The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 10, 1884, Image 3

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zzr xtidws.
tlajc Xarrr "at OTsurrlel.!
... , .. Mill v.
fr: Dentist, sac
r A Manlull.
-without pain,
v'xlde Oai.
bta for sale. Inquire
istr. .
lid FMti. ; -
under ami system
jed withiu the reach
Ity, truly is Electric'
Jtr of the Liver, Bil-
vuce. Constipation, Weak
rjy disease of the urinary
ocver requires au appi-i-
VimWl stimulant, will al-
.. Jtriaitter tlie bestanil
onlv certaia cure kiibwn. They acf
'surerlj and quickly, every Kittle guar
I an teed to mve entire satisfaction or
(money refunded. Prlre only fifty cents
bottle. . ror iaie oy J . ai. itooeris.
Dec 20 lvtOw
These are Solid Facts.
The best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
"-f sufferinz humanity, truly is Electric
Jitters. . Inactivity of the Liver, Bil-
oosness. Jaundice. Constipation, weak
Sidneys, or any disease of the urinary
organs, or whoever requires an appetiz
er tonic or mild stimulant, will always
JUU udecinc uinera mo trot., ouu uuij
(certain cure known. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
viva entire satisfaction or money re-
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. M. Roberta . Jand&wly.
Iu the Future
When vou have a cough and want re
lief, think ot Kemp's Balsam for the
Throat and Lungs; a guaranieeu reme
dy for those diseases. Price 50c and
. $i; trial size free. Respectfully,
apr3 4m W. J. ; Warrick.
The best beef In tne city always can
be found at Peterson Bros, market.
233dtf ...
For lame back. Side or Chest U9e
-Shiloh's Torous Plaster. Price 25
cents, - -
" SHILOH'S COUGH and Consntnp
, tion Cure is sold by us on a guarrntee.
, ifcures consimption.
f i you needfoT Consumption, Loss of ap
ki petite. Dizziness and all symptoms of
Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 peritsrper
. bottle.
CROUPE Whooping Cough and
Bronchitis immediately relived by
Shiloh's Care. Sod by Smith A, Black
Bros. Dec.20eowdwly
From the Donelon farm near ' the
poor house, Thursday morning one
sorrel inre, with star in forehead, and
one iron gray horse 6 years old. Any
intormttion regarding them will be
well paid for. dawtf
Ed. Doselojt.
The Boss Clothier of Lincoln, has
opened out a clothing store in this city
where he would be pleased to have his
old customers call in, on lower Main
street, one door east of court house.
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often atartled . by ro
mark able- discoveries. The fact that
Dr. Kind's New Discovery 'for-Con
sumption and all Throat and Lung
diseases'is daily curing patients that
thev have given up to die, is , startling
them to realize their sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of
our best Physicians using it in their
practice. Trial Bottles free at J.M.
Roberts Drug Store. Regular size
81.00. . .
A Stvrtll DUwiTtrj.
Physicians are ofteen startled by ra
markable discoveries. The fact that
Dr King's New Discovry for Consump
tion and all Throat and Lung diseases
is daily curing patients that . they have
given up to die, Is . tartling - them to
?e!ize their sense of duty, anexamine
into the merits of this wonderful dis
coverv; resulted In hundreds or our
best Physicians using it tt their prac
tice Trial bottles free at J. M. Rob
erls'Drug Store Regular Size $1 00.
e - Dec.2Olye0w.
CORN COB pipes in every styl at
Schlegel's. IOtt
F.S. White,
The old stand by ice man, is now con
tracting for the summer reason, and
will deliver you your ice promptly at
any time called for. Make jour con
tracts for a summer supply. . 15dtr
Remehbkb that J. J. Dorack will
still continue manufacturing hand
made broom in Plattsmouth and
wont be undersold by any large or
small imitated broom works, and , dout
fnrtret. if- . W '
For a handsome suit, substantially
made, lathe best of style, and from
5.V Quality of goods vou may select.
JaRott KDrestler, MerchantTaUor,
Sherwood Block. 13dlm
tnltaceo is all the go
Md trv Doracks
he O alley Siai!tlTnmrhSia.
' The school Aboard
Monday evening.
will meet next
The matinee this afternoon is in full
blast at the .opera house. ' ,
Alex Mcintosh, principal of the Lou
isville schools; 4s in the city today..
The cry jfoes up for the street sprink
ler, aud Capt; Poisall tyants to. start it
out be f ot e"loog.
Alex Schlegei Jr , of the Greenwood
Eagle, is dowafto this city on a visit to
hit folks here.
In the case of Schindler vs Morrisey
Bros, tlie jury ; returned h' verdict of
$8o rtr the ,'plantiff.
Cole's circus next Thursday will pitch
their. teuts on the vacant lots east of J;
V. Weckba'ch'a residence.
Onu week's more sclio.-l and the
( aiirli-1ay wll enter with full ZESt ujon
a thr-e 'inouthV vacation.- " .
The latVeek has made 'a Wonderful
rhauge in; the face of nature, and tie.
bate .woods are-now green and trees"
filled with blossoms.
The mystery of Omaha" has been
cleared up. The dead man found in
the vacant hut outside the city, was an
outlaw fleeing from justice. -
This is ti e most magnificent growing
weather, and the days will be very few
now, uutil the corn crop will be all in
the grouud and urn win jr. .
The Omaha Herald is evidently very
happy over the democratic results in
this county, and it predicts Mr. Ruff
ner's election to the national conven
tion. The programme for the state sports
man's association and' 'tournament, at
this city in June, is in the hands of the
printers and will be issued as soon as
possible. v
District court still grinds it weary
way, the ca9eof Schindjer vs Morrisey
Bros., occupying all yesterday, and last
evening, being given to the Jury this
The case of the city bonds in court
at Omaha is not .-mentioned in the
Omaha papers tod a v, and the Judge has
not yet returned his verdict upon the
findings of the jury.
Peter Mamm has joined ;in the im
provement mania, and hung his saloou
with a very handsome- pattern, of wall
paptir, and added other decorations,
and has .named his place the parlor
saloon. ';-
Decoration Day
Headquarters Department of Nebras
ka. Grand Army of the' Republic,
Assistant Adjutant General's Office,
David City, May 1, 1834. General
ordt rs No. 9,
The rules and regulations of the
Grand Atmy o& the Republic, have de
signate! May 30, annually, as Memorial
It will be our grateful task upon that
day to udorn with flowers the places
where our comrades bleep:' by act and
word to testify that only dealh can sev
er the tie which common aims and
dangers knit among us, and . to protest
against. any who make questions as (to
whether they who feU were on the side
of right.
The regulation uniform will be worn.
Comrades who are not provided with
uniforms are requested to supply them
selves; but let no member of the Grand
Army stay out of line that day for Tack
of one. Put on the badge and staoa
in the ranks ouce more. .
Comrades, that day is ours, notta
cause of our now. civic association but
because we mustered under.tbe nattif '
al authrity with those whose services
we shall assemble to commemorate. It
seems, therefore, fitting that all honor
ably discharged soldiers and sailors:
who stood with us .and them ln.t,be
hour of peril though not members .of
the Grand Ariny of the Republic)
should have special Invitation toisud in
the labor of love we shall assemble' to
perform. Such invitation i - cor
dially extended. The posts and indi
vidual comrades of the Grand Army
are requested to make this invitation
known. We invite aa well, and shall
gratefully acknowledge, the co-operation
of all panto icady disposed citi
zens and s icietiea,
It Is requested that the ministry be
invited to deliver '"appropriate discour
ses on the. Sabbath preceding, the Me
morial 4Vt' ancUposis " uiat at their
halls, and march la a body "to. the
churches selected. - ..t:r
Reports of all serf ices, sermons, ora
tions and other . me inor il observances
in honor ot the day to be forwarded to
Rv. J. J. C. La wis, department chap
lain, Fremont Neboo or befoe'June
xo.iesi. ,
By command ef;' 1
J3f. EPAtMaB, Dept Com'r.
; Thw Barefoot Boy.
wiJlthe pink and white coluZfibTire-uf-
the woodland, and the breath ' of the
cellar, and the' incense of burning over
shoes in the back yard, comes the lit
tie. bare foot boy with, fawn colored
hair, and a droop to bis pantaloons.'
-Poverty is not the grand difficulty
with the barefoot boy of spring. ' It is
the wild, ungovernable desire to wiggle
hisjtoes in the ambient air, and to
soothe his par-boiled heels in the
yielding mud. , . "
. fI see bim now in my mind's cv,
making hi annual appearance, like a
rheumatic housefly, stepping high, like
a bliud horse. He. has just left his
shoes iu the wood shed and stepped out
on the piazza, to proclaim that violet
eyed spring is here, All over the land
the gladiolus hulb and the ice men be
gin to swell. The south wind aud the
new born calf at the barn, begin to
sigh. The oak tree and the dude be
gin to put h their spring apparel. Alt
nature is gay. The thru.-h is tiugiug
iu the asparagus orchard, and the pu
ma donna dues her throat up iu. a - red.
fliuuelrag, to wait for another -"seu-ou..
AJ1 these things indicate! spring, but
thev are not so ceitaiu and unfailing a
the little barefoot' boy, whose white
feet are thrust in the face of the ap
proacbing season. Five month from
now, loose little dimpled feet, now to
bleached a'ud tender, will look' like a
mud-turtle's back, and "the superior
aud leading toe will ' have a bandage
around it, tied with a piece of ' old
thnai. .-. "
Who would believe that the budding
hoodlum before us, with the yellow
chilblain on his heel and ' the early
spring toad iu bis pocket, which he will
present to the timid teacher as a testi
monial of his regard this afternoon.
may be the Moses who will lead the
Ameiicau people forty years hence in. o
the glorious sunlight of a promised
land. ...
He may possibly do it but be doesn't
look like it now. ..
Yet John A. 'Logan and jSamuei - Til-
den were onoebarefooted boys -with a
buspender apiece. It doesn't seem pos
sible does it?. .-
How can we imagine at this time
that Julius Csesar and Hannibal Ham
lin and Lucretia Borgia at some time or
ether stubbed tbeir bare toes against a
root aud filled the horizon with pianis
tiuio wails.
The barefoot boy of spring w ill also
proceed to bathe in the river as soou as
tue ice and the policeman are out. He
will choose ar pointou the.; boulevard.
where he can get a good view of -those
who pass, and in company with eleven
Other little barefoot boys, he. will dre8
himself in an ' Adam vest, a pair of
bareskin pantalooua, a Greek - slave
overcoat and a yard of sunlight, and
gaze earnestly at those who go by on
the other side. Up and down the bank
pasting each other with mud, the . little
tareloot boys Of spring chase each
other, with their vertebrte sticking into
the warnVaud sleepy air, while down in
the marsh, where the cat tails, and the
broad fltgs, aud the peach can, and the
deceased horse grow, the bull frog is
twittering to Its mate. -
Later on the hoarse voice of a rude
parental snorter is heard approaching,
and twelve slim pupids witn sunburned
hacks are iueerted into twelve 'tle
cotiou shirts and' twelve desponaent
pairs of despondent pantaloons bang
at half-mast to twelve home-made 6us
penders, and as the gloaming gathers
about the old home, twelve boys back
up against the Ice-house to cool off,
while the enraged parent bangs up the
buggy whip in the old place. Bill
Nye. ' ' '
A large and appreciate audience
greeted the Maude Atkinson company.
at the' Opera House - last . evening, at
which time was produced the great
drama of the Two Orphans. The play
is one of the strongest this company
has produced here, and especially
toward its close' was the - audience
very ... attentive, and the applause
generous, ine bouse was the largest
this company has played to during
the week, and shows that a better
acquaintance with the company gives
them a better audience.- Tonight their
farewell night in the city, they present
the gn at drama of the Galley Slave,
and the company Will ' appear at their
There is one man happy in the city
tday, and it is neither more nor less
than Con Connor. He hat had a lay.
off for some days aud until this morn
ing none could guess why. He makes
the announcement that bis daughter
weighs xrpbitrids and -that his wile
thinks she is the most charming baby
in Flattsiuootb. The only trouble with
Con is that it will not be able to shovel
coal. 8U11 these things must be. 'and
no man can say trhat will be the re
uifc.Vv V .
The Hsbals extends its compliments
and iaay MrJ3-.7tiM Goooorttve
School Finances-
Tarioty l4pjlagi From thannd report of the sec-
hretarv bj. TrT"iriiTTt - rJtriiinn ,v'rl
yesteruay witn iu ct:uaiyTnpertatend
ent,-we glean the following:
receipts. '3 - -Money'
on hand at last report. .$3289.53
Rec'd from Co. Treas. during
the year .. ... . r . 8777,92
From tuition - of non-resident 25.75
From fines and licenses S737.00
. Total money received..,
.. 15810.19,
Paid male teachers ....... r.'-;
1 COS 81
- 789.87 ,
Paid female teachers. . .V.v.
- "janitoM...
i usu rauce . . '. : :l '-.
" incidental ex pens;
steam apparatul. .
To balance ..... I .
432.4 G
Toil .. $15840.19
Whole No. of cLildren,rmak'S l . . . 778
. " ..... ; .; f rmVl ..... 761
-. tu-.Tota!,.., . :. y," ,V... .-. 135JI
Xumuer of children" who hnve ' a:-
lenue'j ine cuoois uuitug tne year,
(counting race twice:' Mals .531, fe
males 535, total1,006. -
In comparing this stalement-wUh a
similar" state-tucnt Hf the ; Freinont
school?, we find that the. receipts in
Fremont were $23,7 35 25.
We pay for all teachers , $6932.70,
while Fremont pay $S997.S0 rfor all
teachers. '
We have in the city"-1559 . children,
while in Fremont they have only 1221
children. ': ..
Our total expenditure : is S1277G.14,
while their total expenditure is $21.
977.81 From this statement it will be seen
that while Fremont has 300 children
less than we have, their expenses are
much higher. They pay their teachers
more than $2,000 in excess of the sum
paid to teachers in this city. ,
Mad Dugs-
"There- is considerable . excitement
brewing in the city over the act that
mad dogs are reported here,Hnd several
have - -already "been, killed.' The other
day Chief of Police Morrison shot one
that .had every appearance of being
mad. and which . bit ho less than ten
dosa before he was killed. Since then
three or four othepVdogs have been
killed by the police, one meeting its
fate last night; but ithe .most d. '-ct
evidence of a genuine -mad dog is re
ported from the home of -Mr. E. Sage,
m the western limits ot the citVi His
old family dog has for several days ex-.
hibited strange srmptoms, and acted in
a queer manner; snapping around and
trying to bite'., some of ; them. Mr.
Sasre's suspicions were "aroused -that
sometbiug was wrong: with the dog and
he locked it in the barn over night ; in
the morning the dog was rabid and
was promptly shot. 4 Today a number
of citizens arc chaining up their dogs
for if six or eight or more dogs have
been bitten, it is safe to- presume 1 hat
more trouble fronv this source may be
John Nelson, of Savannah, Missouri,
has a mad stone which is often used, as
the followin g' clipping states:
Patients for Uncle John Nelson's mad
stone are becoming quite numerous,
and in every . instance the stone per
forms its-duty, allowing ail who apply
to go away happy... The latest to app y
to try the never failing virtues of this
stone is Gorge Coziah of Glen wood,
Iowa, who was badly bitten by a mad
dog recently. He came here last Mon
day, had the stone applied ana wm re
turn to his home to morrow a happy
The following are the arrivals at the
Perkins Ho-iie today:"
' II M Heury, St. Louis; C D. Adsme,
Chicago; James H. Watson, St. Paul;
is E Taylor, New York; H Reed, Clin
ton, Iowa; W rrCissna, Lincoln, A. II
Peak. Cowldea, Neb.; W S House
worth. Omaha; A J Blakev, Chicago;
M C Shore, Rocfcford; J A Van Doren
Hasting; M J Berry, Hastings.
. Af the opera house last evening sev-.
eral children iAi. the audience raised
their voices and wept as - though they
were the. two orphans and had the
tragic part to .-perform. '
Last appearance ot the iJau 1 At kin
son jompany .tonignr, at ine vpera
House.' . - ' ..
For the bWaud cheapest Plow shoes
call at Merges'; , '6tr
Train Time.
Under the change in time passenger
traius leave the depot here as follows:
No. i west, 8 35 a; m.- -
. Vo, 3 wast, 6:50 p. m.
K. C. St. J; & C. B. north -515 a. m.
' i - m m u. m 6:35 p. m.
C. B. & Q. , north, 7 :45 a. m.
Omaha stub north 8:35 a. m.
' , 5:40 p.m.
Trains arrive as follows if I "
No. 2 Denver tx press 0:25 p. a'j
E. a U J. A C B. ea.t 9 :45 a.
m a M m t i m jjjj p
Transcendentally Beyond Descrfption in all
. its. Overwhelming Perfection,
At Plattsmouth, Thursday Hay 15th.
ss-ffiipi''-"?80? " ii
- coaycaPEismro the
Biggest Circus in the World !
Fotu teen Years ot Unceasing Triuo.phs, augmented and enlarged to almoct endlesa pro- "
Aato'undfnz and Truly Tremendous Features,
an otner snows. - -
Including- Tne - JBBM A TV r(SSt iCV1? The Very CoIomus
A! HEARD Of BLRPHASTa Ferfoitnlng Elephants. Clown Elrhant, Waltzing Ele
ptaants,, Big Elephants, Small Klopbants and Musical tlnpaanu.
Twenty Camels. Nursing Baby Camels, Giant Camels, Racing Camels, White Hippopotamus,
only Black. two-horned Khinocerous, Sea Animals, Kangaroos, Trained W ild 8avage Beast.
Tigers. Lions. Leopards, VN ild Animal Trainers and Teac -era. female rtnake Charmer, White
Buffalo, Loose Led, Sacred and Singular Brutes, and all kinds ot itare Winged Curiosities.
The Sacred White Faced Elephant of Burmah-
AK 1 t iriv at each and every pert or Phenomenally, Expert and ID I Q
U -a.V a O darlngArtists, a Troup ot 12 marvelous, muscular and wonderful A.Ak7
i .
All old Natures discarded. Bran new sensations secured. Long haired ladles. Midget men,
Leaper. Tu nblers. Clown. Riders. Contortionists. Hippodrome Hieing-. Trained Stallions, Per
form ing monies. Rival Riders in the tame King, absolutely ail kind of Shows.
Doors pen at 1 and 7 P. M. Two Performance Daily. Admission 50 cent.. Children under. .
9, half price. ' -
Advertisements under this head, three cents
per line eacn insertion.
MONEY TO LOAN On real estate by A. N.
sullivan. .
WOUND A package of correspondence in
r matters relating to the B. & M. R. R. The
paper contain no ciue as to the loser, but the
Correspondence u piiucipitlly directed to T. .
Calvert. If the papers posses value, the own
er can have t .e same by proving property and
pay'ng for tnl notice.
tfOR SALE My residence and four lots ;
- good nouse. Darn
u .u . . .uu IULO ,
and fruit, and in excel
lent condition ; also two improved J arms, also
z-siry brick bus.nesi boue 4ox80 feet. n Main
street, and other ucirahle land and lots.
U. 11. WHKJtXSK.
ToR-'ALB Houses, lots and wood land by
E John Boos & Son.
f?OS SALE Several residences, cheap. In-
quire of U. H. Wheeler St C.
l?OR SALE Scratch Tablets in all sizes.
this office.
IOK SALE a lot in good location,
lars at this ofQce
IVOR SALE An order for
a new American
sewing Machine. Inquire at this office.
IOR S ALE t.OOU cords of wood. Inquire of
W.S. Wise.
tOR SALE Id papers for sale at this office
. at 40 cents er hundred or 5 cents Der doz
FOR SALE Four lots together in good loca
tion in thl city. 'Inquire at this office tf
ri'O RENT Iwo rooms, furnished or unfur-S-
niahed. iu the Mac Murphy house. Inquire
on the premises.
FOR RENT or sale on lonx time, a house
and two lots with good UnDrovementa. Ad-
ly to u. B. Windham.
FOR R EN ? Good, new houses of four rooms.
god water, good garden spots, 4 per
month in SbafervQle. W. H. Suafkcu
FOR KENT i he north store room in Nev
tile's blwck. and 8 rooms nn ataira. :vrwi
location fos restaurant or boarding bouse, rents
cheap.-Apply to Win. Neville. ltutl
f HO RENT A house. Inquire ot Chaplain
r OST Thursday evening at ton depot or ou
AJ the streets, fifteen dollars In bill. If any
one finds the money and will notify this office
the loser will be gUd Ut pay a reward. 33tf
LOST-7A Knight Templar ebarm In shape of a
atalUse eiMi. 1adcr v ? ' be suitably re
vrarUed by leaving at thit oOce. . utt
IV ANTED A girl te d reaeral. boasewerk
' -- and take ear of children, aot reqaired
to do washloj or iroamg. Apply at- the real
denceof K.B. Wluahanu r
iwoconrs pas
l . Two nundmi and forty acres under
vfese, wjth runninj- watr, and
and more Cot2r, Pbenominal attractions ;tbaa
of Brute Crt atlou.
Saturday Eve, Hay 10th.
scpported;by a strong '
In some of the latest and best plays Monday
re presented the beautiful play
The Gaily Slave
. Note the low prices of ADMISSION. 35 and
35 C3ut.
Bseived eats for sale at Young's - ck.
St -e without extra charge.
First -olasa miMi) tinri. in -r .
Jfebrask. or $ 03 ac7e. v "
160 ACCS COSTS, 480,00
m year toteren 6 br eant om7 2w
4S.00 and Int.
sth -th
4S.0S -4K.OS
.0O -
UM -
4S.00 -
ts.oo -
.Xo!fJ?S 7 f nt. an.t ts parable
Bvcuonsana Ball sectKins U urt
r7. a vtzzzs, -
4T,if. th crrrt broom d
band p" r-- r
niU ttTg c; ?--y
' -'J mUa frca tbo