The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 07, 1884, Image 3

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it "
Cxr'.all,. Dentist, sue
to C fitter & Marshall.
ztea without pain,
'trrua Oxide Gas.
lata for sale,
Is say so.
is. fJlrara,
hesitate to recom-
(Bittera to my cus-
iHsrfect satistaction
Eelectrjc IJu-
Ind best medicine
liUvely cure Kidney
(dints. Purify the
3 I the bowels. No
I be without them.
dfVla of dollars in
'every year.. Sold at fifty
Je by J. M. Roberts.
- Dec is lyeowr-
Tbese are Solid Facts.
Une ucsb uiuuu yunuci uu ojoiciii
of suffering bumanity, truly is Electric
Dltters. : Inactivity of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak
Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary
'""ans. or whoever requires an appetiz
ftonle or niild stimulant, will always
J Electric Bitters the best and only
rtain cure known. Thpy act surely
quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
ir entire satisfaction or money re
funded. Sold at Qf ty cents a bottle by
J. M. Roberts Jand&wly.
la the Future
When 70U bare a cough and want re
fief, think ot Kemp's Jalsam for the
'hroat ana Liungs; a yunrnaiBou cuio
y for those diseases. Price 50c and
1 ; trial size free. Respectfully,
apr 3 4m h.j. habbrk.
ti.a hMt rwf in toe city always can
be found at Peterson Bros, market.
233dtf "
A. Dlesslas to all Mankind.
In these times when our Newspa-
-, Mnrio.i with natpnt medicine
idvertisementa. it Is gratifying to know
Jwhat to procure mas wiu vcitaimy
are you. If you are unions, dioou
.ut of order, Liver inactive, or gener
lly debilitated, there is nothing in the
or Id that will cure you bo quiij
lectnc Bitters. They are a blessing
Mff-iYi.ntind. and can be had for only
fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts.
' Dec. I3e6wly
- Strayed.
JFrom the Don-Ion farm near the
t,nr.aa Thur-liv mornine one
sorrel mare, with stir iu forehead, and
one iron gray horse 6 years old. Any
information regarding them will be
well paid tor. . dwtf
Ed. Doselox.
. Th Bobs Clothier of Lincoln,
"opened out a clothing store in this city
where he would be pleased to have his
old customers call in, on lower Mam
street, one door east of court house.
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled by re
raarkable discoveries. The fact that
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curing patients that
they have given up to die, is startling
them to realize their sense of duty, and
xamine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of
our best Physicians using it in their
Sractice. Trial Bottles free at J.M.
loberts Drug Store. Regular size
81.00. .
If you want to get you a broom that
w ill give the best satisfaction for the
rnair oalr vnnr dealer for Dor-
rwww j
ack's brooms.
so quickly cured by Shilohs Cough.
We warrant it.
WILL YOU SUFFER, with DyeDeps a
and Liver Complaint? 11 loh's itali
zer is guaranteed to cure you.
.ki ii that terrible cough. Shilohs
Cure is the remedy for you.
iininnn fUTRTCD. health and
i..h aoMii-ori hv Shi loh a Cat-
t. it -..t. TriM -V cents Nasal
r.sfnp fr For sale by Smith &
Black Bros. . Dec.l3eowd&wly
rnns rnn rv? ivs in every style at
Schlegel's. IOtt
F Si White,
rru .tTiri Viv icA man. is now con
1 lie U1U w J " .
. .1 rn. ih mmmcr season, aud
will deliver- you your ice promptly at
any time called ror. jumb jour wu
tracts for a summer supply. lodtt
prxipwnPB that J. J. Dorack will
..ut .tinn manufacturing hand
hrnoma in Plattsmouth and
. k. nA.M hv anv larire or
small imitated broom works, and dou t
you forget if. x 1U,
For a handsome suit, substantially
.1. 1. tkA hMt of stvle. aud from
inline. - .
any quality of goods you may select,
call on K. Dressier, Merchant Tailor,
in Sherwood Block. iwm
1. .. ixffn i all the so nc w.
All chewers seem to be anxious to get
ft1. fVrm. which will be given away
n June nexL CsJlst Matt Schlegel's
for a circular. "
MAif ind trv Dorack
The Democratic county convention is
in session at Louisville today.
' Hsstinj; and Kearney are to have
their business Mreets lit with electric
The Planter's Wife ai the opera
house tonight, one of the best plays put
on the boards.
W. W. Cole's circus will fill the city
the 15th, aud it will be one of the best
shows of the year.
Tlie case of Schindler vs Morrisey Is
up today, aud the court Is at work se
curing a jury. - "
See notice in specials of Maj. Wheel
er's property, some of the best in the
city, which he offers for sale.
B. A. Gibson and II. D. Travis, of
Weeping Water, are in the city today
in attendance at District Court.
A rumored g'.ass ball shoot for this
afternoon, is afloat. It is certainly
time that our sportsmen weie doing
some practice work.
A, V. McLaughlin is doing some ex
tensive work aiound bis new home,
and will have most handsome grounds
when all is completed.
These are busv times ud at the High
school, and while the pupils are being
given the most thorough examinations,
all are doing very creditably for them
While business men sec few farmers
to-lay, the can content themselves
by knowing that a bit? crop is being
put in the ground and a big business is
certain to follow.
The red lights appear on the bridge
at nights now to warn the mariners
who may be piloting steamers up and
down the river, as to the whereabouts
of the pier and obstructions.
In the case in which Jake Levy
wrestled as attorney today, the jury
found in his favor for $13, and Jake is
happy. Appropos to the case uncle
Denney declares that he is going to
have Judge Sullivan removed.
The muchly advertised shooting
tournament in Lincoln this week is
proving a flat failure, as it should.
The event of the year in shooting cir"
cles will be at the State tournament in
this city nest month ; and the time and
occasion will be a grand one.
Mr. Menres comes to the front today
with a mammoth advertisement telling
the people what he will do for them.
The time seems to be very propitious
for big bargains in foot wear in this
city, and it will pay to come from afar
to secure them.
Owing to a sudden rush of adver
tising, our reading space ia cut sudden
ly short, and if the present influx of
advertising continues any length, our
daily will be enlarged to accomodate
our patrons without curtailing reading
The following are the arrivals atthe
Perkins Ho -j ?e today :
D R Cower Iowa City; H R Royston
Chicago; J Bradley Brownville, E E
Brown, W S House worth Omaha; A B
Smith, Elmer Smith Denver; J A
Hornburg Chicago; F H Haines Chi
cago; C C Treyitt Lincoln; O JStoweli
Auburn : B A Gibson Weeping Waer ;
S W Miller Sterling, 111.; L n Price, St.
Paul; n H Cherry Hastings; CH Fitch
Chicago; J A Officer Council Bluffs.
The event in court circles today was
the appearance of Jacob of the house
of Levy, at the bar, where he appeared
for himself in his case against Am
brose Patterson et .al, and turned him
self loose as a lawyer. Our friend,
Judge Sullivan, the opposing ' counsel,
tackled the case vigorously, and it was
another illustration of wrestling Jacob
all of which entertained the court, jury
and spectators.
Wm. II. Paul, a farmer and former
reoident of Cass county, near Green -
wood, was arraigned before Justice
Brown, today, charged with obtaining
money under false pretences $220 of
E. C. Bewick, last September, under a
morteaze on property he didn't own and
$537 ' from Peck & Kern in the same
manner. Warrants for bis arrest were
issued April 14th, but Paul had left the
State March 15th. A requisition was
obtained and detective Pound found
him in Linn county, Iowa, and ar
rived with the prisoner today at noon.
There are several other victims of this
man who are anxiously awaiting the
issue of the case. Officer P. reports
that Paul was one of the most ingeni
oua men to cover his track than any
other he had evet followed the trail of,
but had no trouble after he found nis
customer, which he did about 2 o'clock
in the moraine at a reudevous of his
The hearing of the case was contin
ued until tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'
clock, and the prisoner held in the sum
of $1,000 bail for appearance. Lincoln
Off forth Convention.
This morning as No. 1 pulled Into
the depot a large co clave of Demo
crat ic citizens were marshalled at the
depot to take the train for Louisville.
Col. Frcj Krohler was conspicuous
among them, while Capt. Doc Wallace,
of Liberty had his force in hand, Ser
geant Mike Archer was present with a
squad from Rock Bluffs. Lieutenant
D. S. Drarer, of the precinct, appeared
in command of that delegation, and
the entire city delegation, was on hand
with every man in command, although
eves were of turned to the dark horse
in the coming contest, Hon. James M.
Patterson, corporal of the guard from
the 2d ward. The Hebald saw them
depart, and breathed a benediction that
scalps might remain intact, and the
Coionol Marshal his command home in
prime condition.
The survey of the B. & M. cut off
from Ash'and to Omaha continues
The proposed route, as outl'ned in a
previous issue of the Bee, starts in a
northeasterly direction from Ashland,
through the Pennsylvania settlement in
Sarpy county, crosses the Union Pacific
near Millaid and Papillion, and fol
lows closely the original U. P. line
through Douglas county to this city.
Ten days ago the surveying paity was
camped in the western - part of Mc
Cardle precinct, about a mile from the
Sarpy county line. The line was slaked
through the farms of Thomas Smeft
and Allen Root, following the Ravine
in that vicUty. It is of course im
possible to obtain definite information
regarding the purpose of the survey.
Many farmers believe it is merely a
branch line to the Omaha stock yards,
while others are equally confident that
it is to be the main line from this city
west. Both conjectures are well found
ed, as the line, if built, would serve
both purposes, besides giving the com
pany, what it now lacks, an important
and untrarameled entrance into the
city. Bee.
The French Spy-
The French Spy as played by the
Maud Atkinson troupe last evening,
was fully up to the standard of all
their excellent work, and none could
fail to say they were well entertained
by the company. Tonight they present
the "Planter's TVife" lo the public, and
they are deserving of all tne attention
this people can give them. The com
pany being strangers to Plattsmouth
theatrical people, are liot receiving the
patronage they deserve or the patron
age they would receive if theatre-going
people were conversant with the mer
its of the Maud Atkinson Company.
An hour with Miss Streator. By
Pansy. With beautiful emblematic
frotispiece. Few. books embody in
equal space so many useful lessons so
wisely and entertainingly presented, es
"An Hour with Misi Streator."
Every primary class teacher in every
Sunday school in the land will find
this book of Pansy's invaluable. It i3
full of hints and helo3 for faithful
workers, and will be most heartily wel
comed everywhere.
It will bs sent, postage paid, on re
ceipt of six cents (three two cent
stamps) by the publishers,
30 Franklin Street, Bostov.
On the Defensive
Tie editor of the Journal is out in
an open letter to Col. Connor in last
evening's Journal. Evidently the
Journal deems Mr. Connor's charges of
sufficient importance to place that
newspaper upon the defensive, and it
is all over "revenue only," matters.
What Bro. Sherman's letter lacks in
pith, it makes up in protestation and
Wm. E. Whiltemore. M. D.. honioe-
patbic physician and surgeon. Office
in Fitzgerald block. Residence south
west corner Pearl and 10th streets. Of
fice hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to
8 p.m. w8tf
fifteen per cent discount on all cus
torn made woik hereafter, at Sher
wood's for cash. To establish my
business in every department on a
strictly cash basis this inducement is
made in all custom made work.
Undt-r the reduction a shoe that
costs $9.00 now, costs $7.65 for cash.
A boot that costs $8.00 now costs $6.
80 cash.
A boot that costs $0.50 now costs
$5.60 cash at Sherwood's. 5Sdw8tf
For the best and cheapest Plow shoes
call at Merpes'.t w6tf
Pineapples, oranges, lemons and ba
nanns, fresh at Bennet & Lewis'. 59 1 2
Refrigerators in all sizes at Henry
Back's. 5Dtf
Imported ale ad porter at Joe Mc
Veys. I87tf
Is now ofto. PUnty ot cln Towels and
snarp Kazoc. can ana
Call ana give &PKCKK a trial.
la Lis ,1-4 w .
7. Sherman exclaim?: This is n 4
"famous cha-r. -.-n I preven woull
"show me unlit 1.. n public teacher
"of moral ethic."
Yc gods ! Moral ethics ! and this is
what the Journal man denominates
himself. Now then, we would like to
know If Col. Krohler occupies a por -tion
of the same Cottonwood bench.
Wrestling Camels.
W. W. Cole has a drove of young
camels which have been taught to
wrestle in a manner that is extremely
ludicrous. They do not evince any
great degree of skill, but Hie certainty
with which they throw thtir opponent
when they get their head under a fore
leg is really remarkable.
Ed. Ross, who was convicted for
stabbing with intent to kill, has had
sentence passed upon him by the Judge
sentencing him to three years in the
penitentiary. The lesson to him ought
to be a most wholesome one.
Train Time.
Under the change in time passenger
trains leave tlied'pot here a follows:
No. 1 west, 8:15 a in.
No, 3 west, 0:50 p. m.
K. O. St. J. & C. B. north 5:15
n . i t u . t g .g-
C. B. &Q. , north, 7:45 a. 111.
Omaha stub north 8:55 a. m.
" " 5:40 p m.
Trains arrive as follows
No. 2 , Denver express 6:35 p. m,
No. 4, " - 9.25 a.m.
K. C. St. J.&C B. east 9:45 a. m.
" 4 " " " 8:35 p. in.
C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5:30 p. m
31 a i &li's Uolden Blood and Liver Ton
ic Is Highly Recommended.
"In my experience of many years I
have never met with a remedy that I
dould so freely recommend, for blood,
liver and kidney complaints, as Marsh
Golden Blood and Liver Tonic."
fM. E. nail, Fort Scott, Kansas.
"Having heard your Golden Blood
and Liver Toxio highly spoken of I
bought a bottle for my wife, who was
suflerinsr from dyspepsia and liver
complaint. I can now join with others
in its praise, for it quickly cured her."
J. M. Scott, Chillicothe, Mo.
"Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver
Tonic has cured me of a scrofulous hu
mor aud kidney trouble, from which
I have suffered for year?.' W.F. Mor
ris, Burlington, Iowa.
MARsn's Golden Blood and Liver
Tonic and Marsh's Golden Balsam
for the throat and lungs, are for sale by
Smith A Black Bros., druggist.', Platts
mouth. Large bottles 50 cents and $.
Trial size 10 cts. wldC
Attention Sir Knights.
There will be a regular conclave of
Mt. Zion Commandery No. 5, at their
asylum, on WednesJiy Evening, May
7th, at 7:30 p. m., sharp. AH members
requested to be present. Visiting Sir
Knights, welcome.
By order of the E. C.
Daniel H. Wheeler, Recorder.
Call and siee Us.
I wish to notify the public that I am
now open for business, at Joe McVey's
old stand, where I have ia stock a full
line of Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis
beer, wines and cigars &c, as good as
the best. 57dtf H. M. Bon 3.
Open Again.
Wm. Webber . wishes to announce
that the Elkhoru saloon is again open
to business as heretofore, the repairs
and new work in the room now being
nearly completed.
..Special License Tax. .
Under the special license tax ordi
nance, all parties are required to pay
their tax to the city treasurer and pre
sent his receipt to the city clerk, who
from that, issues the license; the
last fiscal year haviug closed it is now
ia order to pay the tax for the coming
year. 584 1 J. D. Simpson,
City Clerk.
Collection Notice.
All parties knowing themselves to
be indebted to me will please call and
make full settlement at once, so that
hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash
business. Please give this your imrae
mediate attention.
d59 w3w Robt. Sherwood.
N otlce to Odd. Fellows
Whereas, G. M., H. J. Hudson will
be with us on Thursday evening next,
it is urgently requested that every mem
ber be present at 7:30. All transient
Odd Fellows ara respectfully invited to
attend. Attest. P. P. Gass.
- Twenty-five cents in advance will
entitle you to use of the Plattsmouth
circulating library for one month.
45djtwlm W. J. Warrick.
Two hundred and forty acf -binder
fpnep. with rtinnino wtterrrn
: 7- ' .. . .7 . " - . r
EZ4i ciiie irom tne cuy. - ai ,
. 1 sir.
- .
Transcendentally Beyond Dc
its Overwhelming PerL,,
At Plattsmouth; Thursday I icy lElh.
ft "CHANG POUK" . 1-
Win, f W 101 J, r vSffife
life M9'i) '
Biggest Circus in the World!
Fourteen Years ot Unceasing Triumphs, augmented and enlarged to almoxt endless proportions
Astounding and Truly Tremendous Features,
an otner snows. -
Including Tn JCK A "v
pnanis,, jig .ciepiiaois, oiuaii .cieyuauis anu musical cwpaaoia.
T 4- Xr..(n TTaKit inmAld flimnt f'amAla PoAtnm Pntnala Wklta
only Black two-horned Khinocerous, Sea Animals, Kangaroos, Trained Wild Havage lieavu. f
Tigers, Lions, .Leonards, W ild Animal Trainers and Teacners, jfemale Hnake Charmers, White t
Buffalo, Loose Led, Sacred and Singular Brutes, aud all kinds of Kare Winged Curiosities.
The Sacred White Faced Elephant of Burmah.
AVL A tfFC at each and every perfonnance. by Phenomenally, Expert and A I 4 11U
xif J.J M. (J daringArtists, a Troup of Yt marvelous, muscular aud wonderful Xl. ilBij
All old features discarded. Bran new sensations secured. Long haired ladies. Midget menl
Leapers, Tuublers, Clowns, Kiders, Contortionists, Hippodrome KaclDg-, Trained Stallions, Per
forming Pomes, Rival Riders iuthe fame King, absolutely all kinds of 8hows,
Doors open at 1 and 7 P. M. Two Performances Dally. Admission 60 cents. Children under
9, half price.
Advertisements under tnis bead, three cents
per line each Insertion.
ONEY TO LOAN On real estate by A.N.
FOUND A canary bird, eood singer. Call at
this office, prove property and pay for this
notice. . -
T71OR SALE My residence and four lots ;
-1- good house, barn and fruit, and in excel
lent condition ; also two improved farms, also
2-story brick business house 40x83 feet, en Main
street, and other desirable land and lots.
D. IL Wheelex.
"PORSALE Houses, lots and wood land by
John Bons Si Son.
FOR SALE Several residences, cheap. In
quire of D. II. Wheeler & C.
FOR SALE Scratch Tablets . in all sizes, at
this office. 81tf
1 POR SALE a lot in good location. Particu
iars at this office 7tf
FOB SALE An order for a new American
Sewing Machine. Inquire at this office. .
FOR SALE 1,000 cords of wood. Inqulro of
W. S. Wise. tl
FOR SALE id papers for sale at this offlc
at 40 cents er hundred or 6 cents per doz
en, tf
FOR SALE Four lots togetner in good loca
tion in thi city. Inquire at this office . tf
riO RENT rwo rooms, turnisiieu or uniiir
X in tha UaciiurDlir bouce. Inaulre
on the premises.
FOR RENT or sale on long time, a nous
Mil two lots with eood iuiDroveinenta. An-
ly to It. B. Windham.
FOR REN r Good, new houses of four rooms,
gnod water, good garden spots. S4 per
month In Shaierviile. W. H. Shaku.
ftOB RENT The north storeroom ia Nev-
I a.1- 1. 1 ... I, .1 a .AAin. ... ..mIm -I
location for restaurant or boarding house, rents
. . nnl. n Wm NatiIIa luvrf
TO RENT A house
Inquire of Chaplala
LOST TU'irsday evening at the depot or on
the streets, fifteen dollars in bills. If any
one finds the money and will notify this office
the loser will be glad to pay a reward. 36 tf
T OST A Knight Templar charm in shape of a
mj Maltese cross, rinaer win oe suitaoiy re
warded by leaving at this office. I6tf
WANTED Two dav bo aid era. Annlv a.t
' Mrs. Gustaf son's, 3d street, two doors past
Hex von s G6di
K. of IP
Meets every Tuesday evening at thes
Castle Hall, in Rockvrood Block. T
itiiijr Knights are invited to attend.
II. M. Bons, C. C.
W. L. Dykes. K. of It. and 8.
For dyspepsia, or any stomach de
.ivemenr, no otEefrejnedy can be
nleasant, prompt, and efiocti v,
aa Ayer'a Cathartic Pills. wldO
Ilea In cl.
and more Cott'y, rjnomlwuttrtloui
ArJ, The Very Colossus
of Brute Cre;
Elephants. Clown Klephants, Waltzing Ele
Wediday Eve, Hay 7th.
oA..r"me Hi S?e late8t ABi best plays Monday
SntiuSI be presented the feeautUui 1 pla y
Planters' Wife.
Note the low nrlMa f nutsrA ,
35cenu. ufl
Reserved seats for moi vn,.t.
store without extra charge.
LFhraskr,3O0)!he lSSta CteyeD" Co'
1C0 ACaCS CObTS, 480.C0
1st year interest 6 per cent only S25JC
48.00 and 1 - .
4th '
8th "
48,09 "
48X "
4U )
4 t " -
48 4 " ji'
I v vvm, t a jsv icr,
y. Sections and halt sections ii rn:'besa
I have personally exa.inin.t tt .
I' ,
1- . ,,.4-