The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 14, 1884, Image 3

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. . i. -
Jsraa; star.
C A. Marshall, Dentist, suc-
"H -visor to Clutter & rtlarMlmll.
T" ' Mis extracted without pain,
v4: x use f.Mtrous Oxide lima.
Salisbury, Dentist.
Advertisement under this bead.
sr hue ej.cti Insertion.
three cent
ONKY TO LOAM On read estate by
A. N.
V I nan i .K Mr reaidencn aud four lots
TP good house, barn and fruit, and in excel
I JJ A'ent condition
also two Improved farm. ;ilso
ti:es home ji)xs,i Mmn I
pL street. ab r.r d.
'la hie land and lots.
1. 11. WUKK1.I-.U.
T"H4 -ALR -Uooiej, lotsand wood l.d by
J,iUu IJoiiiasuu. j
eioRSALE Se.eral ch.a. la
r quire of U. II. Wheeler i. :-
,MHt SALS ieiatcb TbleU lu a.i ie.i. at
'OKSALKalot lik good location, rarijcti-
lars at tnis onice
IOU SALE An order for u nc A:ricau
fewing Machine. Inquire at this -mee.
t'OKSlLB-1 .aoo cords of wood
IV. M. Wisu.
jiiire of
V OR ALE i td papers for sals at this office
-a- at 40 cent! er hundred or 5 ceuU per doz-
t'OKSAI-E Four lots t(jiet!i.'riu cod looa-1-
tiou iu thl city, lnq m- M tins ollice t:
a to KENT Two rnM. furuishea or uufur
niHbed. in tbe McMurpUy hounc. Inquire
n tbe preuiiMCs
nilH HKNT or kale o
dk time. A house
XT aud two lots with no
luiprovcnieu w. dp-
ly toil. 11. Wliidliain
FOR, HKNC Good, new nouses oi lour rooms.
od water, good garden spots, $4 per
In in ahaterTiUe. IV. 11. suakk.
nOU KENT The north .store room la Het
iile's blsclc, and rooms up stairs. Good
location for restaurant or boarding house, rents
cheap. Apply to IV in. NeTille. lfcJtt
lO RENT A bouse, inquire or cnapiain
LOST A Knljtht Templar charm in shape of a
Maltese crfts. Finder will be suitably re
warded by leaTlug at thij office. icti
WANTED A girl to do goneral housework
and take care ot children, not required
to do washing-or ironing. Apply at the resi
dence ot K. b- w inunain.
nr i'T?n Trr diT boardert. AddIt at
" Mrs. Uusiafton's. 34 street, two doors past
aextea'a BW""
- ' K.ofP
lleets erery Tuesday evening at thes
Castle Uall. i Hockwood Ulock. V
' .iajr Knights are invited to attend.
' U. M. Bons, C. C.
WIi. Dyxes, K. of IS. and S.
- . Tksss Are Solid Facte.
-h best blood puririHr and system
regulator erer pi within the reach
of suffering buma; ity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivi.y of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice, Constipation, Weak
Kidnsyi, or any disease of the urinary
organs, or nhoever requires an appe
tizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will al
ways And Electric Bitters tbe best and
nlv certain cure known. They act
aurirly and quickly, every bottle guar
anteed to give entire satisfaction or
money refunded. Price only fifty cents
a bottle. For sale by J. M. Hoberrs.
Dec. 20 lveCw
These are Solid Facts.
The kest blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of suffering humauity, truly is Electric
Bitters. Inactivity of tbe Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak
Kidneys, or any disease ot" the urinary
organs, or whoever requires an appetiz
er! tonic or mild stimulant, will always
find Electric Bitters the best and only
certain cure known. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction or money re
fuudf I. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. M.r.oberts Jand&wly.
Fence l'osts.
5000 dry fence posts for sate, Inquire
sfW.S. Wise. I9tf-
The best beef in tne city always can
be found at Peterson Bros, market.
For lame back. Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25
8IIILOIFS COUGI1 and Consump
tion Cure Is sold by us on a gaarrntee.
It cures consumption.
you need for CoosrnptioD.Loss of ap
petite, Dizziness ana all symptoms of
Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per
CROUPE Whooping Cough and
Bronchitis immediately relived by
Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Smith & Black
pro3. Dec.20eowdwly
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled by re
iaarkable discoveries. The fact that
Dr. Kings New Discovery for Con
sumption and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curing patients that
they have given np to die, is startling
them to realize their senee of duty, aud
examine into tbe merits of this wonder
ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of
our best Thysicians using it in their
practice. Trial Bottles free at J. M.
Iloberta' Drug Store. Regular size
A StartUmK Dlaoorary.
Physicians are of teen startled by re -V
markable discoveries. The fact that
Dr King's New Disco vry for Consump
tion and all Throat and Lung diseases
is daily curing patients that they have
riven up to die, Is tartling them to
realize their sense of duty, and examine
" Into the merits of this wonderful dis -
eovery; resulted in hundreds of our
bt Physicians using it iu the.r prac-
t Trial bottles free at J. M. Bod-
Mrs. A. N. Sullivan enfertaiuod the
M. E. sonal at her home la'Ht evening.
I ou G"ii 4 i'eaHnt MKi
! acceptable manner.
! .
ibe railroa't utw iu todays Her
ald will bo read with interest, and it
bows that the B. & M. is mighty wide
awake about these times.
Dr. W. D. Gibbon, of Weeping Wat
er, and Fed Clinton, two old time
friends of the IIukald, are in the city
today attending district court.
The T. A.M. club is called to meet
tonight at Stadelman'a parlors, at
which time and place all members of
the club ure urged to be present.
Dr. N. It. Hobh". of El in wood, who
was attending the State Medical Soci
ety, at Omaha, was called down to the
city today hs a witness in the district
Thf? prospects are splemlid for fartn-.-r-
fh;'M' da'3. and the com will : e
uearly all pl-tuted this week. TLt-n
comes ti e yrowin tiuie, the harvest
time, irood tiiiie-.
Capt J. T. A. Hoover, of L'.iji-viilf,
the proprietor of the fiucst clay banks
aud tire brick kilns in the Sute, and
the owner of the best prirntft flsh pouds
aud hatchery iu this secion, is in
Plattsmouth to day.
There will be no school tomorrow,
and a a!tort session Friday, k. hi , tho
term concluding with the graduating
exercises at the opera house, Friday
evening. An admission fee to defray
expend will be asked.
Hon. S. G. Owens, of Lincoln, U. S.
National bnnk examiner, U in the city
today, and this cfllce h-js Eouud and
subtautial friendship for Mr. Owens,
who is one of the Government's most
faithful and efficient officials.
The advance riders of Cole's circus
were blowing their trumpets in the
city today, and any shortage in the pa
per may be attributed to the fact that
we were following them with the rest
of the boys we are always promiscu
ous around a band wagon.
The question of a patent turbine wat
er wheel, and a trade made upon it, .is
up. and receiving its hearing in the
district court today. The wheel is on
exhibition at the trial and we under
stand that a good Cass county farm is
at stake in the trial and settlement of
the case.
Mr. Ellis Kiser, a special draughts
man, is in the city, making head.quar
ters at the County Clerk's office, where
he is doiuz some exceptionally fine
work upon a plat of the City of Platts
mouth, which will be used in the make
up of a State atlas that is bring com
piled by a Philadelphia map publishing
Omahais unduly blessed these days
with wbatfcthc world is pieaeed to call
"sporiing raeu" but which is a very
misleading name by which to denomi
nate the thieves, thug, dead beats and
gamblers who infest that city and or
ganize prize fights. One of these fights
wa3 held in Saunders Co. yesterday
morning, an excursion train running
to the grounds. Coming home the ex
cursionists all fought with not only
bare knuckles, but with knives and
jsvolvcrs, aud the train became such a
dangerous place that men jumped from
it when it was ruuuing twenty miles
an hour to save their lives.
Four or five were seriously wounded
on tbe home trip, and it is reported
that one ot the parties died this morn
This action with non-interfence ou
the part of tbe city of Omaha, is a
standing disgrace, and brands that me
tropolis of Nebraska as a city given
over to the very worst elements. Gam
blers, prize-fighter?, thieves, thugs and
slums all in s-ne common mob, defying
law, order and decency, is the picture
that reports Omaha to the world at
Freight train No. 28, which started
cast yesterday morning, met with an
accident caused by a broken frog out
near the Fair grounds. Three cars
loaded with catle were ditched, after
about half tbe train had passed over
the break.
Tbe train was loaded with cattle that
were being shipped from Smartville to
Kockiorr, Missouri, and belonged to a
man named Frank Saunders. The cars
were tipped up and the cattle piled to
gether until ten bead were smothered
or otherwise killed. The dead stock
and the injured were put in charge of
the foreman of the stock yards, and
Mr. Saunders has doubtless put in his
bill to the company.
A brakeman on the train, a new man
with the company, who was working at
braking temporarily, was struck by the
book of a broken chain and somewhat
injured. lie h suffering from concus
sion of tbe brain in a not very serious
degree and'is under tbe physician's care.
-jhe B. & M's Midnight Raid
j n ,
on umana,
An Astonished U- P. Corporation
Other Railway News.
Lase ni 'Ut about 7 p. ni. roadmaster
Taylor went out to Oreapolis where a
special construction train with Division
Superintendent Thompson and a full
force of some two hundred men with
track material was met aud tho special
"excursion" train launched forth to
Omaha. At 0 u. m. the train run in
there by the B. & M. passenger depot,
and iu ten seconds time, the two hun
dred men were crossing Tenth street,
going through the alley south of the Sr.
J a. lies hotel, to llth btreet, where the
Union Pacific track and grounds w;re
struck, aud as the men rushed the ties
and rails from the train across Tenth
street, and through the alley to llth.
oi hi rs of tho force commenced laiii
Hack-, aud ut midnight ties and raii-s
had been iuid along by the U. 1. trai ks
from llth ut 13 an 1 a most import
aui lijrht i way beouied. At miiii!;lii
Supt. CI u k, of the U. V. had an fnjum -tion
served u,)uu him, restraining (hat
company from iulcrferlug'Rith the 1.
& M. work, aud at 3 a. m. the new
tract was spiked aud lev eled, aud built
in length -ullicieut to hold the right
of way.
Manager Kimball who lived near ihe
scene uf operation, came down to the
scene of work iu the night, saw that
his company was Hanked and outwitted
and went back again.
So skillfully and quietly was the woi k
done that the Omaha papers this morn
ing had not heard of it, aud Omaha v. ill
be astonished to hear the news of the
work done, aud the flanking move
The B. & M. have heretofore through
private parties yurehased the ground
betwefcr their depot on 10th street and
llth, where the frackwas laid, nnd the
new track will continue on toward the
The whole plan of the B. & M. is ap
parent, and that is, that the Ashland
Omaha survey is business, aud that the
flunk movement last night was to get
the right of way out of Omaha to the
wbit. The B. & M. were compelled to
do this to get at the Omaha Union
stockyards, and a prominent gentleman
from Omaha informed us this morning
that he was satisfied the intent of the
B. & M. was to make a passenger line
west from Omaha via Ashland.
What this may prove is not evident
yet but the B. M. are red hot for a
line along side the U. P. west from
Omaha and the right of way was taken
in the charge last night.
Transfer at Nebraska City.
The B. & M. officials have been con
temmatmg putting in a car terry or
transfer with their stub train at Ne
braska City between that place and
acroi3 the river at old Eastport. The
regular steim ferry boat there, sunk
during high water Ibis spring, and since
then there has been no ferry or way for
teams to cross. The company arc hav
ing estimates made in the shops here
as to the probable cost of making two
ferry cars to be run on and off the boat
there to do the transferiing of teams
and wagons as well as their present
passenger transfer. The cars will be
arranged on the same plan as those
used at Omaha over the Union Pacific
Double) Trade.
The work of a double tract from the
bridge here, to Oreapolis Junction, is
progressing now, the contractors who
have the work of widening the cul
verts having already commenced work
on the one iu Happy Hollow, which
will be widened some ten feet. The
new track will follow the present main
line around the bluff to the bottom and
thence to the Junction, and will be
made at comparative little cost for
grading etc., and will prove a most ex
cellent adjunct to the present line in
facilitating the movements of trains in
and out of the yards here. This with
the rock ballast work on the Omaha
branch, will keep a large force of extra
men employd here for some time as
headquarters, for all this work will be
at Plattsmouth.
Notice for the Germans, and all who
take an interest in learning the Ger
man language : Monday, May 1 9, the
German school will begin again and
last during vacatioa of public school.
Asking 50 ceut3 a month for each schol
ar, and expecting it in advance. I
welcome, gladly, all children, Ger
man and English, who can avail them
selves of the opportunity.
Joseph Wittexberuer.
Mr. Ed. Olive in charge of Carruth's
photo parlors, has taken a magnificent
group picture of the members of the
dramatic club who presented the' Staff
of Diamonds" one of these pictures is
in Phil Young's show window, and it is
out with their BunounccBaeal of tbe
i. Practice Shooting
Yesterday afternoon members of the
sportsTDCu'e club broke glas balls at
the fair giound. Th average record
is gotnl, those who vvere left the other
day coming to the front, and vice vena.
The badge held by Smith returned to
Jones on the following record: twenty
balls eighteen yards rise:
Jones VJ, Smith 17, Strode 10, Chap
man 14, B'.ishnell 11.
Tne following intkhes were then
shot, five single ball:.
Jones . . .
Malick . .
Slil! i!l
C moiii. hi .
Bus hue! I .
Strode . . .
0 4
1 - 4.
1 -4
1- 5
0- a
1- 4
1 .1
1 5
1 5
0 1
1 4
1 1
...1 1 1
JU'?S. . . ,
Malltk ..
Smith . .
Buahneli .
- Chaptui.u
Strode. . .
. 1
3ltl MATCH.
1 1 1
. Malick..
Smith . . .
Stn'tle ,
. . 1
. . 1
. I
, .0
4 th
10 11 oo--;j
01 lu 01 3
v ifmith. .
.11 01 10-4
00 01 11--:$
Rev. FathsrLynoli.
Tlie IlEiuuiiii common with veiy
many others, rtMcU to learn, that
Rev. Father Lyneb, who has no faith
fully watched over and guarded the
Catholic church and its people here
during the last four years removes this
week to Grand Island, a new field of
labor for him where he g. s under or
ders from the bishop.
Personally, the writer regards Father
Lynch as one of his firm iriends who
always has a good word and a cheerful
one, and who in every walk in life that
he follows is a diligent an 3 faithful
The church here will inifs Father
Lynch ; very much, too, will he be
missed by the missionary churches in
the county that he has fostered and
cared for. TomgTt the A. U. 11. soci
ety tender him a reception at their
hall, at wh'ch time numbers of bis
friends will assemble by invitation in
an Impromptu farewell meeting on the
eve of his departure for Graud Lland.
The p-.islurc for city cattle will be
ready Friday, May ICth. Th o-rall
i3 near ileiscl's mill, and cattle must be
in by 7:33 in the morning.
C5t2 W. S. Wise.
High School Closing Exercises-
Opening Chorus... ....First Ward.
Recitation "Tomorrow" John Crabill.
Recitation "The seeds of Scandal".. M. Davis.
Exercise Song Second Ward,
Recitotion -Milking Time" Glen Carruth.
Recitation ' Bijan's Story." Ollie Boyd,
ExercUo Song' Clap ! Clap ! Hurrah !"3d Ward
Recitation "Stick to the Farm "..Fred Warren
Recitation 'Kcenaii's Charge". John Donelon
Exercise Song Fourth Ward
Recitation-'Brier Rose" Bertha Wise
Recitation "The Schoolmasters Guest."
Mabel Fottenger.
Chorus 'Our Baby" Second Grades
Recitation "The Polish Boy".. John Hartlgan
Chorus "Nymphs ot the Ocean Spray" School
Essay "Successful Men" Walter Thomas
Eesay "Successful Women" Henrietta Schulof
Essay "Nebraska". Sheldon Draw.
Presentation of Diplomas.
Closing Chorus "Sweet Visions of Childhood.
Notieei for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that bids will
be received by the City Clerk up to
Monday, May 26th, 1884, for doing the
city advertising and printing for the
fiscal year commencing June 1st, 1884,
to June 1st 1885.
By order of the City Council.
J. D. Simpson,
City Clerk.
In purchasing a refrigerator see Hen
ry Bajeck's new stock and get prices
before purchasing. 59tf
Leading medical authorities indorse
Ayer's Sarsaprilla as the best blood
purifying medicine in existence. wld6
An agate watch charm and two doo
keys. Call at this office, prove prop
erty, pay for this notice and get the
Dr. Home's Electric Belt
Will cure Xervousnass. Lvmbara. Rheuma
tism. Paralysis, Neuralgia. Sciatica. Kidney,
Spine and Li ver diseases. Gout. Asthma. Heart
disease, Dispepsia Constipation. Erysipelas.
Catarrh, Piles, Epilepsy. I m potency. Dumb
Ague, Prolapsus. Uteri.etc. Only scientific Elec
tric Belt In America that sends the Electricity
and Magnetism through the body, and can be
recharged in an Instant by tbe patient.
S1,000 Would Not Buy It.
Dk. nORVK I was Afflicted with rheumatism
and cured by using a belt. To any one afflicted
with that disease. I would say, buy Horre's
Electric Belt. Any one can confer with me by
writing or calling at my store, 1420 Douglas St..
Maim Office Opposite Post Office, room 4
ZZlZrZSZX-Az. wrugaiore.
s 1 a. m sa a . .
Transcendentally Beyond Description in all
its Overwhelming Perfection,
At Plattsmoulh, Thursday May 15th.
W. W.
Biggest Circus in the World!
Fourteen Years of Unceasing Triumphs, augmented and enlarged to almost endless proportion
Astounding and Truly Tremeadous Features, and mere Costly, rhenjinlaal attracUont.tkt
all other Silo es.
Including The BH A TV 77
A HEARD OF E&KPHA.VTH Performing Elephants, Clon Elephant. Waltzing Ble
phants,. Big Elephants, Small Elsphauts and Musical hlopiiauts.
Twenty Camels. Nursing Baby Camels, Giant Camels, Racing tram 1 White Hippopotamus,
only Black two-horned Khinocerous, Sea Animals, K ingaroos. Trained Wild Savags Jlats.
Tigers, Lionii, Leopards, Wild Animal Trainers and Teacuers, female .Snake Charmer. White
Buitalo, Loose led. Sacred aud Singular Brutes, aud ail kinds of Rare Winged Curiosities.
The Sacred White Faced Elephant of Burmah.
1 iTWl at each and every perf or ance, by Phenomenally, Expert and A I t 1IC
AvlO dariugArtist. a Troup of 12 marvelous, muscular and wonderful HO
All old features discarded. Bran na sensations secured. Long halre-l ladles. Midget mea.
Leapera, lu uniers, Clowns, u;ars. u.intortionisi. mopoaroma itacin, iraiuea siauions, rer-
lormini? Monies. Rival Riders Inttia aa;ne Kinr.
Doors open at 1 and 7 P. M. Two Parfvrmuce Daily. Admission SO cents.
0, half price.
Train Time.
Under the change in time passenger
trains leave the dapot here a? follows:
No. 1 west, 8:15 aj m.
No, 3 west, 6 :50 p. m.
K. O.St. J. & C. B. north 5:15 a. m.
.t It M .4 X M M 5.35 p. mi
C. B. & Q. , north, 7:15 a. m.
Omaha stub north 8:55 a. m.
" " 5:40 p.m.
Trains arrive as follows
No. 2 , Denver expreas 6:25 p. m,
No. 4, M - 9.25 a.m.
K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9:15 a. m.
. u u u m 8:35 p. m.
C. B. h Q. Omaha east 5 :30 p. m.
Barber Shops-
Hereafter all the barber shops in the
city will be closed on Sundays.
Ed. Morlet,
S B. Yeats,
J. C. Boosk, -dlw
C. Warrex,
F. Spenceb.
Ft S. White,
The old stand by ice man, is now con
tracting for the summer season, and
will deliver you your ice promptly at
any time called for. Make your con
tracts for a summer supply. 15dtf
All the best bouses in Plattsmouth
will sell you Bremner's choice crackers
at reduced price by the box or barrell,
aud dou't you forget it. Get these and
you get the best. tf
For a handsome suit, substantially
made, in tbe best of style, aud from
any quality of goods you may select.
call on K. Dressier, Merchant Tailor,
In Sherwood Block. 13dlm
Spearhead tobacco is all the go new.
All chewers seem to be anxious to get
that farm, which will be given away
in June next. Call at Matt bchiegers
fcr a circular. ltf
Two hundred and forty acres under
1 fence, with running water, and one
1 v-if mila from hw nitT. Anolv to
a0 ?s VP Ihs Very Colesins
of Brute Crr atloB
aW - io.utely all kind of Shows.
Children under
Marsh's Golden Blood and Lirer Ton
ic Is Highly Recommended.
"In my experience of many years 1
have never met with a remedy that I
dould so freely recommend, for blood,
liver and kidney complaints, as Marsh
Golden Blood and Liver Tonic."
M. E. Hall, Fort Scott, Kansas.
"Ilsviu; heard your Golpen Blood
and Liver Tomo highly spoken of I
bought a bottle for my wife, who was
sufTerintr from dyspepsia and liver
complaint. I can now join with others
in its praise, for it quickly cured her."
J. M. Scott, Chillicothe, Mo.
"Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver
Tonic has cured me of a scrofulous hu
mor and kidney trouble, from which
I have suffered for years." W.F.Mor
ris, Burlington, Iowa.
MABsn's Golden Blood and Liver
Tonic and JIaksii's Golden 'JZ a lsam
for tbe threat and lungs, are for sale by
Smith & Black Bro?., druggists, Platts
mouth. Largs bottles 50 cents and $1.
Trial size 10 cts. wldt
Collection Notloe.
All parties knowing themselves te
be indebted to me will please call and
make full settlement at once, s that
hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash
business. Flease give this your imme
mediate attention.
d59 w3w Bobt. Sherwood.
Iu the Future
When you have a coush and want re
lief, think ot Kemp's Bilsam for th
Throat and Lungs; a guaranteed reme
dy for those diseases. Prico 50c and
$1; trial size free. Respectfully,
apr 9 4m W. J. War kick.
The Boss Clothier of Llncolu, has
opened out a clothing store in this city
where he would be pleased to have his
old customers call in, on lower Mala
street, ot door eust of ennrt house.
- - iAafllBt -en
r i
V tfisss JVtTRrtflL