i n -V, VOL. 2. I'LATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 13, 18S1. NO. 61. i( in rfT . 16 w an man AL4BASTINE, JOSEPH V 00 Q O O O w o ) o o TO MY FEIENDS IBBBr Ml wufl ' r I do not care to follow the example of my competitors, by moving my store "West, nor am I worried by trary, I have MARKED DOW.N Dolmans, Cloaks & Carpets Hi fact, everything in the Dry Goods line, in plain figures, and trora now on will sell at P RIMJl! JHctster-n JPTtlCJUS, and no blowing or misrepresentation. If in want of any Goods in the above lines, or if you need any FRESH GROCERIES. Call and see for yourselves. JOSEPH "V. WBOZBAOH. EICHEY DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF- - Lumber, SasMoors. Blinds 3Ie3prc7stt HLattos. T? To) a foyiFr Oils9 j&Co9 srm ?Th th tc CKBAC r "- - o O w 00 AITD FATHONS their doing so. l.ut on tne con ail my f T-T3 VEB"H3E. BH03, Terms CaoSa WE PLATTSMODTfl HERALD. I'CBLISUED DAILY AND WEEKLY by z Plaltsiacatti Heralfl PulJlisMnsc Co. DAILY, delivered by carrier to.any.pnrt of tbe city Per Week 1 fer Month 60 f er Year 7 00 WEEKLY, by mall. J 3iie copy six months 91 00 one cony oue year 2 00 Registered at t;ie Post Office, Plattamouth, an aeconu elans matter. HALSTEADON BLAtNE- . Eight years ago I advocated the nomi nation fur tbe presidency of General Bristow and opposed Mr. Blaine inci dentally. Now I urn not devoting myself to toil in favor of any particular nomina tion, though my expressed preference is Jolm Sherman: and I am not as sailing Mr. Blaine, President Arthur, Senator Edmunds, or Gen. Logan hold ing them in high esteem. Perhaps I have changed my policy, I profess to have profited by eight year's experience. . During thosa years I have been more deeply than ever convinced that there is no reasonable hope of doing any good w ilh ihe Democratic part ; and I have lo?t faitlj m the efficacy of inde pendent movement?. have had a share iu the labor of holding parlor coaaultatiocs with a few excellent citizens with a view of shattering both the great political or ionizations of the country, and 1 cait to spend my time to better purpose. In this I see no occasion for pvblic regret or private sorrow. 1 propose to support the Republican N.lional nominations, and it eccurs tv mc to reserve my strength until after the proceeding of the convention. The jjurnal with whir.li I am connected is not at war with any of the enmiidates; and I believe in the caue above them all. I am grateful to Mr. Blaine for his iarge share iu ii fea'it g the third -term :,jrgrcssion ; g-ilnsi American lepubli canism. and I feel persuaded that in the atmosphere of suspicion of 1870, 8 me ot us accept d too readily the theory thst the smoke of accusation against Biain? mexot that there must be a hidden fire, soon to break out and consume him. 'Whenever I attempted to' hunt up tbe facts that were assumed to be the fuel, they failed to materialize. 1 should not. if h were the candidate, feel alarmed about his record. We know all that can be used sgaiust him, that it would be aa ineffectual before the people at large as iu the republican party, an I that there is no candidate unasailable. Mr. Blaine's enemieo, who are vio lent and quoting themselves to tliow that hard things can be said of him, are nor impoi taut aud have mistaken i heir mission. I know of some matters in which Mr. Blaine's assailants are utterly iu errror. President GarGeld told that at the first of his cabinet meetings he opened bus ioess by saying to all, as he could do at that moment without offense to any they would get along peaceably only by caret ully limiting themselves to their own departments of duty. He said Blaine acquiesced and complied with the suggestion fully and cordially up to that day it was the last day of June, 1881. And President Garfield said Blaine was not responsible for the New York appointments upon which Conkling re signed; that they were his own, and made under a sense of duty to his friends and himself as the President of the United StateB. upon.tbe belief tht when the shock was over there would be a better understanding. When I compare my knowledge with the charges current against jilr. Blaine about thesj transactions aud eo often repeated that refutation becomes te dious, I am free to believe that he has been falsely accused iu other matters; and I know enough of thosa who are making a busiues-t of hostility to him, to b sure that if the lines were drawn on them that ti ey apply they could be m de unhappy. I think our strongest candidate and safest President would b; John Sher- m tu ?J, aud I gladly give President Arthur credit for his admirable ad mlnietratlon, but I do not I eliera that tbe millions 'if republicans who kindle with enthusiasm at the name of Blaine htve gone far wrong.' - THE PARIS ELECTIONS. ' The Uiun'cipal e'ectit-n low pro gressing in Paris are likely t' prove a notiibl - event in the history of the Re public, .Not o i y has the vo:e been larg-r 'liin the ity has ever polled he i rebut the Revolutionists have al ready gaine 1 CO.000 votes over the elec tion of 1881, aud th-J rauks of the Rev lationi-ts inc:ude Autonomists, So cialists i Anarcliists, CoLecavists, and all classes hostile to the Republic. TheirIjictory has. thi lime beon a sweeping one, and the result has been that the Republican party has substan tially disappeared. On thu one Aide Monarchists havo drawn from it and on tbe 'Other tide the Revolutionists, the latter to such an extent that the drift of Paris is now- toward communism. Pa pers of all sorts of political opinion seem to be agreed upon the oue ccr -tainty that the Commune will be es tablished again, while the cooler and sharper sighted organs unite in declar ing that the only alternative left is King or Commune, and that on the cer tain rail s of the Commune the mon archy will again ciimb to power. Whatever else may occur as the out come of the social und political com plication', it is certi in that the reign of the Commune wiil be brief anil disas trous. Should it succeed in establish, ing itself behind it? barricades f r a little time, its overthrow will be speedy. The farmers of Franc will march aga nst it as tin y did before and extir pate it in blood. It has no governing eleme.it in its construction. It has no wish for a govtrnmeut. It has i.o poli cy but anarchy. Its purj ose is to over throw the G jvc-rnment, the church. and th lights of property. Hence it aims at the rights ot the fara.ers, and they will s.ssiil it with si force which cannot be resisted, and suppress it without mercy. The question then is, Wid the Repub lie be able to re S3 t itsju.tl ority on the ruins of the I ommunc? This does not lo.k probable i.- the R puMic is nc,t str ng c to ugh t put aown the Com muni's upr "ing; and it m st i ot be forgotten t at ii is Repu licans them selves who have aided the Commune to achieve ts victo y at tl e polls. If t. e Re ubli ' v: n o main : in its mp e n- acy, and ir the C mm. ne is unable to r.-oi6t h : on-i: u;ht o; the bourgeoise. what folows but that the Monarchists, who have very able leaders in the field, w 11 improve their opportunity aud 8 ;iz'--iho reins of power again ? Is it not t.'i logical outcome ot the situa tion? Chicago Tribune. Call end See Us. I wish t notify the public that I am now open for business, at Joe McVey's old frtand, where I have iu stock a full lice of Kentucky whiskies, St. Loui9 beer, wines and ciears &c, as jrood as the best. 57dtt II. M. BON3. Collection Notice. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me will please call and make :ull s-ttl-ment at once, so that hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash business. Please give this your imme mediate attention. d59 w3w Robt. Sherwood. Open Again. Will. Webber wishes to announce that the Elkhorn saloon is again open to business as heretofore, the repairs and new work in the room now being nearly completed. NEW Furniture Stare cr. i. TT:isr:eur:E3:, DEALER IN FURNITURE i COFFINS. and aU kind ot eoods usually kept In a VIBMT CLA8S rtllUUXBE STORK Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Goods Hetallic&WooiciiCofflns Caslets Holies EMBLEMS, Ac. Our New and elegant hearse la always la readiness. Remember the place, in UNIO.N BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sontb of Cass Coun ty Bark. Wbear we may be found night or day. J. I UNRUH, tw9 uATXSJiuura. vkb CLIMBINU THE SPIRAL STAIRS. Invisible Architecture in a New Eng land I'arsonage. "Yes," she said, 'our children arc married and gone, and my husband and I sit by our winter tire much as wc did befoie the little ones came to widen the circle. Life is something like a spiral staircase: we are all the time coming around over the spot wearted from, only one degree furthes ui the stairs.." 'That is a pretty illustration, re marked her friend, musingly, gazing into the glowing coals which radiated a pleasant heat from tbe mauy-wtn-dewed stove. "You know we cauuot stop toiling up the hill, though." "Surely we cannot, aud for uiyBelf I don't find fault with that necessity pro vided the advance in life is not attend ed with calam'ty or suffering, for I have had my Ehare of that. Not long since my health utterly broke down. My system was full oi' malaria. My digestion became thoroughly disorder ed aud my nerves were in a wretched state. I was lancuid, ate little and that without enjoying it, and had no btrength or ambition to perform even my light household duties. Medical treatment failed to reach the seat of the trouble. The disease, which seem ed to be weakness of the vital organs, progressed till I had several attacks which my physicians pronounced to be acute congestion of the stomach. The last of these was a desperate struggle and I was given up to die. As the cri sis had partially passed, my husband heard of. the merits of Parker's Tonic aa an invigorant in just such cates as mine I took it and felt it3 good effect at once. It appeared to pervade my body as though the blessing of a new life had come to me. Taking noother med'uiue I continued to improve, and am no a- in better health than I have been for a long time." Extract from interview with the wiie of Rev. P. Perry, pastor of Baptist Church. Coldbrofik. Mass. cpr 3 1m In put chasing a refrigerator sec Hen ry Boseck's new stock and gi't prices before purchasing. 59tf Diamond Wall Finish, at Fisher's drug store. 49dwtf Leading medical authorities indorse Aver's StrsaDrilla as the best blood purifying nvidicinu in existence. wld8 FOUND. An agate watch h irra and t wj bo keys. (. all t this o iice. prove prrp e t-, uay f.;r thi- no-ice nd gt, th, articles. M O" Connor letups on hand the cel ebrated Anher.8er Uurch St Louis Bot tied Beer and always ready to pay pac ticular attention to .his customers. 155tf At Charlie Warren's, the old reliable barbfr's shaving 10c.. hair cut 25c, slnmpoo25c.. Bea foam lOc, mustache bl ick 25c. Shop opposite opera housp give him a can. oimi Durham is historic. It was neutral aronnd durinir the armistice between Sherman and Johnson. Boldiers of both armies filled their pouches with the tobacco stored there, and, after the surrender, marched home, ward. Boon orders came from East, West, North and South, for "more of that elegant tobacco. Then, ten men ran an unknown factory. Now It employs 800 men. uses the pink and pick of the Golden Belt, and the Durham Bull is the trade-mark of this, tbe best tobacco in the world. Blackwell's Boll Durham Smokinir Tobacco baa the Unrest sale of any smokinir tobacco in the world. Why f Simply because it la the bmt. All dealers have it. Trade-mark of the Bull. LOOK OUT! DURHAM BULL If he'd rone for a pack, are of BlackweU's Bull Durham Smokinir To bacco, aa be was told, he wouldn't nave Men cornered by the buu. ABSOLUTELY CTTB8 WJIOOl'IO COUi' It is a !:urnlffn vegetable syrnn.Tery o:i. t'ue tatr. Relieve at once ana is a poaitiv. . WINTER end BRONCHIAL COU-m are. cured by this excellent remedy. Dirt, -'.on, in ten laagvagt meetmpanf every bnule. IBLOOD 'liii-JconE ABSOLVTZLT CCTL1CS ALT. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. STOMACH. Liver. Bowel an1 Kidneys: for all diaaes oiiirin atinir in imnairnientof the blood, as Anrml, 8ick HeaiHche,Serr..usne, Female Week news. Liver Complaint. Dvspencia, Jaundice, Ei!louness and Ki lner Disease, tola medicine la absolutely sure. This medicine does n t coDteln nv niineral, to sn sniute'.y vegetable, restom the tlnd to a hlth7 condition, reiru latino exrrm-a aal supplying de ficiencies, and prevents cisease. Eirec tiara m ten ltmgvaffe accompany every boUta PAPILLON MFC. CO.. CHICACO WOa 8AZ.3 2T ILL CBTJOOIST3 fOU BXLZ BY mmmfitmumw r. BIffiMfif mm BANKS. . THE CITIZENS "U3 j' JXT "ESL ! PLATTSMOUTII. - NEBItASKA. CAPITAL, - $75,000. - orKicr.Rsj JOHN I1LACK, ?KANK CAKRUTU. l'resldent. Vlcc-I'reNlJenL, W. U. Ct'Sniau. Cashier. DIKKCTOH8 Joha Blftck:. W. II. Gushing, Frank Carrutb, . J. A. Connor, Fred llerrtuann, J. W. John son, F. K. Uutuuiana, Teter Mutnm, Win. Wotencamp, Iicury Baxk. Transacts a General Banking Buelneaa. All who have auy Man king busiuons to trauaact are iuvlteii to cull. Mo matter bow large or small the transaction. It wiU receive our careful attention, and we promise always cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates of Deposits bearing lutcrosl Buys and sells Foreign Exchange, County and Cltv itecurities. JOaH KlTZOKHALIi, A. V. MCUVUIIUN President. Casbler. FIRST NATIONAL OF PLAITS MOUTH. NkUIiABKA, OTnrsthe very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Utocks, Bonds. (;old. Government and Looa Securities Kou:lt and Hold, Lrpolts recelf . d and Interest allowed- time Certifi cates, Draftdrwn,. .lable in any part of the Unite. I .tes and all the principal' .wus of g Europe. Collection made ti promptly remitted, fllgheftt market prices paid for County War rants. Mtate ai.d County Bonds. DIRECTORS I John Fitzgerald A. K. Tou.a'lu. J.oU5, .. Hawksworth A. W McLauKhUn. F. K. VVblte. Bank Cass County Cotner Maiu and Sixth Streets. C. II. rA RMF.'.K. Prenldei.t, I 1 J M. i'ATTEKSON. Cashlt r. ( Transacts a General Mw Easiness. HIGHEST CVSIl PRICE Paid for County and City Warranto. COLLGCNUSIM MADKJ aad promptly remitted for. DIRXCCTOBS: C B Windham, J. M.. Patterson, C. H. Parmel F. K. Guthaann. W J. Agaew.A. B. S nltU. Fred Gorder. "WEEPING WATERJ WBEPINQ WATER. - NBD. " E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, VIce-Preaident. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier A General Saiiiis Business mi& MKPOHtTM HeceUed, aud Interest allowed on lime Certi ficates. OUAFTHj Drawn available In any part ot the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. 0 Agents for the celebrated Wmi Line of Steamers. Louisville Sank. Louisville Nebraska A general Banking business trans acted. Money to Loan, Int, allowed on time deposits. Collections made and promptly remitted. J. J. Masker, il. E. Makker. Pres. Cash. C. A. Mankeb. Ass't Cash. Diamond Wall Finish, beat and fti pan- eat, ready for use by adding hot water, at Fisher's dru store. 49Jwtf Go to C. G. Herold'rt new store for bargains in ready made clothing, hats, cap", and gents furnishing goods, lodtf Che ice. cure fresli mixed randv- at Jim Autill'a for only 2q cents a pound. zvotr. A good two horse farm wtgon for tale. Enquire at Bennett & Lewis'. Assorted tints of Diamond Wall Flu ish may be fonnd at Fisher's drug store, revolving sign. 49dwtf Important to TraveJen. Special inducements are offered rou by the Burlington mate. It will pay you to read their advertisement to b found elsewhere in thla issue. 47tf ' ClotLes, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush eg. Combs, &c, nice line, at Fishers, att Mala sUvet, i84tf