SPIiCIAL NOTICES. Alw rll-teiueti( underfill head, three rrnta .T Hue eaell Insertion. ' 1IONKY IO I.OAN-O11 real e.itato liy A. N. ' nuiilvau. Pihi Si.r - jjoimI milk cj. .Inquire of H. 4. ml man. u( lOl: AI.K - House, lotiaml wood land by .1 i i.iiiii w ron. 17') I! HAI.K - A Kl M.noii & Hamlin eabluet oruau, a h.HKalu fr caih purchaser. In- Uile of llciinaii Meiiildt. l.Olf tjOU MALE The ? Id llyer-. Wo(iili prowrty urtr Hher- J. W. Al A Kali A Aucnt. ITOK ttAi.rc Ifftlili-noe prop-rty, one of the ( the Ih-m. Iiieutiou In the elty. or 111 trade d.nlirk. I i ' t - oIJ. V, Mart lilt. IMHf 1,'iiK HAI.K -House and lot, prie fiLV). $100 - -;ili. Iiiil.u.n- lii monthly H IIH'llC.t. It. U. Wl.VOHAM, t'OICHAI.K Se.eral residences, cheap. Iu- 'iuim m i. ii. neeier & Ju. 1,'OIC SAl.K- thin oilice. .Scratch Table It in all ri.ri. at Sdll IOK.HAI.J-: a lot lu ijiMMt location. I'arlku- lain , at thin ofllce irtlf L'Olt .SA I.E An order for a new American m fewiiiK .Marhiiie. In uire at this oltlce. I.'Ol: S I.K - ronl-t of wood. Iinjulre of W..-V Wise. If 1,'OS: S I.K--l Id paper for Male at I hi ofllrn itl lo cents M-r hundred or 6 cent per doz en. u 1,'Olt S I.E -Kour lots together ill i:od Alloii III thi city. Inquire at thin olllc loca te If I,1)!. I' K.N i - I he noitli Mtoie room In Nev- ' lih hlnrk. and M room no i-tulro. limnl locution fur restaurant or boarding house, rents cneap. Apply to win. Seville. lujll f I'O KENT A house, corner 7th and l-ncui-t Jilieels. Ili.iilie of I Iion. lollock. I,Olt hSNi-tine orllce room and dwelling eoiiiieeii-ii. j room.) up blalra over llolt-sluii-iih-r bakery. hii'iuue at .Mr a. Iloltsehncl ler', 1.01 tf Fl KEN T- llouic, con vcuient to fhopn. it. E. o. ih r.v & Sox, irolt KENT- South store room of the Union i:i k. I.iniuire of O. II. Itlaek, It. Spur - ii-k, Aiva ifirw, liiisiiiens ciliilultlee. FOIt I:KNT-IcIIiuk ll'-dlf Ilouxes, W. II. Inquire of SHAKKIt. - past book ronlalniiii; pai.ers valu- ;.i.: iiii.) n ner liuder please leave at thin Olill' IGTtf L'ni M A (Sold loitihpit k. Owner proving I r p i t and pa inu lor this notice can have i ic, ls.il f 1,' li'Xll A l.nli.-- poeketbook Contatiiini' .some cii .ii. e 1 he owner can have the nam.- by i-.illin- on f. l:rei'keulield, piopriv and I'.ijm tor tln-t notice. proviiix lMlf EDUCATIONAL. itlusical Instruction. To .M ij Friends: I havt r-orj;aiilzt'd my c!a.sies id i.islruetioii upon the l'iaiio, and .should be pleased to have sucli as may desire Instruction to address or call upon me. My terms are rea sonable, ami my instruction after the most im proved method. 1'upils, begiuniiiK wroiij;, can never expect to become iiiat-lers. I invite a trial and examination. KATIE DORRINQION. dU.'wtf THE TWELFTH YEAR OF THE lirnvrtFunnninF. 1 1 Ul llBDMDM WILL OI EX TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1883, with an ample corps ot instructor!. On application to the Chancellor catalogues can be obtained by those dciriii information, and eertiiieates for half fare on the railroads by those expertinj; to attend. First Term begins Tuesday. Sept. 11 1883. Second " Thursday, Jan. 3, 18tH. Tlur.l " Tuesday, April 1, 1884. Annual Coiiiiiien'-ement Wednesday, June 11 rTHE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE wii; oiien October W3. inu continue C mo's. BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK and al! kinds of ORNAMENTAL JIG-SAWING done to on'er on t-hort notice, by BOYD & LARSEXT. Leave orders at the Lumber Yards or at Test Oitiee. 183tJ6 HOTEL. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three itory brick structure, on lower Maid street. Iiai just been finished and fitted tip for tlif accommodation of TlijyxlERT CUSTOMERS, AND KEGUJ'AH BOAKDEBS. EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN AfJ,-.' i T-,i n counertion with the Ul-uU j. dl House. J" I' ED o-OOS. Tropr. BOOIS AND SHOES. AXf) AT erwood'S. Plattsmoctii, Nebraska MONEY TO LOKS OX REAL ESTATE. Any party dewirinir to loan money on Farm property can be accommodated at a low rate, from three to ten year' time, and the interest bot payable until It aa accrued. Inquire of . X. 8. 1 RAPE it, ldw-ti riattauioutb b. -1 PLATTSMOOTH HERALD. rt lll.I J.J!KI I)A!I.y AND WEEKLY Ii V - The Plattsmonth Herald PublishinE Co. OFFICIAL. fAPKIt OF Tllli ;ITV For Clly and Coui. tv lJireclory, Railway Time Tables. Telephone ExchauK liii'lne Di rectory, Kindness Card &c, ce fourth pave. Notice to Advortisors. Copy for display advertisement or changes in adveitlsemeiils must he handed In to the liumin-ssi.nii-e not later than lu a. in. of the day In whicii (hey are to he inserted . Copy for pay I.m jiIh aud special notices lim.t he hande-t in before J p. in. each day to Insure in- fieilloll. Jl ji. ril'MUNKLl.. . liui-lue.su Manager. A. .Salisbury, llnitUt. - Ji. or i. Mettrt every Tuesday ovenin nt tluir i;a-tle Hall, in Kuckwood IJIock. Via itin Knilita uri! iiivitcil to attend. J. W.JENXINUS. C. C. W. L. Uvkes, K. of 11. txml t. iSuckwlieut cakea are gotthio; rij.r. District court convenes tomoiiow with a full docket. mi . . lnereceniiy vigorous tomato vines, Iiave ceased to Lloom bince Saturday nigbt. I he democratic craft is uiloat, but the load, we daresay will founder the old boat before the gets into t ho cur rent. Joe McVey has removed hi liquid refreshment stand in to the old IMuin mer building liist door east of Smith & IJIack ISrog. I lie V. C. T. U. w ill hold a meeting tonight in the i'rcly 'eriati Church, at which Mr?. C'ooley is exju-cted to pre side. A cordial invitation is extended to all, to come to this meeting. Another telegraph company was born Saturday was born Satuiday, Chicago being tl o birthplace. It is christened the Bankers' aud Merchants' Telegraph Company, and is said to have control of the line on the Nickel Plate road. Herman Spies having- secured the building on lower Main street formerly occupied by Joe. McVey has carpenters engaged very busily fitting up the room inrrjper shape for the manufacturing of cigars. Mr. Spies is a llrst class cigar maker himself and with the hands he will put in he will be able to make a goodly line of cigars. 1'ERSOMAl.S. Mrs. A. B. Smith went to Omaha this morning. Charley Clapp, the "boss" merchant of Elm wood, is in the city today. Sol. Dewey, the most genial democrat in Cedar Cieek. is in the city today. Win. "Neville, started west this morn- ning to look after his railroad work. J- W. Jennings, the best County Clerk in the State, (according to the re- ports at Lincoln), went west this morn ing. June Black came down from the Louisville convention. Saturday, and spent Sunday in this city. Mrs. C. G. Ilerold, after a very pleas ant visit here among friends, left this morning for her home in Lincoln. S. G. Perry, who now looks after the intersets of Leighton & Clark, in Iowa, spent Sunday at home. Assistant Chief Engineer Putnam, of the B. & M., was in the city last night, leaving for the west this a. m. J. F. Baumeister, our principal com mission merchant, is out on the road today looking after consignments. Sile Greenslate, of Elmwood, fresh from the North Platte country is look ing after business in the county seat today. sirs G. E. Pronger returned Saturday from her western trip, where she has been visiting her urothcr and sister. Geo S. Smith went to Wilber, Saline counts, today, where he is engaged to defend Wright, the Chicago man, who stands charged with embezzlement. M. L. Thomas, who recently sold his paper, the Bed Cloud Chief, passed through ti.e city thi3 morninyn his way west. Murve says he han't de serted the fraternity, but will be heard from again in his chosen profession at no distant day. ."Dick" Streight arrived home, last night from his extended visit to the county fairs in this State and Kansas, with his trotting stock. Dick says he didn't get left but once in bis entire rounds, which is quite a good record for a six weeks' trip. We learn D. II. Whealer, Jr. has en tered into a partnership with the old and well established insurance firm of Hartmau & St urge?, Omaha, and will hereafter make that city his home. Dannie's many friends here will be sorry to see him leave, though glad that he has been so fortunate in securing so remunerative a position. Mr. Fred. Latham, the accommodat ing ticket aud freight agent of the B. & M., at this place, starts for Coburg, Kansas, tomorrow morning, on a two weeks' vacation. As this is Mr. La tham's first vacation for thirteen years ccntinuous service for the company, it is but putting it mild when we say that his rest is well earned. A more careful, honest, painstaking em ploye than Mr. Latham has been, would te difficult to find. The Demooratlo County Convon tion. Lous riiLE, Oct 13, 18-J3 The day which wa appointed by the powcrx that be, iu a democratic sense, opened clondy sud dismal but by nine o'clock when tne hosts begun to gather and the appearances of the hap P7 face of the "staid and stalwart" of the "superlatively tin terrified" the clouds even vanished, and the sun him self bearing from the saintly precincts of Hoadljism, to the democracy, encour aging newa that 'OId Caspt r's woi k was done, And he before his cottage door Was silting in the sun." With nothing cUa to do but to say to his little "Grandchild Wilhelmiua" in Nebraska, "That 'twas a glorious victory." Taking encouragement from the Old man in Ohio," never saw I man, either democrat or republican, as hap py as the original, genuine democrat at 'J o-Vlock a. in. in Louisville. If Gov. Hoadly could have seen the happy faces of his granger friends in Nebraska, his doO.OOO purchase would have been of more value than if he had invested in company with John Wes ley Barnes, or Gen. Joseph A. Con nor. At 10:4") the ttttin from Plattsmouth pulled into the depot bearing with it the champion of all t ho host, the "Hob Boy" as it were, of Cass county, P. E. Bufl'ucr, and with him was many who exclaim in the wor.ls of Charles Dana "Turn the rascals out, prominent among whom was I). S. Draper, but, alas ! Fred Kroehler was not there. Th placid smile of "the senator from Cass could be seen, while F. E. White was as jolly a democrat as could be found 'Billv" Gushing was in tha midst of tne van loosing iresn ana vigorous, while Jim Walker and "Sile" Put terson were happy as clams, and Sol Pitcher never was more in his clement, Gen. Connor was talking real estate, and W. D. Jones in the wcrds of Char ley Holmes, was the noblest Roman of them all." Atll:l.itlie convention proper was called to order by chairman Ruffncr in the upper chamber of Ossenkop's ealoon and on motion the old war horse, Ja ob Vallery, Sr., was made temporary chairmon, while J. W. Outright, al though not a delegate, was made tem porary secretary. Gen. Connor, occupying a front seat and anticipating an adjournment moved that a committee ot three be appointed on credentials which was carried, as the Gen. was made chair man, while Alex Skyles and M. A. Iartigan finished the credential kite. Gen." S herman then moved that a committe of five be appointed on per manent organization which was so or dered, and the chair appointed Sher man, of Plattsmouth, Dr. Wallace, of .liberty, Clak, of Greenwood, King, of Weeping Water, and King of Tipton. Mr. IIiggin3 moved that a commit tee of five be appointed on resolut ions, which committee consisted of Iliggins, of Tipton, Hartigau of Plattsmouth, McLaughlin, of Stove Creek, Wilcoxeu of Salt Creek, Shryock, of Louisville. At this juncture a motion to adjourn was hailed with applause and it was so ordered. t 1 n. m. chairman Vallery called the convention to order, and Mr. Har tigau from the committee on creden tials reported a full delegation trom all precincts and no contests which augur ed well for harmony to say the least. The report was adopted unanimously, and the committee on permanent or ganization was called on for a report when "Gen" Sherman announced that after being in labor some three minutes they would deliver themselves as fol lows: For permanent chairman, M. A. Har tigan, of Plattsmouth, permanent sec retary J W. Cutright, and as assistant of Avoca. The report was unanimously adopted and Uncle Jake resigned the "cane" to Mr. Har- tigan, who proceeded to deliver himself of an eloquent appeal lo work, and he would 'pull off his coat and go in" which was the speech of the day. The report of the committee on resolutions was called for when chairman Iliggins annqu&eed the lamentable fact that he had been unable to find the committee although he had used due diligence. It was apparent that no resolutions were needed, but the unierrified chair man moved on his own responsibility that the platform of 'Arbor Springs Lodge'" be adopted, which was carried, and the convention then got to solid work as it supposed, but here the ''Gen eral on the front seat" arose and offer ed a resolution in substancu as follows: Resolved, That P. E. lluffaer has made an excellent chairman and has fought the good fight, and kept the faith and therefore he shall be our standard bearer for another year to come, which was adopted and vocifer ous calls produced the "R )b Roy" in the shape of an eloquent address of thanks and promises of future good behavior. Next came a burst of elo quence from chairman Ilartigan, in which he referred especially to the non partisan action of the democrats of the 2nd Judicial district in nominating Judge Pound and for thi freak of gen erosity they should be awarded all the offices in the county. He aisasuggest el that the republicans were "ou the run" and even met him at the depot in the morning wanting to know who they were going to nsminate. After this general statement some one called for the reading of the call which to a stranger was very proper indeed. After this being done Mr. Skyl9 nominated Mr. W. II. CusMng for Treasurer, no other person wishing to lake the responsibility tf...-contesting with Judge Newell, his nomination was made nnamiuous by acclumatlon. Next came the applicant for Mr. Jcuning's brcgans when Mr. Schlater of Louisville, Mr. Green of Greenwood and Mr. Pitcher of Eight Mile Precinct were considered the ones "altogether lovely" here a tuddcii thmight struck the "Gen. on the front teat" that it would be well to have some tellers when the chair brought to the front the partly lorim of "The (leu. on the front beat", and Dr. Wallace of Liberty, after passing the hat for an informal- ballot, the.following result'was unuoun ced; Green 40; Pitcher 34; Schlater 1 ; Mr. Greeu then suggested to the friends thai he would withdraw, but Draper came to the rescue with a mo ion to proceed to a formal ballot whie was agreed to witli Hie following re sult; Green Co; Pitcher .3; Schlater 15; Green, of Greenwood, having received a majority was. declared the nominee the same which was made uuamious. At this point the fun grew "fast and furious" and the voice of the ''Gen, on the front seat" could be heard abive the din of battle The noinina ions for Sneiiff was declared in order which were as follows; Laughlin of Salt Creek, Aguew of Plattsmouth, atterson of ltock Bluffs, Vallery of Eight Mile, on the informal ballot the result was: Patterson 37; Vallery 18; Laughlin 7; Aguew 1G; ou formal bal lot the result showed; Aguew 8; Pat terson M; Vallery 7; the election oi Sile Patterson was theu m:ide unani mous. Then came nominatons tor couaty Judge at this point Mr. Ilartigan ad vised the convention to put in their best man when Mr. Pitman of Liberty nominated Mr. Ilartigan which was not seconded ard then followed the nomination of Auderson of Salt Creek, Archer, of Bock Bluffs, King, of Weeping Water, with the following result on nn infor mal ballot Anderson 44; Archer 41; King 35; the formal ballot being 'called for resulted as follows Hiirgins 19; Archer 41; Anderson 17; King 20. Mr Iliggina then stated that he had never done anything to the democratic party that they fehould want to impov erish him, and if they were his friends not to vote for him any more, which speech appeared to have its effect as follows Archer 58; Anderson 3G; Dr. Salisbury by June Black 5. Archer being nominated it was ordered unani mous, .superintendent ot ruoiiu in struction, Mr Reynold's, of Liberty, on motion of Dr. Wallace, was nominated by acclamation. Clerk of the District Court, next in order, Mr. Showalter was nominated by acclamation; the gentle man being present, acknowledged the compliment iu a few well chosen remarks which .were received with applause. County Surveyor being next, "Sol" Ti tcher being the only nominee was unanimously elected. Sol objected; first, because he didn't know anything about the business, and second, there was no money in it. But the convention called for a victim, and Sol" was unanimously the man. Now came the "tug of war," in lioui. mating a coroner. F. E. W lute and D. S. Draper were nominated. White de clined, and Draper, wearing slippers and a cane, Mr Shryock, of Weeping Water, was nominated by acclamation. After filling the bill with Alex. Skyles, for Commissioner, the convention ad journed sine die, and thus endeth the first lesson, to all of which we say amen. Selah. Mc. A New American steamship compa ny has just been organized in New York with a capital of $ 1,000,000. The ine is to run from the Atlantic to the Pacific ports, and will doubtless make it lively for the Pacific roads until it is properly subsidized by their agents. The Lombard Plum The Lombard plum, says the count ry gentleman, is the most productive sort known to cultivators: "We received lately by express two shoots of this plum which exceeds in bearing any which we have elsewhere seen. The two twigs measured respectly fif teen and seventeen inches in length, and they had on an even peck of well grown and well ripened fruit compact ly borne along there whole length. Two years ago we examined a young orchard of this plum, the trees of which were then in the third year of growth after setting out. They were heavily loaded with ripeniug fruit, many of them es timated as bearing halt a bushel each, the central branches being literally hid with the dense mass of brilliant violet red plums. We learned subsequently that the product that year of the nine ty trees which we saw in bearing was forty-six bushels! Two years later the crop was estimated at seventy-five bushels. He wrote us a few weeks since as follows : "My plum orchard is outdoing itself again for the fourth consecutive year. I think I shall have 300 bushels from my ninety trees." It is hardly necessary to add that this or chard has the best cultivation, and when the black knot is seen it is ins tantly aud thoroughly' removed by ex cision." Fresh Oysters. Fresh oysters just received and for sale at Fred Stadklman's. !G7tf. A RarOjOpportunlty. An elegant house in a pretty and convenient location, will be sold cheap. Address P. O. Box 659. Go to McKecver & Herrmann's for a srood dish of oysters at reasonable rates. 183m3 Henry Boeck is selling furniture at prices below any house of the same style in Nebraska. If you doubt this fact call onbim and know thctrutb. tf MARRIAGE BELLS. Ono by Ono tne Rosea Fall. A very pleasant wedding occurred Sunday evening, at 5 p. in., at the rel deuce of Mrs. Ilinkle, on Prospect hill the high contracting parties being Mr. Oliver C. Dovey, one of our most pros perous young merchant, mid Miss Mary S. Adams, daughter of ihu lion. J. Q. Adams, of Plattsmouth ureciiiet The following invited guents were assembled in the parlors: Mr. and Mrs. J. AdaiuM, father and mother of bride; Mis Carrie adams, sister of bride and first bride's maid; Misses Emilia and Edna Adams, bisters of bride; Mrs. Dovey, mother of groom. Mr. George Dovey, brother of groom ; Mr. and Mrs. Bubbingtou, uncle and aunt of groom; Miss Clara Babbington, cousin of groom ; Mr. and Mrs Spurlock ; Mrs. McElwaln and sou: Mr. W. II. Wood hurst, from. Pacific Junction; Mr. S. 1. Vanatta and son Charlie! Mr. MtGowau; Mrs. Pcttee aud daughter; Miss Elsie Smith; Mr. Chas. Searls; Mr. E. Austin; Misses Katie and An nie Ileffucr; Mrs. Julia Ilinkle Miss Emma Uinitle; Mr. S. Hinkie; Mr. C. Ilinkle; Mr. Jerry Bitter; Mr. Geo. Dorringtou; Miss Ollie Wintersteen. The guests were seated around the ro .iu with Miss Ollie Wintersteen at the organ, and as it pealed forth the "Wedding March'' the parties entered in the followiug order: QM. J. Ritter ana Miss Emma Ilinkle in advance, Mr. II. N. Dovey and Miss Clara Adams, next, followed by the bride und groom. They advanced across the room, the assistants stepping right and left, where the bride and groom stood facing Chaplain Wright, who arose, and iu his inimical and im pressive manner, pronounced the cere mony, lhen lollowcd the greetings by friends and attendantsafter which a most delicious and savory lunch, pre pared by Mrs. Ilinkle, was served, the dishes being each ornamented with white satin ribbon. lhe bride was dressed iu a neat green gros grain silk with neck dress ing of lace and natural flowers, the groom in the conventional black. After partaking of lunch the car nages in waiting were brought up to convey the happy couple and 'guests to the B. & M. depot,where they took the evening train for Chicago, with the earnest wishes of a host of friends for a pleasant journey and a safe return. The following is a list of presents Large Silver Castor Mr. Geo. E. Dc- vey. Large Silver Cake Baskeke Mr. II. N. Dovey. Silver Butter Dish aud Knife Mrs. E. G. Dovey. Silver Pickle Castor Mr. C. Austin. Silver Berry Dish Mr. and Clara Babbington. Pannel Picture Mr. and Mrs. Mc Elwaiu. Silver Sugar Spoon Miss Emma Ad ams. Silver, gold lined, Individual Saltp, Mis. and Emma Ilinkle. Half dozen Silver Nut Picks Mr. Chas. Searls. Half dozen Silver Tea Spoons Miss Carrie Adams. Half dozen Silver Fruit Knives Mr. W. II. Wood hurst. A beautifu 1 vase and flowers Mr. aud Mrs. Pettee. Breakfast Cup Miss Mamie Pettee. Pair Vases Mr. II. Jackson. Pair Linen Toweb Miss Elsie Smith. . . Tidy Miss Ollie Wintersteen. Set Sofa Tidies Misses Katie and Anna Heffuer. Try the new barber under Carruths, 187tf Haying opened and refitted the rooms under F. Carruths Jewelry Store Mi J. P. Reese is ready to wait upon his customers with every convenience which should belong to a first class barber shop Hot and Cold Baths al ways ready. 185tf Hot and cold baths shop under Carruths. at the Barber I87tf For a shave at any hour call at the shep under Carruths. 187tf Hay. 200 Tons of first class hay for .sale leave orders with W. S. W'se. 178d33wtf J. T. Wise. Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf For Sale. Two well improved farms, between Louisville and Weeping Water. Ap ply lo Thaddeus Adams, on farm. w28tl FREE OF COST. Another Thousand Bottles of Marsh's Golden Balsam to he Given Away. Every person in laPttsmoutb, who is suffering from Scrofula, Chronic Rheu matism, Jaundice, Billiousness, Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness, Headache. Loss of appe tite. Chills or Fever, Malaria, Backache Female Weakness. Nervous derange ment, General Debility, or any Blood, Liver, Kidney, Stomach or bowel dis order can obtain a trial bottle of Marsh's Golden Blood & Liver Tonic, free of charge, by calling at Smith fc Black Bros drug store, Plattsmouth. Persons who have already tried this valuable medicine can procure the laro-e bottles at 50 cents and SI- . For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Consumption, use Marsh's Golden Bal sam, the famous Throat and Lung medicine. Two doses wil benefit. Sam ple bottle free Imported ale aud porter at Joe Mc Veys. 18nf Election Proclamation. Notice U hereby fcUen that on Tuesday, lhe sixth day of November u it lu . precinct in Caii county, Nchrku, there will be an election held lor the puiKse of elect inn the lullowliiK ofllcei to-wit : One Indite of the Biiineme court. One udi(w of th dl'ti let rout t for (lie 1'ud Judicial di.trlet. Two regent of the (inlwfily of Nebraska, lor tun term. One rcKi-ut of he university of Nebraska, to lilt unexpired term nl I'mus rowers, resigned. On recent of the university of Nchiitska. to filltlic iinevplird lei fit of I.. 11. I Ifleld. re- .Itfiicd. due ouiity I 'lei k. One County li.iaMiicr On ( 'ouiity , iikcc. One .Sheilll. UK Coiou.tr. 4 (lie Clerk oi I i. 1 1 let 4 'oni t . One Superi nteaileut ol 1'tiblic Instruction. 4ne County .surveyor. One Comity Coiuun.sioiier for 'third dis trict. one A.sessor, (lu each piecluct.) Two Juxtlee. ot the l'enec in eitce pieclnel. 'I wo Constable In each precinct. Tluee .1 mines of Klcctioii In each piecluct. 'Iwo Clerk of Kleel ion In each piecluct. One Overseer oi I'ublic lliuhway In etch Koad district. vVhich election hall be opened at e'uht o.elock lu the moi nun;, and will continue open until alx o clock in llic alteruoon oi 1'ie rame Ualcd this nun n.iv oi octoncr. a. ii. ika.i. .1, W. .iKVMMiH. County Clerk, a- County, t'chraska. An elegant Hue of wedding and invi tation stationery just received; alsa calling cards, iu latest style. To the old customers 4f the baiber stand under Mr. F. Carruth's jewelry store, I have red'1 tied and opened this hop aud am ready to guarantee you every coneincnce, comlort and pleas ure to be found in a nrst-clats barber shop. Hot and cold baths always ready. 185 tf J. P. Bkk.si:. License Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the un- lersigued Las made application and tiled his petition with the County Com missioners of Cass coULty Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors at his place of business in South Bend, Casa county, .Nebraska, and that the same wiil come before the Comiiiiusioncrs for action at the No vember session of the board. David Caui-i-atm:. Soctii Br.M, Oct. 31, 1 SS.J. IKlidjtWot For winter bloom u;id out door plant ing, Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissus, Hol land bulbs, Silcs, ami a large: assort ment of hardy bulbs and herbaceous plants all are best planted In the fall if you have them as they will do no good otherwise. Call and examine my stock. L.A. Mookk. i hi i r Dr. Schlldknocht's Office At the present and until further no tice, I will have my office with Dr. Sal isbury in the Rock wood block over Johnson Bros.' store, where I may be found during ofhee hours. lGOdjtwtf W. II. Scihi.dkm:cmt. Troy City Laundry. Removed to the first door north of Stadlemans on sixths St. opposite Xev- l lis Block. The lrov Cily Laundry will hereafter be located here and old customers and new ones will find us ready to give s:iti-faction in all kinds of Laundry work. W. B. Bitowx Prop. 1!;1 Itf A .Square Meal Can be had at the City Hotel for only 23 cents and lodging at Same reasonable rates. Farmers aud Commercial Men will please boar this in mind. d&wtf r a Mi t3 O ? H 1 1 Pi sH 2 . 5 n 5 .3 . - c c P 2 s t- rt as 3 o JZ Q r- rH- c: 2 U 5 OS sj CO s o o PS CD cS IMJI 3 M V ' O O IS ft .8 a-S as a m I rl as r..lj Oj D in s- tn fa ?S -a 2 er ' M. O'CONNOR. Atlthe down-town saloon. CPPOSITE THE PERKINS' HOUSE, Keeps a complete ineof WI 3NT ES Liquors, AND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEEK, ALE AND PORTER, KRUG'S OMAHA BEER and the best brands tf Kentucky ' 9l whi.sk.iee, Opposite retkius House. - - Pulttsmotch. C. u. WR.SLE7 2c GO'S BEST IN THE MARKET. Made GSXTof Vegetable OU and Pui-c JJccf Tallow, To indacft housekeepers to give this Soap a tiial. WITH EACH BAR RSfW Hi TTX WE GIVE A FINE DaK; TABLE NAPKIN U HuBbUb This olor . made lor a short time only fend" should b taken advantage of at OXCE. We Vi'Alilt AST tlus Soap to do more wash ins wiiU fe-rsater ease than, any siap In th market. I; has no EQUAL fcr use in hard and cold wuter. Y0'1 GSCSER HIS IT. G.AlWrisley&Co. omoAGo, ttJCVJruOturar of Standard laiuulr HARNESS. STREIGHT & CO. INnrrraaor to Mlrelsht A Mlllr. M A N VI' ACT I'M F ft nr ise HAVY HARK SaWlS'lrfdjcTcollar. Whips ic? nlwavs In stock. Uejuttiihy of nil l.it.ifs i.tiit'i t'n o orf uotd-e. Main Slicet. betv cell l'oiiltli and I'll Ml. Ll'MBLH. CALL AT Till: Old Reliable LUMBERYARD u. ji. unite son Wholei-nle and l.'ctallllealer tn H51 "N.T E71 T T T T T TZ? TIT TZ I I i i i . I i i J 1 VI i j i . I 1 SHIi(JLi;S, LATH, V SASH, DOOllS, , HLLNDS, &t fouitli Miect. lb nurcf C i ia Home. ' PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA "" k SECOND HAND GOODS. PARLEIYIAN & CHAPMAN Will BUY and SKLL all kinds of FURNITURE, METALS, IR01T, rags; AND FURSl Will ;:dv;iM'e money on sill SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street, One ilt or west of Beck's Furniture sore Plattsmouth. Feb. 1st, 18;J 4Ctf. CIUAa . Just Received i i m: mm; or. meerschaum; and briar pipes OK DIUKCT '.I.MI'OKT ATIO.N'.l J A Challenge 5c Cigar, S ialiy made for lhe ictail OuUoouly, I Pepperberg's Cisar factory. ERNST WAGNI:R Xructicul Architect!. AND SUPERINTENDENT ARCHITECTURAL WORK A SPCCIAL.TY. Plans a.'i'l Specillcitioiis will be carefully :an ieil out. and full attention will. 1) ;iven as to safety and durability. i.i:ssos ox i.4Iti.(; - .'.Water Colors, Crayon .and Pencil. O re over Knlim(in Ar Nat n' dtnr.'Mitln nt NEW FaznitmrQ More J". I. XT ILSf ZETTED DEA Libit IN FURNITURE t COFFINS, and all kinds of goods usually kept In a FIRST CLASH FIBSITIUK HTOBE Also, a very complete etock of Funeral Goods, H e t allic& Wo a tlenC offlns Caskets Ralefl EMBLEMS, &e. Our New ar.d elegant hears i always In "J readiness. Remember the place, In UNION BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors south of Cass Coun ty Bank. Whcar we may be found nitrht or day. J. I. UNRUH, 2U.3 .iVTriiUJril. NFB MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH IIOKSE SHOEING & WAGON JtEPAHUM All Kinds of Farm iaislemeats Msnflel will Neatness and Dispatch. Horse, MuIc&OxShoeiiig n short, vell shoe anything that haf four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. . Come and see us. JSrZEJW" SHOP nl'llthSt. between Main and Vine Street ait across Ae corner from the ysw litUAL mcK. 10 St-