1 r .-v. -at -t; FLATTSIIODTfl HERALD OVflVIALPAPRttOV TIIK CITY. OIT3T ISTBWS. Cireafatlaz Library t Warrick's Drax (!. tfOltf . C. A. Marshall, Dentist, sue cessur to Clutter & Marshall. Teeth extracted without pain, Us use ofNltrous Oxide Gai. I. MAlUbury, Ueutlst. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under tills bead, three cents ler line each insertion. ONEY TO LOAN On real estate by A. N buillvan . U'OK SALE My residence and four lots 1 l . ......... t.....n ii li tmilt on. I In .vnul leuscondition ; also two improved farms, also 3-stofTCirtck buttlnesi House 40x80 xeet.on.uain Street, liaJHiivr uciiiiuic iuiiu uuu D. II. WHKELEK. T7Olt ALE -lIou'e. lots and wood land by U .inlm Hons & Son. FOR SALE Several V,nlden'5S. cheap. In . quire of 0. II. Whfeler & unit SALE Scratch Tablets In all sizes, at tbisotUce. SHI I? OK BALE a lot lu good location, rartlcu 1 lars at this office 7tf rtm. SALE An order for a new American tfewlug Machine. Inquire at this ofilce. , IJOK SALE 1.000 cords of wood. Inquire of ! W. S. Wise. tf tfOR SALE I Id papers for sale at this office A- at 40 cents er hundred or 5 cents per doz en. U FOR SALE Four lots together in good loca tion in thi city. Inquire at this office tf a iO REST rwo rooms, furnished or unfur- nUued. In the MacMurphy house, Inquire on the premises. TiOR RENT or sale on lone time. A house XT ana two lots with good improvements. Ap ly to it. B. Windham. FOR RENT Good, new houses of four rooms. K'xxl water, good garden spots, $4 per month in SbalervUle. W. II. Shafkk. FOR RENT The north store room in Nev ille' black, and 8 rooms un stairs. Good location for restaurant or boarding bouse, rents cheap. Apply to wm. rtevuie. ibju fFORENT a bouse. Inquire of Chaplain JL Wright. LOST A Knight Templar charm in shape of a Maltese cross. Finder will be suitably re warded by leaving at thii office, ictf iirASrEDTwo day boatderi. Apply at Mrs. Gustalson's, 3d street, two doors past sexton's ooaiw K. Of X Meets every Tuesday evening at thes Castle Hall, in Rockwood Block. V itiug Knights are invited to attend. II. M. Boxs, C. C. W. L. Dykks. K. of It. and S. A Run On a Dcug Store. Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at Roberts Phar macy for a trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons affect ed with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness, (Severe Coughs, or any affection ot the Throat and Lungs, can got a Tri al .Bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Dru? Store. Regular size $1.00. Dec. 27 eGwly These are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach ofsuffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil iousness, Jaundice. Constipation. Weak Kidnevs. or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz er, tonic or mild stimulant, will always Had Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money re funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J.M.Roberts Jand&wly. Fence Posts. 5000 dry fence posts for sale, inquire of W. S. Wise. I9tf. - The best beef in tne city always can be found at Peterson Bros, market. 233dtf Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce a cae of Liver, Kidnev or Stomach complaint that Ele ctric Bitters will not speedly cure. Bring them along, it will cost you nothin" for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. A'l blood diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti pation, and general debility are vuickly cured. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price onlv fifty cents per bottle. For sale by J. M. Roberts. Dec. 27e6wly. THAT HACKING COUU II can be sa quickly cured by Stvlohs Cough. We warrant it. WILL TOU SUFFER, w ith Dyspepsia and Liver Uompiainir u'oua unw zer is guaraut?ed to cure you. SLEEPLESS NIGUT, made miser ably by that terrible cough. Shiloh a Cure is the remedy for you. - CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh a Cat arrh Kemsdy. Price 60 cento Nasal Injector free. or sale uy oroiiu x Black Bros. DedSeowd&wly . - . ..rnn cturtlarl nv rt. inarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Cou sumption and all Throat and Lurg diseases is daily curing patients that thev have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of oar best Physician using it in tneir practice. Trial Bottles free at J. M. Roberts' Drug Store. Regular size S 1. 00. ; Collection Notice. AH parties knowing themselves to be indebted to ma will i leasa call ard make lull settlement at ence. so mat i.erpafter wecaoo nduct a strictly cash Lustne! Please give this yoar imme mediate attention. dsawSw Roxr.Ssa vkooo. An orayArind on the pavement. Seutjthe lawyer head over heel. He split hl doeskin trousers He aliook up his morning meal. While the wreck of his new -Prince- Albert' Wiu'db't tempt a tramp to steal. Bo he sadly said to his tailor : "I've lout a nu.lt on appeal." -Ex. Tomorrow night, the Staff of Diamonds at the opera house -secure your seats. Alex. Schlegel, Will Fitzgerald and Frank O'Neill go up to the Calamus country, starting tomorrow. . . LetPlattsmoulh delay n'o lo.iger;.wc should celebrate the 4th of July, and have a rousing time. Mr. Johnson, of Jovv'a, a telative of Allen Beeson. is making him an old time visit at his home in this city. II. Ij. F.. Lincoln is delivering the first volume yt Blaine's bcok, Twenty years iu Congress, 'to subscribers in this city." Wulter Houseworlh, one of the B. fc M's general office best men, ' was en joying the Sabbath .in this suburban city yesterday. A game of ball was on the tapis out on the Platte bottom yesterday. Would it not be tietter to play some other day. in the week? ' Conductor McCoy is off duty for a few days on acccnit of the illness of his father. Ballinger takes bis run on the main line and Sparks running the Omaha train. Our Plattsmouth grain dealers who operate out along the line of the B. & M., all went west tlm morning, to at tend to shipments of. corn from their several stations. Dr. Whittemore's family has arrived in the city andhe Doctor la now a set tled rcsidenter among us. The Herald hopes that Plattsmouth may prove a pleasant home to them. Personal Miss Sarah Wordeu, for the last two years engaged in the pub lic schools this city, left this morning for her home at Independence, Iowa, wher '. she passes vacation. The new church bell at St. Luke's yesterday r&ns out in dulcet tones the calls for church service, and the mem bers of the parish will all appreciate its use. It is a deep toned bell, which chimes with the best accord with the other cl U'ch bells in the city. Among the probable attendants at the Chicago convention, June 4th from this city, are David A. Campbell, o. W. Johnson, J. W. Jennings, S. 2L - Chap man. A. N. Sullivan, G. S. Smith and presumably several other gentlemen. We notice that our old schoolmate, Dr. Caldwell, of Nebraska City, is the secretary" of the . State Homeopathic MeJical society. Dr. Caldwell is one of the risicg physicians in the state, and will certainly reap success in his profession.!-. A broken freight train on the C. B.& Q. yesterday morning near Yillisca. la. wrecked an engine and several cars, klliing a passenger in a caboose car, and delaying passenger trains an hour. The niau" killed was an emigrant with a car of stock on the train. Personal. A. W. Saxe and R. M. Boggs, Jr., of the B. A M , G. B. Shep herd, of the Union Pacific, and W. L. Welch, of the U. S. Department of the Platte, and all of Omaha, were in Platts mouth yesterday, the guests of John L. Minor. Yesterday two large audiences greet-. ed Bishop Walker, at the Episcpal church, and listened to two most inte resting discourses from the eloquent divine whose visit is the first made to his people here. At the evening ser vice eight applicants were confirmed. and the ceremonv was particularly im pressive. . - " The church here under the always earnest pastorate of Rev. H. B. Burgess, is in a growing and prosperous condi ticn. Recently they have added to and reorganized their choir, and they have one of the be3t in the cityi' '; : . ... . The Herald is glad to welcome as a citizen among.: us Dr. E. W. Cook, a graduate of the medical department of the Iowa State Unite sity, and who comes to - make bis home in Platts mouth, from Salem, Iowa.' Dr. Cook has his office and head quarters at Mr. J. C. Fisher's drug store, and the peo ple of Plattsmouth will find him a scholarly gentleman, who will be ac corded a warm welcome to his chosen home. The Salem, Iowa News, has the following farewell notice of Dr. Cook, in its columnsi - "Dr. E. W. Cook will leave Salem next Monday .for. Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, where he will cuter upon t he prao tice of his profession. In Dr. Cook the people of Plattsmouth will find an up right, honorable gentleman, who, by his steady habits ..and manly, pleasant bearing, hs won' the' highest regard of the entire community in which he was reared. Where merit win? Ed. will lead, and hence we have no feais as to his futuie success." What Is the B. A. M . After? The B. & M. movement in Omaha on Wednesday night, by which (.several hundred feet of track were laid. along' side of the U. P.Jtrack, from ll th to 13th street, is supposed to. be a flank .move ment to get the rteht of way. out ; of Omaha to the west. The B. & were compelled to do this to get at the Oma ha Union stock yards, and the - genera supposition is that it is. the design, of tbe B. ft M. to jra' e a passenger, .line Wist from Omaha via Ashland. But there is something in this design more than the mere idea of getting a shorter line to Ashland and Lincoln via Papil- lion (though doubtless twenty c-r thirty Knilvs could be saved if a cut can be made across the bluffs.) It means .an extension from Avtilaud somewhere, and we shall watch future movements wiih some degree of interest Fremont, Herald. ; Practice Shooting. . Saturday evening, despite the rain, a practice shoot for the club badge.was hsld on the fair grounds, Jones, who held the badge, surrendering it to .Geo. Smith. The rollowinsr was tho score made by the shooters, twenty single balls, 18 yards rise : J G Richey, 14; G S .Smith,. 17, S 31 Chapman, 16; W.D Jones, 17; R R Liv ingston, 14; II M Bushnell, 15. , The tie between Jones and Smith was won bv Smith who now wears the badcre. Another contest will bo . held tonight. Sportsmen,' Attention! Agents of tho B. & M.'R; R. will sell tickets at one and 'one-fourth "fare to attend the touanament it Plattsmouth, June 10, 1884. For transportation over Union Pacific, parties wishing trans portation will write, the undersigned for same, eivinir number of persons who wish to attend. J. W. Jennings, Sec. State Sportsmen Assu. State papers pleas copy. 69dlw Modjeska-. Phil. Young is arranging to secure an excursion train for Omaha on next Saturday evening -to see Modjeska, in '.ier great role of Marie Stuart. Mr. Latham is ascertaining to day the num ber that will be required to make the train, and any wishing to go will please leave word with Mr. Young. Mr. Asabel Pierce, a brother of Mrs. Rockwood and Mrs. M. L. White, is visiting his sisters in the city. J ' Mr. Pierce is one of Chicago's oldest and most respected citizens, having cast his lot in with the -City of the Lakes" when there was but a halt dozen houses in . Chicago, and during a resi dence of over fifty years he has wit nessed the magic city of this continent attain all of its present wonderful greatness. Mr. Pierce will remain here with us some days, aud the Herald wishes him a pleasant recreation stopping upon the Missouri.-. The following are the arrivals at the Perkins IIou3e today : T. S. Shack Rochester N Y. ; C A Randall Lincoln; W F Schmidt Chica gor S E Blakely Albany N. Y.; J B Mulleu Shenandoah la. ; A Gr Beeson Lincoln ; J S Morrison Lincoln ; H F Jurengst St. Joe ; W J Hobson St Joe ; T J3 Cosley New York; W R Wolf Bur lington; C S DeSoden Omaha; August Meyer Omaha; II A '.Chamberlain and wife Chicago; G T. Kennedy Rockford; E Calkins Omaha; C F Whitney Oma -hg;"C .W Fort Topeka. In our telegrEp'ifc report it : will be noticed that John- Q. Brownlee, of Mar ion, Ind., has been arrested for embez zlement in the shape of funds taken when he van county treasurer of 11 at county. Oid residenters informs; us that this io the same John Q. Brownlee who was cuce a resident of Platts mouth and a part owner of this paper. To what base uses he has turned his talents; and what an example he has set for his illustrious followers, who now occupy the tripod in this office. . The Herald in noting the change in the Cass County Iron works, spoke of James Beeson as going in with Mr. Wayman, while We meant all the time. Frank Beeson and knew better than to call him James. Frank will accept our apology and the record will stand cor rected. Prof. W. W. Druinmond will take a much needed vacation the first of the month, by a visit lo friends in Chicago, at which time he will also ass'st the Republican iu their National Conven tion. Tomcrro v . af ernoon at 3 p. m., at Fitzgerald Hall, Misi Gregory, wishes to meet fifty of the youDg ladies' o'. Plattsmouth who will ess'st in a oa; - tata. We trust the ycu-jg ladies will not fall to ba present. Private SchsJbl. Miss Fulmer will open a tria'e stboot in the First ward sohcol b Jild- ii can meuciug 1 bar. day, June 6th. 'I frnu l per month. 6tf Concord Items. Ed. HeiialD: Here we are once more to catch a glimpse of your genial face and have a citt with you. I dou t see why some one don't get married, diq, or create a sensation cf some kind, so we could fiud something to write about. j no organ ngcui is again la our midst, fruit trecg are m. full bloom, Corn is "being planted. . Small grain looks well . On a lady being esked where the "man of the house wusi"replied, flie is taking a holiday." The Btranger was not surpiibitJ, she wa cleaning house. : oome or our young i eople paid Lou isville a visit on Sunday . - . Mr. Ilicks left this neighborhood for his residence iu Holt county, last week. The'goo.l wishes cf the i.i!iC'.rs go With him 7 MissSybort was home over Sunday. Mr. Allison ?;iys he thinks "summer is crJuning,, as he had 'to. pull his coat last WetJlc when, he was burning stalks. Wfiere. oli where, are our, loading cars gone?'' " f Yours Truly, Mcckinci Bird. May 101 ii, 1884. DIED. Mr. & llr. II. M. G-aulr, living ore and one-half, miles west, of the city, mourn today trie death of their bright little boy "Roy," whodicd very sud denly!- last night. Friday afternoon Roy. waa out in the fields with, his father, riding on" the corn planter well. and as happy1 as could be, and today his sorrow stricken parents lay away all that is mortal of him in a little grave in Uak ilill Cemetery. Friday night he was taken suddenly very ill. AH that human aid could could do was unavailing. Mr. Gault's have 'had a little girl 'sick with scarlet fever, but little Roy's death was, it is pronounced, from spinal menipgeti?, which is so swift and nchangable in "its work. The funeral wbs from the home. " held at 3 p. iri. to 'ay Thc people of Omaha will have an op portunity this week of seeing the great est actress on the American stage, in the.appearance of Modjeska at Boyd's Opera House on Fiiday and Saturday evenings. Indeed, it is doubtful if she has ata-cqual in any country. Manager Boyd deserves the highest . credit for bringing-her to Omaha, and should re- ceive.in return the most liberal patron-. age. this is Modjeska's farewell Amer ican. lour, ana at tne ciose. or. iier uma ha engagement she departs for Europe; 'As You Like It" will be given on Fri- dav evening, and "Mary Stuart - Satur day night, The character of Rosalind though oue of the sweetest of SLake- spearc's women, is also one ol the most difficult to enact. It requires above all grace, next ingenuousness, yet uot so artless as to be devoid of wit; modesty vet not so modest as to b3 too timid to m -T-. -J assume, boy's clothing, to be near her oyer; and a lover of romance an 1 senti ment, combined with a dash of humor, to giyerarsauseplquante to the inter pretation.' It will therefore be seen al though it ia often styled Shakespeare's masterpiece of comedy that it is a most difficult play to properly repre sent. The Modjeska company is accred-. ited by the 'p'ress everywhere to be one the bes$ organizations that have yet attempted to meet all the requirements of the play. Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given, that tealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the city of Platts n outh, until 7 o'clock p. m., on Mon day.' Jun'e 9th, 1884, for building wing walls add grading two approaches to brideesJon Sixth ana I'eari streets. The City Council reserve, the right to . . 1 . t J r ! J J I reject any aua an uius iur aaiu wum. SneciGcations for. said work can be seen at; the office of the Ciry Clerk. n. . i i . ,i . iiius muse oe mauu sL-pai ute lur giau ng, and for wing walls; C9U2 Joseph H. Fairfield, ? ; . U'n StreejS Alleys and Bridges. Sweet Potato Plants, Leave, orders Tory pii r sweet potato plants at our hot beds in town at the Blue House in Billings addition or at Chas: Robine's. Orders left at the lat ter place.tri'1 :be filled the - following morning. - BOaEKS & Chandler. ' C9t6 ",v In the Future When you have a cough aid want "re lief, think ot Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and. Lungs; a guaranteed reme dy for 'those diseases. Price 50c 'and $1; trial size free. Respectfully, . apr3 4m. W. J. Warrick. ' Key Lost. BunclTof keys It st in the postoffice, find a r returning samo to the. Herald offico will b;i rawsrded. . E-W. COOK. M. D ' ' TlITSXCIAN AND SCRQEON, , OFFICE Ax Fisasa's Drug Store, - PiaKsmouth, Nebraska. PLATTSMOUTH MILLS TTSMOtTTH, NKR. OGISEL, Proprletcr Wlour, Com lltal t Ftd. Train Time. Under the change In time passenger traius leave the depot here as follows: No. 1 west, 8:15 a m. No, 3 west, 6 :50 p. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5 :15 .i u u u 44 6 S2 a. nt m. C. B. & Q. , north, 7:13 a tu. Omaha stub north 8 :55 al hi. r " " 5:40 p- m. Trains arrive as follows No. 2., Denver express 0:25 p. m, No. 4, " " d.25a. m. IC C. St. J. & C. B. east 9:45 a. in. it a u 4. . M 8:35 p m C. Ii. & Q. Omaha east 5:30 p. m Crown Mill Flonr. W. F. Allen, the old Cass, county miller, who is now runniug the Crown Mills at Ashland, has his flour on sale iu the Plattsmouth market, Dovey & Son keeping it always in slock. A trial of the Crown Mill brands will prove to any that it is superior to any flour in the market. 300dw48tr. Call and see Us. I wish to notify the public that I am now open for business, at Joe McVey's old stand, where I have ia stock a full line of Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis beer, wines and cigars &c, as good as thebest. . 57dtf .II. M Bons. DELICATE AND FEEBLE LADIES. -Those languid, tiresome sensations, causing you to feel scarcely able to be on your feet; that constant drain that is' talcing from your system all its for mer elasticity ; driving the bloom from Your cheeks: that continual strain up on your vital forces, rendering you ir ritable aud fretful, can easily be re moved by the use of that marvelous remedy. Hop Bittars. Irregularities and obstructions of your system are relieved at once, while the special cause of peri odical pain are permanently removed. None receive so much benefit, and none are so profoundly grateful and show such an interst in recommending Hop Bitters as women. FEELS TOUNG AGAIN. "My mother was afflicted a long time with Neuralgia and a dull, heavy, inac tive condition . f the whole system ; Headache, nervous prostration, and was: almost helpless. No physicians or medicines did her any good. Three months ago the began to use Hop Bit ters with such good, effect that she seems and feels young again, although over 70 years old. we think there is no other medicine fit to use in the family." A lady, in Providence. ' Bradford, Pa., May 8, 1875. It has cured me of several diseases, such as nervousness, sickness at the stomach, monthly troubles, etc. I have not seen a' sick day in a year, since I took Hop Bitters. All my neighbors use them. Mrs Fannie .Ubeen. $3j000 lost. "A tour of Europe that cost me f 3,000, done rae les3 good than one bottle of Hop "Bitters; they also cured my wife of fifteen years' "ner vous weakness, sldepleBsncss and dyspesia." R- M., Auburn, N Y. man authority. ' Hop Bitters is not, in any sense, an alcoholic beverage or . liquor, and could not be sold for use except to '.persons desirous of . obtaining a medicinal bit ters. . - Green B. Raujx, u. b com. Inter'l Rev. So. Blopmingville, O., May 1, '79. Sirs I have been suffering ten years and I tried your Hop Bitters and it done me more good than all the doctors. Miss S. S. Boone. BABY SAVED 1 We are so fhankful to say. that- our nursing baby was permanently cured of a daugerous and protracted consti pation and irregularity of the bowels bv the use of Hop Bitters by its mother, which at the same time re stored her to perfect health .and strength.-r-The Parents, Rochester, New York. aplOwldG..- CLIMBING THE SPIRAL STAIRS Invisible Architecture in a New Eng 'land Parsonage.. MYes," she saia," our cmiaren are married and gone, and my husband and I sit by our winter .fire much as we did before the little ones came to widen the circle: Life is something like a spiral staircase: we are all the time coming around over the spot we started from; 'only one degree furthes up the stair?.." "That is a pretty illustration, . re marked her friend, musingly, gazing into the glowing coals which radiated a pleasant brat- from the many-win dowed stove, f'xou know, we cannot stop toiling up the hill, though. ,Surely.we cannot, and for myself . I don't find fault with 'that necessity pro vided. the advance in life is not attend ed with calamity or suffering, fori. Uiave had my snare of that. - Not long since my health' utterly broke , down. My. system was full of malaria. -My digestion, became : thoroughly disorder ed and.my nerves jrere - in a wretched state, f was languid ate. little, and that without enjoying it, and bad no strength or ambit iort to perform "even . my light -houselfold -durties.' Medical treatment failed.-to reach- the-seat cf the trouble. The .disease, twhich seem-f ed to be' weakness 'of the, vital organ?, progressed tiH-I : had " several attacks which my physicians pronounced to be acute congestion. of tbe'stomach; The last of these was a, desperate struggle and I was given up to die. As the cri sis had partiMly" passed, my husband heard of the merits of Parker's Tonic as an .invigorant in just , such ""cases as mine I took it and felt its good effect at once. ' It appeared ,to pervade my body as though' the bless'mg of a new life bad come to me. Taking no other medicine I continued to improve, and am now in better health than I have been for a long time." Extract from interview- with the wife of Rev. P. Perry, pastor of Baptist Church, Cojdbrook, Mass. apr 8 &u NOTHING BETTER. ;. Marsh's Gulden Blood and LIrer Ton. lets Highly Recommended. . "In my experience of many years I have neyer met with a remedy that I dould so frcely,recommcnd, for blood, liver and kidney complaints, as Marsh Goldzx Br.oor and Liver Tonic." M. E. Hall, Fort Scott, Kansas. ' "Having. tfeard your -Golden Blood and Liver Tonic highly spoken of I bought a bottle for my wife, who was suffering from, dyspopsia and liver complaint. I can now join with others J. M. Scott, Chillicothe, Mo. "Marsh's G olden Blood aud Li ver Tonic has cured ine of a scrofulous hu mor and kidney trouble, from whKh I have suffered for years." W. F. Mor ris, Burlington, Iowa. Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Tonic and Marsh's Golden .Balsam for the throat and lungs, are for Bale by Smith & Black Bros., druggists, Platts mouth. Large bottles 50 cents and $1. Trial size 10 cts. wld6 nrtmimu J MILIUM CURE WAl ABSOX.UTKLT CUHX8 "V IlOOI'IIf O OOIK. It ii a hannlrm rriftitbls tyrup, Tffjr rtcli.i..; the tante. Iletleve at once and li a ponltlve . . WINTER and BRONCHIAL COUCH arc cured by tliU excrllrnt rvuirdy. IHrtctiont in ten lnngtagti accompany tvery battle. BLOOD ABSOLTTTZLY CUBES ALL DISEASES OP THE BlWD. fiTOMACrr, Liver, Ikiwcli and Kldncya: fur all dlwun orlirln ntlne In Impairment of the tdood. a A nrrinla, Kick lleadach., NrnfoUHiimi, Female U rnknewa, Liver Complaint, lypeiMiu, Jaundice, IlilloiiNiieM ami Kidney IJiwane, thin medicine U aljnluU-ly euro. Thi medicine do nut cnntaln any inlneral, if Kh aulutely vctjetalilo, nutore. tlie Lf.d t a lirnllhy condition, reiful.iting txvemtn and tijilvln; dtt Dcienciea, aud imvenU dhieaiie. XHrectUmt in ten langtiagr$ aocwnpnvy trrry bottle. PAPILLON MFC. CO., CHICACO Oa 8 ALZ BT AXX. EHUOGI6TJ. FOR SALE BT WILL J. WARRICK. Sweet potato plants, and tomato acd cabbage plants, always oh hand, st Bennett & Lewis'. 65t2 F.S.' White, The old stand by ice man, is now con tracting ior tne summer season, and will deliver you your ice promntlv at any time called for. Make your con tracts for a summer supply. 15dtf All the best houses in Plattsmouth will sell you Bremner's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or barrell, aud don't you forget it. Get these and you get the best. tf At Charlie Warren's, the old reliable barber's shaving 10c. hair cut 25c, shampoo 25c, sea foam 10c. mustache black 25c, Shop opposite opera house give him a call. d31ml For a handsome suit, substantially made, in the best of style, aud from any quality, of goods you may select, call on K. Dressier, Merchant Tailor, in Sherwood Block. 13dlm Open Again. . Wm. Webber wishes to announce that the Elkbom saloon is again open to business as heretofore, the repairs and new work in the room bow being n early co m pi eted . v . - Pasture-' Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, .and one half mile from the city. Apply to SUt , . w-S-Wise. In purchasing a refrigerator see Hen ry Bceeck'e new stock and get prices before purchasing. 59tf COTTAGE HOUSE. G!lt St. Near Main, PLATT8MOUTH, - NEBRASKA. Ilaviug taken charge of the Cot tage House, I shall try. to furnish all patrons Vrlth comfortcble quarters and keep the tables supplied with the ht in tte market. Transient custom and board by the day or week solicited. 0?at7dif. ED. FRAZIER. Stock ' to Pasture ! .. 3,800' ACRES.: I have a pasture of 3sooarra iitn..4 in c. KiJff? 4?" ?l lne east 8ld ot the Ahlai4 fejjieii'les,fren AWd and 6 miles from Soutp Bend ; plenty. ot good water, tne PUtte MY TERMS 'ABE: $1.75:aeA for the Season, fnr ntn 75 cts each per month, for Colts. tne1noIihir:bV?e tol y?ung calres following tne mother; I do not clurKe for salt. I hava K!S tno-ouKiibred and gwd rrSe DurC cuus wf run wita tne herd, and plenty of them. Tie Stoct must lie plainly Brandei In Drand, liar Rings ana -marks ; X WILL NOT. DO. v- , LnveK dtorandln Jihobt and will help free of charee if n&nie to brand. IreceiDtfor theatoeir in the paature. and acoout for or pay tlio same In full I take no responalbilfty a ti accident or death. I pay the tolls on all stock cumin to w'llf f .ua if ive :ou rate to uk them baek in the fall, as follow : 10 cents each lor cattl and colts is cenw i0r horee and rider, double rj ;ean cross either bridge? Ashland or South Beud. Kor further particulars. Tr . ' rcier you to tne following WBW. S. DTFIKS. r77inTXmnrn WuMiiaJCURE