7 7 iJucUlcn' Am I cm salvo. T'.ia Bast S live In the wild fort u.s. '' . Bruies, S-r. Wctr; fcrtit itheum. IV l Ver tv3 Teller Cha p- i rinds Chilb lain Corns ani all Mi" irruption- turn po3ilivl' cur: Plica r n p-v rcquir.- I. It is gauaanteo 1 to give perfect -!i.s-faetion, or mo.iey retuud-d. eenti per bix. For d-llv J. M. eeuts per rl's N..v. 27 1333 ly The Best Coup-Ii Medicine Inlhc World. sample mill "' charcji:. Call at Warrick s drug store, and ct a aainph- buttle of Urowu's Expec torant tree charge. It cures Cu lloirsenes-. Whooping O'.igh ' sumption in Us ci.r.y .-"iifes. It i cimitiR irrirati - -inraMy i l" ed lor lhec.;o ot ad t'hniat. and L-m Dishes. ll-a-t- to take .:..! enli,,lj i.:n:,!. Try '; it cost.-, you nothing. il-.Wr .i.,,:Ulr.5,.o.:s. and 1.00. r-T !: " " '' .(all. 3 i!i ly Free ! iuv-M Free ! NEW DISCOVERY t'OIl 1ILM. A uew remedy lor ih.s dreaded .b ea.se has been discover by Br. A ein'de applii iiii'.n i 1 1 convince am most skeptical of ks in t wondeitiil healing powers. Byei'lng on .-. Warrick lirurMst, " ' ob.: a sample box Uea ol e n. .,;-, which vtd atisfy jmn.f itseuiiii'-i iualii.".e.-. J .lan 3 l v. ly Thft work entitled "Twenty Y os of Congress." the mt succinct an-i im partial history of Jngr.fdonal Li-;;is-lation extant, will ht is.ucd frr.i the urss in a few days. In the meantime II. L. E. Lincoln will call upo.i and take vour orders. b-iCl vou it Music On receipt of Si 50 in currency or stamps we will mail live Fifty pieces assorted Voc il and Ins'rumental Smd ard Music from idl the most, p-vuiar composers and authors. The J. W. Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph. Mi. The iue Man. Jo. Fairfi' l I has est iblished an of fice at Monarch billiard hull, where he will contract with c n-'t ners to -apply ice for the se.ison at in- lowest t jmu. llm-2 Crazy Quilts- 2,030 pa-k-iues of and iiVm scraps pin up in aborted lols for c, 50e, 73 ; an I $l.t0 ia-!i. any ;;i oi which will l! in;t"ii-d, p sta; paid, o;; receijtol p:u;e. Address TJie J W Iiailey Mt icantiie Co. Sr. Joseph, --to. leleg ran In c ix m:w youk. Coinpli'ie llcports from all Financial Centres. A Brighter Day. :: t. Mav 1 ll:uJ . Ui. Tlie i o exchange :u ;: k t was l" . - - n feoted mi favorably bv olicrinir lariie aiuouii'-, :ti will as by lif. withdrawal of inoiicy ly cable from London for use iu this nnrket, the high rates for mo; ey on call here renderiu such trun.-aeiioMs hiyhly pro lit able. Broun Hrotbei':i iviucc'd the ra'.e of 6'.ciliu; bills to o7 iosijr, SI 8 S '.in a deebne of oi:e cii-it. The lirfet hour of business showed oidv one faiiuiv Jiniiouiieid, and ibis did not involve any other fiini.i C li lei.ee U bein gradually restored . a;id lunong tiiiauc eis fewer anxiou-t fais are met. It seems gen erally ::t iei ted Ihut iLe woitt is over and ;u .1:3 cap'.Ulii-ts .: u beiiiuiii to discuss ib q:iesti':i as to wiivther now is not the time to bn h.r a rise. Some few are buying. Tin- fact relieves the situation e-f (.ie of its moat dangerous eien'.:nt3, is imely : witholdin enpital from the. market. 11. e stock of the Ui'ike. and mer chants tt;lerraph, whicii yesterday so;d at 1. J, .s now down t ". O.ZVNT AN!' V.'.Vitn. I; cei '.er navies rep ns tee liabiii" iin lila vff.i!r would 'e In abetter con tioa than for u any months past, as dc. X&a ina bad been called to pre veLt a lUh sacrifiie ol jrcod fcecurities. THE OUTLOOK. ...... A represdntutive of the a eoiatcd press juit talked with a t'nanci r o: 35 yeara' txptrieiice. lie says the action i f tlie b.iiiks in decliuii g to pool their issues bus decided the situation favor ably. He doc not anticipate further failures cither of batiks r banking firms; although be admitted the possi bility of bomo weak stock houses sus pending temporarily. 1 he failure of tlie latter he does not regard as u mis fortune, as it wou.d weed out bmull dealers and help to give a healthier tone to the general situation. TllK JUAKKET niSINd. Kiernitu's ajjHicy says: Davis & Co., received rdeis from London to buy both stocks and bonds. Tlie London market for American securities i tm vaneinir wi.h a stroiiir leeling. The iock market is strong and higher in consequence of the resumption of the Metropolitan bank, and the action ot the Clearing House. Prices 10-e Horn 1 to 4 percent. The failure oi Diui- PROFESSlONAL CARDS." CJi:. S. ."JIT!S, ATT KNKY AT LAW. WV pru-tic-f In all Court or Hie State. OI'iph In Fuei.d lilock rLwrs-iouTii, KIO'ASKA. AL.LRN Ilt-KSON. A . N. Sl'LI.IVoN. ATTOIiXEYS AT LAW. Will Rive pron-i" ttentl'i to a'l lui-iiteHs lutriistett to them. OI- DCti la Lniou Uluck, Last side. PLATTSMOtlTll NKI1HSKA. FRANK H. WILSON, 13a.soniL'iit of lJank of Cass County. COHXK.lt IXTII AND AlAIX STREETS. UOTARY PTJBLIO Panicular suteiitioii irived to the re:iratloi f pa;ier for ravculs, Paiciit at.d Hcuintrutim oi rado Aiarusaud Labels. H'm, II Kljl.K'.f. JuMtloe of the Peitec. Elm wood Neb Uollections a specialty aoil tiivt t l-roiupt attention. P. O add re i Kim wood Neb. IU. A. MALISltl'll V. DSISTTIST. Jlllce over smith, HLxli & Co's. Drug Storr. b'irst ela-sd tloiitlrtrv at reasonable prices. 231j M. O'DONOHOi: ATTORMiY AT LA W & MJTAltY PUliLK Fitzgerald' lilock. 1'L.A I TsMOCTil, - NKP.RASKA i k Si Co. had coiuparalivelv little tf- Agent for Mte;i'asl.ip lines to and ir-nu Kmop. feet. TIIK OPKNINU. Wall .Street, lu:Uu a. in. The floor of the exchange had uioie than I he usual Complement of buyers, and by 9:?0 crowds of spectat ir; gathered :u knots waiiimr the siirnaf lo commence the day's business Just as the clerk dliwsjly W. II. CIIIIIK.CI'C1T. Pi'acl icing Physician. Ofilce. Corner Main and ' I'LATTSMOUTII, - - - - - 111 Street., - KBItASK . U. J. S. STDRDLVANT, M. D, , riiYSICI&N AND SCUGEON. mark d ten, Chairmait Mi t cliel '. yave I Attends calls, dy or night. three raps of a gavel, and in an iofctant the pent up ixiitemeut of ihe brokers gave vent in a ho'.vl, and five hundred hands were lifted in the air, aud the va rious pools were formed, in which dif ferent 6!ocks were dealt in. Ere five minutes had elapsed the gavel was again heard amid the din, aud the an nouncement was made that Dimiek & Co., of the United bank, suspended. W2!(l f Eight Milk Okovf.. Nkb. 1C. it. LI VI A UhTO., 31. 19., PHY8ICIAH & SUKOKOM. OFFI IIOLIKS, from 10 a. in., to 2 p. i Kxatniu.r.t; Sui'eou for U. S. Pension. PIIYSICIAN A Kl) BUttGEON, Can be found by calling at liis office, corner 7tl and jM.tin street ?, in J. 11. waiermau H uouse. PLATTSMOUTII. EUUASKA. JAM. H. .UATIIKUM ATTOK-f EV AT LAW. ties of the Grant & Ward, as fur as he Eimick is president of the bunkers aud omce over Baker Atwoodsstore, south sld. is abh; to a-sccrtaiii, are .M, -Jl. i. mprehants' tpleran'i. lifteeu ner cent di count on :.i; cus torn made woik S.creafter, at r- wood's rou cash. To establish my business in every di-paitment n a strictlv cash basis th:s inducement is made in all custom made work. Uudir tlie reducti'.n a tdioe that costs S9 00 now, cost's for c ih. A boot that costs -5 u'J cow costs vC S0 cash. A boot that co-ts S5.50 now costs S3 GO cash at Sherwood's. 58d u 6.C Kefrigeratois in all .-'z.- at IU-nry Boeck's. "y,t" " What causes th grc.it rush ::t Will J. Warrick's Dr'ij More." The tree distributii.n of prti-prr- liottles of I)r liosauko's Co-h an I Luii Sy ru,'. the most popular remedy for Cough, C-' l-s Con-umot luT's ami Lmnehitis no '' 'U the market. Regu.ar 50 cents u:id $1.00. S; i:.28e6wly v. Collate! ids held bv u editors between $10,000,000 and S12,0U0,000. leaving un secured indebtedness between t.vo and three millions. Henry L. Kacquer was cdected presi ' d -ot J lie .Metropolitan bank, in place :.. i :iey, res'gneu. A. .'.j. i)iuiick says lus trouble- was eaue 1 by Lis inability to raise muney on securities. All customer accounts have bee i profitable. Gaorge Pnlnam Smith was appointed assignee. Prefer ences to customers. ASAOEOL1J COON'. Russell Si 'd is paying all demands on privileges. The n-p rt tliat he ha-! "laid d wu ' oa contracts was started by bo-.nebody iguoraut if the ways d the street. The only contract be re fused lo take yesterday wtra those on which the ri:iiai one day's notice was not givea. Trans t :;ions on the b ) trd so far for the aecouut of Dim.ck. have been stocks bought in under the iiih. They were short of the gciieral market. CHEAi' LANDS. First class s:noiili 1-oe.l la Chevenne 't'c. Nebraska, of Si 1 1 acie, 100 ACLl-LS COaTS, 480,00 AYMEXT3. CASH JlS.fO 1st year interest 6 per cent only .2",P2 2d 3d 4 til 5tli Ctll rth Mil 0th lutn 4,oo and iut. 4,'3 4S.0O 4S,no " 4S.O0 4ti.OO 48,00 " 4S OJ 4S.0J " Interest la 6 nr cent, and Is Davable annual ly Sections and halt sections in prnporiiou. i nave personally examined tnesc lanus. W. S. WISE, UXIOV BLOCK, KEBKASKA PLATTSMOUTII, NfHlMli; A C'KAIili. ATTOIiXEYS AT LAW. Will practice In all ine courts in me stale. District Altor7iby and Notary Puhlic. jv Litit vvi!Si:. COLLSCTIOJVS M H7'ECIHL2 1 . A1TOICNEY AT LAW. Ileal Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency, office Unioi. block. Plat tsniouth Nebraska. 22m3 i. ii. viikhi.i:k &. co. LAW OFFICE. Ueal ICatate, Fire and Llfeli.- surance Agents, i'lattsuioutli, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy and sell real ettale, ueptin?f loans, sc. 1J.J i Notary Public. ATTORNEY AT LAW. W .U practice in Cas. and adjoining Couuties ; Kives t pecia: attentioi. to collections and abstracts of title. Ollico in bherwor.d Block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. l.yi KOIIF.RT It. WIXIUIA3I, Notary Publlo ATTORNEY AT LAW. OClce over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Flattsmouth. - Nebraska Lea u.'.g ;uedical authorities v .1 tsc Ayer's Sarsaprilla as :he best b..;od lurifving medicine in existence, v. U!C Kotice. To the cf editors of J. G. Chambers aud Son: You are hereby notmed, that I ii t'yr, ;j arvo-d ::.ce With the Statutes of Ne bii.'; i i : such cases made and irvid-i-.., .-c! Uio l'Jth ':y of May, l.S-J. iis the time for a meeting of the ei ed itors of the said J. G. Chambers & S n, assignors. You re iurthcr n'i.'ied, that the meeting will be at my in the city cf Plattsmouth, Cas county, at the hour of 2 oVlocek p. in. o aid date The object of aid meeting is for the purpose of i'liO' ngan assignee to succeed the Sln-iid' v. ho inw holds in trust all the pr'per;y and H" ts of said assignors, under a vo'unt uy as signment. Cretlitors may represent their claims in pnon or l y proxy. C. IIusskll, County Judgt Plattsmouth, Neb., May 5, 1SS1. 57dl0;wl CITY HGTEL. Tills teautilul three storv brick structure, on owerMaid street, ha just been finUhed aod tted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. AND - - REGULAR BOARDERS.: E7ERY THING 1IEYT AND CLEAN a fi nnt o t la coaaectlon witli the UOOU. xJJkV House. tf. FFED GOdS. Vroi,r M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon. OPPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete ine of JLiquors5 1KD CiGABS, BOTTLED BEER, ALE AND PORTER, DRUG'S -OMAHA BEER mnA tke best tra.ids of iwatucky SLXAToR CIIAFl'EE UVNxrtVPT. A Wai!iiiitoa Epeei;l says: "Friends of Senator- Chaffee, who was in Wash ington, ChaGee w est si:i!t lers by the Ward, lie lo.-.t every cent of his avail able resource?. Last ve;ir he consider ed himself worth $3,000,000, of which $2,000,(Jt 0 were in Colorado properties, which l ave since great?' depreciated and are now not marketable. At the time of ! e m-irri ige of his daughter to Duck Gran!, he had one million dollars ia cash recnities. When his daughter married be gave her S400.000 in bunds These were all put iuto the firm of Gia:.t Sc W:.rd aod tverv dollar of them "ii' lost. Chaffee huueif, in 6treet s;f .n.bit ions din ing the pust year lost rjl''0.00 . A month m rix weeks ;-go he had b -ib a million in cisli seen: tics. Ju.-t before l:e u al ! is l ist visit wed he t !' k this money and pave ii to his son-in 1 tv to keep lor l ini during his al s nee. It was no: for investment or was it for the purpose of securing any investments. Jt was fcimply de posited with youDg Grant as a trust during Ins brief absence. This money in soiii.5 v.av reached the hands of Ward and it was lost. Chaffee is prac tically penniless and in a most wretch ed state of mind. This Iriendof Chaf fee s.iys it is by no me ins believed thai Ward could have lo?t the large sumb charged up to his failure, lie believes S2"0o0,00J would cevtr ths 1-gslimate ljsbi'S oi the firm and ion is directly at very se: n '-dous de elopmeids which will result ia rigid investigation d what Waul has c"ojc WJlii the iH' Uey. TIIK METROPOL1LAN BANK M'SUMES Tiie Meiiopolitan b.".!ik pasted a no tice tl the batik cxanur.er hxvin n'.a-ie an iaves:igation aud tlie bank will n- i sume business at 12 o'clock. A. W. LUmick pi. Co., brokers, suspended. At 'J:ij a, m. I lie scene ou the street was one of unwonted activity. Since early ii.orntug brokers otJlees opened ar.d clerks were busy getting accounts settled up. Many leadii g firms kept employes until midnight. A general P W. H. MA LICK, CARRIAGE aintii ana brain I SIG1T &. ORNAMENTAL All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COIL FIFTH ANI VINE ST BEETS, PLATTSMOUTII. - NEBRASKA. CALL AT THE Old Reliable ftl. A. HARTtCAN, Jj A. W r IS H . Fitzq Kit alu's Block. Plattsmouth Nep Pronint and careful atlf-ntion to a perersil Law i-ractn-e. K. DltESSLEK, Merchant Tailor. plattsmouth. - - - ;neb. Dr. C. A. Marshall Successor to Clutter & Marshall,) BY 1 WATERMAN k SON Wholesale and Ketall Dealer tn PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOOItS, JILTNDd, &c. Fourth street, iu rear of Opera House. ."TjATTSMOTTTII. NEBRASKA J. PARLE51AN, Will BUY Ana oi)LJi all kinds of- FURNITURE METALS 7R01T RACrS A1TD FURS Will advance money on al! SALABLE GOODS, ou lower Main street. One dcor.west of Beck's Furniture sore Plattsmouth. Feb. 1st. 1SS.T 4Ctf. Treservaiion of natural teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted irithout pain by use of Laughing (Jas. All work warrant td. Fttz:kkai.T KirrK. Prices reasonable. - Pl.ATTSMOfTn.N Diamond Wail Finish, at Fisher's drug 6tore. 49d&wtf PI ATTSmOUTH HII-LS rTsworjin mc. flour: Cirn Jtftal Fl C- -. IIKJtOLO, The Boss Clothier of Lincoln, has openeil out a clothing store in this city where he would be pleased to'have his old customers call in, on lower Main street, one door east of court house. 15dJtwlf Money saved by buyiojr hand made brooms, ask your dea'er for them. d28-lmo Souis Fonlish People Allow u cough to run until it j.ets be yond the reach of inpdicie. They often say. Oh, it will wear away, ut iu most cases it wer t!iem away. Could tliey be induced ti try the successful medicine called Iemp s Balsam. '.hat I sell ou a positive ijiiarantee to cure. they woulil immvdiately see the excel lent effect after taki 'I U ihc first dose. Price 50c and 81; trial size free. Resp'y. aP'3 4m W.J.Warrick Trythe B in.i-ia plug chewing to bacco, it is by far the finest plug chew ing made. Matt Schlegel sell3 ic. ltf O'ders for hand made brooms at tended to promptly at the Western broom factory. ' ' "d2'-lmo CORN COB pipes in every gtvl at 2 01 O 9 a? s 2 g Ha a 5- 6 tm 03k 9 kasfe 101 pi tssk tm fcsz (a 3 a H Q H3t 8 9 4 592 ten 1 ().' I fi 2 4 i i h i. overhauling of accounts was made so Schlegel's. ICU r Z i