0, i - V (X It t i HARNESS. STREIGHT & CO. (HHfffMr to Mtrelgkt A .tllller. MATioPAcrrnKB or PINB8 f BABKES. A lare Hue ot Sables Bridles Collars Whips &s - ;ilv, ;i' k Ii. li4'k. htyttt ill y t' . tf t lttil t.'ttto sort iiotut. Vain Street, bet veen Kourlh aid Kllth. 11JTIP. CALu AT THE Old Reliable LUMBER YARD 1. 1. HTMAS & SON Wholesale and itetall, Dealer In Mne lumber SH lAGIlS. LATH, SASH, HOOKS, ULIMiiS, &-., tiith .Mi el ii. imrcMpi litise. 1 OllL- h LI1Y HOTEL. llils 1 esuiiili I ilte tory brick etructure.on It i am siittt I JuM been buished and fi iu ii u' loi Hit- itcuii n c da l iou of ILAMSliM CVHlOilJSliS, AND IIECU -Alt HOARDERS. EVERY UIKfi KEW AKD CLEAN A Ccti tar Id connection with the llOUHC. -.f. FBED COOS. Propr VXOXC-UAND GOODS. PAFLEMAN & CHAP.MN Vill BUY and &ELL all kinds uf f:eiuture, PETALS, IRON, HAGS AND FUHS Will MtviiMP n.i i vi all iS.U.ABLE OOOikS, t it it ut i M:in Mieet, .. . . r vn" I' rkV Furuitnrr frc t;Uli LI I . r l-. 1st. 134611. BOO IS AND SHOES AND REPAIRING AT Sherwood'S. Plattsmouth, Nebraska c o uust Received FINE USB OF MEERSCBAU AKD BRIAR PIPE OP HIKF.CT '1MFOKTATION. A Challenge 5c Cigar, ft iany made for the retail tr--' ily. i Peppeiberg's Clear Factory. EPNST WAGNKR Practical -Architect SUPERINTENDENT CKCiUltCTURAL W RK A Pivst -. t "! ioilI'Mt 'i -,t e-i'vrti'y rfciT'.t'd ouf. a; Tj!i RftMititT v .V. b r.ve. h :.i -icVfy a"1 durability. j. t: '--. r4ivri' . V. ( ;.!. v8)i !i l'e:inL PLATTSUOOTH MAID. fUBUSlIED DAILY AND WEEKLY T - rte Plattsmonlti Herald PnHitilnE Co. OFFICIAL. tMIKU UK TUK CITV tot CUy eoUCountv Oirectory, Railway Time fablm. felip.ioiie Ekoiia g Business Di rectory, lliuriuess Cards Ac, see fourtU pace. Notice to Advertisers. Copy for ilinpl ty adverdteiueuts or changes In Miviit.'M3iiteui. hi a 4i on untitled la lo tut; bunluessoUice uul Utter ttiau 10 a. ... oi tbe ui) iu Miiic.i iu) tti e. to be lusrrted. Copy lr pay locals a.iU special notices must be naiiue'l iu OeloreS p. m. each Uay lo insure, m- IM'liiOU 11 M. ItUBIIMICt.L., Uu.lurs. .Maunder. KepuDitcau .Vale lickeU For Ju lg uf the hupreinn C.iuit, M. It. ilttE. For Kecuta uf In miverslty. At. J. 11 LLL. (Long le uij JOHN 1. .viACLALlfc.U.(L.ong Term) J. M. ill AT 1, t.-tu..rl leriuj K. lluLMt, laiiori lerui) Second Judicial District- For Judge of the District Court, 8. 11 l"OLM. Republican County Ticket. For Couiity Clerk, JOHN W.JKN3ING3, Of 1'lltttSUlOUtll. For Ccuiity lrvktuiir, WM. 11, MHAELL. Ot I'luilBUiOUlU. For HberUT, J. C. EIUE.NUAKV. of I'lalisiuoutU. For County Jude. ICACV IN UUsSKLL, of keeping Uttltr. For auperliiteuueut ol ScJiooIh. of sioe . reek. For Cierk of tl.e AUulct Court, bUJJAfc.K. 11 ACL, of ii I. l'leiktut. For County Surveyor, .CifcOKufc. . KAI1CF1ELD, of 1'UtliuioutU. For County Coruuer, l-tllltV I'. Ol 1'li.tUuat.Ulll. For Coiuiniskioiier, iUuu Diuict, JUll.N t'1-t.au..Mo, ol Stove Creek. ML, of X. ilectu eeiy '1 umuu tveuiDj; at their Civile ilitii, iu KuckwuoU Jituck. Vis Mug Jvuiybis urc luviivU io ulieud. J. W. .tHSisoa, U. C. V. L DVKE8, K. ut It. aim o. A. feallbbui, teutit. C. A. tlursliall, Ueuflst, uc-c-t-or iu tiutier b Jauritiiull. 'aeeiu t-xtiucieu lllioul paiu, u u: oi Atru oxiue au. Two doUuis i cr Ui' , t'roiu this date. Ihu Cuzzt-u s Cui. yili and Harney a' rett Ouiaiia 2seU. tiiicti liiol clctsa iu evciy paiticuiai V. Ramsey & Co. of the Palace Hotel toan.a F .Nt w Mex ico. . Oct. 1 K83 169.0 Leexly & .vli&unon will deliver fruit trcea iu Pluitaiiioutli ucxi wjek. IaM Ot. Main streer, a Luuch of ui.ie or leu k.-c, the tiuder will pieuae leave Hit brttue at ttie depot or tliellEK CD tce. 190t2 Mr. Pcttee last evening sent a very auoslauliai pair o: nl.igilor hide boots, to hib a 'ir Ciiailey, who is iu the min ing bulling in Utah. Dai. c- and o bier aupper at Rock W(iki llali under the au.tpices of the ladiea ot bt. Luke's Guild next Wed nehd iy uighr. Admiaion 10 cts. A lare giny wolf was shot Htudi uuru of the city on lasi. Tne., wolves have taken ion ol the imiglc just north in the Suuday the city. Three weddings are the talk for to morrow, ami ur for Sunday next; Vetily this is the eeuj-ou of the year when to be given iu marriage is to be very popular. Mrs. Deypaiu's folks, who live west of tbe high school, have a four pound sweet potato on hands that they raised on one of the highest knolls in the city. Who can beat it? Now is the time of ear for catch ing gophers. Give the small boy a spade aud i steel trap, and live cents for each gopher and he will soon rid the fnim ami orchard of gophers. The no ed Arndt case in the United Slates court at Omah t. has been decid ed by Justice Miller in favor of the rainoud, which will result in Mr. Arout being ousted from bis landed possessions in blunders county. Members of the E.zevir reading club will bear in mind the metiug at Mrs. D. A. Campbell's on Friday eveniug. Every member uf the club shoulu not fail to atleud this initial meeting. Topic for llie evening Tem.yson. Miss Lydia Jams, of Chicago, baa written ilro. Simpson in this city, re gal dlug Lei holding a series of piano recitais in this city. Miss Harris writes that she comes to Omaha to give a a ries of r ciluls th -re, and would be pleased to visit latismou h on a like mission. The progiamme Miaa Harris submits is c assicat aud ulaboiate, and she known as one or the liuest pian ists iu the west. Tho foliowiug froia the Lincoln New vvoUiti indicate that Mr. Thotn-a-, a former Cas county t itizn, had ueserlid his citosen role6siou of j ur na.isui: The Rod Ctoul Ubittf has changed hauls. M. L. Thomas, the former editor and proprietor, baa been aui-ceeded by Mr. C. A. U -mer. re OoiiCy of Clini' C, 11. In saluting pa lo..s and pui .ic tl.e Eewiy Installed jinj i trior n tuans, tnut the Cnief will t i?i:noe to pretch reuublicauism by a i .tgnij Mttv, i!?d will ?avo the vdi tor ai ull ia orJt-r lo publish a THE SPORTSMEN'S CLUB. Arrangements fur the Annual llant. The gportituen'a club met at Smith fiecaou'a office Saturday evening wlti t.iitf loilowin uiemiKTa ireout: O. fc. Smith, Jo., en, C'uapiiiao, Ruahueli. Hlcliey, C. II. buiitlt, linker, Nae, bVuiictt, Mathevvp, Uiutnuioud, Car- ruth, Viae, NeviIleCoffeo A coiniuittee cousibtinif of Jcues, O spuiau and Carrutli. was aipoiuted to make tiudl M tticineiit lor jfluas b tllo, and clay pigt-oui tcei durin ' the sum luer. cite questiou of lioldiug the auuuul iiuul wai diacuadcd at luuglh and on motion, llturtiUay aud ! riday Nov. 1 rod 2d wer aelecied an the dayu lot tiiu Iiuul the atue couul to be xL.clua- iOy uuou oi tu.diy tins 3rd; lire tf iiue nut per and baUuuet to be held theiT uiug ot the 3rd. 'I uk loiiowiu were appointed as a cututiiiltee lo Huperioteud tbe Cotia ot the iiauie it. It. LiVlUifblou, L. JJ. Renuett, J. U. Richey. ilc0r. Oeo. a, uiith and W. D. Jouea were elected ci ptaiu of the two A.. .. .A- . 1 . a cuuis iur me uuoi an i were also ap poiui.uu aa a giauuiug commiitee ou tne aupper. it, was ueciuea tnat eacn memo r participaeing in the hunt, be allowed to mvue io the supper, In additiou to himself and lady, one gentleman and lady the losing sideiu the hunt paying for the hunter's suppera. The captains lr the huut selected the following teams. V D Jouea, Cupt. 'GVS Smith Capt. Clinpll.au Bennett Livingston Raker Hyers Mathews White F E Black E W Crawford Aguew Atwood Neville Eikeubarv Nagel Smith C II Strode BtiHhnell Webber Wise Richey Coffey Streight bchildkuacht Jennings Lewis Curruth bhryock Mr. E F. Crampton, whose wife died in this city last July, found the folio -iog piece of poetry among some of the effi cts of the departed lady. It beems Mis. Cramutou, in her girl hood days, had leeu a member of the same choir as Mr. Crampton, to which she doubtless relets iu the verses below. At the request of many frieud-t we re print the article referred to: I'll Watch For Thee- I'll watci for tliee jp there, W iihiu th5 pearly Kate, I'll siaud a uouk the aeraph band Wlio at the porta :a wait. And a tbe rausouid throne With palms of victory come.. Aud pa.t the everlasting d ors Xo Kaiu llieir lieavenly homo, I'll mark with ale eye Tne radihiu spirits blest. And ajaiily welo-nie every saint It to the promised rest. Bur when thy a ul la freed From e..rtnly toil aud pain. And wIiikh it fligiit to euier in. With all the btooawashed train. With bounding heart and hand I'll aweep my gulden lyre. And rush to greet and welcome thee Xo eaveu a rejoiciug choir, Then will we sing tbe song ith blended v. ice above. The aotig u uaedio aiugou earth, UtJeaua' dyiug love ; Well gather round the throua, Uui bleat Keuee ei ' neat. And cist the crowns be buug'itfor us. Adoriug. at Ills feet ; And with tea thousand more. All purchaseu with His bioud, We'll swell the ecuning anthem rtrain XoChrist, the Lamb oIGo!. Then wait and suffer ou A tew more years below. Sin; yet awhile the souk of oarth, 1 bough 1 from earth must 1,0, In Heaven I'll wait for thee. w iiilnt thou .irt toiling bera ; My heart wiuntill be joined to thine, I'll watca for thee up therj. Cuckte Burs. Inasmuch as every farui r has raised more or less ot cuckit burs this year, and from tbe fact that th .e same burs are very troublesome iu I coming en tangled in the tails of horses when gathering corn, the farme; can avoid all inconvenience by tcing each borscstail in aack and 1'.. teuing these sacks to the crupper. Master Mechanic Uu vl. ; .vorth is to day arranging the Oauk ou Filth Stteet which has been cutting into his siJe walk every time it raine in such a maruer, tnat the floods a:.' ' even Fath er 'limu himself will peart. y be able to efface it. He has taken some souud well soaked coal oil barn-!, tided them wiibteas tings sharens oo tl"". they weigh aDout 800 pounds a pie-c and tilted them up solidly against 'i:a sidewalk, which makes a water way 'hat cant be affected by any quantity of water. We uuderstaud that Joe? McVey has lea&ei the twottory lrai:!; vuildiug be tween Smith & Blacks ;i .l Pat mele's building, and last nigiit the city couu. cil granted a permit fur rum to move to tbe new quarters. Tohhn Cutright gei t j Otnab, to niyht aud will forward the erection re turns as they are rect i zed, by tele phono here, arraogemcut ;aviug been made with the telephone 2omjauy to that effect. The Omaha Graod Jury is after the liquor dealeis who have bjeu violatiug tne Jaw, in a lively maou-.r, seventeen indictments having bevu lbucd against the irri: g dealers iu liouid refresh mental Thv couucll met last uigiit. Wo will give tLe full proceedings tomor row. ' Tje flnet Oiboag -s ever rais -d in tnts couuty are in the market here liuv iu fOc sttiaVi tv W. i. tVfbojr Jr I'EKSO.NALS. A. V. McLaughlin tils week. ii in Chicago Gcu'I Stcvcnsou came vefct last uigl t. from the E l Fitzgerald went to ludiauola this orniug on a visit. M. A. Hitrtigau was attending court hi Couucll Iiluff yesterday. a. . cntes returned from court voik at Fnuiout lat uigbt. Jamea Patterson, jr., atarted for In dtauolu tliH morning to atleud school Dr. Sturdivant, of Eight Mile Grove. made the Herald a pleasant call thia morning. J. E, Morriuon wcut to Crete where ie will attend the aeaaiun of the Grand Lodge of 1. O. O. T. Pelioe Court- A lively Cuao occupied the time oi tiie jolice court yestei day. ll seema i'erc Wood a arretted ou the charge of having stolen a revolver, and aouie uiouey of the Jew lirtu who deal iu second Iiaud iiooda ou lower Jiaiu tit. Jacob Levy, Esq., appeared ia altorne tor tire Jews, aud b. 1 . Vaualta, lor ilie deieudauc, a jury trial beiug de manded by Levy, the lollowing parties were sworn iu a juror: Joe AicVe, A Peterson, James iietold, Geo. Dove aud Harvey baue. 1 hll xouuk wu auuimoucd, but iailiug to appear, the court flueil mm 4-2U and tne uUl pro- ceeded. Old habitues, of the police c5urtf say lk was the moat luuguabie aliatr tbey ever heard; but it seems "JakcV'elo- queut appeal to the jury wus not sum cieut, as a disttgreeuicui was the best could be doue. Tins so Irighteued tiie Israelite that he paid the costs and withdrew the complaint. This morning a Air. Geo Bell, mount ed ou a wnile charger, rode dowu Main street at a rather rapid gate, aud was overhauled by tne ponce, taken beiore the court aud fiued $1.00. His friend. Mr. Sioper, concluded to ride the same steeo, which resulted iu the sail e manner to Mr. btoper. Betl saye this is a good towu. Out he never sawsuch officers. ' A Law Suit. Beluie, J. C. Ittu Leu v's court on Satutday last, was a buit iu court in Volviug ten dollars lor board and lodg ing. It took the court and four attorneys to find out to whom ih ten doliais was due. inecase was i ke sme ot tbe feasts of the jews, it was uiovaJIe First the case started up at Newberry's office but on account of the' interests clustering amuud the same U was moved to tbe bpacious dining bad of the Cottage House where when the yellow moon with bashfulnes was giving tier soft light to tbe hurrying footsteps of the young people as they were hurrying to citoir uieetiug at the M. E. Chutch or the skating rink the Court and attor neys were sweating at tne hetty ques tions iuvolved iu the case before ttietu. On and on the moments flew till near the Sabbatn morn even alter the young moon had gone to rest did these learn ed parties stay by their case Indefati gabtllity, forensic eloquence, pertina city aud perspicuity surpassed its self then they rested aud the defeated par- ty has the costs to pay. Lawsuits are just as easy us easy as falling off a log. The frisky cucumber still blooms and makes pickles. The tomato still flowers aud is setting fruit. The beau still climbeth upward, and the busy bee is sliil gathering nectar, and the young man who last spring lett nis overcoat with his uncle, as yet baa no thoughts of calling on his relative to take it out of soak ; his linen duster is good enough yet, though October pay day is about to reach him. It is well for bin? that things are thusly, for the expense of learning his solid girl bow to wear roller skates has taken all bis cash, and left him the alternative of giving up his cigars or usiug "snipes," when lie does smoke. Truly, the weatber h;i3 been favorable, to not only the farmer but the youtig man whose win ter clothing was put to "soak" last tpriug. We ar in receipt of a period c:d pub tished in B num. dv ted to t ie ihory of Itetter care and treatment for dam auiuiils, the motto of the piper is "We speak for those vho cannot speak for themselves" and contains quite a num ber of incidents indicating the close approach to human reason of many of th lower animals. The paper is doubt lees an able assistaut iu spreading the humane and growing doctrines ot the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. State's Attorney. At the Academy, last evening, before a very demonstrative audience, Mr. John Dillon appeared iu "State's At torney," a drama that affords chance tr the introduction of alarge number of s nking situations. Dillon was in noo 1 trim, and met with tne heartiest reception throughout. The piece is sut eiv a "g." '1 he young Quakeress was finely given bv Miss Nellie Wal ters; rest of the company are all good. Eveuing Wiscunsiu, Milwaukee. At Waterinaus Opera House Oct. i . J. P. Young aud . V. J. Warrick have eah received a most handsome line uf hand painted birthday cards and other nobby pictures. Cyrus Altou of tliis Coduty was elect od a delegate to the general misionarj me.ting of the christian chnrch which ipetiuij i W4 M CuB&tt Eight Mile C rove Items. October 8, 1833. S. Morrow returned Lome to Whiting-, Iowa, last week. Miss Jennie Richardson returned last week, to attend school at borne tb'a winter. Mr. ami Mrs. 12. Oakes will go to houae keeping this week and try nt life in earnest. Mr. and Mra. W. Brown, of Brward, are visiting relative? here. At present they are the gi'eats of L. Busterhollz. Mr. aud Mrs. Will Mufz have goue to Auburn to visit bis patents this week, and lo get a load of apples N. Johnson sold bis farm, consisting oi ciifiuv acres, lor two thousand dol lars, to Mr. Route, one day last week. J.C.Fletcher and son have gone to Valparaiso in view of a location, aa they desire moving out there this fall Colonel Jenkins met with a aerioua accident a few days ago, by running a pitchfork iu hia foot, laying him up for I few days. John McCoukey will move outo his new farm near Hastings, this week. If the weatber hud been more favorable he would have gone last week. Our mail comes more regular aince it has been changed back to the old mail carriers, and aa often aa the weather will permit it will come regu lar every day. Otto Mutz has engaged to teach tke Mt. Pleasant school this winter: aud mo veil hia family there, last week, so as be ready to begin work on Monday. Miss Emma Calkins returned home a few days ago. from Georgetown, Colo rado, w here she has beeeu spending the past three months, visiting among friend, much improved iu health The base ball nine of this place played with the Cedar Creek .nine, on their grounds, last Saturday. 'At the close of the game the score ateod f ortv two to twenty-five in favor of tbe Eight Mile Grove nine. They wii piay again in two weeks at thia place Dr. Sturdivant was called one day last week to S M. Davis'. Upon arrl viug be tied his horse lo a fine, large shade tree aud entered tbe house to aee his pa tient, which he found to be a charming young lady,; so be tarried uii til. a late hour; next morning to bis dismay, Mr, Davis found his tree stripped of it's bark so bad as to destroy it, and says the Doctor will have to settle the dam age by paying for tbe tree. Be more careful where you tie your horse after this, Doctor. DlCK. "Jones" Look Out. II. C. Van Horn, who settled In Cass county some twem y-eiht years aaro. sold his farm last week and intends to retire from farming, as he says he ' is too old to follow a plow. Van' is be ing pushed as a candidate for sheriff. out has not decided whether to go into .We campaign or not. He wants to ome lo Nebraska City to reside. HV Uiiy Jiew. For Sale u a Bargain. The furniture and fixtures, and all, or a part of the stock 'of the Mill! uery store, of the late Mrs. A. P. Stout. Call at the store. 191Gtwl Genuine Wheeling Stogies at Phil Youngs. itf A Square Meal Can be had at the City Hotel for only 25 cents and lodging at same reasonable taten. Farmers and Commercial Men will please hear this iu mind. dJbwtf If you want to purchase any wed ding presents be sure to give Phil xoungacall 187tf Try the new barber under Carruths, 187tf Dissolatloa Notice. Notice is here.br given that the part nership heretofore existing under the firm name of Grace &ThieroIf, in this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Thierolf will conduct the business at their former looation being authorized to pay all d-bts and collect and receipt tor all bills due tbe old firm. James Grace, 186t5 H. Thierolf. riattsmouth. Neb. Oct 3d 1883. Haying opened and refitted the rooms under F. Carruths Jewelry Store Mr J. P. Reese is ready to wait upon bis eustomers with every convenience which should belong to a first class barber shop Hot and Cold Baths al ways ready. 185tf 2,500 wooden tooth picks for 15c at Pnil Youngs 187tf Dr- 8ohlldknecht'o OfTlca. At the present and until further no tice, I will have my office with Dr. Sal isbury in the Bockwood block over Johnson Bros.' store, where I may be found during office hours. 169JWtf W. H. SCHILDKNEOHT. Hot and cold baths shop under Carruths at the Barber I87tf Morley shaves for 10 cents. 162tf For a shave at any hour call at the bhep under Carruths. 187tf Bremner's cracker's are the best. 163lmo Hay. 200 Tons of first class hay for sale leave orders with W. S. W'se. 178d28wtf J. T. WISE. Special attractions in Silverware at L. C. Erven's. . 15-tf Buy Bremner's choice cracker's, lddlmo Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere In this issue. 47tf For bale Two well Improved farms, bwtweaa Louisville and Weeping Water. Ap ply to Tbaddeus A'lams, on farm. w?8tt Remember if you want any auto graph albums to go to. Phil Youngs where you wiH $iid a large assortment. - Wtt SPECIAL N OTIC EH. Advertisements under thl bead, three caul per Use each Insertion. MONEY TO LOAM-Oa real estate by A. a am van. pX)K -ALE-Houaea. lotsand wood laud by John Hooa A ou. FOlt SALE -A good Maton a Hamlin cabinet orian. m bariralu for caib ourrbaaer. lit- quite of lieiuian bciulUt. itmi FORKALK-Tbe IS liver. Wood property near Sber J. W. Uamuall, Aaeut. jTOK HALK Kestdeuce prop rtr. one of I of tbe best locations Iu tb city, or he III trade for stock, luuu're of J. W. Mortbis. lix loot EVH SALE Houte and lota, price $CM. 1 A CM. tl timlMbPa 1 ii iiiiinllilv it V ilk ii I U. it. WlJtlMAM. FOU8ALE He eral residences, cheap. Iu uulre of ii. 11. Wbeeler A ISOK 8 A LB Scratch Tablets in aJi size, a. - ihliufflut. 1U L'OK BALE a lot la good location, ran leu-A- lars at thU office vii 7UK SALK An order for a new Amerlcau A mwIuk Macnlua. luu ulre at tbla oQlce. L'OK HACK I.OJO cord of wood. W. o. WUe. Inquire ot ti HOIt SALE 4 Id papers for sale at this otTlct a- at 40 cents .er hundred or 6 cents per doz en, ti VOa KALE Vour lota toirether in gtod U tlou la tbl city. Inquire at tali office It LOK KENT i be nortn storeroom In Nev A 1 le's blvck. and S rooiua up sialra. ( l-catiou tor res.auraut or boardlu bouse. leuo. cneap. Apply to v u. inevm. iJii PU BENT A bouse, coruer 7th and Locust streets. Inquire o! ibos Foiloca. VOR KENT Corafojlable place, corner ol a i-earl aud 10 bta.. lateiy occupied by W J. Warrick, Kcqulrw mt Marrtca'a drug stock. POR RSNT One office room and dwelling connected. (3 room) u j stairs ever llotl- shnelder baker. Unuuire at Mis. Itoltsebuei ser a ut ii POK BENT Houne. convenient to shops. XT if. -K. t. lovav 6i flow. TOll RENT 8. 0th ftoreroomof the Union If lock. Enuuire of ii. 11. Black. H. Hour lock, Alva urew, tiusiness ciuiuiittee. lutl COK JtENT UweUiug Houses, Inquire ol l louu nr . u. ouai K.K. T OST A pass bttok eontainlng paters Valu- - able ouiy to owner finder please leave al ml OthOH. 1011 POUND A Hold tootbpirk. Owner proving - property ana paying lor tbis notice cau have tbe same, ISJlf ladies pocketbook containing some change The owner can have toe same by calling on :. Breckenfleid, proving property ana paying lor mis uoiice. t&sil To the old customers of the barber stand under Mr. F. CarruthV Jnwelry store, ! uave re-P tied aud opened ti,i- np ai d am ready to guarantee you every convenience, comfort and pleas ure to be found ir. a fiist clas barb, r shop. Hot and cold baths alwav" ready 185tf J. P. Bekse. Bremner's milk cracker's. l:l!ar Imported ale aud porter at Joe Mc Veys. 187tf For winter bloom and out door riant ing, Tulips, Hyacintha.'Narcifcaus. Hol land bur8, Mies, and a large ttusort- mnt of hardy bulbs and bei bact ous planta all are leit planted in the full ii you nave tnem as they will do n good otherwise. Call and examine my aiocic. Xj. a. AIoore. I87tf No. 1, 2, S and 4 goapel hymns at Warrick's. 190 2t Ask for Bremuer's cracker's. 1631 mo Take none but Bremuer's crackers. and you will get the hest. lbalmo Ask for Bremner's Eureka butter Cracker's. 1631uio FOR SAI.e. Lots 4 aud 3 iu Dlocii 41. improved. d97 M. Ii. W1XDI1AM. Leave orders for grapes from Lees- ly's nursery at A. Clark s grocery. 163dtf The finest cracker's are 1631mo Bremuer's. Fresh Oysters. Fresh oysters iutt received and for sale at Fred stadklman's. 187tf. Phil Young t j just received a large iue of Bird Cages to be sold chp. 18711 Mr. J. P. Reese tbe accomplished barber is iu charge of the barber atiop uuder Frank Carruths Jewelry Store and tbe customers uf that old stand will find every com tort and couven ence ready and waiting for them. I85tl Taken Up Bv tbe subscriber on Platte bottom Sunday Sept. 8th two yearlings heilers red marked with white on tne ueuy. Owners will please claim property pay charges and take them a aray. dtt IJUA'S. VANDERVENTER. Go to McEeover & Herrmann's for a good dish of oysters at reasonable rates. l&smz WaLtsl. Pupils in oil and cbint painting. Ap ply at once to Miss Nellie Thompson at Mr. John Watermans. 18ol5 Joe Ford has the boss skating-rink in Fitsgerald Hall skates new and kept in the best of order room clean, light and comfortable and tbe bet of ordei always maintained. 182t8 Bed rock prices. I have on band a large and very superior stock of fur niture, much of which I propose to seii off at cost. My goods are for sale aud cefore purchasing 1 wish everybody who needs furniture to call . and look them over. All I ask ot the public is to examine my goods and mv prices dAwti Henry Boeck. A libel al discount on goods iought for prnwot at L. C. ErwnV 156tf Henry Boeck is selling furniture at prices below any bouse of the same style in Nebraska, If you doubt this fact call on him and know the troth, ti Fresh California fruits and received every other dav at celery l9-tf. F.s. WnrTR' Fresh oysters and celery just received at Bennett efe Lwis. l&8if s i i i- Now Arrivals) In ailvorwaro. L, C. Erven has just received a large addition to his stock of fine silver and silver plated ware. A large variety ot goods in tbia line, in the latest patterns and designs can be found, and all de airlsg substantial and elegant, good are requested to call and - examine ' Mr. rTC9&K before PWfesuy. ttftf AMUSEMENTS. WATERMAN OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY. Friday Evening, Oct. 12th, STATES ATTORNEY COMBINATION. ' WITH JOHN DILLON --aa "When I holler lls law." 8UI'POItTEI BY MISS NELLIE WALTERS and iu excellent Comedy Couipanv. AtliulHNlon, 35, GO and 75c. Reset v d eat at J P. Young's, tbif days I" advtnee of entertalnsa nt. EDUCATIONAL. Musical Instruction. V To My Friends: 1 have reorganized my classes of Instruction upon the 1'lano, and should be pleaaed to have sum a may desire instruction to address or call upon me. My ter na are rea- nuli. and my Instruction after ibe moat Im proved method. PaplU, beginning wrong. can never peet to become masters. I invite a trial aud examination. KATIE DORIUNOTON. dl2w25tf THE TWELFTH YEAR oriuK ONIVCRStti Of NEBRASKA WILL OPEN TUESDAY, SEPT 11. 1883, with an ample corps ol Instructors. On application to the Chancellor catalorues can be obtained by those desiring information, and certificate for lialf l-trn on the railroads by those expecting to attend. V -I. First Term beglus Tuesday. Hept. II la3. Heoond " " Tnur.day, Jan. S. 1SS4. Third " " Tuesday, April I 1m4. ' Annual Commen-emeiit Wednesday, June IL THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 11 open October 2. IBW3. and continue N mo's. Tobacco Mi'A'pln, Piper lleidi k, Bran. Horseshoe and Climax at S'mp - son's. iai 3 Attention Ladies. At cost At cost aud below cost. splendid chance for bargmn wlth'n he next ten tiays al Mrs A. P. btout. Having derided locio-eoiit tlie md- liu-ry buriuiss ot the late Mra. A. P. Stout, I will give extra bariraius for the next ten days Lhui. h, uow l.i tht, op portunity to purchase jour fall aud winter millmerv at prices never before offered in PI tii-ruouth. isr.6wi Nkllie Stout Cigars K'Iipe. ('Inh IIhih Comet, Seal, Boquet Ac at Simpson's. F. S. Whit has jut received a car load of "Sea Foam" wiuter wheat pat ent flour guaranteed to be as good as any made iu the United Slates and prices as low as the lowest. Also a car load of bran jut received which we deliver to any part of the city. it4tr M O' Connor keep on han I tbe cel ebrated Anheuser Bnrch St Louis Bot tled beer and always readv to pay pac- licular attention to his customers. l&6lf Wuitebreast Coal aud Mining Co Have just received the (list instal ment of their celebrated Iowa coal. and will be ready Monday morning lor business. Will deliver lump coal at $4,75 per ton, nut coal at M,- 50. Leave orders at Connor 6c dra per's ollicc. I9GV2 ht Louis Fair. Tbe Mo. Pac. By. will sell excursion tickets LoUbVilie to S' Louis and re turn Fair week at $12.75 sale of ikts., to commence Spt 30. aud continues io and iu eluding Out. 6 1883 good re turning on or before; OC 8. During the w. ek visitors may witness at uight "Veiled Prophets Street Pa geut." The most extensive display of Fire Works ever seeu in America," aud numerous o. her dazzling attrac tions, all of widen surpaas in magnifi cence and fpleiidor auythluir of tbe kind ever be To re witnessed. For Tick ets or information call on or address J P E.lis Local Tkt. Airr. LouUville Neb. 179d28wtf License Notice. No'ic- 'a ereby given, that the un dersivueti h made upplicatiou and tiled ins pen lou with the) Count) Com missiouers of Cuss Coti ty Nebraska, for license to sell malt,, epirkuou and viuous liquors at bis plac of business in South Bend. Cass county. Nebraska, and that the same will come beiore the Comuiiasiouers for action at the No vember Bession uf the Uitrd. David Cau pester. South Beki, Oct 2 1, 18S3. 186dAA8t cui; II SO .HO BE. Another 1 bousand Bottles of Marsh's Uuldeu Balaaui to be Given Away. Our enterprising and reliable drug giats, Smith at iii..cE Bins, will cwui.u ue to give away sample botties of Marsh's Gotd.n Balsitu tor the Throat aud Lungs, to all who have never tried it. Persons who have already tried this famous Cough retried) 'cau procure the large botlles at 50 cents and $1. Evtrvbody who is suffering with Con sumption, Weak Lung-, Bronchitis, a Couh or Cold, Sor Throat," Hoarse- nes, Cr.mp, Wno-jping Cough, Asthma, or any Broucnial or Pulmonary affec tion, should try this truly valuable medicine. For the prevention and cure of Consumption f the Lucgs it is the greatest remedy Nature baa ever conferred u medical scieuce or human research. For all Blood and Liver aomplaiats use Marsh's Golden Blood L Lmx Toa ' a t i -