V OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PLATTSMODTfl HERALD. PUBLISHED BY The Plattsmonth HeraPnMlsMng Co. tion3 rmty more than" compensato for this lack. Hut it "13 always mcetsary BANKS. J (ipa ra I el I edAttracti onsr that twenty employes of lliii depart ment should have a fair knowledge of ,V ir OI'EHA IICUSE French and German, Spanish or Ital T a (Sn m Orders taken for WIMiOX BKOS. SIIIKTH. n fn n L ?. IfHIIIIlKffews Depot vu u u u Hiuiuun JllS Puttee. , PUTTSMOUTH OPERA HOUSE, October 1, 1883 J for the ntxt Thirty Days I will tell Mason&Hamlin Organs To clean ii as fine a stock of Organs as ever were oflereJ to the pub Any '.one in want of a fine Organ will find it to their lie. rntrrot to call and above time MASON & HAMLIN, "Tli Best in. th.o World,'' as low, or lower, than the so-called cheap Organs, for CASH, or uhATAL, or TKiN-gUAKTKKLV-rAYAIENT plan. J AMIES IPJETriTJElE (RcMcral Ag-cnt. LJT J3. TODJD'S Hardware Emporium AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, ON LOAVEll MAIN STREET. TTIae Iffie&t ILine 66 f'und in the City. New Roods at HARNESS. STREIGHT &. CO. (Successor to Htrelght A MUler. iMAJfUFACTCBKB OF FINE WAVY HARNESS. A large jine ot Saddles Bridles Collars Whips. &cl- always in stock. Repai ring of all kinds neatly dene o sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth and Filth. LUMBER. CALL AT TIIE Old Reliable LUMBER YARD H. 1. MBBMiHa SON Wholesaieland lletaiJJ Dealer In PINK LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOOUS, BLINDS, &c, Fourth Mrect, in iezrcf Cpua House. LATTSMOUTIJ. NEBRASKA ERNSTWAGNKR Practical Arcliilect. -AND- SUPEUIKTEKDENT ARCHITECTURAL WORK A - .T 'SPCCIAXTY- ?Ixm and Speciflcatioa will be carchilly arriedlout, and full attention will b glren as to safety and durability. LESSONS OX PAI.VT1XG 4WBtr Colors, Crayon k'and rencil. ff.ee Diet. Folomon Nat an More. Main t Henry Boeck is selling f urniture at nrices SoW any house of the me r-StSSlS inoTtbc truth, tf 1 i v.t.... Tf ron uouui vuia v. P' AND FURNISHERS. GENTS TOST OFFICE STATION EKY, MASON & HAMLIN IIENUYF.'.MILLEB and get inv prices. For the yon can get a or on of (Cook Stoves (Basoline tove " Tinware (Keiieral Mardware prices that defy conipetion. Give me a call. ami nc araPBDBD. NEW FmrmlimzQ Stare J". I. TJKTJSC, DEALER IN FURNITURE COFFINS, and all kinds of goods usually kept In a "EST CI.A88 FI KSITUBE STORE Also, a very complete etock ot Funeral Goods, Metallic&WoOuenMiis Castets Rotesi EMBLEMS, 4c. Onr New and elegant hearse is always in "V readiness. Remember the place, in UNION JBLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Ddors sonth of Cass Coun- ty Rank. Whear we may be found night or dar, V - T TTVY VY V I J . 1 . U Vi K U H 9 21tl1 m- r i . Wh L.vrr3..ljjr;r. NEB MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HOUSE SHOEING & WAGON JiEPAIRINt All Kinds cf Farm implements Mended will Neatness and Dispatch. Horse, Mule& OxShoeinff n short, well shoe anything that ha? four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JSnETW SHOP n Filth St. between Main and Vine Street jst across le corner from the jkw IIEltAL 'jmv.K. ..- to Just EBeived A FINE LINE OFn- - . MEERSCHAU... AND'BSlAR PIPES OK 1IIUECT ;i3IIOKTATION. A Challenge 5c Cigar, 3 Laliylmade for the retail trade only. ..t sary Pepper berg' S. Cigar Factory. qnalllleaUon, as ability in other diific- Telegraphic. THE CONDITION TilADE. OF Lord Coleridge in Washing - ton. MiscellaneousJfoTes from the NationaltJapital. Railway Happenings. A PROJECTED RAILROAD. St. Souis, Oct. 19. Several promin ent gentlemen of Iowa, in the interest of the proj ectcd railroad, to run from St. Louis through central Iowa, south western Minnesota and thence to some point on the Northern Pacific road in Dakota, arc in consultation here with leading business men of this city look ing to a plan for a survey of the route, and a further conference will be held. Railroad managers claim tonight that they no longer care what action the strikers take, and that they are now in dependent of them;' that they have or are obtaining raf5lul"all the men they want. A few of the strikers hve cone back to work, but ninety per cent of them arj out yet. St. Joe, Mo , Oct. 19. No sL?u of a strike among the switchmen hero. THE CREEK ELECTlOxT ?, 1 Washington, Oct. 19. The cTmuiis sioner of Indian affair 3 has received a report from Indian Agent Taft, at'OT? ion Agency, Indian territory, givin the result of the election recently held in tne crceK nation, to nil the position of chief. The agent reports that the vote stood as loiiows; J. M. I erryman, 9U ; Samuel Ch icote, 608 : 1. Spicchee, 'I'hc vote was canvassed by a com mittee composed of the adherents or' ms inree cauuuiates. The aent sajs the returns from cciLaiu towns wcie thrown out because of irregularities but adds that the result would not be affected thereby. O ARLINGTON VINDICATED H ashingtOD, Oct. 19. The report of Lieutenant Garlintrtou, commander ot the recent Arctic expedition for the it lief of the Greelv party, is a complete vindication1 of.'Garliiigtoa so Tar' as any d'sobedience of - orders is con cerned. General llazcn, in a letter transmitted with the report to the sec retary of wcr, says the strictures made on Gaiiinsrton m this connection are entirely unwarranted. TENSION KEPOIiT, The report of the commissioner of pensions for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1883, shows that there were 303,658 pensioners on the roll at the end of the fiscal year. During the year the names of seventy-six whose pensions had been accepted previously were ro3tored to the roll, making 38,958 pensions added during the year, an excess of 10045 over the preceding y ear. The average annual value of 'each pension is $406, the aggregate aunual value of all pen sions is $32,345,192, an increase of 2, 904..090. The total amount paid for pensions is $000,040,000 Attention is called to the fidelity and ability with which the unprecedented disbursements of the bureau have been made by agents for the payment of pensioners. An average of 3,357,337 naving been disbursed from each of the eighteen agencies at an annual ex pense of $16,000, and without the loss of a dollar to the government or a complaint of delay from the benfici- aries. Of the special examination sys tem, the commissioner speaks in com mendatory terms, aid says he will be disappointed if the saving to the gov ernment effected by this decision will not be suffiGient to defray the cost of its maintenance. He does not think it incumbent upon the government to be at any further expense in endeavoring toselltotho Indians pension claims, when the resulfof the special commis sioner sent out to'th'e Indian Territory- are considered."-. w- .- WILL KEEP ML'M At the request of the President the "iii-v"" -,c luiuui. . . 7 . , . . ' - ... I- ternoon,air'iiacl a long talk vltfi him ihe object ot .'the conference ." is not known.xThe comuiigsioners are reti cent as to what transpired. - An ussoci atel press reporter asked; Doruiau U, iaun president or tlie ctnnmission. what was the olject of the conference, and what occurred. E-itoa replied iha' ue aiu nor. acem u proper tor mm to state what had occurred. He said the commissioners had called at the re quest of the president, and that the the interview was a long one. QUALIFICATIONS In reply -Jo an inquiry from the civil service commission, as to what qualili cations should bo passed for service in ti.e stat- d;,.ariment, the secretary of state decluic mat it is accessary that most clerks .t t.ie department of state should have at lea.it uHcient kuowl -edge of one or more foreign languages to read ihcm in original documents. Nevertht-la.'j-' :' is nt absolutely neces ets P. tni. iv.-ty a i..i j i iv; this ian. VlfclTS THE EXTREME COCRT. Washington, Oct. 19. Lord Jus tice Coleridge visited the United States supreme court today, entering the court room in procession with the justices at 12 o'clock, standing beside chcif justice and participating in the formal salution with which the assembled court every day greets the bar. lie then tooka scat at Chief Justice Miller, wuVccupied the place of Justice Fielofinhis absence. The court room was'Terowded with spectators. After ' listening for a time to the argum(yytfnrtlie case of the IJoard of Lisa ors against the Louisville Hail roa.il company, the lord chief justice took formal leave of the court and was shown through the capital. '. This is said to be the first time,' any other person than a justice in the court has occupied a seat on the supreme court bench. This evening Lord Coleridge attend ed a dinner to hi3 honor by Chief Justice Waitc. Among those pres ent were the attorney general, all the justice of the United States supreme court, except Justice Field, and Jus tices of the district court. The din ner was followed by a reception, which was largely attended. Among those present were Secretaries Tel ler, Lincoln Post Master General Grcsham, the British minister and Civil Service. Commissioner Eaton. President Arthur was expected but did not attend. STATE OF TRADE. New York, Oct, lt. 11. G. Dun k Co's, mercantile agency, reports that the business situation docs not im prove. The manifest shrinkage in the volume of trade at this port is shared in by seven of the largest commercial centres. Eleven cities, show a slight gain in business mer chandize; and shows a decline in vol ume as the season approaches to the close, but there has b'een L a fair amount of profit in transacisis tiis week, as nriccs , hffve been nrettv i steadily niairijSrfued. Collections uau uucn t:ou, uuu iioLwiLUSianuing the la'nre increase in the number of failures, the losses as vet bv bad clebts do not impair the expectations pi a iainy prontablc season. Ihe grain markets arc irregular and elos- eu weak, at about previous rates . Th'ere has been a slight variation in the price of cotton, with tendency somewhat downward. l'ork and lard is fairly steady, with bul slight variation in price. ISo special i-benge in the wool market. A large speculation has taken place in pe troleum during the week, but the lluctuations are slight, varying be tween" three and lour cents. The monet market continues to share a remarkable ease, there being a plet hora of money for everything except stock speculation. Ihe deposits amount to nearly ify00,000,000, show ing an increase of .$3,000,000 as com pared with last year, indicating a larga withdrawal of money for specu lation Advertising Cheats !!! "It has become so common to write the beginning of an article, in an ele- ! gant, interesting manner, Ihen run it into some advertise ment that we avoid all such, "-Yuci eanply call attention to the merits of Hop letters in as plain, hon est terms as possible, lo mdure people -a to give them one trial, which proves their value that they will never use any. rung else. s"THEnEMEDYso favorablv noticed in aiijbUieipdpors, "liqjWfcQ ai:a r.ccular, is -iiavic" a large sale, and is sun plantiBg'&H other medicine. "There is no denyiuo- the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of nop uuiers navesnown groat shrewd r-r . . . I ness. 'And ability . "In compoundinjr a medicine whose Virtues are so palpable to everv one's oDservation. Did ShoDie? "No! "She lingered and sufEered alon'fr nin- ing away an ine time tor years," -j.ne aociors aoms: her no crood." 'And at last was''caf ed bv' this Hon Bitters the papers. say so much about;' luueeui luaertir 'How thaukfuTwe should be for that medicine." A JDanghter's Misery "Eleven years our daughter sulTered on a bed of " n.'spre "From a complication of kidr.er. liv- i i -is.. ...... - -Jr--. . ui.iucuiiianc irouoie ana nervous tie- I bility. "Under thg care of the best physic ians, n ho gave her disease various names "lint no relief, vuu iiyw tiiu is restored to us in good health by as simple a remedy as nop iiucers. tnit we nad shunnt-d f years before usine- it." T.ti- p,pr O--- . A .T, Fatheris Getting Well. 'My daughters sar: H (5 "llow much betier lather is tince he used Hop Buters.''- "lle is getting well alter his lou"; sufferiu lroin a disease declared incur "Ard v. a are your IJirtcrs."'- so glad that he used A Lapy Df Utica, N. Y St Louis Fair. The Mo.rPac: Ry. will sell excursion tickets Ltouisville 'o S: Louis and re -turn Fair week at $.li;.75 sale of tkts., to commeuce'Sept CO. and continues 10 and including Oct. 6 18S3 good re turning on or beiore Oc. 8. During the week visitors may witness at night "Veiled Prophets Street Pa geut." v't'hfi uiPSt extensive . disnLiv of Fire "WorVs ever seen jn America,'' and numerous -os hi r ('azzlincr attiuo tioni, alLofj'.liii-it k.'Jiss in "innniN I cence and pie - 'hi'i ? ilic kind ever before tnes-eJ. Tor Tick or infomation tail on or address .T Ellis 'Local-Tkt. Act. Louisville ATeJS?. 170d23vlf In additou to'-' . h Vu i, iin r. "?r liquors Joe IcV. , k:eUa the Celehat- i Anhcuscr St. Louis ber. 201 tt JOIIJT l'lTZOF-BALU, A. W. Mcl.AL'JllU.V Ilesldent. Cahler. FIRST NATIONAL ZBi&OsT-K: 1 OX rLATTSMOUTM. Ktlill.VSKA. OH'.'ra t!i very best facilities for the prompt train-action ol legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stork. Hoiuls, Cold. Covemineut nod I.oea Securities Kmi';li t and Solil, lr iionHi receiv ed stud interest allowed on time Cert ill - (.'uter. Draft drawii.uvatlablu i" any "tvCSll of the L'lVUd .States and all I he principal towns of turope. Collections ir.ade & prdftiptty re mitted. T Highest market prlcj paid for County War rants. .State ai-d County ltond. DIRECTORS: John Fitzgerald - A. E. Toualiii. John K. Clara, R. C. Ciixlring, Geo. E. Dovey. V. K. White, A. W McLauiihlln. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, L. REED, l'resident. NEB. E. R. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. . WILKINSON, Cashier. A General Mlxii Business Transacted. lteeclved, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. IA FTH Pin wn available in auy part of the United States and all the principal cities ot Europe. Afents for the celebrated Mm Line of Steamers. iBank Cass County Cotner Main and Sixth Streets. PliATTSjSSliJTI-I iteb f JOUN'fTCvrKresideiit, 1 J. i. PATTSfr? Cashier, f Transacts a Gencr aliMlStBiiSiiiess. HIGHEST CASH PKICE Paid for County and City Yfar.'aiitt. and promptly remitted lor. - '. :!. i.:; III!' .1 i. C. 11. 1'.,-: ri-scy, A. f i.l-.leT. IS- ARNICA PREPARATION (. in jiiBiry uas aiscoverefi no remedy Bjiporio'1 to Arnica f r healina oxteraal ertijifioiis. rrfiper )y prepared and combined, it lias no equal as a The iiithest conden sation of arnica. Will Bpet'iny cure cliap eil liancls. crn k l lil4 hTlff l.ltiriiinuii of tho skin, -whether cnnserl from climatic intlu oncosortbo use of 111 lil'KCl. CUSMKT1CS. Will euro iinil-s oi i;ic-u mill .iti U, rendering skin soft ami fair. Invuluitblo in Salt KlK'um. A family remedy for cuts, burns, bruises TOILET SOAP JH-lijilitfully per ks Jiiint-a.ingiiiy !)!. Qicated. Absolute- . . . y j'ure. ji.eeps me bam inmi cmiiiuia mi.i imparts to 1G life ond :i lieultliy kIow. UnrivnlJed for cleaning tlie s;n I p and eradicating dandruff. The most ner- -euu boiici. uuuu in iii v. oriu. i iiiuL. xa cents, Shaving Soa? A medicated article 01 rare merit. Pre vents nil niiniil.K Kndorsed by Leadinz Barbers, -nho cntr rf it "Witbout parallel as a shavincj soap." -Kich i;l latuer and lastmc. Keens tno fnp.o nmi nww w f roia pimples. flJIC'K 13 eta. for a large cake. .TOOTH jSOAP "Is!v-i&out question -ine-mosi peneci ar ticio ever produced, an itnofcnnlvrlpnna. cs the teeth, thorouRhlr, but tho combination with arnica preserves and hardens the Bums. It gives to the breath a sweet, delicate odor. Its taste is aeiiKntiu i-rice. 4;a a box. All doiRgista so 1 the above articles, or wo 'will mail thmov postiraid, ou receipt of price. c. strong & co.r- Sole Proprietors and Manfrs., Chicagfe WILL J. WARRICK, AGEKT, PLATTSMOUXir, - - - NEBRASKA. CD -S cr or? CD h h I 0 A C5 W . r US 5 CD o B' CO O ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. 1 TliM8 1 mvrmm lrkl I I Dll B BXtAl h n g d as; I -r4 Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and gerieral Jobbing a, now prepared to do all kinds of repairing c: farm and other machinery, aa tflere iJ 1 ?oua lame in iny shop. PETSR HAUB2?, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge cr tne a-cn scop. He is well known as a NO. : WORKMAN. 'ev H'agonN and Bnesrien made t Order. the nn T. FALL & WINTER GOODS KMI5HACINO AN KLKOANT VAKIETV OF II -AM)-- Dress Goods. Dress Goods. AVe don't care to make any com ments on onr line in this depart ment, for we know the ladies are min!h Letter judges than we are, though our best endeavors were used to get the latest styles and the handsomest materials in the market, and deleft nothing un done to lind for the ladies a line of goods inferior to none to he found, and at prices that will tell all we can handle this Fall. s, In Plain, Urocade and Velve vera The Newest Shades. Cheaper than Ever Before. Win this department we oiler a collection of La dies' Gents' and Children's goods, which for variety and cheapness has never been equalled. rheilargest asbort-1 ment ever; oiiened ! here. AVe have the best lrrrkcs, i and cheaer than ever before. An ' excellent Ladies' AVhite ' JSIerino suit for Sl. (). LudhV Scarlet all ' wool ,-tt 82.75 a suit. Gst AA Russian Circulars, Palctos, etc., The Latest, The Best, The Ncttaest Styles ever shown here; prices ranging from $o to 5(55. Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths. On these Goods we are Headquarters FRED. HERMANN, One Door East of First National J3ank. THE EL (HORN HEADQUARTERS FOX ALE, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS, Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINES, MUMM'S EXTHA rugs Always "on AL"WAYS IN t rn Fitzgerald Block winu I ano WEST. I ElPirant DaV Ccmrhon Parlnr C-m -rl.v, TJ.t: ! I a kS? t--a-V'-i----"T"v'T'.'.' . , Iinecuairs (seata freei. Kmnbin Cr. .itK l. I .uinuic nairs. niiiman Palu- .SWt.ino-'o. : i; ' ' .. ' ' r ".v.. umjj Vinz CiLairs. Pill Im.in Tn eflC,1.:n- i famous C. B. & Q. Pining Cars run daUy to uj . " ' 1UW11K3, V UIUIU, aJ v- sepii. AtchUvn & Tcpeko. Only throujrh line be tween CliicafO, Lancom A toner. 'thtuuzU cais between IndianapolU & Coaocil EluiTa vi 1'eoria X?IIIITQ I hlrflm X- Cin T t ' I : - and cuupi!(iona rnacie in union JJrjKits. It ia lu' fc'reaitiutuu VAM J4.g. -1 Hi? Finest Equipped Railroad In tho World for all ciacca'J -r J. POTTER, id Vicu-Pna't and Genl Manaw I'EHChVa Lftll,? V f. Tra vcl mm, Blankets and Comfortables. . We are able to give you bottom prices on these goods. Our stock is large and new, and yo'u' iwill have no trouble m making lection, -v se ' Yarns. Our i-:tock of Vanis comprises even tiling in Wcst(.'i:i and (Jer man knitting; also, full lines of (iermantowns, Saxonies, elc, Faiu-y I'abriquc.s. n earry a I brands, I the lead fro m the inir best to the cheapest, and make the prices right with you every time. j The best 5)e Corset in the eity. bole iigents lor liall a Health and Nursing Coi sets, Warner's JJip I) and Ihomson s dlove ritt ing. IBS' In tins line we arry nothing but made from tlie best muslin, and linest tn'mm ings. Full line. DOLMANS, DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE "WINES, ST- LOUIS IJEEIJ. draislai. STOCK, AT Pas. SALOON ELKHOBN PLATTSMOUTII, NEP. COIO NORTH AND SOUTH J--ay coaches and P.,' rouirn niw.riinf. t t-.. .. . - u. m.J2:" c nin oai r tv ... from Kt 7 iV;.,7. .rZ.?"" 1 '"iaud to universalis C(l . ...... --. i,ura,rM1A1, , - "if I f i : i : i i i 1 i rvyrr 7t7 doubt this I