p L """" 'HRXIJCES5. SI HEIGHT S CO. (Huwiwr C t-Mrrlsht A Miller. MANCrArTCKXIt or FiflEf II EH HARNES. A lar line or Saddles Bridles Collars Whips. &c? alwav In toek. fVj airing of all f.ittt tatli dent o sort notice. Main xiwi'i. bet, ccn Knurl li and Klltb. "ALl. AT TIIK Old Reliable LUEI2BEBYARD D. A. WATERMAN & V bolesale and Ketail Dealer In PINE LUMBER SIHXGLES, LATH, NASH, DOORS, i;LIM)S, &c, '.iii ill Mti el n. mil t, i 'i . s i I 'I . I t in House. VIII . - HOI jui- Liii hGlEL. llils l iiiiifi.l ll.iteMcr I rick ftructure. on ii.titi t mi Mittt. bar Jin been finished and utiea uj. H i i lu- acti o. 1. 1 Oktion ol IhAbiilhM LU&'IOMXKS. A 1 MXl'lU LOABDEKS. EVERY TBIKG OT AND CLEAN A Gotd lar ,n cm 7 tbe riu 1 1 1 1 j ii i ' JllillL bKtOM -HAND GOODS- PAhLEMAN & CHAP.i AN Will BUY and sELL. all kinds of FURNITURE, MiSfALS, IRON, RAGS AND FURS Will iiclvunce money on all SALABLE GOODS, tm lower .Main street. Ore l'"-r west ot BeckV Furniture sore 1 IhMmi outh. Feb. 1st, 1883 46tf. BOOTS AND SHOE? 31 A Hi rFAnUJR150 AND REPAIRING AT Sherwood'S, P I. A TT MOUTH, N EBKA K A riGFS J ust Received KINE LINE OK, KEEEECHLUI AKD ERIARP1IE K iiii:mt imfoktatiox. A Challenge 5c Cigar, S Liny m:.de tor ll. mall u- "'T. . Peppeii)erg,s .Clear Factory. EPNSTWAGN R Practical Architect. AND - uim:hintlm)EM - &HCUI1ZCTURALU ' RKA SPCCIALTT. ni "ii: i i i -v:lt e carefnH. xriied nut. d hU atintioii w ill b given a to safety and dUTHbitity. I.I0. 0 I'AlXTI.Mi , W aiei i iiloni. Crayon and I ennl. h&TLHijBUXvt'0 itfr Q? tore IfctUttT- MmilDOTH fllALB. KCBUrillKlJ DAILY IND WEEKLY r Ttc PlattsmontL Herald PnbMiDE Co. OKKICIAL PAHKK OK Til It CITV Kor City and County Directory, Railway Tlm Table. rlepnone Kxclia jr !!ulne Di rectory, thndae Card Ac, fourth pae. Notice to Advertisers. Copy for ilitmUv advertisement or -ti:.i,ir lu mivenii-iiiuti iuuh bi naiKlrd la to ibe buklurn onice not later IUhii lo a. of n. Oay in wlUco lliey are lo be Inserted. Copy lor pay local aud special notice inut be liaude-t III before P. III. each dav til iuxur m. nrlloli. H M. iil'sii.vki.i. Kuxiur.tx .Manager. Republican County Ticket. Vr County Clerk. JOHN W.JKNM.VOS, ll I'laltSUlOUTll. Kor County Treh.uier. WW. II, iSXC'.V KLL. ol I'lallMnoutli. For Sheriff, 4. C. LIKKMi.YKV. of I'lallHiitoutb. Kor County Judge. CALVIN UUSSKLL. ol Weeping Water. Kor HupeHutenucut ot Sc-boob. CVKls ALToN, ol oto.e creek, Kor Cicrk or the Llstiict Court, st'M.Nhn s. hall, or Ait. l'lt-ii,t. K or C uuty Surveyor, Ufculu.K W. KAIItKIELD. or KlatWuiuuth. For Couuty Coroner, I'LlfkY I. G ASH, or I'luiimuoutii. Kor Commissioner, Ihiru District, JOHN CUJUmUAS, -ol Stove Creek. .. .luiiKbuii, .teii'It. C. A. tlai-Njiuli, UeiillHt, NUC- aeetu trxttutieu uliUoui paiu, "J ue u aiuouh vxiue u. Don l fail to lead tne ud., ol Air. Pet- lee on Ihe aecoud page, ol loua pa per. lie pioposea to make tne fu." tly. A good uiaiiy wild geese were seen going aoutu )tbitiua), puilies can make liieir own pieuiciiOua we hav'ol LIUlC. Vugil Mu.lK-, atter wiping eugiuea ai tne bUopa lor two uab, gets the joo ol liiuiuuu on a uia eu"iut; ralhet a lively prouioiioir. The Louie I.rd Couipany bhowed in JSeo. Cu) lusi uighl lo a splendid nouae, tm) win auive in town louight ou tne iv. C at aix o'clock. .1. l'"1 ll:i ii tit an. 1'i.ati.riliiv ru . . wu J - celVed Hie liueal lot ol sweeL P.,LiiLm'H ever brought to thu City lie aelis them for four ctUta a pound call and see him. Mra. Bird motntr-iu-luw of Fred Liilioiu who led and sprained her foot ei iaUiy a tew uays ago, Ahicn waa veiy paiuiu), we leaiu is euucU belter toda Leug i.ble to ail up a purt of ihe time. Another Coal boom down on the Weeping Water this lime the vein is reported 5 iiuhes thick near i be am luce, aud the auxioua owner of the properly hope to find it as tuauy leet at agreater dejah. The Union I'uc.fica were defeated yesterday by a bcore of 6 to 3 by tho Alleghauies. The gnme is said to have been a very spirited oue, and was wit nessed by over a thousand people. The name ciuhs play again this aller uoon. The prairie schooners are again be coming plentiful in oui citv; hound for the ter ile plains of western Nebraska, Let "em roll". The energetic, thrifty people from oth?r states will find a warm and hospitable welcome here in our prosperous common wealth. Quite a runaway occured on Main stieet this afternoon. A hon-e hitch ed to a single buggv, taking trigbt from the placing of the band, rushed down Maiu stieet. but was caught by Sheriff Hyers, who was severly handled ; the buggy was badly smashed, the driver, Miss Seybolt, did not happen to be in; hence m oue hurt. Mr. Livingstone, mention of whose accident was mule yesterday, after suflVi ing iutense agony for sever -d hour.-, i xpired at his boarding bouse in Omal-a. lie leaves his wife in a bad condition both physically aud pecuniarily, though ware gid t note piominent citizens of Omaha have interested themselves in her behalf and will see that she i properly taken care of aud provided i or Riv John A IlaldiiiHnn, a Swedish j business, when he wi;l leave for minister, of Omaha, came down yea- ' Omaha too. We are sorry to loss terday, to see Nellie SwauNon. lie hd o estimable a family froia our midst. quiteasalK with her at the jail, she 1 hy having been old time residents becoming ap areutly 7e"y much affect of this city universally- known and re ed at Ids remai ks, shed copious tears, specied, their absence here will be and seemed 10 lully realize the unenvi- ! greatly missed. able position in which she had placed herself. We did not learn the full im port of Mr. Haldiiian's visit, whether he was looking after her t-piritual wel fare or looking the facts up preparatory to a defense in the courts -. m J ting t mild. From the time the cur Another couch load of working men taiu was rui f up until the close of the parsed through the city today, headed last act, those who appreciate anything or the B & M. worn, at CI ester. The. fuuny kept up a continuous laughter. B. & M. lolks must liedoiuu some lively The show is in every respect a vast im wofk out west, j'idgiiig front thenuni- rovement over the commou minstrel bT of men they have shipped iu from shows. Many new features were o: her localities. j brought out w h:ch vere received with - It looks a tl ouirh there might be loud and long manifestations of appre h une touudaiioi fr i!ie rumor, in re elation ly the audience. If the Cal k-r.l to tin- buildii g of h line down Wagner's minstrels abou d come tlis iu-t Kaiifas 10 head ff the new com- way aga.u we rould safely guarautec any recnl oiuaruzed 10 build a then, a lull house. , , , oad irom Salina, Kiusus, u Fremont - Bchomlan Holiday. This morning the Bohemian society of thin city, with their gully colored bann'r aud regalia, marched to the depot, where- they waited for the K. C. train from Omaha, which arrived afew miuutcs late, bear! dc about 05 mem- bcrs of a Bohemian society from thai city. Willi their rich banner of crim son and purple ftlvt-t, aud neat retail a, they all formed in line, headed by their baud aud marched to the Catbclic church where religious acrviccs were Leld. Afur which they adjourned, inarch iuji through the priucipa 1 trec.n of the cuy, and thence to the fair groui.ds where they will picuic, and driuk. beer to their heait'a content. Oucofthe prettiest leal urea of the occasion (lo our way o: IhinkiuKJ wa ihcighi ot those loreiuerd, who have, uituy of tliein, not jel letvfued our lan guage, rnarcliia with the old stars and nil ljcH at the head of their column, our banner Hist, Iheir.i ecud. ifen who leuru to Vt-neiiit'.' aud respect their adopted country uu so sliyhi uu uc quaiuiauce, we venture to nay, cannot help but make good citixna. Aud. -ah they have, in abeyance to our Ameri can love for quiet Sabbaths, taken Sit urday lor their holiday inteud of the day they have deen accustouied to, in their fatherland, we say, go iu, b'y, and have a good time. If beer is a req uisite to their jollidcatioiia, aud they go where they moiest uo oue, it ia any thing bui a Christian spirit that would deuy it them. i'USONALS. Jos. Connor visits Ashland auuUreen wood today. Thomas l'ollock went to Lincoln this morning. Jap Smith is in the city today from a western trip. Mrs. Eatou and Mis Weckbach are in Omahu toda) . J, W. Barnes is in Lincoln, today ou real estate business. Mrs. II. Palmer, was an Omab a pas senger this moiniug. Sol Dewey, the veteran miller of Ce das Cieek is in the city. W. II. Boude, the bridge builder, went to Omaha this morning. "Picturesque America" anived in the city last tiigut in his happieat mood. Tom Johnson, lately of Colorado, but formeily of Louisville, is in the city to day. Professor, and Miss Drummuud arc seeing matters of iuterest in Omaha to day. The Cal Wagner minstrels departed for Creatou where tney Will show to night. Mrs. T. W. Sbryock, of Weeping Wa ter is iu the city today visiting with frieuug. Frank Wheeler arrived home from the university this morning to spend Sunday. Geo. Foster, an old time freight con ductor, took a main lint passenger run this morning. Jes3e Burnett and Henderson Ward, of Louisvile, made the Herald a ilea.saut cull today. W. D. Merriam is in the city, whic is always a significant omen that court will begin in a few days. L. Kalisky, of Weeping Water, was the truest last night of Mr. Solomon of t he Philadelphia store. Mrs. R. B. Wiudham with tho little folks weu t to Glen wood this morning to spend Suuday. II. B. will lollow this evening. J. D. Graham stopped over night with his old schoolmate. J. B. Strode. Mr. Graham is general agent for an n t s r n o rriti 1 1 n tu I ImiiluniAnf 1 1 mia n I . . . . uuu IB uui ucic u aiiui; ill! augcuicuia to move to Bellevuc, where his family can have the bemQt ot a good school. Mr. Scott Marble, an author of some very successful plays, who for the pres ent is engaged with ihe Louie Lord dramatic comoany, paid the Heralds most plaasuut visit this afternoon. Mr. Marble 13 a veteran in the show busi ness, aud could ill afFrd to link his name with anything that is not abso lutely first class. The familv of Mr. G. F. Gyger went to Omaha this morning t j make that city their permanent ho ne. Mr. G. lemaius here this week to settle up his Cal Wagner's Minstrels. The largest audience of the season assembled in the opera house last eve ning, and to say they w ere delighted with the entertainment is indeed put- - THE CITr SCHOOLS'. Roll of Honor for Month Ending September 28.1 mm la order that pupil:) tinmen may be placed on the roll of honor, pupils must be perfect In attendance, punctu ality anddepcrtment. Seuior Urade, I loom 44. V W Drummuud aud Viola O. Stone, Teachci b. HULL OK 11 ON UU. Lester Sehlegel Kvt Shet man Willard Wise (irade 'J, same room. lieoige C'hauibeiH Cor.i 15-ulcy iivorgu .Meiptner Klin Lincoln L'ua l)olgi". tJride. 7 and t, Koom i;j. .laiiit i. Ilasucit, "rcacher. KOLI. OK IIONOH. Wlli? Carr Beilie llyti .Mat lie .Ncvnl J ul i t ( n c i.. K ii While Muiuie (ilet. Lila right Lnur.i Tw i.-s Jonn Schulof Katie Kobius'Mi ICobert Sherwood Henry Wiulow Mary Wright Grade 0, Room 29. Miss Sara Wordcu, Teacher. Enrolled in this room, i!9. HULL OF lio.NOR Everet Eutou Ca:rie Greusel Beunie liempel Anna ilowland The mas Rooilsou Belle Morgan Nettie Ballance Emma Calnoun Florence Cooper Lena Shroder Lena Saiith Leua Weckbach Grade 5th, Room i!5. l'raiik E llartian, Teacher. Enrolled in this room 'J?. KOLL OK 110NOH Oscar Davis Eugenia Bell August Goider Luiie Bue Elmer EiKeuoary Ida Bieck Leo Guuger Geo Kroehler Chus Richey Francis Marthis Josie McWiliiaius Mamie Patterson Mary Smith Jonn Bcttumeister John Claus Frank Johnson Richard Kuapp John MlJuiiiU Owen McGlynn Thomas Parmele Cora Frye, Viola llu jblc Lizzie Lungtiofi' Rosa McCaully Minnie Miller Berthu Porter L.-uisa Sclia fer Delia Sttiuiker EUu Clark Celeste Fry Una Freer Ella Newell Lida Sage Carrie Short Virgio Tatt Editn White John Bobbins Willie Sladeiman Grade 4, Room 37. Miss Lizzie Malone. teacher. Enrolled in this Room, 4. ROLL OK llONoK. Frank Bates George Lincoln Louis Soioinon Geneva Smith Cuas Ci itier Cuffoi-u Wescott Ea w in Lawsou Eddie Sliies Frank While Fred Warren N eitie Morgan Bertie Nuka Ma y snarp Adeline Tartsch Emma Brown bopma Bauer Louisa Gordcr Delia Lincoln Mary eidman Abbie Price Grade 4, Rouin So. Miss Acidic Sear, Teacher. Euiobed iu this room, 3U. ROLL OF HONOR. Willie IIers Archie Johnson Johu Reuuie George smith Late Sharp Clara Palmer Neilie Taj lor Nelson Jones Frauk Geinger Eddie Krohler John Kvohler Agues Ford Doia llouk Emlnie Julian Janet Livingston Alice Maun Myrtle Purdy Ezra Crabill Myrtie Porter Alice Boone Nellie Boone Pearl Barnes Edna Eaton George Leach Henry Rasgorshek Katie Shaffer Julia Bilistiue Mtiy Marten Grade 3, lUm 20. Miss Elsie Campbed, Teacher. Eurolled in this room, 54. ROLL OF nOXOR. Willie Engle Albert Pierson Eugene Smith Eddie Scaulan Tonv Yunda Mary Carrigan Eda Duustan Haitie Duustan Ida Jones Maggie Davis Alice Etuelman Do Hie Ford Willie Tt.rrv Eugene Eoiieak Eddie Barnhouse Gerald Drew Joe Hurdroby George Koeuke Lily Gibson Ida Jones Anna O'Reiley Lizzie Williamson Chas Sideustiiker Tot Hartigan " Grade S, Room 23. Miss Maggie Sampson, 'leacher. ROLL OF HONOR. Lee Atwcod lony VHity Henry Burns James Krecek; George Tartsch Charley YauatU Francis Bourne Sbil Warreu OUie Boyd Anna Barry Winuie McGlyuu May Patterson Annie Bauer Daisy Blue Mary Yundy Lizzie Mnler Grade 3, Room 9. Miss Medora Smith, Teacher. Enrolled ic this room, 41. ROLL OF noROlt. Wesley Boknieyer Lucy Fogclsong Wi.lie McGlynn Hattie Knee John Crabiil Auna Ruiaud Hiram Sheldon Lilly Edmoud Eugene Auderson Tillie Bock Grade 2, Room 4. Miss Lillie Pollock, Teacher. Eurolled iu this rami. 75. ROLL fF HoKcR. M orton Co.emau Blanche Barnhart Eodie Morley Mary Burke Eduie Maun Sophia Krocek foui iny Miller Grace Morrison Charlie Suilivan Annie Taylor Earnest vBraiiiarrd Eva Smith Willie Guthman Clara Bdstinc Gustiue U; era Minnie Bites Willie Kroebier Rosa Hy--rs Hairy Miller, Etta Hart man Willi. Rasgorshtk Katie Koreual Mjryjyiclurt urn Rounds -Mary Reuland Mary Sherman - tirade t, Room 18. ' Miss Laura Orerlander. Teachnr. Eurolletl In this room, 41. ROLL OK IIO50R. Joe Carriga Willie Dunatan Willie Hairy -Ralph Kinkaile Peter Lindscy Joe McCulley Henry Marten Frank Wise Prank I'airuion Katie Burns Floreuce Calkins Ola Drain Jennie Haley Cynthia Owens Ida Smith Emma WIe. Ell i Eikenbary Obtei-eleii Halite Stanfortli Boliert Man forth Grade 2. Room 2, 1st A'ard Miss Alice Wilson, Teacher. Enrolled in this room, 23. HULL OK HONOR. Willie Campbell Maud Raueu W Meshersinith Mamie Taymau Percy Ryan Roy Ettou Albiiz Ryan Jauiea CMiiHuioud King Wise Grade 1, Room, 1 1st ward. Miss Hatlie Fuliuer, Teacher. Enrolled iu this room 42. roll ok iionok. Charlie Wallace L)dia Guthluan Ed Egeuberger Emma Kiusey Rob Ford George Sherwood H Mockeuhaup Gil U'Rourke Hayes Potteuger Auuie llauk Mamie ICoelmke Maud Mauzy May Scaulan Fred Rauen G'ado 1, 2d ward. Miss Susie Sampson, Teacher. Enrolled iu this room 4G. John Dawson Johu Heise! James Ma) field Roland Price Geo Theirolf Louis Weckbach Frank Whistler Merrilt Kerr Frank ill older Stella Calhoun Maine McMacken Lizzie Retnue Josie Reulaud Dora Wordcn Amanda Worden Bert Williamson Conrad Buetel John Boetel Josiu Rasgorshek Grde 1, 3d ward building. Miss Carrie Adams, Teacher. Enrolled in this room 69. ROLL or HONOR. August Manila Ella Gllkeon Eomonds Moute May Barnhouse Johu Miller Anna Geinger Grade 1, 4th ward. Miss Mattie Vass, Teacher. ROLL OK HONOR. Anton Fairmon Willie Stull Loreu stults Lena Behemer Miua Erviu Louie Langhoff Emma Kliuo Mira Jones Celia Osteizetzer Mollie Balance Alice Jones Nellie Young. The new switch engine, No. 92, that left the shops a short time ago, gilded and painted iu such fine style, was brought in last night from Lincoln, having been peeled and battered up to such an extent that the original builders could scarcely have recognized it. Upon inquiry, we found the cause cf its dilspiuatcd condition was a mis placed switch, just east of the water tank, at Liueolu, which ran the engine off the track just as it was crossing a bridge. The bridge broke down throwing the ponderous locomotive onto its buck in the creek below. No one hurt, except a few painful bruit.es on the part of the fireman. The best entertainment of the season nt the Opera House tonight. Church Notices. 1 Services will be Leid at St. Luke's church tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday school at usual hour. Rev. H. B. Burgess, Rector. Services at the M. E church tomor row at 11 a, m. aud 7;30 p. m. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. All are invited. Rev. F. M. Esterbrook, Pastor. Services at the Presbyterian church tomorrow at 11 a. in. aud 7:30 p. m. Rev. Baird, Pastor. Services at the German Presbyterian church tomorrow at the usual hour. Rev. Wittonberger. Pastor.. The usual services at the Catholic church tomorrow. Rev. Father Lynch. Elder Mullis will occupy tne pulpit of the Christain church at both morn ing and eveniug services. Joe Ford has the boss skating rink in Fitzgerald Hall skates new and kept in the best of order room clean, light and comfortable and the best of ordei always maintained. liStS -Lrgest stock of wall paper at the lowest prices at Warrick's. lS2t-3 A libei al discount on goods bought for preaenta at L. C. Erven 'a. loGtf Dry cottonwood for sale. Enquire of L. D. Bennett. lSotf Patronize the Circulating Library, Wih J. Warrick. 182tS Morlpy shaves for 10 cents. 162tf Special attractions in Silverware at L. C. Erven's. 155-tf Lowest Prices and beat goods at Warrick's. I83t3 Erezsner's cracker's are the best. 1681 mo Hay 200 Tons of first class hay for sale leave orders with V. S. Wse. 17Sd28wtf J.T. WISE. Ask for Bremuer's cracker's. l63lmo Buy Bremnera choice cacker'fl. 1631 mo M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anheoaer Burcu St Louis Bot tled Beer and always ready to pay par ticular attention to his customers. I55tf . . . - Fresh Caliioruia fruits and celery, received every other dav at U9-tf. P. tf. WHffS'a. HI'tCIAL NOriCF.H. AdvrrtlwtnrtiU under tbl head, tbrco rrnt rir Hue ecl Insertion. X ONET TO LOAN-Oa real mtate by A.N. IOK -ALK Houses. loUand ool Und by Jobu lion 1 ft Bon. FOUMALK.-A good Maou A lUinllu rnblnet oruao. a baiicalu Uu cauli puix-lia"-r. In- A 11; 1 pul i;lti ullr of llvilOtoii MtniiUl. FOKHALK-Tbr 19 Uwt: Wood property n-ar Hlicr J. W. Maiihiiai.i.. Aweul. IftoK HAli lteidenct prop rty. uuu ol llu of llie brrlt locatloiii III tin "IIT. or III trad- tumtfck. lii'iu're ol J. W. M.olult. Imui IiiK SALK- IIoiihi. and lot", piuv MUt. fluo cali. Uiiliiiee lu Luoullily p .ynieul. K. 11. W 1M.II VM, FOUSAI.K Seveml iv.ideiie"i, t-liiMp. Ili uulrc of l. 11. lieli-r & C. 1,'OK HA LI -SiTaH-Ii l alli ll thiiollice. In all i-l -i. t till! COK HA I.K .1 lot lu h-ni.I Lwalloll I'm Mm y.il s lata hi till ill .flirt r'OK NAI.K An or.h r lor T rew nix Mat Line. Inot ih-w Ami'ilenu Inijulie nt lliltotlli e. 1,'OK HAl.K -l.i-Mrrlt ( wimkI. linUlri 1 W. M. Wltf. H 'Oil MALK--I Id pup.-l Lu .il-ul ll'l 'l'"-e ru. F Hon iu till city, lunulit ;tt H111 ollleti ll limn tLOK KKN r . be uoiln store room In Nev- t.le'a blek, and S rooms up talr. tiood location lor res.auraut or boarulua lioute. reins cbeap. Apply lo v ui. Iveville. IHJtl 'iO RKNT A house. coMier 7th and Locnt street, lii'julie ol 1 bus. t'oilock. IOK KENT Coiiiloilable plac, corner ol i warl and 10 bts.. lale.y occupied by W J. Warrick, Li quire at Warnca'a ding KU-CS. ICTlf. l?OK R1NT One oUU-t- room and dwelling connected. (3 room-) u . Stalin ever Holt thnelder bakery. Linjuire al Mis. lloltteliuel der s. i tl FOR KKNT-Houo, coi.vcnliit to cliop. tl. K. . Dovkv rtoN, FOR RENT Smth tore room ot the t'liloii Block. KiKiuire of O. 11. I'.litcK, It. Spur -lock, Alva Drew, Huilucni ciuniiitlot. iZilt DUK KENT DwellhiK lloimen. Inquire ol ntkitr W. 11. SttAKftlt. f OST A pail book containing pajert vala able ouiy to owner fluuer yleuie leave at nil utile. ioai . FOUND A Hold toothpick. Owner proving property and paying lor tUU notice can have the same, mil LOUND A ladien poeketbook foiitiunlnx -S- nouie chauifti 'Ibe owner can have tne same by calllnif on :. Ilreckeuneld. proving orooertv and oaylua lor Hils notice. ibml DretHiuakiug. To the ladles of Plattsmouth and vicinity I wish to announce that I have taken the rooms lately occupied by Mrs. Tut t in the Liuou block, where 1 shall continue dressmaking and luvit all to call. M ks. M. K. MoitTi N. dl2ot6-wl9tf Take none but Bremtur'a crackers. and you will get the best. lhJlmo Ask for Bremner'a Eureka butter cracker's. 1631 mo FOR SlI.C L.u(m 1 a lid lu Illock 41, Improved. dW7 11. 11. V I.IIIA.)1. Photograph, autograph and scrap al bums at Warrick's. 132i3. A Square Meal Can be had at the City Hotel lor only 25 cents and lodging at Same reasonable tates. farmers and (,ommcrcial Men will please lHar this in mind. i&wtt McCourt sells Pillsbury's Bent XXXX Minneapolis, Minn., Flour. yji4 Leave orders lor grapes from Lees y's nursery at A. Cbuks giocery. 103dlf Wanted. 500 men to unload Schooners at. 158tf .L.I. MeVey'a Henry Boeck is selling furniture at prices below any house of the name style in Nebraska. If you doubt this fact call onhim ami know the truth, tl The tineBt cracker's are 1 031 mo Bremuer's. Fretth Oysters. Fresh oysters just received and for sale at Fred Stadelman'h. !G7tf. Tobaccos McAlyin.Piper Hcid.-dech, Bravo. Horseshoe and Climax, at 20i2. Simpson'b. New Arrivals In Silverware. L, C. Erven has just received a lurue addition to his stock of fine silver and silver plated ware. A large variety 01 goods in this line, in the latest patterns and designs can be found, and all de sirijg substantial and elegaut good are requested to call and examine Mr. Erven's stock before purchasing. 182ti Taken Up By the subscriber on Platte bottom Sunday Sept. 8th two yearlings heileis red marked with white on tho belly. Owners will please claim projerty pay charges and take them a Aray. dtl CHA'B. VANDERVENTEn. Fresh oysters and celerv just received at Bennett & Lewis'. . I83tf Go to McKeover & Herrmann's for a good dish of oysters at reasonable rate?. 183 in 2 Dr 'Schildknecht's Office- At the present and until further no tice, I will have my office with Dr, Sal isbury iu the Rockwood block over Johnson Bros.' store, where I may be found during office hours. 169dWtf W. H.SCHILDKNECHT. Bed rock prices. 1 have on hand a large and very superior stock of fur niture, much of which I propose to sell off at cost. My goods are fr sale and t-efore purchasing I wish everybody who needs furniture to call and look them over. All I ask ol the public is to examine my goods and my prices. d&wtt Hesrv Boeck. F. S. White haa just received a car load of "Sea Foam" winter wheat pa: ent flour guaranteed to be as good ar. any made in the United States an prices as low as the lowest. Also a car load of bran just received which we deliver to any part of the city. I64tf Ludwig & Richter 'farmonikies Warrick's. 182 3 at Bremner's milk crackers. lMlmo GAFF, FLEISHMAN k CO. COMPRESSED YEAST. The best y east' li use, received freh every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mornings, rudd implied by AMUSEMENTS. WATCHMAN OPEHA hOUSLT ONE NIGHT ONLY. Saturday Evg, Sept. 29thJ i:n(a(ik.ment ok iiik CELEBRATED EMOTIONAL ACTRESS V. t MISS LOUIE LOR HL'ri'OKTliD nv AN EXCELLENT, COMPANY. t'liih-r tlii man 1 -1 1 n 1 1 1 ut JaOiw A. Lord and Mcott Mai ll . in M,...tt Miilile' l.atctt Hulci'sn, ' 1 ... t Linwood Case ! Miss LOI.D AS MA ItCh ICY DO It I". Adiuiossloii, UT niil oOc. . No extra nliauo-h'i- l:eiMtd Hc.it, now OH Haiti at J. 1" oiiiik'n. EDUCATIONAL. 3Iiisical luslriictiou. To My Friend h: I have r'orj;uiiUcil rny clashes of Instruction upon I lit I'lano, and should b pleairit to have nucii n may (IcmIio instructlou to addreNs or call uion mt. My ter'ts aro rca souablA. and inv Instruction litter t lie most im proved method. I'uplN, beKlunhiK wronK, can sever expect to becomo muters. JhivltSS trial and examination. KATIE DOURINOTON. die. w2r.tr THE TWELFTH YEAR OK TUK (JNIVERSITY Of NEBRASKA WILL OI'K.N TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1883, with an aiuole corps ol Instructor. On nniihi-atlon to tlin ( "lianccllur cal aloe ur ran be olilalned ly those 1 1 I I r k hifoi malloii and eeitillcales for half fare oil till railroad by those expeetim: to at lend. First Term b-Kini Tuesday. Sept. II llsfi."!. Hecoud ' ' Tnur-d.iy, Jan. 3,181. Third " " Tuenday. April Annual Coininen'-emiMit Wednesday, Juno 11 THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE w 11 open October a. lx3. nnd eontlniii. (I trio's ahtnlfs Sale. I!y virtu' of an oid'-r of aln ihH'ied l.y J. V. Johnson, c.hiui v Juil vcliiiiii ami (or Can c untv. Nebraska. ! to in ilheeted. I will oti Saturday, i he Hi "lay ot octohcr. A. J'. iss.t. at li) o'clock a. in ol f-tin iav, at l le soiun uovr iftliecoui t IliillHt- in the city of I'laltolliOUlll, nsaWI ciiu-ty. sell a piiUltc ailcilon llie lollow i.l' iiersoniil uioiii ri In c. Ii : I wo lieilsK- .0-. 4 dill Us '1 rheelH. 4 lillloWR. 2 straw ticks, I l;ir.'c I.iiii;i It ilileand oil cl lll over. I ax. 34 yaids carpel. 1 Oureati. louniru, '1 pictures. 2 rock'iiK cli.nrs, ca'ie neat chair. 4 Hood boi lorn (-haiiH. I bracket. 2 deer liaads, 1 kitchen tal.lc. 1 table spieail, ,i market liiil kets, I lot dishes, i cook st'ive iiikI lu. nlniie, 1 oal oil can. 1 water lu;kel. Z' p uikIs Hour, 1 ik. 1 wanli tub. I bucket lanl, Icloilies basket. i clock. Tiih same l.clni; levied upon and taken as the nrooert v of .loiiii I) .niiei :y. ilef.'..i.i nt . to satisfy a JuiIl-niei.t of said court by M U. Mur my fi tu . I'laini ins. 1'IallSliioutll, .M h..Mepl. 21111 A. 1. IH3. II W. MVt-KM. iSlieiiff Cio-s Co , t!. By M. McLlw-iin. Deputy. 176tU WESCwTT'S BOSS CLOTHING HOUSE Is the Place for YOU to Trade. I Our fycteni oi Lino; business will please you. Every article le marked in plain figures and sold m a on its own merits. Ao monkey Az, no iewinr, no humbug, no auction goods, no shoddy goods; you get your money's worth every time. Ihe latest styles and beet goods obtainable with money aro iu Btock, and we will never be un dersold by any house, either large or small, and you will always find us anxious to serve your interests in a manner to train vour eohd custom. Come and eee us. C E. WESCOTT. THE BOSS CLOTHIER, Rockwood Llock. A. uRSLEY & OO'C i SvXL4 - Mr BEST IN THE MARKET. Hade OXZYof Vegetable OL' and Vims JJccI Tallow, j To Induct housekeepers to clve this Boa a trl-l. WITH EACH BAR TTM WE GIVE A FIXE TABLE 5APK1N UUl This o-Ter I mado for a 6hort time only end should bt taken adrantasro cf at OXCZ. VTe VTAr.SA.NT this Soap to do more wash la with ereater eae than any s-ap lnCie market. Ii has no EQUAL Icr cae la bard and cold water. YO'lR GHOCta HiS IT. O.A.WrisleyMJo. tlK&ft&Xtwrtm f Standard LAl.s.tr. 1. ru. 1 a. . 1 1 i