ffl . . -f I III ax VOL. 1. t'LATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2, 1883. NO. L'(0 Fall and Winter wear. Whether your tastes lie plain or fastidious, no mutter. We have pro vided liberally for both extremes, ami also those which run bc tween. Every garment is sold on its own merits. Our Prices are the Very Lowest, AND SPEAK 1'OK THEMSELVES. UNDERWEAR In Scar lota Australiaxi Wool, Flannels and Medicated Flannels. Good Urtcieiwecu cut cOc ct Suit If you would Select j our clothing and Gent's Fixings from the Largest and Finest Stock to be found in this vicinity So 6 119 n M OPERA HOUSE JN. B. Sole Agents for Jonathan' Hatt Beef. Pork Mil Marcesaors to A. . HATT. tttt JJDQ,TTEi.rr JZIS IFOIEl CHOICE Sugar-Cured Hams, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a tirst-ela-ss meat market. 1AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. The Highest Market-price Paid for Hides Wool, Pelts, urease, o Fresh Lake3 Trout" j and White Fish Every Thursday Morning. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line General Merchandise. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call and Satisfy Yourself JOSEPH V WECKBAGHS. Grace &THeroM No old stock to work off. The latest patterns cf GLASS ATTZD GTJEElsrSW.E! FLOUR AND PROVISIONS. TIIE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMOUTH. Awaitinir our invitation to cull lut - m- at once ami see what we can lor you in tin way of sup plying your clothing requirements li.I- CLOTHING STORE Wilson Bros. Shirts. J. W. Maktiiis ton and Vea Mc. i? o ce ic x os Li PLATTSMOUTH HERALD. rUUMSHKO DAILY ANI WEEKLY -BY The Plattsmontli Herald Polishing Co TBBMS: DAILY, delivered by carrier to any. part of the city I'erWeek 15 1'er Month 0 I'er Year 7 00 NVKKLV. by mail. ' One eopy six inontbi $1 00 One ropy one year 2 00 i;i-K'islf red ;ii t ne Tot t Office. flatUmuutli, an necouu eia.Hn mailer. K publican State Ticket. Judge of the Supreme Court, M. B. KEESE. For Kegent of the University, M. J. II ULL, (Long Term) JOHN T. MALL A LIEU, (Long Term): J. M. IIIATT, (Short Term) K. 1', HOLMES, (Short Term) SecondJudicial District- For Judge of the District Court, S. B. FOUND. Republican Countv Ticket. J-'or County Clerk, JOHN Y, JENNINGS, of riattsruouth. For County Treasurer, WM.H, NEWELL, of Platteinouth. For Sheriff, J. C. EIKENBAHY. of riatumoutli. For County Judge, ICALVIN RUSSELL, of AVeepingl.'Water. For Superintendent of Schools, C'RUS ALTON, ofStoe Creek, For Clerk of the District Court. 'SUMNER S. HALL, of Mt. Pleasant. For County Surveyor, IOEORUE W. FAIRFIELD, of I'lattsmouth.S For County Coroner, PERRY P. G ASS, of Flattemouth. For Commissioner, Third District, JOHN CLEMENT.'-, -of Stove Creek. The antimonopolist from 'Arbor Springs Lodge" is out iu a tearful ad dress, issued "by order" of the demo cratic state central committee, and di rected to "Citizen;" in which the vir the the achievements, and the fame of the democratic nominee foi Supreme Judge are pointed out, and the electors of the state entreated to vte for him on nonpartisan grounds. This last ef fusion of the bombastic ring master from "Arbor Spring" is about a3 thin as the shadow of Abraham Lincoln's pigeon soup. The great statesman from "Arbor Springs" had better con fine himself to window glass. It occurs to us, that the famous, world wide, re nowned nominee of Mr. J. Sterling Morton's convention ought to be well enough known to the people of Nebras ka as not to need that geutleman's cer tificate of character at this late day in the campaign. However, silk stock inged antimonopolists, like the aristo crat from Arbor Spnn Lodgeg are very apt to underestimate the intelligence of the common plebian of Nebraska The campaign is approaching its close and doubtless the great mass of the voters of the State, who vote from principle, have ere this made up their minds which ticket they will support. So far as we have been able to judge, taking into consideration the advices received at the headquarters cf the State central committee, I mm all quar ters of the State, there will be no fall- ng oft" in the republican majorities upon the Stete ticket. The only con test, which has been in iucipaliy con tined to the press of tin- State, has been in r gard to the fitness of the opposing c.-inii. iat s for Judge of the Supreme Court, u nil the vacancy caused by teason of tiie expir&tion of the Hon. Ueo. Ji. Lake's term The manner of the nomiiiatioa of Judge Savage was calculated to excite awl royoke con siderable discussion. It came, we might say, in the iap of a distiuct i lialleuge to the republican party. It wit brought about it li a flourish of trumpets and the implied if not direct assertion that the. most c minent jurist within the ranks of the democratic party, and in fact of the profession of the law within the State, had been placed before the people lor their suf frages. After the nomination of Hon. 51. 1J. Reese by i!e republican party that gentlemau vY;;s sneered at in a contemptuous manner by the newspa pers of the State, who were supporting Judge Savage; and Limitations and assertions freely indulged in that he was a briefless barrister, unknown to the courts and the profession. This brought forth the record, as it is termed, of the candidates; their stand in as practitioners in 1 lie courts; the character of the litigation which had been intrusted to either i-entleman as a practicing attorney in lira practice, with a comparison of the success at tending the management of the same Unfortunately for Judge Savage's chances r election, this comparison with the obscure lawyer from Saun ders county, has shown Mr. Reese the equal if not the superior of the emin ent juri:t in point of experience, abili ty and practice, aud the canvass indi cates, as it progress, that he will not only receive the umihI republican vote without division, lut that in those sections of the Slate where the anti inonopoly vote, of one year ago, was the heaviest, Hon. 51. li. Keese will re ceive a very large proportion of such vote. It is difficult, of course,' to esti mate just what the effect will be on the vote for Supreme Judge iu those judi cial districts where dissatisfaction ex ists over the republican nominations; but the lies! advices received are to. the effect that in those loculith a where re publicans are dissatisfied with the nominations for tke district bench the scratching will le confined almost en tirely to the district judicial ticket. jWith any thing like a fair vote on the Cth of November, we predict a ma jority of ten thousand and upwards for Judge Reese and the State ticket. The Cass county democracy are hav ing a serious time of it, trying to con vince republicans that it is their duty to desert the nominees upon their ticket and vote for democrats. A few years ago, Uncle Enos Ilurger, one of the most responsible residents of Rock Bluffs precinct, was the republican nominee for the office of couuty treas urer against Mr. John C. Cummins, the democratic candidate; and republicans well remember the campaign of slander and abuse that was indulged in by our' democratic opponents against Mr. Bur ger, on the ground that he was uot the legal owner of the farm upon which he resided, the deed to the same being in the name of his worthy wife. Demo crats who knew 5Ir. Burger to be a straight-forward, careful, prudent man in the management of his private af fairs, (perfectly honest and reliable, joined in the "hue and cry" that it would not do to elect a man to the re sponsible office of county treasurer who was not a free holder of th county. n vain Jlr. Burger's friends explained that Enos Burger came to Bock Bluffs in good circumstances and engaged in business in that town, that having ac quired the homestead where he now resides, and, being iu poor health, he caused the legal title to the same to be placed in his wife's name, considering that he was prudently providing for ler in case of financial disaster to him self or in case of his health failing him entirely, nevertheless, this "hue and cry" did very largely contribute to his defeat. One year ago, Mr. Ed "Woolcy, one of our very bejt young men who lad been elected superintendent of our common schools, and who had dis charged the duties of that office with satisfaction to the people, was a nomi nee ot the republican party for the legislature, yet, Mr. Wooley, like Mr, Burger, was traduced, . misrepresented, and defeated, mainly upon the ground that he was a young man, not suffic iently identified with our interests, and did not own real estate in the coun ty. 4 At that election, republicans, many of them, permitted themselves to be influenced by these arguments and deserted their ticket to vote for such distinguished antimonopolists as Dan iel S. Draper and the democratic nomi nees. This year the tables are turned, and we behold our democratic ring masters cracking the whip over these same independent republicans, order ing1 them to vote for the democratic ticket, a majority of whose nominees are not as heavy property owners or tax payers as 5Ir. Ed Woo'ley, soma of whom do not even have their names upon the tax lists of the county. The Herald is not intending by this com parison the least criticism upon these gentlemen because they are not large property owners, or are not rich iu this world's goods; but we simply wish to bring home to our independent repub lican voters, the beauty and consisten cy of the democratic aigumeuts which have hereto.fore influenced them iu vot ing against good republicans, and in soui- instances for some "mighty mean democrats; and we ask these independ ent republicans to remember the argu ments AJr. James M. Fatterson and the democratic leaders urged upon them in these past campaigns we have mentioned, and compare them with the present importunities of these same wily politicians Verily, we may be permitted to add, 'Oh, consistency! thou art a jewel." ERNST WAGNKR ' Practical Architect. -AND- SUPERINTENDENT ARCHITECTURAL W ORK A SPCCIAXTY- tU:n aul HeeiAsatioat will be carefully sarrled.out, and full attention will be given aa to safety and durability. LESSOXS OS PAlrfTlXG .VWater Colors, Crayon .and PenciL ff.ee over Solomon Nat an' store. Main it WESCOTT'S lit ft Is the Place for YOU to Trade. Our bVttem ot doing business will please you. Every article is marked m plain figures and sold on its own merits. i monkey biz, no jewing, no humbug, no auction goods, no shoddy goods you get your money's worth every time. The latent styles and best goods obtainable with money are in stoelc, and we will never be 1111 dersold by any house, either large or small, and you will always find us anxious to serve your interests in a manner to train vour solid custom. Come and see us. C. E. WESCOTT. TIIE KOSS CLOTUIEU, IiocJcwood Block. TPI I CSi. J., anfl C.B Safest. Best and. Most ReiiaMe LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent D ning Cara, Elegant Dav OoacLes 2 Si Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily Z Ate . ison Trains Daily, 1 wo . jiriiius lur St Paul, Minneapolis, Sioux City pji it ti nirtti-vest, with Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansas City and St. Panl WITHO UT CHANGE All trains run on'tinie.connectinK for all fpoln East West, North & South licKeta ior sine ax an reeuiar ucxei omcea, nforitiation regarding rates", time. &c. cheer- lully given by ttdiliessing J, K. Barnard. A C. Dawks, (ien'l Supt uen l rass. A'-tent. u . a 1 cn a 13.2 t; PL, ,, O a j a 2 a (-, eS c2 D I 9E CO a - . o CO S S2J 5' S S S3 c S .O a M PI 2-9 5 S .2 r I rw o a 03 1 1 ij o o v. -s-g 3 P3 OS a -3 a to 3 ( 3 CO S, a eu an g .'Ot-i OA OS le MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HORSE SHOEING & WAGON KEPAIRINC All Kinds of Farm implements UMeA vitl Neatness and Dispatch. Horse, Mulc& Ox Shoeing n short, well shoe anything that ha four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JsTIEW SIHIOIP a Klttn St. between Main ana Vine Street nor ufiui 10 inrni from thfl MtV HKiLA I Ill Fail Line if ywm Why Yon Should Trade with THE OISTE-DPiICEi CLOTHIERl 1. o AVe have an entire Xtw Slock, KitpIi and Clean. Uoulit Strictly lor ea.slif'or money!. AVe sell strictly far one jn ico ti all All goods nrc marked in plain selling lignrew. A child can hny the same price as yoiirnelves. The only place where all are treated alike. We guarantee all goods. Money cheerfully refunded if goods are not as represi "Wc do business on the popular plan. Mens heavy winter suits from .sr.ro m,. t . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. u. 15. 10. 17. 18. 10. 20. we sen a good overalj lor 50c. You will always find our prices much below the market We enjoy the hearty co-operation of the people. Examine our nobdy children's suits for 32.75. Our low prices are having a telling effect. Our 10. mens suits are marvels of cheapness. No Credit no losses. You save 25 per cent, on every article you buv. Our 5 Chinchilla Overcoats are Daisies. We are the great outfitters of Mankind. If yon want to ly, Squarly Go SI (SI The only One PLATTSMOUTH, 2722 Z3. Opposite City Hotel. JUST t A FIXE LOT OK MACKEREL, LA BRA DO RE UEPJilNO, TROUT, WILD WAVB COD FISH, Abo a choice lot of - XjEazoits aits ohaces. We have a Gne stock of FAM1MY GROCERIES, Fancy ran 1 of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MIS30UKI FlOUR. I have in etoi a Cue line 'if Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, &e. All our goods are ne Ufieat . Will Eicliaiip ior Country Proclnce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hani Kext door to Court Ilouse, Plattsmoutb, Neb, iid&52w3m Mm B MURPHY & CO. EASTWARD Kansas City. St. Louis, and all points fcaJit. Through Cars vi Peoria to Indianapolis. Ele gant ruliraaa raiace L-itm aim uvy . all thionjta trains, and Dining cara east oi Mis souri river. . Through Tickets at the Lowest Rates are on sale at all lhe important nation, and baegaz will he checked to destinetion. Any information as to rates, routes or tuns) tables will fnmi.liAfl iiwin annlisa.tiiiB to anv airent or ta P . c be treated Honest and Fairly To Price Clothier, WESTWARD Daily Exprew trains for Denver connecting in Union Deiot for all points In Colorado, Utaa. California and the entire Weit. The advent of this line give the traveler a New Koute to tb West, with scenery and advantages uuequaled elsewhere. TtTGTIS RtnonlTlrViit 1 irnnf Omaha Vh