'XT - ' - - -r . -.C 4h VOL. J. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBERS 18813. NO. J 60 READ THIS! THEN- Hand It to Your Neighbors. Wo liavi; just ojiciiciI ;ni iiniiiciiM! stock of IjjAI luiiluUlfl fljjflALL a,,d 8 "" Bf,tr "?' "-'ive ii I'J'J l.lyfIKO HAIL? A WEEKLY HV- - IM1LV TEJKMS: k . 1, , u-.it-iru uy curitr to ruiy. part of the CLOTHING, BOOTS! SHOES PrWk. Per Month Per yar. . S 15 0 7 Oo WEfcj.f.Y, by mail. Jru; copy tlx months ptfpy oi.e year ' ".' 2 j.! w -co nl elasa matter. -AND GENTS' FIXINGS. In fact, Mich au assortment . as has Plattsmouth. never before. In our hern brought to Coveknmknt is only a compact or woids to that t-fleet. ' John C. Calhoun. Government is nothing hut a nort of Committee arrangement. J. Sterling Morton. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S in panmenrs we show a lull and comyletc assortment ot the newest designs. 1 ou can suit yoiiieelf in regard to prices and quality with the greatest ease. Always That, as we buy in large quantities direct from NSW YOEK MA2ffT7EA.CTTT:R.EX.S, together with five other branch stores, we are enabled te sell l.e-s than our competitors. Call on us and satisfy yourselves that we do as we advertise. 0 & erk, usi- , nes hi iIim hook and .saionnrv line. iiml hut. ht-en poKtinantt-r, beaidt s . H. U'-liahir g in 171, the Edgar CK ;e , cf ; wineii iiterhc is Lill '. nor. -rr .-- ! w;o, toru m ..Marylauw .1 IS.V2. :!ia graduated from l)i:kiuso.t cu,-;fe, j Carlisle Pa. in lSTti. He raine imiurUi- ntejy to .Nebraska to seek it lit. Id jf la clt' bor. ami was principal ot th fJihhoui. academy in Buffalo county for three years, iu 1879 lie was elected couuty supeiinteudeiit of common s.hools and still 1. old that position. Mr. Mallilieu ia a tiuishi'd scholar und no m:in standi higher in popular estimation in his sec Hon us au cOucatoj. J. M, J I tutt , of Ilurlun, c iudidate for regent to fill the unexpired term of Hon. L. 11 Filield, resigneil, in a nutire of lltrury ceuuty, Ind. He was bru in 100, nnu was uiimitteu to llie bar in Newcastle in 1857. and settled doiv.-i there in the practice t his profession lie eilllS'et as A. nnvute in thu Nineteenth Indiaua infantry dur ing the wur, ami when th war clo.s-J wa captain iu the 147th infantry. He resumed the practice of law at .New castle, and afterwards at Osceola, la lie settled at Alma, liarlau county. .neorabKa, in ijwy, anU opened a law flijc at oncp. lie is also the editor of ti:e Alma Herald, aud stauda deaci ved ly high in thy Hcpublicau Valley s c lion; which selected him with threat unauimity as its representative on the noanl ot regents. lid ward Holmes, of Pierce county, candidate for regent, to fill the uuex-t-iaed term of Hon. Isaac rowers, re signed to take tho office of Attorney General, i3 well known in this eectiou i ieuraKa. ins ooylioou was Hp ut in Nobritsktt City. He entered the University of Nebraska soon alter its opening, ard graduated with the class t '77.. For a time he was connected with journalism while he studied law. He was admitted to the bar soon after and practiced in Lincoln as the partner of his friend an ' classmate, Hon. Al leu W. Field, of this city, llut seeing n opening farther west that promised more rapid advancement in his profes- j """1 - n xuovta to 1'ieree two years igo, and is now a hanker as well as a lawyer. Mr. iiohms has fine liter-. ry tastes and talents, and though only a little past th.rty, has made a good rep utation in letters as well as in business MIKE SCHNELLBACHER. tlO!:SK SlIoniNiS & WAUON KKl'AIHI N( All Kin-is of Farm implements M2Ddel will The importation of Democratic preidential candidates in to the Iowa campaign has "woke up" the boys ovt r there and they are coming out of the woods Irom all directions; 40.000 and upwards is the way the republicans are claiming the state just now. ABpETT, the democratic candidate for Governor of N w Jersey, is bavin- lots of trouble. Some prominent geu tlemen in bis own party refuse to sup port him, and he is roundiv hiKin uieuilorit. The old democratic ma chine in New Jersey is creaking badlv. anil is liable to go to pieces. Horse, Mule fc Ox Shoeing n short, we'll shoe anything that har four feet, from a Zebra t a Giraffe. Conip ar;d see us. Main aad Vine Street rum .U HKW I1KUA1 111 IN In order that the Omaha Herald may 1.0L loiget the fact and Lave to "run empties' -we desire to remind ti..t abie sheet that the represent itive from blinking ater yet survives, and thai he returns from that bailiwick win 000.1 ue iu, much to the edification thai religious orcran. 01 As OI'EIiA IIUL'.SE CLOTHIEkS 1 "r"t"'' !?pjurt We have seen red the SOLE AGENCY FOR s Shoes. our government is oulv a com mi. iee affair, we tuppse our anti-mop inenas might just as well let the job of managing it out to Messrs. Mil - ier, Morton, Savage, Hinnnian. -Tohe Caster, and the democratic railroad nug or tne state to manage. . Thev are organized into 11 pretty snug commit tee, aud it will save tie trouble and worry of organiziug another commii tee, 3 ou know. Jonathan IIatt J. W. AIAUTIII8 eef. Pork. Mutton and Vea MnrceHHor to A. . IIATT. HEADQTJATiT3BS CHOICE Sujrar-Cnred Hams, Iacon, Salt bleats of all kinds. Lard and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid lor Hides Wool, Pelts, Uologna, Fresh Lake Trout Grease, Etc. and White Fish Moraine:. Every Thursday THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line General Merchandise. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call and Satisfy Yourself AT 0SEPH V WECKBACHS. Grace s& THhdteroM ,t - Ho old stock to work off. The latest patterns cf O- LASS ATTX) Q,TJEBISrS"WuK,E rLOUK A D TFOVIfclONrj THE HIGHEST MARKET PKICE FAIL) OR THE HIGHEST MARKET COL' SI rfY FKOUUrK. DREW BUILDING, PLJITTSMOUTfi. JtriKJEltEKSK, or fo we will soon have to call bin. wa a prjiniiieut men. I . tn d-iin.i ; in ....... I bich ram "-d t'- es co r-tti m io is a. in- a n -utioi he ra a r.ii . .a fi.u. c.iiiri to in lac for the reason that that journal seem to have never heard of Reese before However to that aristocratic anti-mo uopoty newspaper, all lawyers arc ob scure except t hose who reside nn Oan ha, vote therdeinocratic ticket, and be loujr to the Herald3 minority wing 01 that organization-, Chase , was an ob scure nincompoop, yet tie laid out the Herald's Goliali with his little air gun. O Do-nsell.. the- slayer of informer Caiey, states that he' killed his-man iu a quarrel; that accidentn'.ly discover ing the identity of Carey lie denounced him to Ins fuce; a violent quarrel en sued, both parties drawing revolvers, it was simply a question of which mau wa the quickest, and Carey was killed. O'Dounell says he has witnesses who can substautiate what he. O'Donnell. says, in regard to the quarrel. Also, he saj s young Carey, the eon of the in toinier. who testified at the preliminary examination in regard to the shooting, was not present, aud did not witness the affray. Evidently O'Donnell intc ads making a tight for bis li'e. The democracy of New York placed Isaac H. Mavnard at the head of their ticket for secretary of stale. Mr. May nard has besn discovered to I e a pro uititiouist, consequently a large sized bolt has been organized agaiast him ul iedy. When the committee on plat form came to consider the tariff plauk. Air. Murtha, its chairman, Raid: 44 There was so much difference of opinion expressed when we came to draw up the tariff plauk. and the dif ferences were so irreconcilable, that at last we decided that the safest course would be no, to touch the subject at all." The state platform is j'.Ient a to national affair?, taking no grounds whatever. . . circles. VALUE OF FEED CUTTERS. From the oireeders liazette. A corresponuet.t asks advic a to tne purchase aud use o a feed culler lor coru-iodder, etc. there tec-ms lit ue oouot that .lock will iuih?.; much oaUer when cut, which is entirely too coarse and bulky tor animals ro make much out ot wiieu fed in tne tuipiepur- -u uaiuiai si.au:, a;iu me question ad io whether 11 wd. pay to cut it ej.eu-.i3 maimy upon lator couatoeratiou'.--. li tiiero i-- plenty o: i.tbor .vhicii cu;i no: be pro tably employed at soiaetiiiiig ei.- , h U it win cei uiiaiy not ie y Luu id a 10 euipio ii iii cutii.1; and ihyis aiv Circuoiiau' i-s v here it wnl su$ to CutfeeU wiieu lab 'i can be advai.tag- aoi) employed oiiiei vvise. Uaiile ic ceiviuga ration ot uical or brau wnl give rt belter return for it if feu wim a porpjriiou ufvui nay or fodder. It is ihea so bulky tuat a goes enure to the i.rsi stomacii aud is raised for remasu- cation. lien teeil 13 scarce and high tne relative advantage) of cutting are gieater thau when cheap aud aoundant: and farineis wLo are supplied with a noise-power can afford to cut feed when those who are compellcu to iely ujjon baud-power can derive no adequ ate profit from it. We have au impress 1011 that where the cuttiug of fodder is to be pursued as a permanent feature of farm management, that its greatest ad vantage will be found in planting aud managing a portion ot the crop with special reference to it. Say that a few acres are planted iu some of the lap'e varieties of sweet corn, like StowelFs evergreen or the Egyptaiu, and cut up while the ear is iu the milk, such lod derifwell cured and put ; through a cutter, will be almost entirely consum ed by cattle, and "oceans" of it cau be grown upon an acre. Common field corn, cut at about the same stage will afford more tediug value iu its stalks ami leaves than is lost through the im maturity f the ear. The great trouble with corn-fodder is that generally ic is allowed to stand so long that it is poor stuff, no matter now it is handled, and stock cau get little good from it, wheth er cut up or fed in whole lengths. n Kit th S between J .1st iicrosj e corner 1 r r 1 , r . . sPqi.5.!i;..J.f 2 m k b a , , s ' - lZ t-. ni ' ,5 -c o g .2 O "0S r. G? . p s- I Tlic Xewest, 'J ho Jiest, 'J'he Most Cinj!t to ami J3Y IFAEB fD.'JIff.BS'CllffSSA'PJISfinr. Our -Big' New Stock 1 Came for Uargain Hunters in Every Department. JPriec that QDthers WiI6 BDAHC1B Meet. Critical and economical buyers this" is a (neat Opportunity an the Glorious Iiesult will more than I 'lease You." lCemembcr ever purcnase you make oj us tins season bhall be every Our asbortnicnt is immenee, and it is - A Hard Crowd We Cannot Please. . Ouu Low and One Trice Syntem i i for our competitor.-?, but a reat opportunity lor you. We bave by far the Largest. Newest and JSEbT sloek of M..n v.,tl.t cnuuren 8 s' lioys and Mr. J. P. -Reesu the accomplished b'tiber is iu c.iargu or Wits ",i,oer s.iop uu er Frank C:irruth9 Jevelry Store and .h customers of that old Siand will riud every comtort aud convenience n-ady anct waiting for them. I85tl I G si J.. anfl C. 6 Safest. Best and Most Reliable LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent D niiag Can, Elega-t Day Ooacbea 2 St Louis Trains laily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Dai? t Ate ison Trains Daily, Two Trains for St Paul. Minneapolis, Sioux Citj A 1 1 ill p i t 1 1 nirtfive3t. with Pullman Sleeping Gars, Between Kansas City and St. Panl WI THO TO CHANGE AU trains run on tiuie.connfctinfc for all point, last West, North & South Tickets lor sal at all regular ticket office, nforniatiou retranliu. rate, time, Ac. eheer lully given cy aadresninic T, K. K.VKMAHO. A C, OAWkn. ;en'l Supt. GeuT fans. sz.nt. idKJNiRY BCPCK FURNITURE SAFrji, CHAiRf3, B.TC, ETC., STC.' Of All Description. m METALLIC BURIAL CASE kf WOODKIT COFPTN"8 f all sizes, realty made and sold cheap for cash MY F1NKHEAR3B goods MAT CAPS, . Visitors Welcome. .o trouble to show ever shown in Plattsmouth hj a Blake's Xew Building, Opposite City Hotel 1 CLOTHIER JUST e;oesx"7ssi Notice. Xotice Is hereby given that George W. Sexton will apply to the Board of County Commissioners of Cas5 County, Xelraska at its stated meeting in Oc tober 1S83 for a license to sell malt Spiritus aud Vinous liquors in Avoca Cass County, Nebraska, one year from date of allowanft. IS NOW KHAW fJIk ot.a ict. With many thanks for past patronage. Invite al! to call and examine my UAKGE STOCK OF 31tf. 1". rfSTF AXII C4)F'INM i A FINE LOT OF MACKEKEL, LABBADOIiE HERRING, TROUT, WILD WAXh COD FISH, Aso a choice lot of We have a fine stock of 'QBOI0E FAMIL, Y GBQ CEMIE8, Fancy rands of ; MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FI OUR. X have In etoc a fine Jir.e of Queens ware, Glassware, Lamps, ;. . All our good are t dTreslj. Will Eicliange ior Coantry Prodnce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Han Next door to Court Houec, Plattsmouth, Neb, ... udftmm M. B. MURPHY & CO. 'Grace & Thierolf have af- last receiv ed their cigars, among which is the -ii...? .... cieorateu n. it. lngersoli' cigars Sow Boy, is jour time to get a goo cigtr. dHHf.d Having bceu frequently asked who th gentlemen nominated for regeuts oi the 6tate uuiversity ate, we answer the inquiry by reproducing the follow ing sketch of these four geut I men from the Lincoln Journal: Milion J. Hull, of Clay county, one of the candidates for regent f the nni- J T i couury, Tothe f)ld rUBtomir8 0f the barber II., bom in XWi, aud was bred a farm - 8taDd under Mr. F. CarruthV jewelry r. Ueremvwi an academic aud Luh-, store, I ha vo ro fated and opened this j.o u me od urd am reaMv tn F. S. White has just received a car load f "Sea Foam" winter wheat pat ent flour guaranteed to be a good as any made in the United States ami prices as low as the lowest. AI30 a car load of bran just received which we deliver to any part of the citv. - 164tf :- Fournent., Illinois cavalry during t0 "W c oni. ' ZtZl m .r lli, . ku ..... n J - ... .w... am r" '?;" ...... ,.iHU.; : y nr-to uud it. a arst ciaes Kii ov 1 I'll an iiut-, XJ.CT peineu 4 1 einaka 011 comity iu Ibli.' oe iouuu it. a nrst ciaea barber anon . - . m l.6unte:d; in Cly . 1I()t nni cold hatha alvvavs ready. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon. , CPPOSITE THE PERKINS. HOUSE. Keeps acowpleto .ice of . . W I 1ST K s; Liquors, AND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEFR, ALE AND PORTER, KRUG'S OMAHA1 BEER auil tUe liegt bra.ids of Kentucky 91 wiiisities, -i....... nWMlt Trjn Hnuo - Pr.ATTlMTrtH. MONEY TO 10 IN ON EEA.L ESTATE. Auv party dentiing to loan nioney t-a V&rm nopeny can be accommodated, at a law j-ate, from three to ten yeen' tlm-. aod the roterest not payable uatll U I'i accrued fnnoJraoi -- V. DRAPEIJ, 1 jstfsw-tf f1ftmiMKb. 2ietr. WESTWARD EASTWARD Daily Express Train for Omtha. Chicago Kansas City, St. LouU. aud all points Y.Z Through Car via Peoria to Iiui anunnii. i u itaot Fullmaa Palace Cr and dv coaehen o aU thicub traitu. and Dmin? ouri river. cBeullyturiu3;UinairulteatWBtoanv ir", routM or laWs h Caoal.y Exprens train for lnver entneel(s u Hio,. le,t for all points m Colorado. L iah. C a -fornla and the em ire Wot. The adveuQ wl "lTi?LVM th .er a w Kent u, thi elsewhere 8cent'r nd dvanui;e uueyualwl d D i i 1 il II.- i ,1 ft 4 i kid X V