OPERA HOUsE BLOCK If JWL Order Utkeu for ttlLM'N l.l.ns.' HIII:1H. I IF. Young m -A-CnT31-L-H:0 Aj5JJD C1QAE8. James Pettee. PLATTSHOUTH OPERA HOUSE.! October 1, 1883 I H. ... .jr'or the next Thirty Days I will Bell Mason&Hamlin Organs AT COST ! To clean up aa tine a stock of Organs as ever were oftered to the pub lic. Any one in want of a fine Organ will find it to their rnterest to rail and get my prices. For the above time you can get a MASON & "Tho Boot in as low, or lower, than the so-called cheap Organs, for CASH, RENTAL, or TEN-QUARTERLY-PAYMENT plan. AMI 23. Hardware AT SAGE'S OLD STAND. ITlie Mest JLine of (look Stoves, " djiasoline Stoves 66 tinware " " (General DHardware To found In tbe City. Kew good at prices t&ot defy oompt-tion. Give me a call AMU IB TTGDUDHD. SCo andl 7kc "Warranted to be as good as any wire made. We also keep in stock a general assortment of HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country. C all and see us in the Rock wood Block. v wlm,,, Cass County WAOIAN & KIRBY, Propr's. Plftttsmontli. jNTefo. HASUrAVTUltMLI OF '-" JBOIJLJBILIS, ENGINES. IKOX FllOV-S. S..HUSE COLUMNS. faciiitii or iicivy work Ujiu mm and Cstior;s for Business Houses am paased to the State. ACUINE KKPAMINO of all kind. Oar Machine Shop id fully equippe-. all clasae of work in iron, patronize K Mraika manufacturing. We duplicatf all eatrr pricea, savhi? 1 ctht and tiau. Pirti"-! I""1 ltn- i .tv nnrt of the State sh'mld write for our terms nf rrinr.? CASS C0XrST77 XZ027 WOr.SS " OPERA IICUSE 4'I,OTIIl:itH, r -AMt- GENTS ITRMSHER TOST OFFICE l!ews Depot. P 8TATIONKKY. MASON Sc HAMLIN HENRY F. MILLXS an4 . HAMLIN, tlio World, ' or on (Keneirnl Agent. TODD'S Emporium ON LOV El: AIAIN STREET. 9 M Tinners' StocH ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY Excelsior ST. LOUIS. MO Iron Works I f gs- M PLfflSlOTB 1ERALD. rUB LI 80 ED BT f he Plattsmontta Ltal PttMisUa? Co. Telegraphic (U.NKKAL NEWS. Detailed Hesumo of the Business Situation. Washington t s. Grimes anil Casualties. Miscellaneous Matters. CONDITION OF TRADE. New York, Oct. 5. R. G. lun & Co. of the mercantile agency report that the week just closed has been oue of quietude in Ne York with a very con kideraole decline iu the volume of busi ness, which is to be expected as the teaaoD advances. Reports from western cities indicate more activity, and ex changes in that section show increased business. No special feature bus been presented in the markets. Moderate ac tivity prevails in dry goods circles, and the season's trade is neither unsatisfac tory in dimensions or in profits. Fail ures continue to be numerous, but seem to reflect more mistakes of the past tl an any serious defects in busi ness at present. Tbe money market coutiuues easy. The exhaustion of surplus revenue of the banks leads to a contraction of loai.8, the effect of which however, has not been at all serious, Grain markets have been irregular aud unsettled, but without much vari- I tiou iu prices. Then; is a better leel iug in the provision trade, but the ad vance in prices is slight Cotton is ktroner, in view of the probable re duced crop, but receipts have interfered with fuy uinU-imI a-! value in pri. tr. iVtroiouin bas bi-eu iair;j steady w'ih a tendency tit the cloae-lipoids. Fiuils arc iu good request, at about previous rates, Lhwugh lor ouittiiu3 descriptions prices are a little betier. ilaw sugars are fairly active. litliued are in good tiemaud at steady priced. 'I he grocery trade is generally without a change. The iro.'i trade dcK3- nut show liiucli iiie. BRITI'U OKaIN TKaUK. Liverpool, Oct. 5. Ihc Lading v t, k ly giatu circular rajs v. heat i? quiet, but steady. Previous higL prices are Ht-lt maintained. ' Cargoes oft tuaoure thinly held. Oue cargo of Caii:'na.i 01 ought rather mote mouey. A tew ouly remain unsold. Today there was an average attendance at tbe market aud moderate business in wheat. There was a fair it tail demand for flour, but prices are uot altered. Corn is in good request; prices are Id lower. A CONFERENCE. New York, Oct. 5. Francis Adams, leprestruting the Uoivu Pacific, aud Presideut Lov. joy, 01 the Lieuvex & Rio Grande, have litid ac(nfereuce to con sider the traffic arrangement between the two companies. Ames aud Adams left for the west last even iug aud Presi dent Lcvejoy leaves next week, when negotiations will be resumed and closed at Denver. COLLISION ON THE BAIL. Columbus, Oct. 5., A section of a freight traiu ran into a caboose on the Newark divison of the Pan Han dle this morning, killing Thi mas Vransnaw, Draaeman, ana injuring another man. A Scioto Val'ey pass euger, going out, ran into one of the box cars, damaging the engine, out the crew jumpfU, saving their lives. CAPTCBJCOAT LAST. Chicago, Oct. 5. Chicago detect ives passea through here last night for Tilden, Texas, in charge o. a man named Ciabe Young who is wanted for the murder ol a man named O'Donnell iu November, lb78. The prisoner was arrested on a ranch sev euty miles south of Kawlins, ou the Union Pacihc railroad, where he was living with a Mrs. Castro, having driven the husband of the woman away. Itislcldof Young that he and his brother eartied ou a career of brigandage iu the southwestern part of Texas for a number of years, robbing stages. Tne murder ot 0'Doni.cll n. suited in their being driven irom the country. TELLOW FkVEB. Mexico, Oct. 6. 1 he yellow lever epidemic at Vera Cruz has entirely subsided, The steamer Whitney will resume her trips betneeu Nca Oilcans, Galveston, ani Vera Cruz on tbe lUlh last Penaeola, Oct. 5. Not even a ru mor of yellow fever. Marianne, Tal lahasseacd iliilen raised quarantine today. SCOT AT FKOSI AlaBLSH. Adrinn, ilk-b., Oct 5. Aa t he- Lake Shore traiu which k-tt Chicajro yosteiday mornir.g, due here in the "afternoon, was nearing the city it wssfied upon by concealed person. Three windows v.-ere I roken iu, and three paaseni;e:-3 bnd their fac-rs ha'. !y cut b' the fragments of fl ii-g fc'laes. Officers are in pursuit, but no arrestb have jet been made. 6T0RU OS THE LAKE. Milwaukee, Oct 5 A bottle was ucked up on tb beach at North Point today holding a paper on f cil: "The steamer Itice lan ashore, and all hands are lost." It wnri sign- j ed, P. J. Rice and Charles GraHVr. There is uo steamer Rice known, to ! the marine men hen, but there is a barge Rice, of which nothing is known, not, even hr approximate wherciJ)-.nls. The wind Iras l- S biowinir niiiht and dav f'lum the Mtutheust, and the fcclioouer C. i. J Trowbridge hliil'ud her cargo oil" thia port and lost her deck load of post, j Mie was not waterlogged as report ed nt first.. The Ktorui has been so severe that vessel men look fo wrecks on thia part o' Luke Michi gan, though none are reported as yet. WILL BE INVESTIGATED. Washiugtou, Oct. 5 The commis sioner of internal revenue said today that the statements recently made in the United States court at Wheeling, V. Va, that an organization known as the "Red men," having for its ol ject the protection of illicit distillers, and that a United States gauger named Marion Ilowe was at its head, aud had been levying tax ou moonshiner?, would be investigated by revenue offi cers, lie had received no information confirming them, but ha regarded them sufficiently important to be investi gated. SIMPSON'S CASE. First Lieutenant James F. Simpson, of the Tnird Cavalry, tried by court martial at Chicago tor conduct unbe coming an officer and gentleman, in having married a woman who had been bis mistress, is now before the secretary for transmission to the President for liual action The court louud Lieuten ant Simpson guilty, aud sentenced him to diamassal. It is understood that Judge Advocate General Swaiin, in bis review of the caer, lakes exception to the action of the court, and recom mends that tbe sentence be set aside. OOLO CERTIFICATES. Secretary Folger toUay decided it in compatible with the interests of the public service, and with public conve nience, to provide a distinctive issue of gold certificates for Chicago. WILL ACCEPT. The comptroller of the currency has accepted an invitation to attend the convention of tbe American buukers t. ...:... .... next. APPOINTED. J. M. Ke.tn vw appointed post mailer at IiLb! City, Liaho. Advertising Cheats 121 4Iii has i-rci'tutr t:o common jo vt'rite the beginning ol an at tide, in aa t le gal) t, ijiirie.-uiig luui.iicr. iutu mil ii cuiiio uvi vtl fc.iti mr-iir Unit wts Hvmii 1! ii.-l .... . . ! ,. Att iiiiply enil ittlt Uiiou to tho mt-iivf 't lb'p Uirters in pi liu, !io;i-! eat t,-rms a posaiblc, ... - i "lo llotue people -To give them one trial, v.hici- proves liii-ir vaiuc tliui ti;ey u-u any tiling else." will r.evei 'fliii Uemel-y so favoiabiy noticed in ail the papt-isi, leIigiou and rtciilar, ia "Having a iaigt: saie, and is sup plautiHg all oi her medicine. There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors o. Hp Bitteis have shown gryat shrewd Ues. "And al'ility "Iu compounding a medicine whose virtues are o palpable to every one's observation." Did She Die? No! "fehe liugeied and Buffered along pin ing away all the time tor years," "The Oociors doing her no good," 'And at last was cured by this II op Bitters the papers bay so much about "Indeeu! Iudeeu!" "flow thankful we should be for that medicine." A Daughter's Misery "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery, "From a complication of kidney, liv br, rheumatic trouble and Nervous de bility, "Under the care of the best physic ians, "Who gave her disease various names, "But no relief, "And n..w she is restored to us iu good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, ibit we had shunned for ye&ra before using it." The Parents. Father is Getting Well. "My daughters saj : "How much betier father is since he used Hop Bitters." "He is getting well after his long suffering from a dioea.se declared incur aide" "And we are so glad that he uped your Bitters." A Lauy jf Utica, N. Y- St Louis Fair. The Mo. Pac. Ry. will sell excursion tickets Lou sville to St Louis and re turn Fair week at $13.75 sale of ikts., to commence St pt UO. and coi'tinues io and including Oct. 6 1883 g4od re turning on or before Oc B. During the week visitors may witness at night "Veiled Prophets htree t Pa geut.,a "The mopt extensive rt splay of Fire "Works ever seen in Amerie,"' and numerous o- her dazzling atti na tions, all of wl.ich surpta iu ln-ignid-eeuce- and fpleudor uuythin or the kiod ever before witnessed. For Tick ets or information cull n or address J P E.Hs Lcc:d Tkt. Apt. Louisville ifeb. l7fldStf License otiCD. Notice is hereby given, that the on dersitiurd has iiin.de spplicatioa and tiled h;s petition with thn County Com-mis-fioners of C':'a con. ty N'jraski, ir lieeuse to sell malt, spirituous and Vinous nq'iora ut bis p!ace of bubii:ess iu south iVjnd, Ct'.ss county. Jfebrjisku, and that the sa:no will come berore.rhe Coijimiusioners for av-'titsii al tl:u tUibi.T sespicn of itio 1'Oird. M O C;i'Uvir ctp ou iiau 1 tho c! el.ra'ed Aale-uair liurcli it Louin Uot ied tleer and always reieJy t' tay p;ic ticular attcntiou to Iiib custouiprs. BANKS. JoUX MrwiKHALU, A. W. Mi:UUUUI.I lreiaent. i(alilr. FIRST NATIONAL IB .A-ItST ZEC ! l't Arrf-MMl lil. .NhlitiA?KA, , i, .,tfa trau-M.ilua o( it-gliliuuto BANKING BUSINESS. Sl'-okn, Lt. iiU-i, iold. (ovruiri'ni and l.cn bfcuritlf" Holli;!ll una Mold, lrp!iil r rf IV el uiil im-iet alluwctloti tune Utrtiti-can.-", lruft (irwu,MVullalil9 in any 1urt l tlio t'niifil .siHiesnini all Ihv principal tuwim ot Kurup. Collections made tfr promjttly rvmillcd. UIghest marlret prices pall for County War rauts. htateat-d County Boudi. DIRECTORS : John FltZKraid A. G. Toii7aliu. John K. ClarK. Jt. 47. CuhIiIuk. Geo. K. Iovey, K. K. White. A. W Mcl.nui:hHn. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. 11. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Backing Business Transacted. UEPftttlTM Kecvlvod, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. UltAFTN Druwn available In any part of the Unit States and all the principal cities of Europe. Ay tilts for the celebrated -Mmi Line ofe-fflfirs iBank Cass County Cotner Maia and Sixth Stieets. PLATTSMOTTTH i JOHN IlLAl K. President, I 1 J. M. PATTKttSON. Cashier. ( Transacts a General Business HIGHEST CASH PRICE n - r .Paid or County and CUy War.-antu, eULLKUIIOBitt HA 1K and promptly remitted for. iinrcTons : 7.l : Mack. M. 1'atr vsni. C. H. Pari t-l l il. (iiithninn. .) Mirri"s.y. A. U. nirn. Vu'l -Jiu-.it p. MU PREPARATIONS v )ju-i istry Has Uiscov rt-l no .. ;--! b-pi i : t- rt:CH. f v iwalinu oxt-riiitt r-u,,f us. i ,. ,. ( lj' iiropan-d and coluLiul-i. ir hii.- r.-j t-;a l I uilotiroraration. g tge w b j T'S'TT'V ! 9 9 Ii3 U I 1 M ! tLM tTfl fi A J-Jio liurbest. conn- : i jl BK l am S9 satio of arnica W: f 1 lj ISStlnrS it of th akin, whether cv.ru etl t rou. c "r itic in-1 T4 lillU 1-CiUlllli ! A cure iiininles o't hcw hiiJ ut-u. rciui ii .!) skiu Mitt and ti. r. Inv-t'uable in S U;M-uiii. A tamiiy rome.iyfi. rents, duins, bn:.. n . i Hurts. fiilK !' lUJii'AL.'A'LUK.'S, auc. TOiLET SO. r.lUlitftilIy p-r f-.lUfJ, liijIily id, IcHleU, Al Bdliit iv ruro. Kppds tl- urn fr im cbappiw an.1 i?n parts to it life or: a lienltliy irlow. Unriv lied fur cleaning ti. n-n n a id eradicating dandruff. Tho most pn 'act loi.ct soap la tho world. 1'ltICl.. X& cudIm. Shaving So A medicated artic! of ram merit I'rt vents all nlmulm hftalMflftnm fMj.Arift 'i.iiKtf ai'i LiiiUi. knd.inied by Lfetwiin-! B arbors, who aav of it Without parallel as a snavinp: isoap." Kich in lather and luatinir. Keons tho fw - hhH Timk fr J oin piiuples. I'-tICK 13 cts. foi a larae cake. ARNICA TOOTH SOAP la without question the most perfect ar tide ever produced aa it not only cleans- ea the teth thoroushly. 1 ut the combinatiot wl:h arnica preaervea and hardens the Rums. I--gives t j the breAb a sweet, delioat odor. It taste is deliRhtf u Prion, 2 tic a bos. Ail druRgisfcs se 1 tbe above articles, or we Trill Ke.il them, postpaid, on receipt of price. C. H. STRONG fc CO., Sole Proprietors and Mantra., Chicagc WILL J.WARRICK, AO EST, FLATT8M0UTH, NFBRASKA. K3 CO e-e h h 0 ere CD W SO 1 p o CD CD r H 0 C5 3 r-t- O ROBir:DONKELLV'S AUD ISLArKnMlTl! SHOP. Tdavhin and Pb'nv r-- i""""''"'' ytnuruAjMuiuij . Is - :,w lv "iV " - Ul a.1, K,nad ,!I I'P'"' -1 ; W a y:o.l larlif iu tay siiop. : . PET EH RAUB3, The oldlleiiabie Wagon Makei 4hj taia cliarKt- of Xi v&cou snop. He U wi ll known a NO - WOEKM4X. Xtxv M'hcaun ami llwxx' a' : mm AR OA sag P m rn ! O ft 0 & 1 'I I til sr. . il Unparalelled FALL & WINTER GOODS EMKUACINO AN KLF.CiANT VA1J1ETV OF II ill, AND .mMmu mmi bBMbbhm -- hm .mmm Dress Goods. Dress Goods. We tlon't care to make any com ments on our line in this depart ment, for we know the ladies are much better judges than we are, though our best endeavors were used to get the latest styles and the handsomest materials in the market, and we left nothing un done to find for the ladies a line of goods inferi'-r to none to be found, and at prices that will hell all we can handle this Fall. M, ran In I'l.iin, JJrocude and Fancy Fabrhjues. The Newest Shades, Cheaper than ver Before. In this depai tmeiit v. iiier a roiiec- kui t 1 1 dies' Genth' niid ChiidivnV g.-oi. which for vani ty and che has ntver Lten equalled. '1' IM'SS The 1 largest a.-sort -opened nieiit evtr here. We hav- the best m ikes, and cheaper than ever before. An excellent Ladies.' White Merino uit for $1.00. Ladies' Scarlet all wool at $2.75 ii suit. Hosiery Htissiiin ( iretilar.s, Piiletos, etc., The Latest, Ihe Best, The dottiest Styles ever e.hovn here; jiriees ranging from $." to 05. Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths. Oil ihee Gouds are Headquarters One Door Kust of v;rst Kutuun Uank. THE ELKHORN HEADQUARTERS FOR ALE, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS, Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WLNES, MUMiFS EXTIIA DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUIS REER. rugs Always si 1 J&iZi , A LAVA YS IX 3 Fitzgerald RIock 3 U H Li N GTO N h O Ut U" 1 (Chicago, Burlington & Qufncy Wu 'road.) j I - ii m ' j ' i i i T, f- UOIKC AND WEST. I L "p?1 v7 V . n",t rar: , uars w,t Ra".-! JvoiTicg Cbairs. Pullman Palace Sleepinir Cars and ! iiuc iimoiu uimne ani run doily to and ! Trcm Chicago Jt Kansas Qitj, Cnicoco & ouncu tnuJTs, Chicago & tes Moiuea. t'hlcaro. St. Jo- pn. Aiciuson lopeka. Only through line bo jrwe Cnica, Liccriln & Dsnrer. Through cars ibetTrwn IndianaDolia nminril RlufTa nilw;. AU coBoectiors made in Uck-a pota. It a jinown as tbe prait TimOwGH CAS lZH. I Fllest Equipped Railroad in tho World for all Classes of Travel. I fr. J. POTTER. Si Yico-Pros't and Otm Manage-pEBCnVAL tOVEuI " aJ 1 1. oLL. I - - -- - Attractions 1MB, Blank' ts and Comfortables. We are able to give you bottom prices on these goods. Our ftock is large and new, and you will have no trouble in niaktng se lection, Yarns. Our stock of Yarns comprises everything in Western and (Her man knitting; also, full lines of German towns, Saxonies, etc, in ii Piiis. We ni'n :i 1 i t Ii- 1 ;;d- HJJ. ili' lT:ln.-. In, in ti bet to tin i-!ie::j..-:, ni.d ni d i the .rices li'jht with nii t very time. The be.-t r'c Cur-el. in thr city, bole agents fir Jiall's Ileidih and 'uiing Coi sets, Warner's IlipJ) and Thoinsoii's (Jluve Fittiic. Ladies' Hnslio Ufifierwsar. In tins line we carry nothing but iniide firm the best innslin, and finest tiimmings. I-nil line. DOLMANS, 0 clraHiitlttt. ax wy mrw . w- -mw km. c I aw STOCK, AT PI ATTSMOITTII, NER. fed COINC NORTH AMD SflUru Eolid Trains cf Eknt Day Coaches and Pull irom ht Louia. vii Hai am mm HaIIv .a m r,l Paul and Miuaaepolis: Parlor Cars with lioclininif! 3 2L. "wiov. ucuin ana rtsona ana lot uju uwo os. jxnua ana cxcumira. Ciuy or obt orrwvmt m. Louis and Ix Colorado. It is university admJned to ba ti ALOON