I I . . " !?) 1 WWII PLATTSMOUT1I, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER C, 1883. NO. JfcO VOL. 1. n r i 1 : ii I 4 J A Public Spirit forTrade GOiNO ON AT THE t Pl.HTTSMnilTR ffP.RAT.Tl. A. XJA. A. A Mill V X U XXU IIUUW i ri I5l.IuHEI DAIL7 AND WEEKLY BY me Plattsiontl. Herald PnMisliiiig Co. DM i.Y, delivered by caiTirr to any j-art of the city .3 15 IVr Week IV r Month ... IVr Year 7 00 WEEALY. by mall. Jne copy tlx months SI 00 ue p'Jpy nue year 'I w) Kt-KistereJ ai t..e 1'ont Office, I'lattHinouth, an second cla.su matter. 4 Our nwthnls :ire to interest you in our ool clotlit'4. We be lieve the hest is none too goml, where it can be purcliawl at a moder ate price. English Corcsccow Suits and Overcoats. WuM you enjoy Becing something niet. f Then call, when passing, - and examine our Children's Department. V hunlly know how to describe them, there ar so nfany; but if you have but 2.00 to spend for a child's suit, and 1.75 for an " overcoat, we can supply your wants. Undershirts and Drawers FOR 75 Cts. CVme ami wc will serve you so well that you will always trade at OPERA HOUSE CLOTHING STORE' Sole Agents FOR Surfs Shoes. TALKS ABOUT TOWN. I urn one that was glad when the I'lattsmouth & Southwestern failed to materialize, said a well known citizen of means the other day. I believe that a road southwest from here would cut iuto our viry best territory and leave the citv denendeut uoon its own re- sou rem, which position we are not prep.trtd to be placed iu at present. Piattstnouth, he coutinued, would, but for the hail cyclone, have enjoyed the most prosperous time iu its history this year, and the buttiues men have but to weather this disadvantage and reap success iu the future.. We are going to sweep everything clean in coutny politics this fall, said a democratic member of the legislature iu our hearing tho other day. The re publicans havn't a candidate but that lias some opposition in their ranks, and we are going to have everything hat' mouious with ua and elect our ticket. As we ambled away, we thought if he could hear some of the western dele gates to the democratic convention talk he would decide that if thev really had to have harmony that it would coma very high. ,A prominent republican, while rest ing his feet on our office stov tha other day, stated hai he occasionally heard a republican remark that the nominee tor district clerk had a hard light to pud through... I don't understand, he coutinued, why an industrious, capable, honest young man as" our nominee is, should be piedieied as one in danger of defeat. Jonathan IIatt J. W. Marthis Beef, Pc Mu I have noticed Democrats never speak but for their whole ticket. I be lieve Ilt-publicaua should take especial pride in electing their ticket entire, and I'm one ready to do special work fi-r any man that's liable to tall behind such men as that are always welcome at. these headquarters. Speaking of politics, a Democrat was attempting to make capital the other ay, by stating that M. B. Reese, the candidate for supreme judge, was once City Cierk of Plattsraouth. It isn't every man that has the energy and ability from a small beginning to rise iu the world to a position commanding the respect and . endorsement of the public which brings to him the honor of the nomination for one of the most desirable offices in the State, a. man not possessing ability and public con fidence would be seeking a renomiua lion for City Clerk. I believe said cne of the trio who rcceutly visited and interviewed the Holder of the FlattsmoLth City High School Bonds, in New York City, that we shall be able to secure an unlimited extension of time, at a very low rate of interest, and avoid an oppressive levy to pay the indebtedness. We are very confident that all can be arranged sat isfactorily continued our informant, and especially so to the city I think the couuc.il ought to secure new and more commodious quarters, remarked the Police Judge to the May or, the other dav, and'if they will do so 1 will heat and light it free of ex- t. : i r : : (n owl thtx m ymmr -m 1 pense wime a. icluu.hi iu uiuur, onm IFnll lLine General Merchandise. Mudge.as he Mt the Mayor studying HnecesHors to A. . II VTT. HEAJZXSTT.IiTTSieS FOB CHOICE Suo-ar-Cured Hams, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept' in a first-class meat, marKei. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid tor Hides Wool, Pelts, mease, sum. -o-- Fresh Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday Morning. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call and Satisfy Yourself JOSEPH V WECKBACHS COLORADO CORRESPONENCE. Denser, Octobea 3, 1863. The autumm.1-season has come once more and the summer tourists are de parting from this State; and those be longing here who have been soiourning abroad during the summer are return ing. This in other States is the time of political activity, and the guber a- torial elections are absorbing the minus 1 rf the people and diturluug the ordi nary current of busiuese. But here, thanks to the 6) stem of biennial elec tions, there is little to umuse the poli tician snve the little matter of county elections. The Exposition closed on Sunday I fruits, am! dairy products, during tho ! reason, and for HaturJty there! was a competition in pumpkin pies. The en tries were numerous and the commis sioners concluded it was bebt to make a feast of the specimens, and also the fruit exhibit, and with the ndddition of other viands a very elaborate spread w is made to which all visitors were made welcome. It wu9 a jolly, good natured time, and at the close of tLe jaw exercise," there were exercises of a more intellectual nature at the speaker's stand. President Irwin Ma lum, ol the Board of Couimissionjr9t presided, and there were addresses from nearly every one of ihe commis sioners in reply to lonsts to the exhib iting states, territories and counties. Mr. Dongl6 Gray, who has represented Arizona, made a speech, which to s;u the leuct, was in very bad taste. Early in the season he had attempted to re move. the Arizona display from the building, iu violation of the contract entered into by the exposition manage ment and the territory of Arizona, which contract specified that exhibits should remain on exhibition until the close of the Exposition. The man agement were obliged to use legal means to prevent the commisioner finm removing the display, and in con sequence, the most amicable etate ot feeling possible did not exist bet ween the management and Commissioner Gray. The Board of Commissioners, while it did not endorse the action of Mr. Gray, had nothing to do with the action or the management, and extend ed the proper courtesy of inviting him tc speak iu reply to the toast to Arizona on "their day." ' -Mr. Gray replied to the toast and took occasion to air jis personal opinion of the management and the jude who had issued the re straiut upon him when he hud attempt ed to take away his ores, find m so do- inc. in my liuuiblo opinion, made a very uncalled for and discourteous dis play of spleen, for the occasion was a celebration by his brother commission ers, and not of the management, and his was the only incongruous, portion of the day's programme. Assistant Secretary Frank II. Wilson, one of the hardest worked and most energetic members of the Board ..f management, was made the recipient of an elegant uold watch, chain ami Masonic emblem by the employes of the exposition of fice. Sunday morning . The presmt was a deserve'' tribute of esteem to a worthy official. The displays of cereals, fruit and vegetables from Colorado farming dis tricts during the last few we- ks of the show was a splendid feature. Among the great varieties, perhaps Fremont and Delta counties made the most strik ing displays. The show of mammoth vegetables from the last named county made a striking advertisement for the prolific qualities of the district and the value of irrigation. Well, the show is over, and all in all, it was a success, The displays were large and varied and the .management, while it has probably made no money, has carried out its plans and fulfilled its agreements, despite much abuse and quite a lack of proper encouragement at its home. The show has already shown rich returns. Many mines have been sold, and much done in the way of starting negotiations whic'a will am ply repay those interested, for what little expeuse they were under in mak the exhibits. One of the most striking illustrations of the value of the expo -sition as an advertising medium, is the experienc of the exhibitors in Pueblo county. Last year Fueblo made no show. This year she made a splendid one. Amoug her exlulmors was Air. Randall the inventor and proprietor of Randall's Rock Drill, lie had been to much expense "and trouble in introduc ing and advertising his invention pre viously, and he had seen very meagre returns. He brought it to the expo sition and put it in active operation, and now goes home with 2,508 orders for the drill. The Colorado coal and iron company and the south Pueblo machinery com-uar-y have each as many orders as they can Gil for many mouths and coming from Maine to Sun Francisco, 11 the result of making full and elaborate dis plays at the exposition. And so on. The show has not been closed a half week and the goa l results ara showing themseles. It was a grand success. summation, it would have many a vantages over the present method of Conducting the exhibition; one of which would bo tho effective sileucing of the captious critic who now fay thit the enterprise is n private specula tion. W. M. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER. IIIJICKSJUITH not.sn SMOKING A WACON KK1AIUIN( All KiDfls of Farm' implements Mended will afuos and Dispatch. lillli IN mm Horse, MuIcA: Ox Shoeing n short, we'll shoe anything that hap four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Com and see us. XnTJ"W shop n Fitth St between Mara and Vine Street .ist across e corner frofti the nkw HKKAL IFKlCK. --- o 00 T3 2 s: o o S "5 c es -2 o a 0.3 a S3 e w o l-i CC S S S J2 V! ? rr a? a 2 M 'J 03 !J !W Si 2 CO 3 Si 3 03 7t a a t m CL. Or 0 O "3 g h n S sl 2 eS 1 CO a o o x 03 2 -2 a c cfl a 3 The Newest, Tlio Jiest, The ilot Complete and JETK 1FA.1HI TBIIIE (UBILIBAIPIES'IP. Our Big Hew Slock Came tor Jiargain Hunters iu. Every .J.)ejartm lit. IPriccs that dDthers Will Iot, Critical and economical )myvrs tliis i. u tirejitOpportunity Hiid . the Cilorious Kebult will tnoiV. than J 'lease You. Uemein her every purchase you make-of us thin seanon iliall he - Ik It "OUT ilia IBilH G-illBTI Our assortment ia immense, amt it i " A Hard Crowd We Caanot Please. Ouu Low and One Price System is . 9 for our competitors, but a great opportunity lor yon. We have by far the Largest, Newest and JJEfcT stock of Mens' Youths' Hoys and Z 5 S e V a as til child ren s Li 3C it r . Tlie Favorite Line ever shown in Plattsmouth. Visitor Welcome. No trouble to show goods. L 11 I C St J., ui C. B Safest. Best and Most ReiiaWe LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent D ning Car3, "F.1ora-t. T)av flnae.lipa 2 St Loms Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Bail? Atc ison Trains Daily, Two .Trains for St Paul, Minneapolis, Sioux Oitj V i 1 all 0 '.;ii 1 1 nrt!iwe. witU Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansas City aifl St. Panl WITHOUT CHANGE All trains run on tinie.connecting for all tpolnt. East West, North & South lickets for sale at all reular ticket oflicex, nfor. nation regarding rates, tiaie, &c. cueer- lully given cy auS p b a rsa bd. A C. Dawfj,, Ueu'l supt. Geu'l Pasg. Assent. MKMRY BCF-CK DEALEI4 IN FURNITURE SAF -c, CHAiRF. ETC., KTC., ETC. Of All Description., METALLIC B I7EIAL CASES WOODEK" COFFINS f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash MY F1NKHEAR8B c3 jrxn III II fill TYi THE OlsTE-IICEl CLOTHIEB Blake's New Building, Opposite City Hotel. JUST 1353 The mauagers mcaut it for a perma nent institution. They are men of hraina. enerev and canital. and thT 2a - will carry out their design. The dav for the opening of the expo nition of 1881, ia already appointed, and the work of pteparatiou already begun. It is to be hoped tht eacu year it will becocne nire national ia its character; No old stock to work off. The latest patterns cf & LASS AND GTJEEIrS-W ABB FLOUH AND PBOSH&. TI1E WCggT MAEKET- PRICE X iiii' vx - - - . DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMOUTH. lost thi lust rlava beinsr well attended. ! ,v,,.t in irltirinn tn the disnlav of the ;..tnr.1rtv was the Commissioners' dav.i - iith unH ri-siiniT.es of the west, may following the county flays, wnen eacn ; he added liberal contributions trom tne 1 A FINE LOT OF MACKEREL, LABRADORE HERRING, TROUT, WILD V.'AVL COD FISH, Aso a choice lot of XiElftOXTS ORAK CES. - We have a fine stock of ' amies famil y qrq gebies, Fancy rands oX MINNESOTA,. KANSAS AND MISSOURI FIOUR. I have tn etoc a Cne line of Queens ware, Glassware, Lamps. All our goods are ne d fresh.- " ' Will Eichanse lor Country Froiuce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Haul Next door to Court House, Plattsmouth; Neb, udAsmi M. B. MURPHY & CO. manufactures of the north and .east, and the plautatioca ot the south. A Conmiisincera day was a notable , chase stock to the end of having the rr-1 I n n . T r.: AV..n ..... 1 ... . 1 - county exhibiting had especial po- grammea for tho excurbiouisU from their localities. I " t ' 1 1 XS . ha.1a n MnB ! V ""i . " V " I " tur uupiaH ui vri YCftciawiworejit, avW UUdwea ywie 1 iMjn aLAU 1 Ol. OfiTYiV iC.. With many thanks for past patrjnaft. I invite all to call and examine my LAEGE STOCK OF 3ltf. Kk aiKTrtK AKII COKKIXI M. O'CONNOR. Atjthe down-town saloon. CPrOoITE THE PEUKINlilOrSE, Keeps a complete iae of - liiquors, AND CIGARS, BOTTLEDJ BEFR, ALE AND . PORTER, KEUG'S OHAEA . .BEEP. and the best brands of Kentucky -"n'' ' - whlsKie, ' EASTWARD WESTWARD Dairy Expreos Trains for Omha, Chleari" S3 !!y KxpreM train for IVnver eonnerthTit Kan Oty. Ht. Ioui8. and all points fcv.s TT .,ion l.ot for all points in Cnloradn Utah' Thrrmgh Car. via Peoria to Ind anapoll. El.- aliforoia and the entire Vet. The advent vl ?,.VPulI,a.n a a,nd dv cor ' .' h' n- he traveler a ew ItontV to tha : iTltrongh Ticket at the lowest t'ate are on ale at all lh important rtation wiHi;,he?.,"1Cdf8t'"'tJoD- An o.''rn.atI.0aJ. to rate.route. " r lira, tkblw uTK 0UxrfarCttae4uapuUSBaany Hjrentorto udih i vm 1. t. J 3.