ilucStlen's Arulca Salve. " The Best Silvein the world for Cuts, Brusca, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheuni, Fe ver . res Tetter Chapped Hands Chilb lains C rns and nil Skin Eruptions and positivty cure Piles or no piv required. It is guanted to give ierfect atla f action, or iiiojcy refunded. Price 25 cents per box. foe H.iW 15 y J. M. Roh an's. NTv 27 lby:J ly Th WW Couli Hedicine In I In- World. sample iree ok charge iV.11 :.!. U'lirriHc'rt rni store, and .t uiii.I. li..tlle of Brown's Expee- t.,-,i.t ii.-A .'-iii!M'. It cures Coughs, lloust-nc. WliMupi'iK C"Uili and Cu- minp:i--ii ia its c;irly Mages, it n r.ciei:' iti1: preparation, .-i.liiiirably a!aj t ed for toe cure ot all Throat and Lung Dise.e;. 1 1 is to take and C!tii.iv i.u.inh-f!'. TVy t;it cots you Ire.!i:ig. Reg.iur i in-;', o v .00. For n2e lv W... Wain. V. Jan. 3 uiwi Telegraphic. THE POLITICAL FIELD. Preparing lor the Chicago Convention. Arthur's Friends in New York. i;ivu ! I4"r'M-! Free ! ui(ivf.::y i-uii pili;. ; .i:vil'lcl t'S '. by Dr. D -n'r A -i:i;le application ... convince ' e uiobL skeptical of its iit wono--i : ! hc.-.ling powers, Ryciirng on 'A. po Warrick dru.'irit, yo:i can o ample box free ot cl. i : , wi.i . aliaiy you of j . -I.'- .wly " James tHaUsc." The work entitled "Twenty Years of Congress" the most succinct mi'i im partial history of Congressional Legis l .ltm extant, will b-, is ued from the press in a few days. In the lueantuno 1 1. L. E. Lincoln will call upon you Mid take your orders. SdGtwtt Music- O.i receipt of $1 50 iu currency or stamps we will mail free Fifty pieces assorted Vocal and Instrumental Stand ard Muic from all the most, popular composers and authors. The J. W Bailey .Mercantile Co. St. Joseph, Mo. Tha Ice Man. Jo?. Fairfield has established an of fice at Mouarch billiard hall, where he will contract with consumers l supply ice for the season ar tns lowest term?. 3m2 Crazy Quilts- 2,030 packages of silk and ribVn fccrans pur up in assorted lots for 25c. 50. 75 , an 1 $1.00 . -ach. auy one of which will bo m uled, postage paid, o receipt ot pries. Address Ti-e .1 W Biiley Mercantile Co. Sr. Joseph, Mo. iifiezu ver cent wi-eount on ail cus torn made work hereafter, at Sher wood' roil cash. To establish my business in every department on a btrictty cash basis this inducement is made in all custom made work. Uud. r the reductiou a hoc that costs 9 00 now, costs $7.05 for cash. A lot that costs 00 now costs $ C- 0 cash. A boot that costs So.50 now costs $5 CO cash at Sherwood's. 58dv8tf Twentv live cents in advance will e-m:le y.u to use of the rUsssiuoutu library tor one .a :uh. 45 'aw l in W. J- Warrick. i:ofrig3iaiors in all .sizs at Henry Bceck's. " What causes the great ru?h at Will J. W:trrick's Dr'isj Store." Tin- Iree distribution of sample bottles ot l)r liosanko's Cough an t Lang S nip, the most popular remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumptions aua ironi-ums market. Keguiar s-iw ow i ..nU yj. S?i:.286.l w. th Notice. To ti.e creditors of J. (I. Chambers and Son : You are hereby ro'u'mJ, that I n iy.-, in accordance with U'e Statutes of Ne braska in such c;im mule ncid in.'V.d c.i, set the l'Jth -'i;y of May, 1S4, as the ti ue lor .1 meeting of tiie cred itors of the mi 1 -t. Ciiambers A. S n, .l-signors. You are tuiiher n;itiet, ttiarthe meeting will he .ii my i' in the city of l'iattMi.o.nli. Cas co -iiity, ut tlte hoar of 2 oVlocck t. m. o i .-at i d ue Ti.d object of said m'cru is for the purpose of choking aii asbi;nee to succeed the SlieiiiV who now holds in trust all the property and effects ot 6aid assignors, under a voluntuy aa Bicnment. Creditois may roprt-seut tbeir claims in person or by proxy. C. UrssELL, County Jo te. riatlsmonth, Neb , May 5. 57dl0twt CITY This beautiful tarer tor- trick street lire, on ewer Maid stieet. lias- just lxen tntlieJ aud Ued up lor tlic accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REG UL All BOARDERS.: t?ERY THING mi AHD CLEAN . pi . j nr, in counoction wita the IjOoU tjSV House. f FRED OOOS. Propr. M. O'CONNOR. At tlie dowt-town saloon. tiF0SITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keep a compu te Ine of Xjiquors, 'D CIGARS, BOTTLED BEER, ALE AND TORTER, DRUG'S OMAHA' BEER Ma ! rf Kwttrty i : ..;:.( May 13-Tlieiiiil( ndiiiif . gle ia l !n- r. publicuu national COUVen tioii, toi-iii-es to be vigorous and frieud !v. 1 h- :i.(.eting will be called to or- -1 i-.i 1 .' V: ek on Tut-sday, June 3d, : .-..::. Sbin, t Minnesota, chair u. . i:ic natioiiul c.iiimittee, audit ii piobuble tliat Senator Hoar, vt. Is i t.e of the delegutes-a?- laiye f.o.a Miissachiittt!f. wilt ! e Ui'h t rr!iTa:y cliarm in. His services m pi. .-iiii:;g at the convention bere iu lbSu to general satisfaction and there s-'cms to be a general feeling that the position should again be tendered to him. Col. Roberts, of Illinois, and C. C. 1a. Wfg'ier, who were mude fcecretar- ies four year. axo, me ii't delega'es this year, and in efl'rt v.: be made t name State Sci.atof C E Fuller, of Il linois, aud Andrew D. White, of New York, as secretaries. All these men are so well versed in prlimentary usages that the deliber itioas of tiie vast asscnbly will move al"iig t-moothly in their hinds. TLw various presideutial caaoidutes n;e ft l!y in the preliminary licld, not-w;th-ra:idi;.g their wild protestations In lore the public, and the friends and atrpnts of most ol them are now here in tui'ig preparations for the decisive cuuust. L-Jgan has a home here, but his residence is rented to other j -Arties aud he has engaged apartments at one of tli'i lending hotels as his beadquarters ' .i i.' h.n also made a contract for si . ..e o! . ooins at one of tho more re- j .;id :;-celi und is expected to have no i less than uTte-eu friends to assist !im. Two private secretaries, three mcsscn gers, a btenograpLcr, and no less de- uominated lobbyists will be present early in tha action to sec that the great candidate's interests arc not neglected Arthur quietly established his bureau here a week since and the members of it are almost entirely local people here who are not ver y popular,. It i3 not generally known that Sabin ha a mild attack of the presidential fever, but 6uch was found to be the case wl:tn two of his workers were stumbled upon to day who incautiously admitted that he was one of the dark horses. Several other candidates, and no less than sixty dark horses are actively negotiating for accommodations during the meeting. Work is actively progressing on the hall and the noith end of the exposition building is being turned into a most iuviting convention chamber. The au ditory will be about half the tdze of that t f 1S30? and the acoustic proper ties are being greatly enhanced by the boarding up of the outlying lobbies and placing immense sounding boards in front and rear and also under the ceiling. The olel glare of the kalso- mined walls will also be relieved to a great extent by the judicious use of fresco in tints pleasing to the eye. The audience will face north instead of south, as iu the lat convention, and the arrangement of the seats, aisles aud entrances will be a marked im provement upon the c-ld chamber. Al together, the 1,610 delegates and alter- nnte3 and the 10,000 spectators, report ers and nua will be ngreably sur- piis d at the pleasing appearance of the coriVt-ntion hall j.- few weeks hsuce. The- twenty three members of the branch t'a nice committeo of the local committee of the sub committee of the National icpublicaii committee are ac tively at wort raising the necessary funds for defraying the expenses of the convention, aud have eecured about $15,010 and will no doubt swell the funel to $25 000. This committee has about &C0 tickets for distribution among the subscribers to the fund, and it is suppos id that one ticket will be given to euch subscriber paying $.'0,or three tiek;s lor each $100. Of course noco:iiract is made to that effect, but such is the plan generally unders-tood. 15. 1'. Moultoa is chaiitnaa of the fi nance committee and no doubt will re ceive subscriptions by miil or in per son at the head-quarters of the republi can national committee, 127 Dearborn street, room 7. Tne reports of the committee ou li nance, transportation, dress, tausic, employe, tc, will be made in a few days. All the delegates to the convention having been selected, a well known journalist bere who hts attended ercry republican national convention since Lincoln's first nomi nation, has carefully compiled the list wTft V VCer W ttw WtfTtt Ttfr BlWus 378, Arthur, 271, Edmunds 70, Logan 57, Sherman 23, Ilnwley 12 Sherman 3, Lincoln 1, and kit unknown. Chicago, May 13 Cyrus II. McCor- mick, head of the great harvester manu facturing company, and supposed to be one of the richest men In Chicago, died at his home in this city this morning, aged 75 years. He lias bees an invalid for ajnumber of years Mr. McCorinick was born in 1&09 in Rockbridge county, Virginia. He was a son of Robt. R. McCoruiick, the farm er who invented the original reaper, in 182C, but afterward abandoned it, ow -ingtoits imperfection. The deceased brought the invention to successful completion in lSwl, when 21 year o'o. For this invention l.e was elected by ther French institute as a number oi' tine Acudemy of Sciences aud retcive ti e decoration of the cross f the Legion of Honor. In politico he was a demo crat, and has been prominent iu his party as a member of the ti com mitter. He founded and liberally en dowed the Theological Seminary ot ttuV Northwest, conducted under t'.-r ..u-j-pices of the Pieab leiian chiii i.h, and also eoelo.ved a professorship ia ti.e Washington anil Union thculogie. 1 col leges of V rgiuia. New York, May 13. The following will be puMishel he-re on Wtd.-esday morning: To Messrs. John Jacob Astor, LeGraud 15 Cannon, John A Stewart, Jacob 15. Vermilye, Cornelius N. I51isp, Benj. II. Bristow, Cornelius R. Aiji.ew, M. D.: Getxhmkx : The undersigned re spectfully request you to act as a com mittee to designate the time ut.d place at which the feiiow citizens of Pi evi dent Arthur may express thtir approv al of his admiuitrutiou and their wuh that he be nominated for president ut the republican national convention. It is believed that this is a widespread feeling among those who manage and control the e,reat interest of whieh Uie center is here and iuvolve ihe prosperi ty of the whole countiy. It is titling that such sentiments should find means of public expression, t oth fr the welfare of the country aud injus tice to our good president. Very re spectfully, II B ciaQiu & Co... E S Jeffrey & Co., Sam Stean, Lewis Bros. & Co., Davitl Dows, Josia W Fiske, Chaa G Lundon & Co., Bliss, Fabyan & Co, E II Per kins, Jr, president Importers' and Tra ders bank, Wax Jenkins, president of the Bank of America, Johustvn Swings ton, E T Tefft, Tiffany & Co., L S Wins ton, F D Tappan, John E Parsons, Jesse Seligman, D B Hatch, J II Her rick, Leonard Hardline, and several hundred others. PRQWiSSlOHAl. bAROS. ATT It T AT LAW. nraM Iu all Co art wf ia 8Ul. lu: la t iUila ilck. rurndvuTi, AU.If BlMOI. A. -N. VI'LLITaS. ATTOK?(KV8 AT LAW. Tfllt prmi.t attention t all bulueii lntruat4 ll;ai. Of Cm in Uuiuu block, Kmi 1J. rLATTiMOUTM 9BSBAJKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Bacemeat f Biuik of CH Coast. ConxitK Ciiti as Mais Htimti. UOT-A.FIT- PUBLIO Particular attention vlved t th ireoariitlou of :tierf fur CayratH, I'aianti aud Hegfiirattuu f l rUa Marks and l..ik;. Jaatlr of th Prac. P21m wood Neb Col-'ecti'-na a p' i-ity anJ give pronti'l ntteelio i I. O adJre EllM WOOd Net. DM. A. nl.l?U'H. DJSIsTTIST. Jil e h.i.'.iti. Mack A Cu't. LTug .Store, t-'ro. . :-.k'.H l-l-.l ri a: te-f'!iat, 1-rK'e-B. jMj M. O'DOfiOMOi: AhTiKY Al LA MTAIIV fLW.lC. r tii,i.-i.-.iU lS! oh. i : v ;; i..-Ji!;i .tte t nuA from Kurort. & i. rr. is. nt;niL;jixticuT. Pri i ciicin J Phjsicia7i. OClco. (Joiner Mala a4 7th Street., FUrrKDutTR, ...... SBBUASKA. SR. J. 3. 8TDRDEVANT, M. D. , rilTSICIA AND SURUbUM. Altvua &l!s, tj er algbt. 2nif tJOHTMll.GtlTit, !t. A. U. LITH4iRTOH, . f rMvaiciAir euBuiox. Oft I 1IOUK8, from 10 a. m., t r. m. Kxaiaiu.r.K Muraeou for V. ti. I'enslon. 1B. B. H1LLKK, r U Y S I U I A it AND 8UUUK05, Can found l-y calling at Ills office, corner 7t.l arid ilalu streets, la J. 11. Waterman' tiuuae. PLAVlHMeWTH. KHBHA1X1, JAN. B. aTATHKWh ATTOBKXT AT LAW. U fiee orr Baker Atwood' store, seath uldn wf Ma;u tjbtwceA Btb and Otti tret. ltf ATlOIiSETS AT LAW the Courts lu the btata. District Jtllarmy an-l JXvtaru Public, CLAKK. Will iractle ta all CHEAP LANDS. First-class iuo the lands in Cheyenne Cc. Nebraska, or$J-) acie. 100 ACHES COTS, 480,00 A YMENTS. CASH, SS,CO 1st year interest 6 per cent only j2',92 T?tLli tt. A'iTOIfNKT AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Atfeucy. Ctlioo Union block. Flatwrnoulh Nebravka. 22m3 S. K. A CO. LAW OFFICE. Ial Ktte, Fire and Life In surance Areata, i'lattamouth. Neeraaka. Col lectors, tax-payer. Hare a complete abetract of title.. Buy md sell real estate, negotiate lears. c. iayi 21 3d 4th 5th Cth 7th Sth t'th 10th and i'it. 4S.09 4-,(f 43.iK 4S.00 4S,(W 4.0! 4s,oy Interest in 6 p.T cent, and i payable j. Sections and halt section in pi-ipinio-i. have personally examined these lands. W. . WX35, UXIOV BLOCK. NEBRASKA PLATTSMOUTI1, Kotary rubllc. ATTOKNKTAT LAW. Wi:ipratle lu Ca and adjoining Counties ; Riven special attention to collections and abstracts of title. Onice In stherwoed Block, Flattarnonth, Nebraska. 17T1 RCBlvST B. VTISDnA!!, ioJary rxbl'.e. mBXti A LAW. OSee eter Carruth's Jewelry Btere. Plattsmoutk. .... Nebraska. PS. A. HAPTTICAN, 4 A TI I E a. f irGiiftAL!' Block. Flattshovtm Nh Prompt and esrefal attention te a fc serai Law Practice. K. DUESSLER, erciiant T&ilor. Pl.ATTSMOUTH. - - - NEB. Dr. C. A. Harsadt vSaMor te Clatter A AlarsaaU.) W. II. 31 A LICK, CARRIAGE G alntine ai trimmln SIGH & ORNAMENTAL (PLJ JSTTZJST&, All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COIL FIFTH AND VINE STREETS, PLATTSMOUTn. - NEBRASKA. CALL AT THE Old Reliable n ya H. 4. HTfflil! t SON Wholesale and Retail Dealer ta PINE LUMBER SHLNULES, LATH, SASH, BOORS, BLINDS. &c. Fourth street, la rear of Opera House. .-LATTSMOUTIL NEBRASKA PLATTSMOUTH MIKLS TTSVOUTH NEH. IXE18EL., - Proprller Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain ly tut of Laughing Oas. AH work warranttd. Prices reasonable. FiT7.f;:KAi.T Fiori. - Plattsmovth.X Crown Mills Flonr. W. F. A41e, the old Cass county miller, who is now running ths Crown Mill3 at Ashland, has his flour on sale iu the Plattsmotith market, Dovey & Son keeping it always in stock. A trial of the Crown Mill brands will prove to any that it is superior to any flour in the market. 300dw48tf. Money saved by buyiBg baad made brooms, ask yur dealer for them. dffc-imo Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. They often say. Oh, it will wear away, out in most cases it wetr them away. Could thfy be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, 'ha' I sell ou a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and 31; trial size free. Resp'y. fapr3 4m W. J. Warrisk. Trythe Btnana plug ehewios; to bacco, it is by far the finest plug ehew ing rmtfle-, MaTt SCttegtfl stlfs Ir. Irf 0 1 tiers for hand made brooms at tended to promptly at the Western broom factory. d23-tmo CORN rOB rrlnCB In HvSrr 1ft kilo 2 s p crt- o a- ES ft 5 ft g S5 ft lad CD w ft H ft N4 tint ft f3 in ft Pi fcxa ft fast ft ft last e4 ft ft R - X. SB o CD r "y 9 13 5- hssseA 4 c ? 7