afa It. IC. TIM K TAHLCH. 0 & M. E. R. in Nebraska! MAIN LINK HTATIOIiS i WKaT. No. 1. No. 3. PlatUiuouth preapolla .... Concord. . . Ck at Creek.. LdUlavllle South lieud... tatilaud. Greenwood ... Liueolu Halting fiJ CUud.... McCook Akron Denvei , 6 :.rjT p ia 7:15 p ra 7 s p in 7:4.' p in 7 :M p in M :1 pm s if) w w 8 :W J. iu 9 :30 p m to :i.S p in 3 :15 in 3 :3n a ui J a in DMiliU 1'J :OS p ut 1J r4 p ui t :1 p iu 6 .W) p ut lu M' p ui V :'a a iu v a in tf :4 ti in 10 :4 a ni l ?M a IB 10 -At a Hi 11 KM a lu Ar. 11 Ar. L've Ar. L've Ar. L've Ar. ' L've AT L've Ar. jl.'ve 12 'JULK Ar. t OA i c l ii' L've i r. c :U p iu L'Vfr ft rju p in imp i-i . ill 4U Ul .06 a ni Ar. l.'vt. Ar. jL'Vto Ur. r F.XrKJCnH TKINH OOlMO saht. STATIONS : No. 2. No. 4. ruttu.outu... repuli .. . C ncurd Cntar Creek... vui-viil . ... Mill HUl.. Aalilai.d ireliwoed ... Lincoln atiM ha Cloud McCook .. .... Akrou Ueuver Ai. Ar. Ar. Ar. 0 :lo it Ui t -'0 V ui hvlp in Ar. 9 :00 a ui s :! a in 8 :l a ui h :23 a u m :l7 a in a a in 7 :A a ui Ar. Ar. I til p iu 4 p ui I "J4 p an Ar. nt. At. Al. x. Ar. Ar. Ar. 3:lpu. Ar. 7 :34 a iu Ar. Jfl'piii Ar L've Ar. ..'re Ar. L'e Al. L've Ar. L've L"ve 3 J0Ul 7 J 0 ii m i :15 p lu 10 iJO p in 7 :' p ui 3 no p ui 3 :M p in 10 mo a iu 11 aii a in 7 uli a in L'tn 2 36 Din Ar. 9:faiu L'l 10 :IOaui Ar. imaiiJ L've Kri I" Al. 3:aM L've I OCmii r. Jo .r Ui l.'vt it :V tn lvt :uft p ui fralue Jaud 4. uumOeiin aud 40 went ol Hetl Cloud, ruu daily caCi-la. duuday. K. C. ST. JOE A CB R. R. I KirHK!U TKA1NS MJlIl Si A I IONS : f lallauouih .. l-it''ii .... . La lai l . . . . Ax. lVUe .. . Co La 8TAllOJi: I KUftlll. H 4 -JM a m I 5 jK p in tf :i7 p ui i :ii p iu t s. p ui ti ai p in :11 a lu M a mo a ii. auiiu. I laiiMi.otah l.tcapwila ... i.a 1 iaue ... Lrlit-vue .. Cju ak a. . . :l a ui :lo p in k :M i- iu 7 :i- P 7 :4 ; p in 7 p u a :lu a lu I DMii Hi I :-: a u in 1 TAiii.ti Minhouri I'Hcilii ititiliMud. kKprroH. Kij-ri-ss I Fii-iK"' leave leaven leaie moliiK olUK Kuil'K OUTl. ituLTH. 8ULITH. 7 4o p iii -.u).iii i-.'.rx-a m. .I7 ' i SI - 2.W p. Ii.- 12 ouo i.(r - " ..'5 " 3 50 .24 s.W &.(M . .a7 MM . 13 " .11.117 i- 21 " t:Z " u.3i 7.07 p.lll 5J p.l. Uou I Cioiut; Hi'iiiK M)llrll. J.OK1H. NUHTH AMSI.IU 8.32 p.iu. i.3h v in i.i a.ui 10 t.24 p.m. 1.01 p. ni. ..4o " m..'4 .t " .tt ' .t' " -'.4A I i,43 l.-D " JU ' '. '.5 ' -J.2J " -UO " o " i .0i l-apUnuu. BpriiiKtlelU. .. IxiuibviU'-. . tterpiu,; Walfi ATiMUft ... iuubar KaiiMW l'U 1ft. U.ul -- t. Louis - wiM cny.... uubai iTUCA. Vteeplng l4Ul!-VlllC... pnuIieiU... . l'apiiiioD.. -raaiM arn. TU- above W Jederson City iliue. wkicb in M diluutPi fabler luau UuaU: Hum. UHII.U AXV DriPAUTlUK Ol fl,A I'lttJIoL AU JlAl tj. aui.ii Sd. ruMi p. iu. 4.30 a. ill. .o a. ui. J.uo p. iu. i v.uo a. ni (f.oA p. in. IU. I p. ra. ( WJUTEBN. 5UKTUKKK. OMAUA. 4.kJ p. O. u.uu a. u i p. Ul. U HI. I j a. ui. 4.5 p. ui. t.ou a. ii l.oo p. n P. IU. f 4. JO p. IU. wKrriyu watkk. ll.uua ui. tACTOttYVlLLK. 'Jvc. 17, l.-wl. UATfcn CUAKKEU IOB uttUEHn. Ou orders not exceetllng $15 -Over aid ai.d net eweeams 413' - aji. 40 4o " 4i lOceut.- Of iii - - - ad ecu I A irlM Unnfi Clnler uiay muu. aiuouiii irom uue eeui lo liny uollart. bur Kual uoi couiaiu a irac.iouaa pari ui a wui. KATlte ruK roaTAOK. 1st C ass natter ueUer) J ceuis per H ounct 3d i uuilsucr a rulcs els pi ii Ml tlrauieui ewepoers au- Uuuk cuuic uuii lui class; CeUl pe: eacU 2 wUucea. Ku ClaM iuiciwudin)j 1 Cf ul per ouiico. J. V. MAltsUALl. V. l. OaaCIALi I1R1.CTURY. ITT U1KKCTOK1 . CEOUGEH.SiliTU. Mljur. MluaAJt n.claaiAo, reasar. J. U. oijiirao., city Cicra MilUH t o iliiice JudK'. U. b. iUtlM..ll Alloriiey. t. rk. itlbkl a A. Cluei oi i ul ice, IT. AlcCA . Overeer wi olieeis. C MS.ClL- ki.1-., Culr-i vitucnvt. . ti. iuvujI cn'u uward o. ilealtu UlbJtVlkMUl. v lrrt Ward Ww . llerold. 11. M. Bona, 2i.d Haa J. at. falleio. J. . a.rlleld. j v. ru .l. H. Mur, u . J. AluHlauU. rt ard r. a. ieuuUwii. t". AicCaitau. KllOOL HUAtfi. JKSJiii 4.STaofc. J. v. AiAitN liS. M. A. UAltllU .A u. Vl.bikOlKtN. U ifcAbil'. V. v . uiOAAfcii. 2Mr- J MJ.JVMAKaa AiO COCSTT D1KKCTUUT. W. It. NKWE1X. County treasurer, j rr. &.auo, Couuiy caer.. J. W. utiAJU. couaiy Juu. K. m. ii A&ifc. duerifl. cVtiOA AUUiN.oup'tuI fuo. lustructiou. M t jliU ii-. Couiil surveyor. k! r. OAM. AAirwuor. ..utAii coMiiiaaioiiiuta. iAMK C1A WKOU1. rtwulu Heuu ITeclucU 3 A J A. dlCtlAHl50.. Jll. I'lea-aul i'leciuci !. iwLr, I'lHikMuwuttl 4 ..lea uafintt oualaes wllll the couuij CuiuuilBiUbl.aUluuU tnetn iu aeasiou the Jlrai Aluuday ana Auwaaay ol eacU uwlU). BOARD r TBAUC KKANK OABUUid. 'j'k Vi Pre.. jX co..Wtt. aiiiik uAcK.. vi---rrei tleUla. WJI. s. tl5l. ecietary. Mtn-o. ireaaoxer. Hiutar uAoeuug of lue Hoard at the Coui Hotue ursl fiic-day of euiu ol eacu .nouu. w EEL & J. f. b AUiTflE JjJJ Fiinuauw tTre-'"!. fure"Aa B-clal U UtnUa to.' 'Wi MUa C . UClSEIs flattmuoiitb Telrpbune Excbanre. 1 J. P. Youuk, reildeuce. 2 ttatinett A imwla, tor. 3 M U. Murphy A Co., 4 Bolilirr ftlaUIoH. ft t;uHiity ;irk'aofnc. B K. It. LewU, reildenre. 7 J. V. veeklmch,itore. 8 Wenteru tuiou InleKiapb ofUce. 1. U. Wheeler, renldeuco. 10 1. . Campbell, 14 K. H. Wluduaiii, " lb J-o. Wayniau, Id J. W. JiMiuUlK". " . 17 W. 8. Wln. ofllce. 1M M urrbmey Uro.i., uffloe. 19 V rt. Carter, urv . 'JO 1. W. Kairneid.rmiidttOCtf. 21 M. B" Murphy, .- l. .1. Wheeler A I o . oftlo. 23 J. r. lay lor. renldeuce. 24 ! Irst Naiiotial liiiuk. Jh 1'. K. KuQuer'a unlce. 2 J. I. Yuuuk, "toio. M i erklnn Moaie. . Zi it. w. llvM.reslaciic. 31 Journal oIUck. 32 Kii fli iUV ice office. 34 llKUAUIl I'L'E. Co oMc. J.N. Wlie, reidenc. 3i r. M. Cliapmau, " 37 V. 1. lone. 3H A. N. fiutllvan, 3: 11. r.. Taluier, 40 W. II. ocoildknecut. offlco. 41 Hullivau 6t Vimi ey, 12 A. V. McLaUKhllu. reildpucf. 43 A. I'a! ttrsou. Uvery. 44 V. M. Iltiluiei. 45 I.. I. Itetiueti. residence. 40 4ieo. r. blllllll, otUc. 47 I A. Muore, Uor ut. a J. W. Uariitwt. residence. oO K. K. l.ivluK'tuii. oulce. jii7 J. V. vevkoai:ii, reideuc. 3 Chaplain Wright. ' 310 W. 11. rchl dknecht 34 Jeo. nuillti, " so IC it, LIVlliKHtoU. " 315 C. C. iiallard. llirtswlicn board connects !1;ittnnouh win Vshlaud, ArluiKlou, UUlr. Council KlurTu, I're nioul, Mucilu.. iimaha hUhorn Mtatun. 1apiUiou. ripriugueld, tvoul-vllle Koutb Bern auu averly. PiuF.S6IOaAL CAK08. .Mill I & UELMO.V, ATTOKNKYB AT LAW. Will practice lu al cue Courta In the state. OtUco over Fmt Na lioual bank. yl 1-LATToMOUTH - MKUUAaaA. UU A. HAUSUI UI. yilice ovei Miiillh, Black & Co'..' UruK Stoir rust class dentistry at reasonable price, U. MKAUK, St. .. I'lIYSICl AN and tUKliEON. Offlce ou Ma. f.reet, riherwiiod's Block, outu uide. Olin open day aud nit;Ut COL'MTV lUVfcltlAN. CAS COUNTY M. O'DONUHOf ATTOItNEY Al LAW A N OTA BY PUB!.! l-'UZKeraid Block. tLA TTnMOCTU, - NKUHAHKA Ageut ior dteamsuip iluen to ana from Europ dl2vv52ly . K. LilYl.V t.MTU.Y. M. ., OKKI llOUlCSt from lo a. ui., to 2 p. ... '.Aamiu.i Suieou ior (J. fi. Peuaion. Ilk M. MtLL.t.H. rilVSICIAN ANU gUUtiEON t .ui be iound by calling at bin oGlce, corucr ; aud Aiaiu atrtetr, in J. ii. w ateruiau'e iiuu . fCArlBAiwUTa. MUKAilKA. J).a P.. JtAniKtV - .K.'iKli AT LAW. Uioeovt-i : kX . i ao.mIV sior- i,i ii ,.. i .Muiu L lM.1 i.itl i.tu trecl. MlHtllK V CLARK iTolCNtYs A I LA-W. Win practice u t'Courta iu lue Atate. i.'.-.fricl .itt-f.j and Xittaru Public. H l'ili 1V1MK. Al luhMSY Al LAW. Keul Iviii. . tv luaiiceauaCoUecliou Auencv CIm -i . Iw)-.. riattiiuuutli Nelra.i t. II. Vt A CO LA V OFFICK, Keal ltate. Kirc aud i i . . . ' ni IJiive a ouiii"te ab- grt.itu a"u aeu real -it-! "it- - JA.IIKS IC. jlit(MO., ArroTivirvAT t . . Ntary PubH.. . i i, V E!AT LAW. W il practice i., and adjoining Counties ; Klves7pecia ittei.i KitzacraW Block. I'lattsiuoutb. Nebraska JUSTICE OF THE PEACE '.o'l hln PT ,u lhe front part ot resldei. JELSi ,oaJU Av ,lue wbere ne m be found jadluess to atteud o the dutie ol tbe 47tf. ItOBF.UT B. VIMIIAn. Notary Public ATTDB.VItr AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. latt-iiuouth. - - . . N-Kbrh M. A. HARTICAN, Ma X IV Y JE II . r-irzoKKtLu's Block. Plattsmouth . Pronipi ind careful attention to a geoei aw rractii-K. A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney and ICounselot at--aw. OFFICB-In ' ' 'on J scory. ou. .. ill buAinea.- . Union QI-ck, front roor Prompt tttentioa iciver BOIL & LARSEN, Contractors and Builders IU Klve eitliii.ite on all kinds of work An ordi-r left at the Lumb -r Yard- or l'o-i Office will receive promot attention Heavy Truss Frying, for burnt and large buildings a rpeclalry. rr rereieuc- apply to .1 P. Youuk. J. V. W. or ;l. i vVver man A Hon. d Dr. C. A. Marshal" v8uccesor to Clutter A Marshall.) UEMTIST Presenrailoi'i of natural teet i a peclalty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing Has. Ail work w'r .nttd. Prions reasonable. 'ITZiltTRAI.n Bl.fM K. PLTTiMUTH.Nr.F J. 1. N1M PSOi AGENCY FIRE INSURANCE GO'S. 0ITT, of London. QUEEN, of Liverpui FIREMAX FUND, of Calif omU EXPREESS COUPANIES AMERICAN EXPKKS8 CX... SEUH FAEOO A CO'EXPHE8 MTOIO 0 TAP. a44 app4IM at Moaaeata'a Sa Itlee Tk XVeB XThtrU lrra. lonal StaaUtaM niilodelpbia Tliuea. Anions tbo roputable muaicians the head quarters of tbo Mwrical neolety form a sort ol an exchanjre for the 911111107111001 of talent. Thi-re the manars of ball and of tbeatraa and Ihoum who desire to employ weet nunia In diverting and enlivening their gaiMiM can ngagu ierformera of all gradC3, from tho maeHtru who can play first HJdlo or first cor net to the youth who intelligently jLuglca the tlie cymbaln or the gcniiis who be la bom the big drum. Wages are flxel by a Kliedale, In which lirst violius ar allowul a day on ordinary Oceanians and $7 for concert. A good flint cornet-player got f i a day and is al ways in demand. If he atWiiiw to reputation a a noloist he can coruiiiaml as high a tlO or 15 a lav on git-e.t orx'AKion ; genorally, how ever, he cannwt exieot to utako more than ?M a w eL Tlx' men who cninner tho tromboua anil the tuba, notwiUistandinir the lung power that tbAMe iustruuienta demand, ai-e uot quite mo well paid, aud no matter how nkillful they may bo, tbero is a Kenwral prejudice that tiara them out an solouta. Uanco, if tbey aro Kteudily as gauerally happens it the htmiiii.-r suiNtiu, thir wagwi wsldom exoti $20 a week. For manipulating the hlg drum, which involves cormiderablo munenlar exer tlon and is sometime combintKl with tha operation of tha cymbaln, the pay in from f3 to H a day, according to merit and extent of ex-iei-ieiii. A drummer ii always a determine! and energetic man, tho troubla ling with many leadura to control hixuberance and to prevent him from 'liberally owrwholming the othoi- iusti-umenbL Tha saraa care mast 00 taken to mitigate the energy ef the tuba Aud trombone operators, who are given at noineutft of excitement to blasta of harmony that art calculated to throw the treble in.-tru-rwntH altogether oat of tho harmony. These ,rformeiii get about a day, aa do the ..iwcr grades, of violiuicta who play sweoud Ud.Ho. There are about a dozen musical leadere in the city who stand rinvdy at a mornontVi 'notice to supply music for any occasion, fron 1 ball or a conceit to a fnnai al Tuy koep -heir force of perforuiars well in hau l and irv always reaJy to organize a lauid or an 'irchestra of any deHiixtl siae. They make heir own terms with ic-fornjor8 (mil jart, of oui-se, to the society's schedule, which is 1 ways strictly adbwd to) and generally uauage to liave a good balance over for . iieiiiMt-lveti. Host af the pruieahional muei iii! in thia city are Germans, but ttiere are 01110 Frenchmen and a few Italians and now ind then, but rarely, aa American or an uuliab proXeasfonuL SSome of them are uuaician of the first clams and always com aand engagements at good salariea, but the reat inn jority are dependent upon tha kwl . s and do not get veiy s toady work. The .i-cheoti-a performers In theatres havo steady 1 1 id generally well-paid positions, but thesa 1 iifeshionala who depend upon transient en '.;iigenienU sometimes fall short, so far aa '.heir iuc-oriKK are concerned, in the early part f tho winter season, wbon the ball season . jx uol luirly 0ieud. The lnl In tirrmany. V 1 lin Cr. London Tclo jraph. How far tho duel ia not ouly winked at but ijwlutoly em'oi cod in Germany is per'.ii ircely known to the majority of your rulers, aud yot it is a fact wh'.ch a rwi- nee In the country r a penivil of the d.uly 'irs will scarcely fail to reveal. Within il- lint few days two dnels have been re rttxl in the Gorman preas. In one ca.. at Vtirzburg, one of lhe two students conccruxi is s hot dead ou the spot; the other "fled." , iut Hist apparently finds it a more simple 1 Jttcr to escape the arm of justice tlian tLa !iiuion murderer. yVhen any German ofScer 1b challenged th etiou goea bt-fore tha "oourt of honor'' of i regiment, composed ganvraliy of t'.e iijr iii.inboi-s of each eommissioneil raak the service. If it is decided that tho in 1 1, real, flght he must or leave the service. 1' led or ' unskillod iu the use of arms, It itu-rs uot. True, tho dacisioiis of the sale urt form soma kind of protection agai. a. ie attacks of mere duelling bullies, npon Iiosr heada their challenges majf recoil with iMgeious severity; but the value ef indi .Jual lives, the contingencies cf tho contort any such coi;sjJorations aro, of course, terly unregarded. Every man for himsaif. And the result if two worMngraen wore quarrel, and one in the bet blood of the lomentary struggle struck tae other en tha ad with tho implement ia bis hand, it . .uld bo well for him if he asoaped with his .f. But if an oflloer, in cold blood, abaota aiother dead, he is punished with a term of 'rertungs Gefansnisli,1 that ia to say, ie has to retire for perhaps a year to soma ortresa whore he ia subjucted to so mild a rm of imprisonment that he is scarcely hv iinvenienced, and then na turns to his regi ment without fcho slightoct mortal talaton his haractor iay, bo has . vindicated hia 101101 as a man and a soldier. A Paint He llad Overlook. (.nneinnati Enquii-er. "I nMiieinlinr," said Mr. Zerbe, the well nown patens attorney, speaking of eccentric :ivntoi-a, "a man who oame here from Wis onsin with an automatic mattress aud cov-r-atljustor. He was extremely confident of and had held letters patent oa the arrangement for six niauths. His model was . fierfect little beauty and worked like a !nrm. He sat it on the table, and use! a omenb In lieu of the human occupant. 'You see,' said he, smiling, 'whn a person wishes to retire he jnt piles InU. lied, a portion of the 1-tttivns sinks, tuesltuwand a suitable focrt-.-t cliiae over him, and there he is, sung aa a . jg in a rug, without the worry aud trouble f tixing the 'kivers. As I before remarked, v worked like a charm. The corncob would xll into ita little InnI and fix tho 'kivers1 aa itclligently as though endowed with life, i expressed my fatinfactioa with the parform nca, and then queried as to the result should m persona design, aa is often the case, to ccupy the samn bed. The. aoan from the laager state dropped his cob, stood a ma iieiit in deep thought, and then, as he irougbl his right hand down on bis thigh he jlui-te.1 out: D n rue if I ever thoutht of tliat liefore.' He left with his saodel," saiti ylr. Zerbe, laoghlng heartily,, "but I still re tain that corncob as a re Ho of eceentrie BBaBaamBj fc The soa fa 1111. Exchang. It is interesting to look back of the finery which weaMi has put on the backs of womei. at the watering places to see how the raont-y baa boon obtaiaed. "Do you sae that lady in a wbito Ott-uraaji ulk r a oorraspoodeut was ashed. "Tho eae with the shapely Sgtrrer ho responded. "Yea. that's tha one; but he shape always seems ta mo like a oertahi bot tle of bitters. Why Bocausa hsrfatber'u fbrtune oame from tho manirfactnre af a con titueat of cocktails. Over yonder, in dain'y aaull, is the wife ef a face-powder; goin down the hallway are the two eaugbters of i Coogb syrup, and the swoll who drove past r few minutec ao tn a dog eart tandem wao f. son of a gtiL A Malatary LeaaoB. PTew York Cor. Hartford Timas.1 Tbc principal of one of the most fashica aWe schools in New York will cot permit bar purL to wear a dres of any material save wool r cotton the former in winter, the latter io milder weatbur, if Uicy chooso. A girl wearing a velvet suit ons day was sent burn with a massage that bar dress must bo changed to one adapted fur achoot wvsn The mother of Hjc girl returned wttn a reply that it wb a tost year's sqIb wlffcn most bo utiliaxl or ib would be outgrown. The t-cclKT wa mCxibio. . Sha said tha srJb&ui--emm wiu no nlaoa for oast dtl nnenv: ha. the imiraJ elfevt was bad .fcoH the tinai Mbiilt worn. Uma the prtASt bisjf- ACROSS' THS ISTHMUS. From Aaplnwall to Panama Qaor Towns and People Tho Panama CanaL Cor. WaHliington ItpuUicaa ' Two trains are run duily ea.h way over the forty-seven miles of railwuy between Aspin wall and Punum.-i, 0110 leaving at 7 in tho morning and tbo other at 1 in the aftornoon, and each train ocenpias four hours'm making the trip. Wo were to leave by the early train, bo a few minutes bef are 7 we entered tho cars. They were clean, and looked like tho at home, except that the watw were covered with matting and there were no window, only blindi to excludu the rain ami duit. Wo atartnd punctually, and in a few niomeuM were slowly passing the 4t-iu.-h buiidiugs at the mouth of Fox river, which w at the western end of AspinwalL Tbey have filled in quite a large trat of grouwl here and are enlarging it all tho while, aasd on this ground tuey nave built quite a camber of neat houses for their employes. The Hides are generally of wood painted gray, and the roofs of corrugated iron painted reL Near the car track they rere putUug up a floe bronze statuo of Columbus with an In dian maiitwn, w4iich saiitue was presented by Mm ex Kmpress Eugenie to the town, and which has stood in various places in the vicinity at difTeren- times. Then there were several work-!Kj, and in one of them they were very buy putting together machinery that bad lawn sent nut in pieoes. Wo could me three dmlge hard at work deepening and widen;ng thj river, which they iutnd to use for some distance. Grousing the river, we soon lost sight of it behind Monkey hill. Monkey hill in tlm cemetery of iVspinw-aM; it Ik q.iiie high, stcop, a id there are somo tree upon it. A few graves are foncel about anJ seemingly caoxl for, but m st of them wer marked by a dilapidated wooden cross, and appeared as if the uriforru nates hail died of wme malignant, and their fiiendj buryiug them out of the way had forgottei them. It was desolate, and even soeiueil ti lack the luxuriant tropical growth tiiao novi began to gi-ect us on both sides of the way. Everything that met my eyoa was strangu, from tha tall, fioweruig treea to tho low lilio in tbo ditches, except, perhaps, the while spider lily of which I had neon a few it Florida. There were wild bananas and cocoanute:, tall palms frith, long bunches ol bright red wlnis, oil nuts, tamarind trees, with many scarlet blossoms that showed clearly against the small pointed glass leaves, strange ferns, and numerous othci beautiful growths that I could not find ou) tbo names of. The wholo made a donst jungle, and about aud around flitted hundred! of butterflies, the most striking of which were as large as my hand and of a bright metallic blue. J was astonished to find the train stopping at different stations, as I had never read 01 heard of there beiac; any before, ro I took down the names of some, and give them foi the edification of those who are ignorant as ) was. They are Chagres, Puolo, Buona Vista Mamel.Gorgona, Haut Obispo, Bus Obispo and Rio Grande Superieure. They were all coin iied of a few well-built buildings belonging to the French, a nice house for the station master, and a lot of native Luts scattered about promiscuously. These huts were mad af poles stuck in the ground and cross pole tied to them at the top with strips of rawhide, and these top poles supported a heavy thatched roof made of cane and banana leaves. Tbo sides were covered with split cane; sometimes woven like bosket work, and this was tied on with strings of any kind. Very few of them boasted of more than one room, but there were generally a uumber ol small children playing around tlie fire, and numbers of their elders outside watchrig the train. In these gatherings tho men wore breech, the women volam no;n trailing cal ico skirts and chemise made of coarse curtain laoe. Tho children generally wore nothing. Tt anu'dent French superintendent of tin canal was on the train and I enjoyed very much txlkiug with him, as well as the noise of the train would allow, about lus work. In stead 0 Iieing, as some inline suppose, a pon derous, elderly gentleman, he was tall, slight, acd may perhaps have seen 40 years, but be did not look it. His light brown hair was still unstreaked with gray, and he had lot none of hi inherent French oliteueas during a two years rwsilauoo in a comparative wild erness. Thair route is not nly well planned and surveyed, but cleared of undergrowth no srtmll task and they have been leveling the higliett places that they must cross on the divide. They are dredginT iu Fox river, al ready having a depth of thirty feet on the bar, which is all they wish. Thev h ive 8,000 men at work, mostly negroes. Tuey pay $U a bead for them landud at Colon (as be and all Frenchmen call AspinwalD. in addition to which they receive $1 a day wages. All necessary lntfliings, such as quarters and hospitals, are finished, and whenever it is possible tbey aro placed 00 a a eminence 01 slope. They have been very fortunate so far, only losing on an average one man a day. Five died the day before at Colon of fever, and when the wind blew down the Cimgre? river he said it was very deadly. If no epi demic should occur he hoped next year tc bnv something to show for the imnvjnsc unms expended, but ho would not venture an opinion as to when the gigantic task wonld be accomplished. He was very warmly dressed, alth.vigh the day was sultry, and said that he found it necessary to dress warmly and lead a very regular life, abstain iug from all alcoholic drink. He said tht overseers at tin interior posts were too apt to forget ami make tho time pass, but that meant death. The deepest cutting is to be 307 feet, and near this they are constructing a large reser voir to re-eive the overflow of tha Cbagre and prevent a freshet in the rainy season. We are told that in 1S7S the railway had thirty iml"S of track under water, and a heavy iron bridge was lifted and turned 11-rxmd by this same river. It was appar ently a much dreaded stream, but now wai quietly rolling along well within its banks, the water very muddy, an 1 its surface was frequently dotted with dugouts and other native lioata. The canal follows the line of the railway elosely until it nears Panama, when it tumi dightiy to the eastward and ccraw out at a plaw ca'led Ancon. We looked under the ties of the railway for tho Irishmen that are said to lie one un der each tie, but they were not visible. W saw frequent wrecks of cars, however, anc vere informed that wo were fortunate to get over without running off the track, as it was frequent ccurrenee, but seldom resulted .11 the injury of a n y one, as they go so slowly. Chief JaUre Chase's Grave. Chicago Journal. Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase still sleeps fn a grave untn.irkoil. exivpt by a .-null block o! giiiiiitc, and in a l't owned by a fi ieud ''he iiiovenM-iit of ouio time ago to remove ia reuiuius and en-ct a costly lwiiuuiuut haii uoaided. EDITORIAL QUALIFICATIONS. Can he leave all his wrongs to the future, and ca.-ry bis beait 111 li: clie'kl Can he do an boor's work in a minute, aud bvi- upon m'xi-enre a week I Can he eouiteonsly talk to nn equal and iro-tvat an iiupu ietit duncef Can he keep tilings in npple-pio order, aud do half-a-den at omvf Can be press all the springs of knowledge with qnirk and reliable toiu-h, And yn mire tbat he known bow cvich to know, and kiMwa bow to not know too much I Joe be know bow to pprtr up h5s virtues, and put a i-berkrein 00 his prkl ?J Can hi carry a emtJemaa'a maniidrs wituiu a rlitnncaroa' hidul Caa be know al). anil dor all, and be all wt rlMjorfulnaas, dtmrage, and Timf U sd we perhaps can . ba making au editor 'outorof UiuiV And 'ti" tbuB with our noble profesnoo, and and thus it will ever be; still Xherc are soruv who appreciate its labors. THE ITENTUCKY RACK. TOLD AT TUT OLD BETTLXnA' KKETISCk Eugene J. flail In "Away Out West. "J Hcv you heard alxiut that famous race o forty y'ars a;ro, Way dowu in ole Kentucky? Twux a rat tler don't von know From I'.k -tou u I'a Jucub, not a feller ac that rido But laid riht down au' laugbeJ ho. La, h;i, h-a-w! till lie cried. Twas giv' out round iu Lexiu'ton tho rucc wuz fieo an fu'r "Fur any b a.-.t thnt bul four lo,;s an' grew a crop o ha'r;' An' eve-y chop timt hod a nag fur twenty towns wuz t.iar'. Tho day it jlst wuz gorij'ux, an tho track It wuzn't fclow; Tbo hoes Uiey wuz anxious for the tusble dou't you know Wlum up tliar' come a ridio', right afore the rare-course full, Ola Aihuliar Jetlei-S'jii, astraddle on a bull I Ho bed a tin horn in his hand an' apur upon his boota: An' sicn a yell I never heard oz conn from them galoots. The fellers on the homes flunked, an' claimed, it wnzu't siiiatr'. The jetixes iaugued to split thcr' siilcs, but said the race wuz fa'r "Fur en v beatt that Led four legs an" grew a crop o' ha'r. So the judge they got ready, an they giv' tlirt word to go. An bull an' hosaua btarted all together dou't you know! When sudden Athaliar giv' a tout ujkju bis born, Au stork his spurs iut 1 the bulL Ez sure ez you were born, Tho bull begrtn to bellor an the hoiaes flow tin track; Ho took the lead, a-totin' Athaliar on his back, An' round he come n-rubhin, with hii tail up - in tho a'r. Tho j"d ;es said the pot wuz his that ha had won it fa'r: "He wuz a critter oa four legs that grew a ci op o' h'r. Bich a laughin. sich a hootia', bich a ho wl in -lm, ha. Iia-a-aw! The Flat olo Kentucky never known, or hear I, or saw. Olo Atluiliar Ujok. tlu? jxjI tho bull an' he hud won. The crowd it sidtl with the bull, au' hollered at the fun. Tho ow'tiors o thLor e tiivy Lojam to cuss an' swa'r; They said Athaliar Lodn't wou upon the su.-ir' "Tbat Lorn o' his'a hedn't les nor eny crop o' ba'r.' Then up spoke Athaliar: "Boys, I'll Uy the ole bom by I 'Fyou've pot a hundred dollars, you kin hov another try ; I'll put the t agin it, for I'm willia' don't you knnwf To giv' you satisfaction, if you'll giv' me cny show." They up and raisod tho money in a jiffy theti nn' t har' Each owiifjr o' au animile a-cliippiu' iu a shar To beat ole Athaliar an' his beast with legs and ha'r. Away agin1 they started with a whoop au' big balloc 1 That bull o Athaliar's, how he bellcred don't you know Ther' wasn't a hoss among 'om all that showed a speck o' sense: Jehial Buford's thoro'bred jist threw him thro' the fence; Some stood the'r riders on th Vr hoads, some scam pored from thetra k, An' hnlf-u-doisen turned tho'r tai!s an' come a -so m .tin lutck; While right ahe.-l that critter tore, and jist ez sure ezsin He won, an Athaliar scooped another hun dred in. An" when afore the judges' stand tho bull come sail in' by. With tail a-siiekiri' out behind, I tho't thit crowd woul l die. The yell it pave !;a, ha, ha, ha-a-wj it fa'rly shook the. a'r. , The bosses left, an' never since her race been free an fa'r "Fur wiy beast that bed four logs an' grew a crop o' ha'r." A MILLIONAIRE'S MEANHE33. A !el oT A. T. Htwnrt's Doins How Be nan Iteniein'-ered. Joe Howard in f. rton Her.ihL A very unpleasant story is told of St.iwarf a dealing witli the man who furnished the mar ble. According to report, the contract was made for a certain priee. It was during the bard times, when everybody was si-raping and worrying, and the contractor soon found that he was not only not going to make money by the operation, but was likely to lose everything he had. He laid the facts lie fore Mr. Stewart, who coolly replii! that he had nothing m do with that; that, if affairs had gone in another !' region, so that the conrrnrtor would have midu treble or quad ruple what his anticipation was, be. Stewart, would have been uo way b -neSt' -1, but' would have been bound by his eontrnct. Liter on the contractor came to him and told Inirt that he had spent every dollar he b.-id and he had yet much to do. Whereupon Stewart said that he would advance him the iu.-ney upon a mortgage, and did so. Tlie man went on and complete"! hia agree ment, and thn, never dreaming that Mr. Stewart cared to hold the quarry, went to bim hoping to b thaniied and have things made easy, instead of which Mr. Stewart told linn be must have either his money or the quarry. The contractor told Ins wife of it, and she said: "Why, nonsense, Mr. Stewart cannot be such a man as that. I will go down rith you." They went to gether, and, an tho gossip runs, Mr. S:e.-.irt's response to the womanly intere-t of her busliaii l was so brutal thnt the man fell. lead ia the office. How much troth there is in that story I do not know, but it is very gen erally believed, and I havo heard it in many places. If it is true,, it is simply an illustra tion of the fact that with Mr. Stewart at all time ami in all plae business was business, what be j;ave he gave, what he loaned be loauei, but what he advanced 011 a mortgage lie held utile the money was repai'i. It is will known th it Mr Stawa-t wad very fn of their old home on Fifth avenue, and gorgeous as the new one is. regal in its port, sumptuous in its adornment and won derful in its convenience, the Stewarts in it passed no happy days. Hardly had they moved in when the sapping of tlw old man's uatu'-e l-ogan. terminating in that imposi lg ceremony w hich Ihm? his coffined bone to the churchyard so soon thereafter desecratl and. by the way, I wonder if auyliodv knows or cares where th old man's bones are. I never wil I forget, if I live to the ;o o( Methuselah, coming to the bulletin In mrd of Tlie Commercial Advertiser as I was walking up Fiilton street, and seeing it surrounded by u laughing, hilarious crow-1, who read uion thieves had stolen Stewart's during the proceding uiht. There was nor a word of sympathy, of regret, or anything but a kind of ainusd 'gl id-of-it.." ami tho grimiing face.a of all sorts and conditions of hko ov er chat frightf ul and, when you come to think of it, terrioln piece it news, are perhaps tbe best comment upon theivpu ation wbii-b tne dead iiierrhaut "en joyed" anions tLe p.-ople at large who knew noChiug of bhn personally. The r'cllow ing is extracted from a smart boy's comoiirion 00 ", 'The motuer'f beait give 4th, joy at babv's Ut Wtu." Wtij- a Yoanc 31 a 11 Uot a Fast. Cincinnati Enquirer. When Dcnn Kicbmoud was connected with a prominent railroad a young men pre-rente i hira-ielf before him and requested a pa-n. "Upon what grounds do you want the passT sriid Mr. Richmond. "B -cause I don t want to y my fare! retried the young man. Said Mr. Richmond, "Vow shall ha-e it for your truthfulness," and turning to bis secretary be aid: ive this ycun r man a pas. Ha Is tae SrA applia-at tUaC fsas toifi oa tTna nfW fcjr au." Botfon Budget: Uutil within about eighty years it vra customary to put iumpsi of ciu, i-uaJ iu tUi graves oodtr F.!ihii cbjrciies. and recent exhutuatioas have revealed ton Uct. l ,j-v j j t;J r CC1FLETS: Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION V Y OR MGHT EVEKYllllNd IS FIIWT t LA.S.,-'1I1K LK.Vi teams j. tiiecfiv .Sl.NCil.i; AMI DOUiU.i: I AIIKIAI.I. Travfclerb will (hid cx-nipM 011 Hi is l Cii!iuf ut tbe Cornei Vine hikI Futiiili Sln-idH, UaMlMi Al L Tho :ATTSAI0UYII I'EI'ALD FUI'LISIIINU COMI'ANY hnn ever) facility lor UrBt class JOB FRINTIS7C, In Every Department. Catalogues $ Pamphlet Work XjIEG-.A-X, blanks, ATJCTIOjNT bills, S A LE E : I 1 b' COIS MERCJAL jteiisrTi rsro On? Sor7r of J3lanJc JPo.pcrf And rn;:trriil? is larjz? nnd compiptp in everv ilparlm. r ORDLUS J3Y MAIL SCLICITEr VLAVl SMOIJTil j! KKAU OFFICE iibc.i ii,( 'or Lut .'Drt i ijj II cm La ini .. m ra Lumber. Sash i xxz-zrsz) 1 aists, Xiiivir., :g as a-avaMais J'asj 9 Lowest Ksv tes. Terms Casli ALWAYS AHEAD BEJNNETT& LEWIS THE LEADING GROGLRS Come to the front Staple and Fancv broceries FKESI7 AND NICE. W always buy tbe best ponds in the market, and guarantee evorvthiDp we sell We are sole agents in this town for the sale of PEUFFCTIOX" GROUND SPICIiS AND THE CELEBRATED "BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS p f rer in He niiket IMs'n Tipft" lrrnd of Bltinir Of n bund. 'nm and uk mid "Aillmakw vn uIhiI FLOUI&. '9 A At Vkolcsnlcaiid Be tail. Cash paid for all kinds of coiiatry produce Call and .sec me. Oppo&ite, First National ifar.k. I'LA'I 1.S.N.OUI II. NKI5. PIBL1S1 I O. TSG'2A:3B'IL3R fSC: with a complete to t FES, 11 D- .Doors, b inds, - . r ' 1". . t- - . ... ..- ,:!' ,