IV r , Ordrn taken for WILSON EKOS.HHIItT8. Jo P. Yoiingp CAJXli3S JjilJD CIQAR3. James IPeftee PLATTSMOUTH OPERA HOUSE,1 October 1, 1883 j ror the next Thirty Days I will sell feon&Hamlin Organs BrB .Mtf JBMM MBHH a mW Tu clean uj as fine u stock of Organs as ever were offered to the pub lie. Any one in want of a fine Organ will find it to their rutc-rest to -all and get my price. For the above time you can get a MASON & HAMLIN, 'Tlio Bost in tlao World, ' , or lower, than the .so-called cheap Organs, for CASH, or on JIEXTAL, or TEN-QUAKTEHLY-PAYMEIS'T plan. (General Agent. JLMI JB. Hardware AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, TTfce IE est JLiiie of look Stoves, 66 (Rasoline Stoves, k Tinware (General Marti ware To be found in the City. New goods at prices that defy eon.petion. Give me a call audi i'a.t? i; "Warranted to be as good as any wire made. "We also j H keep in stock a general assortment of HARDWARE, STOVES and f I TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country. ( all and see us in the Kockwood lilock. v v .. wiiL. i ; I v VJJJJ JJ IB Bass County j WAOAiN & KIRBY, Propr's. iPlattsinoortli. !Net. - MANUFACTURERS OF f-JMMULJEJftS, ENGINES, IKON KUO.VfS. CAS1HOU COLUMNS, ;i;Hna or heavv worK in Oolu mus ana Castings far Business Hoc I facilities or heavy ' ' ia&aetl in the State. S ACE REP Al KINO of all kinds -u ol work in iron Matron izu tarooize, N ' raska manufacturing. We xht and time tiuic. ilchng i .ny part of the State farties n ritttxmonth Telephone Excbanf I J. r. Youdjc, reldue. HOUsE BLOCK OPERA HCUSE OENTS' FURNISHER TOST OFFICE i"ews Depot, H7ATI0NEKY, MASON & HAMLIN IIKNUY F. MILLER and ! TODjD'S jgijaLivros, Emporium? ON LOWER MAIN STREET. AMI HC TODUm). rata r And Tinners' Stoct ALL KINDS FUR SALE BY ST. LOU IS. MO Iron Works tings far Business Mouses are Oar Machine Shop is fully eqcipped daplicatf til eastern prices, saving should write for our terms nf ea tings j BT TTJnTTU r. PLATTSIIOOTfl HERALD. rCULISHKIi BT The Plattsmonth Heral Publiiirintr Co. GENERAL iNEWS. A Close Battle In Ohio To day, in which Ladies Participate. Railroad and Washington Notes. Miscellaneous Matters. KORTUER.N PACIFIC BONDS, New York, Oct. 8. It i understood that 19,000,000 of new Northern I'a citic becouu Uiurtguge bouds have Letu takeu, a folluwn: iualw, Lauier 5c Co., $4,0o0,000; Dirxt-J, Morgan &, Co , $4,0000,000; August Beliuoiit, $4,000,- 000: Ja lielllU, $-',000,000 1 Uunaei b"gf. 'i.oOO.OOO; D. O. Willis, ,000, 000; (ji. -Al. 1'u.luiau, $1,000,000. MOUTAOK liuXWI. . Denver, Col., Oct. A bpesiat uieeliuu ol Hie slucklioiavrs ol the ' Denver it Hio UiauUe railroad cutupu- uv va held at Colorado fcurinira to day. A rcsjiuiiou was uuauiuuu-ily puaaed uullioiiziug iln creauou ot'gcu erui luoriuge boiids tor fOO,oOO,OOU, wiiicu bhuli run tliirty ears, beur nve pri ceui. iuterrsl, auU the IsbUu ah a. I uuver exceed 330,000 per tiiile outetaud n.g, luciuuiug an ptior Uiongageo, auU oulv ou liuisued road. Three-lour th oi the entire atock was rfpreaeuied at the meeting. TI1K OHIO KIVKH FOOU Louioviilt-, Oct. b. Hie executive con.uiitee o Hit- in w Ohio river pool it in atb&iou ut the Gauit llottne pei- fectiiig aiid laiilyitig the ariaugeiueuta ui Ue at tl e pieMoUa rueetiiis iu Ciu- iiiuati xuu Chicago to lix raies Le ueeen Chicago and Ouio rver poin'.a. he were lu eciet benaioa tud tiie uicotue ui the nitetiug it is oo&ib.c to act-riaiu. Ttie piuceediugs are hur uiouious, aud belore adjournoieul liiey will dcubtleas elleot, a trattic coulract It ia said, however, that the Chicago & Eastern. Illinois euile arn opposed to the pool. Should the meeting not roiue to a baiiafactory agreeiueiil it ia rumor ed that oue of the roads mvolved will cut tomorrow. TOCK cr INSPKCTION. Washingiou, Oct. 3. Gcu. Sherman aud Giu. l'idball. who have been on a tour oi iusptction and observation ot military posts in the far west, returned to Washington this morning, aud re sumed their duties They have been away from the city one hundred aud teu days, and iu that time traveled 10, 703 uiik-8. Gen. Sherman will atteud j the reunion of tne society of the Army of the 'leruessce at Cleveland, on the 7th uud 18th iiiat., after which he will return to the city and close up the at lairs of his ollice. so Lieuienaut Gen eral neritlau may be fully instructed belore the meeting of congress. EDISON BEATEN. The commissioner of patents over ruled the board of exaunners-in chief, and reversed their decision in the case of bawyer & Mann vs. Edison, involv ing the priority of invention of an iu caudesceut couductor lor the electric lamp, toimtd of carbonized paper. The priority of invention is awarded iuwj ir & Maun, who, it is held id the decision, completed their iuventiou ai least a ) ear iu advance ot Euisou. fcUPKEMK COUKT adjourned wntoul trauaactmg any busi ueaa of imporfauce. General Deut has asked to be placed ou the reined list December 1, uuder the forty service provision. NO BUslNhS DONE. Washington, Oct. 8. The supreme court of the Umied Mates convened today, but without transacting any business ol consequence, adjourned un til tomorrow. All the justices were pieseut. There was the usual atleud aucs of iu embers of tue bar. These Cases iu which lite rules go to show thai the caua!8 were returnable today, will come before the court tomorrow. l'lie legal lender cfc.se J uiueaul agaiual Greenmau, wliicu &tnds uuiuber uiue cn the ducket aud w hich win probab.y be reached K morrow or Wedneeu, will uot be aigued at preseuu It is uuueratood a motion wil. be made to asaigu it to some later day iu the term. MISOK Mt-MTION. Secretary Lincolu has returned from Oiiio. luternal reveuue commi&aioner, Wal er Evms, ieit for Louiavilie touight . Tne navy depalimeUt butt beeu in formed that Caul. X. L. Oaaes. ot the mariue corps, uitd al Con a to yesier day of heart disease. The I'resideut has accepted two sec tioua ot Northern facitiu rail-oad, oue sevcuty five mies iu Aloutvua. aud the other thirty tax miles from the C - lumbia river to Furtlaud. A rable message was received at the Ueparrmeurof statctoday from " CodoUj Ueueial Deuiiy s atiug tha.t quiet pre vails in Cuuion, and that there ia no truth iu tne reported -assassination ot Uul4 Suttee Uinul (UOUr. who is TeJiraphic, dpU aaa tncrt crorj rro near. ew Alive and well. This teh'frnira was re ccived in reply to oue scul by the act iujj aecreiary or siare yesterday morn ing, atkiog for information on. the sub ject. TELLOW FEVER. flShingtou, Oct. 8 Surgeon Fin ney, ia charg of the quarantine ela tion at Ship island, reports that tor th we k ending September 29 there were eleven cases of yellow fever and three deaths. Advices from Pensacola re port three new cases of yellow fever at the navy yard, and one new cac aud one leath on the reservation The weather has b en intensely hot. DIFFEREXCKS OK OPINION. Ues Moines, la., Oc 8. The repub lican state cent al committee tonight claim the state, aud that Sherman will nave uneeu moustind majority over Weaver ami Kinne and thirty thous and over Kiuue ahme. They have twenty of the twenty-one hold over senators aud will elect uinetecu seua tors ana mxty eveu members of the house, which will give them sixty-two majority ot joint ballot. They only concede forty four members of both houjes to the opposition. The demo cratic state central committee tonight claim that Kinue will have twelve thousand majority over Sherman, and Hayes, for fudge of the supreme tourt win prooabiy run five thousand Ies and that the legislature will be demo . - i . iibuu ttim grtenuHct by from nve to seven majority on j.iut ballot. THE FKMALK POLITICIANS. Cleveland. Oct. 9.--The Wcmau's Christian Temperance union has rented store rooms, auu in Some cases entire dwellings in close proximity to voting places iu every wa-d in this city for headquarters at the election tomorrow lnese places will be decorated with nowcrs, banners and mottoes. Hot coffee and cakes will be served, and men employed to peddle 'ickets of both parties with affirmatives for the second "i 1'iuui'Mwuu aiueniuieuti lo tne con- atituiiou. The ladies themalvea will peddle tickets and electioneer for the amendment. The most earnest and tibrewdest work of this political cam paigu lias teeii done by aud for the Woman's Christian Temperance union lor this amendment. Tilt BKIT1SU GRAIN TRADE. London, Oct. 8. The Mark Lane Express, in its review of the Bntisli yraiu tiade, says the rain and wind the past wek have injured outstanding port am ol the harvests iu souie dis tricts. Trade iu Loudon is depreSied by the enormous stock of foreign wneat irade in loreign w'leat off cm coast is dull. Cargoes inanimate; five ai rivals, five sale and six withdrawn. Salea of Eniiliah Wheat il week, 80,019 qiiirtern. at 40 2d per quarter, aaiuM 57,206 quartera, at 39s 6d per quarter, fo. he correepouuiuir Week last year. TODAY'S CONTEST Cincinnati. Oct. 8. The election in Ohio tomorrow is for state officers and the leislatu-e. There will also ba three amendments to the constitution Voted ou, one to change the judiciary system, one to regulate the liquor traffie. and one to prohibit it. Th last two named have assumed a leading place in the issues of the cumpaiirn. and in the reports ou the result they will be in cluded, showing what portion of the total vote for governor each litis. Advertising Cheats !!! "Ir, Lao iecouiH bo common to write the beginning ot an article, iu au ele gaut, intereniiug mauuer.. "Tlieu run it into somtj advertise lueut that we avoid all fcuci), Aud Bimplj call attentiou to the merits ot Hop Bitters in as plaiu, hon est tv'rms aa possible, "To lLduce people To give them one trial, which ao proves their value that thej will never use anything else." "The Remedy so favorably noticed in all ttie papers, "iteligioua and r.ecular, is 'Having a la-.-ge saie, aud Is plautiHg all other medicine. . 8Up "I hero is no denying the virtues of the Hop piaut, aud the proprietors ot llp Bit teis haveuhowu graai shrewd neas. "And ability "Iu coinpouuding a medicine whose virtues aie so palpable to every one's observation." Did She Die? lNol '.She lingered aud suffered along pin ing away all the lime tor years," "The doctors doing her no good," Aud ai laat was cured by this Hop Hitlers the papers say ao much about;' Muueeu! InUeeo!" How thituktul we should be for that medicine." A Daughter's Misery. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a b-u oi misery, "From a com plication ot kidney, liv br, rheumatic irouote aud Nervous Ue Unity, Under the care of the best physic ians, "Who gave her disease various names, "But uu relief, "Aud n .w -.he is restored to us iu goH.I health by as oiuiple a r-iii.dy as Hop Bitters ihtt v e hail shunned lor years before uaing it." Tuk Parents. Father Is (Jetting Well. "My daughters saj : "Uow.iuuch bt-tier father is 6iuc he ured Hop Biitcrd." "lie is getting well after his long tufft-riug I rum a disease declared Incur- able" "At d we are so glad that he ued your Bitters.' A Lady ji UUca, H. Y- Kotice. Notice is hereby uivea that Georire W. 8ilou will apply to the Board of Uoui ty ( ommissiouersof (Juss Couuty, JNebraka at its stated inertiui' in ()c bcr 1883 for a license to sell mall pirilus uud Vinous liquors iu Avoca Cass County, 'ebrasa. ouu veor frvui (jst t" ui Urf ftnp. -J BANKS. JOIIJ KITiCUKHALU, A. W. MCUl'OUMN Pi cedent. Caalilor. FIMST NATIONAL OF PLATTSMOUTH. NtlJKAShA. offers tte very best facilities lor the promp trauacilou ot legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stock, Monti. Oold, Oovtiruiuf nl and LtK-a bt curl! lea llou ;lil and Mulu, Drtoslti reeelv u and Inleiesl allowed on lime Cel Un eaten, lratt- drawn, available In any purl ot the L'uiUid MatKa and all Hie jirluclpal lo u ol Kuio. Collections made d: promptly remitted. flighrst market price paid for Couuty War rants. Htate a;.d County i:oudn. DIRECTORS : John Fit7eerald A. R. Touzallti, C. CurIiiih;. K. Wtiile, John it. CiarL. R. Oeo. E. lovey. K. A. W Mcl auehlln. WEEPING WATER WEE PINO WATER. NEB. E. L. REED. President. 15. A. GIBSON, Vice-rresident. It. S. WILKINSON. Cashier A General Baniina Business Transacted. UEPOMITM Received, and Interest allowed on Time Cerll- flcatea. UKAKTM Drnwn available in any part of the Unlteu States aud all the principal cities of Europe. Agents for the celebrated mm. .MR nf nmm. w w w mm mm A mw w I Bank Cass County Comer Mala and Sixth Streets. PLATTSMOTJTH USTIEIE J JOrtN BLACK. President, tJ. M. PAT'liKSON. Cashier, f Transacts a Qenural BanXius Bnsiiiess. HIGHEST CASli lUilCE Paid Jor County and City Wai.ant COLLKt'riU.H J1AIIK and promptly remitted for. dikfcctok8 : Jolr. Black, J. M. I'att ison, C. H. Pari) el p. K. Gutbmann. J. Morrifsey, A. JJ. rnlta. Kmd .;r-!r 3 .- ARNICA PREPARATIONS ' noniistrv has discovered no.emulv m hr to Vrrjioa f i- healing external erupriTis. Pr. mm iv prepared and coiuoiced. if lias no equal ab toilet ureparatlon. The LjKl-ebt condci.' Batlo.. of arnica. Wi:: speodiiy cure cliai - Ixxl lmut.4, criM-k i lf4 nil ifknoliiii'bi of the skin. 'whether cnused fror- c imttic inn ence9 or the use of HUhTFll COSJ1ETK Will euro pliplMi on iugu hiii! wb, rt-i-d ri: vh 8km noli and r. Iiivit ualilx i,, S: KIwuid. A lamiiy ronieiiy for cuts, bui-ns.bmih u sores. riUbU xi iojial A uur, Xoc. TOILET SOAI rellRhtftilly prr ft tin-J, lillily lilt i lctKl. Al solut Iv r.nt-n Itftotia tl hkin fnra chappiu' an I Imparts to it lire nn it lieattny k:ov. Vnriv; lied for cleanina tl. 1 -n p ana eradicating dandruff. Tho most pr 00 1 toiiut soap in tha wond. AliICi. 25 cents. Shaving So - A rnfdieated artic! of rare merit. I 're vent- all pimples JAKES SIf WIXO aI'KLIi,Ui. h na rsel by Ieadin' J3arbera. via nv nf it. Withour. rar illol as a Bhavins ROfl n I?irh ii t ittier and lastins. Keens the tn nnH f-oia pimples. 1 ICIU 15 eta. for a large cake. ARNICA TOOTH SOAP Is without aucstiou tho most pcrfict or t cle ever pvoducod as it not only cleans es the t eth tborouRhly, I ut tho oombin- tior wi h arnica preserves and hardens the frums. 1 ives i cue Dre.tn a sweet, acucut ouor. lit aste is deliebtf u - Price. 5c n. box All drueeistn se 1 the above articles, or we will mail them, postpaid, i.u recei.it of price. C. H. STRONG & CO., Sole Proprietors and Manfrs., Chicagf WILL J. WA11RICK, AGENT, PLATT8M0UTH, ... NURUU. C3 CD -S 3 e 5" 03 h h 0 GO o C3 CO w pa 1 s 0! 13 H H 0 GO -s CD a n a CD CO s o ROBEftTDONNELLV'S "W.C3-02ST AITD BLACKSMITH SHOP, mm 9 H Soft (j s J mT tWaffoti, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing and gerteral Jobbing I w now prepared to Co all ktnda of rrpalrlcg of farm aud other machinery, as to ere ts a good Uvthn in oiy shop. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Wagon Make, has taken charge or tae "agon scop. Me if well kao-vn as a -(J WOUKMAK. 8A03fAOTtOii ItUAJtAr JXJ. 1 v - Unpl Bellied FALI . & WINTER GOODS EM IJRACING AN ELKO ANT VAUIKTV OF mi m, C -dIFSIFIESBrs. Dress Goods We don't ca ments on our 1 inent, for we k much better j though our bt used to get the the handsome market, and done to lind tit of goods inferi found, and at j; all we can baud Dress Goods. re to make 11113' cjiii 'ine in this dejart iiow the latlies are udges than we are, st endeavors were latest styles and t materials in the e left nothing uu r the ladies a line (-r to none to be rices that will ell He this Fall. vn In Ph am, JJrocade t Shades. The Newes I TT T Hosiery. ,,"; his department we a collection of La 1 Children' goods, ty and cheapness , quailed. which for varie has ntver been t lie largest assort jnt ever opened the best mikes, ever before. An White .Merino adies' Scarlet all it. here. We have and cheaper than excellent Ladies' suit for $1.00. L wool at $2.75 a su 9 Uussii The Lates Styles ever t Carpets, On ibi ese Goods One THE El Mat KHORN HEAE QUARTERS FOR -ALE, WI N.r.S, BEER AND CIGARS, Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WIN! ?S, MUM M'S EXT. I!A DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUIS BEER. ''s On Alwayjs on & E"IHTI3 ALWAYS IN THE Fitzgerald Block EL UKLlNGTO "i-i uufimgion Pullman from CJWcfi i Karuas City, Chicago & ounal Bluffa. Chicago A Bea Slav. Thi. atiZ ;eph. Atchison A Topelca. Only Uiroueh line txv Iwvh Cliirnro. Lincoln X- nmrw Tt,m,.k nn wtween IndianaDolis & Council Elu-'T-i vlaPwin O j A. k'Sp I cniwri BtgTii u.fB. '."! ''1"'iifM , Epnt Day Ooaebcs. Harior Cars wttt Bectfa-' 9ei? ff!. Smoldiuj Cars. trlthX J rroivuig wiaira. rultrnan PalaM Xlw ithe famous All con rvertioca mad in Union Depnu. it ia pnown as the great THROUG if JAB U.VE. i Colorado. Finest Eciuioped Railroad In the Wnrin fAr r. POTTER, id Vico-Pres't and Cteol Manage.-. KERCE.VAL, LOWXLX. t Attractions, mm, AND Blank' ts ahd Comforiables. We are able to give 3-011 bottom ju ices on these goods. Our etock is large and new, and von will have no trouble in making selection, Yarns. Our stock of Yarns comprises everything in Western ami Oer man knitting; also, full lines of Oerman towns, Saxonies, etc, miiJ PlHsies. and ranev lMLbi irnirH j 1 Cheaper Than Ever Before. We carry all the lead inir brands, from tin? best to the cheapest, and make the prices right with you every time. The best 50c Corset in the cit3'. Sole agents h-r Ball's Ilcilth and N tuving Cornets, Warner's Jlipl) and Thomson's Olove Fitting. Ladies' Musi Mmw.- In this line we cany nothing but nu de firm the best muslin, and finest tiimmingf-. Full line. MWMiiYd.ANQ. y n Circulars, Piilelos, etc., t, The Ecst, 1 he UotMest hown here; prices ranging from 5 to 05. tings and Oil Cloths. we are Headquarters Door Last of 'rst .ati,uid liunk. SALOON aaha Beer i draught. E of CIGARS CTOCK, AT SHORN PLAITSaTOLTTII, xeb. N.hOUTE,:i cc r-oncv r. 'raad.i G K fJTl AND SOUTH unii of Sl yiict Pay Ooachoa and Pull ojoru. aS mrs aim run LuIv t ...ri nuringt.fJedar U DlT.Tnd" AKfiS Jt1.??. . lJ.nrlor Cars WiUi 1 LnSrl J""1 rU aodto It is universally adi A ed to be ti. ssos cf Travcf. j en. Fata. Ag't. Chirago ' i t: ,1 ;b ' '