y she 'I VOL. 1. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOKER 27, 1833. NO. L'Os ft 1 1 Fall and Winter wear. Whether your tastes In; plain or fastidious, no mutter. We have pro viilril liberally for both extremes, Jind also those which run be tuct i!, Every garment is sold on it own iiM-rits. Our Prices are the Very- Lowest, .. spkak koutiikmski.vks. UNDERWEAR la Scarlets Australian "Wool, Flannels and Ivlodicatod Flannels. Good, TTrzdcTweaj cut 50c a Suit If you Would Select your clothing and Gout's Fixings - from the I.arge.-t and Finest Sioefc to le found in this vicinity 0 OPERA HOUSE ,N. B. Sole Agents for Jonathan ITatt fcef. Pork. Mu NafreNNora to A. . II ATT. HEADQTJAIiTEES FOE CHOICE Sugar-Cured Hams, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market. IAT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. o The Highest MarketjjPrice Grease, Fresh Lake3 Trout and White Fish Morning. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full- ILinc General Merchandise. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call and Satisfy Yourself JOSEPH V WECKBACHS. Grace & No old stock to work off. C3-31 ASS J3STJD FLOUR AND PROVISIONS. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMOUTH. Awaiting nr in vital in to e.ill hut eome at piici' an! see what we -:it i 1 f.r yn in 1 1 - way of sup ! im; v.-ur -!tliin' r juirfiii'nts fop CLOTHING Wilson Bros. STORE Shirts. .1. W. Martius tonand Vea Paid tor Hides Wool, Pelts, Etc. Every Thursday TMoroM The latest patterns cf GXTJESEHSrSATAS 1L mm ESS s PLATTSMOOTfl HERALD. ITUI.ISHKIi DAILY AND WEEKLY BV - The Platlsmontk Herald Publishing Co. DAILY, tii livercl by carrier to anyiart.of the city I'er VV-k . . Per Month. IVr Vir... t 15 7 00 WEEKLY, l y mali. Jin co(iy i iiiiiiiliiS i (i0 One ropy ui,c year 2 00 ic-i;iit-r-,l at tut? ro.it Office. 1'lai toinouth. a m-i'uiiii ciH.t.s mailer. Republican State Ticket. Judge of the Supreme Court, M. B. KEESK. For Kcgents of th. University, M. J. II L'LL, (Lout: Term) JOHN T. MALLALIEU. (Lon,; ' J. M. Ill ATT, (Short Term) K. P, HOLMES. (Short Term ) SocondJudicial District For Ju1k of the District Court, S. B. FOUND. Republican Countv Ticket. For County Clerk, JOHN W. JK.WNINUS. of riattsmouth. For County Treasurer, WM.II, NEWELL of Flattomouth. For Sheriff, J. C. EIKEXBAUY. of riattHmoutli.j For County Judjie, ICALYIN KlSSELl.. of Weepinyl Water. For Superintendent of Schooln, CYRUS ALTON, ofSto.-e Creek, For Clerk of the District Court. 'SUMNER S. HALL, iof Mt. l'leasant. For County Surveyor, ECEORUE W. FAIRFIELD, of Flattemoutli.J For County Coroner, FERRY T. G ASS, of Plattsmouth. For Commissioner, Third District, JOHN CLEMENT.1', -of Stove Creek. Our democratic friends w ish to know who Mr. Clements the republican nom inee for county commissioner js: had the manager of that party resided iD Cass county any great length of time he would know John Clements was one of our oldest and most responsible settlers and a Cass county farmer for fifteen years and upwards, in our midst, thor oughly identified with our people and conversant with their every want, while Mt Kiies is comparatively new comer from Iowa, and a resident of the district- ue sei-KS to represent as county com missioner, but a short time. Frederick Douglass, Robert G Ingersoll and other eloquent advocates, have Jiad their innings at the Supreme Court of the United States, taking that tribunal roundly to task fr its recent decision against the constitutionality of the Civil Rights legislation by Con-1 gress. I Soiae of these gentlemen go to the ex- travagant extent of claiming that the doctrine laid down by ihc Sui reme Court in the Civil -Rights test case, is as monstrous as that enunciated by Chief Justice Tiney and his colleagues in 1857. It is haid to believe that men of the intelligence, learning, and knowledge of public affairs, of Fred erick Douglas, or Mr. Ingersoll, would so far forget themselves, or the truth, as to make an assertion like this one. In the case now attracting the attention of the Nation, Congress, doubtless sup-J posing it was acting within the scope of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth amendments to the Federal Constitu tion, enacted this Civil-Rights bill or law, which was trenchently questioned, at the date of its passage, by statesmen and jurists of unquestioned patriotism. The Suprems Court today, passing upon this lecislation, by Congress, finds that that co-ordinate branch of the govern ment exceeded its authority and mis took the scope and intent of the amend ments to the constitution. None of the advocates of the law, thus set aside by the court of last re sort in this country, pretend to claim that Congress possesses the authority to enact such legislation iu the absence of these the Thirteenth and Four teenth amendments, and all the Su preme Court does is to say that these amendments do not warrant the legis lation in question. In the Dred Scott case a Missouri elave, claiming his freedom upon the ground that he had been transferred by his master from ti.e soil of a slave State into territory made free by act of Congress, attempted to maintain r.n action in the circuit court of ih- U.-uted States for his freedom claiming to le a citizen of a different state f rum that of his mas ter the defendant. When chief Justice Taaey and a majority of the old demo cratic regime who held posscssieu of our Supreme bench said of the com plamant on account of his color, that he was a "Being of an inferior order altogether unGt to associate with the "white race either in social or political ''relations; and so far inferior that he "had no right which th.? white man "was bound to respect;'' from t his bru tal decisional! npjpal to puMic opinion was ha-1. wliicli, in tlic- cwl overthrow that tribunal; neither tin- sentiment nor opinion of the preprnt iiprrue inrt in thr. j- ij n n .f tl t 1 r bar of public opinion, warrants any such uu attar k upou its Interiity and patriotism, as the one, said to be made by Mr. Ingersoll. The Supremo Court of the country in composed, a majority at leat, of patriotic citizens, and men who have just us high a reaped for tho rights of th private individual as 'ol. Ing.-rfoll can possibly have, and if an assault is t' bo made upon .that tribu nal let it be made upon tli-ir interpre tation o'thc law; let it bo jIk'-.vji wlrre in they are wrong. Mk. Newell is a bank di recto says our democratic ortrau, ami uses the county funds for undue purposes Mr. Newell authorizes the stateraen that this assertion is false in every re spect. This kind of electioneerinr of course is anticipated by everybody conversant with the manner m which, the democratic managers cou duct their campaign ; however, we are I glad to have the reasons why the demo cratic party of Cass county ask repub hcans to vote for William II. Cushing First, Mr. Cushing "'is a democrat,' aud scorns to "piu hii faith" to the re publican party "dying of its own iuate corruption!" second, Mr. Cushing is 'joung;" third, he is "a-ctite;" fourth he is"ambillous these are the reasons given why Mr. Cushing is the prefer red caudidate of the democratic party; hence, republicans are exhorted to vote for Mr. Cushing instead of a gentle man of age, experience, integrity, and known devotion to the principles of the republican party ; a man "who gave his time, and young manhood, to his country in her hour of need; who fol lowed the gallant Sheridan in the Shen andoah valley as a private soldier, al ways atj the front, and whose whole life entitles him to the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens. "Without republican votes Mr. Cush ing cannot be elected in Cass ecu utyl Arc the reasons given by the demo cratic organ, such a would arrant republicans in voting against Mr. Mew- ell, and tor this ambitions candidate who. to use the language of the sheet which professes to champion his cause and represent him in this campaign, detests the ''inatc corruption of the re publican party!" But further, Mr. Xewell owns stock in a bank, and that is another objec iton. Mr. Cushing is the servant of a National Bank; that we suppose is no objection from a democratic stand point for a democratic candidate. Mr. Cushing is a "more export ac countant." yet everybody agrees that William II. Newell has made the best County Treasurer Cass county has ever had. Mr. Cushing is a voung man who has never had experience in the busi- ness affairs of iite, except as a clerk in tne Dank to which he is at present giy iaS his tims; yet, he is, to use the deni ocratic argument, the bet qualified man to take charge of the Cass County Treasury. We apprehend everybody will see and appreciate the force of these arguments ia favor of Mr. Cush ing, ana tnat especially republicans who believe in the old party, aud her proud record, will be happy to know why they are expected to vote for Wil liam II. Cushing, for whom, when the Journal says he is young, active, ambi- tlous, and a strong democrat, it ex hausts the list of his qualifications. Against Mr. Jennings the demo cratic organ has several griev ances, one is, that he keeps a deputy who doos not suit the editor of that paper, and last but not least, he once bolted a republican ticket and helped elect a democrat to the office of county clerk of Cass county. It would appear that our democratic opponents have laid up this last grievance against John and caunot forgive him for it. We admit if Mr. Jennings ever did deliberately bolt his ticket to help the democracy of Cass county into power it was a serious blunder; but then, for all this, the republican party has long since forgiven John, and trust ed him with her honor and her reputation by placing him in charge of the records and seal of Cass county and for all this have received back from him a clean balance sheet in the shape of an office honestly ad ministered with skill and ability,, ac ceptably, to the entire satisfaction of the people of Cass county, Even the democratic organ i9 forced to say, "There is no question about the compe tency of Mr. Jennings;'' and finally, this is the reason the republican party have nominated both Mr. Jennings and Mr, Newell, and the reason why the people of this county intend triumph antly electing both of these gentlemen, together with the entire republican ticket. Competency, not youth and ambition, is the qualification the re publican party requires of its candi dates. Of Mr. Green, Mr. Jenning's opponent, the Journal says in substance that h? is a fine business man. The IIehald, on the conhary, understands that John Green's particular fault 1?, that he is not a good nor competent business man, and is intnnned that Mr. Green has repeatedly failed in business, his last fallun !dng at Ash land, Nebraska, anil that very recently ; of this we only speak upon information received from republicans and demo crats living in that . neighborhood, and if we arc in error, will very gladly do Mr. Green the justice of making the correction. That JohnGrccu i sK i -ally "a hale fellow well met." know to b? a fact; but hi tun - for adminis tering ollice in 'J.ii.s county has not jet arrived. We are g!au the democratic mouth piece has seen lit to nhar.don.Mr. lleeson long niough to ad lres- itself to the ticket it floats at its head. WESCOTT'S BOSS CLOTHING BOOSE Is the Place for YOD to Traje. Our system ol doir business will please you. Every article ie marked in plain liures and sole , on its own merits. iSo monkey v i i biz, no lewinjr, no iiumbur, no auction goods, no shoddy goods: you get your money's worth every time. The latest styles and best irods obtainable with money are in stock, and we will never be 1111 dersold by any house, either large or small, and you will always nnd us anxious to serve your interests in a manner to gain your solid, custom. Come and see us. C. E. WESCOTT. THE BOSS CLOTIIIEK, Roekwood .Block. - I , 8 - 1 C5 ,3 so 03 cr. o ? J- 13 rtw Ti 2 v S n.2 . h 1 e s 5 S 5 u K S k i- cs cj a -2 so X 35 -3 SC a a CO 5 t 3 2 '(S c M 3 Oi . CO s o o Pt3 a ce Cm o o s o os S3 o fen sa -if 3 2 CJ E W5Z?K -- a irt 3 si a so 3 cr: o S3 7: a. 4 ss 3 Eg G, A. VRISLEY& CO'S f9SEL2CDllD BEST IN THE MARKET. Made OWLYot Vegetable Oil and Pure Heel TaHow. To induce housekeepers to give this Soap a trial. WITH EACH BAR WE GIVE A FINE TABLE NAPKIN This offer J-; made for a sbort time only and should bt taken advantage of at OXCE. We WARRANT this Soap to do more wash ing with greater ease than any soap In the market. I; ha3 no EQUAL for use ia hard and cold water. YOUR GROCER HAS IT. Gr.A.TTrisley&Co. CmCA.GrO, en4 viu - K CSU, ai G.B Saiest. Best ani Most Reiiatle LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent D ning Cars. "Elegant Dav CoacLes 2 Si Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily Ate ison Trains Daily, Two .Train for St Paul, Minneapolis, Sioux Citj Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansas City anl St. Paul WITHOUT CUAXGE All trains run on tinie.counectini; for ail "polns. East West, North & South licketn for sale at all regular ticket offices. nfonaation regardins rates, time. ac. cheer-r luUy given by addresiu J, F. Barnard. lien'l Supt A C, Dawfj, Gen'l Pas;. Acsnt. mm OnJ MBSPJiXJ IS) Why You Should Trade with t EL II) AVe liave an entire Xew .Sluelc, Fresh and Clean. I 'ought Strictly for cash for money! We sell strictly far one priee to all All goods are marked in plain selling jjgures.. A child can buy the same price as yourselves. The only place where all are treated alike. - i' We guarantee all goods. 1 'j Money cheerfully refunded if goods are not as, rej.res :. I . H. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. 18. 19. 20. vve uo Diisiness on the popular plan. Mens heavy winter suits from .r..r0 tip. Wc sell a good overalr for 50c. ' You will always find our prices much bclow,the market We enjoy the hearty eo-operation of the people. Examine our nobdy children's Mijts for J'2.7.r. Our low prices are having a telling effect. Our 310. mens suits are marvels of cheapness. No Credit no losses. You save 25 per cent, on every article yon buy. Our $5 Chinchilla Overcoats are Daisies. We are the great outfitters If you want to bo treated Honest ly, Squarly and Fairly Go To T7 O The only One PX.A.TTSMOXJT-EI, 272223. Opposite City Hotel. A FINE MACKEKEL, LABR ADORE HERRING, TROUT, WILD WAV! COD FISH, Aso a choice lot of XjE2OXTS .XTZ) ORAHCES. We have a fine etook of QMQICE FAMIL, Y GROCERIES, Fancy rands of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FT OUR. I have in etoc a fine line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, &c. All our goode are ne d freob. Will Eichange ;or Country Proince. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hanf Next door to CourtHonse, Plattsmouth, Neb, . Hd&52w3m M. EASTWARD Daily Exprv Trains for Omvha. Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all mint? East. Xtiruiib Car via l'eoria to lndianapoli. EIc Kant Fullmao Palace Can and dy coaches on all thoiuh trains, and Uining car east of AiN Rouri river. r,0 t-uKZ7Z-f ! I I ic.M O J nryf Through Ticket! at the Lowest llntei are on sale at all the important fUtionn. and baepana wiU be cbevked to destioetion. Any information tvi to rates, routes or time tables will i cheerfully furniiihrd upon application to any sgfet or to P. S. EUSTIS, Geuera3Tlcket ARcat. Omaha. Xot. mm of Mankind. Price Clothier, LOT Of B. MURPHY & CO. WESTWARD Daliy Express trains for DcnTcr conni-clU.f in Union Iepot for all points in t'olorado. Utan, California aud the entire We.t. The advent Of this line s'ves the traveler a Nk Koute to th West, with Bc!nrr' and advantages uuequaled elsewhere.