The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 02, 1883, Image 3

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IMfcrwor lo Mtrrlskf A Miller.
A turn line of
Saddles Bridles Collars Whips. let
MlwavK Id stock.
lit ai i ivy ut ait 1 11 at .cfj liit.t o
tfrrt notice.
Mulu Street. Ix tvrfD Komth attd Flitb..
7 T XI ) P.
Old Reliable
l'lt -nl and LetaU Dealer lo
I1)M;.IS. lath,
t i'i 1I1 . ii 1 1 11. tear 2 l Utilise.
.1 ,Vr, it T 'I ! H1 AM a
Li 1 1 hOTEL.
T.,t 1 t:iuiiii.l three Hoiy lrick structure. on
If.vt-i A mm! Mint, ha Jum ti-ei. finished and
flflxt iii 1 01 theaeeiin 11: od at Ion of
A Goed Ear co.nernoi.b tt..
Will BUY aud SilILL all kinds of
U ill adviii ce n urey on all
on luwer ilin street.
Oite d'-cr vest of BeckV Furniture sore
1 lattt-ti 1 lit I . Feb. 1st. 18S3 48tf.
n AI i:FAt'TlIKI o
Plattsmoitth, Nebraska
Just Received
or ijii-oktation.
A Challenge 5c Cigar,
H ial: made tor tb retail Ui'de only.
Peppeiberg's Clar Factory
l'raciical Architect.
rlM kit Hto.joiUo-is iU carefully
atTied out. and foil attention will b given a
to safety and durability.
l.EfcO.M 0 FAIXT1AG .
4Wteri"olors. Crayon and TenciL
Ccrv t"-oOBro9 A uibiu'e store, Uitio at
BT -
Tbs Plattsmontlk Herald PnliMiiiE Co.
ornriAL papkk ok tuk city-
for CUy od Count v Directory, Hallway Time
Tables, releplioue Elena iic f.ulne . Di
rectory, U'mlness Card Ac, ee fourth pae.
Notice to Advertisers.
Copy for rilul ty advertisement or cliani.
In wlverilseiueulM uia-i On handed la to tue
biwliievioince not Iturr than 10 a. 111. of the
day in wincii tliey are to be inserted. Copy
for ay local and special notlee mum Lie
liaudcl In before 3 p. iu each day to laMure in
sertion. II M. ltl.aHNJ.l-i.
tiurlurs Manager.
Republican Mate Ticket.
For Jude of the Mupremn C iurt,
For Kegeni ut ilia L'uiverslty,
M. J. II L'LL, (Long Te 111)
John r. mallaliku. (Um Term)
J. M. IUATl,th.rt reriu;
K. '. HOLMES. (Short Term )
Second Judicial District
For Judt;e of the District Court,
8. It I'OLND.
Republican County TISkat.
For Count Clerk,
John w.jknninus,
of I'latUtuouth.
F ov County Trea.uu r.
WM. 11, SEW ELL.
of i'laltfiuout 11.
Tor .Sheriff,
of 1'IaiiKuiouth.
For t'o'inty Judge,
of Veepini Water.
For Superluieiiueiil 01 Sciiooln.
tYKUa Al.'lo.N,
of isio.-e creek.
For Ciik of the Di.nict Court.
of All. l'lt'Jvlit.
For County Surveyor,
of I'lHliBiiiontii.
For County Coroner,
I'fcKKY r. O ASS,
of i'Ultxuiouih.
For Coiniiiissioiier, 'ihitu Dutriet,
-ol Stove Creek.
ML. or 1
Meets every Moiuiay evening at their
CamJe Hall, lu Kockwoou iJ.och. Vis
iling Kuigiits are inviteu to attend.
J. W. .IENN1NGS. C. C.
W. L Dykeh. K. of It. aud ci.
A. ftallNbury, DcutlMt.
C. A. tlartiliull, UentiMt, nuc-
tsor 10 Clu.ler A, Muikliull.
Veedi extiucled wilhuul paiu,
Uj line 01 AUrus oxide 4u.
The Commissioners' Court is in ses
sion the part of this week with a
lull board.
I). L Blue, the newiy promoted main
liue freight conductor, is moving bis
family to Lincoln todty.
llev. Mr. Burgess parish school in
very successful, both in numbers in at
teiiuaiice and 111 the interest taken by
Ji e Ford has engaged the lumber,
and will put a new fl-jor in Ft'zerald'a
ball, which will give him a nobby
rl .k.
We learu that Kichey Bros, several
diva ago i-old their fine team and
hai lies for f 500. this is a good round
sum eVeu for H-igood a learn.
South Auburn people are all excited
over a $(,000 creamery, they are to
li ve; the requisite buildln'ge having
already been con; meted for.
The bar association have adopted a
schedule of fees, w hich will be printed
and followed in the different courts,
from Police to Supreme
In the replevin suit on trial yester
day between Dr. Meade aud Mrs. Stull,
a decision was reached for the defense.
Ve are informed the case will be ap
Jerry Hartmau attached some prop
el ty of Mrs. Orr, uu rent account, tthe
eplevined the same aud yesterday Jus
tice Newberry was br.sily engaged to
sec in wuoun the property legally
The suspense iu Iowa will soon be
over. Ou next Tuesday We expect to
see the hignly moral'' democratic
party of that State buried beneath a
c clone of republican ballots. We
dou't mean a cyclone for speed, bu t for
herculean, unswerving strength.
"We learn that Mrs. A Spiers, a for
i;er cinzt-n of this city, and a sipter of
vV. R, Murray died at her home in Kan
sas last week; Mr. Spiers had been iil
:or some time, one of tier brothers here
was goiug down this week to see her,
h not knowing that she was so bad,
beu he learned by letter the sad
A man up at in this State,
Hers toive $200 to any parties that
a ill start a woj1u factory, 31 00 for tue
establishment of a creame.'y, and $100
'or the establishment of any other
-i. d of a manufacturing- enterprise.
Wi wonder how many citizens of
I'mttsinouih teel as liberally inclined
o wards their tow.i! From 11 e num
ber of our enterprises the general opin
ion would be that there wasu't many
men of that class here.
Our frieud M. McElwaiu has had the
good fortune to receive the appoint
ment of a railroad postal clerkship, ou
t.i U. P. belweeu Omaha aud Og
d n. A more honest, capable, effi
C ent officer, than Ma.c will make, we
are certain vuuid not eaaiiy be obtained.
T e Hera lo congratulates M-. McLl
wait, ou his promotion. His family
ili ren a'.u iu Fiattsiuouih for the
present, he cmlug here when oft duty.
.Family XUuUs ui VVartiuk
woivo. adoui.
IQ l ho woodi north of the city there
are wolves whoso how ls make night Stout, whose defrrh hu previously been
hideot.s. There may bo fine sport for announced, took place ou Saturday af
our sporting men. In taking a wolf teruoon from the family residence,
huut. The configuration of the coun- A large concourse of sympath'siug
irjr is such thai these woods could
easily Hurrounded, with men and dogs
uud these howlers are taken iu.
We learn a very mul accident occur
red at Akrou on the It & M Sunday
last. It seems a gentleman (whoe
name we could not learn; in company
will Id wife and four bright .'ittle ones
was 011 the way Iroua UU home iu thu
east to take u position on the 11 & M
an ticket agent at foiijc point on the
western division. At Akron begot off
the train and under look to cros9 the
track uhead of un incoming engine
when he wtb rundown bruised aud
mangled in Mich a rnauner that he died
yesterday from the effects of the inju
ries. His helpiend wife so lar from
home and triendd was almost paralyzed
witii griet, ana drew manv a pitying
tear 'idui parties who were witnesses
of ihe uufortiinale ufLiir, the company
with their usual promptness in such
mt r- furnished ir uisporbitioo f r the
g ef ricixcu and su d n ybere.tiel wo
mau wi'h hr-r little cherubs, and btarted
them towards their eastern homo which
they ha't so happily left only a few
days before. The remains were forward
cd by express at the companies rx
We see from the Liucolu paper the
announcement of the death of Elder
Johu M. Yearnshaw, He btiia,; found
lifeless and alone in his bed on Sunday
morning. Mr. Yearshaw was an old
time minister in ihe chrlstain church
having often been calhd hereon church
matters he had formed tl.o acquaintance
of many of our citizens w ho will be sor
ry to learn of ids sudden .demise. We
clip from the Liucoln News the follow
ing notice.
'Father Yci.rndiaw."as ho wis famil
iarly known came to Lincoln from lo-
wa in 1879. lie was a member of the
Christatn denomination and tounder of
that church and society in Lincoln. The
present house of worship was erected
princip-ibly umler his direction. He"
was for several yeai s, pastor of the soc-
iet : respected as a devout and laiih-
ful beliver ia tho professed religion,
and demoted friend of the tem, erauce
catise. He was a member of tne I. O.
O. F., and under direction of that bodv,
Uudertaker Rol-erts was instructed to
piepare the remsins for iutermeuc, The
tumral occured this afternoon at S
o'clock, from the Ci'ristaiu church.
Ihe peculiar circumstances of his death
rendered an inquest ad visible, but the
jury were unaide to attribute his de
mise to any other than natural causes.
The following may Bound a little
rough to a few Weaver worshippers in
('ass county, but thai it is true no man
acquainted with the Iowa canvass will
"The base, intriguing and hobnob
bing with the democratic parry by Gen.
It. Weaver the green buck candidate
for President is being beautifully ex-
pom d by the true frisuda of the green
back party and the honest leaders of
the anti-liquor men. His duplicity
and treachery lo the cause of temper
ance, and his bargiin aud sale wii h the
saloon democratic party hu9 been laid
bare, and the vote for the greenback
ticket of Iowa is growing very small
ami beautifully lea:", by having such a
corrupt leader." Lincoln .V'evvj.
From the complexion of the demo
cratic delegation in the third ward, it b
tue general opinion, that the lie on
and the lambs have "lied" down to
gether; whether there is to be a scrip
tural miracle enacted bv the entire
crowd living peacefully together, or
whether the slaughter of the lambs
will not begin in a few days, is now
the query. We are of the opinion that
nature will assert herselt at the proper
A newcomer arrived here, yesterday
at the residence of the German preach
er. The visitor, it seems can stand a
little unpleasant weather. Straigei
though a daughter of the Rev. aud Mr.,
J. W ittenberger, they never seen her
before, not docs tne proud lady recog
nize anybody out here in the weit. Be
ing such an entire stranger here, she
needed an introduction by an old Set
tier like Dr. Schildkuecht.
In answer to numerous anxious quers
Uts, we clip from au exchange, tne tact
a to just h-iw it started: ,4OM Mother
Hubbard went to the cupbord to get
her poor deg a bone, when she got
th re the cupboard was bare and so
her poor nog got none. She was in a
great s'.ew to know what to do for mon
ey she, had not a cent, so the sold her
last suit to buy meat tor the brute, and
up town in her nightgown sue went.
All the ladies who saw it aud the string
to draw it, declared it the nicest thing
ut, so now on the street, looking ever
to sweet, in their gowns thy fco racing
about. "
The Union Pacific . jesterday made i
an important reduction iu hrst-class
fares to San Francisco aud Portland.
The fare to Sun Francisco is now 895
and the rate to Portland, via the Ore
gon Shrt Liue is fixed at th same fig
ure. Tins is a reduction of $20 from
the former rate to Portiand. which was
$115. These rates are from Om tha or
Council B. tiffs, St. Joseph, Kansas City
or Leavenworth. The second class r ite
IO Portland is lowere I trom S85 to $75,
ai.d emigrant lr-m $55 to $45. Rep
ublican. The first bridge on Main street west
ot Capt. Palmer's has been finished and
the grade completed so that the cross--sing
for teams is very good. Manj- of
the west end people have already been
using the new street.
Tbelose? in the last week by whole
a!e clothing who have made assign
m-nts amounts to almost a radlion
Special attractions in Silverware at
L. U Erveft'. Ite-tt
In Memorlam.
I The funeral .oWquiei of. Mr. A. P.
be rleml met to pay their mournful trib-
ute to one so dearly loved, who will be
sally missed b many aching hearts
outside her own beloved circle. Her
long illness and patient sufferings had
enlisted the sympathies of the entire
The beautiful lloral offerings that
decorated the parlors and elegaut cask
et that was - rio soon to hide from our
sight that lowd form and face, cairn,
peaceful, almost radiant, in its weet re
pose, were all loves teuder missives;
and blended iu sweetest harmony with
the low, soft notes of the piano, and
ihe teuder, trembling notes of the
singers, as they sung her favorite songs
ot faith aud trust.
The precious words of the loving
master aa they fell from the lips of the
minister, saying. "Let not your hesrts
be troubled." "Whosoever liveth und
believeth;" tncu lie told us of the many
mansions where Jesus with his own
soft hand shall wipe all teais away.
'and there shall be no death there," no
aigliiugs, uo heart-aches, co sufferings,
uo parlirgs. Tiieu in word of burn
ing ekquenee of the tiiumphs of the J
spiritual over uie cruai i tne great
ness of the human soul of God's grcut
love for those who put their trust in
Him. ii heavenly benediction
those solacing words fell ou our achiug
hearts, calming aud soothing c.s, even
while the blinding tears refused to
cease their flow; for we know our dar
ling sister walked in close eommunioii
with her Savior for many yars not
weary years for life with her, though
oft in physical pain and weakness, was
a happy reality, and its cheerful radi
auce lightened many sad hearts. Sue
loved to gladden the homes of the poor
and destitute w.ith her gifts for Christ's
ake, and many a lowly cottage 1 choed
back her tender, pleading praver.J, for
tll0 Biuning and suffering ones. She
, ,
ueurl lovtd t,,c "--ty of tl,c l,ur;
auJ godly, and the church, with its
hallowed association, were her dear
n . 1 r 1
Her intense love for her own prec-
ioul lamily her husband and children
made every service reuderd them an ex-
nnisite oIchsuic. her last, thouirht and
prayer were for them. While the death
tlews gathered on her tender forehead,
and the eyes trrevv dim to earthly vis
ion ah called her heart broken huband
to "look through, look through, don't
you?', "When asked what she saw, she
said, "Oh, the beautiful groves, and
Cousin Laurinda," a cousin who died
many years ago. Her tine appreciation
of all that is good and beautiful found
expression many times during her life,
iu rare bits of poetry the last of w hich
was written on her sick bed some weeks
before her death and as it spyke so di
rectly to us of her loving trust our
Uio. Hardman read it with such pathos
as only subdued emotion can give to
eloquence. Thiukiug that many
frieuds would love to keep it as a gifS
from her. we ask voti to insert it here
I know I am not fit, dt ar Lord .
To enterthy pure land.
But Oh. my Savior died for ine,
Dear Father, take my hand.
Yes. t ike my hand dear Father.
And make me etrong to bear
The pain, the disappointment,
The weakness and the care.
The flesh is weak, dear Father, -
I want so n uch to live ;
Oh, make me strong to trust thee,
And resiguatiou give.
Oh, hold my hand dear Father,
Aud lead me all the way
To health, if thou dost Will,
Or through the ellent way,
I do no not fear the shadows
Thy hand will keep m- safe,
A ud Jesus, too. will meet me
I know, with smiling face.
For I have trusted in him.
My Fins he takes away.
So he will smile upon
And lead the saining way.
Oh, blissful transformation
i rom weakness and from sin.
Each day my heart is pained mist sori
Because it reigns within.
But theie. all pure and holy
With loved ones gone before.
In wondrous field of pleasure
To live forever more.
In a beautiful spot in Oik Hill cem
etery we laid her away with the glad
That only a few more years.
It may be davs who knows
'TU our poor aching hearts
May find that sweet repose ;
And her radiant face
Will with tho seraph baud,
He first to greet us in her home
That beauteous fath eriand."
If M. B Reese isn't a stronger, abler
and better man, in every respect, than
Rosewater's denwuted. Mayor, who so
sijrnallv defeated the rreat Harvard
graduate, at the last election, it is
patent a mistake was made in his nom
ination. We are confident in our be
lief, however, that what little there is
left of Nebraska, outside of Omaha,
will not grow lonely in voting forjudge
Reese, but that the metropolis may be
expected to do its full share towards
his election.
The Commissioners iu session are
transacting a large amount of business,
and closing up county work as rapidly
as possible. There yet remains three
solid mouths' work at bridges, which
Walter White will hurry through as
rapidly as possible.
The stringers are being mortised. onto
the piling ou the Fifth street bridge,
todav, but the crowd isn't so attentive
as it was during the operatioos of the
pile diiver.
Creaiaer'f. miik cracker'?. iSSijo
Henry InWlJcr, of Cedar Creek 1 In
Ihe city today.
Mrs. Krenzcr was uu pusscu
ger this morning.
W. S. Stretch came iu labt night, the
family, we learn will follow this week
Mr. Fiuley and Mr. Nathan, of the
I'hiladclphia store, are in Falrmout to
General Stevenson arrived iu tho
city fres-h from his Hiehard-ou county
Win. Nevillo went to Chester today
which Is the seat or his railroad opera
Willie Cleghorn, one of Louisville's
energetic youug men 1 in the city ou
legal busdccfs.
Jt hn O'Keefe came in from the west
last night, aud left this bp or Ding for a
b ief trip in Iowa.
C. L. Hate?, the South lien 1 drug
gist is looking afler business matters
in the county seat today.
Fred Oorder wiut to Turlington thi
moriiig; vigorous pumping failed to
elicit the ohject of his trip.
W. S. McGownn, of the surveyor gen
eral'" office, went southward this morn
ing to see the littb Mac's and the mad
am in Richardson --ounty.
Mrs. Thom:i Csrter, of ,S;t!l Lake
City, Utah, arrived in the city last
night, and will vi,ic for a week or two
with her sister. Mis. M. li. Murphy
The Herald learning that Col. Joe
Roberts had forsaken the Drugstore, in
Union block, and was carrying his head
so high ommon folks could not obtain
the usual bland and hearty greeting,
called around to Uud out what was the
matter, aud see if our boss druggist
was actually "getting off his baee."
The boys tln're told us to never mind,
it would b(i all right, and that there
would he plenty of cigars when Joe got
down to business again; that Joe Hob
ens, jr, naa come to tow n, anu woe or.
. r . . V '
was consequently wearing nis nigo-
heeled boots. Dr. Livingston saysitislue to give away sample bottles ol
.ifii bnv. and that thi mother and
faLher are very happy. The HkRALO
" l,J
extends congratulations.
mis m tne season oi me year wuen
the sportsman counts his ducks and
then goes after them; like chickens, its
poor policy to count them before thuy
are hate hcd.
The Herald office will receive in a
few days a line liue of wedwiug sta
tionery, and parties desiring such work J
will rin vcoll lc PTainiiiintr ruir uSHort- I
1 J r - I
One of the heaviest rains of the
season fell in a short tpace of time yes
terday afternoon, and the result is an
abundance of mud today.
The ventrilonuist Is abroad in the I
land, and opens a series of evening en- i
tertaiuments at the Opera Houae to
morrow evening.
The Presbyterian Synod .of Nebraska
meets at Seward, this week, which will
; be attended by several from the church
j iu this city.
An extensive wuoiesaie dry gcods
establishment has been recently added
to the jobbing houses ot Lincoln.
A Vine street girl cries Ughts for
fer her lover will not be true to her.
Elias Sage expressed sixty crates of
choice apples to Omaha, this afternoon.
Dissolntion .Notice,
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing under the
firm name of Grace & Thierolf, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr.
Thierolf will conduct the business at
their former location being authorized
to collect and receipt for all bills due
the old hrru. James Grace,
186.5 H. Thikkolf.
Plattsmouth, Neb. Oct. 2d 1883.
Taken Cp.
By the subscriber at his
Plattsmouth, 3 pigs about 3 months old.
Owner can redeem the same by paying
cLarges and proving property.
L t1 RTE- I
Liceuse Notice. is hereby given, that the un- I
derationed has made uppucatiou and
filed his petition with the County Com- j
missioners oi wass county -eorasaa,
for license to sell malt, spirituous and I
vinous liquors at his place of business j
in South Bend, Cass county, Nebraska,
and thai th. same wiil come before the
Commiasioners for action at the No
vember session of the board.
David Cakpestkr.
South Bexji, Oct. 2d, 1883.
Or- Schildknecht's Office.
At the present and until further no
tice, I will have my office with Dr. Sal
isbury in the Rock wood block over
Johnson Bros. store, where I may be
found during office hours.
Morley shaves for 10 cents. lGCtf
A libeial discount on goods bought
for present at L. C Erven's. lf.Gtf
cracker's are the be6t.
1631 mo
00 Tons of first class hay for sale
leave orders with W. S. Wse.
l7Sd2Swtf J. T. Wise.
Ask for Bremner's cracker's.
B'.:7 Bremner's choice cracker's.
Fresh California fruits and
received everv other dav at
Advrrtlteioeou tinitr thU tiPitt, .Hire fMtt
.rr line eacli luxertlou.
Ou real eitate by A.N.
JiOlt - ALK-IIoUHes, lolntii l wood land ti
John lions A Hon.
POKHALE-A good Maioii & lUiullii rdl.lnrt
A ortfan, a burglu for ciih purckaarr. In
JUllr of lldlll.n Mcinldl. 175tl
I IT Hyer.
Woods roperty near Hlier
J. W. Ma KB 11 ALL.
KXJR HAlK Residence prop -rty. ouo of tl)f
of the Ite hi locatlous In thn city, or v III
trade for stock, lli-ju're ol J. W. M.irtbls. Km I
lolt SALE -House and lot", price tc:0. fioo
Crtili. bulauee lu luonllil y p .yitienls.
it. Ii. VVlNIMIAM,
FOR 3 ALE Several rel J-iie-, cheap. In
quire of U. 11. W beclr & C.
L'Olt SALE -Scratch 1'nblets lu aJ
M. t hi ofllce.
all nlps. at
pott SALE a lot In itooil location.
lar at thl uttlco
VOlt MALE An order for a new Amerlcau
-- hcvsluK Mclilue. luq ulre at this oOlce.
1 .''OK SaLK 1.000 cords of wood. Ioyulre of
W. a. v U tf
VOlt SALE 1 Id papers for sal at thU offlce
ai mi ceuu .it nuiitired or & cenm oer ioz-
POUSALE-Kourlotstotetherln :od loca-
Hon in thl city, luqulre at thi olEco If
LOit RENT ihe north storeroom iu Nev
A- 1 le's block, aud a ro4iins uii aialrx. tiood
l ioatlou for res auraut or oourUtiiK house, miis
cueap. Apply to vt in. rteville. i&ju
XREN r A houte. corner Till and Locmt
L streets. luuiri of 1 hjs. I'oilock.
,OR RENT CouiloJlabie plac, corner ol
1 earl and lo Mts.. hileiv occunled by VV J.
Warrick, Kru,ulr nt Warricn's drug Klock.
UOB RNT One oitien room and dwellluu
- coimoti-it (3 rocniii) u xiulr cvar lloli
hnelder bukerv. Enquire at Mis. Uoiteliuei
der's. i&l tf
POK KENT Houhh. convenient to hops.
i'llli RENT South More room of the Union
' ! ...1. . .... . .1 II 1,1 IJ 4J......
riOCK. CllUUIlt; Ol W . II. Illttt'l, ll. Ol'lll -
lock, Alva Drew, liusluens ciimnlltee. IWU
ffOll RENT Dwelllnic Iloucn, Inquire ol
lltMlli 11- C7tl A r
OST A pass book eoiitalnliiK pa.rr valu
j oiiio,
able omy to owinT tiuder plu.t.tL' it ave al mix
IOUNIi A Uold toothph k. Owner
A property anil paying for thin u
UOtlCO C4i.
uuve inu same.
lJUNI A ladlen tioeketbook containing
some eliauue The ownr can have tin-
same by calltiiK on Rri-ckeuQeld,
property and payiiiK for this notice.
COUOill NO .-.I0KK.
Anitfhft 1 h Jin u ik tut lttt I ju fr Ma t-wli
UulUeu Kalsaui to beOiven
0ur entcrpri8il)g an,, rulii4ble druff
I giaus. Smith &, Uiuck Uroa , will coun.
Marsn S UoJtten lialsam br the throat
ud J,-"1' to "ll w'"' hHV,e Ut'" J1"!' '!
1 if.. IVrmiiiH wlirt Inivo nlrp.itiv
tl.jq f,mnts f.Miih r.inrlv ran nrooiir..
tho Imtoth rii.ttlr.a :il fifl .-iifn Mini s:1
Evt,rvbody who is sullering with Con-
1 sumption, Weak Lungs, JLSronchitis, a
Cough or Cold, Sore Throat,
uess. Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma,
or any lirouctnal or l'uimouary allec
lion, should try this truly valuable
medicine. For tho prevention and
cure of Consumption ol the I.ns it
is the greatest remedy Na'ure has evei
conferred to medical science or human
-. ll 1!...1 ,l t !.. ..-...!.. ...
J. Ul an iiiiiuu uuu Jilt - l u'ujfiaiuia
use Marsh a Golden Blood & Liver Ton
ic. Sample bottle free
To the ladies of Plattsmouth and
vicinity I wish to announce that I have
taken tho rooms lately occupied In
Mrs. Tutt In the Uuion block, where I
i..... ...
snan continue uressmaning ana invn-
a.11 t c-ill. Mrs. M. K. Moetcm.
Take none but Bremner's crackers.
and you will get the best. lGiilmo
Ask for Bremner's Eureka butter
crackers. lorflmo
FOR SALE. -Lot 4 and 3 lu
lllock. 41, Improved.
do, it. ii. wixmiAji.
Leave orders for from Lees-
j ya nurserv at A. Clarks grocery.
COO men to unload Schooners at.
153tf .J.J.McVey's
Henry Boeck is selling furniture at
prices below any house of the same
ftyle in Nebraska. If you doubt this
fact call onhiiu atwl know the truth, tl
The finest cracker's are Bremner's.
1631 mo
Fresh Oysters.
Fresh oysters just received and for sale
at Fked Stadelmax's. l(J7tf.
New Arrivals In Silverware.
L. C. Erven has just received a large
A((ltin,t tn hi Ki.wk of fin silver anrl
8iiver pated ware. A large variety oi
sood3 in this iine in the ,ate3t patteriir
;nrl rl.kiirns r!in Ia fnnnil. nurl nil de
siri-ig substantial und elegaut good
are reauosted to call and examine Mr
Erven's stock before purchasing. 182ti
Taken Up
Bv the subscriber on Platte bottom
Sunday Sept. 8th two yearlings heifers
red marked with white on the body.
Owners will please claim property pay
charges and take them a may.
Fresh oysters and celery just received
at Bennett & Lewis'. I83lf
Go to McKeever & Herrmann's for a
eood dish of oysters at reasonable
rates. 183m2
Wat t si."
Pupilsin oil an 1 chin t printing. Ap
ply at once to Miss- Nellie Thompson
at Mr. John Watermans. . 18515
Joe Ford has the boss tkating rink
in Fitzgerald Hall skates new and kept
in the best of order room clean, light
and comfortable and the best of ordei
always maintained. 182t8
Bed rock pkices. I nave on band
a large and very superior stock of fur
niture, much of which I propose to sell
off at cost. My goods are for sale and
efore purchasing I wish everybody
who needs furniture to call anil look
them over. All I a&k ol the public is
to examine my goods and mv prices.
d&wti Hexry Boecw.
Dry eottonwood for sale. Enquire of
L. D. Bennett.
Tobaccos McAIiin,Pipcr Hnidaioeb,
Bravo. Ilorsesboe usd Climax, at
202. . - UIf SOS'S.
Musical Instruction.
To J Friends:
I hav rrorrnlzrd my ctjiAr
of ltitructlon upou Ihn I'lano, and uliould be
ph afel to haveMuMi a may denlr umtructlon
to add rem ore-ntt-upnn tne. My ter ara rmu
onable. and in v luirucilon after I ho niont Im
proved inetbod. I'upIN, hrnlonlni wrong, r&n
never exMct to bi'cnuie mnter. I Invite
trial and examination.
or tuk
TUESDAY, SEPT 11, 1803,
with an ample corps of Instructor.
On application to llin Clinneellor eat ilo'ue
can b ohlulned by thoin dcclrlnr Information,
and certiorate for half f tin on cuo ruliioad
by those expccllnif to attend.
rirst Tel in begin Tuesday. Hept. 11 t3.
Second" " Inuraday, Jau. 3. 1HI.
Thtid Tucday, April I Ikmi. Coiuiucn''Cuieiit Wednesday, June II
11 oiMn October 2. l.1. and rout I nun 1 mo's.
SheriU's Sale.
Ily Tlrtun of nit rilr of mH imned by J. W.
Johnson, e riiilv u l wlt.ilu ail for i'ntit
r uuty. Nebr.tkii. a n! to inn illr-i-tei. I will on
Miitiirday. I he itli day of Octolier. A. !. IK-'!, at
lo o'clock a. in of ' ilil il iv. ill t in Mouth duor
f I hecourt houni-In the city of I' ( ho H Ii,
iu Mia coumv. wii a uiiic iiiciion tun ioi:ow
In): pi-rnoi.ll inoicrlv to mIi :
two hfite id". -1 quilts .2 Iihh, I pillow. 2
slrtw thrki, tarter l kiiii 1 t ill mid oil cl nh
i over. I iix. 3H yurd t carpel, 1 Ii ircin. i loiiiiir".
i pictures. roi-Koitt en nr. i e i ie imi cii ill.
I noci'l bollotn en ilr. I br ickef. 2 ih-er 'is iih,
1 k'lclicn table. I i ililo fre:id, m ukct b.ix-
fceln. I lot illtliHi. i eook love .urn ru iiii ore. 1
'o;l oil e ui. 1 witter loick-l 2t ii uml i Itoor. I
1 K. I wa-h tub, I bucket lard, I elm lie. b.i.kef,
clock .
T.iu h;iiii lielni: lvliil uihmi ami taken as the
prooerly of .folio l yV'y. d-fi- id l III . t'l
-aiMy a I idtfinriit of mild c iurt i . M u. .Mur
phy A Co . l;il 111.
I latlsmoutli, Neh..Ki-pt. 2llh A . I) IHH1.
It W. II v-its,
.Sheriff Cam Co , e!.
By M. McEIwhIii. Dcpuly VAt
Furniture Stare IN
and all kind of floods usually kept in a
K-wi aifcri.vJ '
fj'-x , rz Ol l r I
ft ItH I" t'l lt I Tt'fti: HTORK
Also, a very complete tocK of Fuiierx! 'loods.
MetaHic&WoolenComns Caskets Holies1
Our New and elex.iiit hearse Ii ilfty In j
Itemeraber the place, in UNION
BLOCK, on Sixth .Street, TWO
Doors south of Cans Coun
ty Bank.
Vh.;.ir w. may be foumt uiiilil
1. 1 Ti I I ft (.
N Kit
and al! kinds of
done to ore'er on i-hort notice, by
Leav orders at the Lumber Yards or at the
Post Office. Wi'M
-fef-.l'.IK Kvivtl'lnK. ti-.l'
. . It .e . .i.-n.. ':l..A. l!V .
1 fl
Is the Place for TOO to Trade.
Our system ot do in if business
will please you. Every article i?
.narked in plain figures and sole
on its own merits, i.u inonkev
nz, no jewing, no luiinUitg, no
auction goods, no shoddy goods;
yon get our money's worth every
time, ihe latest etyles and best
goods obtainable with money are
in stock, and we will never be un
dersold by any house, either large
or small, and you will always find
us anxious to serve your interests
in a manner to gam your eolid
custom. Come and see us.
Itockwood Block.
ZTadc OXLTot Vegetable Oil
and. V ute JJcef Tallow,
To Indact housekeepers to dve this Soap
wr mrr i iwn I L. I' JJ
iiu luir. a r ii.i.
This oTcr J . made for afcbort time only
and should tt. taton advantage of at ONCE.
Wo WARRANT this Soap to do xcore wash wl:h greater ease than any siap In tho
caa.-ket. I; has no EQUAL for use In Lajrd
-ad cold water.
Stay .Oturrs 1 Standard LMUlr
Tnrt ftoaos.
f , Tm f n fS l-nrpe OAltllETV IJI IOr
2 W S S d-- r(i,iiiif t.uit't Hecf
' S K 1 I 14 M,,' ' W
f-i 2r il J luf't A' III
- ."C :: pii atom, com. Ohu
y i'-- -! ' utlrrlion ut -K ti) '.i;