street; Opposite thelfy.Hote H. B. Cigar CMppng3 for ,30 cent? a pound HIKE SCHNELLBACHER,- BLACKSMMTH lr ; " . : . i .V - ' - HOB3B BHOKX9Q WAGON BKFAIRIN( AJIIHiU ef Fam UnDlements MenSei wil ' Keatnes and Dispatch. 1 mW IK 1 saw mi v Horso, Hale & Ox Shoeing n short, well shoe anything that har four feet, from a Zebra to a Uirane. - . Come and see us. W SHOP Filth St. between Vain and Vine Sreets Just aeroM f eorner from tna Ms HKKAI.D Off torn. The best beef in tne cttjr alwsys can fcl at Peterson Bros, market. ; : FRANK H. WILSON, - Basement of Bank of Cass County. Cokxks Sixth aho Main Sthxbts. ITOTARTPTJBLIO Particular attention cived to the preparation of papers for Caveats I'aieuts aud lteuistration vi iiraue Aiaras ana i;iDei8. . Wm. UELLKM. Jnattr of tlte Peaee. mwood .. ; Neb Collections a . specialty and gives nrpmpt alteatioa . P. O address Elm- wood Nth. 4 1U. A. MAUSUl'UI. Jfflce over Smith: Black A Co's. Druir Store. First class deutUtry at reasonable prices. 231 y M. O'DONOHOE ATTOBXEY AT LAW NOTAKY PDBX.IC. Fitzgerald's Block, ' PLATTSMOUTH, - HXBBASKA Agent for Steamship Hues to and from Europe. d!2w52Iy . . I,1, W. U. HCUlliDHKECIIT, Practicing Physician. Office, Corner Main and 7th Streets., PLATTSMOUTH. BEBBASKi. DR. J. S. STDRDEVANT, M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ., Attends calls, dy or night. w29t.f ' Eioht Mils Orovs, Nkb. SB. K. A.IVIIH USTON. 31. J ' : PHVBICIAM & SUBOXOH. OFFI . E HO DBS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. tu. cxaminuiK surgeon lor u. a. tension. - 1B. H. 911 LI. 11. PHYSICIAN AND 8UBGEON, Can be found by calling at bis office, corner 7th ana Main streets, in j. u. waterman's nouse. i '- PLATT8MOUTH, BBBASKA. . J AH. H. MATHEWH ATTORlfKV AT LAW. Office over Baker & Atwood's store, south side oi Main petwf en otn aua etu streets. 2111 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Courts lu the state. District, Attorney and. Xotaru Public. - tVlliLi t. WISK, COLLECTIONS SPXCIrtZZl. ATTOUNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. Office Union block, rlattamoutu Nebraska. 22u3 ' 1. H. WHEBLEB A CO. surance Aeents. Plattsniouth. Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract oitiues. uuy ana seu reai estate, uegutiate loans. tc. . ioj i JAMBS K. nOJKKlSOK, Notary Public. ATTOBNEYAT LAW. WlilprastlcemCass ana aajommg counties ; gives special attention to collections and abstracts of title. Offlce in Sherwood Block, Plattsmoutb, Nebraska. I7yl . . BOBKRT B. WIXD1IAM, . . . . . Notary Public. . - - ATTOBKBX AT LAW. Office oyer Carruth's Jewelry Store. . Plattsmouth. ... - Nebraska. M. A. HART1CAN, :'-JL A. W X "E It . FlTZOBBALD'S BLOCK. PLATTSMOUTH NBB Prompt and careful attention to a general Ltw rracuce. K. DBESSLER, Merchant Tailor. jLiATTSMOUTII. - NEB. Dr. C. A. Marshall Successor to Clutter & Marshall.) 2DJ 32S '-BIT 1ST! Preservation of patural teeth . a specialty. Teeth extracted toithout pain by use of Laughing das. All work warranttd. . F' tto icr a ti Bick. Prices reasonable. - PT.ATTfiMOTTTHjf Wn. E. Whittemore, M. D., homoe- patbic physician and surgeon. Office in Fiizizeruld block. Resideuce south west corner Pearl and 10th street. Of fice hours 10 to l i a. m., 2 to 5 and 7to S p. m. : w8tf COTTAGE HOUSE. 6tb St. Near 9Ialn, r L A.TTSMOU T H , - . NEBRASKA. Ilnviu taken-charge of the Cot- ta o e House, I hhall try t furnish all patrons with comtrtr.bl quarters nd keep lie tai'les supplied with the best in the market. Transient custom and board by the dav or week solicited. ' mayl7dtf ED. PRAZIER. . The nicest line of toilet roap and perfa-'tT. in. town. inst received at Fisher's. . 713t Money sved hy buying baud made brooms, ask your dea'er for thm. ; . d28-lmo COBN COB pipes in every styld atj Al SB ks in o CD T Si H 5j S H El im 5 ; Ct CDS o VP Bra. m o r Jin xm ST ft 1 1 ' 0 e f3 a ft 4 SL S9 a e s fe3 S8 t4o a o (s (c V I itwfif 1 oo) tl C5N5) 5 ------ - - : v