The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 10, 1883, Image 3

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lr;e Hue "I
Mies Lnfilijs Collars Wtrips k.
MlWMtH II Block.
I2 ut i fiy v i tit . fi-l t.'i ft o
Mt notice.
Vain Kireef. beiveen Fourth and fifth.
Ilk IIP-
Old Reliable
W liil nlr and IC iautlealer In
shim....', i.a'jii,
,smi, douhs,
I.MMiS, &t,
Fimfl Mini ii n ft 1 1 li 1 i m.
I i t I
. 1 OuL
liit. le.n.lilil li ne M r Ir1rk i-tiurturc. on
livn f . Miul.Lftp jiM bit i tnii.ibed and
f. ttiu ii,. loi il.c nrri.n u (.elation of
A Cctd lar ,DCOcre LorJtb ,,,fc
"if. FHED GOGS. Propr
ill BUY rtnl SELL all kind or
Will ;:!v;:? t If t i f iii ;ill
I it v ! ilair t it et.
(!! ir vs' I kV Fimitun-sore
a Itn l.M . r t. 1st. 18S3- 46tf.
.t2 a i: FArrum;'c;
Pi.attsmouth, Nebhahka
uust deceived
A Challenge 5c Cigar,
5 ia!iv maif for Ibr mail U'1- ""t. ;
Pepii berg's Cisr Factory.
Xractical Architect.
.,. iM ,.f..i;4ti.i .n i rreul!y
vrri t oul. j.ti.1 fm' uttctkM. Hlli Ui k!vwi
in fHieiy 0ural'I1iT.
. Witri 1 ..; i. layoi. ui.d iri.cii.
"fee Plaltsmoutti Herald Pablisliifit Co.
oi-nciAi. paii:ic UK THfc CITY
tor City an.l County Ihreclory, Hallway Time
r' !. flfp:.ilr !.; 1.4 Utoduefl Dl
leuioiy, Hii-hie ufiU Ac, i-ce fourth pa-.
Notico to Advertlsora.
C''i) .iitpi 13 .t.vcriitr-i.tfijl. or cliuliKes
i:i .i.i v .-s . !. i naiL ue it lu lo Hie
ou..iit- .v i.l tatt-i' Hi aii iv j of the
it.i .i nic i.iej ale lu lie Inserted. Copy
loi .t ...... Hpecntl notices liiul Oe
name I ;i i.i-loie.t p. m null il.ty lo Id in re lu
1 rlluU 11 M. lUlOIKKLL,
..UMUf-ft .lau.tntr.
ICrpubllvuu Mute I itkrU
For Ju igrt of tli suireiitH C 'Uit.
For Kccentj uf iu uivrrslly.
Al. J.UIlI-, ll'UK
JoltM . MAbUALltU, lioiU riT.M)
J. Ji. illAl l. vMu-.rt ler.u
K. , iiOl-MtH. lauort lerui)
Socond Judicial Ulstrict-
For Jutle of ilie Lii.tirict Court,
Republican County Ticket.
For louiity llt-ik,
Ol 1'lUtlSUiOUltl.
h or I muty 'lir.rLii r,
Ol l'ltttlII.OUtll.
For fchi rlll,
J. C. fclKK.MiAUY.
ol I'lullsmoulli.
For County Juute.
iv-Ai.Vl.N KUaHELL,
of -t;kiur, Water,
tor aiijuTluieuutuiui ftcuouli.
ol aio.'e 1 rv?k,
l-or Cierk of ll.e l Unt t tourt.
. C il .N c 1. s. 11 A
Ot Ml. 1'lea.lftul.
' For Ci unty surveyor,
l.r.oiloh V.FAIKFlELt.
of ria.Uxii.oulH.
Fr County Corouer,
I'felirtY I'.UAaM,
For CoiiiiuKtiouer, iltiru iJolrict,
JUH.N Ct-KMbAlh,
-01 Stove Creek.
j. or i.
Aletts every 'lutbuuj ei citing at their
Ctabile Hall, lu IWtkAUuU iiiucK. Via
Jliug Kiiiynib j re in vi led 10 uilfcau.
J. V. Jt.NMNOS, O. C
V. L KA, K. ot It. aiiUO.
A. ftuiiaibuo, iteuliit.
C A. llrMIIUII, tC'UtlKt, KUC-
fi" ciu.tvr Jiurniiuit.
teui ixliuneo lllioui uuiit,
U tMisx: oa Mil 'iUs Okiue uun.
Two dolors er da , iroui this date,
the (Jozz-u a Jo . tMi and Ilainey'
'lecl Oui.ii.a. Atu. JMriciiy liial cl.iao
tu t-vei v pmticuiai'
1 Ramsey & Co.
of the I'alaCe Hottl bumaf iSi.w MX
ico. Oct. 1 1.83 lo9.0
Lot Oa Main i-iice;, a bunch of or leu, ihc ti.Kier will p. ease
eave tut 6uie at tne Uepoi or ll.e ouice. lyj.
1-0 ..ivls of U.nh lay it a SVa
xi ..o ' 19B) t
K-'ji ..i j.r Sv.ito A.iotney, Friday
V.'im r i) p are in demand anil
iiotu piecui lud.o tioiis the price will
be mucii oeiicr lo sellers man usual.
llhitd priuieii birthuay cards at
Wai ricks. 19 I
l'oli lies ou eY. rv street corner, today,
tne Onto election beiug the principal
t teiue uuder tiiacussiou.
There will be :m services at the Cath
olic church on Sunday next, as the
pat-tor will be absent on his Greenwood
It will pay you to see our bir'l day
Oi.ds u 1 Jjrtp lui n picturj-i V. J.
Varnck. 1931
Tne skating rinks have changed
around, J -e Ford succ eeds Mtfcsrs. im
inous & Fialiback, aud movex into the
basement of Fitzgerald's bl-k.
The Highs the sighs, which escape
from uuder .he vest of the saiiKuine
d mi-crat of yesterday. Today snrhs
r i gi ii from $1 50 ;o $3 00 lie around
i o. .
Kjhouid t'.r.ikt r ie U tea ted lu Ohio.
iu i the prohibition aim-nduiect adopt.
el, Charley Foster's leutnic friend
over there wid b exclaiming: 'Dot
vas one-j tie on Ch rlev."
The dMiio-ra ic co iVeuiou at Louis
ville uexi Siuruay, ou account, ot thu
recent eltvuou uew troin Ohio and
Iowa promises to be a very melancholy
g.tlla rmg.
Tne I'awu-e Eatei pii., a I i.eKrooten
d inotn.tie sheet is a.henised for miIh.
What is the matter with t e fan; f .1
ia thi iouTiuast art of the State th t
thvy cannot tupiort!i n organ.
'1 hv- Chicago uispa dies ftate
Het.t ot tne season was the b a -ingot
ali -revioiis trotting and p.cin;
r c rds yetterday by the jouug jace:,
Jo'u'Ston. lie pacing a miie win out
a 8 . p or a break iu tho uuparalle.ed
t tu.- o. 2:10.
It seems Mr. Fowler, of Lincoln
vvho is a ueitgule to the brotherhood of
E-tginevr'a co'iveniitn, at Buffalo, ha
been ntcely treated by the atd in mo
dating B & M. He and his wife hav
ing a special cr placed al m-ir dispo
sal .uat nignt wt.ieh they occupied thus
far u the r eauern j' rii y.
.ir am h, .hit mauaer of the tele
;rap oJic- w.i t a iv.'li-ed in me
UtWLJ for txy3 the o. mr diy, aya
til- tUifWitv .s i;uwu wiih toem the
n xi nioriuitg ii'oru tho oSice ws
. p n d. a.i-1 th.' tlii 1 1 y applip-tioi.
as thu i"siiu ot the fn ;, yet -..uue
p: pi ; iLk. ii dou i pay U auver-
Council Proceeding.
The city cnuncll met In regular sen
iou Munltt) vhlum Ht the council
clinuber. ' ... .
pri-Hi-ut, May r Sitiitli, Cotmcllrxn n
Her..ld, I'utterHon, Fail field. Murjihy
Murritou, Lehi.lmlf. MrCallun.
The bill which wt re i.i the olerkV
hantU witc rend and rel red tj the fi
Dance cuuiruitltf-e, nud the (iuance com
mittee reported on bdl.-i in their h&tx'a.
and iheir report was mloptrd.
Fetiliou ol J J. .Mi Wy t chauK
his place busiues.-, was lereiwd, au
11 uiotiuti license was ti a'il erred a
praved lor.
Er. McCitllnn inov !!iU the street
coinuiirt.Hiuui i be iii.-ti ucled to repair
waik 011 4th nud Marble .-t. wliicli mo
tion was adopted.
Air. J-ehuhofl moved tjjat the street
coiniiiitiioiier be a'ULui ized to see per
sons on (Jruniie stnet between 6th and
Ii and r quire the poll tx woikedout
to be applicii i'n making said street
Mr. Fuirlield moved that the Btreet
coiiiuiissiojer ba milh riz- d to repair
crossing on Wainiugtou avouue.
Mr. Fairfield oflered . the following
rCMol Ul loll which Wa3 adopted:
lteolved, That Hie committee on
htreeld, alleys and bridge be author
z d to advei ti and receive Didn to
make the fill around the ctiloei l be
tween M,atii and Vine, on Fifth, and
thai the din for tlio same be taken
Iroia Main Btreet between '1A and 4th,
until ihetatiie Main aiieel be graded t
its proper grade, and that if there be
uot a autlicieiit aiiiunt of din between
ihd ami 4lii Htree'u, that the buluuce lie
taken from Main sireet b tween 3rd
and 2d Mtieei!, also that the ciiy engi
neer be insti ucted to make an imate
of amount, of cut and lid feulUcieiit to
rai?e the grade on Fiitn street one fimt
oyer the top of culvert. R solution
adopted, alter w hich the Council aJ
j turned.
Call to Convention.
To the Local Unions of .Nebraska:
The ninth annual meeting of the YV.
C. T. U., uf Nebraska, will be iield in
Fans City, Ke'traska, beginning i'huis
day, October 11, ItiJ'J, coutinuing ihree
'Ihis convention will be composed
ol the Exicatne couimiitee and ihre
delcgatt l'ioin each local Union. A
fud del.gutiou from each Union is earc
esllv desired. Wo need your presence,
ui Sisters, jour counsel, and prayera
tor the su.'cessfui prosecution of the
work in h ind. District presidents and
superintendents of lat h department aie
expected to be present with their An
nual report.
there will te a literature tabl
spread with books, trac s aud "read
'" tor local Ur.ious. Let all come
prepared to p oruizti this table aud
tike bouiething from it to their home
The usual reduced rates will be ob
tained oyer the Uuion PaciHc and
M. nilroads. Locul secretaries will
please send names and number of dele
gates dt-siiing entertai uaent to Mia
Mary lttbbtui. Falls City Neb, at once,
and for railroad certificates to tne.
Dear Sisters, let us go up to this our
Annual Feast, with one heart aud one
puipose, determined it shall be a prec
ious season, with great good
iu the present aud rich promise for the
".litherlo the L rd hath helped us."
Let us by our peisiai.ent faith, claim yet
another and greater blessing.
Yours fur "Chid, ILune aud Native
Laud," E. Ford,
Pnt. W. C. T. U., Nebra ka.
Committee Meeting.
The repuoltcaa state cen .ral com
tnilLee me in room No. 3S at the
Commercial hotel last night. There
was a large attendance, nearly all the
members of the committee beiug
A considerable time was sppnt in
reports o the members as to the
state of affairs in their respective
district s aud a lull exchange ol views
was had. The reports from the
various srcttons of thy slate were
most satisfactory.
Mr. S. B. Colson, of Fremont, was
re-elected seereiaty anil C. E, Yost,
tieasuer, was also re-elected. 1'iie
following gentleman weie appointed
members of the executive coin uiilte- ;
Samuel Chapman, J. A. Eluhardc,
W. D .Mai news, Cuurcu HotVc, A. L.
W tgioii, B. I). Slaughter and li. W.
Montgomery. The management ol
the caiupiign was ref'iedlo the exe
cutive coinhjillee. S: ite Journal.
T : co.-d li-eover., .-Vi ii iniles wes
of W."i i.ig Waier, on t'i . faun ol Mr
Srekunu, promises i 'enveirable
boo u lor t ft co luty.
Since the li-s. liml, Air. Strirkland
his pruccuied a vioj-oui -eHrcli for a
go id, paytug veiu, an I irm parties
j tat in fiom that part ot the county
wel-aru such a vu ha been d scov
ered. We anxiously await the fuli details
of the diacoveiy, and t: :-'l the oig re
poiiswe have heard i .y prove on a
closer inspection to Qib?olutely true.
State's Attorney.
The Academy ot Miwe was crowJiu
lat uiht to witn-s- the new and
lauhaiiltt com'dy, -State's Attoruey."'
Job Dillon did himself full jus: ice
Pilgrim Dx:s" we never saw him lo
iwtter advantage. The femal portion
of the corapa.ii- rc all gootl, in fact,
exielh-nt. ' Mrs. Whiter and htr
da.ighti-r N lii W.t:-r.-, eppeaia'ly, is
tare'y to bi surptmsed in the r inii. ion
of ;ht roie which the assumed. -Mil-SnuLi
This Afternoon Diapatchee-
Hoeclallotbe Herald.
OiiAliA. 1 p. IJ.
iJi Fpatches thij a, n lrjm differ nt
localities in Iowa all indicate that the
republicun state ticket w ill have a ma
jority of 30,000, Ree, for Judire, run
iiitiK 'iltout 6.0VJ0 Leluiid the ticket.
The legislature will be republican
by forty majority at Kuif.
Special to tlio lierali!.
Omaha, 1 p. m
A despatch from Coiunibus, Ohio,
this a. ui. siaten tlmt later returns in
that state do not .settle the result either
way ; both partita claiming the state
and legiblaturu.
The "Freshmen" at the Unlverel;y
As our sialerows older its advance
meut in the different Ucoaiiuienis is
uoiiceale. Nor uoes iui slate umver
sily lone pace with tne limes, but each
yeai hiiuo iu a beitel claaa ol siUde .Is
uiiiu) euleiiiij; lu Colege at ouce
'In us ii is loal ui: pieneui. Fieshmau
c.asa is tne laigest ever in aueudauce
and I In; ooys Uciug detel'iiiiued lo is
laollsii some class cuelouis and ties
nerelolore UelecleO iu the institution,
ueciueo upon a ciasa uur, lainer oimiu
uliva in size, itiack lu color, wun euian
WUitt, peihapa beuUa, spleuU oVer ilie
suria e. A- lue hell tang at 10 o'clock.
abuUv 'Zi litsnies inarcueU out ot the
libruiji towards the chapel witu uioie
diKhity than couiu tie enduied by ti
Uup-- masses, aud al once there was a
genuine, "cane rush." I'lolessors ap-
peaieu on the scene bul leilied WUA
oat causiiig a cueck, spliuieis Mew in
every ui;ectlou auo tevr.i 'suouldei
nils" were uea.t oy ilie assaulted 1 resa
les, aud lor about 10 iitinu es 11 was
ilie l Coutusiou lu the hail, la
ilnrs sore. lining, ue stuoeuis irilil
ened, aud pio.rssora ouiwiHed aim as
louisued The ircuier uumoe. olcauen
having been bloneu auU inot ol the
11't.ehics ntviiig slipucU into cnapel, no
Uiot'e was ioue until alter seivices
wiu-u It was repealed wiiii greater' d
tei iniurttiou liiun belore even extend
lug lo the library, a here a coupie were
iiotiu d-lo retire io Hie nails, in a lath
er unceremonious maiiuer. While
l nere are fewer Flcshtuau canes and
inoie sore heads and iiue limbs the
best 1 ell uk tx.sts. Lincoln NeviH.
The lollo-viug fio.a the columns of
the Weeping Water Republican we
lake especial pride-in comuieudiiig
to our ih luoeiaiic friends who have
been so worried about the bad treat
ment of western republicans. Deui
ocru'ts V. lifhavu to run on their mer
its ibis 3'ear, the cid trick having
worn loo thin.
The republican county ticket thai
appears at the head of our' columns
today commends ilseif to every hou
esi yoier. Ii was ilie deieimiuutiou
ot those who had the making of the
ticket to give-no man an excuse to
scratch a siugle'imin on that ticket
ai the coming election, and that they
succeeded we doubt il any unprejn-diced-mmd
will deny. '
A certain part here in town has
beee missiug melons .from his patch,
'lhe other night he secreted him-elf ou
l he premises and awaited the thieves
It Seems he didn't have ln to wait
and when the parties were iuteut upou
the securing of the ri.-esl, the owuer
poured a double charge of Hue shot
turough a tree near by ; the boys rolled
tumbled, in fact exerted every energy
to get out of tha patch in the shortest
amount of time. No blood was shed,
vet a copy of the Pceriess Fruit Re
cinder was lost by one of the "biave"
lad, Inch he cau have by calling at
this office.
When the conductor went round for
tickets on 'he train from Tabie Rock
last Thursday evening, the two great
auti monopoly "'reaehers" from this
part ot the monopolist's vineyard,
namely, Gov. Butler and C&pt. Ashby
reached into ther pockets and drew
forth annual passes over the road.
"Be sure you get the right one," re
marked Ahby to th Governor, as the
latter gentleman thumbed over a lot
of "railroad influences." Yea, verily
Oreat is the anti-monopolist, so called!
-Pawnea Hep.
Geu. A. II. and M, K. Turn
er, who weie vigilant aud earnest
! woi kers with the antimonopolists ia&t
fib have seen the eomple:e deliery of
the party o Roaewater and other
lead- is io lhe dt-iu eratic fold, couse
q jeii:ly these genth men ale accoloiug
to tlnir owa 1 uiuae eompelle-l to
join the republican ranks, il they waut
! an holiest adm nistnttion of govern
mental atfaiis
Calvin Russel, the .epuiilicau noui
inee loi County jucge, is deserving
ot lhe hearcV support oi even- votei
in lhe county. N it only are his
qialiliC;iUous of the very highest, or-
jdc:,hot his character is euiuvl.)
! ... .. ........ 1 . 1-f.. L-..h.L-ii lutt i..
a oo it jiiieii. a v.
be esteemed, aud in the coming elec
tion the Republican cau conceive oi'
i ol iioUnti ' bau an o ei w tie miug vie
j lory lor htm over ali opposition.,
' u . . nv. . i ,i;
eejing uLfi uciiiuiii..iii
Aoiuiliiug that all Bob Iugersol.
said abou- the mistakes of Moses be
irue, ihen Mses made egregious errors;
but when it comes down to two pi v.
nariow g ue uiistakef, of the un
abridged sort, the democratic party ot
lowt and Ohio can beat Moses, with
the bulliusnes throwu in.
To The Public
Parlies who purchased trees and
vines of the New York nurserien, from
J. 0. Shannon, last sptiug, or winter,
will look to J. B. Stckwell to replace
any that may have beeu lot. Mr.
Stock well, is now iu the State auti I be
lieve he will fulfill his centract to the
letter. J- O. SuA.Noy.
A Rare Opportunity.
An el'-gm house in a pre ty and
convmieut ;oetiou. will be aoldci
Genera! Steytuei.n i ia A.Incolu to
day. ...
Mrs. Anderson Root and siiter (tart
to Pennsylvania lo a few days to visit
rcUtires and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Duke have te
turned from their caitern trip, having
had a very pleasant time.
Charley Ilerold and his mother, Mr.
C. G. Ilerold, are in the city today, in
attendance upon the Uaar Ilerold
Sam Barker, accompauied by Survey
or Hcudrickson, went west this morn
ing to look' up Hie line ou some of
Sam's recent pyrcl ases tf western
Mrs. Radabaugh, a ulster of the late
Mrs. A. P. Stout, returned to her home
at Ft. Wayne, Iudiant, this morning
after an extended vieit with relative
Another Toousaud Bottles of Marsh's
(Joltfeu Balaam lo beCUven
Every person in laPttsinouth, who ia
sutlering from Si rolu. a, Chronic Rheu
matism, Jaundice, Bllliousuesa, Dys
pepsia, ludigestloii. Constipation or
CostiveneHslleidjicne. Loss of appe
ti l e. chilis or Fever, Malaria, Backache
Femde Veakuess. -Nervous dea-uuge-meut,
General Deiiiuty, or any Blol,
Liver, Kidney, Stomach or bowel dis
order can obtai-i a trial bottle ol
Maish's Goldeu Blood K Liver Touic.
free of charge by calling it Smith &
Black Bios drug str, Plattsmoutn.
Persons who nave already tried this
valuable medicine cau procure the
huge buttles al 60 o uts aud 81.
For Jouus, C'oids, Bronchitis and
Consumption, ue Marsh's Goiden Bal
sam, ihe famo'us Throat and Lung
iiiediciu . t wo dosea wll beuetit. Sam
ple bottle fleer . a . . : .
Tobacco McAipiu, Piper IIeiduk,
Bran. Horseshoe and Climax at Simp
son's. - 191 1 3
Attention Ladies.
At cost At cost lud below cost,
splendid chance for bargain., witliin
ihe next ten days al Mrs A. P. Slout
Having decided locioe out the mil
linery huuiasiKof lhe late . Mrs. A. P.
S:oui,l wilt give extra oargains for the
tiext ten days Ladies, now id' tho op
portunity to purchase your fall and
winter millinery a prices never before
offered in Platumouth.
191. 6w I - Nellie Stout
Cigars Ellipse, Club House, Comet,
Seal, Boqnet &c at Simpson's.
F. S. White has just received a car
load of Sea Foam" wiuter wheat pa:
eut flour guaranteed to be as 'good as
any made in the United States and
prices aa low as the lowest. Also a
car load of bran just received which
we deliver fco'ahy part of the city.
M O' Connor keeps on hau l the cel
ebrated Aiiheuser Burch St Louis Bot
tled Beer and always ready to pay par
ticular attention to his customers.
A Great IHseoyery.
That is daily bringing joy to the
homes of thousands by saving many of
their dear ones from aa early grave.
Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Brunchhitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice,
Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side
and Chest, or any distant, of the Throat
and Lungs, a positive cure. Guarante
ed. Trial Bottles f-ee at J. M.Roberts.
Drug Store. Large' size $1.00.
Booth oysters and celery Saturday
morning at Simpson's.
For .Sale at a Bargain.
The furniture and fixtures, aud all,
or a part of the stock of the Milli
nery store, of the late Mrs. A. P. Stout.
Call at the store. 1916twl
Genuine Wheeling Stogies at Phil
Youngs. - i87tf
A Square .Heal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
25 cents aud lodging at same reasonable
late. Farmers and Commercial Men
will please tear this iu mind. difcwtf
If you waut to purrhaue any wed
dins; presents be 6ttre to give Phil
Young a call - lS7tf
Try the new bather tinder Carruths,
Having opened aud n tilted the rooms
uiidei F. Carruths Jewelry Store Mi
J. P. Hit 9i- i ready to Walt upou his
eustomers with every convenience
which should Im-JousT lo a tirt clans
iarber slio; Hot nud Cold Baths al
w ay 8 ready . 1 85t f
2,500 wooden tooth picks for 15-2 al
Poit Youngs 187u'
Hot and (-old baths at the Barber
siiop uuder Carruths l87tf
Morley shave f..r 10 cnts. Il52tf
Foi a shave al ;u) hour call at the
shep under Carruths. ISTtf
Breather's cracker's are the best.
200 Tons of first class bay for sale
leave orders with W. S. Wse.
17d2!iwtf J. T. Wibe.
Special attractions in Silverware at
L. C. Erven's. ISo-tf
Euy BteiiiLera choice cackerV.
Important to Travelers.
Special inducements are offered you
by the Burlington route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhern in this fasue. 47tf
For Zle '
Two well improved farms, between
Loaisvillc and Weeping Water. Ap
ply toThaddeus .'lanis, oul&r.
Rember if you wnt cy aulo
grapo albums to go to Puii Youngs
where you w ill 4-k1 ft large assortQeol.
AdvtrtlwueDU undrtUl tia4, Ibrea rem
tr Him raca litiMritlwu.
ONEY TO LOAN-Ou real etl by A. S
iumvan. - ...
POK ' ALK-Hoiw. lottHud wood land b)
Jotiu Uwui i.o.
FOK MALE A rxd Muvo A flamlln rablnei
vrvuu, a bsTKalu fur cili uurcUsrr. In
quh of UeiUiAli BclulUl. 17111
FOKSLK Th Wvol property Ufr hlir
IS Uyrr. . J. VY. AUmsuall.
?OB HALK-Hildrnu prop rty, one of lln-
of I be bent location lu Uiv cltr. or 111
trade fur stuck, luu'r of J. W. Mrlbl. lota
XdU SAl.K -Mou-ip nd lot. .rUe S0.
CMib. blauce In tuuulbly ..) lurut.
It. li. Win oil A1,
FORSALE Se-eral rtfi!dnce, cbcap. to
(juUeol U. 11. Wbceler Ct.
LVJK HALK-.Hcratcb fablrtf la all Ue. al
- ttihufflce. Wll
L'OK HALE a lot In gcvo-l location. Fartlcu--a
lar at tbU otllce Wif
FOK MALE An order for a new Amerlcau
tHtwhix MacliniD. luijulre at tblotlle.
L'OK HAtK-l,VM cordt of wood. Inquire of
W.o. WLw.
L'OKSALE-4 Id pattern for aaU at tbln ofllci
A ai40ceut1 .er buudred or 6 jnU per dot
ro. if
LHI1I SALE lour lota together In icod Iocs-
ilu tu tbl city. iD'tuirts at luU otlleo il
L'OK KEN T be nortu store room in Nev
l.le'a blnek. auU a rooinii up .alr. lluuu
locatlou for res.surant or iinaralun houiH.reUt
cuesp. Apply lo ui, Seville. null
po KENT A houne. cotunr ?tb and Lociut
L alreela. liiqune ol i bus. I oilock.
L'OK KENT ComloJlable place, corner 'pi
a- I earl aud 10 ttt.. lale.y occupied by W. J.
Warrick, Erquire at Wmnctt's Uiug moci..
LMJK BNTOne office room and dwelling
- couurcted. 3 roouif) u atalra ever Hull
nhiselder bakery. Enquire al Mm. lioltliuel
der'a. . ipi If
FOK KENT flouxe, Couvculent to rhopn.
If. E. l. Oovav ii ao,
LMR KENT South -tor nKni of - the Uhh
Flock Enquire ol U. It. Uiacw! 11. WpCh
lock, Alva. lrrw, Uuslues.1 cunuriilee. .1X11
jtK KK.M-LlweUliiK llouwes, luqulre CI
HKltf W. il.
I OHT A pass book eontaiuluK papers vlu
able ouiy to owuer Uuuer leuse imiv 1.1 luU
ouic. . lovl
POUND-A Hold tootUiUik. ..OwuLx'touvlus
pruperty auu payli.a fur tbl notice c...
Uave ibe same, ISJif
LMUNO-A ladiea'pOcicetbook -ouUinlnK
A soiue chauge l he owner cau have luo
same by calluiK on :. llrec-keufleld, piurliiK
propel ty aud pay Iiik for tills nonce. lsu
To the old customers ofthebarbei
stand under Xlr. F. Carruths jewelry
store, 1 have re 1 tied and opened thi
ihop at d am ready to -gttaraniee you
every convenience, coin toil and ;lea
ure to be touud in a tit ciau baib i
Hot and cold baths ulwav ready
isrstt J.'P REKbK.
Bremner's milk cracker's. io;i;sao
Imported ale aud poitir at Joe Mc
Vey. Ib7tf
For wiuter bioom and out door j bod
ing, TV.ilps, Hyacinths. Narcissils. Hol
land bulbs, fcilef, and a large nssort-m-nt
of hardy bulbs HiidLhaooous
plauts all are lei planted tit the - tall
if you have them as they will do no
good otherwise,; Call-and examim my
stock. L. A. Moore.
No. 1,2, Sand 4 gospel hymns at
Warrick's. ISO 2
'Ask for Bremuer's - cracker's,
l631mo L" '
Take none but Bremner's crackers,
and you will t;et the last. 16tfltno
Ask for Bremuer'a Eureka" butter
cracker's. lG31mo
FOB SALE. feotH 1 and 3 lu
Block 41, improved.
fXT. ' it. II. T1.U11A91.
Leave orders-for grapes from Lees
ly's nursery at A. Clarks grocery.
The Quest cracker's are Bremner's.
1631 m
Frerdi Oysters.
FreBh oysters juat received and for sale
at Fukd Stadklman's. 167tf.
Phil Young 1 a just received a lar
line of Bird Cages o le sold cheap.
Mr. J. P. Reese the accomplished
barber is iu chaige ot the laibersi.op
under Frank Carruths Jewelry Store
and the customers of that old stand
will find every comfort and couven
ready anu watting for them. I85il
Taken L'p
B the subscriber on Platte bottom
Sun"ay Sept. 8th two yearling heileis
red marked with while on tne belly
Owners will pleaseclaim property pa
charges aa 1 take them a ay.
dtt Cha's. VanI'EKventkk.
Gt to MKeever & Hi-rr nann's for :i
go tl dirh of oy ie at reasonab.e
rates. 3 n2
TVa. I J.
Pupils ii . il a i i uatu i pit.-itiug. A'-
p y ton" o Mis-. Ni-lli.: Tlicia,). n
al Mr. Jo i i WT.i ermans. Ie5i5
Joe Ford has the bos- tkating link
in Fzgeiald ilndsk tus u w and ke
in ln be-i o; oniei io in clean, lipht
and mi rtanie and ti e Uht of r'i t maiurained. IU2:H
PiEI ROCK I'K1CE. 1 I'HVh on h.l""'
a targe and very superior s'ock of lur
uitiire, much of which I propose to Be:
off at costr My goods are for sale -mo
efore purchasing 1 wish everybody
who needs furniture to call anil lock
I hem over. All I ask ol the public ie
to examine ciy goods and mv rice9
dAwtt " Henry Bokck.
A libel al discount ou goods bought
for present at .V.. ErvenV l."Bif
Henry Boeck is selling furniture at
prices below any Louse of the phiih
style in Nebraska. If yoa doubt tbif
fact call onhim and know the truth, tl
Freeh California fruits scd celery
received every other day &l
14-tf. F. s. Wjirrr.V
Fresh oysters and celery jut received
at F-ennett & Lewis'. 183 tf
Mw Arrivals In Silverware.
I C Erveu has just received a larye
addition to hid ioca of Cno eilver a no
silver plated ware. A larije variety ri
goods iu this Hue. in the ic'eot pattern.
and designs can Uj found, and all de
sirijg rubetantlal aad elt-yattt good
are requested to call and examiue Mi.
rveoV tjtwfjk iJS5tW pr9lm2 lii
Friday Evening, Oct. 12tb,
- AH-
IPilriiii UDotT
"When I holler it's law."
and in excellent Comedy Companv.
AtiiiiiMNion, :trt ro uni rtv.
Kemi'i veil fralH ill J f YoUIIk's. Itnev day
! Milr.iiire of enierllnu' nt.
lUusical Instruction.
, i
To My Friat Us: &
J have reorKsuUed lnf
of Instruction mpoifrtirf Piano, and nli6aid be
pleated lo linvesudi a may dehlie Uiktiuctlun
lu address or call upon me. My ter ft tre'Tva
souable. aiid;nv iiiMiucili-n after iMe itioMt hn
proved inetliod I'uplU, UeKluitlux runs;. uaO
ever eipact. to become ;inu.ler. I Invite a
trial and examination.
dl2w2.ritf b
TUESDAY, SEW 1171883;
wltli ao amuliS corp ot iiiNtriiclvrs. .
On application to thn Ctiancellor iloirues
fau be olttiillied liy llioxn ilerlllfiK ll'ful lual loll,
ami ceitinrale-t for Half f U'rt Mil nm r.nlrondS
by tliute expet'llnc'lo atl-ud.
Firit Term beirlns Ttiexday. hept. 1 1 11
Hecotid " " T uixihof, Juii. 3. ltli-
Third " liiertuyA.rll I. IhI.'
Annual Ooi'iisrn eiiient U-(tneiiluy..Juiie I)
II open lett.liei. IRK.lfiOul piml lru liin'M.
nfid al! kind of
doup to on er on kbort notice. bV' .
Leav;- orders at tlie l.uinln-r Vardi' or at ' ".
Made OXLYot Yogctnhln OU
and I'ui-cJlcpf Tallow.
Toir.'luci. ho-iHfikf f.p'jrs to irlve this 8oaj
This o.Tcr J mado for afiliort tlaio only
and should b. taken advantage of at ON'CH
VTe WAKHANT this Soap to do more wanh
Ing with pxeater oar.o than any -.ap In the
market. I: has n J EQUAL Icr use in bard
nd cold wut-jr.
Eev. Father Wilds
The Bev. Z. P. Wilds, well-known city
missionary In Xev York, and brother
of the late eminent J udg- Wilds, or tn
Massachusetts Supreme Court, writes
as follows :
78 E. lUh St., AVm Tort, May 16, 1382.
Mcssas. .1. C. A Yea St Co.. Cieutiemen :
Last whiter 1 was trouMed with a tnott
XliicoinforUtble ItcUing humor affecUnf; '
tuore my limbs, wliicli ItcUed so
intolerably at nigUt, and burned so iuteus.
. ly, that 1 could scarcely bear auy clothing
over them. 1 was also a sufferer from a
severe catarrh auJ catarrhal cough; nar
appetite was poor, and my system a good
deal run down. Knowing the value of
Avail's Sakhafacili-a, by obsecration of
. many other casts, and from persoual use
In former years, i began taklig it for the
above-named disorders. My appetite im
proved almost from the first lose. After
a short time the fever and itching were
allayed, and alt signs of irritation of the
skin disappeared. My catarrh aud eooga
were also cared by the same means, aud
toy general health greatly improved, uutU
It Ia uov excellent. 1 feet a buudred per
eut stronger, and I attribute these results
to the use of the Sausapakili,, which
I recommend with all contt.leuce its the
best blood mediciue ever devisetL 1 took
it in small doses three times a day, and
used, ia all. less than two bottles. 1 place
these facts at your service, hoping their
publication may do good.
Yours respoctf ully, Z. P. WILD,
The above Instance is but one of the many
constantly coming to our notice, which prova
the perfect adaptability of AVer's Sarsa
Fabilla to the care of all diseases arising
from Impure or impoverished blood, aad a
weakened vitality.
Ayer'c Sarcaparilla
cleanses, enrtcbei, and strengthens the blood,
stimulates the action of the stomach and
bowels, and thereby enables the system to
resist and overcome the attacks of all crrg.
tout Dint$, F.ruption$ of th Slim, tiheu
wtaiitm. Catarrh, Genrr d Debility, and all
Vsorders resulting from poor or corrupted;
Wod and a low state of the system.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Ma s t.
8oi4 by all Drogtfau: price (I, six botCes
for $
Best Purgattvo tfcdldrra
tnxt Constipation. Iadlgwition, Headache. an4
all BillonslMsnrdera.
MtmywUcts sUYirOahie. 4