Uucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts, B ruses. Sores, Ulcer-, Salt Rheem. Fe ver sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilb lains Corns and all Skin Eruptions and poaltiTly euro Tiles or no pay required. His gauaaoteed to give perfect atis toction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents Dr box. For Sale Bf J. M, Rob ert's. Nov. 27 1833-ly The Best Couh Medicine In the World. SAMPLE FREE OF CIIAROE. i uil t. Warrick's drog store,, and let a sample bottle of Brown's Expec torant free of charge. It cures Coughs. Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Con- niontlnn in its rarlv Btanes. It is a scientific preparation, admirably adai t d lor tbe curd ot all Throat and Lung Diseases. Ii i pleasant to take -i..w Harmless. Try it; it costs and you nothing. Itegalar size boles.JWcents. and 91.00. r or saie iy " Jau.acuwij Free ! Free! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOR PILES. A remedv for this dreaded dm oj.a lia Wn discovered by Dr. Dening A single application will convince the moat: akentical of its most WOndeff ul hfalinnr now era. By calling on "W. J Warrick drucfflat. voU can obtain a sample box free of charge, which nliaf inn a f its curative qualities will Jan 8 Dwly ' Jamea . lllalne." The work entitled "Twenty Years of ronirrMH the most succinct and lm- nartial historv of Coneresslonal Lcgis latioa extant, will bo issued from the Dress In a few days. In the meantime U. L. E. Lincoln will call upon you and take tout orders. Wtftwtf Music On receipt of 1.50 iu currency or stamps we will mail free Fifty pieces assorted Vocal and Instrumental Stand ard Music from all the most popular composers and authors. The J. W. Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph, Me. Orazv lOullt. 3.000 nackatrcs of silk and ribbon uriin nut tin in assorted lots for 23c. srw 73iv Mid tl.00 each, any one of which will be mailed, postage paid. en receipt ol price. Address The J W Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph, Mo. llfteen per cent discount on pll cua torn, made work hereafter, at Sher wood's fob cask. To establish my business in every department on a strictly cash basis this inducement is made in all cnatom made work. TTndt r the reduction a bhoe that costs 89 00 now, costs $7.65 for cash. A brtot that costs $8.00 now costs 6 80 cash. A hoot that costs 35.50 now costs 65.10 cash at Sherwood's. 58dw8tf Refrigerators in all sizes at Henry Back's. 59tf " What causes the great rush at Will J. Warrick's Drug Store." The free distribution of sample bottles of Dr. Uosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, the most popular remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumptions and Bronchitis now on the market. Regular size 30 cents and $1.00. Sept.28e6wly w. Leading medical authorities indorse Ayer's Saraaprilla as the "best biped purifying medicine in existence. wldfl Twenty-five eents in' advance will entitle yon to nse of the Plattsmouth circulating library forgone month. 45dwim W. J. Warrick. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on war Maid street, has Just teen finished and tted up for tbe accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. AND ; . RF.C.ULAR BOARDERS.: lUi THING HBI AND .CLEM A Good Bar connection tf. " FRED COOS. Propr Dr. Home's Electric Belt Will cure Nervousness, Lumbago. Kheuma tltiu. Paralysis. Neuralgia. Sciatica. Kidney, Spine and Liver disease. Ooat, Asthma, Heart dUease, Diipepsla Constipation. Erysipvlas, Catarrh. Piles. Epilepsy. I m potency. Dumb Ague, Prolapsas.Cteri.etc. Only scientific Elec tric Belt In America that sends tbe Electricity and Magnetism through the body, and can be reebarged la ao instant by tbe patient. fl.OOO Would jrotOBuy It. Dr. IIornb I was afflicted with rheumatism and cured by using a belt. To any one afflicted with that dUease. I would aay. buy Morse's Electric Belt. Any one cam confer with me by writing or calling at my tore, 1420 Douglas St.. Oniaaa.Keb. - WILLIAM LYONS. Mais Officb Opposite Post Office, room 4 Frener block. tar For sale at C. F. Goodman's Drugstore, llo Farnam Street. Omaha. Orders filled. C. O. D. ttd&wlm M. O'CONNOR. At . the down-towa saloon. ' ; OPPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete lne of Liquors, ND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEKR. ALE AND PORTER, dRUG'S 02IAHA BEER aej rhe best brands of Kentucky . m srblakJea, Telegraphic, MISCELLAISEOUS NEWS. The Criminal Doings. Other News Notes. THE SWAIM COURT. Washington, May 17.- In theSwaim court of iuqulry today Myron A. Parke was summoned by the judge advocate and closed the evidence. The court di rected counsel to file printed brief by Wednesday morning next, when argu ments ot counsel will be heard. Iu tbe meau while court adjourned. DKCNKKX TIIUEATS. The secretary of the navy tereived a telegram from Commander Batcheller, commanding t!ie United States steam ship Galeua, at Key West, saying that the threats against the Spanish consul at that place; reported yesterday were made in a bar room by two or three drunken Cubans, bnt neither the consul nor the authorities ot Key West attach much importance to them. The secre tary telegraphed to Commander Batch eller to use the naval force if necesrary to Drtserve I ltd peace aud protect the consul. Washington, May 17. The treasurer of the United States has forwarded $8,000,000 iu legal tenders to the assist ant treasurer at Ne- xork, tr use in case of necessity. WALL STB BET NEWS. New York. May 17. 12:30 p. m. The tnorcing passed quietly. Confidence is progressing and in a fair way toward a speedy recovery of value in stocks. The a lvanee of the morning is well main tained, the movement being merely checked at intervali by unusual sales of small holders to secure profits. The bank statement is favorable, show lug R'i excess above the legal feqnirements 4 over $3,ooo,oou. ino opinions or leading financiers is that gradual im provemeat 13 certain, mere is no danger of another backward step, THE U. S. EXPRESS. New York. Mar 17. President T. C. Piatt, of the United States express of- nee, writes to tbe b'ocw exchange as follows: "Inquiries have been made in regard to certain testimony printed in the mormag papers: to set at rest absolutely all rumors, I bow state that neither as president or personally, di- reotly or indirectly, have I ever had any transactions with the firm of Grant & Ward or Mr. Fred Ward. The United States Express company in the course of regular business, had on deposit in the Marine National bank, tbe sum of $49,000 when the bank closed, and I am aesuredhat it will result is no loss to the company.'' on akt ward's affaibs. New York, May 17. C. AlcCullougb, Beecher & C merchants, filed an ' as signment to II. Payne Bartleet, giving preferences to Drexel Morgan & Co, for $05,000. In the petition of Julian Davies, receiver of tbe firm of Grant & Ward, the supreme court today granted an order authorizing the receiver to compromise certain claims of the firm of L. yon Hoffman & Co. and Brown Bros., each tcr the 'sum of $102,000. The receiver believes that other loans of a similar character have been ob taincd by the firm of Grant & . Ward and therefore he asks permission to n In I compromise all ench claims by the sur render of bond at their par value. The court granted authority to compromise the claims. CAUSES or suspension. New York, May l7.-McCullough,l Beec! er & Co. are shipping merchants. Thj snsprsion was caused ly the cur rency of Brazil having been heavily de preciate.! and the deo'ine Jo coffee for the last three months. THE NKWABK SAVINGS BANK iewara-, a. jn jtay it. ine re ceiver of the Newark savings institu tion has submitted a statement to the chancellor. showing the amount due depositors $6,156,534; total assets. according to the receiver's estimate, ex cloFive of $845,000 duS from Fisk & Hatch, $4,993,3? C; deficiency, $1,161,- 197.; The bank has securities and cash on hand to warrant tho payment of SO per cent to depositors immediately. In GUe Fisk & Hatch are able to resume the bank would lose nothing, and the receiver saysihs) will make tbe roost liberal arrangements possible to enable the firm to continue business. PROBABLY FATAL ACCIDENT. Des Moines, la.. May 17 While two boys, John Jonea and Freddie Chapman, John Jonea and Freddie Chapman, looking at a revolver this after- were noon, it was discharged. The ball, which was , of large size, entered the chin of Chspmsn, passing under his tongue and lodged near the spine. The) left side of the boy is paralyzed, tli0w lag that tbe spine was struck. Physi cians fear tbe spine is Injured and that death must result. a collision. Pittsburg, May 17. This evening the Alliance accommodation, going east, and a freight train collided near Enon Valley, Penn., on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago railroad. Both trains were badly wrecked. Seven persons were seriously injured, two re ported fatally. The trains were going at tbe rata of fifteen miles an hour when the collision occurred. Both en gines, nine freight cars, and the mail and baggage cars of the accommoda tion were demolished. Seven persons were injured, none seriously. Their names aro as follows : Eugineer of the freight train, W. Portepract, bruised and cut about the head. Engineer P. Overlander, very badly braised. ' Fireman Chrales Betz, leg broken. Conductor of passenger train, Isaac Morro.r, ankle sprained. Express Messenger, name uot learn ed, bruised and cut about the bead. Conductor Castuer, badly bruised. A number of pasfeengers were slight ly bruUeJ. ; The accident was caused by ji mis understanding of orders. Tram 9 west and cast were delayed several hours. DOCLLE MCBDEB. Bardstown, Ky., May 17. Herbert Armstrong . and David Brown were found dead today in a field where they had been plowing.. One was shot through the heart and the other through the bead. The killing was done with a Spencer rifle. The supposition is that the murderer -concealed himself iu the bushes and coolly shot tbe men down. Circumstantial evidence is strong against William Frezee, who bad busi ness trouble With the murdered men. The three were all woll-to do farmers. Kxcitement is high, and it is feared Frezee will be mobbed. FATAL AFFRAY. Gleeson, Teun., May 17. Two men, Frindell and Kirby, quarreled over a trivial matter tonight. Frindell cut Kirby 's throat, and Kirby shot Frindell. Both died in halt an hour. arrested. Chicago, May 17. John Q. Brown loe, ex-treasurer of Marion, Indiana, was arrested here tonight on a war rant for, embezzlement. It is charged that he is short in his accounts $4,000. CHEAT LANDS. First-class mothfl lands In Cheyenne !Cc, Nebraska, or S3 ) , : acre,. 100 AG:a5C3JObTS, 480,00 AYMENTd. C4.SU.. M,00 1st year Interest 8 per cent only 925.93 2d 3d 48,00 and Int 48,09 " 48,00 " 48,00 ' 48.00 " 48,00 " 48,00 48.0(1 48,00 " 4th 5th 6tb 7th 8th 9th 10th Interest Is 6 per cent, and ts payable annual IT. sections ana nail sections in proportion Ihave personally examined these lands. w. s. WISE, UNIOV BLOCK. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA J. PARLEMAN, Will BUY aua dHL.1. all kinds of FURNITURE ; METALS IRON ; RAGS AND FURS Will advance money on all Q A T, A KTF. V ftflOTtS on lower Main street. One dcor west of Beck's Furniture sore Plattsmouth. Feb. 1st. 1883 46tf. CALL AT THE Old Reliable LUMBERYARD e. i. uteriuh & Wholesale and Retail Dealer In PINE LUMBER SHI NfJliES. LATH. . SASH, UUUltS, BLINDS, &c. Fourth Street, iu rear of Opera House. .-LATTSMOUTIL NEBRA3KA W. H. MALICK, P CARRIAGE G aiming, and trimmin SIGN & ORHAUENTAL A -j -jrr m 7 Tsv tJLJ- JLX JL JlJ (jt All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. . - cok. rrrrn and vink strests, FLATTS2XOTJTIL ITEBRAJ3KA, PROFESSIONAL CAROS. , GEO. s. smith; ATTitR.VET AT LAW. W1U practice In all Courts ol the State. Office In Fitzgerld Block. rLATTBXOUTH, - KEBBASKA. ALLBX Bekson. DEESOIV ATTORNEYS AT A. N. SULLIVAN. & Sl'ldLIVAN, LAW. Will give prompt attention to all business Intrusted to them. Of fice in Union Block, East side. PLATTSMOUTH - X EBB 48 KA FRANK H. WILSON, Basement ot Bank ot Cass County. " Cobxeb Sixth and Main Stbests. 2ST OT3? -A-1LTT PTTBI.IO Particular attention elved to the preparation of papers for Caveat. Patents and lleclstration 01 iraue Aiarus and Laueu. Wm. UKLLKK. Juatlr of the Peace. Elm wood Neb Collections a specialty aud Rives prompt attention P. O address Elm- wood Neb. I)U. A. MALISUL'UY. Jfflce oyer Smith. Black A Co's. Druir Store. First class deutlstry at reasonable prices, 23ly M. O'DONOHOE ATTOUXKY AT LAW A KOTAHY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block. PLATTSMOUTH, - NKBIIASKA Agent for SteausLip Hues to and from Europe. dl2w52ly !.. V. Ml. MCUII,lKXKCltT. Practicing Physician Office, Corner Mala and 7th Streets., PLATTSMOUTH, VXBRA8KA. DR. JT. S. STURDEVANT, M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SUKQEON. Attends calls, dy or night. w29tf Eight Mi lk G u vz. Neb. sc. u. 11 v in uMToar. at. rnvsiciAir & subqkox. OFFI HOURS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. u. Kxanuncc surgeon lor u. . reasion. UK. . 3I1U.E11. PUYSICIAN AND 8UKGKON, Can be found by calling at bis office, corner 7th ana Main streets, in J. ll. waterinan-s nouse. PLATTSMOUTH, KEBBASKA. J AH. . HAT11E1VH ATTOBIfEV AT LAW. Office over Baker & Atwood's store, south side ot Main between Sth and 6th streets. 2itx MTBOUK A ATTORNEYS AT LAW. the.Courts iu the State. CLAKK. WU1 practice In all DittrM Attorney and Notary Public. VVAHiIj . U1HK, COLltXCTIOJVS oi. SSJrciHZ,l 1. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance aiid Collection Agency. OOlce (Juioo block, riattsmoutb Nebraska. 22m3 1. II. I1E15LEK 4 CO. LAW OFFICE. Real Estate, Fire and Life In surance AKents. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract oi Hues, uuy ana sen reai estate, negatiate loans, sc. ioj l JAXIES K. aiOICRlSOX. Kotarr Public. ATTORNEY AT LAW. WlllprasticeinCass i ana adjoining uounties ; gives special attention to collections and abstracts of title. Ofllce la - Sherwood Block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, nvi BOBEBT B. WIN0IIA.3X, Notary Public ATTOBKIT AT UV. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattsmouth. - - - . Nebraska. M. A. HARTICAN, : Is A. W Y E It . Fitzo erald's Block. Plattssiouth Neb Prompt and careful attention to a general ww rracuce. K. DRESSLER, Merchant Tailor. PLiATTSMOUTH. - - - NEB. Dr.C. A. Marshall vSuceessor to Clutter Marshall J Preservation ol natural teeth a specialty. Teetlt, extracted without pain by use of Jjaughtng Has. 'All work warranttd. FTTKOV.RAI.I BI.OTK. Prices reasonable. - PUkTTSMOUtH.N Diamond Wall Finish, at Fishers drug store. 49d&wtf C- a. IIKROL,l. lne Uo63 ;lothier of Lincoln, has opened out a clothing store in this city where he would be pleased to have his old customers call in. on lower Main Btreet, one door east of court bouse. 15d&wtf Money saved by bu vine hand made brooms, ask your dealer for them. . ';. d28-lmo Some Foolish People Allow a couch to run until it sets be yond the reach of medicine. They onen say, un, it wm wear away, out in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, that l sen on a positive guarantee to cur. tucy would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c aud $1; trial size free. Resp'y, Tapr3 4m W. J. Warrick. Try the Binaua pluz chewing to bacco, it is by far the finest plus chew ing made. Matt Schlcgel sells it. ltf Orders for hand made brooms at tended to promptly at tbe Western broom factory. d28 lrao CORN COB ddos in everv stvla s StShel, " - I0tt I in B o VS1 S9 H S3 CD o s H 101 B 5 Xffl ft e C 3 C I I I I - r c -- i3 (Jo it m nBsssMssasssl tdo u-llj Jl, i mm J rr :